Re: [R] 2SLS for panel data, re

2013-11-16 Thread Phdstudent2
Hi Millo Giovanni,

Thanks for your response.  In regards to my STATA code it would be:

xi:xtiverg wecon polrightsreversed lnrgdpch execleft mulim2 c100rat 
c1100rat i.year
(trade fdistockgdp = lnpop lnarea devcountrycomlanguage bitcum), re.

Any suggestions will help so much..

On Thursday, November 14, 2013 8:12:33 AM UTC-8, Phdstudent2 wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am trying to estimate a 2sls using panel data (random effect model). I 
> tried the same estimation in STATA using the ivtreg2 command. However 
> and R are giving me two different results. I figure there is something 
> with 
> my R code: 
> iv=plm(formula=wecon~fdistockgdp +trade + polrightsreversed +lnrgdpch + 
> execleft + muslim2+c100rat +c111rat +yeardum| polrightsreversed+lnrgdpch+ 
> execleft+muslim2+c100rat+c111rat+yeardum 
> +lnpop+lnarea+devcountrycomlanguage+bitcum, 
> data = women, index = c("country", "year"), random.method = c("swar"), 
> inst.method = c("bvk"), model="random") 
> summary(iv) 
> Coefficients : 
> Estimate Std. Error t-value  Pr(>|t|) 
> (Intercept)   -0.2258528  0.2951301 -0.7653 0.4441954 
> fdistockgdp   -0.0067207  0.0077315 -0.8693 0.3847993 
> trade  0.0068462  0.0023687  2.8903 0.0038863 ** 
> polrightsreversed  0.0092366  0.0106174  0.8699 0.3844229 
> lnrgdpch   0.1246679  0.0389043  3.2045 0.0013724 ** 
> execleft   0.1118046  0.0340817  3.2805 0.0010524 ** 
> muslim2   -0.0044742  0.0012433 -3.5986 0.0003270 *** 
> c100rat0.0226208  0.0595134  0.3801 0.7039114 
> c111rat0.0165951  0.0618339  0.2684 0.7884310 
> yeardum19820.1479947  0.0588824  2.5134 0.0120282 * 
> yeardum19830.1783255  0.0606153  2.9419 0.0032958 ** 
> yeardum19840.0344572  0.0597167  0.5770 0.5639907 
> yeardum19850.2206961  0.0610344  3.6159 0.0003060 *** 
> yeardum19860.2428015  0.0649779  3.7367 0.0001912 *** 
> yeardum19870.0489043  0.0615708  0.7943 0.4271186 
> yeardum19880.2243599  0.0605343  3.7063 0.0002155 *** 
> yeardum19890.2215060  0.0624042  3.5495 0.0003940 *** 
> yeardum19900.0688333  0.0607056  1.1339 0.2569648 
> yeardum19910.1370871  0.0638830  2.1459 0.0319892 * 
> yeardum19920.1851857  0.0630868  2.9354 0.0033655 ** 
> yeardum19930.0904620  0.0698526  1.2950 0.1954420 
> yeardum19940.1003735  0.0737431  1.3611 0.1736137 
> yeardum19950.1164818  0.0721240  1.6150 0.1064494 
> yeardum19960.0482520  0.0787232  0.6129 0.5399837 
> yeardum19970.1049161  0.0895001  1.1722 0.2412247 
> yeardum19980.2191887  0.1109757  1.9751 0.0483807 * 
> yeardum19990.1573342  0.1397150  1.1261 0.2602422 
> yeardum20000.1532796  0.1627206  0.9420 0.3463059 
> --- 
>  However STATA gives me 
> --- 
> wecon |  Coef.   Std. Err.  zP>|z| [95% Conf. 
> Interval] 
> --+- 
> --- 
> trade |   .0093915   .0027483 3.42   0.001  .004005 
> .014778 
>   fdistockgdp |  -.0169171   .0092405-1.83   0.067-.0350281 
> .0011938 
> polrightsreversed |   .0165855   .0119176 1.39   0.164-.0067726 
> .0399436 
>  lnrgdpch |   .1045675   .0431179 2.43   0.015 .0200579 
> .189077 
>  execleft |   .1373652   .0384442 3.57   0.000 .0620159 
> .2127145 
>   muslim2 |  -.0043645   .0013551-3.22   0.001-.0070205 
> -.0017085 
>   c100rat |   .0480539   .0657304 0.73   0.465-.0807752 
> .1768831 
>   c111rat |   .0170048   .0676272 0.25   0.801-.1155421 
> .1495516 
> Really would appreciate any help explaining why the results are so 
> different 
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> __ 
> mailing list 
> PLEASE do read the posting guide 
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. 
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
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[R] 2SLS for panel data, re

