Re: [R] introduce axis break lattice plot multipanel

2015-12-20 Thread Duncan Mackay
Hi Luigi


If you went down the relation = “free” road you could change the panel widths 
to reflect the scales 

eg if lhs was 1:200 and rhs was 1:100 then the lhs panel would be twice as wide 
as the rhs.


I have some code reasonably handy I could send it to you if needed.






From: Luigi Marongiu [] 
Sent: Sunday, 20 December 2015 20:35
To: Duncan Mackay
Subject: RE: [R] introduce axis break lattice plot multipanel


thank you duncan,
but in that case the scale of the two panel would be different. i think ill 
keep it as it comes.
best wishes of a merry xmas

On 19 Dec 2015 13:42, "Duncan Mackay"  wrote:

Hi Luigi

I suppose a cheats way out would be to put

scales = list(alternating = FALSE,
  x = list(relation = "free") ),



Duncan Mackay
Department of Agronomy and Soil Science
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
Email: home:

-Original Message-
From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Luigi
Sent: Saturday, 19 December 2015 06:32
To: r-help
Subject: [R] introduce axis break lattice plot multipanel

Dear all,
I am plotting some data using lattice's barchart. One of the counts I
am plotting has a very large value with respect to the other variables
and I would like to introduce a break in the axis to compensate for
this 'anomaly' and give more breath to the other bars. In this example
the high count is for the variable 'b' and I would like to introduce a
break of 50-100 in the x axis.
I have seen from the internet that the common approach is to stack
together two figures but in my case I am using a multipanel plot and I
think this way won't work for my plot.
Is there a simple way to introduce a break in the axis of a multipanel
lattice plot?
Thank you

the example:
A <- c('a','b','c','d','a','b','c','d',
B <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
C <- c(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,
D <- c(4,120,7,23,4,24,3,12,7,1,
E <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,
DF <- data.frame(A, B, C, D, E, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
A ~ D|E,
groups = C,
stack = TRUE,
main = "Comparison of test results",
xlab = "Count",
col = c("yellow", "orange"),
par.settings = list(
strip.background = list(col="light grey"),
superpose.polygon=list(col= c("yellow", "orange"))
scales = list(
alternating = FALSE
key = list(
text=list(c("Single infections", "Multiple infections"),
rectangles=list(col=c("yellow", "orange"))

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Re: [R] neuralnet to discriminate a given outcome by giving cutoff outputs

2015-12-20 Thread Giorgio Garziano
About my previous answer, I should have taken advantage of glm() in place of 
lm(), as the response is binomial.


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[R] neuralnet to discriminate a given outcome by giving cutoff outputs

2015-12-20 Thread Luigi Marongiu
Dear all,
I am trying to use neural networks to discriminate positive and
negative outcomes from a test; this outcome is given in the z variable
of the example I am providing. Each outcome is associated with a pair
of variables x and y and I was planning to identify the cut-offs that
could separate the positive from the negative results by splitting the
x/y space into 4 quadrants, the positive results lying in the 2nd
quadrant (the top right). In the example, the two cut-offs for x and y
are indicated with green lines (the values are absolutely subjective),
positive results are in red.
I was thinking of using the neural networks (implemented with the
neuralnet package) to obtain the x and y cut-offs but the returned
weight are off-scale. I tried to increment the number of hidden
neurons, to use more replicates and a maximum number of iteractions
but the results are never optimal.
Since I am completely new in neural networks usage, could you tell me
if the implementation is fine, where could I improve the model and
whether the neural network is the right approach for the problem I
need to solve?
Thank you

pos <- subset(m, z == 1)
neg <- subset(m, z == 0)
# show points
X <- max(m$x)
Y <- max(m$y)
plot(pos$x, pos$y, pch=1, col="red",
 xlim=c(1,X), ylim=c(0,Y),
 xlab="x", ylab="y", main ="Training dataset",
 sub="Red = positive outcome; Black = negative outcome")
points(neg$x, neg$y, pch=1, col="black")
abline(v=6, lty=2, col="green")
abline(h=0.03, lty=2, col="green")
tnm <- neuralnet(z ~ x + y,
 algorithm = "rprop+",
 err.fct = "ce",
 act.fct = "logistic",
 linear.output = FALSE
co.x <- tnm$result.matrix[5]
co.y <- tnm$result.matrix[6]
abline(v=co.x, lty=2, col="blue")
abline(h=co.y, lty=2, col="blue")

