[R] using a variable for a column name in a formula

2013-10-13 Thread David Epstein
lm(height ~ ., data=X)
works fine.

nnn - height ;  lm(nnn ~ . ,data=X)

How do I write such a formula, which depends on the value of a string variable 
like nnn above?

A typical application might be a program that takes a data frame containing 
only numerical data, and figures out which of the columns can be best predicted 
from all the other columns.

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[R] Sweave: printing an underscore in the output from an R command

2013-09-02 Thread David Epstein
I am working with Sweave and would like to print out into my latex document the 
result of the R command
So what I first tried in my .Rnw document was \Sexpr{print(version$platform)}.

However, the output from this command is the string x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 
(without the quotes). This contains an underscore, which is a special character 
in tex and so I get an error message from latex.

I can get round this by using sub to replace underscore with a space, but I 
would like to know how to print the underscore if I really wanted to do so.

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[R] Meaning of Integer,19

2013-09-02 Thread David Epstein
I tried example('apply'). Among the various examples, there was the following:

apply z - array(1:24, dim = 2:4)
apply zseq - apply(z, 1:2, function(x) seq_len(max(x)))
apply zseq ## a 2 x 3 matrix
 [,1]   [,2]   [,3]
[1,] Integer,19 Integer,21 Integer,23
[2,] Integer,20 Integer,22 Integer,24

The entry Integer,19 seems to mean the list of integers [1:19], though I'm 
just guessing. Possibly it means some list of 19 integers.

Is the notation Integer,19 documented somewhere? I can't find it.
How might one proceed to find out the meaning of this notation if one didn't 
know it before?
The actual substance of my question is a request for advice on how, in general, 
to look for documentation in R.

I know about help.start(), help.search() and RSiteSearch(). Also, I know how to 
search the archives of r-help. Are there other methods of searching R that I 
should try?
Usually I get more hits than I can cope with.

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[R] knitr: Was previously Sweave: printing an underscore in the output from an R command

2013-09-02 Thread David Epstein
Dear Yihui
Thanks very much for drawing my attention to knitr, which I had not heard of 
before. Also thanks for pointing out the bug in Sweave, which I don't fully 
understand, but I don't want to spend time and effort on understanding it. So I 
hope you will find time to report the bug. I was pretty sure there was a bug 
somewhere that was preventing me from doing what I wanted to do in Sweave, but 
I misdiagnosed the source of the problem.

I notice you didn't use print() or cat() in your short program for knitr. Is it 
the case that it's necessary to use print() or cat() with \Sexpr in Sweave, but 
unnecessary in knitr?

I'll stick to Sweave for my current project, and try out knitr on my next 
project. I would welcome a list of documents about knitr that I should 
download, so as to make it as easy as possible to get started. I don't want to 
understand the internals of knitr, but I am interested in any documents on 
knitr, written by you or by others, directed at the user, rather than at 
programmers of packages.

Is it convenient to use vi(m) to produce knitr source? Can vi(m) be integrated 
into the knitr package? My experience with editors designed specially to work 
with particular products (like the built-in editor for TeXWorks on the Mac) do 
not have the power of vi(m) and emacs, and I require this power.

@Duncan: thanks for indicating the use of cat() instead of print(). However, 
due to the bug in Sweave pointed out by Yihui, replacing print by cat didn't 
help me.


On 2 Sep 2013, at 21:11, Yihui Xie wrote:

