[R] subsetting a matrix with specified no of columns

2010-04-08 Thread Lee William
Hello! All,

I am working on 1x1000 matrix say 'mat' and i want to subset this matrix
in a fashion that in new matrix i get columns 2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24...so
on. That is pair of columns after every interval of 7. I tried following but
i got an error which is obvious.

[1] 1   10

Warning messages:
1: In if (n < 0L) stop("wrong sign in 'by' argument") :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
2: In if (n > .Machine$integer.max) stop("'by' argument is much too small")
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
3: In if (dd < 100 * .Machine$double.eps) return(from) :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
4: In 0L:n : numerical expression has 2 elements: only the first used

Is there any other way to do it?? Please, help!


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[R] bootstrapping a matrix and calculating Pearson's correlation coefficient

2010-01-05 Thread Lee William
Hi All,
I have got matrix 'data' of dimension 22000x600. I want to make 50
independent samples of dimension 22000x300 from the original matrix 'data'.
And then want to calculate pearsons CC for each of the obtained 50 matrices.
It seems it is possible to do this using 'boot' function from library boot
but I am not able to figure out how? I am really stuck. Please help!


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[R] selective subsetting of a correlation matrix

2009-12-04 Thread Lee William
Dear All,
I have a correlation matrix say 'M' (4000x4000) for 4000 genes and I want to
subset it to 'N' (190x190) for 190 genes.
The list of those 190 genes are in variable 't'. So the idea is to read the
names of genes from variable 't' and subset the matrix M accordingly.
Any thoughts are welcome!


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[R] extracting values from correlation matrix

2009-11-16 Thread Lee William
Hi! All,

I have 2 correlation matrices of 4000x4000 both with same row names and
column names say cor1 and cor2. I have extracted some information from 1st
matrix cor1 which is something like this:

rowname  colname  cor1_value
 a  b0.8
 b  a0.8
 c  f 0.62
 d  k0.59
 -  -  --
 -  -  --

Now I wish to extract values from matrix cor2 for the same rowname and
colname as above so that it looks similar to something like this with values
in cor2_value:

rowname  colname  cor1_value  cor2_value
 a  b0.8 ---
 b  a0.8 ---
 c  f 0.62   ---
 d  k0.59   ---
 -  -  --  ---
 -  -  --  ---

I am running out of ideas. So I decided to post this on mailing list. Please


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Re: [R] column names of a correlation matrix

2009-10-29 Thread Lee William
Thanks! guys for the help.


On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Tony Plate  wrote:

> Here's a simple example that might help you get what you want:
>  set.seed(1)
>> x <- matrix(rnorm(30), ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL, letters[1:3]))
>> (xc <- cor(x))
>  a  b  c
> a  1.000 -0.3767034 -0.7158385
> b -0.3767034  1.000  0.6040273
> c -0.7158385  0.6040273  1.000
>> (cd <- data.frame(elt=outer(colnames(xc), colnames(xc), paste,
>> sep=":")[upper.tri(xc)], row=row(xc)[upper.tri(xc)],
>> col=col(xc)[upper.tri(xc)], cor=xc[upper.tri(xc)]))
>  elt row colcor
> 1 a:b   1   2 -0.3767034
> 2 a:c   1   3 -0.7158385
> 3 b:c   2   3  0.6040273
>> cd[order(-cd$cor),]
>  elt row colcor
> 3 b:c   2   3  0.6040273
> 1 a:b   1   2 -0.3767034
> 2 a:c   1   3 -0.7158385
> If you need something more efficient, try using which(..., arr.ind) to pick
> out matrix style indices, e.g.:
>> (ii <- which(xc > -0.4 & upper.tri(xc), arr.ind=T))
>  row col
> a   1   2
> b   2   3
>> cbind(ii, cor=xc[ii])
>  row colcor
> a   1   2 -0.3767034
> b   2   3  0.6040273
> -- Tony Plate
> Lee William wrote:
>> Hi! All,
>> I am working on a correlation matrix of 4217x4217 named 'cor_expN'. I wish
>> to obtain pairs with highest correlation values. So, I did this
>>> b=matrix(data=NA,nrow=4217,ncol=1)
>>> rownames(b)=rownames(cor_expN)
>>> for(i in 1:4217){b[i,]=max(cor_expN[i,])}
>>> head(b)
>>   [,1]
>> aaeA_b3241_14 0.7181912
>> aaeB_b3240_15 0.7513084
>> aaeR_b3243_15 0.7681684
>> aaeX_b3242_12 0.5230587
>> aas_b2836_14   0.6615927
>> aat_b0885_140.6344144
>> Now I want the corresponding columns for the above values. For that I
>> tried
>> this
>>> c=matrix(data=NA,nrow=4217,ncol=1)
>>> for(i in 1:4217){b[i,]=colnames(max(cor_expN[i,]))}
>> And got the following error:
>> Error in b[i, ] = colnames(max(cor_expN[i, ])) : number of items to
>> replace
>> is not a multiple of replacement length
>> Any thoughts?
>> Lee
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[R] column names of a correlation matrix

2009-10-27 Thread Lee William
Hi! All,
I am working on a correlation matrix of 4217x4217 named 'cor_expN'. I wish
to obtain pairs with highest correlation values. So, I did this
> b=matrix(data=NA,nrow=4217,ncol=1)
> rownames(b)=rownames(cor_expN)
> for(i in 1:4217){b[i,]=max(cor_expN[i,])}
> head(b)
aaeA_b3241_14 0.7181912
aaeB_b3240_15 0.7513084
aaeR_b3243_15 0.7681684
aaeX_b3242_12 0.5230587
aas_b2836_14   0.6615927

Now I want the corresponding columns for the above values. For that I tried
> c=matrix(data=NA,nrow=4217,ncol=1)
> for(i in 1:4217){b[i,]=colnames(max(cor_expN[i,]))}

And got the following error:
Error in b[i, ] = colnames(max(cor_expN[i, ])) : number of items to replace
is not a multiple of replacement length
Any thoughts?


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