[R] Sweave, xtable plus/minus sign

2010-06-29 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R-users,
please consider the following minimal example:


label=test, echo=FALSE, results=tex=
df.data1 -
 cbind.data.frame(A = rnorm(18),
  B =factor(rep(LETTERS[1:6], each=3)))
myMean - tapply(df.data1$A, df.data1$B, FUN = mean)
mySD - tapply(df.data1$A, df.data1$B, FUN = sd)
foo - matrix(c(myMean, mySD), ncol=2, nrow=6)
colnames(foo) - c(Mean, Std.Dev)
tmpTable - xtable(foo, caption =Simulated data,
label=tab:four, digits=2)
print(tmpTable, caption.placement=top)


Is it possible to insert the plus/minus sign (±)  between the two columns ?
I mean within R/Sweave and not in the resulting .tex file ?

A possible workaround could be :
foo.df - as.data.frame(foo)
foo.df$Std.Dev - paste(±, round(mySD,2), sep=)
tmpTable - xtable(foo.df, caption =Simulated data,
label=tab:five, digits=2)
print(tmpTable, caption.placement=top)

Any other solution?
Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip.to di Scienze delle Produzioni Vegetali,
del Suolo e dell'Ambiente Forestale (DiPSA)
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Ubuntu 10.04 -- GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 

ESS version 5.8 -- R 2.10.1

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Re: [R] Sweave, xtable plus/minus sign

2010-06-29 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

On 29/06/2010 17:36, Marc Schwartz wrote:

On Jun 29, 2010, at 10:08 AM, Ottorino-Luca Pantani wrote:


paste($\\pm$, 1.34, sep=)

[1] $\\pm$1.34

I believe you then need to tweak the sanitize.text.function argument in 
print.xtable() to properly handle the backslashes.


Marc Schwartz


Thanks, Marc.
I modified the code as follows:

foo.df$Std.Dev -
 paste($\\pm$, round(mySD,2), sep=)
tmpTable -
   xtable(foo.df, caption =Simulated data,
  label=tab:five, digits=2)
print(tmpTable, caption.placement=top,
  sanitize.text.function= function(x){x})

which result in a .tex file like

\caption{Simulated data}
 Mean  Std.Dev \\
  1  0.46  $\pm$0.42 \\
  2  0.81  $\pm$0.69 \\
  3  0.17  $\pm$0.56 \\
  4  0.15  $\pm$1.02 \\
  5  0.60  $\pm$1.37 \\
  6  0.48  $\pm$1.39 \\

so it seems that there's no need to tweak the sanitize.text.function

Thanks again.


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[R] Multicolor main title in a plot or mtext

2010-04-22 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R-users, the problem I'm facing today is to write a
multicolor main title in a plot.

I would like to have 3/4 colors to help people in the
audience to visually realize what is what in a 4x2 plot array

On top of each plot I would like to have two lines.
The 1st line will indicate what is plotted
The 2nd line will indicate a a reference

Graphically speaking I would like a result similar to this (simplified) one:

for(aux in 1:4){
mtext(1st treatm, cex=1, line=1.7, adj=0.1, col=1)
mtext(2nd treatm, cex=1, line=1.7, adj=0.5, col=2)
mtext(3rd treatm, cex=1, line=1.7, adj=0.9, col=3)
mtext(1st treatm, line=0.6, adj=0.1, col=1)
mtext(1st treatm, line=0.6, adj=0.5, col=1)
mtext(1st treatm, line=0.6, adj=0.9, col=1)
for(aux in 1:4){
mtext(1st treatm, cex=1, line=1.7, adj=0.1, col=1)
mtext(2nd treatm, cex=1, line=1.7, adj=0.5, col=2)
mtext(3rd treatm, cex=1, line=1.7, adj=0.9, col=3)
mtext(2nd treatm, line=0.6, adj=0.1, col=2)
mtext(2nd treatm, line=0.6, adj=0.5, col=2)
mtext(2nd treatm, line=0.6, adj=0.9, col=2)

The code above does more or less what I want and
I wrote it to simplify my explanation to you all.

But what I really need is  to put on top of each plot
an entire string with color embedded into, so to say.

A sort of 1st treatm 2nd treatm 3rd treatm string with
informations able to colour the word 1st treatm in black,
the word 2nd treatm in red and so on.

I need this because I have my descriptions in a vector like

c(1st treatm 2nd treatm 3rd treatm,
 2nd treatm 3rd treatm 1st treatm,

What I have in mind is something similar to the latex code
\color{black}{1st treatm} \color{red}{2nd treatm} \color{green}{3rd treatm}

Which pages of the R manual should I have to read to solve my problem ?

Thanks in advance
Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip.to di Scienze delle Produzioni Vegetali,
del Suolo e dell'Ambiente Forestale (DiPSA)

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[R] Again on overlaying plots (a plot region within a plot region)

2009-12-02 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R-users,
after seeking for help in R-search
I did not find any hint on my particular problem.
Countless help on true overlay, but nothing on this.

