[R] Problems with external library conflict in R package

2019-10-31 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus
I have an R library (using Rcpp) that used to compile and install fine. 
It uses some boost libraries. My Makevars file looks like this:

PKG_LIBS=`$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()"` -lboost_iostreams -lm

The problem I face now is that for some other R-independent software 
project I installed boost 1.71 from source in /usr/local. Since then, 
the R package does not install anymore; I get:

Error: package or namespace load failed (...) dyn.load(file, DLLpath = 
DLLpath, ...):

 unable to load shared object (...) XXX.so
 undefined symbol: _ZN5boost9iostreams6detail10bzip2_base3endEbSt9nothrow_t

Both the distribution's includes and library files and the ones I 
installed in /usr/local are there:

$ locate boost/iostreams/filter/bzip2.hpp

$ ldconfig -p | grep boost_ios
libboost_iostreams.so.1.71.0 (libc6,x86-64) => 
libboost_iostreams.so.1.65.1 (libc6,x86-64) => 

When I als specify -L/usr/local/lib in Makevars, the code installs fine.

There is probably a simple answer, but I don't understand why I get this 
mismatch between library versions. Any help is appreciated!



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Re: [R] Global counter in library

2019-03-12 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus
Thanks for the hint. I think I will use a big.matrix [with 1 element 
only ;-) ] and a mutex to ensure access is thread-safe.


On 12.03.19 17:35, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 11/03/2019 2:57 p.m., Pascal A. Niklaus wrote:

I am trying to implement a global counter in a library. This counter
resides in an environment local to that package, and is incremented by
calling a function within this package.

Problems arise when I use parallelization. I protected the increment
operation with a lock so that this operation effectively should be
atomic. However, the environment local to the package seems not to be
shared among the threads that use the functions in that package (not in
the sense that a change would be visible in the other threads).

How is such a global counter best implemented?

Use the Rdsm package.  See ?Rdsm::Rdsm for help.

Duncan Murdoch

Here is a basic sketch of what I tried:



## begin of code in package

tmp <- tempfile()
.localstuff <- new.env()
.localstuff$N <- 0
.localstuff$tmp <- tempfile()

incr <- function()
      h <- lock(.localstuff$tmp)
      .localstuff$N <- .localstuff$N + 1

## end code in library

invisible(mclapply(1:10, function(i) incr()))

cat("N =", .localstuff$N)

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[R] Global counter in library

2019-03-12 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus
I am trying to implement a global counter in a library. This counter 
resides in an environment local to that package, and is incremented by 
calling a function within this package.

Problems arise when I use parallelization. I protected the increment 
operation with a lock so that this operation effectively should be 
atomic. However, the environment local to the package seems not to be 
shared among the threads that use the functions in that package (not in 
the sense that a change would be visible in the other threads).

How is such a global counter best implemented?

Here is a basic sketch of what I tried:



## begin of code in package

tmp <- tempfile()
.localstuff <- new.env()
.localstuff$N <- 0
.localstuff$tmp <- tempfile()

incr <- function()
    h <- lock(.localstuff$tmp)
    .localstuff$N <- .localstuff$N + 1

## end code in library

invisible(mclapply(1:10, function(i) incr()))

cat("N =", .localstuff$N)

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Re: [R] data.table: reference column in "i"-part by column name in string object

2019-02-21 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

On 21.02.19 20:43, Rui Barradas wrote:


I don't understand the question.
Like this?

xx <- "B"
yy <- "D"
a[xx, on = v]
a[c(xx, yy), on = v]

Note that .(xx, yy) doesn't work. It outputs something else.

Could you give an example of more complicated expressions you have 
doubts with?

Let's assume I'd like to create a subset like this, in data.frame syntax:

d[ (d[[v]] == a | d$b == "c") & d$c>2, ]

Here I have a column referenced by its name (stored in v), and compared 
to a value stored in a, and the whole thing is part of a more complex 
logical expression. I could write it in this conventional way, but I 
wondered whether there is a better way that would leverage some of 
data.tables syntax.


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[R] data.table: reference column in "i"-part by column name in string object

2019-02-21 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus
I am converting data.frame-based code to data.table, for performance 

Is there a way to refer to columns using expressions in the "i"-part?