 I think Thierry meant gsub(_, _, version$platform); he just
 typed too quickly. The point is to escape _ using \, but then people
 are often trapped in the dreams of dreams of dreams of backslashes
 like the movie Inception. And then due to a long-standing bug in
 Sweave for \Sexpr{} (sorry I forgot to report to R core), you will be
 so confused that you can never wake up and come back to the reality.
 Dream level 1: when you need a backslash in a character string, you
 need \\, which really means \; you think \\_ should be good, but
 no --
 Dream level 2: when you need one literal \ in a regular expression as
 the replacement expression, you need \\
 Combine the two levels of dreams, you end up with _.  in R
 really means \\, which really means \ in regular expressions.
 Now you are good at the regular expression level, but Sweave comes and
 bites you, and that is due to this bug in the regular expression in
 Sweave Noweb syntax:
 [1] Sexpr\\{([^\\}]*)\\}
 It should have been Sexpr\\{([^}]*)\\}, i.e. } does not need to
 be escaped inside [], and \\ will be interpreted literally inside [].
 In your case, Sweave sees \ in \Sexpr{}, and the regular expression
 stops matching there, and is unable to see } after \, so it believes
 there is no inline R expressions in your document.
 BTW, knitr does not have this bug and works well in your case:
 \Sexpr{sub(_, _, version$platform)}
 Yihui Xie xieyi...@gmail.com
 Web: http://yihui.name
 Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
 2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA
 On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 2:18 PM, David Epstein
 david.epst...@warwick.ac.uk wrote:
 Dear Thierry,
 Your suggestion doesn't work on my version of R. Here's what I get
 gsub(_, \_, print(version$platform)
 Error: '\_' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting \_
 print(gsub(_, \_, version$platform))
 Error: '\_' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting \_
 sub(_, \\_, version$platform)
 [1] x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0
 Sweave does not evaluate this expression when \Sexpr is applied and a tex 
 error results
 sub(_, \\\_, version$platform)
 Error: '\_' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting \\\_
 Error message from R
 sub(_, _, version$platform)
 [1] x86\\_64-apple-darwin10.8.0
 R evaluates this. However, the above examples indicate a deficiency/possible 
 bug in the command sub, because sub does not seem to be able to output an 
 expression with a single backslash.
 I tried the previous version as follows in my .Rnw document
 \Sexpr{print(sub(_, _, version$platform))}
 When Sweave is run, this expression is evaluated to illegal LaTeX
 On 2 Sep 2013, at 16:47, ONKELINX, Thierry wrote:
 You have to escape the underscore
 \Sexpr{gsub(_, \_, print(version$platform))}
 Best regards,
 Van: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [r-help-boun...@r-project.org] namens 
 David Epstein [david.epst...@warwick.ac.uk]
 Verzonden: maandag 2 september 2013 17:38
 Aan: r-help@r-project.org
 Onderwerp: [R] Sweave: printing an underscore in the output from an R 
 I am working with Sweave and would like to print out into my latex document 
 the result of the R command
 So what I

[R] Unsuccessful beginner's struggle with lm

2013-08-29 Thread David Epstein
I have two data frames, train and response. Here is my attempt to do a
linear regression. All entries of both data frames are numeric. I am
expecting the intercept value to lie between 2 and 3 (in particular,

Here is a record of my interaction with R:

[1] data.frame
[1] 13891
[1] data.frame
[1] 1389  256
 beta.lm - lm(response ~ train)
Error in model.frame.default(formula = response ~ train, drop.unused.levels
= TRUE) :
  invalid type (list) for variable 'response'

What elementary syntax error am I making in my call to lm? And why does R
think at first that the class of response is data.frame, but that its
class is list when I call lm?


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[R] Mac Os X 10.6.8, R and edit/vi

2013-08-08 Thread David Epstein
I tried using various versions of the 'edit' command. Here is an account of
how this failed. I hope I have included all relevant information.

I haven't used R for a couple of years. Before restarting with R, I
downloaded the latest version I could find in its binary version, and
installed it without any problems.
Mac Os X Finder command About R responds with
R 3.0.1 GUI 1.61 Snow Leopard build (6492)

From inside R
 platform   x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 
 arch   x86_64  
 os darwin10.8.0#(However, my os is in fact 10.6.8)  
 system x86_64, darwin10.8.0
 major  3   
 minor  0.1 
 year   2013
 month  05  
 svn rev62743   
 language   R   
 version.string R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
 nickname   Good Sport   
 Error in file(con, r) : cannot open the connection
 In addition: Warning message:
 In file(con, r) : cannot open file '2.9.R': No such file or directory
[1] vi

 Error in file(con, r) : cannot open the connection
 In addition: Warning message:
 In file(con, r) : cannot open file '2.9.R': No such file or directory
 Error in file(con, r) : cannot open the connection
 In addition: Warning message:
 In file(con, r) : cannot open file 'try': No such file or directory
And here is my interaction with tcsh (my default shell)
H2:~% echo $VISUAL
H2:~% echo $EDITOR
H2:~% which vi
vi:   aliased to /opt/local/bin/vim
H2:~/4Chap2% ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x  11 dbae  dbae  374  8 Aug 10:54 ./

What am I doing wrong? 
Thanks for any help.
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[R] lmer (LME4) and survey standard error

2013-03-09 Thread David Epstein

I am using lmer (LME4) to build a model from data for 19 different
neighborhoods drawn, in part, from the American Communities Survey
(ACS). The ACS data is static while other variables change over the
five years under investigation. I am new to mixed effects models and
was hoping that someone could suggest a way to include the ACS
standard error for each covariate into the model. I currently call
lmer as follows:

#Y = dependent variable (numeric, vector)
#G = neighborhood names (string, vector)
#X = independent variables (numeric, matrix)

m = lmer(Y ~ (1|G) + X)

Thank you,

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[R] Recoding multiple TRUE/FALSE columns into a single list of TRUE columns

2011-12-25 Thread David Epstein
Hi everyone,

I need to recode multiple columns in a dataframe into a single column in a
variety of different ways.  Often the values will be TRUE/FALSE and I want a
list of the columns that are true as in the Result column below:
P1   P2   P3   P4   Result   
1   0011P3,P4
2   0111P2,P3,P4
3   1000P1
4   0000NA
5   1111P1,P2,P3,P4

I'm still relatively new to R and tend to think in for loops. I'm sure there
exists a more concise and elegant solution. Any advice?