Please consider the following:

par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
T - seq(0, 20, by = 0.01)
## PLOT 1
plot(T,  30*exp(-0.65*T),
type = l
points(T, 30*exp(-0.26 * T), type = l, lty = F8)
points(T, 30*exp(-0.15 * T), type = l, lty = 39)
## PLOT 2
plot(T,  30*exp(-0.65*T),
type = l,
log= y
points(T, 30*exp(-0.26 * T), type = l, lty = F8)
points(T, 30*exp(-0.15 * T), type = l, lty = 39)

What I would like to do is to draw a square plot of PLOT 1 and
then overlay the *entire* PLOT 2 on the upper right corner of PLOT 1,
when there's a lot of empty space
I have to do that because the publisher asked me not to waste
much space with figures.

I studied for some time the Paul Murrell's excellent book R Graphics,
but I did not find what I'm looking for.

As far as I understand, layout() is intended to flexibly
divide the plot region, not to subdivide the plot region
nor the figure region.

One solution could be to export PLOT 1 , say as png,
and then overlay on it PLOT 2 with pixmap() as in this example


but it seems to me a bit too much complicate

Thanks in advance for your time

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS -- GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ 
Version 2.12.9)

ESS version 5.5 -- R 2.10.0

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[R] on gsub (simple, but not to me!) sintax

2009-11-16 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R users,
my problem today deals with my ignorance on regular expressions.
a matter I recently discovered.

Consider the following

foo -
c(V_7_101110_V,  V_7_101110_V,  V_9_101110_V,  V_9_101110_V,
V_9_s101110_V,  V_9_101110_V,  V_9_101110_V,  V_11_101110_V,
V_11_101110_V, V_11_101110_V, V_11_101110_V, V_11_101110_V,
V_17_101110_V, V_17_101110_V)

what I'm trying to obtain is to add a zero in front of numbers below 10,
as in

c(V_07_101110_V,  V_07_101110_V,  V_09_101110_V,  V_09_101110_V,
V_09_101110_V,  V_09_101110_V,  V_09_101110_V,  V_11_101110_V,
V_11_101110_V, V_11_101110_V, V_11_101110_V, V_11_101110_V,
V_17_101110_V, V_17_101110_V)

I'm able to do this on the emacs buffer through query-replace-regexp

search for
and substitute with

but I completely ignore how to do it with gsub within R
and the help is quite complicate to understand
(at least to me, at this moment in time)

I can search the vector through
grep(V_._,  foo)

but I always get errors either on
gsub('V_\(.\)_', 'V_0\1_', foo)

or I get not what I'm looking for on
gsub('V_._', 'V_0._', foo)
gsub('V_._', 'V_0\1_', foo)

Thanks in advance
Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS -- GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ 
Version 2.12.9)

ESS version 5.5 -- R 2.10.0

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Re: [R] on gsub (simple, but not to me!) sintax

2009-11-16 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Duncan Murdoch ha scritto:

On 11/16/2009 8:21 AM, Ottorino-Luca Pantani wrote:

Dear R users,
my problem today deals with my ignorance on regular expressions.
a matter I recently discovered.

You were close.  First, gsub by default doesn't need escapes before 
the parens.  (There are lots of different conventions for regular 
expressions, unfortunately.)  So the Emacs regular expression V_\(.\)_ 
is entered as V_(.)_ in the default version of gsub().  Second, to 
enter a backslash into a string, you need to escape it.  So the 
replacement pattern V_0\1_ is entered as V_0\\1_.  So

gsub(V_(.)_, V_0\\1_, foo)

should give you what you want.

Duncan Murdoch
Any of these (the need for doubling of the \\ for the 
back-reference seems to be the main issue:

 gsub(_([[:digit:]])_., _0\\1_, foo)
 gsub(_(\\d)_., _0\\1_, foo)
 gsub(V_(.)_, V_0\\1_, foo)

David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

I suspected something on the double escape..

Thanks to you all.
R is a wonderful software and R-help is always a great place to visit !!!

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[R] Rearranging long tables, Sweave, xtable, LaTeX

2009-11-12 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R-users,
consider the two following outputs, ## 1 and  ## 2

\begin{Scode}{Setup, echo = FALSE, print = FALSE, eval = TRUE}
with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1, 
Fact2))  ## 1
xtable(with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1, 
Fact2))) ## 2


The first line
with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1, Fact2))
has an output that easily fit the A4 page, while the second produce
an output that do not fit the A4 page.

Is it possible to produce an output with xtable, but similar to the one 
of the first line ?

In other words I do not want to use \longtables and the similar.

Where should I look for info ?
In Latex ? In Sweave ? In xtable ?

Thanks a lot

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273
olpant...@unifi.it http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

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Re: [R] Rearranging long tables, Sweave, xtable, LaTeX

2009-11-12 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Ista Zahn ha scritto:

Yeah, I've had this kind of situation before. Usually I first see if I
can fit it on the page by rotating it and/or reducing the size. If
that doesn't do it then I'll re-arrange as you suggest. Basically the
print method is just wrapping the output after n columns (27 in my
case, but I think this depends on the options you have set). So you
can do this wrapping yourself before calling xtable:

tmp - with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1, Fact2))
tmp2 - rbind(tmp[,1:20], tmp[,21:40])

Hope it helps,



Thanks a lot, but still there are problems.

