Re: [R] getting all contrasts from glm

2010-10-22 Thread Mark Difford


 In the glm object I can find the contrasts  of the main treats vs the
 first i.e. 2v1, 3v1 and 
 4v1 ... however I would like to get the complete set including 3v2, 4v2,
 and 4v3 ... along with 
 the Std. Errors of all contrasts.

Your best all round approach would be to use the multcomp package. In
particular, look at


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Re: [R] ANOVA table and lmer

2010-11-04 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Jim,

 The decomposition of the sum of squares should be the same regardless of 
 whether block is treated as random of fixed.

Should it? By whose reckoning? The models you are comparing are different.
Simple consideration of the terms listed in the (standard) ANOVA output
shows that this is so, so how could the sum-of-squares be the same?

 I noticed that other people have asked similar questions in the past, but
 I haven't seen a 
 satisfactory explanation.

Maybe, but it has been answered (by me, and surely by others). However,
canonical would be Venables and Ripley's MASS (: 283--286).

The models you need to compare are the following:
Aov.mod - aov(Y ~ V * N + Error(B/V/N), data = oats) 
Lme.mod - lme(Y ~ V * N, random = ~1 | B/V/N, data = oats)
Lmer.mod - lmer(Y~ V * N +(1|B)+(1|B:V)+(1|B:N), data = oats)


HTH, Mark Difford.
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Re: [R] changing the limits of a secondary y-axis in a barplot

2010-11-17 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Anna,

 How can I change the barplot so that the left hand axis scales from 0 to
 15 and the right hand 
 axis from 0 to 5?

Try this:

par(mfrow=c(1,1), mai=c(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0))
Plot1-barplot(rbind(Y1,Y2), beside=T, axes=T, names.arg=c(a,b),
ylim=c(0,15), xlim=c(1,9), space=c(0,1), col=c(darkgray,white),
Plot2-barplot(Y3, add=T, beside=T, names.arg=c,
col=c(darkgray,white), ylim=c(0,5), space=c(0,7), width=1, yaxt=n)
axis(side=2, at=seq(0,15,3), labels=seq(0,15,3))
axis(side=4, at=seq(0,15,3), labels=seq(0,5,1))

Regards, Mark.
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Re: [R] Wilcoxon Rank Sum in R with a multiple testing correction

2010-11-24 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Selthy,

 I'd like to use a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test to compare two populations of
 values. Further, I'd like 
 to do this simultaneously for 114 sets of values.

Well, you read your data set into R using:


There are other ways to bring in data. Save the import to a workspace object
at the same time:

myDat - read.csv (...)

Do the Wilcoxon Rank Sum tests using the implementation of your choice
(there are several):

## See the examples at foot of help page. Lacking data we will make some.

pv1 - wilcox.test(rnorm(10), rnorm(10, 2), = TRUE)$p.value
pv2 - wilcox.test(rnorm(10), rnorm(10, 2), = TRUE)$p.value
pv3 - wilcox.test(rnorm(10), rnorm(10, 2), = TRUE)$p.value

Eventually you will discover more elegant ways of assembling a vector (or
some other type of storage object).

Finally, you feed your p-values to:

pAdj - p.adjust (c(pv1, pv2, pv3), method = c(BH))

?sprintf (Uncorrected = c(pv1, pv2, pv3), BH_Corrected = pAdj)

Eventually you will discover how to turn all of this into an elegant
function. I really do hope that this is not a school assignment. If so
Well, you still need to do some work to get this going.

Regards, Mark.
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Re: [R] Factor analysis and cfa with asymptotically distributed data

2010-11-24 Thread Mark Difford


 Does someone know how to do fa and cfa with strong skewed data?

Your best option might be to use a robustly estimated covariance matrix as
input (see packages robust/robustbase).

Or you could turn to packages FAiR or lavaan (maybe also OpenMx). Or you
could try soft modelling via package plspm.

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Re: [R] Compute polychoric matrix for more than 2 variables

2010-11-30 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Raquel,

 routine in R to compute polychoric matrix to more than 2 categorical
 variables? I tried polycor 
 package, but it seems to be suited only to 2-dimensional problems.

Bur surely ?hetcor (in package polycor) does it.

Regards, Mark.
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Re: [R] reading lmer table

2010-08-19 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Nicola,

 In few word: does this row indicate a global effect of the predictor
 or a more specific passage?

It indicates a more specific passage.  Use anova(m7) for global/omnibus.
Check this for yourself by fitting the model with different contrasts. The
default contrasts in R are treatment contrasts.

m7 - lmer(log.second ~ Cond + cat + (1|subjID) + (1|Code), data = march.f, 
m7s - lmer(log.second ~ Cond + cat + (1|subjID) + (1|Code), data = march.f, 
contrasts=list(Cond=contr.sum, cat=contr.sum))

Regards, Mark.
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Re: [R] Coinertia randtest

2010-08-23 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Petar,

 I dunno why, but I cannot make randtes[t].coinertia() from ade4 package 
 working. I have two nice distance matrices (Euclidean):
 Could anyone help with this?

Yes (sort of). The test has not yet been implemented for dudi.pco, as the
message at the end of your listing tells you.

 The result is: 
  Error in randtest.coinertia(coi, nrepet = 1000) : Not yet available 

So far it has only been implemented for some types of dudi.pca, and for
dudi.coa, dudi.fca, and dudi.acm. You might be lucky and find code to do
what you want on the ade4 list.

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Re: [R] path analysis

2010-09-07 Thread Mark Difford


For a partial least squares approach look at packages plspm and pathmox.
Also look at sem.additions.

Regards, Mark.
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Re: [R] Creating publication-quality plots for use in Microsoft Word

2010-09-15 Thread Mark Difford

 I'd prefer to stick with JPEG, TIFF, PNG, or the like.  I'm not sure EPS
would fly.

Preferring to stick with bitmap formats (like JPEG, TIFF, PNG) is likely to
give you the jagged lines and other distortions you profess to want to

EPS (encapsulated postscript, which handles vector+bitmap) is one of the
graphic file formats preferred by most quality journals. Surprisingly, not
too many people seem to be aware of the fact that PDF really is a crippled
form of postscript.


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Re: [R] PCA or CA

2009-09-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Paul,

 I have a data set for which PCA based between group analysis (BGA) gives 
 significant results but CA-BGA does not. 
 I am having difficulty finding a reliable method for deciding which
 technique is most appropriate.

Reliability really comes down to you thinking about and properly defining
what _information_ you want to extract from your data set, which we know
nothing about. PCA and CA are fundamentally different. The classical use of
CA lies in the analysis of count-data (contingency tables), for which it
remains a brilliant method. It is also widely applied to analyzing normal n
x p matrices of the type usually analyzed by PCA. A doubly-centered PCA
would get you close to a CA of the normal n x p matrix (i.e. of an analysis
of the same matrix).

This is a biggish area, so grab your specs, and perhaps start with Jolliffe
(PCA) and Benzecri/Greenacre (CA).

Regards, Mark.

Paul Dennis-3 wrote:
 Dear all
 I have a data set for which PCA based between group analysis (BGA) gives
 significant results but CA-BGA does not.
 I am having difficulty finding a reliable method for deciding which
 ordination technique is most appropriate. 
 I have been told to do a 1 table CA and if the 1st axis is2 units go for
 CA if not then PCA.
 Another approach is that described in the Canoco manual - perform DCA and
 then look at the length of the axes.  I used decorana in vegan and it
 gives axis lengths.  I assume that these are measured in SD units. Anyway
 the manual say if the axis length is 3 go for PCA,4 use CA and if
 intermediate use either. 
 Are either of these approaches good/valid/recommended or is there a better
 Get the best of MSN on your mobile
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Re: [R] trouble with html() in Hmisc

2009-10-03 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Liviu,

  tmp - latex(.object, cdec=c(2,2), title=) 
 [1] latex 
 /tmp/RtmprfPwzw/file7e72f7a7.tex:9: Warning: Command not found:
 Giving up command: \...@hevea@amper 
 /tmp/RtmprfPwzw/file7e72f7a7.tex:11: Error while reading LaTeX: 
 This array/tabular column has no specification

This has nothing to do with Hmisc or hevea. In the header/preample of all
LyX files you will, for instance, find the following:

## -
%% LyX 1.6.2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline

Regards, Mark.

Liviu Andronic wrote:
 Dear all
 On my system html() conversion of a `latex()' object fails. Follows a
 dummy example:
 .object - cor(Angell[,1:2], use=complete.obs)
 tmp - latex(.object, cdec=c(2,2), title=)
 [1] latex
 /tmp/RtmprfPwzw/file7e72f7a7.tex:9: Warning: Command not found:
 Giving up command: \...@hevea@amper
 /tmp/RtmprfPwzw/file7e72f7a7.tex:11: Error while reading LaTeX:
   This array/tabular column has no specification
 I have hevea-1.10 installed on Debian (according to the help page, it
 performs the conversion). Attached is teh produced .tex file. Is this
 a bug or would there be a way to work around this behaviour?
 Thank you
 R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)
 attached base packages:
 [1] datasets  grDevices tcltk splines   graphics  utils stats
 [8] methods   base
 other attached packages:
  [1] fortunes_1.3-6   RcmdrPlugin.Export_0.3-0 Rcmdr_1.5-2
  [4] car_1.2-15   hints_1.0.1-1boot_1.2-39
  [7] relimp_1.0-1 xtable_1.5-5 Hmisc_3.7-0
 [10] survival_2.35-7
 loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] cluster_1.12.0  grid_2.9.2  lattice_0.17-25 tools_2.9.2
 system(uname -a)
 Linux debian-liv 2.6.30-1-amd64 #1 SMP Sat Aug 15 18:09:19 UTC 2009
 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 Do you know how to read?
 Do you know how to write?
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Re: [R] trouble with html() in Hmisc

2009-10-03 Thread Mark Difford


 Does this mean that Hmisc produces LyX code (as opposed to LaTeX code)?

No. Sorry for confusing you: it means that html does not know what
tabularnewline means, it cannot interpret it. My reply showed where the
problem lies and how to fix it.

You need to add the following command to the preamble of the *.tex file:

Regards, Mark.

Liviu Andronic wrote:
 On 10/3/09, Mark Difford wrote:
 This has nothing to do with Hmisc or hevea.

 Although I have LyX installed, I don't quite understand where LyX
 comes into play. The R code in the original e-mail takes a table-like
 object and transforms it into LaTeX; then html() calls hevea to conver
 .tex to .html and opens a browser to display the result.
  %% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
  %% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline

 If I print the `latex' object from the previous e-mail, I get the
 offending tabularnewline.
 .object - cor(Angell[,1:2], use=complete.obs)
 tmp - latex(.object, cdec=c(2,2), file=, title=)
 % latex.default(.object, cdec = c(2, 2), file = , title = )
 moral$ 1.00$$-0.59$\tabularnewline
 hetero$-0.59$$ 1.00$\tabularnewline
 Does this mean that Hmisc produces LyX code (as opposed to LaTeX code)?
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Re: [R] Trendline for a subset of data

2009-10-09 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Steve,

 However, I am finding that ... the trendline ... continues to run beyond
 this data segment 
 and continues until it intersects the vertical axes at each side of the

Your best option is probably Prof. Fox's reg.line function in package car.


Regards, Mark.

smurray444 wrote:
 Dear all,
 I am using abline(lm ...) to insert a linear trendline through a portion
 of my data (e.g. dataset[,36:45]). However, I am finding that whilst the
 trendline is correctly displayed and representative of the data portion
 I've chosen, the line continues to run beyond this data segment and
 continues until it intersects the vertical axes at each side of the plot.
 How do I display the line so that it only runs between point 36 and 45 (as
 shown in the example above) as doesn't continue to display a line
 throughout the rest of the plot space?
 Many thanks,
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Re: [R] What is the difference between prcomp and princomp?

2009-10-19 Thread Mark Difford

Peng Yu wrote:

 Some webpage has described prcomp and princomp, but I am still not 
 quite sure what the major difference between them is.

The main difference, which could be extracted from the information given in
the help files, is that prcomp uses the singular value decomposition [i.e.
does not rely eigenanalysis], which is generally the preferred method for
numerical accuracy.

There is plenty of information on the web about the differences between R-
and Q-mode PCA.

Regards, Mark.

Peng Yu wrote:
 Some webpage has described prcomp and princomp, but I am still not
 quite sure what the major difference between them is. Can they be used
 In help, it says
  'princomp' only handles so-called R-mode PCA, that is feature
  extraction of variables.  If a data matrix is supplied (possibly
  via a formula) it is required that there are at least as many
  units as variables.  For Q-mode PCA use 'prcomp'.
 What are R-mode and Q-mode? Are they just too different numerical
 methods to compute PCA?
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Re: [R] Re posting various problems with two-way anova, lme, etc.

2009-10-20 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Michael,

 How do you control what is the (intercept) in the model returned by the 
 lme function and is there a way to still be able to refer to all groups
 timepoints in there without referring to intercept?

Here is some general help. The intercept is controlled by the contrasts that
you used when fitting your model. By default these are treatment (i.e.
Dunnett) contrasts, but you can change this.

options(contrasts=c(contr.sum, contr.poly))

You can design your own contrasts or you can use those provided by base R:


(There is also contr.sdif in MASS, which is a very useful type for
environmental studies) See, which
covers the main ready-made types in R. For ANOVA, sum-to-zero contrasts are
commonly used.

If you do use treatment contrasts you can (usually) change your reference
level on-the-fly or you can set it when you make your factor.


If you are using the multcomp package then look at:


An example of how to use it is given under the glht function.

Regards, Mark.

Michael Schacht Hansen wrote:
 I posted the message below last week, but no answers, so I'm giving it
 another attempt in case somebody who would be able to help might have
 it and it has now dropped off the end of the list of mails.
 I am fairly new to R and still trying to figure out how it all works, and
 have run into a few issues. I apologize in advance if my questions are a
 basic, I'm also no statistics wizard, so part of my problem my be a more
 fundamental lack of knowledge in the field.
 I have a dataset that looks something like this:
 Week Subj   Group Readout
 01  A 352.2
 11  A 366.6
 21  A 377.3
 31  A 389.8
 41  A 392.5
 02  B 344.7
 12  B 360.9
 So basically I have a number of subjects that are divided into different
 groups receiving different interventions/treatments. Observations on these
 subjects are made on 5 occasions (Week 0-4). I would like to see if there
 difference between the treatment groups and if the observations that we
 are making change in the individual groups over time. According to my very
 limited statistics training that means that I would have to do a two-way
 anova with repeated measures because the same subjects are observed on the
 different weeks.
 Now in R I can do something like this:
 MyData$fWeek - factor(MyData$Week) #Convert week to factor
 m1 - aov(Readout ~ Group*fWeek + Error(Subj/fWeek), data=MyData)
 My first naive question is: Is the Error(...) term correct for the design
 that I describe? I am not quite sure if I understand the syntax correctly.
 In any case, it actually seems to work fine, but I can't figure out how to
 do post hoc testing on this. TukeyHSD does not work for the aovlist which
 returned, so I am kind of stuck. Is there a simple way to do the post hoc
 test based on the aovlist?
 I have been reading various questions on the list and I think that I have
 understood that I should be using lme from the nlme package and this is
 where I run into some problems. As I understand it, the lme command that I
 would need would look something like this:
 m1 - lme(Readout ~ Group*fWeek,random=~1|Subj/fWeek, data=MyData)
 Now this actually fails with an error message like:
 Error in MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) :
   Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1
 The reason (I believe) is that I have some weeks where there are no
 observations for a specific group. In this case, one of the groups had a
 of drop-out and at Week 4, there are no subjects left in one of the groups
 and that seems to be causing the problem. I can get it to run by excluding
 the last week with something like:
 m1 - lme(Readout ~ Group*fWeek,random=~1|Subj/fWeek,
 data=MyData[which(MyData$Week  4), ])
 My next question is: Is there another way around that? I would still like
 run the analysis for the remaining groups on the last time point and I
 believe that it should somehow be included into the entire analysis. I
 also managed to find a few postings with similar problems, but no real
 solutions, so anything helpful comments would be much appreciated.
 My final issue is how do I do the post hoc testing on the model. I
 understand (I think) that I should use the glht function from the multcomp
 package. For Instance, I could do something like:
 summary(glht(m1,linfct=c(GroupB:fWeek1 - GroupC:fWeek1 =
 - GroupC:fWeek2 = 0)))
 And that actually works fine. My problem is that Group A and fWeek 0 seems
 to have turned into the (intercept), so I can't write something like:
 summary(glht(m1,linfct=c(GroupB:fWeek0 - GroupB:fWeek1 = 0)))
 To check for changes between baseline and week 1 in Group B 

Re: [R] Missing data and LME models and diagnostic plots

2009-10-21 Thread Mark Difford

Peter Flom wrote:

 I am puzzled by the performance of LME in situations where there are
 missing data.  As I 
 understand it, one of the strengths of this sort of model is how well it
 deals with missing 
 data, yet lme requires nonmissing data. 

You are confusing missing data with an unbalanced design. A strengths of LME
is that it copes with the latter, which aov() does not.

Regards, Mark.

Peter Flom-2 wrote:
 Running R2.9.2 on Windows XP
 I am puzzled by the performance of LME in situations where there are
 missing data.  As I understand it, one of the strengths of this sort of
 model is how well it deals with missing data, yet lme requires nonmissing
 m1.mod1 - lme(fixed = math_1 ~ I(year-2007.5)*TFC_,
 data = long,
 random = ~I(year-2007.5)|schoolnum)
 causes an error in, but adding na.action = na.omit makes
 a model with no errors.  However, if I create that model, i.e.
 m1.mod1 - lme(fixed = math_1 ~ I(year-2007.5)*TFC_,
data = long, 
random = ~I(year-2007.5)|schoolnum,
na.action = na.omit)
 then the diagnostic plots suggested in Pinheiro  Bates produce errors;
 plot(m1.mod1, schoolnum~resid(.), abline = 0)
 gives an error could not find function NaAct.
 Searching the archives showed a similar question from 2007, but did not
 show any responses.
 Thanks for any help
 Peter L. Flom, PhD
 Statistical Consultant
 Website: www DOT peterflomconsulting DOT com
 Twitter:   @peterflom
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Re: [R] Missing data and LME models and diagnostic plots

2009-10-21 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Peter,

 See e.g. Hedeker and Gibbons, Longitudinal Data Analysis, which
 repeatedly stresses that 
 mixed models provide good estimates if the data are missing at random.

This may be true. However, one of the real strengths of LME is that it
handles unbalanced designs, which is a different thing. The fact that it
also gets good estimates when data are missing is a bonus.

Regards, Mark.

Peter Flom-2 wrote:
 I wrote
 I am puzzled by the performance of LME in situations where there are
 missing data.  As I 
 understand it, one of the strengths of this sort of model is how well
 deals with missing 
 data, yet lme requires nonmissing data. 

 Mark Difford replied
You are confusing missing data with an unbalanced design. A strengths of
is that it copes with the latter, which aov() does not.

 Thanks for your reply, but I don't believe I am confused with respect to
 missing data in mixed models.  See e.g. Hedeker and Gibbons, Longitudinal
 Data Analysis, which repeatedly stresses that mixed models provide good
 estimates if the data are missing at random.
 Peter L. Flom, PhD
 Statistical Consultant
 Website: www DOT peterflomconsulting DOT com
 Twitter:   @peterflom
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Re: [R] Lost all script

2009-10-28 Thread Mark Difford

Hi David,

 Now when I turn on R again the script is now completely blank.

This happened to me about 4--5 months ago under Vista. I cannot quite
remember what I did but I think I got the script working by opening it in
another editor (a hex editor would do) and removing either the first few
bytes or the last few bytes.

If you still have the file try this route.

Good luck, Mark.

