[R] Plot survival curves after coxph() with frailty() random effects terms

2017-06-23 Thread Andreu Ferrero
I would like to plot a survival curves of a group with different categories
after running a Cox model with frailty() random effects terms.

I just could display a survival plot of the covariable’s mean.

Here an example:


fit<-coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ sex+  frailty(litter, dist='gamma',
method='em'), rats)

summary(fit )


plot(suf,  xscale=1, xlab = "Days", ylab="Survival", conf.int=FALSE)

lines(suf[1], lwd=2)

Warning message:

In `[.survfit`(suf, 1) : survfit object has only a single survival curve

#But if I use the next code I get the 2 groups.

surv_group <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, rats)

lines(surv_group[1:2], lwd=2, conf.int=FALSE)

However, I am not sure about these 2 curves are well done, appropriate.

If any of you could help…

Andreu Ferrero Gregori

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[R] Can mice() handle crr()? Fine-Gray model, Object has no vcov() method.

2017-01-22 Thread Andreu Ferrero
Here is an example:

# example


test1 <- as.data.frame(list(time=c(4,3,1,1,2,2,3,5,2,4,5,1,

dat <- mice(test1,m=10)

#Cox regression: cause 1

models.cox1 <- with(dat,coxph(Surv(time, status==1) ~ x +sex


#Cox regression: cause 1 or 2

models.cox <- with(dat,coxph(Surv(time, status==1 | status==2) ~ x +sex

# crr()

#Fine-Gray model

models.FG<- with(dat,crr(ftime=time, fstatus=status,  cov1=test1[,c(
"x","sex")], failcode=1, cencode=0, variance=TRUE))


#Error in pool(models.FG) : Object has no vcov() method.


Andreu Ferrero Gregori

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[R] frailtypack - Model did not converge

2016-06-20 Thread Andreu Ferrero

I am using "frailtyPenal" to fit a general joint model:

I got a "Model did not converge" message, and I guess it is because I miss
specify something in the command:

frailtyPenal(formula = Surv(Time_final_mes_cor, BD_RE2.Re_IC1_cor) ~
cluster(BD_RE2.e_b_id) + (BD_RE2.X.a_probnp_bnpR) +
(BD_RE2.ae_presencia_Cizquierda) +
(BD_RE2.CKD_EPI60) + terminal(BD_RE2.death1_cor),
formula.terminalEvent = ~(BD_RE2.X.a_probnp_bnpR) +
(BD_RE2.ae_presencia_Cizquierda) + (BD_RE2.CKD_EPI60), data = BD_AV,
recurrentAG = FALSE, jointGeneral = TRUE, n.knots = 20, kappa =
1), maxit = 700, LIMlogl = 0.0142)

  General Joint gamma frailty model for recurrent and a terminal event
  using a Penalized Likelihood on the hazard function

   Convergence criteria:
   parameters = 6.81e-09 likelihood = 0.0115 gradient = 1

   n= 2473
   n recurrent events= 406
   n terminal events= 195"

Any idea??? Cause PC computing takes hours to "fit/non-fit" this model.


Andreu Ferrero Gregori

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[R] glmer() -> corrected AUC optimism by bootstraping technic bootMer() [internal validation of a mixed-effects-model]

2016-03-24 Thread Andreu Ferrero Gmail

> I would like to do an internal validation of a discriminative ability of a 
> mixed effects models.
> Here is my scrip:
> ###
> bootMer-> boot AUC#
> ###
> library(lme4)
> library(lattice)
> data(cbpp)
> #fit a model
> cbpp$Y<-cbpp$incidence>=1
> glmm<-glmer(Y~period + size + (1|herd), family=binomial, data=cbpp)
> glmm
> # funcio: versio 3 - no cal posar endpoint en la funcio
> ##
> AUCFun <- function(fit) {
>  library(pROC)
>  pred<-predict(fit, type="response")
>  AUC<-as.numeric(auc(fit@resp$y, pred))
> }
> #test
> (AUCFun(glmm))
> ###run bootMer: AUCFun
> system.time(AUC.boot <- bootMer(glmm,nsim=100,FUN=AUCFun,seed=1982, 
> use.u=TRUE,
>type="parametric", parallel="multicore", 
> ncpus=2))
> #...
> (boot.ci(AUC.boot, index =c(1,1), type="norm"))
> roc(cbpp$Y, predict(glmm, type="response"))
> #Now it seems more reasonable, bias as "optimism"... but still do not know 
> #if I am just doing a AUC with bootstrap CI 
> **

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