My fault in the too simple code posted.

Consider the following

(tmp - with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = c(letters[1:20], LETTERS[1:20])), 
table(Fact1, Fact2))

Fact2 Fact1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t A B C D E F G H I 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fact2 Fact1 J K L M N O P Q R 
S T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1

From this table I can easily see, in the 1st row (Fact1) 

which are the observations for the minuscule as well for the MAJUSCULE

while in

(tmp2 - rbind(tmp[,1:20], tmp[,21:40]))

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 1 1

the infomation on the MAJUSCULE factor is completely missing (hided).

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[R] insert a text in panels, always in the same position (lattice, ltext, ?prepanel?)

2009-10-30 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R-users,
my present problem is related to lattice.

I would like to put some text in each panel, namely a p-value.
I therefore wrote a simple panel function as reported here below.

I'm able to write the value in each panel at the maximum value of y for 
each panel,

but this obviously overlay the text to the points.

What I'm looking for is to write the text always in the same position 
along the panels,

say in the middle of each panel
something like  ltext(x = 1.5,  y = (ylim[2] - ylim[1])/2 )

I tried to play with ylim and prepanel but unsuccesfully.

Thank a lot in advance


df -
 expand.grid(a = gl(3,1),
 b = gl(2,1),
 c = gl(2,1),
 d = gl(2,1),
 rep = gl(3,1))
df$x -rnorm(nrow(df))
df$x[c(1, 3, 25, 27, 49, 51)] - df$x[c(1, 3, 25, 27, 49, 51)] + 5
## modify some values in order to have some significant values (1st and 
3rd panel)

my.panel - function (x, y, ...)
 lm1 - lm(y ~ x) ## build the model
 p.value.diff - coef(summary(lm1))[2, 4]## extract the p-value
 panel.fill(col =  ifelse(p.value.diff  0.05, lightgrey, 
transparent)) ## background color as function of p-value

 panel.xyplot(x, y) ## draw the points
 ## insert the p-value in each panel
 ltext(x = 1.1,
   y = max(y),
   ## the above is the problematic point. I tried also y = 
panel.default.xyplot(list(ylim[2])) but without success
   labels = paste(p, as.character(round(p.value.diff, 3)), sep = 

xyplot(x ~ d| a + b + c,
  data = df,
  layout = c(6, 2),
  strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE, strip.levels =TRUE),   
  panel = my.panel)

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS -- GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ 
Version 2.12.9)

ESS version 5.5 -- R 2.9.2

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[R] How to properly shade the background panels of an xyplot?

2009-10-30 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R users,
this is a follow up of this message
I'm reproducing the core of it for convenience.

/ data(Oats, package = MEMSS) /
/ tp1.oats - xyplot(yield ~ nitro | Variety + Block, /
/  data = Oats, /
/  panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { /
/# How to normalize my heatmap metric 
with /
/# the value of the panel that has 
maximum average ? /
/# metric = eval(mean(y)/ 
max(mean-of-each-panel) /

/metric = eval(mean(y)/max(Oats$yield)) /
/panel.fill(col = gray(metric)) /
/panel.lines(x,y) /
/  } /
/) /
/ print(tp1.oats) /

xyplot(yield ~ nitro | Variety + Block,

   data = Oats,
   max.mean = max(with(Oats, tapply(yield, list(Variety, Block), mean))),
   panel = function(x, y, subscripts, max.mean, ...) {
   metric = mean(y)/max.mean
   panel.fill(col = gray(metric))


xyplot(yield ~ nitro | Variety + Block,

   data = Oats,
   aux.env = new.env(parent = emptyenv()),
   prepanel = function(x, y, aux.env, ...) {
   aux.env$max.mean.y - max(aux.env$max.mean.y, mean(y))
   panel = function(x, y, subscripts, aux.env, ...) {
   metric = mean(y) / aux.env$max.mean.y
   panel.fill(col = gray(metric))

The result is a trellis object in which the background colour of the 
panels is an outcome of the data contained in the panel itself. After 
all, this is what panel = function (x,y . is meant for, right ?

But what, if I want to highlight some panels ? Arbitrarily or 
conditioned by another variable.

Say I want to shade in gray only the upper right panels (Block VI, 
Victory and Marvellous varieties )

Given a data frame like this, with a variable intended to set the colour 
of the panel background

data(Oats, package = MEMSS)
/Oats1 - cbind.data.frame(Oats,
Highlight =
ifelse(Oats$Block == VI 
   Oats$Variety %in% c(Victory, 
Marvellous ),


which is a possible code ?

I (more or less) know how to manage the data in the panel,
but I cannot imagine how to do it with variables external to the panel 

I suppose that the panel functions are not useful here.
I'm wandering through par.settings, themes and panel.fill, but still 
without success.

Any hint ?

