Re: [R] minor axis ticks in trellis graphics?

2012-07-28 Thread Peter Ehlers

Dear Martin,

Mea culpa! I screwed up. I was answering (not well, at that) a
different question and somehow managed to make it a response to
your request.

Here's what may be a solution to your problem.
(see also this post by ilai:

We define appropriate locations for the x-ticks to go with
suitably defined labels and corresponding tick lengths.

## data:
   d - data.frame(x = 1:11, y = rnorm(11))

## Where to put ticks and labels
   myat  - 1:11
   mylab - head(c(rbind(LETTERS[1:6], )), -1)
  # putting letters at every second tick

## lengths of ticks
   mytck - head(c(rbind(rep(1,6), .5)), -1)

## myat, mylab, mytck should all be same length

## plot
   xyplot(y ~ x, data = d, xlab=,
 scales = list(x = list(
at = myat, labels = mylab)),
 par.settings = list(
axis.components = list(
   bottom = list(tck = mytck

## Try it with different myat etc to see how it works

   myat  - seq(1, 11, by = 2/3)
   mylab - head(c(rbind(LETTERS[1:6], , )), -2)
   mytck - head(c(rbind(rep(2,6), .5, .5)), -2)

   myat  - seq(1, 11, by = 1/2)
   mylab - head(c(rbind(LETTERS[1:6], , , )), -3)
   mytck - head(c(rbind(rep(2,6), .5, 1, .5)), -3)

The trick is in constructing suitable vectors myat, mylab,
and mytck which you can do any way you like but I would
check that the lengths are equal (recycling works fine
for simple cases but always seems to trip me up in more
complicated cases).

Peter Ehlers

On 2012-07-26 07:02, Martin Ivanov wrote:

Dear Peter,

Thank You very much for your suggestion. However, it seems to me to make a 
completely new notation to the x axis. While I just need to add minor ticks to 
the axis, that is smaller ticks inbetween the basic ticks.
The other option would be to say which ticks to be small and which big, but I 
have no idea how.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Best regards,


 embarassing junk from P. Ehlers cut 

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Re: [R] minor axis ticks in trellis graphics?

2012-07-15 Thread Peter Ehlers

On 2012-07-13 01:05, Martin Ivanov wrote:

  Dear R users,

I need to add minor axis ticks to my graph. In traditional R this is easily 
achievable by simply
adding a second axis with the minor ticks. But how to do that in trellis? I am 
already out of ideas.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Haven't seen a response yet, so I'll give it a shot,
sure to be replaced by something much simpler by
Deepayan when he finds the time.

Here are two ways:

Assign appropriate values to the elements of
the xscale.components list. I prefer this.

## make some data
d - data.frame(x = 1:12, y = rnorm(12))
at.ticks - c(4,8)
at.labels - c(2,6,10)
the_labels - letters[1:3]


## define a function to modify the xscale components;
## this function will be used inside xyplot().
myxscale.components - function(...)
ans - xscale.components.default(...)
ans$bottom$ticks$at - at.ticks
ans$bottom$labels$at - at.labels
ans$bottom$labels$labels - the_labels

## do the plot
xyplot(y ~ x, data = d,
scales = list(tck = c(1,0)),
xscale.components = myxscale.components)

You can put the modifying function inside the xyplot call.
See ?axis.components.

This is more like the base graphics way.
We create the plot without the x-axis and then
use the trellis.focus/unfocus functions in
conjunction with the panel.axis() function.
See ?panel.axis for details.

Here's the function to apply after the xyplot call:

myfocus - function(){
  trellis.focus(panel, 1, 1, = TRUE,
 highlight = FALSE)

  ## put the ticks in
  panel.axis(side = bottom,
 at = at.ticks,
 labels = FALSE,
 ticks = TRUE,
 tck = 1, outside = TRUE

  ## put the labels in
  panel.axis(side = bottom,
 at = at.labels,
 labels = the_labels,
 ticks = FALSE,
 tck = 0, outside = TRUE,
 rot = 0   # optional; try it without

xyplot(y ~ x, data = d,
scales = list(
 y = list(tck = c(1,0)),
 x = list(tck = c(0,0),
at = 1, label =   # to give us some bottom space

## Now add the axis ticks and labels

Peter Ehlers

Best regards,


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