[R] calibration plot labels

2010-08-15 Thread paaventhan jeyaganth

Dear all,

when i do  the calibration plot, i put the x label   y label , there is

some labels are i did not put it , like  resample optimism added ...  i 

want to get rid of the these label , is any body know how can i get rid of 
these label.


these are the following command i used

cal - calibrate(f, u=12, method=c(boot), B=100,m=70, data=a1) 

plot(cal,xlab=Predicted Survival, ylab=Actual Survival)




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[R] c-statiscs 95% CI for cox regression model

2010-07-24 Thread paaventhan jeyaganth

Dear all, 
how can i do the calculate the  C-statistics
95% confidences interval for the cox regression model.
 Thanks very much for your any help.
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[R] competing risk analysis

2010-04-29 Thread paaventhan jeyaganth


Deart All,

I am doing competing risk analysis, I am tring store the estimate value in bbb

but it gives error, it's anybody knows how to store in estimated value.




  xx - cuminc(wkdt$fu.year, wkdt$status)

bbb - cuminc.est(xx,F)

Error in cuminc.est: Argument number 2 not matched: cuminc.est(xx, F)


[1] Competing-OtrMrt: 38/171 patients
   estimated lower(95%) upper(95%) 
 0  0.00   0.00   0.00
 1  5.65   2.05   9.25
 2  6.39   2.53  10.25
 3  7.23   3.07  11.39
 4 12.04   6.32  17.75
 5 18.53  11.23  25.83
 6 22.39  14.21  30.58
 7 26.87  17.69  36.05
 8 33.08  22.27  43.89
 9 41.92  29.47  54.38
10 41.92  29.47  54.38
11 41.92  29.47  54.38
12 45.61  31.90  59.31
13 49.58  34.70  64.45

[1] Competing-CssMrt: 3/171 patients
   estimated lower(95%) upper(95%) 
 0  0.00   0.00   0.00
 1  0.00   0.00   0.00
 2  1.48  -0.56   3.53
 3  1.48  -0.56   3.53
 4  1.48  -0.56   3.53
 5  1.48  -0.56   3.53
 6  2.80  -0.48   6.07
 7  2.80  -0.48   6.07
 8  2.80  -0.48   6.07
 9  2.80  -0.48   6.07
10  2.80  -0.48   6.07
11  2.80  -0.48   6.07
12  2.80  -0.48   6.07
13  2.80  -0.48   6.07


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[R] Brier's score for bootstrap sample (coxph)

2010-04-09 Thread paaventhan jeyaganth

Dear all,

How can i get brier's score for the bootsrap sample for survival analysis.

this are the code i am using for the validation.


f1 - cph(Surv(time,dead ) ~ strata(x1)+strata(x2)+strata(x3), 
x=TRUE, y=TRUE, surv=TRUE, time.inc=12, data=new)







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[R] bagging survival tree

2010-04-01 Thread paaventhan jeyaganth

Dear R users,

I have problem with bagging survial tree after finding the final tree.

f-rpart(Surv(time ,dead )~ x1 +x2+ x3+x4+x5+x6, data=crp)
# final tree i have 3 endnote including 
#the variable x3 and x4

how can i use the bagging code i use 
like this but it did not work
bagging(f_cp, nbagg=25, data=crp) 
sbundle - list(list(model = coxph, predict = predict))
errorest(Surv(time ,dead )~x1 +x2+ x3+x4+x5+x6, data=crp, model = bagging, 
nbagg = 100, 
comb = sbundle, control = rpart.control(minsplit = 2, xval = 0, cp 
= 0.03670131 ))


Thanks very much

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[R] removing text form the graph(outer region)

2010-03-24 Thread paaventhan jeyaganth

 Dear R communities,

when i do a calibration plot i have text inside the graph bottom  left and 
right (outer region)

saying x resampling  added B=200, i want to get rid of this texts please advise 

how can i do it  


Thanks very much


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[R] remove text from the calibration plot

2010-03-12 Thread paaventhan jeyaganth

 Dear all,

how can i get rid of the text in the calibration plot below the x-axis.



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[R] Cox Calibration regression test double graphs

2010-03-09 Thread paaventhan jeyaganth

Dear All,

How can i do the bootstrap and calibration plot after surival analysis

, i don't know how to do it after that please help me.


here is my syntex


mfit - survfit(Surv(days, status == 1)~drug, data = melanom)


#how can i do the bootstra

#Cox Calibration regression test

#and the calibration plot




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[R] regression tree for censored data

2010-02-23 Thread paaventhan jeyaganth

Dear r-users,
i am developing regression tree for censored data,
I have difficulty purning the tree, 
I choose the smallest of the cp , minimizing the predictive error (xerror)
but this is not enough, i still have big tree.
if anybody know about he pruning 

Technique, could you please sent the r syntex aswell
Many thanks


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