[R] Maximum log likelihood estimates of the parameters of a nonlinear model.

2010-09-10 Thread Odette Gaston
Dear all,

Is it possible to generate AIC or something equivalent for nonlinear
model estimated based on maximum log likelihood l in R?
I used nls based on least squares to estimate, and therefore I cannot
assess the quality of models with AIC. nlme seems good for only mixed
models and mine is not mixed models.

res - nls(y ~ d*(x)^3+a*(x)^2+b*x+c, start=list(a=2, b=1,c=1,d=1), data=d)

If anybody does know a R-function to estimate nonlinear model based on
maximum log likelihood, please let me know.

Thanks for your help in advance!

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Re: [R] Package installation failed

2009-01-24 Thread Odette Gaston
Dear Uwe and folks,

I had connections to CRAN daily and won't have problems for most packages,
but only some does. Installed directory is:
C:\Documents and Settings\R\library\downloaded_packages

 I do not have set library path except the R default. I tried to download
lme4 and packages that unable to install, but still same error message
came up.

error in normalizePath(path) :
path[1]: no such file to load

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Uwe Ligges lig...@statistik.tu-dortmund.de

 Odette Gaston wrote:

 Hi Uwe and all,

 Error message was:

 error in normalizePath(path) :
 path[1]: no such file to load

 Hmmm, what does traceback() tell you at that point?
 Have you had a cionnection to CRAN and has something been downloaded?
 If so, to which directory?
 Where is R installed?
 Do you have set some library path other than the R default?

 Uwe Ligges

   Many thanks,

 On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Uwe Ligges 


 Odette Gaston wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I am currently having the problem with using R 2.8.1 that I cannot
 some of packages from CRAN or local drive and somebody may be able to
 ex) faraway package and lme4 package. I have downloaded them in my hard
 drive as local, but still R was unable to find the package (message
 up as no such file). I could download most packages, but not all what I
 want. I showed my PC to R experts around and nobody had ideas. I've
 re-installed newest R and updated packages hundred times, but still same
 message came up.

 So, what is the error message when you try, e.g.
  install.packages(lme4) ?

 Uwe Ligges

  My working environment is:

  OS: XP

 Any suggestions would be appreciated.
 Thanks a lot,

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[R] Package installation failed

2009-01-22 Thread Odette Gaston
Hi folks,

I am currently having the problem with using R 2.8.1 that I cannot install
some of packages from CRAN or local drive and somebody may be able to help
ex) faraway package and lme4 package. I have downloaded them in my hard
drive as local, but still R was unable to find the package (message showed
up as no such file). I could download most packages, but not all what I
want. I showed my PC to R experts around and nobody had ideas. I've
re-installed newest R and updated packages hundred times, but still same
message came up.

My working environment is:

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot,

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Re: [R] Package installation failed

2009-01-22 Thread Odette Gaston
Hi Uwe and all,

Error message was:

error in normalizePath(path) :
path[1]: no such file to load

Many thanks,

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Uwe Ligges lig...@statistik.tu-dortmund.de

 Odette Gaston wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I am currently having the problem with using R 2.8.1 that I cannot install
 some of packages from CRAN or local drive and somebody may be able to help
 ex) faraway package and lme4 package. I have downloaded them in my hard
 drive as local, but still R was unable to find the package (message showed
 up as no such file). I could download most packages, but not all what I
 want. I showed my PC to R experts around and nobody had ideas. I've
 re-installed newest R and updated packages hundred times, but still same
 message came up.

 So, what is the error message when you try, e.g.
  install.packages(lme4) ?

 Uwe Ligges

  My working environment is:

 Any suggestions would be appreciated.
 Thanks a lot,

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 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
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 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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[R] Class and object problem

2008-12-24 Thread Odette Gaston
Dear all,

I have a problem with accessing class attributes. I was unable to solve this
yet, but someone may know how to solve it.
I'm trying to extract some information from the summary, and Akaike
weight has the desired value.
Object for a model fitted using the glmmML function from the
glmmML package:
result - glmmML(cbind (y, n-y)~ x+a+b+c, family = binomial, data, 
Then calculated the delta AIC by hand (following is the best four).
model1 - 0.0
model2 - 1.8
model3 - 4.2
model4 - 6.2

Then followed equation as below:
*W -  exp(-0.5 * Delta) / sum(exp(-0.5 * Delta))*
However, result was always same value as [1] even each delta AIC is
different values.
I don't know why happened.

I've also tried Ben's AIC tab in the bbmle package under the Ben's
 summary - stepAIC(result)

When I try to run the code from within a package, error came up
as UseMethod(logLik) no method to use logLik.

