Re: [R] Optimal knot locations for splines

2008-05-03 Thread Spencer Graves
Hi, Mike: 

 Thanks for the bug report.  Attached please find a version of 
'' that will now fit splines of degree other than 3.  
This will appear in the next official release of DierckxSpline.  Until 
then, you can use the attached.  (It still has known bugs, but with luck 
they won't affect you.) 

 Hope this helps. 
 Spencer Graves

Mike Dugas wrote:

Thanks for the help.  I tried out the one promising lead,,
and it doesn't work for linear or quadratic splines.  The documentation says
it should, but when I specify a linear spline, it returns a cubic.

On 5/1/08, Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

RSiteSearch('free knot splines', 'fun') produced 5 hits, the first of
which is {DierckxSpline}.
RSiteSearch('estimate knots', 'fun') produced 54 hits, but I don't
know if any of those would help you.
Spencer Graves

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__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. - function(x, y, w = NULL, k = 3, g = 10, eps = 0.5e-3,
 prior = NULL, fixed = NULL, trace=1, ...) {
## 1.  Define internal functions
  penalty.opt - function(kn, x, y, k, sigma0, eps, fixed = NULL, ...) {
kn - sort(c(kn, fixed))
if(length(u - unique(kn))  length(kn))
  stop(sprintf(%d coincident knot(s) detected,
   length(kn) - length(u)))
#   'method' is not an argument of 'curfit';  delete?  
sp - curfit(x, y, method = ls, knots = kn, k=k, ...)
p - eps * sigma0/((sp$g + 1)^2/(diff(range(x
pen - p * sum(1/diff(unique(knots(sp, FALSE
sp$fp + pen
  } - function(kn, x, y, k, sigma0, eps, fixed = NULL, ...) {
kn - sort(c(kn, fixed))
sp - curfit(x, y, knots = kn, k = k, ...)
r - resid(sp)
lambda - knots(sp, FALSE)
cf - sp$coef[seq(along = lambda)]
g - sp$g
k - sp$k
p - eps * sigma0/((g + 1)^2/(diff(range(x
m - length(x)
d.pen - numeric(g)
d.sp - numeric(g)
for(j in seq(g)) {
  l - j + k + 1
  d.pen[j] - ((lambda[l + 1] - lambda[l])^(-2) -
   (lambda[l] - lambda[l - 1])^(-2) )
  lambda.j - c(lambda[1:(k + j + 1)],
lambda[(k + j + 1):(g + 2 * k + 2)])
  e.j - numeric(length(lambda))
  i - (l - k):l
  e.j[i] - (cf[i - 1] - cf[i])/(lambda.j[i + k + 1] - lambda.j[i])
  n - length(lambda.j)
  d.sp.r - .Fortran(splev,
 knots = as.single(lambda.j),
 n = as.integer(n),
 coef = as.single(e.j),
 k = as.integer(k),
 x = as.single(x),
 sp = single(m),
 m = as.integer(m),
 ier = as.integer(sp$ier))$sp
  d.sp[j] - -2 * sum(r * d.sp.r)
d.sp + p * d.pen
## 2.  Fit model(s) 
  m - length(x)
  a - min(x)
  b - max(x)
  w - if(is.null(w)) rep(1, m) else rep(w, length = m)
  shift - .Machine$double.eps^0.25
  if(!is.null(prior)) {
#  2.1.  Only one model 
g - length(prior)
index - -1
#   'method' is not an argument of 'curfit';  delete? 
sp0 - curfit(x, y, method = ls, knots = sort(c(prior, fixed)),
  k=k, ...)
sigma0 - deviance(sp0, TRUE)
lambda1 - if(length(prior)  1) {
  optim(prior, penalty.opt, if(is.null(fixed)),
x = x, y = y, k = k, sigma0 = sigma0,
lower = a + shift, upper = b - shift, method = L-BFGS-B,
eps = eps, fixed = fixed,
} else {
  optimize(penalty.opt, c(a, b), x = x, y = y, k = k,
   sigma0 = sigma0, eps = eps, fixed = fixed)$minimum
#   'method' is not an argument of 'curfit';  delete?  
sp1 - curfit(x, y, method = ls, knots = sort(c(lambda1, fixed)),
  k=k, ...)
r - resid(sp1)
sigma - deviance(sp1, TRUE)
T - deviance(sp1) + 2 * (sp1$g + sp1$k)
summ - data.frame(g = g, sigma = sigma, T = T)
  } else {
#  2.2.  models with 1:g knots 
index - -1
seq.g - {
  if(length(g) == 1) seq(g)
  else seq(min(g), max(g))
ng - length(seq.g) 
sigma - T - numeric(ng)
sp1 - vector(list, ng)
for(i in seq(seq.g)) {
  g.i - seq.g[i]
  lamb0 - if(i == 1) {
seq(a, b, length = g.i + 2)[-c(1, g.i + 2)]
  } else {
r - resid(sp1[[i - 1]])
q - cut(sp1[[i - 1]]$x, c(-Inf, lambda0, Inf))
delta - tapply(r, q, function(ri) sum(ri^2)/(m - length(ri)))
l - which.max(delta)
lam0 - sort(c(lambda0, fixed))
n. - length(lam0)
if(l == 1) {
  c((a + lam0[1])/2, lam0)

Re: [R] Optimal knot locations for splines

2008-05-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Mike Dugas mikedugas77 at writes:

 Thanks for the help.  I tried out the one promising lead,,
 and it doesn't work for linear or quadratic splines.  The documentation says
 it should, but when I specify a linear spline, it returns a cubic.

Could you demonstrate this with a self-running example?


__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
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Re: [R] Optimal knot locations for splines

2008-05-01 Thread Spencer Graves
 RSiteSearch('free knot splines', 'fun') produced 5 hits, the first 
of which is {DierckxSpline}. 

 RSiteSearch('estimate knots', 'fun') produced 54 hits, but I don't 
know if any of those would help you. 

 Spencer Graves

Mike Dugas wrote:

Suppose I have two variables, x and y.  For a fixed number of knots, I want
to create a spline transformation of x such that a loss function is
minimized.  Presumably, this loss function would be least squares, i.e. sum
(f(x)-y)^2.  The spline transformations would be linear, quadratic or
cubic.  I know I can solve this problem using some optimization function in
R, but I was wondering if anyone knew of a package that already solved this

I am conceving the solution as beginning with equidistant knot locations
based on the percentiles of x.  Then some routine would optimally shift
around the knot locations to minimize the loss function.


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__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Optimal knot locations for splines

2008-05-01 Thread Mike Dugas
Thanks for the help.  I tried out the one promising lead,,
and it doesn't work for linear or quadratic splines.  The documentation says
it should, but when I specify a linear spline, it returns a cubic.

On 5/1/08, Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 RSiteSearch('free knot splines', 'fun') produced 5 hits, the first of
 which is {DierckxSpline}.
 RSiteSearch('estimate knots', 'fun') produced 54 hits, but I don't
 know if any of those would help you.
 Spencer Graves

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