David Young-18 wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just had a rather unpleasant experience.  After considerable work I
 finally got a script working and set it to run.  It had some memory
 allocation problems when I came back so I used Windows to stop it.
 During that process it told me that the script had been changed and
 asked if I wanted to save it.  Not being positive that I'd saved the
 very last changes I said yes.  Now when I turn on R again the script
 is now completely blank.
 I guess my questions are:
 Is there a way to interrupt a program without using Windows?
 Is there anyway to recover my script?
 And a nice to know:
 Anybody know why it saved blank space as the new script?
 Thanks for any advice.
 A humble, and humbled, new R user.
 Best regards,
 David Young
 Marketing and Statistical Consultant
 Madrid, Spain
 +34 913 540 381
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Re: [R] Logistic and Linear Regression Libraries

2009-10-31 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Phil,

 So far for logistic regression I've tried glm(MASS) and lrm (Design) and
 found there is a big 

Be sure that you mean what you say, that you are saying what you mean, and
that you know what you mean when making such statements, especially on this
list. glm is not in MASS, so perhaps you mean polr in package MASS. And no,
there is no big difference. You are doing something wrong.

## Edited output from polr and lrm
 house.lrm - lrm(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing)

Logistic Regression Model

lrm(formula = Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, data = housing, weights = Freq)

   CoefS.E.Wald Z P 
y=Medium   0.4961 0.12485  3.97  0.0001
y=High-0.6907 0.12547 -5.50  0.
Infl=Medium 0.5664 0.10465  5.41  0.
Infl=High   1.2888 0.12716 10.14  0.
Type=Apartment -0.5724 0.11924 -4.80  0.
Type=Atrium-0.3662 0.15517 -2.36  0.0183
Type=Terrace   -1.0910 0.15149 -7.20  0.
Cont=High   0.3603 0.09554  3.77  0.0002

 house.plr - polr(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data =

Re-fitting to get Hessian

polr(formula = Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, data = housing, weights = Freq)

   Value Std. Error   t value
InflMedium 0.5663937 0.10465285  5.412120
InflHigh   1.2888191 0.12715641 10.135699
TypeApartment -0.5723501 0.11923824 -4.800055
TypeAtrium-0.3661866 0.15517362 -2.359851
TypeTerrace   -1.0910149 0.15148617 -7.202076
ContHigh   0.3602841 0.09553587  3.771192


Regards, Mark.

tdm wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to discover the options available to me for logistic and linear
 regression. I'm doing some tests on a dataset and want to see how
 different flavours of the algorithms cope. 
 So far for logistic regression I've tried glm(MASS) and lrm (Design) and
 found there is a big difference. Is there a list anywhere detailing the
 options available which details the specific algorithms used?
 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [R] a publication quality table for summary.zeroinfl()

2009-10-31 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Chris,

 My ideal would be to gather the information onto the clipboard so I 
 could paste it into Excel and do the formatting there, but any approach 
 would be better than what I have now.

I would never use Excel for this since there are far superior tools
available. But it is very easy to assemble the two parts into a single table
for further manipulation. Not sure about the clipboard route, but the
following rather crude approach saves the object (a list) to a *.csv file in
your working directory.

## Simple, crude approach, with theta replicated as last column in the saved
data(bioChemists, package = pscl)
fm_zinb - zeroinfl(art ~ . | 1, data = bioChemists, dist = negbin)
Temptab - list(coef=rbind(summary(fm_zinb)$coefficients[[1]],
summary(fm_zinb)$coefficients[[2]]), theta=fm_zinb$theta)
write.csv(Temptab, file=Temptab.csv)

## If you have a latex distribution
summary(fm_zinb)$coefficients[[2]]), theta=fm_zinb$theta),

Regards, Mark.

Chris Fowler wrote:
 I will swallow my pride and post to this list for the second time in 24 
 hours--I have a paper due to a reviewer and I am desperate.
 Has anybody written code to move the output from summary() called on 
 the results of a zeroinfl() model (from the pscl package) into a form 
 suitable for publication?
   When I hit send on this message I am going to begin hand typing stars 
 into a spreadsheet.
 The problem is that the zero-inflated model has two parts: a count and a 
 zero portion--its coefficients are stored in separate arrays and there 
 is a Log(theta) that needs to be thrown in there that is in a completely 
 separate place in the structure of the summary function. As a result the 
 functions that I have found for outputting summaries of other linear 
 models all give error messages when attempted on this summary object.
 My ideal would be to gather the information onto the clipboard so I 
 could paste it into Excel and do the formatting there, but any approach 
 would be better than what I have now.
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Re: [R] Logistic and Linear Regression Libraries

2009-10-31 Thread Mark Difford

tdm wrote:

 OK, I think I've figured it out, the predict of lrm didn't seem to pass
 it through the logistic 
 function. If I do this then the value is similar to that of lm. Is this
 by design? Why would it 
 be so?

Please take some time to read the help files on these functions so that you
at least understand that they fit different models.


This really is just a plainer way of saying what I said before.

HTH, Mark.

tdm wrote:
 OK, I think I've figured it out, the predict of lrm didn't seem to pass it
 through the logistic function. If I do this then the value is similar to
 that of lm. Is this by design? Why would it be so?
 1 / (1 + Exp(-1 * 3.38)) =  0.967
 tdm wrote:
 Anyway, do you know why the lrm predict give me a values of 3.38?

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Re: [R] [Fwd: Re: Plotting log-axis with the exponential base to a plot with the default logarithm base 10]

2010-05-11 Thread Mark Difford


You should listen to Ted (Harding). He answered your question with:

 the vertical axis is scaled logarithmically with the 
 numerical annotations corresponding to the *raw* values of Y, 
 not to their log-transformed values. Therefore it does not matter 
 what base of logarithms is used...

And he has tried to help you further by asking you to answer the following

 How is it that you recognise that it is 
 a logaritmic axis with the base of 10, as opposed to any other base? 

Maybe a little graphic demonstration (run the script below) will help to
convince you. The top row of the figure re-poses Ted's question, viz How do
you know which logarithmic base was used to plot which sub-figure? You will
see from my script that the first is plotted using natural logs, whereas the
next two use logs to base 10. (The last of them uses R's log=y argument.)
What's the difference?

The first two sub-figures on the bottom row show the scales that were hidden
in the sub-figures above them (from the script you will see that all I did
was turn off the annotation/labelling of the scale).

The last sub-figure on the bottom row is identical in __appearance__ to that
above it. However, as you will see from my script, it plots data that have
been transformed to natural logarithms. For scale-annotation, however, I
have used raw data values. That was Ted's first point: it doesn't matter
which base of logarithm your data have been transformed to if you annotate
the scale using (backtransformed) raw values.

## Show that log=y does the job you want done even if internally it uses
logs to the base 10
## rather than natural logarithms
plot(log(1:10), yaxt=n, ylab=)
plot(log10(1:10), yaxt=n, ylab=)
plot((1:10), log=y)
plot(log(1:10), yaxt=n)
axis(side=2, at=sapply(c(1,2,5,10), FUN=function(x) log(x)),

Regards, Mark
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Re: [R] [Fwd: Re: Plotting log-axis with the exponential base to

2010-05-11 Thread Mark Difford

Hi All,

You can also add a line using lines() if you transform in the call using the
same log-base---but not via R's log=y argument (because of what's stored
in par(yaxp)).

plot(1:10, log=y)

plot(log10(1:10), yaxt=n)
axis(side=2, at=sapply(c(1,2,5,10), FUN=function(x) log10(x)),

plot(log(1:10), yaxt=n)
axis(side=2, at=sapply(c(1,2,5,10), FUN=function(x) log(x)),

Regards, Mark.
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[R] Multiple comparisons; rank-based anova

2007-09-25 Thread Mark Difford

Dear List-Members,

Is the application of multiple comparison procedures (using the multcomp
package) to the output from a rank-based ANOVA straightforward, or do I need
to take heed ?

That is, is it as simple as:

glht( aov(rank(NH4) ~ Site, data=mydat), linfct=mcp(Site=Tukey) )

Thanks in advance for your help.

Mark Difford.
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Re: [R] Spacing between x axis and labels

2007-09-25 Thread Mark Difford

Also look at the mgp option under ?par.

This allows one to set the margin line for axis title, axis labels and axis

Mark Difford.

Marc Schwartz wrote:
 On Tue, 2007-09-25 at 15:39 +0200, Christian Schäfer wrote:
 my x-axis contains labels that consist of two lines (the actual label 
 and below information about groupsize). Unfortunately, there is too 
 little spacing between labels and tickmarks in this situation. Is there 
 a parameter to tune spacing between axis and labels?
 See ?mtext and take note of the 'line' argument, which allows you to
 specify the margin line upon which to place text labels. The 'at'
 argument is used to define where on the axis the labels should be
 If you are not already, you will want to use either 'axes = FALSE' or
 'xaxt = n' in your plot call, so that the default axis labels are not
 Marc Schwartz
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Re: [R] mantel tests

2007-11-04 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Simon,

 This is a general statistics question so I'm sorry if its outside the
 field of r help.
 Could anyone please provide a starting point?

This doesn't directly answer your question, but one thing I would do is get
ade4 and look at Chessel's co-inertia analysis method.  It's a very general,
and robust, method.  It would involve treating your male and female trait
tables separately, and then matching then (usually after a PCA).  The method
is based on (or uses) Robert  Escoufier's RV-coefficient, and looks at
the covariance between the two matrices.

Dray, S., Chessel, D. and J. Thioulouse (2003) Co-inertia analysis and the
linking of the ecological data tables. Ecology, 84, 11, 3078–3089

There is an excellent plot method, which should give you good insight, and
there is a method for doing Monte-Carlo permutation tests of the match.

I hope this is useful.

Mark Difford.

Simon Pickett wrote:
 This is a general statistics question so I'm sorry if its outside the
 field of r help.
 Anyway, I have a suite of female and male traits and I have made a matrix
 of correlation coefficients using rcorr(). This results in a 6 by 6 matrix
 like this..
 [1] 0.11287990 0.20441361 0.23837442 0.04713234 0.04331637 0.01461611
  [7] 0.22627981 0.11720108 0.14252307 0.19531625 0.29989953 0.09989502
 [13] 0.03888750 0.11157971 0.02693303 0.01373447 0.08913154 0.06770636
 [19] 0.01984838 0.10047978 0.05200218 0.16317234 0.2663 0.10412373
 [25] 0.06269722 0.14366454 0.13123054 0.27550149 0.43863848 0.28909831
 [31] 0.01454485 0.02551081 0.05645427 0.15819397 0.16508231 0.12399349
 I want to test 2 hypotheses
 1) is there a pattern to the matrix, does it differ from random?
 2) do the top left and bottom right quadrants differ from the other 2
 quadrants and if so, which one has the highest values of r2.
 I have read alot about permutation tests, bootstrapping and mantel tests
 but cant decide which is best in this situation? 
 Could anyone please provide a starting point?
 Thankyou in advance, Simon
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Re: [R] structure vs. matrix

2007-11-04 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Edna,

 When creating a matrix, is it better to use the structure function or the
 matrix function...?

I hope you have a huge (empty) jar in the kitchen, and that your pantry is

R isn't too difficult, except if you're trying to do stats (and don't know
what you are doing --- though I am not suggesting that you don't know how to
do stats;).

## see

A structure is not a matrix.  So, if you want to make a matrix, use
matrix().  Easy.


Edna Bell wrote:
 Hi R Gurus!
 When creating a matrix, is it better to use the structure function or
 the matrix function, please?
 Edna Bell
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Re: [R] Getting started help

2008-02-19 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Rthoughts,

 I am currently discouraged by the use of r. I cannot figure out how to
 use it despite
 extensive searches. Can anyone help me with getting started? How can
 a txt file with series...

There are piles of documents that you could (and should) read.  I am
surprised that you haven't found them in your extensive searches.  To set
your thoughts free, go here: read the first one, and
whatever else you need

Then click on CRAN, and choose a mirror site (nearby), say:

Then go:

and start at the top.


PS: It might help you in your future enquiries if you used a real name, and
if you called R R rather than r (since your keyboard clearly doesn't have a
broken R ;).

Rthoughts wrote:
 Hello, I need to learn to use r-software for my PhD research project
 involving long timelines of radon radiation variations.
 I am using windows.
 I am currently discouraged by the use of r. I cannot figure out how to use
 it despite extensive searches. Can anyone help me with getting started?
 How can import a txt file with series of numbers from the RAD7 machine?
 How can I open up and set directories with the imported file or to start a
 new r session?
 Thank you so much if you can help.

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Re: [R] Getting started help

2008-02-19 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Rthoughts,

It isn't clear what you mean.  When you install R, the installation program
usually puts an icon on your desktop that you can click on to run the
program.  So, if you don't have that, but have installed R, and what you
mean is, How do I start the R program? or How do I run R? then do the

Go to the directory where R has been installed.  If necessary, use your file
manager to find the file named Rgui.exe.  When you have found it, execute it
to start an R session.  (Rgui.exe usually lives in something like:
...\Program Files\R\bin\)

Later you will find out how to set this all up properly.  Usually the
installation program does a faultless job.


Rthoughts wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 Thank you for your reply. There is one link I haven't come across, the
 last one. I have seen them but I couldn't find where 'how to start R' is
 explained for Windows platforms.
 I will look further into them.
 As for everyone else who sent e-mails, thank you. I have printed them out
 and will look into them.
 Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Rthoughts,
 I am currently discouraged by the use of r. I cannot figure out how to
 use it despite
 extensive searches. Can anyone help me with getting started? How can
 a txt file with series...
 There are piles of documents that you could (and should) read.  I am
 surprised that you haven't found them in your extensive searches.  To set
 your thoughts free, go here: read the first one, and
 whatever else you need
 Then click on CRAN, and choose a mirror site (nearby), say:
 Then go:
 and start at the top.
 PS: It might help you in your future enquiries if you used a real name,
 and if you called R R rather than r (since your keyboard clearly doesn't
 have a broken R ;).
 Rthoughts wrote:
 Hello, I need to learn to use r-software for my PhD research project
 involving long timelines of radon radiation variations.
 I am using windows.
 I am currently discouraged by the use of r. I cannot figure out how to
 use it despite extensive searches. Can anyone help me with getting
 started? How can import a txt file with series of numbers from the RAD7
 machine? How can I open up and set directories with the imported file or
 to start a new r session?
 Thank you so much if you can help.

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Re: [R] Getting started help

2008-02-19 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Rthoughts,

Yes, I see now that they truly are (just) Rthoughts;) but take courage, for
we are getting closer (to the start).  You still need to read the basic
documentation, and you will get used to the command line.

What I think you need is a package called Rcmdr.  So, start R using your
desktop icon, click on the Packages menu, then on Install package(s)..., and
then scroll down and choose Rcmdr (you will probably first be asked to
choose a download site). For you the TeachingDemos plugin is a good
additional choice.  Click OK.

Once Rcmdr has been installed, type the following at R's command prompt:

require(Rcmdr)## loads Rcmdr and runs it

You can now switch windows between Rcmdr and R.  Again, at the R prompt type
the following commands:

data(ChickWeight)  ## careful: R is case sensitive!
ls()   ## try ?ls

Now, switch to the Rcmdr window and use the Data set: button to load
ChickWeight into Rcmdr's workspace.  Now mess with it; or load another data
set, more to your taste.  Use Rcmdr's Tools menu to load any plugins you

str(ChickWeight)## try ?str

HTH, Mark.

Rthoughts wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 Thank you for the reply.
 I meant the command prompts to start an R file.
 To be followed on by importint data I can then use to practise the
 software with. The installation did put an icon on teh desktop. I am a
 very skilled user of computers but command lines for many programs is
 something that cna throw me sometimes!
 Regrads, Seb.
 Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Rthoughts,
 It isn't clear what you mean.  When you install R, the installation
 program usually puts an icon on your desktop that you can click on to run
 the program.  So, if you don't have that, but have installed R, and what
 you mean is, How do I start the R program? or How do I run R? then do
 the following:
 Go to the directory where R has been installed.  If necessary, use your
 file manager to find the file named Rgui.exe.  When you have found it,
 execute it to start an R session.  (Rgui.exe usually lives in something
 like: ...\Program Files\R\bin\)
 Later you will find out how to set this all up properly.  Usually the
 installation program does a faultless job.
 Rthoughts wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 Thank you for your reply. There is one link I haven't come across, the
 last one. I have seen them but I couldn't find where 'how to start R' is
 explained for Windows platforms.
 I will look further into them.
 As for everyone else who sent e-mails, thank you. I have printed them
 out and will look into them.
 Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Rthoughts,
 I am currently discouraged by the use of r. I cannot figure out how
 to use it despite
 extensive searches. Can anyone help me with getting started? How can
 a txt file with series...
 There are piles of documents that you could (and should) read.  I am
 surprised that you haven't found them in your extensive searches.  To
 set your thoughts free, go here: read the first one, and
 whatever else you need
 Then click on CRAN, and choose a mirror site (nearby), say:
 Then go:
 and start at the top.
 PS: It might help you in your future enquiries if you used a real name,
 and if you called R R rather than r (since your keyboard clearly
 doesn't have a broken R ;).
 Rthoughts wrote:
 Hello, I need to learn to use r-software for my PhD research project
 involving long timelines of radon radiation variations.
 I am using windows.
 I am currently discouraged by the use of r. I cannot figure out how to
 use it despite extensive searches. Can anyone help me with getting
 started? How can import a txt file with series of numbers from the
 RAD7 machine? How can I open up and set directories with the imported
 file or to start a new r session?
 Thank you so much if you can help.

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Re: [R] Why does plot() ignore the data type for axis labels?

2008-02-19 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Stiffler,

 I was wondering why the plot() command ignores the datatype when
 displaying axis labels...

plot() doesn't ignore the datatype:

 x - as.integer(c(1,2,3))
 y -x
[1] integer
[1] numeric

plot(x,y) calls xy.coords(), which recasts x as: x = as.double(x), which is
fine, since x is (also/primarily) numeric.


See ?double, sub: Note on names.

HTH, Mark.

Stiffler wrote:
 I was wondering why the plot() command ignores the datatype when
 displaying axis labels.  More specifically, if the data points are
 integers then the axis labels should intuitively also be integers, right?
 x - as.integer(c(1,2,3))
 y -x
 [1] integer

 The axis labels are 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0  but if the integer type were
 taken into account they would be 1, 2, 3.
 PS what's the right way to get integer labels?

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Re: [R] fitted values are different from manually calculating

2008-02-19 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Yianni,

This just proves that you should be using R as your calculator, and not the
other one!

Regards, Mark.

gatemaze wrote:
 on a simple linear model the values produced from the fitted(model)
 are difference from manually calculating on calc. Will anyone have a
 or any insights on how fitted function calculates the values? Thank you.
 -- Yianni
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Re: [R] plotDensity

2008-02-19 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Conny,

It still isn't clear what your question is, but a density plot simply
shows you the distribution of your data, say a set of measurements of
something.  Think of it as a modern replacement for the histogram.


for greater insight.

HTH, Mark.

laptopcss wrote:
 I just loaded the limma package.
 Datum: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 06:41:18 -0800
 Von: Henrik Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Betreff: Re: [R] plotDensity
 Is 'plotDensity' a specific function you are referring to?  If so, in
 which package?  Then we can give a straight answer...
 On Feb 19, 2008 4:10 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a question to plotDensity and do not understand what stand
 behind. In a density plot the x-axis is the signal intensity but for what
 than density on the y-axis? Here I have the values 0.00-0.30 Can anyone
 discribe it by his own words? I do not understand the help.
  Thanks, Conny
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Re: [R] Why does plot() ignore the data type for axis labels?

2008-02-20 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Stiffler,

Duncan Murdoch wrote:
 The point is that a scatterplot is a graph of real numbers, not of
 Use a plot designed for a discrete data type if you don't want things 
 displayed as their real values ...

To drive home Duncan's point (not that it needs it) ...and to complete the
loop, consider how R treats factors:

[1] 1 2 3
[1] 1 2 3
Levels: 1 2 3

## And:
 factor(x, labels=c(one, two, three))
[1] one   two   three
Levels: one two three

 unclass(factor(x, labels=c(one, two, three)))
[1] 1 2 3
[1] one   two   three

It does, in the end, make perfect sense.

HTH, Mark.

Duncan Murdoch-2 wrote:
 On 19/02/2008 5:40 PM, Stiffler wrote:
 Mark Difford wrote:
 I was wondering why the plot() command ignores the datatype when
 displaying axis labels...
 plot() doesn't ignore the datatype:
 plot(x,y) calls xy.coords(), which recasts x as: x = as.double(x), which
 is fine, since x is (also/primarily) numeric.