 I've tried adding  slot -summary (result)
 slotName (slot)
but it didn't help, slotName is NULL.

Thanks for any kind of suggestions!


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Re: [R] Akaike weight in R

2008-12-21 Thread Odette Gaston
Hi Graham,

Appreciate for your help, but actually I've already looked at this website,
and wasn't success yet. 1st, I cannot run *W = exp(-0.5 * Delta) /
sum(exp(-0.5 * Delta))* in the R.

 *W - exp(-0.5 * Delta) / sum(exp(-0.5 * Delta))*
*note: Delta means AIC difference between models.*
I don't know why but always showing 1 even I changed Delta.

Also, I couldn't find OAD package, where can I get one?
Would be wonderfully appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 8:33 PM, Graham Smith myotis...@gmail.com wrote:


  Wondering how can I generate Akaike weight with R? I know the
  but is there any function to generate by R on the web-site or R library?
  I am using GLM or GLMM (family=binomial), so would be appreciated if you
  help me.

 You could have a look at this.


 Which is in the OAD package


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[R] Akaike weight in R

2008-12-19 Thread Odette Gaston
Hi folks,

Wondering how can I generate Akaike weight with R? I know the description,
but is there any function to generate by R on the web-site or R library?
I am using GLM or GLMM (family=binomial), so would be appreciated if you
help me.
Thanks for your contributions in advance,


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Re: [R] generate random number

2008-11-21 Thread Odette Gaston
Hi Dimitris,

Appreciate for your reply with detailed information, many thanks!

I realize that generating random number won't be so simple more than I
expected, but got some hints from the advice. I am actually hoping to do a
parametric bootstrap likelihood test, because this is the way of testing for
glmm result what I understood. Following is what I would like to do:

# settings
n - number of samples
y - c(2 2 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2)
x - c(22 22 24 21 26 18 23 21 17 15 22 24 21 17 26 15 16 13 22 15 15 23 16
23 18 37 22 30) #dependent=y

 Then, I would like to generate random number on glmm = random.y - rbinom
(num,n,p) to do this test. However, this only hypothesized binomial
distribution, not include normal one. In this case, how would you be able to
do? Apologize if I didn't understand correctly what you wrote and make
confuse you. Greatly appreciated if you help me. Any advice would be

Best reagards,

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Dimitris Rizopoulos 

 check the following code:

 # settings
 n - 100 # number of sample units
 p - 10 # number of repeated measurements
 N - n * p # total number of measurements
 t.max - 3

 # parameter values
 betas - c(0.5, 0.4, -0.5, -0.8) # fixed effects (check also 'X' below)
 sigma.b - 2 # random effects variance

 # id, treatment  time
 id - rep(1:n, each = p)
 treat - rep(0:1, each = n/2)
 time - seq(0, t.max, length.out = p)

 # simulate random effects
 b - rnorm(n, sd = sigma.b)

 # simulate longitudinal process conditionally on random effects
 time.rep - rep(time, n)
 treat.rep - rep(treat, each = p)
 X - cbind(1, treat.rep,
time.rep, treat.rep * time.rep) # fixed effects design matrix
 muY - plogis(c(X %*% betas) + b[id]) # conditional probabilities
 y - rbinom(N, 1, muY) # simulate binary responses

 # put the simulated data in a data.frame
 simulData - data.frame(
id = id,
y = y,
treat = treat.rep,
time = time.rep

 # fit the model
 fit - glmmML(y ~ treat * time, data = simulData, cluster = id)

 I hope it helps.


 Odette Gaston wrote:

  Hi everybody,

 I am currently working on glmmML() and wish to generate random number to
 some tests, however, glmm was hypothesized the mixed distributions with
 normal  and binomial in terms of having a random effect. How would you be
 able to generate random number in this case? Is there a function in R to
 generate random number of  mixed distribution (normal+binomial)? Any
 comments would be appreciated.

 Many thanks,

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 Dimitris Rizopoulos
 Assistant Professor
 Department of Biostatistics
 Erasmus Medical Center

 Address: PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, the Netherlands
 Tel: +31/(0)10/7043478
 Fax: +31/(0)10/7043014

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[R] generate random number

2008-11-20 Thread Odette Gaston
Hi everybody,

I am currently working on glmmML() and wish to generate random number to do
some tests, however, glmm was hypothesized the mixed distributions with
normal  and binomial in terms of having a random effect. How would you be
able to generate random number in this case? Is there a function in R to
generate random number of  mixed distribution (normal+binomial)? Any
comments would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

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