2013-11-15 Thread Millo Giovanni
Dear Chanita,

impossible to tell without a reproducible example. You do not even
include your Stata call.

Assuming you meant 'ivreg2' w/o "t", there are four rows of possible
arguments to it in the help page, but I don't seem to find any switch
for random effects. Are you sure you are not comparing a RE model with a
pooled one?

Best wishes,

Giovanni Millo, PhD
Research Dept.,
Assicurazioni Generali SpA
Via Machiavelli 3,
34132 Trieste (Italy)
tel. +39 040 671184
fax  +39 040 671160

-- original message --

Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 08:12:33 -0800
From: Chanita Holmes 
Subject: [R] 2SLS for panel data, re

Content-Type: text/plain


I am trying to estimate a 2sls using panel data (random effect model). I
tried the same estimation in STATA using the ivtreg2 command. However
and R are giving me two different results. I figure there is something
my R code:

iv=plm(formula=wecon~fdistockgdp +trade + polrightsreversed +lnrgdpch +
execleft + muslim2+c100rat +c111rat +yeardum|
data = women, index = c("country", "year"), random.method = c("swar"),
inst.method = c("bvk"), model="random")

Coefficients :
Estimate Std. Error t-value  Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   -0.2258528  0.2951301 -0.7653 0.4441954
fdistockgdp   -0.0067207  0.0077315 -0.8693 0.3847993
trade  0.0068462  0.0023687  2.8903 0.0038863 **
polrightsreversed  0.0092366  0.0106174  0.8699 0.3844229
lnrgdpch   0.1246679  0.0389043  3.2045 0.0013724 **
execleft   0.1118046  0.0340817  3.2805 0.0010524 **
muslim2   -0.0044742  0.0012433 -3.5986 0.0003270 ***
c100rat0.0226208  0.0595134  0.3801 0.7039114
c111rat0.0165951  0.0618339  0.2684 0.7884310
yeardum19820.1479947  0.0588824  2.5134 0.0120282 *
yeardum19830.1783255  0.0606153  2.9419 0.0032958 **
yeardum19840.0344572  0.0597167  0.5770 0.5639907
yeardum19850.2206961  0.0610344  3.6159 0.0003060 ***
yeardum19860.2428015  0.0649779  3.7367 0.0001912 ***
yeardum19870.0489043  0.0615708  0.7943 0.4271186
yeardum19880.2243599  0.0605343  3.7063 0.0002155 ***
yeardum19890.2215060  0.0624042  3.5495 0.0003940 ***
yeardum19900.0688333  0.0607056  1.1339 0.2569648
yeardum19910.1370871  0.0638830  2.1459 0.0319892 *
yeardum19920.1851857  0.0630868  2.9354 0.0033655 **
yeardum19930.0904620  0.0698526  1.2950 0.1954420
yeardum19940.1003735  0.0737431  1.3611 0.1736137
yeardum19950.1164818  0.0721240  1.6150 0.1064494
yeardum19960.0482520  0.0787232  0.6129 0.5399837
yeardum19970.1049161  0.0895001  1.1722 0.2412247
yeardum19980.2191887  0.1109757  1.9751 0.0483807 *
yeardum19990.1573342  0.1397150  1.1261 0.2602422
yeardum20000.1532796  0.1627206  0.9420 0.3463059
 However STATA gives me

wecon |  Coef.   Std. Err.  zP>|z| [95%
trade |   .0093915   .0027483 3.42   0.001  .004005
  fdistockgdp |  -.0169171   .0092405-1.83   0.067-.0350281
polrightsreversed |   .0165855   .0119176 1.39   0.164-.0067726
 lnrgdpch |   .1045675   .0431179 2.43   0.015 .0200579
 execleft |   .1373652   .0384442 3.57   0.000 .0620159
  muslim2 |  -.0043645   .0013551-3.22   0.001-.0070205
  c100rat |   .0480539   .0657304 0.73   0.465-.0807752
  c111rat |   .0170048   .0676272 0.25   0.801-.1155421

