Re: [R] Matrix package,solve() errors and crashes Please help

2009-05-18 Thread Surendar Swaminathan
Hello Martin,

  Thank you very much for the reply. Thanks for solving the problem earlier
I was not aware of it.I did not receive any message and that is what made me
to post it again. Thank you once again.

I will let the person know about the solve(a,Matrix(b))

I still have this doubt.I still get the error message

*Error in solve(a, Matrix(b)) :
  cs_lu(A) failed: near-singular A (or out of memory)*

Am I doing any mistake.

I made changes to your program and tried still I got the above error. So, I
planned to stick to the program that you sent and still I get the same

simplify()ing graph.. [Ok]
d - get.adjacency(., sparse)  .. [Ok]
d - as(d, symmetricMatrix)  .. [Ok]
M - (id - exponent * d)   .. [Ok]
b - degree(graph,.)   .. [Ok]
solve(M, b).. Error in solve(a, Matrix(b)) :
  cs_lu(A) failed: near-singular A (or out of memory)
Is there anything I am missing from your program or something I should do
before running your program

Please help

Thanks in Advance

On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 7:31 AM, Martin Maechler

  SS == Surendar Swaminathan
  on Fri, 15 May 2009 15:55:23 -0700 writes:

 Hello All,

SS Please help me with this problem.I have been having this problem for
 over a
SS month now and I could not find any information.I later realised that
SS is with MATRIX package.


SS This is my graph object.
SS The file 'Bonacich Power.RData' (1.5 MB) is available for download


 and you have asked almost the idetnical question 4 weeks ago,
 and got a first answer, but then not a *real* answer.
 I'm sorry for that, since I had started answering you,
 and even more as I *did* solve the problem back then.. (April 22).

 more below ...

SS computer Configuration

SS *WIndows XP service Pack 3 .0 GB RAM*

SS I am using SPARSE matrix to solve the problem
SS This is the code I use to obtain bonpower using Sparse Matrix 
SS alternatively the code is in the following website


 I'm really appaled that R-recipes on such a website give
 such an unprofessional advice

 {the following is so grabled because of your (implicit)
  insistence on using HTML-ified e-mail .. }

SS *bonpow.sparse - function(graph, nodes=V(graph), loops=FALSE,
SS exponent=1, rescale=TRUE, tol=1e-07) {*
SS *  ## remove loops if requested
SS *
SS *  ## sparse adjacency matrix
SS d - get.adjacency(graph, sparse=TRUE)*
SS *  ## sparse identity matrix
SS id - spMatrix(vcount(graph), vcount(graph),
SS i=1:vcount(graph), j=1:vcount(graph),
SS x=rep(1, vcount(graph)))
SS id - as(id, dgCMatrix)*
SS *  ## solve it
   SS ev - solve(id - exponent * d, tol=tol) %*% degree(graph,
SS *  if (rescale) {
SS ev - ev/sum(ev)
SS } else {
SS ev - ev * sqrt(vcount(graph)/sum((ev)^2))
SS }*
SS *  ev[as.numeric(nodes) + 1]
SS }*
SS **
SS I realised that the error is in Matrix Package
SS *Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.3 Gb
SS In addition: Warning messages:
SS 1: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
SS Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
SS 2: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
SS Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
SS 3: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
SS Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
SS 4: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
SS Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)*
SS **
SS sessionInfo()
SS R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17)

 [ . ] {irrelevant here}

SS Please help Matrix Experts

 Well, I've marked the one line above

  ev - solve(id - exponent * d, tol=tol) %*% degree(graph, mode=all)*

 begin abusive language; excuse in advance ..
 which really contains stupid advice.
 Yes, this is strongly put, but I think people who tell you to

A x = b  (A [n x n] matrix)

 in R by  x - solve(A) %*% b
 should not give advice on programming at all.
 end abusive language

 One of the proper advices would use
 x - solve(A, b)

 and indeed that's even more crucial in the case where  A  is
 sparse matrix:  solve(A) is never sparse for sparse A (*),
 but   solve(A, b)  can happen with a fast (and memory-efficient)
 algorithm, and that's what happens also when you use the Matrix package.
 I append a version of your function that is also slightly
 improved in other places.

 (*) and that's why your memory blows up when A is large and sparse !

SS Thanks in advance
SS Nathan

SS [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

 (still   It would *really* help if you used a more sensible e-mail
 configuration  }


Re: [R] Matrix package,solve() errors and crashes Please help

2009-05-16 Thread Martin Maechler
 SS == Surendar Swaminathan
 on Fri, 15 May 2009 15:55:23 -0700 writes:

 Hello All,
SS Please help me with this problem.I have been having this problem for 
over a
SS month now and I could not find any information.I later realised that 
SS is with MATRIX package.


SS This is my graph object.
SS The file 'Bonacich Power.RData' (1.5 MB) is available for download at


and you have asked almost the idetnical question 4 weeks ago,
and got a first answer, but then not a *real* answer.
I'm sorry for that, since I had started answering you, 
and even more as I *did* solve the problem back then.. (April 22).

more below ...