Here is an example:

a <- data.table(x=rep(LETTERS[1:10],each=2), y=1:20)
v <- "x"

For the j-part, I can access the column whose name is stored in v as


However, for the i-part I did not find a good way to achieve the same. 
For a simple case, the following works

xx <- "B"
a[xx, on=v]

However, I can't see how this is easily expanded to more complex logical 


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[R] Spacing around \cdot (%.%) unequal in pdf

2019-02-07 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

I am struggling labeling an axis in a plot.

Here is a minimal example illustrating the point:

ypos <- c(1:3) * 1e6
ylabs <- sapply(ypos/1e6, function(i) as.expression(bquote(.(i)%.%10^6)))
plot(rep(1,3), ypos, yaxt="n", ylab="")
axis(2, at=ypos, labels=ylabs, las=1)

First, I find the space left and right of the \cdot operator rather 
larger. Is there a way to decrease it?

Second, and more important, in the generated PDF, the space left of the 
dot is much bigger, it looks as if it was typeset as e.g. "3 *10^6".

Thanks for any hint


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Re: [R] Sorting of character vectors

2016-11-08 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Thanks for all suggestions.

With my build (from the CRAN repo) I don't get ICU support, and setting 
LC_COLLATE to "C" did not help.

> capabilities("ICU")

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.3.2 tools_3.3.2

However, using stringi::stri_sort did the trick !

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[R] Sorting of character vectors

2016-11-08 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

I just got caught by the way in character vectors are sorted.

It seems that on my machine "sort" (and related functions like "order") 
only consider characters related to punctuation (at least here the "+" 
and "-") when there is no difference in the remaining characters:

> x1 <- c("-A","+A")
> x2 <- c("+A","-A")
> sort(x1)# sorting is according to "-" and "+"
[1] "-A" "+A"
> sort(x2)
[1] "-A" "+A"

> x3 <- c("-Aa","-Ab")
> x4 <- c("-Aa","+Ab")
> x5 <- c("+Aa","-Ab")
> sort(x3)
[1] "-Aa" "-Ab" # here the "+" and "-" are ignored
> sort(x4)
[1] "-Aa" "+Ab"
> sort(x5)
[1] "+Aa" "-Ab"

I understand from the help that this depends on how characters are 
collated, and that this scheme follows the multi-level comparison in 
unicode (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr10/).

However, what I need is a strict left-to-right comparison of the sort 
provided by strcmp or wcscmp in glibc. The particular ordering of 
special characters is not so important, but there should be no 
"multi-level" aspect to the sorting.

Is there a way to achieve this in R?

Thanks for your help


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Re: [R] import of data set and warning from R CMD check

2016-06-23 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear Thierry,

Thanks, that indeed solved the warning.

Still, I think the message from R CMD check is confusing since the hint 
seems not to work with the current R version.


On 2016-06-21 11:31, Thierry Onkelinx wrote:

Dear Pascal,

You could try to use data(CO2, package = "datasets") instead of data(CO2)

Best regards,

ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature
and Forest
team Biometrie & Kwaliteitszorg / team Biometrics & Quality Assurance
Kliniekstraat 25
1070 Anderlecht

To call in the statistician after the experiment is done may be no more
than asking him to perform a post-mortem examination: he may be able to
say what the experiment died of. ~ Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
The plural of anecdote is not data. ~ Roger Brinner
The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not
ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of
data. ~ John Tukey

2016-06-17 17:45 GMT+02:00 Pascal A. Niklaus <pascal.nikl...@ieu.uzh.ch

Hi all,

When checking an R package, I get:

|Consider adding importFrom("datasets","CO2")

(this data set is used in some example code)

However, when I add the suggested 'importFrom' statement to NAMESPACE
(using roxygen2), I get
|Error :object ‘CO2’ is not exported by 'namespace:datasets'|
|I understand that datasets are not exported, and the comment printed by
'R CMD check' seems not to have any consequences, but it nevertheless
seems inconsistent to me. But maybe I miss something here...




Dr. Pascal A. Niklaus
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich / Switzerland

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[R] import of data set and warning from R CMD check

2016-06-17 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus
Hi all,

When checking an R package, I get:

|Consider adding importFrom("datasets","CO2")

(this data set is used in some example code)

However, when I add the suggested 'importFrom' statement to NAMESPACE 
(using roxygen2), I get
|Error :object ‘CO2’ is not exported by 'namespace:datasets'|
|I understand that datasets are not exported, and the comment printed by 
'R CMD check' seems not to have any consequences, but it nevertheless 
seems inconsistent to me. But maybe I miss something here...