 HTH, Mark.

 Thanks for the explanation Mark.
 If integers are being recast as doubles R is ignoring/overriding the
 choice of data-type. There may be good reasons for doing that internally
 (uniformity, code re-use etc) , but it is not what I'd expect as an
 --- neither ?plot nor ?xy.coords seem to mention that coordinates need to
 floating point numbers.
 They don't need to be floating point numbers, they are converted if not.
 The point is that a scatterplot is a graph of real numbers, not of 
 integers.  Use a plot designed for a discrete data type if you don't 
 want things displayed as their real values (see for example barplot, 
 stripchart, dotchart, etc.)
 Duncan Murdoch
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Re: [R] Mixed model Nested ANOVA

2008-02-22 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Stephen,

Hopefully you will get an answer from one of the experts on mixed models who
subscribe to this list.  However, you should know that both lme() and lmer()
currently have anova() methods.  The first will give you p-values (but no
SS), and the second will give you SS (but no p-values).  You can, however,
get the latter using functions in the languageR package.  This also has an
aovlmer.fnc() that uses MCMC to get p-values.

From what you have said about your data, and about what you want from them,
you clearly should be using either lme() or lmer().  Further, objects from
both functions work with glht() from the multcomp package, so you also have
access to a full range of post-hoc tests.

HTH, Mark.

Stephen Cole-2 wrote:
 hello R help
 I am trying to analyze a data set that has been collected from a
 hierarchical sampling design.  The model should be a mixed model nested
 ANOVA.  The purpose of my study is to analyze the variability at each
 spatial scale in my design (random factors, variance components), and say
 something about the variability between regions (fixed factor, contrast of
 means).  The data is as follows;
 region (fixed)
 Location (random)
 site nested in location nested in region.
 I would like to run this as an ANOVA and then compute variance components.
 My question is when i use the aov command;   mod1 - aov(density ~
 is there any way to tell R which factor is random and fixed.
 I know i can specify fixed and random factors using lme or lmer but these
 methods do not allow me to extract an anova table (or do they?)
 I know that the data can be analyzed using a nested ANOVA because i have
 based my design on several papers in the marine biological literature
 (MEPS).  Thank-you for any advice in advance.
 Stephen Cole
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Re: [R] mixed model nested ANOVA (part two)

2008-02-24 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Stephen,

 Also i have read in Quinn and Keough 2002, design and analysis of
 experiments for
 biologists, that a variance component analysis should only be conducted
 after a rejection
 of the null hypothesis of no variance at that level.

Once again the caveat: there are experts on this list who really know about
this stuff, and I am not one of them.  Your general strategy would be to set
up two models with the same fixed effects, one of which doesn't have random
effects.  You then test the two models using anova(mod.withRandom,

I haven't tried this using lmer/2(), but with lme() you do this by fitting
your fixed+random effects model using lme() and your fixed-only effects
model using lm().  If you are using weights to model heteroskedasticity,
then it's better to use gls(), as this will accept the same weights argument
as the call to lme().

Then you simply do anova(lme.model, lm/gls.model).  This tells you about the
significance of your random effects, i.e. whether you need a random-effects

To recap:
mod.rand - lme(fixed=y ~ x, random=~x|Site, data=...)
mod,fix - lm(fixed=y ~ x, data=...)

anova(mod.rand, mod.fix)

HTH, Mark.

Stephen Cole-2 wrote:
 First of all thank you for the responses.  I appreciate the
 suggestions i have received thus far.
 Just to reiterate
 I am trying to analyze a data set that has been collected from a
 hierarchical sampling design.  The model should be a mixed model
 nested ANOVA.  The purpose of my study is to analyze the variability
 at each spatial scale in my design (random factors, variance
 components), and say something about the variability between regions
 (fixed factor, contrast of means).  The data is as follows;
 region (fixed)
 Location (random)
 site nested in location nested in region.
 Also i have read in Quinn and Keough 2002, design and analysis of
 experiments for biologists, that a variance component analysis should
 only be conducted after a rejection of the null hypothesis of no
 variance at that level.
 I have tried to implement
 mod1-lmer(density ~ 1 + (1|site) + (1|location) + (1|region))
 However, as i understand it, this treats all my factors as random.
 Plus I do not know how to extract SS or MS from this model.
 anova(mod1) gives me
 Analysis of Variance Table
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq
 and summary(mod1) gives me
 Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
 Formula: density ~ 1 + (1 | site) + (1 | location) + (1 | region)
AIC   BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
  15658 15678  -7825  1566215650
 Random effects:
  Groups   NameVariance Std.Dev.
  site (Intercept)  22191   148.97
  location (Intercept)  33544   183.15
  region   (Intercept)  41412   203.50
  Residual 696189   834.38
 number of obs: 960, groups: site, 4; location, 4; region, 3
 Fixed effects:
 Estimate Std. Error t value
 (Intercept)261.3  168.7   1.549
 from what i understand the variance in the penultimate column are my
 variance components.  But how do i conduct my significance test?
 I have also tried
 mod1-lmer(density ~ region + (1|site) + (1|location))
 Which i think is the correct mixed model for my design.  However once
 again i do not know how to evaluate significance for the random
 Thank-you again for any additional advice i receive
 Stephen Cole
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Re: [R] mixed model nested ANOVA (part two)

2008-02-24 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Stephen,

Slip of the dactylus: lm() does not, of course, take a fixed=arg.  So you

To recap: 
mod.rand - lme(fixed=y ~ x, random=~x|Site, data=...) 
mod,fix - lm(y ~ x, data=...)   ## or
##mod,fix - lm(formula=y ~ x, data=...)


Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Stephen,
 Also i have read in Quinn and Keough 2002, design and analysis of
 experiments for
 biologists, that a variance component analysis should only be conducted
 after a rejection
 of the null hypothesis of no variance at that level.
 Once again the caveat: there are experts on this list who really know
 about this stuff, and I am not one of them.  Your general strategy would
 be to set up two models with the same fixed effects, one of which doesn't
 have random effects.  You then test the two models using
 anova(mod.withRandom, modWithoutRandom).
 I haven't tried this using lmer/2(), but with lme() you do this by fitting
 your fixed+random effects model using lme() and your fixed-only effects
 model using lm().  If you are using weights to model heteroskedasticity,
 then it's better to use gls(), as this will accept the same weights
 argument as the call to lme().
 Then you simply do anova(lme.model, lm/gls.model).  This tells you about
 the significance of your random effects, i.e. whether you need a
 random-effects component.
 To recap:
 mod.rand - lme(fixed=y ~ x, random=~x|Site, data=...)
 mod,fix - lm(fixed=y ~ x, data=...)
 anova(mod.rand, mod.fix)
 HTH, Mark.
 Stephen Cole-2 wrote:
 First of all thank you for the responses.  I appreciate the
 suggestions i have received thus far.
 Just to reiterate
 I am trying to analyze a data set that has been collected from a
 hierarchical sampling design.  The model should be a mixed model
 nested ANOVA.  The purpose of my study is to analyze the variability
 at each spatial scale in my design (random factors, variance
 components), and say something about the variability between regions
 (fixed factor, contrast of means).  The data is as follows;
 region (fixed)
 Location (random)
 site nested in location nested in region.
 Also i have read in Quinn and Keough 2002, design and analysis of
 experiments for biologists, that a variance component analysis should
 only be conducted after a rejection of the null hypothesis of no
 variance at that level.
 I have tried to implement
 mod1-lmer(density ~ 1 + (1|site) + (1|location) + (1|region))
 However, as i understand it, this treats all my factors as random.
 Plus I do not know how to extract SS or MS from this model.
 anova(mod1) gives me
 Analysis of Variance Table
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq
 and summary(mod1) gives me
 Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
 Formula: density ~ 1 + (1 | site) + (1 | location) + (1 | region)
AIC   BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
  15658 15678  -7825  1566215650
 Random effects:
  Groups   NameVariance Std.Dev.
  site (Intercept)  22191   148.97
  location (Intercept)  33544   183.15
  region   (Intercept)  41412   203.50
  Residual 696189   834.38
 number of obs: 960, groups: site, 4; location, 4; region, 3
 Fixed effects:
 Estimate Std. Error t value
 (Intercept)261.3  168.7   1.549
 from what i understand the variance in the penultimate column are my
 variance components.  But how do i conduct my significance test?
 I have also tried
 mod1-lmer(density ~ region + (1|site) + (1|location))
 Which i think is the correct mixed model for my design.  However once
 again i do not know how to evaluate significance for the random
 Thank-you again for any additional advice i receive
 Stephen Cole
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Re: [R] Hmisc xYplot won't do conditioning on factors?

2008-02-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Ivan,

 It appears that xYplot, unlike standard xyplot (or coplot to that
 does not accept factors as x variable in formula.

To add to what you have said.  It may not be too well documented in ?xYplot,
but xYplot() is really designed to do a number of very useful things with
two sets of _numeric_ variables, viz x and y.

The help file for xYplot() does also mention the subfunction
numericScale(), about which it says:

numericScale is a utility function that facilitates using xYplot to plot
variables that are not considered to be numeric but which can readily be
converted to numeric using as.numeric().

This does what you want, and a little bit more (for timeDate variables).  It
also documents what you say is not documented;)

HTH, Mark.

Ivan Adzhubey wrote:
 Since nobody replied, I'd rather post this self-reply for the sake of 
 documenting the solution.
 It appears that xYplot, unlike standard xyplot (or coplot to that
 does not accept factors as x variable in formula. With x converted to
 everything worked as expected. This small discrepancy was not documented
 xYplot help page.
 On Tuesday 26 February 2008 07:47:14 pm Ivan Adzhubey wrote:

 I am trying to replace (lattice) standard xyplot with xYplot variant from
 Hmisc package to be able to add error bars to my plots. However, this
 not work, e.g:

 d - data.frame(
  SKU=gl(3, 1, 21, labels=c(a, b, c)),
  Weekday=gl(7, 3, 21),

 xyplot(QCRate ~ Weekday | SKU, data=d)

 (this plots nice 3 panels as per a,b,c conditionals)


  xYplot(QCRate ~ Weekday | SKU, data=d)

 Error in Summary.factor(1:7, na.rm = TRUE) :
   range not meaningful for factors

 Is there a workaround?

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Re: [R] model R^2 and partial R^2 values

2008-02-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Mirela,

 Are the relative R^2 values the CP values?

No.  CP is your complexity parameter.

 I’ve read that the R^2 = 1-rel error, so I am assuming that in my case
 would be 1-0.64949. Is this correct?

Yes.  See ?rsq.rpart, and run the example, which I've copied below.

par(ask=T) - rpart(Mileage ~ Weight, car.test.frame)

The values plotted in graph-1 come from 1-rel.error and 1-xerror.

HTH, Mark.

Mirela Tulbure wrote:
 Dear R-list members,
 I am doing a CART analysis in R using the rpart function in the rpart
 Phrag.rpart=rpart(PhragDiff~., data = Phrag, method=anova, xval=10). 
 I used the xerror values in the CP table to prune the tree to 4 nsplits:
   CPnsplit  rel error  xerrorxstd
 1 0.098172  0  1.0 1.02867 0.12768
 2 0.055991  3  0.70548 1.00823 0.12911
 3 0.029306  4  0.64949 0.83275 0.12074
 4 0.018943  5  0.62019 0.86994 0.12467
 5 0.010503  6  0.60124 0.86975 0.12080
 6 0.01  7  0.59074 0.87944 0.11757
 I would like to get R^2 values for the model as well as partial R^2 values
 for each split. 
 I’ve read that the R^2 = 1-rel error, so I am assuming that in my case
 this would be 1-0.64949. Is this correct? Are the relative R^2 values the
 CP values? 
 Your help would be much appreciated. Many thanks in advance,
 Looking for la
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Re: [R] [OT] Make plots with GNUplot. Have anyone tried that?

2008-02-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Everyone,

Please don't denigrate the capabilities of GNUplot (Louise excluded).  It
can, in fact, do some truly awesome stuff.

The PDF is worth a shot.

Cheers, Mark.

Louise Hoffman-3 wrote:
  If you still want to then read ?write.table, that can export your data
  into a spreadsheet-like ascii format which can be used from GNUplot
 Very interesting.
 So if I e.g. write:
 ts.sim - arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.7), n = 200)
 How do I know the names of the rows to put in the data.frame() command?
  Btw, comparing the graphics capabilities of GNUplot and R, it is
  something like a three-wheel bicycle and a spaceship. Guess
  which is which.
 =) I know that I will most likely spend a lot of time on just making
 the plots, but I atleast (for now =) ) think it could be fun to try.
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Re: [R] The Claw Density and LOCFIT

2009-06-26 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Jaap,

 Could anybody please direct me in finding an updated version of this
 document, or help me
 correct the code given in the file. The (out-of-date) code is as follows:

You are not helping yourself, or anyone else, by not including the error
messages you get when trying to execute your code. The matter is in fact
quite straightfowards: ev does not accept an evaluation structure called
grid. The current documentation for locfit does tell you this: ?locfit.raw
(sub ev). When I executed your code I got

   fit1 - locfit( ~ claw54, deg = 0, kern = gauss, alpha = c(0, 0.315),
 ev = 
+ grid(100, ll = -3.5, ur = 2.7)) 
Error in grid(100, ll = -3.5, ur = 2.7) : 
  unused argument(s) (ll = -3.5, ur = 2.7)

This explicitly tells you that the problem lies with the call to ev =
grid(...), which should in fact be ev = lfgrid(...). The following works for
me and should do so for you.

fit1 - locfit( ~ claw54, deg = 0, kern = gauss, alpha = c(0, 0.315), ev = 
   lfgrid(100, ll = -3.5, ur = 2.7)) 


R version 2.10.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-06-20 r48806) 

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_South Africa.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_South Africa.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_South Africa.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C 
[5] LC_TIME=English_South Africa.1252

attached base packages:
[1] splines   stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods  

other attached packages:
[1] locfit_1.5-4lattice_0.17-25 akima_0.5-2 DPpackage_1.0-7
ade4_1.4-11 Design_2.2-0   
[7] survival_2.35-4 Hmisc_3.6-0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] cluster_1.12.0 grid_2.10.0tools_2.10.0 

Van Wyk, Jaap wrote:
 I am trying to reproduce Figure 10.5 of Loader's book: Local Regression
 and Likelihood. The code provided in the book does not seem to work.
 I have managed (a while ago) to get the accompanied R-code for the figures
 in the book (file called lffigs.R) from somewhere - cannot find it on the
 web anymore. The code in the .R script file does not work either.
 Could anybody please direct me in finding an updated version of this
 document, or help me correct the code given in the file. The (out-of-date)
 code is as follows:
   fit1 - locfit( ~ claw54, deg = 0, kern = gauss, alpha = c(0, 0.315),
 ev =
 grid(100, ll = -3.5, ur = 2.7))
   fit2 - locfit( ~ claw54, deg = 0, kern = gauss, alpha = c(0, 0.985),
 ev =
 grid(100, ll = -3.5, ur = 2.7))
   x - seq(-3.5, 2.7, length.out = 200)
   y - dnorm(x, -1., 0.1) + dnorm(x, -0.5, 0.1) + dnorm(x, 0, 0.1) +
 0.5, 0.1) + dnorm(x, 1., 0.1)
   y - (y + 5 * dnorm(x))/10
   plot(fit1, = T, main = h=0.315, ylim = c(0, max(y)))
   lines(x, y, lty = 2)
   plot(fit2, = T, main = h=0.985, ylim = c(0, max(y)))
   lines(x, y, lty = 2)
 ps: This code differs from that in the book. I have tried both, without
 success. Even if I just use, for example,
 fit1 - locfit( ~ claw54, deg = 0, kern = gauss, alpha = c(0, 0.315))
 I do not get the same result.
 Jacob L van Wyk, Dept. of Statistics, University of Johannesburg (APK),
 Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006.
 Office: +27 11 559 3080, Fax: +27 11 559 2499
 This email and all contents are subject to the following disclaimer:
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Re: [R] Correlation Network Diagram?

2009-07-03 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Rory,

There are several. Have a look at the gR Task Views. There you will also
find a link to the statnet suite, where you will find links to a dedicated
set of jstatsoft articles.

Regards, Mark.

Rory Winston wrote:
 Hi all
 On page 39 of this paper [1] by Andrew Lo there is a very interesting  
 correlation network diagram (sorry I dont have a more convenient link to  
 the type of diagram I'm talking about). does anyone know of any package in  
 R that can generate these types of diagrams?
 -- Rory
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Re: [R] Differing Variable Length Inconsistencies in Random Effects/Regression Models

2009-07-15 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Aditi,

Parts of _your_ code for the solution offered by Jerome Goudet are wrong;
see my comments.

 famfit-lmer( + (1|family), na.action=na.omit, vcdf)   ## use:
 for( i in 1:length(colms)) 
+ { 
+ print (Marker, i) 
+ regfam-abline(lm(resfam~i))## you need to use:
+ print(regfam) 
+ }

Corrected code:
famfit-lmer( + (1|family), na.action=na.exclude, vcdf)
for( i in 1:length(colms)) 
print (Marker, i) 

This should work.

Regards, Mark.

A Singh wrote:
 Dear All,
 I am quite new to R and am having a problem trying to run a linear model 
 with random effects/ a regression- with particular regard to my variable 
 lengths being different and the models refusing to compute any further.
 The codes I have been using are as follows:

 colms-(vc)[,4:13] ## this to assign the 10 columns containing marker
 datato a new variable, as column names are themselves not in any
 recognisable sequence

 for (c in levels(family))
 + {for (i in 1:length(colms))
 +{ fit-lmer( + (1|c/i), vcdf)
 + }

 This gives me:

 Error in model.frame.default(data = vcdf, formula = ~ 1 + (1 +  :
  variable lengths differ (found for 'c')
 I had posted a similar message on the R mixed model list a few days ago, 
 with respect to my fundamental methods, and Jerome Goudet had kindly 
 referred me to an alternative approach using residuals obtained from a 
 random effects model in lmer(), and then doing regressions using those 
 [residuals being the dependent variable and my marker data columns the 
 independent variable].
 The code for that is as follows:


  [1] male.parent  family P1L55P1L73 
  [6] P1L74P1L77P1L91P1L96P1L98 
 [11] P1L100   P1L114   P1L118 
 [16] syll.length

 vcdf-data.frame(family, colms,, ec.length, syll.length)

 famfit-lmer( + (1|family), na.action=na.omit, vcdf)
 for( i in 1:length(colms))
 + {
 + print (Marker, i)
 + regfam-abline(lm(resfam~i))
 + print(regfam)
 + }
 This again gives me the error:
 [1] Marker
 Error in model.frame.default(formula = resfam ~ i, drop.unused.levels = 
 TRUE) :
   variable lengths differ (found for 'i')
 My variables all have missing values somewhere or the other. The missing 
 values are not consistent for all individuals, i.e some individuals have 
 some values missing, others have others,
  and as much as I have tried to use na.action=na.omit and na.rm=T, the 
 differing variable length problem is dogging me persistently..
 I also tried to isolate the residuals, save them in a new variable (called 
 'resfam' here), and tried to save that in the data.frame()-vcdf, that I 
 had created earlier.
 The problem with that was that when the residuals were computed, lmer() 
 ignored missing data in '' with respect to 'family', which is 
 obviously not the same data missing for say another variable E.g. 
 'ec.length'- leading again to an inconsistency in variable lengths. 
 Data.frame would then not accept that addition at all to the previous set.
 This was fairly obvious right from the start, but I decided to try it 
 anyway. Didn't work.
 I apologise if the solution to working with these different variable 
 lengths is obvious and I don't know it- but I don't know R that well at
 My data files can be downloaded at the following location: (excel-
 (.txt file)
 Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, as this is holding me up loads.
 Thanks a ton for your help,
 A Singh
 School of Biological Sciences
 University of Bristol
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Re: [R] Differing Variable Length Inconsistencies in Random Effects/Regression Models

2009-07-15 Thread Mark Difford

Perhaps I should have added the following: To see that it works, run the

famfit-lmer( + (1|family), na.action=na.exclude, vcdf)
for( i in 1:length(colms)) 

Regards, Mark.