SS computer Configuration

SS *WIndows XP service Pack 3 .0 GB RAM*

SS I am using SPARSE matrix to solve the problem
SS This is the code I use to obtain bonpower using Sparse Matrix 
SS alternatively the code is in the following website


I'm really appaled that R-recipes on such a website give 
such an unprofessional advice

{the following is so grabled because of your (implicit)
 insistence on using HTML-ified e-mail .. }

SS *bonpow.sparse - function(graph, nodes=V(graph), loops=FALSE,
SS exponent=1, rescale=TRUE, tol=1e-07) {*
SS *  ## remove loops if requested
SS *
SS *  ## sparse adjacency matrix
SS d - get.adjacency(graph, sparse=TRUE)*
SS *  ## sparse identity matrix
SS id - spMatrix(vcount(graph), vcount(graph),
SS i=1:vcount(graph), j=1:vcount(graph),
SS x=rep(1, vcount(graph)))
SS id - as(id, dgCMatrix)*
SS *  ## solve it
  SS ev - solve(id - exponent * d, tol=tol) %*% degree(graph, mode=all)*
SS *  if (rescale) {
SS ev - ev/sum(ev)
SS } else {
SS ev - ev * sqrt(vcount(graph)/sum((ev)^2))
SS }*
SS *  ev[as.numeric(nodes) + 1]
SS }*
SS **
SS I realised that the error is in Matrix Package
SS *Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.3 Gb
SS In addition: Warning messages:
SS 1: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
SS Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
SS 2: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
SS Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
SS 3: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
SS Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
SS 4: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
SS Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)*
SS **
SS sessionInfo()
SS R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17)

 [ . ] {irrelevant here}

SS Please help Matrix Experts

Well, I've marked the one line above

 ev - solve(id - exponent * d, tol=tol) %*% degree(graph, mode=all)*

begin abusive language; excuse in advance .. 
which really contains stupid advice.
Yes, this is strongly put, but I think people who tell you to

A x = b  (A [n x n] matrix)

in R by  x - solve(A) %*% b
should not give advice on programming at all.
end abusive language

One of the proper advices would use
 x - solve(A, b)

and indeed that's even more crucial in the case where  A  is
sparse matrix:  solve(A) is never sparse for sparse A (*),
but   solve(A, b)  can happen with a fast (and memory-efficient)
algorithm, and that's what happens also when you use the Matrix package.
I append a version of your function that is also slightly
improved in other places.

(*) and that's why your memory blows up when A is large and sparse !

SS Thanks in advance
SS Nathan

SS [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

(still   It would *really* help if you used a more sensible e-mail
 configuration  }

Martin Maechler


Here's the corrected bonpow.sparse() function , actually with
extra code for diagnostic output, etc.
You should probably simplify it again :

## I got help from IGRAPH community to use sparse Matrix
### Enhanced by Martin Maechler:
bonpow.sparse - function(graph, nodes = V(graph), loops = FALSE,
  exponent = 1, adj.type = both,
  trace = TRUE,
  rescale=FALSE, tol=1e-07)

if(trace) {
c.width - 30
C1 - function(s) cat(sprintf(%-*s .. , c.width, s))
C2 - function() cat([Ok]\n)
} else { C1 - C2 - function(...) {} }

## remove loops if requested
if (!loops) {
C1(simplify()ing graph)
graph - simplify(graph, remove.multiple=FALSE, remove.loops=TRUE)

## sparse adjacency matrix
C1(d - get.adjacency(., sparse))
d - get.adjacency(graph, type = adj.type, sparse=TRUE); C2()

if(trace = 2)
cat(class(d): , class(d),\n)

Re: [R] Matrix package,solve() errors and crashes Please help

2009-05-15 Thread Surendar Swaminathan

 Hello All,

Please help me with this problem.I have been having this problem for over a
month now and I could not find any information.I later realised that error
is with MATRIX package.

I am working on graph object using IGRAPH version 0.5.2-2 package   wanted
to do Bonacich Power.

What I have is undirected GRAPH.

This is my graph object.
  The file 'Bonacich Power.RData' (1.5 MB) is available for download at

Graph size

*Vertices: 20924
Edges: 146938
Directed: FALSE
No graph attributes.
Vertex attributes: name.
No edge attributes.

computer Configuration

*WIndows XP service Pack 3 .0 GB RAM*

I am using SPARSE matrix to solve the problem
This is the code I use to obtain bonpower using Sparse Matrix 
alternatively the code is in the following website

*bonpow.sparse - function(graph, nodes=V(graph), loops=FALSE,
  exponent=1, rescale=TRUE, tol=1e-07) {*
*  ## remove loops if requested
*  ## sparse adjacency matrix
  d - get.adjacency(graph, sparse=TRUE)*
*  ## sparse identity matrix
  id - spMatrix(vcount(graph), vcount(graph),
 i=1:vcount(graph), j=1:vcount(graph),
 x=rep(1, vcount(graph)))
  id - as(id, dgCMatrix)*
*  ## solve it
  ev - solve(id - exponent * d, tol=tol) %*% degree(graph, mode=all)*
*  if (rescale) {
ev - ev/sum(ev)
  } else {
ev - ev * sqrt(vcount(graph)/sum((ev)^2))
*  ev[as.numeric(nodes) + 1]
I realised that the error is in Matrix Package
 *Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.3 Gb
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
  Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
2: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
  Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
3: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
  Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
4: In solve(id - exponent * d, tol = tol) :
  Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)*
 R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
other attached packages:
[1] Matrix_0.999375-24 lattice_0.17-22igraph_0.5.2-2
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.9.0

Please help Matrix Experts

Thanks in advance


[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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