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS -- GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ 
Version 2.12.9)

ESS version 5.5 -- R 2.9.2

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[R] dividing a dataframe column by different constants

2009-09-03 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R users, today I've got the following problem.
Here you are a dataframe as example.
There are some SAMPLES  for which a CONCentration was recorded through TIME.
The time during which the concentration was recorded is not always the same,
10 points for Sample A, 7 points for Sample B and 11 for sample C

Also the initial concentration was not the same for the three samples.

I would like express the concentrations as % of the concentration at 
time = 1, therefore I wrote the following code that do the job, but is 
impractical when the samples are, as in my real case, more than on hundred.
It is known that at the minimum time is present the maximum 
concentration, by which divide all the other concentrations in the sample.

I'm quite sure that there's a more elegant solution, but I really do not 
even imagine how to write it.

Thanks in advance for your time

(df.mydata - data.frame(
c(seq( from = 1, to = 0.1, by = -0.1 ),
  seq( from = 0.8, to = 0.2, by = -0.1 ),
  seq( from = 0.6, to = 0.1, by = -0.05 )),
  4:14 ),
SAMPLE = c( rep( A, 10 ),
  rep( B, 7 ),
  rep( C, 11 )
MAX - tapply( df.mydata$CONC, df.mydata$SAMPLE, max )
(df.mydata$PERCENTAGE -
ifelse(df.mydata$SAMPLE == A,  df.mydata$CONC / MAX[1],
   ifelse(df.mydata$SAMPLE == B,  df.mydata$CONC / MAX[2],
  df.mydata$CONC / MAX[3])))

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
olpant...@unifi.it  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Book on R programming

2009-08-31 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani


Most books on R I come across describe running statistical procedures in R.
Any suggestions on a good book that teaches *programming* in R?


Here there are a few

[42] and [79] may be good starting points


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Re: [R] Select top three values from data frame

2009-08-26 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

df.mydata[df.mydata$A==X AND df.mydata$C  2, ]
will do the job ?


Noah Silverman ha scritto:


I'm trying to find an easy way to do this.

I want to select the top three values of a specific column in a subset 
of rows in a data.frame.  I'll demonstrate.


I want the top 3 values of B from the data.frame where A=X and C 2

I could extract all the rows where C2, then sort by B, then take the 
first 3.  But that seems like the wrong way around, and it also will 
get messy with real data of over 100 columns.

Any suggestions?

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Re: [R] Select top three values from data frame

2009-08-26 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Noah Silverman ha scritto:

I only have a few values in my example, but the real data set might 
have 20-100 rows with A=X.  So how do I pick just the three highest 


On 8/26/09 2:46 AM, Ottorino-Luca Pantani wrote:

df.mydata[df.mydata$A==X AND df.mydata$C  2, ]
will do the job ?


Noah Silverman ha scritto:


I'm trying to find an easy way to do this.

I want to select the top three values of a specific column in a 
subset of rows in a data.frame.  I'll demonstrate.


I want the top 3 values of B from the data.frame where A=X and C 2

I could extract all the rows where C2, then sort by B, then take 
the first 3.  But that seems like the wrong way around, and it also 
will get messy with real data of over 100 columns.

Any suggestions?

my.data - cbind.data.frame(expand.grid(A = c(X,  Y), B = 1:100),  C 
= rnorm(100))

myA.data - my.data[my.data$A == X, ]
myA.sorted.data - myA.data[order(myA.data$C, decreasing=TRUE), ][1:3.]

Do this solve your problem ?

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
olpant...@unifi.it  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

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Re: [R] natural sorting a data frame /vector by row

2009-08-24 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Moumita Das ha scritto:

How to  NATURAL sort a vector or data frame* by row*  , in ascending order ?

V1   V2V3 V4
i1 5.00e-01 1.036197e-17  4.825338e+16 0.
i104.001692e-18 1.365740e-17  2.930053e-01 0.76973827
i12   -1.052843e-17 1.324484e-17 -7.949081e-01 0.42735000
i132.571236e-17 1.357336e-17  1.894325e+00 0.05922715
i2-5.630739e-18 1.638267e-17 -3.437010e-01 0.73133282
i3 4.291387e-18 1.207522e-17  3.553879e-01 0.72257050
i4 1.472662e-17 1.423051e-17  1.034863e+00 0.30163897
i5 5.00e-01 1.003323e-17  4.983441e+16 0.
i6 5.147966e-18 1.569095e-17  3.280850e-01 0.74309614
i7 1.096044e-17 1.555829e-17  7.044760e-01 0.48173041
i8-1.166290e-18 1.287370e-17 -9.059482e-02 0.92788026
i9 1.627371e-17 1.540567e-17  1.056345e+00 0.29173427
recmeanC2  9.275880e-17 6.322780e-17  1.467057e+00 0.14349903
recmeanC3  1.283534e-17 2.080644e-17  6.168929e-01 0.53781390
recmeanC4-3.079466e-17 2.565499e-17 -1.200338e+00 0.23103743

I want a sequence of rows as :--  *recmeanC2 ,recmeanC3,recmeanC4* and the *NA
row  in the third position from the top*(presently it's third from down)
I do not understand what NATURAL stand for, but I'm not mothertongue 
in English.