A Singh wrote:
 Dear All,
 I am quite new to R and am having a problem trying to run a linear model 
 with random effects/ a regression- with particular regard to my variable 
 lengths being different and the models refusing to compute any further.
 The codes I have been using are as follows:

 colms-(vc)[,4:13] ## this to assign the 10 columns containing marker
 datato a new variable, as column names are themselves not in any
 recognisable sequence

 for (c in levels(family))
 + {for (i in 1:length(colms))
 +{ fit-lmer( + (1|c/i), vcdf)
 + }

 This gives me:

 Error in model.frame.default(data = vcdf, formula = ~ 1 + (1 +  :
  variable lengths differ (found for 'c')
 I had posted a similar message on the R mixed model list a few days ago, 
 with respect to my fundamental methods, and Jerome Goudet had kindly 
 referred me to an alternative approach using residuals obtained from a 
 random effects model in lmer(), and then doing regressions using those 
 [residuals being the dependent variable and my marker data columns the 
 independent variable].
 The code for that is as follows:


  [1] male.parent  family P1L55P1L73 
  [6] P1L74P1L77P1L91P1L96P1L98 
 [11] P1L100   P1L114   P1L118 
 [16] syll.length

 vcdf-data.frame(family, colms,, ec.length, syll.length)

 famfit-lmer( + (1|family), na.action=na.omit, vcdf)
 for( i in 1:length(colms))
 + {
 + print (Marker, i)
 + regfam-abline(lm(resfam~i))
 + print(regfam)
 + }
 This again gives me the error:
 [1] Marker
 Error in model.frame.default(formula = resfam ~ i, drop.unused.levels = 
 TRUE) :
   variable lengths differ (found for 'i')
 My variables all have missing values somewhere or the other. The missing 
 values are not consistent for all individuals, i.e some individuals have 
 some values missing, others have others,
  and as much as I have tried to use na.action=na.omit and na.rm=T, the 
 differing variable length problem is dogging me persistently..
 I also tried to isolate the residuals, save them in a new variable (called 
 'resfam' here), and tried to save that in the data.frame()-vcdf, that I 
 had created earlier.
 The problem with that was that when the residuals were computed, lmer() 
 ignored missing data in '' with respect to 'family', which is 
 obviously not the same data missing for say another variable E.g. 
 'ec.length'- leading again to an inconsistency in variable lengths. 
 Data.frame would then not accept that addition at all to the previous set.
 This was fairly obvious right from the start, but I decided to try it 
 anyway. Didn't work.
 I apologise if the solution to working with these different variable 
 lengths is obvious and I don't know it- but I don't know R that well at
 My data files can be downloaded at the following location: (excel-
 (.txt file)
 Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, as this is holding me up loads.
 Thanks a ton for your help,
 A Singh
 School of Biological Sciences
 University of Bristol
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Re: [R] Split plot analysis problems

2009-07-22 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Jean-Paul,

 ... since R is not able to extract residuals?

R can extract the residuals, but they are a hidden in models with an error

str(aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block)))
residuals(aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block))$Block)
residuals(aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block))$Within)

Regards, Mark.

Jean-Paul Maalouf wrote:
 I would be very grateful if someone could give me a hand with my split  
 plot design problems.
 So here is my design :
 I am studying the crossed-effects of water (wet/dry) and mowing  
 (mowed/not-mowed = nm) on plant height (PH) within 2 types of plant  
 communities (Xerobromion and Mesobromion) :
 - Within each type of communities, I have localised 4 blocks
 - In each block, I have defined 4 plots in order to have the 4  
 possible treatments of both the water and mowing factors : nm/dry ;  
 mowed/dry ; mowed/wet ; nm/wet.
 Here is my data table :
 Community Block Mowing WaterPH
 1   Mesob1  Mowed   Wet  7.40
 2   Mesob1 nm   Wet 13.10
 3   Mesob1  Mowed   Dry  5.55
 4   Mesob1 nm   Dry 10.35
 5   Mesob2 nm   Dry 10.70
 6   Mesob2  Mowed   Dry  6.38
 7   Mesob2 nm   Wet  9.75
 8   Mesob2  Mowed   Wet  6.35
 9   Mesob3 nm   Wet  9.60
 10  Mesob3  Mowed   Dry  5.10
 11  Mesob3 nm   Dry 10.05
 12  Mesob3  Mowed   Wet  6.25
 13  Mesob4 nm   Wet  9.00
 14  Mesob4  Mowed   Wet  6.50
 15  Mesob4 nm   Dry  7.75
 16  Mesob4  Mowed   Dry  5.90
 17  Xerob5 nm   Wet  7.69
 18  Xerob5  Mowed   Wet  8.11
 19  Xerob5 nm   Dry  3.98
 20  Xerob5  Mowed   Dry  3.69
 21  Xerob6 nm   Wet  5.24
 22  Xerob6  Mowed   Wet  4.22
 23  Xerob6 nm   Dry  6.55
 24  Xerob6  Mowed   Dry  4.40
 25  Xerob7  Mowed   Dry  3.79
 26  Xerob7 nm   Dry  3.91
 27  Xerob7 nm   Wet  9.00
 28  Xerob7  Mowed   Wet  8.50
 29  Xerob8  Mowed   Dry  3.33
 30  Xerob8 nm   Wet  6.25
 31  Xerob8  Mowed   Wet  8.00
 32  Xerob8 nm   Dry  6.33
 I actually have 2 questions :
 I wrote my model in two different ways, and there were differences in  
 P-Values according to the model written :
 First model : summary(aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block)))
 Error: Block
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(F)
 Community  1 42.182  42.182  24.407 0.002603 **
 Residuals  6 10.370   1.728
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
 Error: Within
 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F valuePr(F)
 Mowing  1 40.007  40.007 21.1747 0.0002215 ***
 Water   1 23.120  23.120 12.2370 0.0025673 **
 Community:Mowing1 21.060  21.060 11.1467 0.0036554 **
 Community:Water 1  6.901   6.901  3.6524 0.0720478 .
 Mowing:Water1  1.611   1.611  0.8527 0.3680090
 Community:Mowing:Water  1  0.858   0.858  0.4542 0.5089331
 Residuals  18 34.008   1.889
 - Second model (assuming that Mowing*Water are nested inside the Block  
 factor) :
 summary(aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block/(Mowing*Water
 Error: Block
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(F)
 Community  1 42.182  42.182  24.407 0.002603 **
 Residuals  6 10.370   1.728
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
 Error: Block:Mowing
   Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F valuePr(F)
 Mowing1 40.007  40.007  37.791 0.0008489 ***
 Community:Mowing  1 21.060  21.060  19.893 0.0042820 **
 Residuals 6  6.352   1.059
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
 Error: Block:Water
  Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(F)
 Water1 23.1200 23.1200  6.0725 0.04884 *
 Community:Water  1  6.9006  6.9006  1.8125 0.22685
 Residuals6 22.8439  3.8073
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
 Error: Block:Mowing:Water
 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(F)
 Mowing:Water1 1.6110  1.6110  2.0085 0.2062
 Community:Mowing:Water  1 0.8581  0.8581  1.0697 0.3409
 Residuals   6 4.8126  0.8021
 Both models give me interesting (but different!) results. Which one  
 would be the most appropriate?
 Second question : How can I verify preliminary assumptions (normality  
 of residuals and variance homogeneity) in this kind of models?
 When I ask R to extract residuals, the answer is NULL:
 residuals(aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block/(Mowing*Water
 residuals(aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block)))
 A huge thanks to the one who will rescue (or at least try to rescue) my
 Jean-Paul Maalouf
 Inra - Université Bordeaux 1
 Bâtiment B8, Avenue des 

Re: [R] Split plot analysis problems

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Jean-Paul,

 However, I've tried both solutions on my model, and I got different
 residuals :...
 What could be the difference between the two?

There is no difference. You have made a mistake.

tt - data.frame(read.csv(file=tt.csv, sep=))  ## imports your data set
T.aov - aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block), data=tt)

summary(T.aov)  ## This matches your output

   Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F valuePr(F)
Mowing  1 40.007  40.007 21.1747 0.0002215 ***
Water   1 23.120  23.120 12.2370 0.0025673 ** 
Community:Mowing1 21.060  21.060 11.1467 0.0036554 ** 
Community:Water 1  6.901   6.901  3.6524 0.0720478 .  
Mowing:Water1  1.611   1.611  0.8527 0.3680090
Community:Mowing:Water  1  0.858   0.858  0.4542 0.5089331
Residuals  18 34.008   1.889  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

length(residuals(T.aov - aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block),
[1] 24
[1] 24

## Details
residuals(T.aov - aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water + Error(Block),

   9   10   11   12   13  
14   15   16 
-1.107277057 -0.977277057 -0.007277057 -0.719777057 -1.021627882 
0.215872118 -1.621627882  0.508372118 
  17   18   19   20   21  
22   23   24 
 1.241311954  1.498811954 -0.616188046  0.483811954 -0.477827381
-1.660327381  2.684672619  1.924672619 
  25   26   27   28   29  
30   31   32 
-0.465198010 -1.735198010  1.502301990  0.839801990 -0.428515358
-0.751015358  0.836484642  1.181484642 

   9   10   11   12   13  
14   15   16   17   18   19  
20   21 
-1.107277057 -0.977277057 -0.007277057 -0.719777057 -1.021627882 
0.215872118 -1.621627882  0.508372118  1.241311954  1.498811954 -0.616188046 
0.483811954 -0.477827381 
  22   23   24   25   26  
27   28   29   30   31   32 
-1.660327381  2.684672619  1.924672619 -0.465198010 -1.735198010 
1.502301990  0.839801990 -0.428515358 -0.751015358  0.836484642  1.181484642 

Regards, Mark.

Jean-Paul Maalouf wrote:
 Thanks Mark and Richard for your propositions on how to extract residuals.
 However, I've tried both solutions on my model, and I got different  
 residuals :
 If we consider the within residuals :
 Mark's solution gave me a vector of 24 residuals :
 as.vector(residuals(aov(PH~Community*Mowing*Water +
   [1] -1.107277057 -0.977277057 -0.007277057 -0.719777057 -1.021627882  
   0.215872118 -1.621627882  0.508372118  1.241311954  1.498811954  
 [12]  0.483811954 -0.477827381 -1.660327381  2.684672619  1.924672619  
 -0.465198010 -1.735198010  1.502301990  0.839801990 -0.428515358  
 [23]  0.836484642  1.181484642
 and Richard's solution gave me a vector 32 residuals :,proj(aov(PH~Community*Water*Mowing +
   [1] -0.216875  1.745625 -1.174375 -0.354375  0.800625  0.460625  
 -0.799375 -0.461875 -0.404375 -0.274375  0.695625 -0.016875 -0.541875   
 0.695625 -1.141875
 [16]  0.988125  0.589375  0.846875 -1.268125 -0.168125 -1.095625  
 -2.278125  2.066875  1.306875 -0.500625 -1.770625  1.466875  0.804375  
 -0.638125 -0.960625
 [31]  0.626875  0.971875
 What could be the difference between the two?
 Quoting Richard M. Heiberger
 Jean-Paul Maalouf wrote:
 Do you have any idea on how can I verify preliminary assumptions in  
  this model (normality of the residuals and variance homogeneity),   
 since R is not able to extract residuals?

 Of course, R extracts residuals.  Use the proj() function.  See ?proj
 for the example
 to get the projection of an aovlist object onto the terms of a linear


 To get the projections into a simple data.frame, use
 tmpE - proj(npk.aovE)
 tmpE.df -, tmpE)

 Mark Difford's solution effectively retrieved columns 3 and 10 from

 Jean-Paul Maalouf
 Inra - Université Bordeaux 1
 Bâtiment B8, Avenue des Facultés
 33405 Talence, France
 Tel : 05 40008772
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Re: [R] how to correlate nominal variables?

2009-07-27 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Timo,

 I need functions to calculate Yule's Y or Cramérs Index... Are such
 functions existing?

Also look at assocstats() in package vcd.

Regards, Mark.

Timo Stolz wrote:
 Dear R-Users,
 I need functions to calculate Yule's Y or Cramérs Index, in order to
 correlate variables that are nominally scaled?
 Am I wrong? Are such functions existing?
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Re: [R] Adding picture to graph?

2009-07-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Rainer,

 the question came up if it would be possible to add a picture
 (saved on the HDD) to a graph (generated by plot()), which
 we could not answer.

Yes. Look at package pixmap and, especially, at the examples sub s.logo() in
package ade4.

Regards, Mark.

Rainer M Krug-6 wrote:
 while teaching R, the question came up if it would be possible to add
 a picture (saved on the HDD) to a graph (generated by plot()), which
 we could not answer.
 It might easily kill a clean graph, but: is there a way of doing this,
 even one should not do it?
 On a similar line of thought: is it possibe to define own symbols so
 that they can be used in the plot function with pch=?
 Rainer M. Krug, Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology,
 Stellenbosch University, South Africa
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Re: [R] Selecting Bootstrap Method for Quantile Regression

2009-07-30 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Tom,

 For example, if I want to use the xy-pair bootstrap how do I indicate
 this in summary.rq?

The general approach is documented under summary.rq (sub se option 5).
Shorter route is boot.rq, where examples are given.

## ?boot.rq
y - rnorm(50)
x - matrix(rnorm(100),50)
fit - rq(y~x,tau = .4)
summary(fit,se = boot, bsmethod= xy)

Regards, Mark.

Tom La Bone wrote:
 The help page and vignette for summary.rq(quantreg) mention that there are
 three different bootstrap methods available for the se=bootstrap
 argument, but I can't figure out how to select a particular method. For
 example, if I want to use the xy-pair bootstrap how do I indicate this
 in summary.rq?

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Re: [R] i'm so stuck with text file and contour plot

2009-08-02 Thread Mark Difford


 been trying to read a text file that contains heading in the first line
 in to R but cant.

You want the following:

TDat - read.csv(small.txt, sep=\t)

See ?read.csv

Regards, Mark.

hannesPretorius wrote:
 Ok i feel pretty stupid.. been trying to read a text file that contains
 heading in the first line in to R but cant. all i need to do is make a
 contour plot for a friend but after weeks i feel like giving up.. i
 included the first few lines of the file.. any help will be great
 Hannes small.txt 

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Re: [R] i'm so stuck with text file and contour plot

2009-08-03 Thread Mark Difford

Hi David,

 I think he may also need to add the header=TRUE argument:

No! The argument header= is not required in this case.

 TDat - read.csv(small.txt, sep=\t) 
'data.frame':   10 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ Placename: Factor w/ 10 levels Aankoms,Aapieshoek,..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
 $ X_coord  : num  30.9 31.4 31.1 31.4 18.7 ...
 $ Y_coord  : num  -26.2 -27.4 -29 -29 -33.5 ...

?read.csv, sub header:
If missing, the value is determined from the file format: header is set to
TRUE if and only if the first row contains one fewer field than the number
of columns.

regards, Mark.

David Winsemius wrote:
 I think he may also need to add the header=TRUE argument:
 tdat - read.csv(;,  
 header=TRUE, sep=\t)
 Note: read.table with those arguments should have worked as well.
 And then use names(tdat) - c(less bloated list of variable names)
 Perhaps along these lines:
 tdnames - names(tdat)
 #--don't paste--
 [1] Placename
 [2] X_coord
 [3] Y_coord
   names(tdat)[4:7] - c(Strk.dens.2006, Strk.dens.2007, Strk.dens. 
 2008, cumStrk.2006_8)
 # cannot use variable names that begin with numbers  
 without special efforts
 tdat   # now can be displayed more economically
 On Aug 2, 2009, at 2:10 PM, Mark Difford wrote:


 been trying to read a text file that contains heading in the first  
 in to R but cant.

 You want the following:

 TDat - read.csv(small.txt, sep=\t)

 See ?read.csv

 Regards, Mark.

 hannesPretorius wrote:

 Ok i feel pretty stupid.. been trying to read a text file that  
 heading in the first line in to R but cant. all i need to do is  
 make a
 contour plot for a friend but after weeks i feel like giving up.. i
 included the first few lines of the file.. any help will be great


 Hannes small.txt

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 David Winsemius, MD
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Re: [R] i'm so stuck with text file and contour plot

2009-08-03 Thread Mark Difford

And I meant to add, but somehow forgot, that the default for read.csv is
header=TRUE (which is different from read.table, where it is FALSE).

Regards, Mark.

Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi David,
 I think he may also need to add the header=TRUE argument:
 No! The argument header= is not required in this case.
 TDat - read.csv(small.txt, sep=\t) 
 'data.frame':   10 obs. of  3 variables:
  $ Placename: Factor w/ 10 levels Aankoms,Aapieshoek,..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 8 9 10
  $ X_coord  : num  30.9 31.4 31.1 31.4 18.7 ...
  $ Y_coord  : num  -26.2 -27.4 -29 -29 -33.5 ...
 ?read.csv, sub header:
 If missing, the value is determined from the file format: header is set
 to TRUE if and only if the first row contains one fewer field than the
 number of columns.
 regards, Mark.
 David Winsemius wrote:
 I think he may also need to add the header=TRUE argument:
 tdat - read.csv(;,  
 header=TRUE, sep=\t)
 Note: read.table with those arguments should have worked as well.
 And then use names(tdat) - c(less bloated list of variable names)
 Perhaps along these lines:
 tdnames - names(tdat)
 #--don't paste--
 [1] Placename
 [2] X_coord
 [3] Y_coord
   names(tdat)[4:7] - c(Strk.dens.2006, Strk.dens.2007, Strk.dens. 
 2008, cumStrk.2006_8)
 # cannot use variable names that begin with numbers  
 without special efforts
 tdat   # now can be displayed more economically
 On Aug 2, 2009, at 2:10 PM, Mark Difford wrote:


 been trying to read a text file that contains heading in the first  
 in to R but cant.

 You want the following:

 TDat - read.csv(small.txt, sep=\t)

 See ?read.csv

 Regards, Mark.

 hannesPretorius wrote:

 Ok i feel pretty stupid.. been trying to read a text file that  
 heading in the first line in to R but cant. all i need to do is  
 make a
 contour plot for a friend but after weeks i feel like giving up.. i
 included the first few lines of the file.. any help will be great


 Hannes small.txt

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 David Winsemius, MD
 Heritage Laboratories
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Re: [R] i'm so stuck with text file and contour plot

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Difford


 When I read the entire text file in I get the following message

Then you have not followed the very simple instructions I gave you above,
which I repeat below. Or you have changed small.txt.

TDat - read.csv(small.txt, sep=\t) 


hannesPretorius wrote:
 When I read the entire text file in I get the following message
 x - read.table('c:/small.txt', sep='\t', header=TRUE)
 Warning message:
 number of items read is not a multiple of the number of columns.
 hannesPretorius wrote:
 Ok i feel pretty stupid.. been trying to read a text file that contains
 heading in the first line in to R but cant. all i need to do is make a
 contour plot for a friend but after weeks i feel like giving up.. i
 included the first few lines of the file.. any help will be great
 Hannes small.txt 

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Re: [R] Testing year effect in lm() ***failed first time, sending again

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Difford


 somewhat incomplete  help pages : what in h*ll are valid arguments to
 mcp() beyond Tukey ??? Curently, you'll have to dig in the source to
 learn that...).

Not so: they are clearly stated in ?contrMat.

Regards, Mark.

Emmanuel Charpentier-3 wrote:
 Le jeudi 30 juillet 2009 à 16:41 -0600, Mark Na a écrit :
 Dear R-helpers,
 I have a linear model with a year effect (year is coded as a factor),
 the parameter estimates for each level of my year variable have
 P values (see some output below) and I am interested in testing:
 a) the overall effect of year;
 b) the significance of each year vis-a-vis every other year (the model
 output only tests each year against the baseline year).
 and use the vignettes ! They're good (and are a good complement to
 somewhat incomplete  help pages : what in h*ll are valid arguments to
 mcp() beyond Tukey ??? Curently, you'll have to dig in the source to
 learn that...).
   Emmanuel Charpentier
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Re: [R] How do I get an inset graph (i.e. graph within a graph)?

2008-08-03 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Arthur,

This can be done quite easily using the appropriate arguments listed under
?par; and there are other approaches. Ready-made functions exist in several
packages. I tend to use ?add.scatter from package ade4. It's a short
function, so it's easy to customize it, but it works well straight out of
the box.