Happy holidays,

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Re: [R] Recoding multiple TRUE/FALSE columns into a single list of TRUE columns

2011-12-25 Thread David Epstein

Wow, that does it! I think I can use strsplit and unlist 
to convert the string of row names into a R list.

thank you!


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[R] side-by-side map with different geographies using spplot

2011-12-02 Thread David Epstein


I want to create side-by-side maps of similar attribute data in two 
different cities using a single legend.

To simply display side-by-side census block group boundary 
(non-thematic) maps for Minneapolis  Cleveland I do the following:


I can display a single thematic map for a city using spplot as follows:


But, calling the function again for Cleveland just overwrites the 
window. I am unsure how to use spplot's layout tools with two different 
geographies. Most examples use a single geography and multiple attribute 
columns. Alternatively, is there a way to use par together with spplot 
to allow for multiple spplot calls?

thank you,

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[R] Using SQL IN with RJDBC or RMySQL

2011-10-19 Thread David Epstein

The code below works fine up until I try to use the IN statement in
the last line. The proper SQL format is:

SELECT * FROM this_table WHERE this_column IN (1,2,3,4,5)

But, I think I may be getting something like:

SELECT * FROM this_table WHERE this_column IN c(1,2,3,4,5)

Which makes no sense in SQL. I think it may be just a matter of string
massaging, but I'm not certain. I've tried to build the query using
sprintf statements with no luck. I could not get RMySQL to do it either.
Any suggestions?

thank you,


drv - JDBC(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver,

conn - dbConnect(drv, jdbc:mysql://localhost/civicrm,

org_table=dbGetQuery(conn,SELECT id,organization_name FROM
civicrm_contact WHERE contact_type=?,organization)

dbGetQuery(conn,SELECT id from civicrm_relationship WHERE contact_id_a
IN ? AND contact_id_b IN ?,org_table$id,org_table$id)

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Re: [R] Using SQL IN with RJDBC or RMySQL

2011-10-19 Thread David Epstein
thank you! I was able to get it to work with

On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 01:52 -0500, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
 paste(SELECT * FROM this_table WHERE this_column IN (,
 paste(org_table$id, collapse=TRUE),),sep=)

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Re: [R] Using SQL IN with RJDBC or RMySQL

2011-10-19 Thread David Epstein

thank you. I just got the script working using paste but your solution
looks good as well. I was not familiar with gsubfn. Appears very useful.


 With gsubfn if  you preface your function with fn$ as shown below then
 it turns on a quasi-perl style string interpolation:
 organization - 3
 org_table - fn$dbGetQuery(conn,SELECT id,organization_name FROM
 civicrm_contact WHERE contact_type=$organization)
 See ?fn and the gsubfn home page (http://gsubfn.googlecode.com) for details.

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[R] replacing values in one vector with corresponding index from another vector

2011-10-19 Thread David Epstein
A quick question for the gurus...



How can I replace the elements of b with the corresponding index
numbers from a that start at 1? All values in a are unique. So, I
end up with:


I believe I need to use one of the apply functions in combination with
which but I cannot make it work.

thank you,

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Re: [R] replacing values in one vector with corresponding index from another vector

2011-10-19 Thread David Epstein
thank you! that is straight forward.

On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 22:37 +, William Dunlap wrote:
  match(b, a)
 [1] 4 5 2 3 1 5 5 1

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[R] Problems with Treemaps in VCD PORTFOLIO

2010-08-08 Thread David Epstein

I am trying to create a treemap for a non-symmetric tree where some
branches have more sub-branches than others. I have tried tools in two
packages, but have encountered some problems that I hope more
experienced users on this list can help address. 

The PORTFOLIO package offers MAP.MARKET, but this provides only a single
depth of branching (category) before rendering the leaves. I could
create combined-categories from multiple columns, but these would not be
nested--or even necessarily rendered close to each other. The color
option provides a similar workaround with similar shortcomings.

The VCD package offers MOSAIC, which may be flexible enough to be
tweaked into rendering treemaps. One problem that arises is the
rendering of empty cells as vertical or horizontal lines, which makes
reading the maps more difficult. Empty cells in my case do not convey
more information since they are rather intuitive. I would prefer not to
render them at all and use location, labeling, and color to make the
branching structure clear. Is this possible?