Dr. Pascal A. Niklaus
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich / Switzerland

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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[R] error in lmerTest after updating to R 3.3.0

2016-05-10 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear all,

After updating to R 3.3.0 (inadvertently, via apt-get), I get an error 
when using lmerTest. Here is an example:

m <- lmer(Y ~ N*V + (1|B/V), data=oats)

summary from lme4 is returned
some computational error has occurred in lmerTest

I have removed all old libraries and tried to have as clean an 
installation as possible, but this did not fix the problem.

Is this an incompatibility or a problem with my installation?

Thanks for your help


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[R] Keep factor order in lmer

2016-02-03 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus
I would like to keep a specific order of fixed effects in a model passed 
to lmer. In particular, I would like to prevent that interactions are 
automatically moved after all main effects.

In aov and lme, this is possible with terms(..., keep.order=TRUE). 
Unfortunately, I have not found a way to achieve this behaviour in lmer.

Here is an example that illustrates the problem:

d <- data.frame(

d$y <- rnorm(nrow(d))

## example using aov, with intended output

summary(aov(terms(y~A*B+C,keep.order = TRUE),data=d))

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
A1  0.831  0.8308   0.832  0.370
B1  0.356  0.3557   0.356  0.556
A:B  1  0.103  0.1035   0.104  0.750
C1  0.992  0.9919   0.993  0.328
Residuals   27 26.970  0.9989

## works also in lme


## but how do I achieve this in lmer?


Of course, I could recode the interactions into new single factors, but 
that seems rather cumbersome.

Thanks for your help


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[R] Rcpp module / class access -- answer

2015-03-03 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Hi all,

I am trying to answer my own question (although it probably does not end 
up in the thread because I am not a subscribed and thus have to send a 
new mail).

The way I finally got the code working was:

In NAMESPACE, comment out the following lines

# importFrom(Rcpp, loadModule)
# importFrom(Rcpp, evalCpp)

In zzz.R:

# loadModule(mod_yada,TRUE);

.pkgNamespace - environment()

.onLoad - function(libname, pkgname) {

The object generation then works as expected in the S4 class code.

Not sure whether this is the best way to achieve this, though.


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[R] Rcpp module / class access

2015-03-03 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear all,

I am struggling accessing a class created in an Rcpp module.

The structure of the package is essentially the one created using:


Now, after loadiong the package with library(testPackage), I can create 
instances of the World class as follows:

w - new(mod_yada$World);

So far so good.

However, I fail defining a S4 wrapper class within the same package. As 
part of that, I would like to define a generator function that returns 
an instance of mod_yada$World, as in the code above:

However, yada$World is not accessible.

I then tried inserting the following line in the respective R file 
(although I thought this was already taken care by the 
loadModule(yada, TRUE) that was places in zzz.R by the skeleton 


But again, this fails with:

 Failed to initialize module pointer: Error in 
FUN(_rcpp_module_boot_mod_yada[[1L]], ...): no such symbol 
_rcpp_module_boot_mod_yada in package testPackage

Putting this file after zzz.R in the Collate: list in the DESCRIPTION 
file also does not help.

How can I define this in the Rcpp package itself?

Thanks for any hint

Pascal Niklaus

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[R] Coordinate or top left corner + offset

2015-02-09 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear all,

I am struggling to add annotations to panels of a series of plots 
arranged on a page.

Basically, I'd like to add letters enumerating the panels 
(a,b,c,...), at a fixed distance from the top left corner of the 
plot's box.

I succeeded partly with mtext (see below), but the at option is in 
user coordinates, which makes is difficult to specify a given offset 
from the corner (e.g. 1cm from top and left).

I tried grid's npc but these coordinates refer to the entire plot 
instead of the current inner plotting region.

Phrased differently, I'd like to place text (and ideally also be able to 
plot, e.g. a white disc to cover background items) at position 

Here is a minimum working example illustrating what I try to achieve:


m - rbind( c(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.6),






Thanks for your help

Pascal Niklaus

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[R] lme model specification problem (Error in MEEM...)

2012-01-06 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear all,

In lme, models in which a factor is fully contained in another lead to 
an error. This is not the case when using lm/aov.