HTH, Mark.

Arthur Roberts wrote:
 Hi, all,
 How do I get an inset graph (i.e. graph within a graph)?  Your input  
 is greatly appreciated.
 Best wishes,
 University of Washington
 Department of Medicinal Chemistry
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Re: [R] subset inside a lattice plot using panel.lines

2008-08-04 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Michael,

 Pulling my hair out here trying to get something very simple to work. ...

I can't quite see what you are trying to do [and I am not sure that you
clearly state it], but you could make things easier and simpler by (1)
creating a factor to identify your groups of rows more cleanly and (2) by
using the groups= argument in lattice.

## Something along these lines
copyDat - originalDat
copyDat$newFac - gl(2, 387, 774, labels=c(A,B))

xyplot(response ~ predictor|maybe.condition, data=copyDat, groups=newFac)

I hope this gives you some ideas.


Michael Hopkins wrote:
 Hi R people [duplicate - sorry, just posted HTML by mistake]
 Pulling my hair out here trying to get something very simple to work.   
 Have a data frame of 774 rows and want to plot first and second half  
 on same axes with different colours.  A variable is present call 'row'  
 created like this and checked to be OK:
   row - seq( len=length( variable1 ) ) I just want to plot the two subsets where row = 387 and where  
 row  387.  None of these work properly:
 plots both over each other in correct colours
   opt_plot2 - function( var_string, c, units ) {
   print( xyplot( get(var_string) ~ variable1 | variable2, panel =
   function( x, y, ... ) {
   panel.xyplot( x, y, type =n, ... )
   panel.grid( h=-1, v=-1, lty=3, lwd=1, col=grey )
   panel.lines( x, y, col = red, subset = row = 387 )
   panel.lines( x, y, col = dark green, subset = row  387 )
 plots both just in red
   ... panel.lines( x[row = 387], y[row = 387], col = red )
   panel.lines( x[row  387], y[row  387], col = dark 
 green )
 first - (row = 387)
 second - (row  387)
 plots both over each other in correct colours
   ... panel.lines( x, y, col = red, subset = first )
   panel.lines( x, y, col = dark green, subset = second )
 plots both just in red
   ... panel.lines( x[first], y[first], col = red )
   panel.lines( x[second], y[second], col = dark green )
 I'm feeling frustrated and a bit stupid but should this be so  
 difficult?  Any help or tips on what I am doing wrong greatly  
  Hopkins Research  Touch the Future
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Re: [R] Is there any way to make pretty tables in R to pdf?

2008-08-04 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Arthur,

 I was wondering if there was a package that can make pretty R tables to

You got through TeX/LateX, but PDF could be your terminus. Package Hmisc:

? summary.formula

and its various arguments and options. You can't get much better.

HTH, Mark.

Arthur Roberts wrote:
 Hi, all,
 All your comments have been very useful.  I was wondering if there was  
 a package that can make pretty R tables to pdf.  I guess I could use  
 xtable, but I would like something a little more elegant.  Your input  
 is greatly appreciated.
 Best wishes,
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Re: [R] Is there any way to make pretty tables in R to pdf?

2008-08-04 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Arthur,

Sorry, sent you down the wrong track: this will help you to get there:

Regards, Mark.

Arthur Roberts wrote:
 Hi, all,
 All your comments have been very useful.  I was wondering if there was  
 a package that can make pretty R tables to pdf.  I guess I could use  
 xtable, but I would like something a little more elegant.  Your input  
 is greatly appreciated.
 Best wishes,
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Re: [R] re quest for fine panel axis controls in lattice

2008-08-05 Thread Mark Difford

Hi David,

 Specifically, within each panel, I want to set the limits for x and y
 equal to each other since it is paired data (using the max value of the

In addition to the code Chuck Cleland sent you, you may want to square
things up by adding the argument: aspect = iso before the closing bracket

xyplot(..., aspect=iso)

Regards, Mark.

DavidChosid wrote:
 I'm trying to use fine axis controls in lattice for each panel.
 Specifically, within each panel, I want to set the limits for x and y
 equal to each other since it is paired data (using the max value of the
 two).  Of course, I have no problems setting the limits for the entire
 plot but I am having trouble setting them for each specific panel.
 Could someone please provide me some guidance?  Thanks in advance.
 David Chosid
 Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
 1213 Purchase St., 3rd Floor
 New Bedford, MA 02740
 508-990-2860 x140
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Re: [R] Correlation dichotomous factor, continous (numerical) and ordered factor

2008-08-06 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Birgitle,

 ... my variables are dichotomous factors, continuous (numerical) and
 ordered factors. ...
 Now I am confused what I should use to calculate the correlation using
 all my variables
 and how I could do that in R.

Professor Fox's package polycor will do this for you in a very nice way.

Regards, Mark.

Birgitle wrote:
 Hello R-User!
 I appologise in advance if this should also go into statistics but I am
 presently puzzled.
 I have a data.frame (about 300 rows and about 80 variables) and my
 variables are dichotomous factors, continuous (numerical) and ordered
 I would like to calculate the linear correlation between every pair of my
 variables, because I would like to perform a logistic regression (glm())
 without the correlation between variables.
 I thought I could use for the continous (numerical) and ordered factor a
 spearman correlation that is using the ranks.
 But I thought also that I have to use a contingency table for the
 dichotomous factors. 
 I read also that it is possible to use a point-biserial correlation to
 calculate the correlation between dichotomous and continuous variables.
 Now I am confused what I should use to calculate the correlation using all
 my variables and how I could do that in R.
 Is it possible with cor(), rcorr(), cormat() or other R-functions using
 one of the available correlation-coefficients.
 I would be very happy if somebody could enlighten my darkness.
 Many thanks in advance.

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Re: [R] defining the distance between axis label and axis

2008-08-06 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Jörg,

 I haven't found anything in par()...

No? Well don't bet your bottom $ on it (almost never in R). ?par (sub mgp).


Jörg Groß wrote:
 How can I make the distance between an axis-label and the axis bigger?
 I haven't found anything in par()...
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Re: [R] Problems using hetcor (polycor)

2008-08-07 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Birgitle,

You need to get this right if someone is going to spend their time helping
you. Your code doesn't work: You have specified more columns in colClasses
than you have in the provided data set.

 TestPart-read.table(TestPart.txt, header=TRUE,row.names=1,
 na.strings=NA ,colClasses = Classe81)
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, 
  line 1 did not have 82 elements

 TestPart-read.table(TestPart.txt, header=TRUE,row.names=1,
Warning message:
In scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
  number of items read is not a multiple of the number of columns

[1] 72

[1] 82

That will never work.

HTH, Mark.

Birgitle wrote:
 Sorry if this post should be long but I tried to give you a piece of my
 data to reproduce my error message using hetcor:
 Fehler in result$rho : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
 Zusätzlich: Warning messages:
 1: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) :
   1 row with zero marginal removed
 2: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) :
   the table has fewer than 2 rows
 Error in result$rho : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
 Additional: Warning message:
 1: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) :
   1 row with zero marginal removed
 2: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) :
   the table has fewer than 2 rows
 Use tab delimited data at the end of the post.
 Copy in Texteditor and save as TestPart.txt 
 Then use the following code
 setAs(character, of, function(from) as.ordered(from)) 
 Classe81-cclasses - c(rep(factor, 64),  rep(numeric,6), rep (of,
 TestPart-read.table(TestPart.txt, header=TRUE,row.names=1,
 na.strings=NA ,colClasses = Classe81)
 TestPart.hetcor-hetcor(TestPart, use=complete.obs)
 this will produce the above mentioned error message that I can not
 Would be great if somebody could help me to solve the problem.
   1   2   3   4   7   8   9   10  12  
 13  14  15  16  17  18  19  21  22  23
   25  27  28  29  30  31  33  34
 3536  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  
 45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54
   55  56  58  59  60
 6162  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  
 71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80
 AX1   1   0   0   1   0   0   1   0   
 0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   1   0 
   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   
 0   0   1   0   0   0   0
 0 1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
 0   1   1   0   0   1   0   1   25  5 
   9   1   8.5 2.5 3   5   2   2   3   3   
 1   1   1   2   1
 BX1   1   0   0   1   0   0   1   NA  
 NA  NA  0   0   0   0   1   0   0   1 
   0   0   1   0   NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  
 NA0   0   0   1   0   NA  NA  NA  NA  
 NA  NA  NA  0   0   0   0   1   1   0 
   0   0   1   1   NA  NA  6   1   3.25
 2.25  5   5   2   2   3   3   1   1   1   
 1   1   1
 CX1   1   0   0   1   0   0   1   1   
 0   0   0   1   0   1   0   0   1   0 
   1   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   
 0   0   0   1   0   0   0
 0 1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
 1   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   15  3.5   
   6   1   5.5 5.5 5   5   2   2   1   2   
 1   1   1   1
 2 2
 DX1   1   0   0   1   0   0   1   0   
 0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   1 
   0   0   1   0   0   1   0   1   0   0   
 0   1   0   0   0   0   1
 1 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
 1   0   1   0   1   0   1   0   50  17.5  
   7.5 2.5 8.5 5   5   5   2   2   2   3   
 1   1
 1 1   3   3
 EX1   0   1

Re: [R] Problems using hetcor (polycor)

2008-08-07 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Birgitle,

It seems to be failing on those columns that have just a single entry (i.e
= 1, with the rest as 0; having just 1, an NA, and then 0s gets you
through). And there are other reasons for failure (in the call to get a
positive definite matrix).

The main problem lies in the calculation of standard errors for some
combinations. You can get a result for all columns by turning this off. You
can get standard errors for all the columns up to 60 by omitting columns 12,
23, and 44.  You need to work out the rest yourself by columning forwards
till you get a failure, then drop that column from the index. There probably
isn't enough information to calculate SEs for the columns that cause an

## This works with default settings but without columns 12, 23 and 44
hetcor(TestPart[,c(1:11,13:22,24:43,45)], pd=T, std.err=T,

## The first fails; the second works
hetcor(TestPart[,c(1:11,13:22,24:43,45:60)], pd=T, std.err=F)
hetcor(TestPart[,c(1:72)], pd=F, std.err=F)

HTH, Mark.

Birgitle wrote:
 Sorry if this post should be long but I tried to give you a piece of my
 data to reproduce my error message using hetcor:
 Fehler in result$rho : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
 Zusätzlich: Warning messages:
 1: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) :
   1 row with zero marginal removed
 2: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) :
   the table has fewer than 2 rows
 Error in result$rho : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
 Additional: Warning message:
 1: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) :
   1 row with zero marginal removed
 2: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) :
   the table has fewer than 2 rows
 Use tab delimited data at the end of the post.
 Copy in Texteditor and save as TestPart.txt 
 Then use the following code
 setAs(character, of, function(from) as.ordered(from)) 
 Classe81-cclasses - c(rep(factor, 64),  rep(numeric,6), rep (of,
 TestPart-read.table(TestPart.txt, header=TRUE,row.names=1,
 na.strings=NA ,colClasses = Classe81)
 TestPart.hetcor-hetcor(TestPart, use=complete.obs)
 this will produce the above mentioned error message that I can not
 Would be great if somebody could help me to solve the problem.
   1   2   3   4   7   8   9   10  12  
 13  14  15  16  17  18  19  21  22  23
   25  27  28  29  30  31  33  34
 3536  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  
 45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54
   55  56  58  59  60
 6162  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  
 71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80
 AX1   1   0   0   1   0   0   1   0   
 0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   1   0 
   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   
 0   0   1   0   0   0   0
 0 1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
 0   1   1   0   0   1   0   1   25  5 
   9   1   8.5 2.5 3   5   2   2   3   3   
 1   1   1   2   1
 BX1   1   0   0   1   0   0   1   NA  
 NA  NA  0   0   0   0   1   0   0   1 
   0   0   1   0   NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  
 NA0   0   0   1   0   NA  NA  NA  NA  
 NA  NA  NA  0   0   0   0   1   1   0 
   0   0   1   1   NA  NA  6   1   3.25
 2.25  5   5   2   2   3   3   1   1   1   
 1   1   1
 CX1   1   0   0   1   0   0   1   1   
 0   0   0   1   0   1   0   0   1   0 
   1   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   
 0   0   0   1   0   0   0
 0 1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
 1   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   15  3.5   
   6   1   5.5 5.5 5   5   2   2   1   2   
 1   1   1   1
 2 2
 DX1   1   0   0   1   0   0   1   0   
 0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   1 
   0   0   1   0   0   1   0   1   0   0   
 0   1   0   0   0   0   1
 1 0   0   0   0  

Re: [R] Problems using hetcor (polycor)

2008-08-07 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Birgitle,

 It seems than, that it is not possible to use all variables without
 imputing missing values.

It depends on what you are after. You can use the full data set if you set
std.err=F and pd=F. Then exclude the columns that cause it to falter and
redo with SEs turned on. You have the correlations; all you lack are SEs for
ca. 5 columns.

And I haven't tried your revised classification; that's for you to do.

Regards, Mark.

Birgitle wrote:
 Many Thanks Mark for your answer.
 It seems than, that it is not possible to use all variables without
 somehow imputing missing values.
 But I will try which variables I can finally use.
 Many thanks again.
 Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Birgitle,
 It seems to be failing on those columns that have just a single entry
 (i.e = 1, with the rest as 0; having just 1, an NA, and then 0s gets
 you through). And there are other reasons for failure (in the call to get
 a positive definite matrix).
 The main problem lies in the calculation of standard errors for some
 combinations. You can get a result for all columns by turning this off.
 You can get standard errors for all the columns up to 60 by omitting
 columns 12, 23, and 44.  You need to work out the rest yourself by
 columning forwards till you get a failure, then drop that column from
 the index. There probably isn't enough information to calculate SEs for
 the columns that cause an error.
 ## This works with default settings but without columns 12, 23 and 44
 hetcor(TestPart[,c(1:11,13:22,24:43,45)], pd=T, std.err=T,
 ## The first fails; the second works
 hetcor(TestPart[,c(1:11,13:22,24:43,45:60)], pd=T, std.err=F)
 hetcor(TestPart[,c(1:72)], pd=F, std.err=F)
 HTH, Mark.

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Re: [R] Where is the archive? Calling a function within a function.

2008-08-07 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Kevin,

 Where is the archive?

Start with this:


HTH, Mark.

rkevinburton wrote:
 I seem to remember this topic coming up before so I decided to look at the
 archive and realized that I didn't know where it was. Is there a
 searchable archive for this list? Thank you.
 My question is calling a function from within a function. I have
 smerge - function(d1,d2) {
 temp - merge(d1,d2,all=TRUE,by.x=DayOfYear,by.y=DayOfYear)
 return (xmerge(temp))
 But I get an error message indicating that xmerge could not be found when
 it is defined just above.
 Thank you.
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Re: [R] Tick marks that correspond with bars on barplot

2008-08-08 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Megan,

 I would like to have an X-axis where the labels for the years line up
 after every two bars
 in the plot (there is one bar for hardwood, and another for softwood).

It isn't clear to me from your description what you really want (I found no
attachment)? What you seem to be trying to get is a tickmark/label at the
centre/midpoint of each yearly grouping. If so, then look at the examples
that the author of barplot() has provided, and _in particular_ read what the
author of the method says under Value. You use the colMeans of the object
returned by barplot() to position labels.

Regards, Mark.

Megan J Bellamy wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have created a barplot that shows change in hardwood/softwood density
 from 1965 to 2005 in 5 year periods (1965,1970, etc). I would like to have
 an X-axis where the labels for the years line up after every two bars in
 the plot (there is one bar for hardwood, and another for softwood). Below
 is my script:
 density-read.table(F:\\Megan\\Vtest.csv, header=TRUE, sep=,)
 attach (density)
 barplot(DENSITY,YEAR, col=c(blue, green, green, blue, blue,
 green, blue, green, green, blue, green, blue, blue,
 green , green, blue, blue, green))
 legend(1,85,c(Softwood, Hardwood), fill=c(blue, green), bty=n)
 title(ylab=Density of Softwood and Hardwood by percent (%))
 title(xlab=Year of measurement)
 title(main=Change in Softwood and Hardwood Density between 1965-2005 for
 PSP #80)
 axis(2, at=NULL)
 I have tried using the tck, axis.lty functions with no luck and have also
 axis(1, at=YEAR) # but only the first year (1965) comes up. 
 Attached is the csv file. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
 Many thanks in advance,
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Re: [R] [lme4]Coef output with binomial lmer

2008-08-09 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Tom,


This is non-standard, but as you have found, it works. The correct
translation is in fact


and not 1|ass/pop/fam as suggested by Harold Doran. Dropping %,
ass%in%pop%in%fam reads [means] as: nest ass in pop [= pop/ass], and then
nest this in fam == fam/pop/ass

HTH, Mark.

T.C. Cameron wrote:
 Dear R users  
 I have built the following model
 m1-lmer(y~harn+foodn+(1|ass%in%pop%in%fam),family = quasibinomial)
 where y-cbind(alive,dead)
 where harn and foodn are categorical factors and the random effect is a
 nested term to represent experimental structure
 e.g.  Day/Block/Replicate
 ass= 5 level factor, pop= 2 populations per treatment factor in each
 assay, 7 reps per population
 The model can be family = quasibinomial or binomial
 My complete lack of understanding is in retrieving the coefficients for
 the fixed effects to back-transform the effects of my factors on
 proportional survival
 I get the following output:
 $`ass %in% pop %in% fam`
   (Intercept)  harn1 harn2   foodn2
 FALSE   1.0322375 -0.1939521 0.0310434 0.810084
 TRUE0.5997679 -0.1939521 0.0310434 0.810084
 Where FALSE and TRUE refer to some attribute of the random effect 
 My hunch is that it refers to the Coefficients with (=TRUE) and without
 (=FALSE) the random effects?
 Any help appreciated
 Dr Tom C Cameron
 Genetics, Ecology and Evolution
 IICB, University of Leeds
 Leeds, UK
 Office: +44 (0)113 343 2837
 Lab:+44 (0)113 343 2854
 Fax:+44 (0)113 343 2835
 Webpage: click here 
   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Re: [R] Simple lme/lmer random effects questions

2008-08-12 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Brandon, it sufficient to leave the values as they are or should I generate
 unique names for all 
 combinations of sleeve number and temperature, using something like
  data$ - factor(with(data, temp:sleeve)[drop=TRUE])

You might be luckier posting this on

You need to make a unique identifier for each of your five sets of sleeves
(or you need to nest sleeve in temp) if you wish to take account of that
structure (temp/sleeve) as a random effect. I could be mistaken, but I think
there are subtle differences between ~ 1|temp/sleeve and ~
1|data$ designs.

 confused on how to actually set up the random effects term for the 
 models. Given my experimental setup, using the lme syntax...

The difference between (1) random = ~ 1|sleeve, ... and (2) random = ~
1+temp|sleeve is that the first will give a random intercept for each level
of sleeve, but the slope is fixed to be the same as their is no random term
for slope. In the second specification there is a random term for slope, viz
temp, so both intercepts and slopes can --- and probably will --- vary.

## To get some idea of what's being done, look at the following example. 

## random intercepts, parallel slopes 
mod1 - lme(distance ~ age, Orthodont, random = ~ 1 | Subject)  
## random intercepts, separate slopes 
mod2 - lme(distance ~ age, Orthodont, random = ~ age | Subject)  

plot(augPred(mod1, primary=~age))  ## parallel slopes 
plot(augPred(mod2, primary=~age))  ## separate slopes

HTH, Mark.