Are there other packages or options I should consider?

Thank you,

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] trying to install plotrix

2009-09-22 Thread David Epstein

Here are the error messages:
Warning in install.packages(plotrix) :
  argument 'lib' is missing: using '/Users/dbae/Library/R/library'
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Error in .install.macbinary(pkgs = pkgs, lib = lib, contriburl = contriburl, 
  unable to create temporary directory '/tmp/RtmpSTiTJX/downloaded_packages'
In addition: Warning message:
In dir.create(tmpd) :
  cannot create dir '/tmp/RtmpSTiTJX/downloaded_packages', reason 'No such
file or directory'

I can't understand this. Surely install.packages can create the necessary
directories if it needs them. I thought there might be a problem of
permissions, so
I tried the following csh commands on my Mac:

Tottie:~/5archive% ls -l /tmp
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  11 Aug  7  2008 /tmp@ - private/tmp
Tottie:~/5archive% ls -ld /private/tmp
drwxrwxrwt   19 root  wheel  646 Sep 22 09:13 /private/tmp/
Tottie:~/5archive% ls -l /private/tmp
total 48
drwx--   3 dbae  wheel   102 Sep 22 10:41 502/
drwxr-xr-x   2 rona  wheel68 Sep 21 16:25 506/
drwxrwxrwx   5 dbae  wheel   170 Sep 20 16:47 FLEXnet/
-rw-r--r--   1 _usbmuxd  wheel 0 Sep 18 15:38 MobileDevice.log
-rw-r--r--   1 dbae  wheel  1185 Sep 20 22:39 alm.log
-rw-r--r--   1 dbae  wheel  2928 Sep 20 22:39 amt.log
-rw-r--r--   1 dbae  wheel 0 Sep 20 16:47 cs_cache_lock_502
-rw-r--r--   1 security  wheel 0 Sep 21 13:37 cs_cache_lock_92
drwxr-xr-x   3 dbae  wheel   102 Sep 22 10:10 hsperfdata_dbae/
-rw---   1 nobodywheel36 Sep 22 10:51
-rw---   1 dbae  wheel   324 Sep 22 11:03 objc_sharing_ppc_502
-rw---   1 rona  wheel84 Sep 21 18:23 objc_sharing_ppc_506
-rw---   1 security  wheel24 Sep 22 09:13 objc_sharing_ppc_92
drwx--   3 dbae  wheel   102 Sep 13 20:04 ssh-6v6iI1izHg/

Thanks for any help.
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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [R] trying to install plotrix

2009-09-22 Thread David Epstein

David Epstein wrote:
 Here are the error messages:
 Warning in install.packages(plotrix) :
   argument 'lib' is missing: using '/Users/dbae/Library/R/library'
 --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
 Error in .install.macbinary(pkgs = pkgs, lib = lib, contriburl =
 contriburl,  : 
   unable to create temporary directory
 In addition: Warning message:
 In dir.create(tmpd) :
   cannot create dir '/tmp/RtmpSTiTJX/downloaded_packages', reason 'No such
 file or directory'
 I can't understand this. Surely install.packages can create the necessary
 directories if it needs them. I thought there might be a problem of
 permissions, so
 I tried the following csh commands on my Mac:
 Tottie:~/5archive% ls -l /tmp
 lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  11 Aug  7  2008 /tmp@ - private/tmp
 Tottie:~/5archive% ls -ld /private/tmp
 drwxrwxrwt   19 root  wheel  646 Sep 22 09:13 /private/tmp/
 Tottie:~/5archive% ls -l /private/tmp
 total 48
 drwx--   3 dbae  wheel   102 Sep 22 10:41 502/
 drwxr-xr-x   2 rona  wheel68 Sep 21 16:25 506/
 drwxrwxrwx   5 dbae  wheel   170 Sep 20 16:47 FLEXnet/
 -rw-r--r--   1 _usbmuxd  wheel 0 Sep 18 15:38 MobileDevice.log
 -rw-r--r--   1 dbae  wheel  1185 Sep 20 22:39 alm.log
 -rw-r--r--   1 dbae  wheel  2928 Sep 20 22:39 amt.log
 -rw-r--r--   1 dbae  wheel 0 Sep 20 16:47 cs_cache_lock_502
 -rw-r--r--   1 security  wheel 0 Sep 21 13:37 cs_cache_lock_92
 drwxr-xr-x   3 dbae  wheel   102 Sep 22 10:10 hsperfdata_dbae/
 -rw---   1 nobodywheel36 Sep 22 10:51
 -rw---   1 dbae  wheel   324 Sep 22 11:03 objc_sharing_ppc_502
 -rw---   1 rona  wheel84 Sep 21 18:23 objc_sharing_ppc_506
 -rw---   1 security  wheel24 Sep 22 09:13 objc_sharing_ppc_92
 drwx--   3 dbae  wheel   102 Sep 13 20:04 ssh-6v6iI1izHg/
 Thanks for any help.

