Re: [R] te( ) interactions and AIC model selection with GAM

2012-08-02 Thread Ricardogg

- About the visualization, my question is more about interpretation. In the
case of  :

 model_name - gam ( bm  ~ t + te (t_year, temp_W, temp_sept, k = 5, bs = c(
“cc”,”cr”,”cr”)), data = data) 

* a)* vis.gam (model_name , view= c(“t_year”, “temp_W”))

*b)* vis.gam (model_name , view= c(“t_year”, “temp_sept”))

I imagine that what we see in a) is the effect on t_year by temp_W but  this
effect is also affected by temp-sept right? In other words, is what we see
the effect of temp_W on  t_year considering the other element of the model
which is temp-sept?

- About AIC model selection, my question is more focus on whether it is
necessary to use the same  the same type of smoother ( e.g te) and the same
dimension of the basis (k) for different model comparison...that is, if I
have a complex model in my list of models that I want to compare like:

gam ( bm ~ t + te (t_year, temp_W, temp_sept, k = 5, bs = c(
“cc”,”cr”,”cr”)), data = data) 

should I always use as type smoother te () instead of using s ( ) and always
fix the k as k = 5?? Here the maximum k I can put is k = 5.

for example, let's say I have another simpler model in my list of models I
want to compare in which I want to check the relationship between bm and t. 
Can I write it like /gam (bm ~ s(t, k = 13, bs = “cr”), data = data) /? Or I
have to write like/ gam (bm ~ te (t, k = 5, bs = “cr”), data = data)/ to do
the comparison in the same conditions for all the models?

Thank you very much for your response Simon,

Best regards,


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Re: [R] te( ) interactions and AIC model selection with GAM

2012-08-02 Thread Ricardogg

- About the first question, I was not sure about what was the proper model (
a) or b) )  because I saw this  at the end of the help for te --- ?te :

n - 500
v - runif(n);w-runif(n);u-runif(n)
f - test2(u,v,w)
y - f + rnorm(n)*0.2
# tensor product of 2D thin plate regression spline and 1D cr spline
b - gam(y~te(v,w,u,k=c(30,5),d=c(2,1),bs=c(tp,cr)))
op - par(mfrow=c(2,2))

But maybe is because of the *tp* basis, and I use a *cc* one. Could be due
to this?

- About the visualization, my question is more about interpretation. In the
case of  : 

 model_name - gam ( bm  ~ t + te (t_year, temp_W, temp_sept, k = 5, bs = c(
“cc”,”cr”,”cr”)), data = data) 

* a)* vis.gam (model_name , view= c(“t_year”, “temp_W”)) 

*b) *vis.gam (model_name , view= c(“t_year”, “temp_sept”)) 

I imagine that what we see in a) is the effect on t_year by temp_W but  this
effect is also affected by temp-sept right? In other words, is what we see
the effect of temp_W on  t_year considering the other element of the model
which is temp-sept? 

- About AIC model selection, my question is more focus on whether it is
necessary to use the same  type of smoother ( e.g te) and the same dimension
of the basis (k) for different model comparison...that is, if I have a
complex model in my list of models that I want to compare like: 

gam ( bm ~ t + te (t_year, temp_W, temp_sept, k = 5, bs = c(
“cc”,”cr”,”cr”)), data = data) 

should I always use as type smoother te () instead of using s ( ) and always
fix the k as k = 5?? Here the maximum k I can put is k = 5. 

for example, let's say I have another simpler model in my list of models I
want to compare in which I want to check the relationship between bm and t. 
Can I write it like /gam (bm ~ s(t, k = 13, bs = “cr”), data = data)/ ? Or I
have to write like /gam (bm ~ te (t, k = 5, bs = “cr”), data = data) /to do
the comparison in the same conditions for all the models? 

Thank you very much for your response Simon, 

Best regards, 


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Re: [R] how to calculate seasonal mean for temperatures

2012-08-01 Thread Ricardogg

Here is my approximation:

# Creation of the temporal variables

DF$year - as.numeric(format(DF$date, format = %Y))
DF$month - as.numeric(format(DF$date, format = %m))

# For years with data from 2006 to 2008

DF_type1 - DF [ - which (year == 2006  month ==1 | year == 2006  month ==
2 | year == 2008  month == 12), ]

# For years with data from 2007 to 2011

DF_type2 - DF [ - which (year == 2007  month ==1 | year == 2007  month ==
2 | year == 2011  month == 12), ]