Really would appreciate any help explaining why the results are so

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[R] 2SLS for panel data, re

2013-11-14 Thread Chanita Holmes

I am trying to estimate a 2sls using panel data (random effect model). I
tried the same estimation in STATA using the ivtreg2 command. However STATA
and R are giving me two different results. I figure there is something with
my R code:

iv=plm(formula=wecon~fdistockgdp +trade + polrightsreversed +lnrgdpch +
execleft + muslim2+c100rat +c111rat +yeardum| polrightsreversed+lnrgdpch+
data = women, index = c("country", "year"), random.method = c("swar"),
inst.method = c("bvk"), model="random")

Coefficients :
Estimate Std. Error t-value  Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   -0.2258528  0.2951301 -0.7653 0.4441954
fdistockgdp   -0.0067207  0.0077315 -0.8693 0.3847993
trade  0.0068462  0.0023687  2.8903 0.0038863 **
polrightsreversed  0.0092366  0.0106174  0.8699 0.3844229
lnrgdpch   0.1246679  0.0389043  3.2045 0.0013724 **
execleft   0.1118046  0.0340817  3.2805 0.0010524 **
muslim2   -0.0044742  0.0012433 -3.5986 0.0003270 ***
c100rat0.0226208  0.0595134  0.3801 0.7039114
c111rat0.0165951  0.0618339  0.2684 0.7884310
yeardum19820.1479947  0.0588824  2.5134 0.0120282 *
yeardum19830.1783255  0.0606153  2.9419 0.0032958 **
yeardum19840.0344572  0.0597167  0.5770 0.5639907
yeardum19850.2206961  0.0610344  3.6159 0.0003060 ***
yeardum19860.2428015  0.0649779  3.7367 0.0001912 ***
yeardum19870.0489043  0.0615708  0.7943 0.4271186
yeardum19880.2243599  0.0605343  3.7063 0.0002155 ***
yeardum19890.2215060  0.0624042  3.5495 0.0003940 ***
yeardum19900.0688333  0.0607056  1.1339 0.2569648
yeardum19910.1370871  0.0638830  2.1459 0.0319892 *
yeardum19920.1851857  0.0630868  2.9354 0.0033655 **
yeardum19930.0904620  0.0698526  1.2950 0.1954420
yeardum19940.1003735  0.0737431  1.3611 0.1736137
yeardum19950.1164818  0.0721240  1.6150 0.1064494
yeardum19960.0482520  0.0787232  0.6129 0.5399837
yeardum19970.1049161  0.0895001  1.1722 0.2412247
yeardum19980.2191887  0.1109757  1.9751 0.0483807 *
yeardum19990.1573342  0.1397150  1.1261 0.2602422
yeardum20000.1532796  0.1627206  0.9420 0.3463059
 However STATA gives me

wecon |  Coef.   Std. Err.  zP>|z| [95% Conf.
trade |   .0093915   .0027483 3.42   0.001  .004005
  fdistockgdp |  -.0169171   .0092405-1.83   0.067-.0350281
polrightsreversed |   .0165855   .0119176 1.39   0.164-.0067726
 lnrgdpch |   .1045675   .0431179 2.43   0.015 .0200579
 execleft |   .1373652   .0384442 3.57   0.000 .0620159
  muslim2 |  -.0043645   .0013551-3.22   0.001-.0070205
  c100rat |   .0480539   .0657304 0.73   0.465-.0807752
  c111rat |   .0170048   .0676272 0.25   0.801-.1155421

Really would appreciate any help explaining why the results are so different

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