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[R] eliminating control characters from formatted data files

2009-02-05 Thread David Epstein

I have a few hundred files of formatted data. Unfortunately most of them end
with a spurious CONTROL-Z. I want to rewrite the files without the spurious
character. Here's what I've come up with so far, but my code is unsafe
because it assumes without justification that the last row of df contains a
control character (and some NAs to fill up the record).

options(warn=-1) #turn off irritating warning from read.table()
write.table(df.new,file=filename.new, quote=F)

Before defining df.new, I want to check that the last line really does
contain a control character. I've tried various methods, but none of them

I have been wondering if I should use a function (scan?) that reads in the
file line by line and checks each line for control characters, but I don't
know how to do this either.

Thanks for any help
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Re: [R] eliminating control characters from formatted data files

2009-02-05 Thread David Epstein

Murray Cooper wrote:
 This may be a case of If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like
 If all you want to do is remove the last line if it contains a CONTROL-Z, 
 not use something like perl to process the files?
My first thought was to use perl, and this would have saved a lot of my
time, in the short run. However, I'm trying to learn R, and the way to learn
a programming language is to use it. I've learned a lot about R from this
exercise, much more than has been revealed on this forum.
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[R] Difference between a[[i]] and a[i]

2009-02-02 Thread David Epstein

I'm sure I've read about the difference between a[[i]] and a[i] in R, but I
cannot recall what I read. Even more disturbing is the fact that I don't
know how to search the newsgroup for this. All the different combinations I
tried were declared not to be valid search syntax.

1. What sort of object can the operators [] and [[]] be applied to? How do
they differ? I mean objects in standard R, not in packages that provide
conceivable overloading of these operators (if that's possible).
2. Meta-question: how could one search for an answer to this question in the
3. Meta-question: how could one search for an answer to this in the FAQ?
4. Meta-question: how could one search for an answer to this in any of the
links one is shown after typing help.start()?

Thanks for any help.
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[R] Environmental variables

2009-02-01 Thread David Epstein

I use a Mac (10.4.11 Mac Os X).

In my .tcshrc I define an environmental variable MY.
Is it possible to find out its value from inside R? When one loads
R for Mac OS X Cocoa GUI written by:
Simon Urbanek
Stefano M. Iacus
are files like .tcshrc read by R?

Can I make the value of this environmental variable available to R?

Sys.getenv() produces a lot of output, with the values of many environmental
variables, but not this one.

Do I need a file with the correct value of MY, and have both R and my Unix
shell read the same file, or is there a better way to proceed? I want to
avoid duplicating the information in source files, as this can lead to a
setup that is very hard to maintain.

Thanks for any help.
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[R] Making a picture that is wide and small height

2008-12-03 Thread David Epstein

How do I make a picture that is a horizontal strip? I tried

 plot(x=c(1,2,3,4),y=c(1,1,1,1)) #works but screen image is square.
I got the following error message:
Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large

Is it possible to produce an on-screen picture that is a horizontal strip?
(I use Mac Os X 10.4.11, and quartz().) What about pdf?

I have spent many hours trawling through the online help information and
this forum, without success. Where is this explained? 

Thanks for any help

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] simultaneous plots

2008-12-03 Thread David Epstein

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 How about dev.copy2pdf ?

I put the following into a script:
#many graphics commands

and then sourced the script. I got the error message
Error in pdfFonts(family) : 
  invalid arguments in 'pdfFonts' (must be font names)

I found the various help files on dev.copy and dev.next, etc very hard to
understand. And I have no idea how to fix the error. I'm trying to use
defaults as much as I can.

Could you possibly give a few more lines of code by way of example, Brian?
And is a dev.off() command needed after the dev.copy()?
Thanks a lot for your helpful replies to so many queries. They are much

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] simultaneous plots

2008-12-02 Thread David Epstein

Is there a good and concise way of making simultaneous plots that are
identical, but directed to different devices?

I'm writing an R-script that produces a pdf file. I would really like to
check visually whether the pdf file shows what I expect. So I would like the
same commands to produce a plot on screen. At the moment I'm using
cut-and-paste, which is not ideal because any corrections have to be done
twice---very error-prone.

