[R] Mlogit: Error in model.frame.default/ Error in solve.default

2015-01-15 Thread Lee van Cleef
Dear R users, 
1) My problem in short: 
Mlogit cannot calculate certain conditional models. 

2) My database: 
The target was a logistical regression analysis and a probability function
which should include generic coefficients and alternative-specific ones. The
database was a survey, the dependent variable consisted of six possible
I worked with two databases: 
First, the true survey data (out of the six choices, one is quite dominant
with a share of around 40%, two have around 20% each, and the remaining are
Second, the survey with randomized values for both choice and independent
variables to avoid the possible problems with the less uniform distribution
of the choice variable in the true set. 
Both datasets include 725 individuals with twelve variables due to receive a
generic coefficient and 25 individual ones which should have an alternative
specific coefficient. I have already to note that the problems above emerged
when estimating with only one independent variable. 
Before the estimate, both datasets were brought into the required long
format. The original data in the long format looked ok. 

3) The estimates and the issues. 
I started in both datasets with an estimate with only one variable with a
generic coefficient. I used the following order:  mlogit(choice ~ variable,
data = survey_long) 
R’s comment was “Error in solve.default(H, g[!fixed]) :   system is
computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = ...”. 
I was able to get an estimate for such a comparably simple model when  using
mlogit(choice ~ variable | 0, data = survey_long). However, the output did
not contain estimates on the alternative specific coefficents for the
I continued by gradually adding variables with generic coefficients. If it
was more than five of them, R’s message was “Error in solve.default(H,
g[!fixed]) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number
=  ...”. 
One of the variables had the problem “Error in
model.frame.default(terms(formula, lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, data = data),  :  
variable lengths differ (found for 'C15_CC_Dist')”. 
I compared the length for all the variables, and it was all the same. 

Another thing: It was impossible to add variables with an alternative
specific coefficient:  “Error in solve.default(H, g[!fixed]) :system is
computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =  ...”. 

These statements appeared both when using the true survey as well as when
using the randomized data. 

Does anyone have any comment or help on that? What can I do? I can send the
datasets if required. 

Any comment would be helpful. 

Best regards, 


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[R] M logit/problems

2015-01-10 Thread Lee van Cleef
Dear R users, 
1)  My problem in short: 
Mlogit cannot calculate certain conditional models.

2)  My database:
The target was a logistical regression analysis and a probability function
which should include generic coefficients and alternative-specific ones. The
database was a survey, the dependent variable consisted of six possible
I worked with two databases:
First, the true survey data (out of the six choices, one is quite dominant
with a share of around 40%, two have around 20% each, and the remaining are
Second, the survey with randomized values for both choice and independent
variables to avoid the possible problems with the less uniform distribution
of the choice variable in the true set. 
Both datasets include 725 individuals with twelve variables due to receive a
generic coefficient and 25 individual ones which should have an alternative
specific coefficient. I have already to note that the problems above emerged
when estimating with only one independent variable. 
Before the estimate, both datasets were brought into the required long
format. The original data in the long format looked ok.

3)  The estimates and the issues. 
I started in both datasets with an estimate with only one variable with a
generic coefficient. I used the following order:  mlogit(choice ~ variable,
data = survey_long)
R’s comment was “Error in solve.default(H, g[!fixed]) :   system is
computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = ...”.
I was able to get an estimate for such a comparably simple model when  using
mlogit(choice ~ variable | 0, data = survey_long). However, the output did
not contain estimates on the alternative specific coefficents for the
I continued by gradually adding variables with generic coefficients. If it
was more than five of them, R’s message was “Error in solve.default(H,
g[!fixed]) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number
=  ...”. 
One of the variables had the problem “Error in
model.frame.default(terms(formula, lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, data = data),  :  
variable lengths differ (found for 'C15_CC_Dist')”.
I compared the length for all the variables, and it was all the same. 

Another thing: It was impossible to add variables with an alternative
specific coefficient:  “Error in solve.default(H, g[!fixed]) :system is
computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =  ...”. 

These statements appeared both when using the true survey as well as when
using the randomized data. 

Does anyone have any comment or help on that? What can I do? I can send the
datasets if required. 

Any comment would be helpful.