I understand that these factors are aliased, but believe that such 
models make sense when the factors are fitted sequentially. For example, 
I sometimes fit a factor first as linear term (continuous variable with 
discrete levels, e.g. 1,2,4,6), and then as factor, with the latter then 
accounting for the deviation from linearity.

If x contains the values 1,2,4,6, the model formula then would be y ~ x 
+ as.factor(x)

A complete example is here:


d - data.frame(x=rep(c(1,2,4,6),each=2),subj=factor(rep(1:16,each=2)))
d$y - rnorm(32) + rnorm(length(levels(d$subj)))[d$subj]

anova(lme(y~x,random=~1|subj,data=d))   ## works
anova(lme(y~as.factor(x),random=~1|subj,data=d))## works

anova(lme(y~x+as.factor(x),random=~1|subj,data=d))  ## fails:
# Error in MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) :
#  Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1

summary(aov(y~x+as.factor(x)+Error(subj),data=d))   ## works:

# Error: subj
#  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(F)
# x 1  8.434   8.434   4.780 0.0493 *
# as.factor(x)  2 10.459   5.230   2.964 0.0900 .
# Residuals12 21.176   1.765
# ... rest of output removed ...

I understand I can to some extent work around this limitation by 
modifying the contrast encoding, but I then still don't get an overall 
test for as.factor(x) (in the example above, a test for deviation from 

d$xfac - factor(d$x)

Is there a way to work around this limitation of lme? Or do I 
mis-specify the model? Thanks for your advice.


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[R] nlrob problem

2011-12-19 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear all,

I am not sure if this mail is for R-help or should be sent to R-devel 
instead, and therefore post to both.

While using nlrob from package 'robustbase', I ran into the following 

For psi-functions that can become zero (e.g. psi.bisquare), weights in 
the internal call to nls can become zero. Example:

  d - data.frame(x=1:5,y=c(2,3,5,10,9))
  d.nlrob - nlrob(y ~ k*x,start=list(k=1),data=d,psi=psi.bisquare)

I think the problem is as follows: After the call to nls, a weighted 
residual vector is calculated by dividing by sqrt(w). This generates 
NaN's for weights of zero, which leads to problems in the subsequent 
call to nls during the next iteration:

for (iiter in 1:maxit) {
w - psi(resid/Scale, ...)
data$w - sqrt(w)
out - nls( ., data=data ... )
resid - -residuals(out)/sqrt(w)   # NaN for w=0

I wonder whether this problem shouldn't be dealt with by setting 'w' to 
0 for the NaN cases.

I can get a fit by calling nlrob with na.action=na.exclude, but I'd have 
intuitively assumed that na.action applies to the NAs in the data set 
passed to nlrob, not to the one internally generated by nlrob and passed 
to nls.

The second 'issue' is that the weights are passed as 'w', whereas the 
documentation of 'nls' says weights should be given as 'weights' :

   data: an optional data frame in which to evaluate the variables in
  ‘formula’ and ‘weights’.  Can also be a list or an
  environment, but not a matrix.

I think it would be good to mention in the documentation of 'nls' that 
weights can be passed as 'w' as well.

Pascal Niklaus

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[R] rpanel

2011-10-11 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear all,

I am struggling to align textentry fields in a Tcl/Tk widget. In the 
example below, I'd like to have the boxes aligned.

panel - rp.control(title=title,size=c(100,100))

rp.textentry(panel,var=a,labels=Variable A,
rp.textentry(panel,var=b,labels=Var. B,
 initval=1,pos= list(row=1,column=0))

Thanks for your help



Pascal A. Niklaus
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich / Switzerland

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] modify ... (optional args)

2011-10-07 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Hi all,

Is there a way to modify the optional arguments (...) passed to a 
function, so that these can be passed in modified form to a subsequent 
function call? I checked Programming with Data but could not find a 
solution there.

What I'd like is something along these lines:

test - function(x,y,...) {
  if(!hasArg(xlab)) { ___add xlab to ...___ }
  if(hasArg(xlab)) { ___remove xlab from ...___ }  # alternative


Of course, I could use separate calls, like

if(hasArg(xlab)) plot(x,y,...) else plot(x,y,xlab=label,...)

but this gets complicated if there is more than one such case to consider.