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] library(gdata) fails

2008-11-05 Thread David Epstein

I wanted to install the package gdata. Here are the commands I gave and the

Warning in install.packages(gdata) :
  argument 'lib' is missing: using '/Users/dbae/Library/R/library'
trying URL
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 539288 bytes (526 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 526 Kb

The downloaded packages are in
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : 
  unable to load shared library
  dlopen(/Users/dbae/Library/R/library/gtools/libs/ppc/gtools.so, 6):
Library not loaded:
  Referenced from: /Users/dbae/Library/R/library/gtools/libs/ppc/gtools.so
  Reason: image not found
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'gdata'

I took a look in /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/
and, indeed, there was a directory library but no directory lib. The
file /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.8/Resources/lib/libR.dylib
is present, but apparently that's not good enough. Any ideas on how I can
make this work?

I am running R 2.8.0 GUI 1.26 (5256) under MacOsX 10.4.11 on a G4 PPC

Thanks for any help.
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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] re flecting a line

2008-09-10 Thread David Epstein

Suppose x and y are numeric vectors of the same length.

plot(x,y) #scatterplot
lmObj1 - lm(y~x) # best fit line
abline(lmObj1) # good
lmObj2 - lm(x~y) #get best fit but with axes interchanged
abline(lmObj2) # not what I want. I want the correct line, drawn on the same
graph, but with
# response and predictor variables interchanged

One way to proceed would be to extract the intercept and slope from lmObj2
and then do the arithmetic to draw the correct line. I'm hoping for a more
streamlined method. Is there one?

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] options(contrasts)

2008-08-26 Thread David Epstein

   factor   ordered 
contr.treatment  contr.poly

I want to change the first entry ONLY, without retyping contr.poly. How do
I do it? I have tried various possibilities and cannot get anything to work.
I found out that the response to options(contrasts) has class list, but
that doesn't help me, although I think it ought to help.

Second question (metaquestion). How should I go about finding out the answer
to a question like How does one change a single item in a list?

My answer to the meta-meta-question is to post to this list. I hope that at
least that part is correct.

Thanks for any help.
David Epstein

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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] asp and ylim

2008-07-21 Thread David Epstein
Maybe what I am missing is how to set the device region mentioned  
in Brian's email. I have tried various searches, but I haven't had  
any luck in finding a reference to device region. However, I'm not  
sure that changing the device region will help if one stays with plot 
(), because the default seems to be that the physical plot region is  
approximately square, and I haven't found a way to control the size  
of the physical plot region. The help files for eqscplot() and xyplot 
() indicate that they are meant for scatter plots. But lots of plots  
are not scatter plots. I was only using a scatter plot because Rolf's  
code did so, and he thought I could do what I wanted inside plot(),  
which I can't at the moment.

Perhaps the best solution is to live with plot() as it is. If I need  
the picture for a paper, I will export data to Matlab or Mathematica  
or Illustrator, where I can get the control I want.

Thanks for all your help.

On 20 Jul, 2008, at 23:14, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

Take a look at eqscplot() in package MASS for a different approach.

You last para forgets that once you have set the device region and  
the margins the physical plot region and hence its aspect ratio is  
determined -- see the figures in 'An Introduction to R'.

On Sun, 20 Jul 2008, David Epstein wrote:

#See David Williams' book Weighing the odds, p286

y - c(1.21, 0.51, 0.14, 1.62, -0.8,
  0.72, -1.71, 0.84, 0.02, -0.12)
ybar - mean(y)
ylength - length(y)
ybarv - rep(ybar, ylength)
x - 1:ylength
segments(x[1], ybar, x[ylength], ybar)
points(x, ybarv, pch=21, bg=white)

With asp=1, the value of ylim seems to be totally ignored, as in  
the above code. With asp not set, R plays close attention to the  
value of ylim. This is not intuitive behaviour, or is it?

How can I set the aspect ratio, and simultaneously set the plot  
region? The aspect ratio is one number and the plot region is  
given by four numbers (xleft, xright, yleft, yright). Logically,  
these 5 numbers are independent of each other and arbitrary,  
provided xleftxright and yleftyright. This should give a one-to- 
one bijection between 5-tuples and plots, determined up to a  
change of scale that is uniform in the x- and y-dirctions. My code  
above shows the (to me) obvious attempt, which fails.


R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting- 

and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] asp and ylim

2008-07-21 Thread David Epstein
Since posting the message immediately below, I took Brian's reference  
to Introduction to R more seriously, and read through the section  
on graphics. There I found par(fig=c(xleft,xright,ybottom,ytop)).  
This seems to be setting the device region which Brian pointed out  
is a fundamental part of the process, but I haven't tried it yet. I  
expect this is what I need in order to make plot() do what I want.

