Dear R and hydrological community,

The first public (beta) release of two new R packages are now available
on CRAN:

# hydroTSM #

1) hydroTSM is a package for management and analysis of hydrological
time series:

hydroTSM includes S3 functions for management, analysis, interpolation
and plot of hydrological time series, mainly oriented to hydrological
modelling tasks. So far, it only works with daily / monthly / seasonal /
annual time series.

The focus of this package has been put in providing a collection of
functions useful for the daily work of hydrologists, and although an
effort was made to optimise each function as much as possible,
functionality has had priority over speed.

# hydroGOF #

2) hydroGOF is a package for comparison of simulated and observed
hydrological time series:

hydroGOF includes S3 functions implementing both statistical and
graphical goodness-of-fit measures between observed and simulated
values, mainly oriented to be used during the calibration, validation,
and application of hydrological models. 

Missing values in observed and/or simulated values can be removed before

# Installation #

*) From the R console:
> # Required packages:
> install.packages(c("zoo", "gstat", "automap"))

> # Suggested packages:
> install.packages(c("sp", "maptools", "e1071", "rgdal"))

> # hydroTSM
> install.packages("hydroTSM")

> # hydroGOF
> install.packages("hydroGOF")

#    Links     #

# Beta Notice  #

hydroTSM and hydroGOF have been tested for more than a year, but its
development began in early 2008, during the Ph.D programme of the author
at the University of Trento. 
Both packages are reasonably stable, but they are currently flagged as
beta work, in order to get some feedback from a broader audience.

Bugs / comments / questions / collaboration of any kind are very
welcomed, and in particular, datasets that can be included in the
packages for academic purposes.

Kind regards,

Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini

Land Management and Natural Hazards Unit
Institute for Environment and Sustainability
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Linux user #454569 -- Ubuntu user #17469
"Learning is not attained by chance, 
it must be sought for with ardor and 
attended to with diligence."
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