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Re: [R] neuralnet to discriminate a given outcome by giving cutoff outputs

2015-12-20 Thread Giorgio Garziano
I would tackle the problem in the following way:

lm.model <- lm(z~ x + y, data=m)


lm(formula = z ~ x + y, data = m)


Min  1Q  Median  3Q Max

-0.34476713 -0.09571506 -0.01786731  0.05225554  0.51693389


Estimate   Std. Error  t value   Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) -0.071612058  0.041196651 -1.73830  0.0876543 .

x0.003952998  0.001336833  2.95699  0.0045417 **

y9.968145059  0.461213516 21.61286 < 0.000222 ***


Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.157775 on 56 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared:  0.905464, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9020877

F-statistic: 268.1834 on 2 and 56 DF,  p-value: < 0.00022204

coef.model <- coef(lm.model)

z.hat <- coef.model[1]+coef.model[2]*x+coef.model[3]*y

z.hat.discrete <- rep(1, length(z.hat))
z.hat.discrete[z.hat <0.4] <- 0

> all.equal(z, z.hat.discrete)

[1] TRUE

I apologise for using such naif approach in place of neural net.


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Re: [R] Help needed in data cleaning

2015-12-20 Thread PIKAL Petr

Your question posted in HTML is somewhat scrambled. Based on what I understand 
from it, maybe you shall inspect ?merge.


> -Original Message-
> From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Web Web
> Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 8:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: [R] Help needed in data cleaning
> Hello,
>I need some help in data cleaning using R. my CSV file looks
> as
> follows.
> "id","gender","age","category1","category2","category3","category4","ca
> tegory5","category6","category7","category8","category9","category10"1,
> "Male",22,"movies","music","travel","cloths","grocery",2,"Male",28,
> "travel","books","movies",,,3,"Female",27,"rent","fuel","grocery","
> cloths",,4,"Female",22,"rent","grocery","travel","movies","cloths",
> 5,"Female",22,"rent","online-shopping","utiliy",,,
> I need to reformat as follows.
> id gender age categoryrank1 Male22  movies
>   11 Male22  music21 Male22  travel
>31 Male22  cloths   41 Male22  grocery
> 51 Male22  booksNA1 Male22  rent
>   NA1 Male22  fuel NA1 Male22  utility
>  NA1 Male22  online-shopping  NA
> ...5 Female22  movies
> NA5 Female22  music  NA5 Female22  travel
>NA5 Female22  cloths NA5 Female22  grocery
>   NA5 Female22  books  NA5 Female22  rent
>  15 Female22  fuel   NA5 Female22  utility
>NA5 Female22  online-shopping2
> So far My efforts are as follows.
> mini <- read.csv("~/MS/coding/mini.csv", header=FALSE)
> mini_clean <- mini[-1,]
> df_mini <- melt(df_clean, id.vars=c("V1","V2","V3"))
> sqldf('select * from df_mini order by  "V1"')
> Now I want to know what is the best way to fill all missing categories
> for
> all users.
> Thanks
> Nash
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Re: [R] Use of "file.choose()" or "change working directory" tab causing stall on Mac

2015-12-20 Thread Robert Baer

On 12/19/2015 10:39 PM, Vinny Mo wrote:
> Hello,
> I used to use the "file.choose()" command quite a lot, as well as the "change 
> working directory" drop down tab as part of my workflow with R, but for over 
> 1 year both of these actions have caused the spinning-wheel to crash R (just 
> R, not any other program).
> The issue seems to happen when the GUI pops up, and happens about 80% of the 
> time I use either of these actions. This issue has remained constant across 
> different computers (though all macs), different R builds, and different Mac 
> OS's. I had asked about this issue before, and had hoped that this bug might 
> be fixed at some point, but it has persisted.
The posting guide asks for a reproducible example.  This is problematic 
if you only have only an 80% failure rate. Nevertheless, do you have a 
verbatim example that has failed at least once?  If a particular 
formulation fails one time for you, does it always fail or can a certain 
syntax work 1 in 5 times?

If this is a mac-only problem you might get more help on that mailing list:

You should install the most recent version of R and reproduce the 
problem there.  When posting again, it would be helpful to supply the 
results of
R.Version()   for your setup.

> I know I can work around this issue programmatically by typing these commands 
> manually, but both of these features represent a nice function that R has 
> that I'd like to continue to use as was intended. Does anyone have any idea 
> how I might be able to get this functionality back, or if the R Gods have any 
> thoughts about addressing this issue?
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