Pascal A. Niklaus
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich / Switzerland

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] undefined slot classes in package code

2011-10-06 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear all,

I am facing a problem (warning message) when building a package that I 
am unable to fix:

* checking whether package ‘myRcppTest’ can be installed ... WARNING
Found the following significant warnings:
  Warning: undefined slot classes in definition of S4test: 
Rcpptest(class Rcpp_test)

The package (originally generated with Rcpp.package.skeleton) contains a 
class named test, in module test (see the *.cpp file below). This 
class works fine (I can generate and use objects created with 

To extend the functionality of this class, I want to wrap a S4 class 
(named S4test in the minimal example below) around the Rcpp class. The 
idea is to store an instance of the Rcpp-class in a slot (see R file 
below), and provide S4 methods that make use of this internal object.

The problem seems to be that during the check/install process 
test$test is not known when this file is processed. However, I could 
not figure out so far how to make test$test known within the context 
of this file...

Thanks for your help


--- cpp file 

#include Rcpp.h
using namespace Rcpp ;

.field(value, test::val)

test::test() {}
test::~test() {}

-- R file -


  definition=function(.Object) {
 .Object@Rcpptest - new(test$test);

newS4test - function()

- zzz.R -

.NAMESPACE - environment()
test - new( Module )

.onLoad - function(libname, pkgname)
  unlockBinding( test , .NAMESPACE )
  assign( test,  Module( test ), .NAMESPACE )
  lockBinding( test, .NAMESPACE )

.onAttach - function(libname, pkgname) {}
.onUnload - function(libname, pkgname) {}


import( Rcpp )


Pascal A. Niklaus
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
CH-8057 Zurich / Switzerland

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Problem with setMethod in R package

2011-01-26 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear all,

My apologies for re-posting this question, but I have not found any 
solution to my problem so far. I also think that my post may have been 
overseen due to the posting time and high traffic on this list.

I experience a problem in implementing a S4 class in a package and would 
appreciate your help in this matter.

The class is implemented using Rcpp, which works well. I then extend the 
class with R functions, adding them as methods with a call to 
setMethod(...). When I do this outside the package (after loading the 
package with library(...)), everything works smoothly. However, when I 
try to incorporate the call to setMethod(...) in the package code 
itself, the only way I get it to work is to include the call in 
.onLoad(...) or .onAttach(...). This works, but when loading the library 
I get the messages creating new generic function for plot in 
.GlobalEnv, as well as no definition for class Rcpp_rothC...

Again, the code works, but the messages let me presume that I add the 
methods in the wrong way or miss-specify name spaces, class names, or 
something else.

Thank you for your advice.


(The error message and the relevant parts of the package files are 
pasted below, together with my related questions as comments.)


Function plot:
 not a generic function  # I am surprised about this --
   # why isn't plot a generic function?


Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: pascal
Creating a new generic function for plot in .GlobalEnv
in method for ‘plot’ with signature ‘x=Rcpp_rothC,y=missing’: no 
definition for class Rcpp_rothC

   # class seems not to be known
   # at this stage.
   # but where should I put setMethod()?

r1 - new(rothC$rothC);
class(r1)# class is known by now

[1] Rcpp_rothC
[1] .GlobalEnv

plot(r1) # plot is dispatched correctly


Function: plot (package graphics) # now plot from graphics shows up
x=ANY, y=ANY  # why was it missing before?
x=Rcpp_rothC, y=missing

# FILE rcpp_rothC_module.h #

class rothC { ... }

# FILE rcpp_rothC_module.cpp #

using namespace Rcpp ;


# FILE rcpp_rothC.R #

Rcpp_rothC.plot - function(x,y,...) { ... }

## FILE zzz.R ##

.NAMESPACE - environment()

rothC - new( Module )

.onLoad - function(libname, pkgname) {
  unlockBinding( rothC , .NAMESPACE )
  assign( rothC,  Module( rothC ), .NAMESPACE )

  lockBinding( rothC, .NAMESPACE )

.onAttach - function(libname, pkgname) {}

.onUnload - function(libname, pkgname) { gc(); }

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] setMethod call in package code using Rcpp

2011-01-23 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus

Dear all,

I experience a problem in implementing a S4 class in a package and would 
appreciate your help in this matter.