Brandon Invergo wrote:
 I have two very rudimentary questions regarding the random effects terms 
 in the lme and lmer functions. I apologize if this also partly strays 
 into a general statistics question, but I'm a bit new to this all. So 
 hopefully it'll be a quick problem to sort out...
 Here is my experimental setup: I raised butterflies in 5 different 
 testing chambers all set to different temperatures. Within the testing 
 chambers, the butterflies were held in 10 different sleeves, which were 
 rotated daily to compensate for microenvironmental effects. I measured 
 several traits of the butterflies and I am constructing models for each 
 trait (unfortunately, multivariate analysis isn't possible). In my 
 models, sex and temperature are fixed factors and the sleeve is a random 
 effect. Most of the response variables are normally distributed, but 
 there is one with a Gamma distribution (time until an event) and another 
 with poisson distribution (counts), so some models use lme while others 
 use lmer. I would like to determine if, despite the daily rotation, 
 there are still random effects from the individual sleeves. My two 
 questions (assuming I haven't already made grave errors in my 
 description of the setup) are:
 1) In my data file, the sleeve variable is just marked with a number 1 
 through 10; the temperature is noted in a different column, so the 50 
 sleeves do not have unique names, but rather there are 5 instances of 
 each of the 10 sleeve numbers. If sleeve is to be properly included in 
 the models as a random effect, is it sufficient to leave the values as 
 they are or should I generate unique names for all combinations of 
 sleeve number and temperature, using something like
   data$ - factor(with(data, temp:sleeve)[drop=TRUE])
 2) (this is the one that strays more into standard statistics territory, 
 sorry) I'm a bit confused on how to actually set up the random effects 
 term for the models. Given my experimental setup, using the lme syntax, 
 should it be:
   model - lme(response ~ sex*temp, random=~temp|sleeve, data)
   model - lme(response ~ sex*temp, random=~1|sleeve, data)
 or something else? I've searched and searched, but everything I find 
 online seems to be significantly more advanced than what I'm doing, 
 leaving me even more confused than when I started!
 Thank you very much for your help!! I want to be sure I do this analysis 
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Re: [R] ylab with an exponent

2008-08-15 Thread Mark Difford

 what is the problem?

A solution is:

plot(1,2, ylab=expression(paste(insects , m^2)))

The problem is very much more difficult to determine.

stephen sefick wrote:
 plot(1,2, ylab= paste(insects, expression(m^2), sep= ))
 I get insects m^2
 I would like m to the 2
 what is the problem?
 Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about things that are
 so little or so large that all they really do for us is puff us up and
 make us feel like gods. We are mammals, and have not exhausted the
 annoying little problems of being mammals.
   -K. Mullis
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Re: [R] before-after control-impact analysis with R

2008-08-18 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Nikolaos,

 My question again is: Why can't I reproduce the results? When I try a 
 simple anova without any random factors:

Lack of a right result probably has to do with the type of analysis of
variance that is being done. The default in R is to use so-called Type I
tests, for good reason. SAS, I think, still uses a type of test that many
authorities consider to be meaningless, as a general, first-level, test.

There is a long, long thread on this, going back to about approx April/May
1999, when a suitable Ripplyism was coined, which I believe found its way
into the fortunes package. But

RSiteSearch(type III)

should do for a start. Also see


HTH, Mark.

Nikolaos Lampadariou wrote:
 Hello everybody,
 In am trying to analyse a BACI experiment and I really want to do it 
 with R (which I find really exciting).  So, before moving on I though it 
 would be a good idea to repeat some known experiments which are quite 
 similar to my own. I tried to reproduce 2 published examples but without 
 much success. The first one in particular is a published dataset 
 analysed with SAS by McDonald et al. (2000). They also provide the 
 original data as well as the SAS code. I don't know much about SAS and i 
 really want to stick to R. So here follow 3 questions based on these 2 
 Paper 1
 (McDonald et al. 2000. Analysis of count data from before-after 
 control-impact studies. J. Agric. Biol. Envir Stat., 5:262-279)
 Data were collected from 1984, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, and 1996. Samples 
 from 1984 are considered as before an impact and the remaining years as 
   after the impact. Each year, 96 transects were sampled (36 in the 
 oiled area and 60 in the non-oiled area; 0 is for oiled and 1 for 
 non-oiled). The authors compare 3 different ways of analysing the data 
 including glmm. The data can be reproduced with the following commands 
 (density is fake numbers but I can provide the original data since I've 
 typed them in anyway):
  year-c(rep(1984,96), rep(1989,96), rep(1990,96), rep(1991,96), 
 rep(1993,96), rep(1996,96))
  density-runif(576, min=0, max=10)
  oil-data.frame(oiled=oiled, transect=transect, year=year, 
 Question 1:
 I can reproduce the results of the repeated measures anova with:
 But why is the following command not working?
  oil.aov2-aov(density~oiled*year + Error(oiled/transect), data=oil)
 After reading the R-help archive, as well as Chambers and Hasties 
 (Statistical Models in S) and Pinheiro's and Bates (Mixed effects models 
 in S and S-plus) I would expect that the correct model is the oil.aov2. 
 As you might see from the data, transect is nested within oiled and I 
 still get the wrong results when I try +Error(transect) or 
 +Error(oiled:transect) and many other variants.
 Question 2 (on the same paper):
 The authors conclude that it is better to analyse the data with a 
 Generalized Linear (Mixed) Model Technique. I tried lme and after 
 reading Douglas Bates article (May 2005, vol. 5/1) also lmer as follows:
  oil.lme-lme(density~year*oiled, random=~1|oiled/transect)
 but again no luck. I will get always some error messages or some 
 interactions missing.
 Paper 2
 (Keough  Quinn, 2000. Legislative vs. practical protection of an 
 intertidal shoreline in southeastern Australia. Ecol. Appl. 10: 871-881)
 Data were collected from 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 
 1997). the 1989-1991 are the before impact years and the other 4 years 
 are the after the impact years. Eight sites were samples (2 protected 
 and 6 impacted). In this dataset, site is nested within harvest (H) and 
 year is nested within before-after (BA). Also, site is considered as 
 random by the authors. The data (fake again) can be produced with the 
 following commands:
  site-c(rep(c(A1,A2, RR1, RR2, WT1, WT2, WT3, WT4),8))
  H-c(rep(c(exp, exp, prot, pro, exp, exp, exp, exp), 8))
  year-c(rep(1989,8), rep(1990,8), rep(1991,8), rep(1993,8), 
 rep(1994,8), rep(1995,8), rep(1996,8), rep(1997,8))
  BA-c(rep(bef,24), rep(after,40))
  abund-runif(64, min=0, max=10)
  harvest-data.frame(abund, BA, H, site, year)
 Question 3.
 The authors use a complex anova design and here is part of their anova 
 table which shows the design and the df.
 source.of.var  df
 Harvesting(H) 1, 6
 before-after(BA)  1, 6
 H x BA1, 6
 Site(H)   6, 31
 Year(BA)  6, 31
 Site x BA 6, 31
 Year x H  6, 31
 My question again is: Why can't I reproduce the results? When I try a 
 simple anova without any random factors:
 I get close enought but the results are different (at least I think they 

Re: [R] before-after control-impact analysis with R

2008-08-18 Thread Mark Difford

Hi ...

Sorry, an e was erroneously elided from Ripley...

Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Nikolaos,
 My question again is: Why can't I reproduce the results? When I try a 
 simple anova without any random factors:
 Lack of a right result probably has to do with the type of analysis of
 variance that is being done. The default in R is to use so-called Type I
 tests, for good reason. SAS, I think, still uses a type of test that many
 authorities consider to be meaningless, as a general, first-level, test.
 There is a long, long thread on this, going back to about approx April/May
 1999, when a suitable Ripplyism was coined, which I believe found its way
 into the fortunes package. But
 RSiteSearch(type III)
 should do for a start. Also see
 HTH, Mark.
 Nikolaos Lampadariou wrote:
 Hello everybody,
 In am trying to analyse a BACI experiment and I really want to do it 
 with R (which I find really exciting).  So, before moving on I though it 
 would be a good idea to repeat some known experiments which are quite 
 similar to my own. I tried to reproduce 2 published examples but without 
 much success. The first one in particular is a published dataset 
 analysed with SAS by McDonald et al. (2000). They also provide the 
 original data as well as the SAS code. I don't know much about SAS and i 
 really want to stick to R. So here follow 3 questions based on these 2 
 Paper 1
 (McDonald et al. 2000. Analysis of count data from before-after 
 control-impact studies. J. Agric. Biol. Envir Stat., 5:262-279)
 Data were collected from 1984, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, and 1996. Samples 
 from 1984 are considered as before an impact and the remaining years as 
   after the impact. Each year, 96 transects were sampled (36 in the 
 oiled area and 60 in the non-oiled area; 0 is for oiled and 1 for 
 non-oiled). The authors compare 3 different ways of analysing the data 
 including glmm. The data can be reproduced with the following commands 
 (density is fake numbers but I can provide the original data since I've 
 typed them in anyway):
  year-c(rep(1984,96), rep(1989,96), rep(1990,96), rep(1991,96), 
 rep(1993,96), rep(1996,96))
  density-runif(576, min=0, max=10)
  oil-data.frame(oiled=oiled, transect=transect, year=year, 
 Question 1:
 I can reproduce the results of the repeated measures anova with:
 But why is the following command not working?
  oil.aov2-aov(density~oiled*year + Error(oiled/transect), data=oil)
 After reading the R-help archive, as well as Chambers and Hasties 
 (Statistical Models in S) and Pinheiro's and Bates (Mixed effects models 
 in S and S-plus) I would expect that the correct model is the oil.aov2. 
 As you might see from the data, transect is nested within oiled and I 
 still get the wrong results when I try +Error(transect) or 
 +Error(oiled:transect) and many other variants.
 Question 2 (on the same paper):
 The authors conclude that it is better to analyse the data with a 
 Generalized Linear (Mixed) Model Technique. I tried lme and after 
 reading Douglas Bates article (May 2005, vol. 5/1) also lmer as follows:
  oil.lme-lme(density~year*oiled, random=~1|oiled/transect)
 but again no luck. I will get always some error messages or some 
 interactions missing.
 Paper 2
 (Keough  Quinn, 2000. Legislative vs. practical protection of an 
 intertidal shoreline in southeastern Australia. Ecol. Appl. 10: 871-881)
 Data were collected from 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 
 1997). the 1989-1991 are the before impact years and the other 4 years 
 are the after the impact years. Eight sites were samples (2 protected 
 and 6 impacted). In this dataset, site is nested within harvest (H) and 
 year is nested within before-after (BA). Also, site is considered as 
 random by the authors. The data (fake again) can be produced with the 
 following commands:
  site-c(rep(c(A1,A2, RR1, RR2, WT1, WT2, WT3, WT4),8))
  H-c(rep(c(exp, exp, prot, pro, exp, exp, exp, exp),
  year-c(rep(1989,8), rep(1990,8), rep(1991,8), rep(1993,8), 
 rep(1994,8), rep(1995,8), rep(1996,8), rep(1997,8))
  BA-c(rep(bef,24), rep(after,40))
  abund-runif(64, min=0, max=10)
  harvest-data.frame(abund, BA, H, site, year)
 Question 3.
 The authors use a complex anova design and here is part of their anova 
 table which shows the design and the df.
 source.of.var  df
 Harvesting(H) 1, 6
 before-after(BA)  1, 6
 H x BA1, 6
 Site(H)   6, 31
 Year(BA)  6, 31
 Site x BA 6, 31
 Year x H  6, 31
 My question again is: Why can't I reproduce the results? When I try a 
 simple anova without any random factors:

Re: [R] Re lational Operators in Legend

2008-08-18 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Lorenzo,

 ...but I would like to write that 5=k=15.

This is one way to do what you want

legend(topright, expression(paste(R[g]~k^{1/d[f]^{small}}~5=k, {}=15)))

HTH, Mark.

Lorenzo Isella wrote:
 Dear All,
 I am sure that what I am asking can be solved by less than a
 one-liner, but I am having a hard time to get this right.
 Inside a legend environment, I do not have any problem if I issue the
 expression(*R[g]*~* k^{1/d[f]^{small}}*,  *k= {} *15)
 but I would like to write that 5=k=15. It has to be trivial, but so
 far attempts like:
 expression(*R[g]*~* k^{1/d[f]^{small}}*, for  5 *={}* *k= {}
 always return some error message and no improvement with all the
 variations I tried out.
 Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
 Many Thanks
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Re: [R] Re lational Operators in Legend

2008-08-18 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Lorenzo,

I may (?) have left something out. It isn't clear what ~ is supposed to
mean; perhaps it is just a spacer, or perhaps you meant the following:

legend(topright, expression(paste(R[g] %~~% k^{1/d[f]^{small}},~5=k,

HTH, Mark.

Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Lorenzo,
 ...but I would like to write that 5=k=15.
 This is one way to do what you want
 legend(topright, expression(paste(R[g]~k^{1/d[f]^{small}}~5=k,
 HTH, Mark.
 Lorenzo Isella wrote:
 Dear All,
 I am sure that what I am asking can be solved by less than a
 one-liner, but I am having a hard time to get this right.
 Inside a legend environment, I do not have any problem if I issue the
 expression(*R[g]*~* k^{1/d[f]^{small}}*,  *k= {} *15)
 but I would like to write that 5=k=15. It has to be trivial, but so
 far attempts like:
 expression(*R[g]*~* k^{1/d[f]^{small}}*, for  5 *={}* *k= {}
 always return some error message and no improvement with all the
 variations I tried out.
 Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
 Many Thanks
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Re: [R] How to solve this problem ?

2008-08-21 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Daren,

 Small progress, ...

m4 - list(m1=m1, m2=m2, m3=m3)

It's always a good idea to have a look at your data first (assuming you
haven't). This shows that the reliable instrument is m2.

HTH, Mark.

Daren Tan wrote:
 Small progress, I am relying on levene test to check for equality of
 variances. Is my understanding correct, the larger the p-value, the more
 likely the variances are the same ?
  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
 Levels: 1 2 3 4
 levene.test(rep(rnorm(5), 4), trt, option=median)
 Modified Robust Brown-Forsythe Levene-type test based on the
 deviations from the median
 data:  rep(rnorm(5), 4)
 Test Statistic = 0, p-value = 1
 Subject: How to solve this problem ?
 Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 13:33:23 +

 I have disabled html text editing mode, thanks to Prof. Ripley for the
 kind reminder.

 Given three geological devices that takes 5 readings at 4 environmental
 conditions (A to D). What will be the proper approach to select the most
 reliable device ?

 m1 - c(73,52,49,53,83,43,58,94,53,62,75,66,41,72,70,75,57,59,85,84)
 m2 - c(31,38,30,35,36,26,27,38,22,31,24,35,36,31,38,33,32,28,33,30)
 m3 - c(65,57,36,40,36,30,40,34,37,40,33,33,37,29,37,37,30,33,40,35)

 names(m1) - rep(LETTERS[1:4], each=5)
 names(m2) - rep(LETTERS[1:4], each=5)
 names(m3) - rep(LETTERS[1:4], each=5)

 Before writing this email, I have tried to compare the sd for each device
 at each condition, but ran into obstacle on how to formulate the null
 hypothesis. Alternative solution tried was ANOVA, I am unsure whether it
 can help, as it compares the differences in means of each group.


 Easily edit your photos like a pro with Photo Gallery.
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Re: [R] Test of Homogeneity of Variances

2008-08-22 Thread Mark Difford

Have you read the documentation to either of the functions you are using?


Performs Bartlett's test of the null that the variances in each of the
groups (samples) are the same.

This explicitly tells you what is being tested, i.e. the null tested is that
var1 = var2.


Generates random deviates, so the answer [i.e. p-value] will (almost
certainly) differ each time. Only by setting a seed for the random number
generator to use will rnorm() generate the same number-set/distribution and
therefore the same p-value.


bartlett.test(rep(rnorm(5),times=4), rep(1:5, each=4))
bartlett.test(rep(rnorm(5),times=4), rep(1:5, each=4))
bartlett.test(rep(rnorm(5),times=4), rep(1:5, each=4))
bartlett.test(rep(rnorm(5),times=4), rep(1:5, each=4))

HTH, Mark.

Daren Tan wrote:
 I am testing whether the sample variances are equal. When p-value  0.05
 (alpha), should accept null hypothesis (sample variances are equal) or
 reject it ?
 The two new examples with each having same sample variances also puzzle
 me. Why are the p-values different ?
 bartlett.test(rep(rnorm(5),times=4), rep(1:5, each=4))
 Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances
 data:  rep(rnorm(5), times = 4) and rep(1:5, each = 4)
 Bartlett's K-squared = 0.8681, df = 4, p-value = 0.929
 bartlett.test(rep(rnorm(5),times=4), rep(1:5, each=4))
 Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances
 data:  rep(rnorm(5), times = 4) and rep(1:5, each = 4)
 Bartlett's K-squared = 3.5599, df = 4, p-value = 0.4688
 Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 11:25:36 -0400
 Subject: RE: [R] Test of Homogeneity of Variances

 What are your hypotheses? Once you state what they are, interpretation
 should be straightforward.

 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Daren Tan
 Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 11:18 AM
 Subject: [R] Test of Homogeneity of Variances

 I am testing the homogeneity of variances via bartlett.test and
 fligner.test. Using the following example, how should I interpret the
 p-value in order to accept or reject the null hypothesis ?

 x - rnorm(20)
 bartlett.test(x, rep(1:5, each=4))

 Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances

 data: x and rep(1:5, each = 4)
 Bartlett's K-squared = 1.7709, df = 4, p-value = 0.7778

 fligner.test(x, rep(1:5, each=4))

 Fligner-Killeen test of homogeneity of variances

 data: x and rep(1:5, each = 4)
 Fligner-Killeen:med chi-squared = 1.0819, df = 4, p-value = 0.8971

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Re: [R] aov, lme, multcomp

2008-08-25 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Richard,

 The tests give different Fs and ps. I know this comes up every once in a 
 while on R-help so I did my homework. I see from these two threads:

This is not so, or it is not necessarily so. The error structure of your two
models is quite different, and this is (one reason) why the F- and p-values
are different.

For instance, try the following comparison:

## Example 
require(MASS) ## for oats data set 
require(nlme) ## for lme() 
require(multcomp)  ## for multiple comparison stuff 

Aov.mod - aov(Y ~ N + V + Error(B/V), data = oats) 
Lme.mod - lme(Y ~ N + V, random = ~1 | B/V, data = oats) 



The example itself is from MASS (Venables  Ripley).

HTH, Mark.

Richard D. Morey wrote:
 I am doing an analysis and would like to use lme() and the multcomp 
 package to do multiple comparisons. My design is a within subjects 
 design with three crossed fixed factors (every participant sees every 
 combination of three fixed factors A,B,C). Of course, I can use aov() to 
 analyze this with an error term (leaving out the obvious bits):
 y ~ A*B*C+Error(Subject/(A*B*C))
 I'd also like to use lme(), and so I use
 y ~ A*B*C, random= ~1|Subject
 The tests give different Fs and ps. I know this comes up every once in a 
 while on R-help so I did my homework. I see from these two threads:
 that this is the expected behavior because of the way grouping works 
 with lme(). My questions are:
 1. is this the correct random argument to lmer:
 2. How much do the multiple comparisons depend on the random statement?
 3. I'm also playing with lmer:
 Is this the correct lmer call for the crossed factors? If not, can you 
 point me towards the right one?
 4. I'm not too concerned with getting correct Fs from the analyses 
 (well, except for aov, where it is easy), I just want to make sure that 
 I am fitting the same model to the data with all approaches, so that 
 when I look at parameter estimates I know they are meaningful. Are the 
 multiple comparisons I'll get out of lme and lmer meaningful with fully 
 crossed factors, given that they are both tuned for nested factors?
 Thanks in advance.
 Richard D. Morey
 Assistant Professor
 Psychometrics and Statistics
 Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / University of Groningen
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Re: [R] Two envelopes problem

2008-08-26 Thread Mark Difford


To pick up on what Mark has said: it strikes me that this is related to the
simplex, where the bounded nature of the vector space means that normal
arithmetical operations (i.e. Euclidean) don't work---that is, they can be
used, but the results are wrong. Covariances and correlations for instance,
are wrong, something that Pearson noted more than a century ago.