Best regards,


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Re: [R] length of variable in mlogit

2012-08-14 Thread Lee van Cleef
Hi Michael,

many thanks for your time and the hint. This is much appreciated. 

Indeed, I managed it to get part of the dataset from which I want to develop
my final logit model in the correct long format with true/false standing in
the column for the choice  variable,.

But the problem with the variable I want to define with an alternative
specific coefficient (=P_id) still persists.

If doing the mlogit procedure and defining the table for this variable as 

1) a data frame I get the comment 

[Start of R quote]
Error in model.frame.default(terms(formula, lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, data =
data),  : 
  invalid type (list) for variable 'P_id'
[End of R quote]

Btw, length of the variable/data frame P_id is 6, the length of the choice
variable is 1,406 and the length of a variable with a generic coefficient
(and which is working fine) is 8,436.

2) as a matrix, I get the comment 

[Start of R quote]
Error in model.frame.default(terms(formula, lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, data =
data),  : 
  variable lengths differ (found for 'P_id')
[End of R quote]

Btw, length of the variable/matrix P_id is 8,436, the length of the choice
variable is 1,406 and the length of a variable with a generic coefficient
(and which is working fine) is 8,436.

Any comment or hint (also on literature, in case my mistakes are too simple
and obvious) would be helpful.

Best regards,


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Re: [R] length of variable in mlogit

2012-08-14 Thread Lee van Cleef
Hi Michael,

many thanks for the useful hints which gave me some deeper knowledge of R.
It is definitely much appreciated.

I think I have found the mistake - the problems did not arise from variable
definitions etc. It was an intellectual mistake. 

The cause  for the problems was that I had to divide a variable into single
alternatives. The problematic variable referred to Party Identity. The whole
matrix with the single parties as columns was of course not suitable for a
variable with an alternative specific coefficient. Instead, each
column/party was a single individual specific variable with an alternative
specific coefficient.

Now it works.

Best wishes!

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Re: [R] length of variable in mlogit

2012-08-10 Thread Lee van Cleef
Hi Michael,

I have sent youi the data.


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Re: [R] length of variable in mlogit

2012-08-03 Thread Lee van Cleef

many thanks for your answer. 

I give you a smaller version of my program with the isolated strange
variable, which I used when trying to elaborate the problem .

[Start of R-Editor quote]

#First I import the data, a survey in the wide format.
masterdata - read.dta(E:/Masterdata.dta)

#Then I define the number of cases which is the dimension of rows of the
imported dataset.

cases - dim(masterdata)[1]

# The conditional Logit-Model must have the form Y = aX, with Y as the
choice variable
# and X as the explaining one. 

# These are the headings for the explaining variable. 
Numbers - c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

# I define the matrix for the explaining variable. ncol corresponds to the
number of choices; cases is the number of people surveyed.
X - matrix(0, ncol=6, nrow=cases)

# I define the choice variable. First, the answers become numeric values,
the I define the n.a.'s.
Y - as.numeric(masterdata[,V3D]) 
Y[Y == 1 | Y ==8 | Y == 9 | Y == 10 | Y == 11] - NA
Y - as.factor(Y - 1)

#I import the answers from the survey in my matrix for the explaining
for (i in 1:5){X[,i][as.numeric(factor(masterdata$VS))==i] - 1}
colnames (X) - paste(X, Numbers, sep=.)
# I put my data set together and delete the NA options. 
masterdata.wide - cbind (Y, X)
masterdata.wide - na.omit(masterdata.wide)

masterdata.long - mlogit.data(masterdata.wide, varying = c(2:7), shape =
wide, choice = Y)

[End of R-Editor quote]

The first problem arises before the Condlog-order. R does not transform wide
into long and says: Error in data[[choice]] : subscript out of bounds

In the extended version, transforming from wide to long is no problem, no
idea why. But then, R says after Condlog: Error in
model.frame.default(terms(formula, lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, data = data),  :
variable lengths differ (found for 'X'). 

Other variables (alternative specific or with a generic regression
coefficient) apart from X work. I checked the variable lengths, but the
complete Logit-Model is working without problems for other variables with
the same lengths.

Which options do I have to address the problems with X? I did not find
anything via the Str-Option on first sight.

Any comment where and how I can look for would really be appreciated.

Best regards!

