[R] Fast continious wavelet transformation (CWT) and plot?

2016-11-22 Thread stvienna wiener
Dear all,

This is my test code:

sunspotsLong <- rep(sunspots, times=3000) ## try "times=30" (or 300)

sunspots.cwt <- wavCWT(sunspotsLong)
plot(sunspots.cwt, series=TRUE)

If you adapt times in the second line with "30", the code works. But 300 or
3000 not so much.

Are there more faster ways to calculate the CWT? Different packages that
are better for the continious wavelet transform?

My real time series has around 1 Million observations.


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[R] Lattice barplot not wokring in for-loop?

2009-09-18 Thread stvienna wiener
Dear List-Members,

I am plotting a barplot with the lattice package. The code works, but
when I execute the same code in a for-loop
no plot is shown. Can't figure what the problem is.
(Maybe I am missing something here, but I tried it with plot device
pdf, calling windows() or X11(), testing on windows and linux, etc.)

INFO: R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26) using Windows/RGui


for( z in 1:3) {

## plot works when executed alone,
## however in a for loop no plot is shown...
barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley,
 groups = year, layout = c(1,6), stack = TRUE,
 auto.key = list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE, space = "right"),
 ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)",
 scales = list(x = list(rot = 45)))


I can't program any further without solving this.

So, thanks! Really!

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Re: [R] Novel (Maybe?) Visualizations

2010-02-11 Thread stvienna wiener
2010/2/10 Johannes Huesing :
> D. Dashcle  [Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 01:13:58AM CET]:

> I would look for "graphviz" in www.rseek.org and procede from there.

Is graphviz really the only option? I guss so, but the license of
graphviz is very restricted and not comparable
to the usal open source licenses, e.g. GPL or similar.

I spent about a day to find information on graphs in R, search and
searched, tried many libraries, etc.
Compared to other subjects or areas, I found very little and the
quality was limited.

What I need would be:

   - import/export from GraphML
   - basic and advanced graph algorithms

   - nice visualization of graphs (graphviz)
   - interactive input of graphs (or external program and import via GraphML)

Is R the right programming language for that? (I think it is...)

Are there any pointers? Books or tutorials on using R for graph stuff.?

Any help is very much appreciated!

Best regards,

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[R] Error when running the examples in plotMultiTS / QRMlib

2009-07-10 Thread stvienna wiener
Dear List,

R ist somtimes a bit frustrating...

I ran the example from
and I get an error.

Has someone an explanation for this?

Thanks a lot,




> ?plotMultiTS
> data(DJ);
>  Sdata <- window(DJ, from="1993-01-01", to="2000-12-31");
>  #select only 4 stocks from 30-stock index:
>  tsSelections <- c("GE","INTC","KO","JNJ");
>  Sdata <- Sdata[,tsSelections];
Error in .subset(x, i, j, drop = FALSE) :
  object of type 'S4' is not subsettable
>  Zdata <- log(Sdata);
>  rm(Sdata);
>  #Plot all 4 columns on same graph:
>  plotMultiTS(Zdata, reference.grid=TRUE);
Error: subscript out of bounds
>  #plot only columns 2 and 3 on the graph:
>  plotMultiTS(Zdata, colvec= c(2,3),reference.grid=TRUE, format="%Y-%m");
Error in .subset(x, i, j, drop = FALSE) :
  object of type 'S4' is not subsettable

2nd question:
running > plotMultiTS i find the line:
"xxx = tS[, i...@data"

Why would someone name a variable "xxx"? Is this some "feature" or
just poor programming?

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Re: [R] Save results

2009-07-16 Thread stvienna wiener
Hi Jose,

Have you tried:

Z <- diag(10)
write.csv(Z, file = "mymatrix.csv")

type "?write.csv" to see the options to get a better result with excel.
However you can open the file "mymatrix.csv" with excel
(it is stored in the "My Documents" folder in windows).

Ok, hope that helps.
Next time you can try also a goolge search like "r-help csv".


2009/7/16 Jose Narillos de Santos :
> I imagine I make a function whose results are a Matrix Z
> How cn I save in a txt or excel file the result of apply my function?
> something similar to save Z.txt.
> Thanks in advance.
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[R] zoo plot: yearly marks on X-Axis

2009-07-25 Thread stvienna wiener
Hi all,

I am plotting a financial time series, but I need a more detailed X-Axis.

x <- zoo(rnorm(1:6000), as.Date("1992-11-11")+c(1:6000))

The X-Axis is labeled "1995", "2000" and "2005".
I would need either "1995", "1997", etc. or maybe yearly

I used google first, then look at "?plot.zoo" but could't get it working.


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[R] ggplot2 box plot notches

2009-09-29 Thread stvienna wiener
Dear List,

I just googled to find out if notched box plots are possible with
ggplot2, but couldn't find a answer to it.

boxplot() has the option: notch = TRUE, e.g.: boxplot(mpg$hwy, notch=TRUE)

My example code (taken from the net) is:

qplot(class, hwy, fill=factor(year), data=mpg, geom="boxplot",

Thank you for you help!


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Re: [R] ggplot2 box plot notches

2009-09-29 Thread stvienna wiener
Dear Thierry,

Thank you very much for the fast reply.

Is there a way not to plot outliers in the ggplot2 boxplots? In a way
that the scale of the y-axis is rendered as if there was no outlier?
(not just the the ouliers removed with the same scale of the

[ example for a boxplot: qplot(mpg, wt, geom="boxplot", data=mtcars) ]

My only solution would be to remove outliers before doing the boxplot

Thanks again,

PS: I think there could be a typo in the help of qplot, at least in
version 2.9.1

I think "data=mtcars" is missing

# Use different geoms
qplot(mpg, wt, geom="path")
qplot(factor(cyl), wt, geom=c("boxplot", "jitter"))

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[R] why is adnonis function called adonis {package vegan}

2009-11-02 Thread stvienna wiener
Hello all,

I used google and looked at the documentation to find out why the
ADONIS function
is called adonis (in the vegan package).

I am writing a document and would like to include a
abbreviation list (similar to "ANOSIM = Analysis of Similarities").


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[R] unicode variable and function names?

2011-01-03 Thread stvienna wiener
Dear List,

Is it possible to have function names like ∀ (unicode universal quantifier)?
This question is inspired by agda source code, which supports this.


It would be handy to use. My guess is, however, that it's not supportet in R.


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[R] using wavelet transform to calculate mean frequency of a signal

2009-03-22 Thread stvienna wiener
Dear list,

in short: I would like to calculate the mean frequency
of a signal (e.g. time series) using the wavelet transform.

with details: I did not find a R function to calculate a
mean frequency using one of the cran packages.

My searches using  R Site Search returned:
**(1)waveclock {waveclock}R Documentation
Reconstruction of the modal frequencies in a time series using continuous
wavelet transformation and the "crazy climbers" algorithm
(this look like what I wanted to do, but I can't figure it out)

**(2) tfmean {Rwave}R Documentation
Average frequency by frequency
(this seems not to help either)

I am a bit desperate at the moment
and would very, very much appreciate any help.


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