The class is implemented using Rcpp, which works well. I then extend the 
class with R functions, adding them as methods with a call to 
setMethod(...). When I do this outside the package (after loading the 
package with library(...)), everything works smoothly. However, when I 
try to incorporate the call to setMethod(...) in the package code 
itself, the only way I get it to work is to include the call in 
.onLoad(...) or .onAttach(...). This works, but when loading the library 
I get the messages creating new generic function for plot in 
.GlobalEnv, as well as no definition for class Rcpp_rothC...

Again, the code works, but the messages let me presume that I add the 
methods in the wrong way or miss-specify name spaces, class names, or 
something else.

Thank you for your advice.


(The error message and the relevant parts of the package files are 
pasted below, together with my related questions as comments.)

Function plot:
 not a generic function  # I am surprised about this --
   # why isn't plot a generic function?

Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: pascal
Creating a new generic function for plot in .GlobalEnv
in method for ‘plot’ with signature ‘x=Rcpp_rothC,y=missing’: no 
definition for class Rcpp_rothC

   # class seems not to be known
   # at this stage.
   # but where should I put setMethod()?
 r1 - new(rothC$rothC);
 class(r1)# class is known by now
[1] Rcpp_rothC
[1] .GlobalEnv
 plot(r1) # plot is dispatched correctly

Function: plot (package graphics) # now plot from graphics shows up
x=ANY, y=ANY  # why was it missing before?
x=Rcpp_rothC, y=missing

# FILE rcpp_rothC_module.h #

class rothC { ... }

# FILE rcpp_rothC_module.cpp #

using namespace Rcpp ;


# FILE rcpp_rothC.R #

Rcpp_rothC.plot - function(x,y,...) { ... }

## FILE zzz.R ##

.NAMESPACE - environment()

rothC - new( Module )

.onLoad - function(libname, pkgname) {
  unlockBinding( rothC , .NAMESPACE )
  assign( rothC,  Module( rothC ), .NAMESPACE )

  lockBinding( rothC, .NAMESPACE )

.onAttach - function(libname, pkgname) {}

.onUnload - function(libname, pkgname) { gc(); }

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] NA and NaN question

2009-01-07 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus
Hi all,

I ran into a problem in some of my code that could be traced back to 'mean' 
sometimes returning NA and sometimes NaN, depending on the value of na.rm:

[1] NA

[1] NaN

However, I don't understand the reasoning behind this and would appreciate and 

I understand that the mean of an empty vector is not definied, but I don't 
understand why it matters whether the vector was empty from the beginning or 
only after removing the NAs.

Pascal Niklaus

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] NA and NaN question

2009-01-07 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus
Thanks, now I understand what's happening. Maybe a line explaining this could 
be added to the help text for mean?

Pascal Niklaus

On Wed 07-Jan-2009 13:29:25 Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 Pascal A. Niklaus wrote:
  Hi all,
  I ran into a problem in some of my code that could be traced back to
  sometimes returning NA and sometimes NaN, depending on the value of na.rm:
  [1] NA
  [1] NaN
  However, I don't understand the reasoning behind this and would
  appreciate and explanation.
  I understand that the mean of an empty vector is not definied,

 Not so, it is well-defined as 0/0 = NaN.

  but I don't
  understand why it matters whether the vector was empty from the beginning

 You didn't try that case:  mean(numeric(0)) is also NaN.  The issue is that


 [1] NULL

 is not numeric (not evan a vector), and so mean() of it is undefined.

   or only after removing the NAs.

 Speculation (and wrong).

  Pascal Niklaus
  R-help@r-project.org mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide
  http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented,
  minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] xyplot problem

2008-09-23 Thread Pascal A. Niklaus
Hi all,

I am trying to produce some panels with dots in an X/Y plane where the 
diameter of the dots indicates a Z value (like e.g. earthquake maps where dot 
sizes indicate magnitudes and X/Y the location).

This works fine with xyplot, e.g.:


However, when I do this with a panel variable, e.g.:

y - rep(1:3,5)
sz - rep(1:5,each=3)
grp - factor(rep(1:5,each=3))
xyplot(y~x | grp , cex=sz)

then sz in the cex argument is not applied per group as I would expect. Same 
for other arguments like col.

Is this really the intended behaviour? 

How can I achieve what I want, i.e., that the cex argument is different for 
the different levels of grp?

Thank you for your help

Pascal Niklaus

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.