Taking logs of ratios of numbers (say a number divdided by geometric mean of
the other numbers, as in Aitchison's set of transformations) in this space
transfers everything to Euclidean space, so squaring the problem. This is
why taking logs fixes things ??


statquant wrote:
 Duncan: I think I see what you're saying but the strange thing is that if
 you use the utility function log(x) rather than x, then the expected
 are equal. Somehow, if you are correct and I think you are, then taking
 log , fixes the distribution of x which is kind of odd to me. I'm sorry
 belabor this non R related discussion and I won't say anything more about
 but I worked/talked  on this with someone for about a month a few years
 and we gave up so it's interesting for me to see this again.
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Duncan Murdoch
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:15 AM
 To: Jim Lemon
 Cc:; Mario
 Subject: Re: [R] Two envelopes problem
 On 26/08/2008 7:54 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
 Hi again,
 Oops, I meant the expected value of the swap is:
 5*0.5 + 20*0.5 = 12.5
 Too late, must get to bed.
 But that is still wrong.  You want a conditional expectation, 
 conditional on the observed value (10 in this case).  The answer depends 
 on the distribution of the amount X, where the envelopes contain X and 
 2X.  For example, if you knew that X was at most 5, you would know you 
 had just observed 2X, and switching would be  a bad idea.
 The paradox arises because people want to put a nonsensical Unif(0, 
 infinity) distribution on X.  The Wikipedia article points out that it 
 can also arise in cases where the distribution on X has infinite mean: 
 a mathematically valid but still nonsensical possibility.
 Duncan Murdoch
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Re: [R] random error with lme for repeated measures anova

2008-08-27 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Jean-Pierre,

A general comment is that I think you need to think more carefully about
what you are trying to get out of your analysis. The random effects
structure you are aiming for could be stretching your data a little thin.

It might be a good idea to read through the archives of the
R-sig-mixed-models mailing list

This should give you a better idea of some of the issues involved.

If you can't source the source (PB) then there are other documents that
might help. You could begin by locationing the directory where nlme package
is installed and looking at the scripts in the scripts subdirectory. These
are from PB.

Baayen has the following draft document on his website. Though DRAFT'ed all
over the place, it is well worth a read, even if you are not interested in
linguistic analysis. I think it has now been published by Cambridge UP.

Paul Bliese's document (Multilevel Modeling in R) also has some useful
sections (find it under the contributed documents section on CRAN).

HTH, Mark.

Jean-Pierre Bresciani wrote:
 what is the appropriate syntax to get the random error correct when
 performing repeated measures anova with 'lme'.
 let's say i have 3 independent variables, with 'aov', i would write
 something like: aov(dep_var~(indep_var1*indep_var2*indep_var3) +
 With 'lme' however, i can't find the right formula. i tried things like:
 lme(dep_var~(indep_var1*indep_var2*indep_var3), random = ~1|subject) or
 nesting my independent variables in 'subject', but those are obviously
 wrong with my design.
 i'm quite clueless (and i haven't found any convincing piece of
 information about how to correctly use 'lme' or 'lmer'). So, any advice
 along that line is more than welcome.

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Re: [R] convert princomp output to equation for plane?

2008-08-28 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Bill,

 Since x, y,and z all have measurement errors attached, the proper way 
 to do the fit is with principal components analysis, and to use the 
 first component (called loadings in princomp output).

The easiest way for you to do this is to use the pcr [principal component
regression] function in the pls package. Be aware that unless you fit all
components you will be carrying out a form of penalized regression. A small
example follows (assumes that you have installed the pls package):

lm.mod - lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Month, data=airquality)
pc.mod - pcr(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Month, data=airquality)

coef(pc.mod, intercept = TRUE)
coef(pc.mod, ncomp=1, intercept = TRUE)
coef(pc.mod, ncomp=3, intercept = TRUE)

Regards, Mark.

William Simpson-2 wrote:
 I want to fit something like:
 z = b0 + b1*x + b2*y
 Since x, y,and z all have measurement errors attached, the proper way
 to do the fit is with principal components analysis, and to use the
 first component (called loadings in princomp output).
 My dumb question is: how do I convert the princomp output to equation
 coefficients in the format above?
 I guess another dumb question would be: how about getting the standard
 deviations of b0, b1, b2?
 Thanks very much for any help.
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Re: [R] model II regression - how do I do it?

2008-08-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Danilo,

 I need to do a model II linear regression, but I could not find out how!!

The smatr package does so-called model II (major axis) regression.

Regards, Mark.

Danilo Muniz wrote:
 I need to do a model II linear regression, but I could not find out how!!
 I tryed to use the lm function, but I did not discovered how to specify
 model (type I or type II) to the function... could you help me?
 Danilo Muniz
 [Gruingas Abdiel]
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Re: [R] model II regression - how do I do it?

2008-08-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Danilo,

 I need to do a model II linear regression, but I could not find out how!!

The smatr package does so-called model II (major axis) regression.

Regards, Mark.

Danilo Muniz wrote:
 I need to do a model II linear regression, but I could not find out how!!
 I tryed to use the lm function, but I did not discovered how to specify
 model (type I or type II) to the function... could you help me?
 Danilo Muniz
 [Gruingas Abdiel]
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Re: [R] Density estimates in modelling framework

2008-08-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Hadley,

There is also locfit, which is very highly regarded by some authorities
(e.g. Hastie, Tibs, and Friedman).

Cheers, Mark.

hadley wrote:
 Hi all,
 Do any packages implement density estimation in a modelling framework?
  I want to be able to do something like:
 dmodel - density(~ a + b, data = mydata)
 predict(dmodel, newdata)
 This isn't how sm or KernSmooth or base density estimation works.  Are
 there other packages that do density estimation?  Or is there some
 reason that this is a bad idea.
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Re: [R] model II regression - how do I do it?

2008-08-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Dylan,

 While this topic is fresh, are there any compelling reasons to use Model

The fact that it is the type of regression used in principal component
analysis makes it a compelling method. Compelling reason? It is used to take
account of measurement errors in both y _and_ x. Usually
practioners/analysts would sidestep this by putting what is measured with
least error on the x-axis and regress y on that. For instance, in doing
calibration curves in nutrient analysis where the analyte is measured using
a spec. Then the spec reading goes on x. I can't tell you how often I have
seen analysts put the (usually) inaccurately determined analyte on x and the
spec reading on y.

HTH, Mark.

Dylan Beaudette-2 wrote:
 On Friday 29 August 2008, Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Danilo,

  I need to do a model II linear regression, but I could not find out

 The smatr package does so-called model II (major axis) regression.

 Regards, Mark.
 While this topic is fresh, are there any compelling reasons to use Model
 Dylan Beaudette
 Soil Resource Laboratory
 University of California at Davis
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Re: [R] non-parametric Anova and tukeyHSD

2008-08-29 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Stephen,

See packages:


There is also kruskalmc() in package pgirmess

Regards, Mark.

stephen sefick wrote:
 I have insect data from twelve sites and like most environmental data
 it is non-normal mostly.  I would like to preform an anova and a means
 seperation like tukey's HSD in a nonparametric sense (on some sort of
 central tendency measure - median?).  I am searching around at this
 time on the internet.  Any suggestions, books, etc. would be greatly
 Stephen Sefick
 Research Scientist
 Southeastern Natural Sciences Academy
 Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about things that are
 so little or so large that all they really do for us is puff us up and
 make us feel like gods. We are mammals, and have not exhausted the
 annoying little problems of being mammals.
   -K. Mullis
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Re: [R] ANCOVA/glm missing/ignored interaction combinations

2008-09-03 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Lara,

 And I cant for the life of me work out why category one (semio1) is being
 ignored, missing 

Nothing is being ignored Lara --- but you are ignoring the fact that your
factors have been coded using the default contrasts in R, viz so-called
treatment or Dunnett contrasts. That is, your intercept is semio1 and the
other coefficients are calculated off it, hence the name treatment

In general this type of coding is recommended for GLM models (but this can
raise deep divisions, as some don't consider them to be proper contrasts
because they are not orthogonal). Perhaps you should read up on how dummy
variables are coded.

To really understand this you will have to move away from ?contrasts as a
source. It might also help you to do the following on a simpler model:


This shows how it is worked out.

HTH, Mark.

lara harrup (IAH-P) wrote:
 I am using R version 2.7.2. on a windows XP OS and have a question
 concerning an analysis of covariance with count data I am trying to do,
 I will give details of a scaled down version of the analysis (as I have
 more covariates and need to take account of over-dispersion etc etc) but
 as I am sure it is only a simple problem but I just can't see how to fix
 I have a data set with count data as the response (total) and two
 continuous covariates and one categorical explanatory variable (semio).
 When I run the following lines, after loading the data and assigning
 'semio' as a factor, taking into account that I want to consider two way
 I get the output below. But not all interactions are listed there are 4
 semio categories, 1,2,3 and 4 but only 2,3,and 4 are listed in the
 summary (semio2,semio3,semio4). And I cant for the life of me work out
 why category one (semio1) is being ignored, missing etc.
 Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance
 glm(formula = total ~ (temperature + humidity + semio)^2, family =
 Deviance Residuals: 
 Min   1Q   Median   3Q  Max  
 -22.212   -5.132   -2.4843.200   18.793  
   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(|z|)
 (Intercept)  23.848754   2.621291   9.098   2e-16 ***
 temperature  -1.038284   0.150465  -6.901 5.18e-12 ***
 humidity -0.264912   0.033928  -7.808 5.81e-15 ***
 semio2   22.852664   1.291806  17.690   2e-16 ***
 semio33.699901   1.349007   2.743   0.0061 ** 
 semio4   -1.851163   1.585997  -1.167   0.2431
 temperature:humidity  0.012983   0.001983   6.545 5.94e-11 ***
 temperature:semio2   -0.870430   0.037602 -23.149   2e-16 ***
 temperature:semio3   -0.060846   0.038677  -1.573   0.1157
 temperature:semio40.055288   0.046137   1.198   0.2308
 humidity:semio2  -0.114718   0.013369  -8.581   2e-16 ***
 humidity:semio3  -0.031692   0.013794  -2.298   0.0216 *  
 humidity:semio4   0.008425   0.016020   0.526   0.5990
 Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
 (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
 Null deviance: 10423.5  on 47  degrees of freedom Residual deviance:
 2902.2  on 35  degrees of freedom
 AIC: 3086.4
 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7
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Re: [R] ANCOVA/glm missing/ignored interaction combinations

2008-09-03 Thread Mark Difford

And perhaps I should also have added: fit your model without an intercept and
look at your coefficients. You should be able to work it out from there
quite easily. Anyway, you now have the main pieces.

Regards, Mark.

Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Lara,
 And I cant for the life of me work out why category one (semio1) is
 being ignored, missing 
 Nothing is being ignored Lara --- but you are ignoring the fact that your
 factors have been coded using the default contrasts in R, viz so-called
 treatment or Dunnett contrasts. That is, your intercept is semio1 and the
 other coefficients are calculated off it, hence the name treatment
 In general this type of coding is recommended for GLM models (but this can
 raise deep divisions, as some don't consider them to be proper contrasts
 because they are not orthogonal). Perhaps you should read up on how dummy
 variables are coded.
 To really understand this you will have to move away from ?contrasts as a
 source. It might also help you to do the following on a simpler model:
 This shows how it is worked out.
 HTH, Mark.
 lara harrup (IAH-P) wrote:
 I am using R version 2.7.2. on a windows XP OS and have a question
 concerning an analysis of covariance with count data I am trying to do,
 I will give details of a scaled down version of the analysis (as I have
 more covariates and need to take account of over-dispersion etc etc) but
 as I am sure it is only a simple problem but I just can't see how to fix
 I have a data set with count data as the response (total) and two
 continuous covariates and one categorical explanatory variable (semio).
 When I run the following lines, after loading the data and assigning
 'semio' as a factor, taking into account that I want to consider two way
 I get the output below. But not all interactions are listed there are 4
 semio categories, 1,2,3 and 4 but only 2,3,and 4 are listed in the
 summary (semio2,semio3,semio4). And I cant for the life of me work out
 why category one (semio1) is being ignored, missing etc.
 Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance
 glm(formula = total ~ (temperature + humidity + semio)^2, family =
 Deviance Residuals: 
 Min   1Q   Median   3Q  Max  
 -22.212   -5.132   -2.4843.200   18.793  
   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(|z|)
 (Intercept)  23.848754   2.621291   9.098   2e-16 ***
 temperature  -1.038284   0.150465  -6.901 5.18e-12 ***
 humidity -0.264912   0.033928  -7.808 5.81e-15 ***
 semio2   22.852664   1.291806  17.690   2e-16 ***
 semio33.699901   1.349007   2.743   0.0061 ** 
 semio4   -1.851163   1.585997  -1.167   0.2431
 temperature:humidity  0.012983   0.001983   6.545 5.94e-11 ***
 temperature:semio2   -0.870430   0.037602 -23.149   2e-16 ***
 temperature:semio3   -0.060846   0.038677  -1.573   0.1157
 temperature:semio40.055288   0.046137   1.198   0.2308
 humidity:semio2  -0.114718   0.013369  -8.581   2e-16 ***
 humidity:semio3  -0.031692   0.013794  -2.298   0.0216 *  
 humidity:semio4   0.008425   0.016020   0.526   0.5990
 Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
 (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
 Null deviance: 10423.5  on 47  degrees of freedom Residual deviance:
 2902.2  on 35  degrees of freedom
 AIC: 3086.4
 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7
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Re: [R] Modality Test

2008-09-09 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Amin,

 First, does R have a package that can implement the multimodality test, 
 e.g., the Silverman test, DIP test, MAP test or Runt test.

Jeremy Tantrum (a Ph.D. student of Werner Steutzle's, c. 2003/04) did some
work on this. There is some useful code on Steutzle's website:

I used it last year when I was trying to solve the problem of how best to
compare lots of density curves (age distributions of 3 spp. of tree
euphorbias from about very different 35 sites). In particular I had to
ensure that I wasn't creating spurious bimodality at a particular age range
when combining sites.

You might find it useful. Feel free to contact me off list if the code has
gone, as I think I still have it (somewhere).

Regards, Mark.

Amin W. Mugera wrote:
 Dear Readers:
 I have two issues in nonparametric statistical analysis that i need
 First, does R have a package that can implement the multimodality test,
 e.g., the Silverman test, DIP test, MAP test or Runt test. I have seen
 an earlier thread (sometime in 2003) where someone was trying to write
 a code for the Silverman test of multimodality. Is there any other
 tests that can enable me to know how many modes are in a distribution?
 Second, i would like to test whether two distributions are equal. Does R
 have a  package than can implement the Li (1996) test of the equality
 of two distributions? Is there any other test i can use rather than the
 Li test?
 Thank you in advance for your help.
 Amin Mugera
 Graduate Student
 AgEcon Dept. Kansas State University
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Re: [R] Modality Test

2008-09-09 Thread Mark Difford

Whoops! I think that should be Stuetzle --- though I very much doubt that he
reads the list.

Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Amin,
 First, does R have a package that can implement the multimodality test, 
 e.g., the Silverman test, DIP test, MAP test or Runt test.
 Jeremy Tantrum (a Ph.D. student of Werner Steutzle's, c. 2003/04) did some
 work on this. There is some useful code on Steutzle's website:
 I used it last year when I was trying to solve the problem of how best to
 compare lots of density curves (age distributions of 3 spp. of tree
 euphorbias from about very different 35 sites). In particular I had to
 ensure that I wasn't creating spurious bimodality at a particular age
 range when combining sites.
 You might find it useful. Feel free to contact me off list if the code has
 gone, as I think I still have it (somewhere).
 Regards, Mark.
 Amin W. Mugera wrote:
 Dear Readers:
 I have two issues in nonparametric statistical analysis that i need
 First, does R have a package that can implement the multimodality test,
 e.g., the Silverman test, DIP test, MAP test or Runt test. I have seen
 an earlier thread (sometime in 2003) where someone was trying to write
 a code for the Silverman test of multimodality. Is there any other
 tests that can enable me to know how many modes are in a distribution?
 Second, i would like to test whether two distributions are equal. Does R
 have a  package than can implement the Li (1996) test of the equality
 of two distributions? Is there any other test i can use rather than the
 Li test?
 Thank you in advance for your help.
 Amin Mugera
 Graduate Student
 AgEcon Dept. Kansas State University
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Re: [R] Modality Test

2008-09-09 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Amin,

And I have just remembered that there is a function called curveRep in Frank
Harrell's Hmisc package that might be useful, even if not quite in the
channel of your enquiry. curveRep was added to the package after my
struggles, so I never used it and so don't know how well it performs (quite
well, I would think).

Regards, Mark.

Amin W. Mugera wrote:
 Dear Readers:
 I have two issues in nonparametric statistical analysis that i need
 First, does R have a package that can implement the multimodality test,
 e.g., the Silverman test, DIP test, MAP test or Runt test. I have seen
 an earlier thread (sometime in 2003) where someone was trying to write
 a code for the Silverman test of multimodality. Is there any other
 tests that can enable me to know how many modes are in a distribution?
 Second, i would like to test whether two distributions are equal. Does R
 have a  package than can implement the Li (1996) test of the equality
 of two distributions? Is there any other test i can use rather than the
 Li test?
 Thank you in advance for your help.
 Amin Mugera
 Graduate Student
 AgEcon Dept. Kansas State University
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Re: [R] Modality Test

2008-09-10 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Bert,

 ## returns TRUE only if the distributions are the same ...

Thanks for the elegant code. Problem is, the result is elusive, constantly
slipping from view and then rolling into the dip. Perhaps it's broken in
this version of R (2.7.2.Patched). A fix would therefore be much
appreciated, as I may need to use it again in the near future. A little
example follows:

p1 - rnorm(100, 10, 5)
p2 - rnorm(100, 35, 5)
equaldist(p1, p2)
equaldist(c(p1,p2), c(p2,p1))

plot(density(c(p1, p2)), main=Twin Peaks)

Regards, Mark.

Bert Gunter wrote:
 Here is a function that tests for equality of however many distributions
 you like:
 equaldist - function(...){
 ## ... numeric sample vectors from the possibly different distributions to
 be tested
 ## returns TRUE only if the distributions are the same
 -- Bert Gunter
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Mark Difford
 Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [R] Modality Test
 Hi Amin,
 And I have just remembered that there is a function called curveRep in
 Harrell's Hmisc package that might be useful, even if not quite in the
 channel of your enquiry. curveRep was added to the package after my
 struggles, so I never used it and so don't know how well it performs
 well, I would think).
 Regards, Mark.
 Amin W. Mugera wrote:
 Dear Readers:
 I have two issues in nonparametric statistical analysis that i need
 First, does R have a package that can implement the multimodality test,
 e.g., the Silverman test, DIP test, MAP test or Runt test. I have seen
 an earlier thread (sometime in 2003) where someone was trying to write
 a code for the Silverman test of multimodality. Is there any other
 tests that can enable me to know how many modes are in a distribution?
 Second, i would like to test whether two distributions are equal. Does R
 have a  package than can implement the Li (1996) test of the equality
 of two distributions? Is there any other test i can use rather than the
 Li test?
 Thank you in advance for your help.
 Amin Mugera
 Graduate Student
 AgEcon Dept. Kansas State University
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Re: [R] Greyed text in the background of a plot

2008-09-12 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Agustin,

 Is there any way of having a greyed (ghosted) text...


plot(1, type=n)
text(1, Old Grey Whistle Test, col=slategray4, cex=2)
text(1, y=1.2, OH!, col=grey95, cex=4)

Then plot what you want on top. If you export or plot to a PDF/ps device the
last-plotted items will overlie the first-plotted items. I think this is
generally true.


Regards, Mark.

Agustin Lobo-4 wrote:
 Is there any way of having a greyed (ghosted) text
 (i.e, 2006) in the background of a plot?
 I'm making a dynamic plot and would like to show the
 year of each time step as a big greyed text in the background.
 (the idea comes from Hans Rosling video:
 Dr. Agustin Lobo
 Institut de Ciencies de la Terra Jaume Almera (CSIC)
 LLuis Sole Sabaris s/n
 08028 Barcelona
 Tel. 34 934095410
 Fax. 34 934110012
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Re: [R] Greyed text in the background of a plot

2008-09-12 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Yihui,

That's good, I like it! Very nice site.

Regards, Mark.