Thanks again, especially to Brian

Maybe what I am missing is how to set the device region mentioned  
in Brian's email. I have tried various searches, but I haven't had  
any luck in finding a reference to device region. However, I'm  
not sure that changing the device region will help if one stays  
with plot(), because the default seems to be that the physical plot  
region is approximately square, and I haven't found a way to  
control the size of the physical plot region. The help files for  
eqscplot() and xyplot() indicate that they are meant for scatter  
plots. But lots of plots are not scatter plots. I was only using a  
scatter plot because Rolf's code did so, and he thought I could do  
what I wanted inside plot(), which I can't at the moment.

Perhaps the best solution is to live with plot() as it is. If I  
need the picture for a paper, I will export data to Matlab or  
Mathematica or Illustrator, where I can get the control I want.

Thanks for all your help.

On 20 Jul, 2008, at 23:14, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

Take a look at eqscplot() in package MASS for a different approach.

You last para forgets that once you have set the device region and  
the margins the physical plot region and hence its aspect ratio is  
determined -- see the figures in 'An Introduction to R'.

On Sun, 20 Jul 2008, David Epstein wrote:

#See David Williams' book Weighing the odds, p286

y - c(1.21, 0.51, 0.14, 1.62, -0.8,
  0.72, -1.71, 0.84, 0.02, -0.12)
ybar - mean(y)
ylength - length(y)
ybarv - rep(ybar, ylength)
x - 1:ylength
segments(x[1], ybar, x[ylength], ybar)
points(x, ybarv, pch=21, bg=white)

With asp=1, the value of ylim seems to be totally ignored, as in  
the above code. With asp not set, R plays close attention to the  
value of ylim. This is not intuitive behaviour, or is it?

How can I set the aspect ratio, and simultaneously set the plot  
region? The aspect ratio is one number and the plot region is  
given by four numbers (xleft, xright, yleft, yright). Logically,  
these 5 numbers are independent of each other and arbitrary,  
provided xleftxright and yleftyright. This should give a one-to- 
one bijection between 5-tuples and plots, determined up to a  
change of scale that is uniform in the x- and y-dirctions. My  
code above shows the (to me) obvious attempt, which fails.


R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting- 

and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] asp and ylim

2008-07-21 Thread David Epstein
A really great answer to my concerns! I'll get hold of the Paul  
Murrell book, and see how far I can get.

On 21 Jul, 2008, at 10:48, Martin Maechler wrote:

Play around resizing your graphics window..

This is very instructive, with an 'asp = .' using traditional
graphics plot().
OK, but I don't know what you mean by asp=.. Does this mean setting  
asp equal to NULL, or to a default setting?

DE Perhaps the best solution is to live with plot() as it
DE is. If I need the picture for a paper, I will export
DE data to Matlab or Mathematica or Illustrator, where I
DE can get the control I want.

Hah, you must be kidding!

Change kidding to frustrated!

For a paper plot, e.g.,  pdf() as I'd recommend nowadays,
you can set the device region by 'width' and 'height' ;
and if you really want to use traditional graphics here, do
something like

## modified by MM from David Epstein's original example
myplot - function(y, yb = mean(y), ylim = c(-1,1)) {
ybarv - rep.int(yb, length(y))
x - seq_along(y)
plot(x,y, asp=1, xlab=position,ylab=ybar, type=n, ylim =  
abline(h = ybar)## instead of  segments(x[1], ybar, x[ylength],  

segments(x, ybarv, x,y)
points  (x, ybarv, pch=21,  bg=white)
points  (x, y, pch=19, col=black)

I learned quite a few things from this code above.

y - c(1.21, 0.51, 0.14, 1.62, -0.8,
   0.72, -1.71, 0.84, 0.02, -0.12)


## MM: setting device region so that  ylim = c(-1,1)  about fits
pdf.do(asp-ex.pdf, height= 3.3, width=10)

 I cannot find the functions pdf.do and pdf.end. Are these part of  
some package that I need to load? Your package?


R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Error in edit(name,file,title,editor)

2008-07-20 Thread David Epstein
Can anyone help me with the following attempt to use an external  
editor from within R

Error in edit(name, file, title, editor) : unable to open file to read
Error in edit(name, file, title, editor) : unable to open file to read

I have only recently re-started trying to learn R. (I tried before  
but failed.)
I am working with a Mac MacOsX 10.4.11. I have R 2.7.1 GUI 1.25  
(5166) which is the Cocoa version of R.
I have been reading Peter Dalgaard's book, which is very helpful, and  
I have not met any errors so far, so I don't understand why I should  
suddenly hit this one.

Since edit and vi appear to be in the utils package, I did
to which I got a null response.

I have searched the R-help-archives for the error message, and have  
not found it.

I suppose I could use the function source(), but I haven't tried this.

Thanks for any help

David Epstein

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Error in edit(name,file,title,editor)

2008-07-20 Thread David Epstein
Thanks. The file didn't exist at the time I tried edit, and that  
was my error.