Is this the order you want ?

recmeanC2  9.275880e-17 6.322780e-17  1.467057e+00 0.14349903
recmeanC3  1.283534e-17 2.080644e-17  6.168929e-01 0.53781390
recmeanC4-3.079466e-17 2.565499e-17 -1.200338e+00 0.23103743
i1 5.00e-01 1.036197e-17  4.825338e+16 0.
i2-5.630739e-18 1.638267e-17 -3.437010e-01 0.73133282
i3 4.291387e-18 1.207522e-17  3.553879e-01 0.72257050
i4 1.472662e-17 1.423051e-17  1.034863e+00 0.30163897
i5 5.00e-01 1.003323e-17  4.983441e+16 0.
i6 5.147966e-18 1.569095e-17  3.280850e-01 0.74309614
i7 1.096044e-17 1.555829e-17  7.044760e-01 0.48173041
i8-1.166290e-18 1.287370e-17 -9.059482e-02 0.92788026
i9 1.627371e-17 1.540567e-17  1.056345e+00 0.29173427
i104.001692e-18 1.365740e-17  2.930053e-01 0.76973827
***no i11 ? ***
i12   -1.052843e-17 1.324484e-17 -7.949081e-01 0.42735000
i132.571236e-17 1.357336e-17  1.894325e+00 0.05922715

If so I'm afraid there's no a simple way to do it.
This a possible solution

df.newdata - cbind.data.frame(df.yourdata, foo=c(13, 15, 16, 17, 1, 2:12, 
df.newdataOrdered - df.newdata[sort(df.newdata$foo),]

another solution could be to rename the items in column 1 


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] mild and extreme outliers in boxplot

2009-08-20 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Hi Jimmy,
please be reassured that I did not intend to offend you nor any other in 
the list.

Rnewbie ha scritto:

I read the boxplot() help file and googled before making the post, and with
my little knowledge on R I was not able to plot in the way I wanted. 

If I'm allowed, this was not evident from your post.
Probably due to its conciseness, I thought it was in the style
I have a problem, I do not want to study to solve it, need someone to 
do it for me

I realize now it was not the case. I apologize for this.


why I made the post. Whether I can eventually solve the problem or not, I
appreciate very much any help.

I’m a very beginner of R, and found the R help forum a couple of weeks ago.
Since I thought I’m not among the major players of the forum and that the
post per se rather than poster is of concern like in any other public online
forum, I just registered with an arbitrarily chosen ID and kept using it.
I’m not making use of R help for any commercial purposes whatsoever. I’m a
master’s student working on my thesis.

Thanks all for your help.


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] mild and extreme outliers in boxplot

2009-08-20 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

I'm very sorry for all this, but still serene.

I'm (trying) to use R since may be 5 or 6 years now.
What I learned from this list is that you have to show some code to let 
others to help you out, a thing that Rnewbye did not in this particular 

I had a look myself at the help pages and see that something was there 
that could help Rnewbye.

In particular

outlty, outlwd, outpch, outcex, outcol, outbg: outlier line
   type, line width, point character, point size expansion,
   color, and background color.  The default 'outlty=
   blank' suppresses the lines and 'outpch=NA' suppresses
My answer was somehow provocative, but I was ready to help, not to 
patronize (as many times I saw on this list).

I tried myself to change the appearance of the circles and other aspect 
of the plot, uncorrectly assuming that it could be extended to the 
problem of Rnewbye.

I surely made a mistake, and I apologize for this. This is is my only fault.

BUT PLEASE do not forget that if Rnewbye answered to my post (with a 
piece of code for example) I would have helped him. As I was always 
helped, harshly or not.


This is the sort of response that gives R-help a bad name.

I did not know that R-help had a bad name.
I myself received sometimes some harsh answers, but never lamented about.

Gabor Grothendieck ha scritto:

I agree its not completely obvious from that answer but that
does not mean the responder deserves to be attacked.

The circle part is actually the default and albeit with difficulty
the help files do give the info we need to produce this:

bp - boxplot(c(1:50, 80, 100, 200), outpch = NA)
with(bp, points(group, out, pch = c(1, 1, 8)))

which can be suitably generalized for other situations.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 8:31 PM, Rolf Turnerr.tur...@auckland.ac.nz wrote:

I despair.  ..


Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
olpant...@unifi.it  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] [Fwd: Re: Several simple but hard tasks to do with R]

2009-08-20 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Rakknar ha scritto:

Hello everybody. I've been learning R for about a month to do a
econometric study and now i'm stuck with some problems to make R do the
things I want. Here I give the list of things I wanna do from the most
simple to the more complex (for me of course):

1. Make a log. I've been using Stata and there i have a great tool to
register what the program do: the log file, wich it's a simple .txt file
where Stata writes every output it makes (not graphics of course). When I
wanted to make the same thing with R I started to use the function sink()
but it only register the results of the commands (summaries for example) and
not the commands itself, witch it's really uncomfortable because it's harder
to find out to witch command that results come from.