# Including the Season as a factor

DF$season - factor ( with ( ifelse (( month == 1 | nonth == 2 | month == 3
), Win, 
 ifelse ((month == 4 | nonth == 5 | month == 6 ) 
, Spr,

ifelse ((month == 6 | nonth == 7 | month == 8 )  , Sum, Aut)

# To get the mean per year and season

library (plyr)

ddply ( DF, . (year, season), summarize, mean_season = mean (data))

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Re: [R] how to calculate seasonal mean for temperatures

2012-08-01 Thread Ricardogg
You're totally right Jeff. My mistake!  to use with, we write it like this:

DF$season - factor ( with ( *DF*,  ifelse (( month == 12 | nonth == 1 |
month == 2 ), Win, 
 ifelse ((month == 3 | nonth == 4 | month == 5 ) 
, Spr, 

ifelse ((month == 6 | nonth == 7 | month == 8 )  , Sum, Aut) 

I'm glad it was useful for you,



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Re: [R] do not know how to convert 'mydata[1]' to class Date

2012-08-01 Thread Ricardogg
For me it owrks when i write it like:

as.Date(paste(mydata$Delivery.Date), %m/%d/%Y) 

Hope it works,



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[R] te( ) interactions and AIC model selection with GAM

2012-07-30 Thread Ricardogg
Hello R users,

I'm working with a time-series of several years and to analyze it, I’m using
GAM smoothers from the package mgcv. I’m constructing models where
zooplankton biomass (bm) is the dependent variable and the continuous
explanatory variables are:
-time in Julian days (t), to creat a long-term linear trend
-Julian days of the year (t_year) to create an annual cycle 
- Mean temperature of Winter (temp_W), Temperature of September (temp_sept)
or Chla.
1) To introduce a tensor product modifying the annual cycle in my model, I
tried 2 different approaches:
- a) gam ( bm ~ t + te (t_year, temp_W, temp_sept, k = c( 5,30), d= ( 1,2),
bs = c( “cc”,”cr”)), data = data)
-b) gam ( bm ~ t + te (t_year, temp_W, temp_sept, k = 5, bs = c(
“cc”,”cr”,”cr”)), data = data)
Here is my problem: when I’m using just 2 variables (e.g., t_year and
temp_W) for the tensor product, I can understand pretty well how the
interpolation works and visualize it with vis.gam() as a 3d plot or a
contour one. But with 3 variables is difficult to me to understand how it
works. Besides, I don’t which one is the proper way to construct it, a) or
b). Finally, when I plot a) or b) as vis.gam (model_name , view= c(“t_year”,
“temp_W”)), How should I interpret the plot? The effect of temp_W on the
annual cycle after considering already the effect of temp_sept or just the
individual effect of Temp_W on the annual cycle?
2) I’m trying to do a model selection using AIC criteria. I have several
questions about it:
- Should I use always the same type of smoothing basis (bs), the same type
of smoother ( e.g te) and the same dimension of the basis (k)? Example:
Option 1:
a) mod1 - gam (bm ~ t, data = data)
b) mod2 - gam (bm ~ te (t, k = 5, bs = “cr”), data = data)
c) mod3 - gam (bm ~ te (t_year, k = 5, bs = “cc”), data = data)
d) mod4 - gam (bm ~ te (t_year, temp_W, k = 5, bs = c(“cc”,”cr”)), data =
e) mod5 - gam (bm ~ te (t_year, temp_W, temp_sept, k = 5, bs =
c(“cc”,”cr”,”cr”)), data = data).
Here the limitation for k = 5, is due to mod5, I don’t use s () because in
mod4 and mod5 te () is used and finally, I always use “cr” and “cc”.
Option 2: 
a) mod1 - gam (bm ~ t, data = data)
b) mod2 - gam (bm ~ s (t, k = 13, bs = “cr”), data = data)
c) mod3 - gam (bm ~ s (t_year, k = 13, bs = “cc”), data = data)
d) mod4 - gam (bm ~ te (t_year, temp_W, k = 11, bs = c(“cc”,”cr”)), data =
e) mod5 - gam (bm ~ te (t_year, temp_W, temp_sept, k = 5, bs =
c(“cc”,”cr”,”cr”)), data = data).
I can get lower AIC for each of the models with Option 2, but are they
comparable when I use AIC criteria? Is it therefore the proper way to do it
as in Option 1? AIC (mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, mod5).

Thank you in advance,
Best regards,
Ricardo González-Gil

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