On 20 Jul, 2008, at 12:44, jim holtman wrote:

Make sure you are in the right directory; you can also use the full
path names.  It is basically saying it can not find the file.  Do
'list.files()' to see what is addressable in whatever directory you
are in.

On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 7:19 AM, David Epstein
Can anyone help me with the following attempt to use an external  
editor from

within R

Error in edit(name, file, title, editor) : unable to open file to  

Error in edit(name, file, title, editor) : unable to open file to  

I have only recently re-started trying to learn R. (I tried before  

I am working with a Mac MacOsX 10.4.11. I have R 2.7.1 GUI 1.25  
(5166) which

is the Cocoa version of R.
I have been reading Peter Dalgaard's book, which is very helpful,  
and I have
not met any errors so far, so I don't understand why I should  
suddenly hit

this one.

Since edit and vi appear to be in the utils package, I did


to which I got a null response.

I have searched the R-help-archives for the error message, and  
have not

found it.

I suppose I could use the function source(), but I haven't tried  

Thanks for any help

David Epstein

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting- 

and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] drawing segments through points with pch=1

2008-07-20 Thread David Epstein

Please excuse me for asking such basic questions:

Here is my code


What I get is a collection of small circles, with a segment on top  
of the circles, which is almost what I want. But I don't want the  
segment to be visible inside any small circle.

Is there an easy way to arrange for the segment to lie behind the  
pch=1 markers, as in hidden line removal, so that the circles remain  
with nothing inside them? I tried putting the segments command first,  
but then no segment appeared at all.

In general, is there a method of laying a drawing on top of  
another. I tried inserting add=T as an argument to plot, and R  
objected strongly.

Thanks for any help

David Epstein

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] drawing segments through points with pch=1

2008-07-20 Thread David Epstein
What I don't like about type=b, also suggested by Paul Smith, is  
that the segments do not go right up to the little circles---a gap is  
left, which I don't like. So far, Uwes' solution is what suits me  
best. However, I understand Brian's objection, though it doesn't  
apply in my case. The discussion makes me fear that it's a very long  
road ahead before I can get fine control of R graphics.


On 20 Jul, 2008, at 14:54, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jul 2008, Uwe Ligges wrote:

You probably want to make your code readable, read ?points and go  
ahead by making the plot without points (plot(., type=n)),  
drawing segments and at the end paint points with white background  
colour in order to overwrite the segments:

Except that the background is not necessarily white (and you may  
want it to be transparent or translucent).

It looks to me like lines(type=b) might be what was wanted.

y - c(1.21, 0.51, 0.14, 1.62, -0.8,
  0.72, -1.71, 0.84, 0.02, -0.12)
ybar - mean(y)
ll - length(y)
ybarv - rep(ybar, ll)
x - 1:ll
plot(x, ybarv, type=n)
segments(x[1], ybar, x[ll], ybar)
points(x, ybarv, pch=21, bg=white)

Uwe Ligges

David Epstein wrote:

Please excuse me for asking such basic questions:
Here is my code

What I get is a collection of small circles, with a segment on  
top of the circles, which is almost what I want. But I don't  
want the segment to be visible inside any small circle.
Is there an easy way to arrange for the segment to lie behind  
the pch=1 markers, as in hidden line removal, so that the circles  
remain with nothing inside them? I tried putting the segments  
command first, but then no segment appeared at all.
In general, is there a method of laying a drawing on top of  
another. I tried inserting add=T as an argument to plot, and R  
objected strongly.

Thanks for any help
David Epstein
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting- 

and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting- 

and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] asp and ylim

2008-07-20 Thread David Epstein

#See David Williams' book Weighing the odds, p286

y - c(1.21, 0.51, 0.14, 1.62, -0.8,
0.72, -1.71, 0.84, 0.02, -0.12)
ybar - mean(y)
ylength - length(y)
ybarv - rep(ybar, ylength)
x - 1:ylength
segments(x[1], ybar, x[ylength], ybar)
points(x, ybarv, pch=21, bg=white)

With asp=1, the value of ylim seems to be totally ignored, as in the  
above code. With asp not set, R plays close attention to the value of  
ylim. This is not intuitive behaviour, or is it?

How can I set the aspect ratio, and simultaneously set the plot  
region? The aspect ratio is one number and the plot region is given  
by four numbers (xleft, xright, yleft, yright). Logically, these 5  
numbers are independent of each other and arbitrary, provided  
xleftxright and yleftyright. This should give a one-to-one  
bijection between 5-tuples and plots, determined up to a change of  
scale that is uniform in the x- and y-dirctions. My code above shows  
the (to me) obvious attempt, which fails.


R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.