Re: [R] write data using xlsReadWrite

2012-05-22 Thread diyanah
Hi Ive come up with this code to read my file, but receive an error that I ve
no idea how to fix. can some one help.

> read<-read.xlsx("D:\\FYP\\image\\Cropped
> Images\\user227\\user227forger.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1", rowIndex="1",
> colIndex="varLH2y", colClasses="character", row.names=TRUE)
>Error in colIndex - 1 : non-numeric argument to binary operator

here is an example of my data in .xlsx

  varLH2x  varLH2y varHH2x  varHH2y
varLL2yvarHL2x varHL2y
1   4967.552716 12278.95794 679.3101705 254.2841431 
4480777.986 3792655.605
2149.541058 827.9458738
2   5629.682598 8439.341331 812.4770397 326.7078909 
6257926.174 4259659.878
1959.730324 1396.045697
3   5358.412977 8522.830297 967.7044858 420.9888243 
6189762.401 3684682.244
3483.700887 1293.746943

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Re: [R] write data using xlsReadWrite

2012-05-16 Thread diyanah
Hai, I have change it to these, but error and I couldn't fix it. Do you have
any idea why?

file <- system.file("D:\\FYP\\image\\Cropped Images\\user61",
"forgerUser61.xlsx", package = "xlsx")
wb <- loadWorkbook("forgerUser61.xlsx")
sheets <- getSheets(wb)
sheet <- sheets[["all"]]
res <- readRows(sheet, startRow=4, endRow=5, startColumn=2, endColumn=3)

>Error in readRows(sheet, startRow = 4, endRow = 5, startColumn = 2,
endColumn = 3) : 
>attempt to apply non-function

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Re: [R] write data using xlsReadWrite

2012-05-15 Thread diyanah
I use these codes to read my data from the above data that I create, but how
can I get rid of the first V1, because it is row number, not one of my data
Second, how can I read row 1 and only column 1 (V2 value for example).

setwd("D:\\FYP\\image\\Cropped Images\\user61")

> V1  V2 V3 V4 V5   
> V6 V7 V8 V9
>1  1 1859.935 12068.61 281.5818 283.75 3330043 3495302 7557.209
> 1887.269 

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Re: [R] write data using xlsReadWrite

2012-05-15 Thread diyanah
Thank you,

I came up with these. Problem solve.

varValue <- data.frame(varLH2x, varLH2y, varHH2x, varHH2y, varLL2x, varLL2y,
varHL2x, varHL2y)
res<-write.xlsx(varValue, "D:\\FYP\\image\\Cropped
Images\\user61\\genuineUser61temp.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1",col.names=TRUE,
row.names=TRUE, append=FALSE)

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[R] write data using xlsReadWrite

2012-05-12 Thread diyanah
Hai, I'm trying to write these var output data from these codes inside excel
file. My directory to store the data is 
/D:\FYP\image /
but receive an error message :

/Error in write.xls(mydata, "D:\\FYP\\image.mydata.xls") : 
  object 'mydata' not found/

these are my codes, can you help give an advice or idea with my problem:

x <- readTiff("D:\\FYP\\image\\SignatureImage\\user186g1.tif")
y <- imgBlockMedianFilter(x, 5)
#Plot image
y.modwt <- modwt.2d(y, "la8", 2)
## Level 2 decomposition
par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s")
##Plot wavelets
image(y.modwt$LH2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="LH2")
image(y.modwt$HH2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HH2")
image(y.modwt$LL2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="LL2")
image(y.modwt$HL2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HL2")
##Get the dimension
dimLH2 <- dim(y.modwt$LH2)
dimLH2x <- dimLH2[1]
dimLH2y <- dimLH2[2]
varLH2xlist <- c(rep(0, dimLH2x))
varLH2ylist <- c(rep(0, dimLH2y))
##Loop to get variance from x axis
for(i in seq(dimLH2x)){
varLH2xlist[i] <- var(y.modwt$LH2[i,])
##Get the variance from the overall x variance
varLH2x <- var(varLH2xlist)
##Loop to get variance from y axis
for(i in seq(dimLH2y)){
varLH2ylist[i] <- var(y.modwt$LH2[,i])
##Get the variance from the overall y variance
varLH2y <- var(varLH2ylist)
##Get the dimension
dimHH2 <- dim(y.modwt$HH2)
dimHH2x <- dimHH2[1]
dimHH2y <- dimHH2[2]
varHH2xlist <- c(rep(0, dimHH2x))
varHH2ylist <- c(rep(0, dimHH2y))
##Loop to get variance from x axis
for(i in seq(dimHH2x)){
varHH2xlist[i] <- var(y.modwt$HH2[i,])
##Get the variance from the overall x variance
varHH2x <- var(varHH2xlist)
##Loop to get variance from y axis
for(i in seq(dimHH2y)){
varHH2ylist[i] <- var(y.modwt$HH2[,i])
##Get the variance from the overall y variance
varHH2y <- var(varHH2ylist)
##Get the dimension
dimLL2 <- dim(y.modwt$LL2)
dimLL2x <- dimLL2[1]
dimLL2y <- dimLL2[2]
varLL2xlist <- c(rep(0, dimLL2x))
varLL2ylist <- c(rep(0, dimLL2y))
##Loop to get variance from x axis
for(i in seq(dimLL2x)){
varLL2xlist[i] <- var(y.modwt$LL2[i,])
##Get the variance from the overall x variance
varLL2x <- var(varLL2xlist)
##Loop to get variance from y axis
for(i in seq(dimLL2y)){
varLL2ylist[i] <- var(y.modwt$LL2[,i])
##Get the variance from the overall y variance
varLL2y <- var(varLL2ylist)
##Get the dimension
dimHL2 <- dim(y.modwt$HL2)
dimHL2x <- dimHL2[1]
dimHL2y <- dimHL2[2]
varHL2xlist <- c(rep(0, dimHL2x))
varHL2ylist <- c(rep(0, dimHL2y))
##Loop to get variance from x axis
for(i in seq(dimHL2x)){
varHL2xlist[i] <- var(y.modwt$HL2[i,])
##Get the variance from the overall x variance
varHL2x <- var(varHL2xlist)
##Loop to get variance from y axis
for(i in seq(dimHL2y)){
varHL2ylist[i] <- var(y.modwt$HL2[,i])
##Get the variance from the overall y variance
varHL2y <- var(varHL2ylist)
##write excel file
write.xls(mydata, "D:\\FYP\\image.mydata.xls")/

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Re: [R] Poblems wih EBImage

2012-02-24 Thread diyanah

I think my EBImage is succesfully unpacked using R and I receive this

package 'EBImage' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded packages are in

but when I try to call the library, I receive this 

> library("EBImage")
Loading required package: abind
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) : 
  unable to load shared object 'C:/Program
  LoadLibrary failure:  The specified module could not be found.

Error: package/namespace load failed for 'EBImage'

Do you have an explanation what went wrong?
Thank you

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Re: [R] Poblems wih EBImage

2011-10-28 Thread diyanah
Yes, I'm using windows. Thank you. I made some improvement, I think, but then
why did I receive this?

> utils:::menuInstallLocal()
package 'EBImage' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
> library("EBImage")
Error: package 'EBImage' was built before R 2.10.0: please re-install it

which one did I need to re-install? The EBImage or the R?
Thank you?

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Re: [R] Poblems wih EBImage

2011-10-27 Thread diyanah
Hai, can you help me. Why am I having this lines of errors? please help me.
thank you.

> library("EBImage")
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) : 
  unable to load shared object 'C:/Program
  LoadLibrary failure:  The specified module could not be found.

Error: package/namespace load failed for 'EBImage'

> lena = readImage(f)
Error: could not find function "readImage"

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