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Re: [R] length of variable in mlogit

2012-08-03 Thread Lee van Cleef
Hi Michael,

many thanks for your comment. 

Below the original data as imported from Stata format. I deleted some
columns with explaining variables because they were unnecessary and working;
the model has several explaining variables with generic regression

pid Choice  V7.Ch 1 V7.Ch 2 V7.Ch 3 V7.Ch 4 V7.Ch 5 V7.Ch 6 V4  VS
1   Choice 14   4   3   1   3   2   Choice 
1Choice 1
2   Choice 13   4   -3  -5  3   -5  Choice 
1Choice 1
3   n.a.n.a.n.a.5   4   -5  -5  n.a.0
4   Choice 2-3  -4  1   2   -3  -2  Choice 
2Choice 2
5   Choice 13   3   2   -1  1   1   Choice 
1Choice 1
6   Choice 41   -3  -3  3   1   0   Choice 
4Choice 4
7   n.a.-3  -3  0   -2  -5  -5  n.a.0
8   n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.Choice 60
9   Choice 13   2   2   -1  2   3   Choice 
10  n.a.-5  -5  -5  -5  -5  -5  Choice 60
11  Choice 22   -2  4   2   -5  n.a.Choice 
2Choice 2
12  n.a.2   2   2   0   3   2   Choice 30
13  Choice 15   3   -5  -5  3   3   Choice 
1Choice 1
14  n.a.1   1   -2  -2  3   3   n.a.0
15  n.a.1   -1  0   -1  2   3   Choice 30
16  Choice 33   2   2   1   3   3   n.a.
Choice 3
17  Choice 32   2   2   2   4   5   n.a.0
18  Choice 15   3   0   0   2   2   Choice 
1Choice 1
19  Choice 2-3  -4  0   2   -5  -5  Choice 
4Choice 2
20  Choice 43   2   2   1   1   0   Choice 
4Choice 5

V7 and the other variables with generic variables work perfect. So does V4
which can be used with both a generic and a alternative specific regression
coefficient. I only have problems with VS. There, R tells me that the length
of the variable causes problems (“Error in
model.frame.default(terms(formula, lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, data = data),  : 
variable lengths differ (found for 'P_id')). However, comparing lengths and
dimensions of V4 and VS, I see no difference! Both original data are
transformed into numeric values (as.numeric) (all values become to either
zero or one, depending on the alternative) and then put into (previously
defined) matrixes of the same dimensions. There were no differences visible
when checking the transformed variables with STR or CLASS. What else can I

As stated above, I tried to isolate the problem-laden variable VS to set up
a single conditional logit model, but I did not manage it to make it  to the
long format (R comment was: Error in data[[choice]] : subscript out of
bounds). No idea whether there is a connection between the two problems. 

Any comment would be much appreciated.

Best regards and a nice weekend!

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Re: [R] length of variable in mlogit

2012-08-01 Thread Lee van Cleef
Ingmar, many thanks. I get that one from R:

Error in model.frame.default(terms(formula, lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, data =
data),  : 
  variable lengths differ (found for 'X')

X is the variable I have used. 

Any comment would be much appreciated.

Best regards!

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[R] length of variable in mlogit

2012-07-30 Thread Lee van Cleef
Dear all,

does anybody have experience with building logits in Mlogit?

I want to test the use of a couple of alternative specific variables with a
generic regression coefficient. However, one of them simply does not work. R
says the length of this variable is different.

Problem: If I check the length of this special variable, I get a value,
which also other variables have – and with those, the logit model works! I
also checked the class of the explaining variables. The problem-laden
variable is a matrix – but the model is working with other variables which
are of the matrix and the data frame class. I also see no problems because
of wide/long formats. 

Does anybody happen to know what else I can check?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Best regards!

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[R] Marginal effects in mlogit

2012-07-30 Thread Lee van Cleef
Dear all,

does anybody have experience with the calculation of marginal effects
(“effects”) in Mlogit (see Croissant, Package ‘mlogit’, p.8)?

1)  Is there a good qualitative explanation available for the listed options
for the argument “type” (“aa”, …)? When do I have to choose aa, ar…? And
when can I leave it out?
2)  The table in the output – how is it to read? Does it refer to relative
changes (percentage) in the probability or absolute values (percentage

Any help including hints for literature is welcome.

Best regards!

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