2. Saving objects in a .Rdata step by step. I want to save several
regressions of interest in one .Rdata file. I want to save this results one
by one. For example: make regression 1, save the result in the .Rdata file;
then make the regression 2 and save the results in the same .Rdata file. I
know I could make all the regressions and save the results all at once but
for the kind of study I want to make It would be much useful this way. I've
been using function save() but I only could save one result or all.
As far as I can understand, you are running the commands from the 
command line, right ?
I did this at the very beginning, but then I realize that are better way 
of dealing with R, that is let R do the calculations and other software 
do the editing of the scripts, saving data, code and so on.

Consider the use of emacs + ESS + R.
This will complicate things a little more, (A LOT !) but you will not 
regret the time spent in learning.

Emacs will be useful in MANY other ways.

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
olpant...@unifi.it  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Several simple but hard tasks to do with R

2009-08-20 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Rakknar ha scritto:

 1. Make a log. I've been using Stata and there i have a great tool to
register what the program do: the log file, wich it's a simple .txt file
where Stata writes every output it makes (not graphics of course). When I
wanted to make the same thing with R I started to use the function sink()
but it only register the results of the commands (summaries for example) and
not the commands itself, witch it's really uncomfortable because it's harder
to find out to witch command that results come from.


A possible workaround could be:

as.character(rnorm(5, mean = 0, sd = 1))
rnorm(5, mean = 0, sd = 1)

I know, it is not elegant, and a bit repetitive, but it could help.


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] how to Transpose a dataset

2009-08-19 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

rajclinasia ha scritto:

Hi everyone,
How to a transpose a R dataset with a specified variable. If possible send

the code. it will be very helpful for us.

Thanks in Advance.

A written code of your problem would be useful for us to help you.

If you have a dataframe you may want to take a look also at

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
olpant...@unifi.it  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] mild and extreme outliers in boxplot

2009-08-19 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Rnewbie ha scritto:

dear all,

could somebody tell me how I can plot mild outliers as a circle(°) and
extreme outliers as an asterisk(*) in a box-whisker plot?

Thanks very much in advance




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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] edit.row.names taking row names from the edited dataframe

2009-08-19 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Erik Iverson ha scritto:

This really has nothing to do with the row names issue you mention, as far as I can tell.  It has to do with this: 


Erik Iverson 

Perhaps you may also take a look at this

df.mydata$problemFactor - df.mydata$problemFactor[, drop = TRUE]


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] visualizzazione colonne

2009-08-19 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

sabrina.michie...@alice.it ha scritto:

ho aperto un file in R di classe data frame di 15000 righe e 29 colonne.
Nella console però sono visualizzate solo la prima e l'ultima colonna e le 
ultime 8000 righe circa.
E' possibile una visualizzazione completa?


Hi Sabrina,
please do not forget that this list in english. Remember it for the future.

I find very inconvenient to have all the rows displayed at one time, 
especially if they are  15000 !!!

Should I need to look at all the dataset I would use page(mydataframe) 
(emacs or xemacs + ESS needed)

or from the console

fix(mydatframe) very dangerous !!!

edit (mydataframe)

Before attempting this, read the help

Should you want to look at only some part of the dataframe, try for example

mydataframe[3:15, 7:8]

This will show you the data contained lines from line 3 to 15 and in 
column from 7 to 8.


Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] how to compute other columns without a column for sample name

2009-08-19 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

sandsky ha scritto:

Data has the first row for variable name and the first column for sample
name. I want to take Log for all data, but how to compute without the
first column for sample name.



Error in Math.data.frame(list(sample_id = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L,  : 
  non-numeric variable in data frame: sample_id

Thank you in advance,


You are trying to calculate a logarithm for a character variable.
You most probably imported the data with read.table (header = FALSE).

sapply(raw_data, is.numeric)

to see which are the columns that contains logarithmizable items


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] [Fwd: Re: R code to reproduce (while studying) Bates Watts 1988]]]

2009-08-18 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Douglas Bates ha scritto:

I have been without Internet access for a couple of weeks (in the US
ATT is now competing with the cable companies and has succeeded in
emulating the cable TV companies' terrible service) and I missed the
beginning of this discussion.  Is there a reason that you have not
used the example in the NRAIA package to obtain that model fit?

A quite simple reason.
My fault: I did not know the existence of the library, so I was trying 
to build the example  (and the data set) on my own.



That gets you the data and the model fit without the AR1 correlation.
I guess that I didn't put in the general optimization in that example


Could you be please so kind to give me some hints on it ?

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] [Fwd: Re: R code to reproduce (while studying) Bates Watts 1988]]]

2009-08-17 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Kevin Wright wrote:

m2 - gnls(conc  ~ t1*(1-t2*exp(-k*time)),
   data  = df.Chloride,
   start =  list(
 t1 = 35,
 t2 = 0.91,
 k = 0.22))

So my error was to use nls instead that gnls. Thanks a lot, Kevin.

lag.plot(resid(m2), do.lines=FALSE)

m3 - update(m2, corr=corAR1(.67))
lag.plot(resid(m3), do.lines=FALSE)

The residual plots for model m3 still show structure, unlike in Bates 
 Watts, so maybe this is not the correct model?


Actually is not even the same model described in the book.