Yihui Xie wrote:
 Well, his talk seems to have attracted a lot of people... You may
 simply use gray text in your plot. Here is an example:
 x = runif(10)
 y = runif(10)
 z = runif(10, 0.1, 0.3)
 cl = rgb(runif(10), runif(10), runif(10), 0.5) # transparent colors!
 par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.2, 0.2))
 for (i in 1917:2007) {
x = x + rnorm(10, 0, 0.02)
y = y + rnorm(10, 0, 0.02)
z = abs(z + rnorm(10, 0, 0.05))
plot(x, y, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), type = n, panel.first = {
text(0.5, 0.5, i, cex = 5, col = gray) # here is the text!
symbols(x, y, circles = z, add = T, bg = cl, inches = 0.8)
 Not difficult at all, right? :)
 BTW, if you are interested in such animations, you may as well take a
 look at my animation package:
 - Show quoted text -
 On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 8:35 PM, Agustin Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any way of having a greyed (ghosted) text
 (i.e, 2006) in the background of a plot?
 I'm making a dynamic plot and would like to show the
 year of each time step as a big greyed text in the background.

 (the idea comes from Hans Rosling video:


 Dr. Agustin Lobo
 Institut de Ciencies de la Terra Jaume Almera (CSIC)
 LLuis Sole Sabaris s/n
 08028 Barcelona
 Tel. 34 934095410
 Fax. 34 934110012

 Phone: +86-(0)10-82509086 Fax: +86-(0)10-82509086
 Mobile: +86-15810805877
 School of Statistics, Room 1037, Mingde Main Building,
 Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872, China
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Re: [R] Symbols on a capscale object plot

2008-09-13 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Rodrigo,

 I would like to use something like squares, triangles and circles (filled
 and empty).

You would normally add this using points():

plot(1:10, type=n)
points(1:5, pch=21:25, bg=1:5)
points(6:10, pch=21:25, bg=c(1,darkgrey,cyan, bisque))
points(6:10, y=rep(6,5), pch=1:5)

I don't know what vegan is doing at the moment but there used to be a points
command for doing this (sub ordiplot, I think). Vegan mostly still uses base
graphics so you can always get your scores [via: scores(ord.object): see
?scores] from your saved ordination object and add them as per above.

Regards, Mark.

Rodrigo Aluizio wrote:
 Hi, I'm a beginner with R, but I'm getting excellent results with it.
 Well I've got an capscale object (vegan package) and I want to made a
 with symbols representing six groups of areas.
 With the plot.cca function and some par attributes (like 'labels') I was
 able to substitute the samples names for keyboard symbols
 but it's far from the ideal.
 I've already search about it and find something using 'Hershey' fonts
 symbols for a scatterplot, but it didn't work for the biplot (capscale
 I would like to use something like squares, triangles and circles (filled
 and empty).
 Does anyone have and idea to solve it?
 Thank you for your attention and patience
 Sorry if the English is not that good, I'm Brazilian.
 Here is the script I'm using!
 # The analysis
 dbRDA-capscale(t(LogPotiBio)~Environmental Variables,dist=bray,add=T)
 #Preparing to generate and save the graphic
 MSc. Rodrigo Aluizio
 Centro de Estudos do Mar/UFPR
 Laboratório de Micropaleontologia
 Avenida Beira Mar s/n - CEP 83255-000
 Pontal do Paraná - PR - BRASIL
 Fone: (0**41) 3455-1496 ramal 217
 Fax: (0**41) 3455-1105
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Re: [R] Symbols on a capscale object plot

2008-09-13 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Rodrigo,

 Maybe if I can define a factor that specifies these groups and use this
 factor to assign the symbols.

Yes, that's the idea. Some ordination-oriented packages make this easier to
do than others. You should look through vegan carefully to see the full
offering. Nevertheless, it's pretty easy to do it from the ground up once
you get the knack.

You would do something like the following. Say you have a factor-column
called Site, the rows of which match the rows of the data frame (=mydf) you
used for the ordination. Then you could lasso your groups by doing:

points(ord.obj$scores[mydf$Site==MarkerA], pch=21, bg=red)
points(ord.obj$scores[1:10, ], pch=21, bg=red) ## by rownum()

HTH, Mark.

Rodrigo Aluizio wrote:
 Thank You Mark,
 With your tip now I'm able to chance the sites names for real symbols.
 now I just have to find out how to change groups of sites names, that
 compose a 'biofacies', with different symbols (actually six groups) in the
 same plot.
 Maybe if I can define a factor that specifies these groups and use this
 factor to assign the symbols.
 I don't know, I've to try, but I'm getting something, I hope.
 From: Mark Difford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 9:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [R] Symbols on a capscale object plot

 Hi Rodrigo,

 I would like to use something like squares, triangles and circles 
 and empty).

 You would normally add this using points():

 plot(1:10, type=n)
 points(1:5, pch=21:25, bg=1:5)
 points(6:10, pch=21:25, bg=c(1,darkgrey,cyan, bisque))
 points(6:10, y=rep(6,5), pch=1:5)

 I don't know what vegan is doing at the moment but there used to be a 
 command for doing this (sub ordiplot, I think). Vegan mostly still uses 
 graphics so you can always get your scores [via: scores(ord.object): see
 ?scores] from your saved ordination object and add them as per above.

 Regards, Mark.

 Rodrigo Aluizio wrote:

 Hi, I'm a beginner with R, but I'm getting excellent results with it.
 Well I've got an capscale object (vegan package) and I want to made a
 with symbols representing six groups of areas.
 With the plot.cca function and some par attributes (like 'labels') I
 able to substitute the samples names for keyboard symbols
 but it's far from the ideal.
 I've already search about it and find something using 'Hershey' fonts
 symbols for a scatterplot, but it didn't work for the biplot (capscale
 I would like to use something like squares, triangles and circles 
 and empty).
 Does anyone have and idea to solve it?
 Thank you for your attention and patience
 Sorry if the English is not that good, I'm Brazilian.

 Here is the script I'm using!

 # The analysis

 #Preparing to generate and save the graphic
 MSc. Rodrigo Aluizio
 Centro de Estudos do Mar/UFPR
 Laboratório de Micropaleontologia
 Avenida Beira Mar s/n - CEP 83255-000
 Pontal do Paraná - PR - BRASIL
 Fone: (0**41) 3455-1496 ramal 217
 Fax: (0**41) 3455-1105

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Re: [R] Symbols on a capscale object plot

2008-09-13 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Rogrido,

Sorry: The first points() call was missing a vital comma. It should have

points(ord.obj$scores[mydf$Site==MarkerA, ], pch=21, bg=red)

See ?[

Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Rodrigo,
 Maybe if I can define a factor that specifies these groups and use this
 factor to assign the symbols.
 Yes, that's the idea. Some ordination-oriented packages make this easier
 to do than others. You should look through vegan carefully to see the full
 offering. Nevertheless, it's pretty easy to do it from the ground up once
 you get the knack.
 You would do something like the following. Say you have a factor-column
 called Site, the rows of which match the rows of the data frame (=mydf)
 you used for the ordination. Then you could lasso your groups by doing:
 points(ord.obj$scores[mydf$Site==MarkerA], pch=21, bg=red)
 points(ord.obj$scores[1:10, ], pch=21, bg=red) ## by rownum()
 HTH, Mark.
 Rodrigo Aluizio wrote:
 Thank You Mark,
 With your tip now I'm able to chance the sites names for real symbols.
 now I just have to find out how to change groups of sites names, that
 compose a 'biofacies', with different symbols (actually six groups) in
 same plot.
 Maybe if I can define a factor that specifies these groups and use this
 factor to assign the symbols.
 I don't know, I've to try, but I'm getting something, I hope.
 From: Mark Difford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 9:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [R] Symbols on a capscale object plot

 Hi Rodrigo,

 I would like to use something like squares, triangles and circles 
 and empty).

 You would normally add this using points():

 plot(1:10, type=n)
 points(1:5, pch=21:25, bg=1:5)
 points(6:10, pch=21:25, bg=c(1,darkgrey,cyan, bisque))
 points(6:10, y=rep(6,5), pch=1:5)

 I don't know what vegan is doing at the moment but there used to be a 
 command for doing this (sub ordiplot, I think). Vegan mostly still uses 
 graphics so you can always get your scores [via: scores(ord.object):
 ?scores] from your saved ordination object and add them as per above.

 Regards, Mark.

 Rodrigo Aluizio wrote:

 Hi, I'm a beginner with R, but I'm getting excellent results with it.
 Well I've got an capscale object (vegan package) and I want to made a
 with symbols representing six groups of areas.
 With the plot.cca function and some par attributes (like 'labels') I
 able to substitute the samples names for keyboard symbols
 but it's far from the ideal.
 I've already search about it and find something using 'Hershey' fonts
 symbols for a scatterplot, but it didn't work for the biplot (capscale
 I would like to use something like squares, triangles and circles 
 and empty).
 Does anyone have and idea to solve it?
 Thank you for your attention and patience
 Sorry if the English is not that good, I'm Brazilian.

 Here is the script I'm using!

 # The analysis

 #Preparing to generate and save the graphic
 MSc. Rodrigo Aluizio
 Centro de Estudos do Mar/UFPR
 Laboratório de Micropaleontologia
 Avenida Beira Mar s/n - CEP 83255-000
 Pontal do Paraná - PR - BRASIL
 Fone: (0**41) 3455-1496 ramal 217
 Fax: (0**41) 3455-1105

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Re: [R] Help please! How to code a mixed-model with 2 within-subject factors using lme or lmer?

2008-09-14 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Roberto,

 but I can't figure out the /(Lobe*Tissue) part...

This type of nesting is easier to do using lmer(). To do it using lme() you
have to generate the crossed factor yourself. Do something like this:

tfac - with(vslt, interaction(Lobe, Tissue, drop=T))
str(tfac); head(tfac)
mod2-lme(Volume ~ Val*Lobe*Tissue, random = ~1|Subject/tfac, data = vslt)

Pre-Scriptum: You can also use ?: but ?interaction is more flexible and

Regards, Mark.

roberto toro wrote:
 I'm using aov() to analyse changes in brain volume between males and
 females. For every subject (there are 331 in total) I have 8 volume
 measurements (4 different brain lobes and 2 different tissues
 (grey/white matter)). The data looks like this:
 Subject   Sex LobeTissue  Volume
 subect1   1   F   g   262374
 subect1   1   F   w   173758
 subect1   1   O   g   67155
 subect1   1   O   w   30067
 subect1   1   P   g   117981
 subect1   1   P   w   85441
 subect1   1   T   g   185241
 subect1   1   T   w   83183
 subect2   1   F   g   255309
 subect2   1   F   w   164335
 subect2   1   O   g   71769
 subect2   1   O   w   31879
 subect2   1   P   g   120518
 subect2   1   P   w   90334
 subect2   1   T   g   168413
 subect2   1   T   w   75790
 subect3   0   F   g   243621
 subect3   0   F   w   167025
 subect3   0   O   g   65998
 subect3   0   O   w   29758
 subect3   0   P   g   118026
 subect3   0   P   w   91903
 subect3   0   T   g   156279
 subect3   0   T   w   82349
 I'm trying to see if there is an interaction Sex*Lobe*Tissue. This is
 the command I use with aov():
 Subject is a random effect, Sex, Lobe and Tissue are fixed effects;
 Sex is an outer factor (between subjects), and Lobe and Tissue are
 inner factors (within-subjects); and there is indeed a significant
 3-way interaction.
 I was told, however, that the results reported by aov() may depend on
 the order of the factors
 (type I anova), and that is better to use lme() or lmer() with type
 II, but I'm struggling to find the right syntaxis...
 To begin, how should I write the model using lme() or lmer()??
 I tried this with lme():

 but I have interaction terms for every level of Lobe and Tissue, and 8
 times the number of DF I should have... (around 331*8 instead of
 Using lmer(), the specification of Subject as a random effect is
 but I can't figure out the /(Lobe*Tissue) part...
 Thank you very much in advance!
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Re: [R] Help please! How to code a mixed-model with 2 within-subject factors using lme or lmer?

2008-09-14 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Roberto,

It's difficult to comment further on specifics without access to your data
set. A general point is that the output from summary(aov.object) is not
directly comparable with summary(lme.object). The latter gives you a summary
of a fitted linear regression model, not an analysis of variance model, and
what you see will depend on what contrasts were in place when the model
was fitted.

If you haven't changed these then they will be so-called treatment
contrasts. What you are seeing for Lobe (which plainly is coded as a factor)
in the output from summary(lme.object) are the regression coefficients for
each level of Lobe relative to its reference/treatment/baseline level, which
is your (Intercept). If you fitted your model with, say, Helmert or
sum-to-zero contrasts then these values would change.

To see what your current reference level is do levels(dataset$Lobe). See

What you want to look at to begin with is: anova(lme.object).

HTH, Mark.

roberto toro wrote:
 Thanks for answering Mark!
 I tried with the coding of the interaction you suggested:
 But is it normal that the DF are 2303? DF is 2303 even for the estimate of
 LobeO that has only 662 values (331 for Tissue=white and 331 for
 I'm not sure either that Sex, Lobe and Tissue are correctly handled
 why are
 there different estimates called Sex:LobeO, Sex:LobeP, etc, and not just
 Sex:Lobe as with aov()?. Why there's Tissuew, but not Sex1, for example?
 Thanks again!
 ps1. How would you code this with lmer()?
 ps2. this is part of the output of mod-lme:
 Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: vlt
AIC  BIClogLik
   57528.35 57639.98 -28745.17
 Random effects:
  Formula: ~1 | Subject
  Formula: ~1 | tfac %in% Subject
 (Intercept) Residual
 StdDev:10569.03 4587.472
 Fixed effects: Volume ~ Sex * Lobe * Tissue
Value Std.Error   DFt-value p-value
 (Intercept)245224.61  1511.124 2303  162.27963  0.
 Sex  2800.01  1866.312  3291.50029  0.1345
 LobeO -180794.83  1526.084 2303 -118.46975  0.
 LobeP -131609.27  1526.084 2303  -86.23984  0.
 LobeT  -73189.97  1526.084 2303  -47.95932  0.
 Tissuew-72461.05  1526.084 2303  -47.48168  0.
 Sex:LobeO-663.27  1884.789 2303   -0.35191  0.7249
 Sex:LobeP   -2146.08  1884.789 2303   -1.13863  0.2550
 Sex:LobeT1379.49  1884.789 23030.73191  0.4643
 Sex:Tissuew  5387.65  1884.789 23032.85849  0.0043
 LobeO:Tissuew   43296.99  2158.209 2303   20.06154  0.
 LobeP:Tissuew   50952.21  2158.209 2303   23.60856  0.
 LobeT:Tissuew  -15959.31  2158.209 2303   -7.39470  0.
 Sex:LobeO:Tissuew   -5228.66  2665.494 2303   -1.96161  0.0499
 Sex:LobeP:Tissuew   -1482.83  2665.494 2303   -0.55631  0.5781
 Sex:LobeT:Tissuew   -6037.49  2665.494 2303   -2.26506  0.0236
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Re: [R] Help please! How to code a mixed-model with 2 within-subject factors using lme or lmer?

2008-09-15 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Roberto,

The other thing you can do --- if you don't wish to step across to lmer(),
where you will be able to exactly replicate the crossed-factor error
structure --- is stay with aov(... + Error()), but fit the factor you are
interested in last. Assume it is Sex. Then fit your model as

aov.model - aov(Volume ~ Lobe * Tissue * Sex + Error(Subject/(Lobe *

This should give you a so-called Type-II test for Sex. You may verify this
by fitting the model without the Error term and using Anova() from the car
package (which does Type-II/III tests) to look at the SS and F values.

I say should, because the only concern I have is whether this procedure is
affected by the presence of an Error term in the model. Establishing this is
beyond my capabilities.

Regards, Mark.

roberto toro wrote:
 Thanks for answering Mark!
 I tried with the coding of the interaction you suggested:
 But is it normal that the DF are 2303? DF is 2303 even for the estimate of
 LobeO that has only 662 values (331 for Tissue=white and 331 for
 I'm not sure either that Sex, Lobe and Tissue are correctly handled
 why are
 there different estimates called Sex:LobeO, Sex:LobeP, etc, and not just
 Sex:Lobe as with aov()?. Why there's Tissuew, but not Sex1, for example?
 Thanks again!
 ps1. How would you code this with lmer()?
 ps2. this is part of the output of mod-lme:
 Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: vlt
AIC  BIClogLik
   57528.35 57639.98 -28745.17
 Random effects:
  Formula: ~1 | Subject
  Formula: ~1 | tfac %in% Subject
 (Intercept) Residual
 StdDev:10569.03 4587.472
 Fixed effects: Volume ~ Sex * Lobe * Tissue
Value Std.Error   DFt-value p-value
 (Intercept)245224.61  1511.124 2303  162.27963  0.
 Sex  2800.01  1866.312  3291.50029  0.1345
 LobeO -180794.83  1526.084 2303 -118.46975  0.
 LobeP -131609.27  1526.084 2303  -86.23984  0.
 LobeT  -73189.97  1526.084 2303  -47.95932  0.
 Tissuew-72461.05  1526.084 2303  -47.48168  0.
 Sex:LobeO-663.27  1884.789 2303   -0.35191  0.7249
 Sex:LobeP   -2146.08  1884.789 2303   -1.13863  0.2550
 Sex:LobeT1379.49  1884.789 23030.73191  0.4643
 Sex:Tissuew  5387.65  1884.789 23032.85849  0.0043
 LobeO:Tissuew   43296.99  2158.209 2303   20.06154  0.
 LobeP:Tissuew   50952.21  2158.209 2303   23.60856  0.
 LobeT:Tissuew  -15959.31  2158.209 2303   -7.39470  0.
 Sex:LobeO:Tissuew   -5228.66  2665.494 2303   -1.96161  0.0499
 Sex:LobeP:Tissuew   -1482.83  2665.494 2303   -0.55631  0.5781
 Sex:LobeT:Tissuew   -6037.49  2665.494 2303   -2.26506  0.0236
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Re: [R] Ward's Clustering Doubts

2008-09-15 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Rodrigo,

[apropos of Ward's method]

 ... we saw something like You must use it with Euclidean Distance...

Strictly speaking this is probably correct, as Ward's method does an
analysis of variance type of decomposition and so doesn't really make much
sense  (I think) unless Euclidean distance (i.e. least-squares) is used.

However, there may be ways around this. First, because a distance metric is
non-Euclidean does not mean that it is always non-Euclidean. You can test
this using ?is.euclid in package ade4. You can also test your matrix by
doing a principal co-ordinate analysis; then look for negative eigenvalues.
If none are found, the matrix is Euclidean and it should be OK to use Ward's
method on that data set.

Probably a better approach is to make your distance matrix Euclidean. There
are several functions in ade4 that will do this. The idea then is to
present/compare the two solutions: the first using the uncorrected,
non-Euclidean distance matrix, the second using the corrected version. You
could use procrustes/co-inertia analysis to compare the two in an
intermediate step.

Regards, Mark.

Rodrigo Aluizio wrote:
 Hi Everybody,
 Now I have a doubt that is more statistical than R's technical. I’m
 working with ecology of recent Foraminifera.
 At the lab we used to perform cluster analysis using 1-Pearson’s R and
 Wards method (we already saw it in bibliography of the area) which renders
 good results with our biological data. Recently, using “R” Software (vegan
 and Cluster packages) which allows the combination of any kind of
 distances matrix with any clustering method, we tried to used Bray Curtis
 + Wards (which seem to be more appropriate to a matrix with a lot of
 zeros) and it renders a better result. Furthermore, the results agree with
 our hypothesis and with the results we have got with the Distance-based
 Redundancy Analysis - dbRDA or CAP. It means, the analysis (Q-mode)
 clusters the stations according to the main physical, sedimentary and
 biological characteristics of the study area.
 We received some critical comments noticing that Wards Method accepts
 Euclidean Distance only. So, we made the analysis again using Euclidean
 Distance but we don’t get the better results we had using 1-Pearson’s R +
 Wards or Bray Curtis + Wards (actually any other distance + method
 combination rendered better results). Trying to find answers in the
 specialized literature we just got little more confused because in any
 moment we saw something like You must use it with Euclidean Distance and
 like I said above we already saw in some articles from respected journals,
 other kind of distance associated with the Ward's Clustering method. 
 Is it wrong or is it “non sense” to do the analysis in the way we were
 The results with Wards combined with 1-Pearson’s R or Bray Curtis fit
 better with our hypothesis and have excellent agglomerative coefficients ,
 but we don’t want to make inappropriate statistical procedures. I'm
 starting to realize how powerful R is, but it doesn't justify doing
 nonsense statistics...  I hope one of you may help us!
 Thank you in advance.
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