There the model is told to have the following parameters;
t1  37.58
k 0.178
Phi   0.69,

while the one obtained with R has the following
t1  38.98
t2   0.825
k 0.158
Phi  0.682.

I run this code, but without success. I obtain again the m3 model.

m4 - gnls(conc  ~ t1*(1-t2*exp(-k*time)),
   data  = df.Chloride,
   start =  list(
 t1 = 37.58,
 t2 = 0.849,
 k = 0.178),

I cannot understand why

anova(m2,  m3)
Model df   AIC   BIC   logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
m2 1  4 -20.09053 -12.13459 14.04526   
m3 2  5 -51.08761 -41.14269 30.54380 1 vs 2 32.99708  .0001
indicate a susbstantial improvement in the model, but the plot of 
residual is quite the same (slight differences)

plot(m2,  pch  = 20);x11();plot(m3,  pch  = 20)

Any other idea ?

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Rounding to the nearest 5

2009-08-17 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Steve Murray ha scritto:

Dear all,

A hopefully simple question: how do I round a series of values (held in an 
object) to the nearest 5? I've checked out trunc, round, floor and ceiling, but 
these appear to be more tailored towards rounding decimal places.




I had a similar problem in the past
Take a look at
and to the replies

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
olpant...@unifi.it  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] R code to reproduce (while studying) Bates Watts 1988

2009-08-13 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Hi R users,
I'm here trying to understand correlated residuals in nonlinear estimation.

I'm reading/studying the book  Bates, D. M. and D. G. Watts, (1988), 
/Nonlinear regression analysis and its applications/, Wiley, NY. pages 
92-94, trying to reproduce the figures and to find out the code in R to 
perform the necessary calculations.

I also consulted Pinheiro and Bates, but without success

Here below you'll find are my efforts.
I'm in trouble at plotting the lag plot (fig 3.6 b) and in fitting the 
new model with autocorrelated residuals (most probably misusing 
correlation = corAR1() in updating a nls model).

Could someone be so kind to help me ?

Thanks a lot

structure(.Data = list(time = c(2.45, 2.55, 2.65, 2.75, 2.85, 2.95, 
3.05, 3.15,

   3.25, 3.35, 3.45, 3.55, 3.65, 3.75, 3.85, 3.95, 4.05, 4.15, 4.25, 4.35,
   4.45, 4.55, 4.65, 4.75, 4.85, 4.95, 5.05, 5.15, 5.25, 5.35, 5.45, 5.55,
   5.65, 5.75, 5.85, 5.95, 6.05, 6.15, 6.25, 6.35, 6.45, 6.55, 6.65, 6.75,
   6.85, 6.95, 7.05, 7.15, 7.25, 7.35, 7.45, 7.55, 7.65, 7.75), conc = c(
   17.3, 17.6, 17.9, 18.3, 18.5, 18.9, 19, 19.3, 19.8, 19.9, 20.2, 20.5,
   20.6, 21.1, 21.5, 21.9, 22, 22.3, 22.6, 22.8, 23, 23.2, 23.4, 23.7,
   24, 24.2, 24.5, 25, 25.4, 25.5, 25.9, 25.9, 26.3, 26.2, 26.5, 26.5,
   26.6, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27.3, 27.8, 28.1, 28.1, 28.1, 28.4, 28.6, 29,
   29.2, 29.3, 29.4, 29.4, 29.4)), row.names = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
   6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
   18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
   30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
   42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
   54), class = data.frame, reference = A1.9, p. 274)

##Figure 3.5,  pag 92
plot(df.Chloride$time,  df.Chloride$conc,  pch  = 20)

## fitting the model
nls.1 - nls(conc  ~ t1*(1-t2*exp(-k*time)),
data  = df.Chloride,
start =  list(
  t1 = 35,
  t2 = 0.91,
  k = 0.22))

##Figure 3.56a,   pag 93
plot(nls.1,  pch  = 20)

##Figure 3.56b,   pag 93
???not the foggiest idea

##Figure 3.57,   pag 94
acf(resid(nls.1),  xlim = c(1, 15),  lab = c(5, 4,  7))

##Try to fit a model with autocorrelated residues (Problems !!)
nls.2 - update(nls.1,  corr = corAR1(0.67))

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
olpant...@unifi.it  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Is there in R a function equivalent to the mround, as found in most spreadsheets?

2008-05-09 Thread Dr. Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R-users,

I have the following problem

In a lab experiment I have to mix three solutions to get different 
concentrations of various molecules in a cuvette

I've used R to calculate the necessary µliters for each of the level of 
the experiment and I must confess that it is more useful and easier to 
achieve the results than using spreadsheets.

But there's a problem.

Imagine that for a particular cuvette (I have 112 different cuvettes !!) 
you have to mix the following volumes of solution A, B, and C respectively.

c(1803.02, 193.51, 3.47)

Each solution is to be taken with 3 different pipettes (5000, 250 and 10 
µL Volume max) and each of those delivers volumes in steps of 50 µL,  5 
µL  or 1µL, respectively

Since the above values  would eventually become

c(1800, 195, 3)

it is then necessary to recalculate all the final concentrations
of A, B and C, because the volumes are changed.

I know that in most spreadsheets (Calc, Gnumeric, Excel 
and so on) there's a function such as

mround(num; num)

that give the results I need, but I want to learn more on R functions.

I played a little with R functions such as

round, signif, ceiling, trunc, and floor

but without success.
Any hint to solve this problem ?

Thanks a lot


Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Is there in R a function equivalent to the mround, as found in most spreadsheets?

2008-05-09 Thread Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Charilaos Skiadas ha scritto:

On May 9, 2008, at 5:39 AM, Dieter Menne wrote:

If I understand the OP's question properly, the first value is to be a 
multiple of 50, the second a multiple of 5, and the third a multiple 
of 1. This can be done with this slight variation on the above theme:

a - c(1803.02, 193.51, 3.47)
b - c(50,5,1)
round(a/b) *b

This is exactly was I was looking for, and you understand it properly.
Sorry for the double post, but I'm experiencing problems with my account 
in this list

This is not exactly what you want, but it shows that the problem is a 
ill-defined. In the example you gave, why do you want 1800, and not 
1805, which
is possible with the pipettes? I assume that you laboratory 
experience is
working in the background, telling you to stop pipetmanning when you 
are close

to the result in some percentage feeling.

No, even if there's a lab background working behind, I'm only 
transferring some experience with spreadsheets to R.

I want (actually the pipette wants) 1800 instead that 1805 since the 
larger volumes are to be delivered with a digital pipette whose step is 50.

Thanks to all the people who contributed. This list is always a great 


R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Is there in R a function equivalent to the mround, as found in most spreadsheets?

2008-05-06 Thread Dr. Ottorino-Luca Pantani

Dear R-users,
I have the following problem

In a lab experiment I have to mix three solutions to get different 
concentrations of various molecules in a cuvette

I've used R to calculate the necessary µliters for each of the level of 
the experiment and I must confess that it is more useful and easier to 
achieve the results than using spreadsheets.

But there's a problem.

Imagine that for a particular cuvette (I have 112 different cuvettes !!) 
you have to mix the following volumes of solution A, B, and C respectively.

c(1803.02, 193.51, 3.47)

Each solution is to be taken with 3 different pipettes (5000, 250 and 10 
µL Volume max) and each of those delivers volumes in steps of 50 µL,  5 
µL  or 1µL, respectively

Since the above values  would eventually become

c(1800, 195, 3)

it is then necessary to recalculate all the final concentrations
of A, B and C, because the volumes are changed.

I know that in most spreadsheets (Calc in Open Office, Gnumeric, Excel 
and so on)

there's a function such as

mround(num; num)

that give the results I need, but I want to learn more on R functions.

I played a little with R functions such as

round, signif, ceiling, trunc, and floor

but without success.
Any hint to solve this problem ?

Thanks a lot


Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] on trellis.par.set/get (reproducing figures from Pinheiro Bates)

2008-01-30 Thread Dr. Ottorino-Luca Pantani
Deepayan Sarkar ha scritto:
 On 1/29/08, Dr. Ottorino-Luca Pantani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear R users,
 I would like to exactly reproduce a figure like the 1.5 or 1.9 or 4.13
 from the book
 Mixed effects models in S and S-Plus.
 Not for the sake of it, but because I have my own data I would like to
 plot in that fashion
 (no colors)

 If I write


 I can get a good informative plot with colors, but I would like to have
 a BW one instead.

 Have you tried

 trellis.device(color = FALSE)


Thanks once more for your help.
It works but the symbols are not the same as reported in the book.
Now, if I can push your patience a little further, how can I change the 
plot symbols ?


R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] on trellis.par.set/get (reproducing figures from Pinheiro Bates)

2008-01-29 Thread Dr. Ottorino-Luca Pantani
Dear R users,
I would like to exactly reproduce a figure like the 1.5 or 1.9 or 4.13 
from the book
Mixed effects models in S and S-Plus.
Not for the sake of it, but because I have my own data I would like to 
plot in that fashion
(no colors)

If I write


I can get a good informative plot with colors, but I would like to have 
a BW one instead.

I've played a little with trellis.par.set
managing to change some aspect of the appearance of the plot,
for example with

   dot.line = list(col = 1, lty = 3, lwd = 1),
   fontsize = list(text = 12, points = 10)

I also queried trellis.par.get by


but still I'm not able to figure out which are the parameters, if any,
that control pch and col of the symbols.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Why I cannot get the intervals from Rails data ?

2008-01-24 Thread Dr. Ottorino-Luca Pantani
Dear R users,
I would like to know where I'm wrong doing the following.

lmList(Rail) is working fine, since it gives back the ouput.

But on


I'm getting the following error

Errore in out[, est., ] - coeff[, Estimate, ] :
  numero di indici non corretto

that translated should sounds like

Error in out[, est., ] - coeff[, Estimate, ] :
  not correct indexes number

What is that I'm not considering here ?


Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 202 (348 lab) Fax 39 055 333 273 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www4.unifi.it/dssnp/

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.