Re: [R] Processing a large number of files

2003-07-23 Thread Uwe Ligges
Douglas Bates wrote:
I maintain the Devore5 package which contains the data sets from the
5th edition of Jay Devore's text Probability and Statistics for
Engineering and the Sciences.  The 6th edition has now been published
and it includes several new data sets in exercises and examples.  In
addition, some exercises and examples from the 5th edition are
renumbered in the 6th edition.
I face the daunting task of adding and documenting the new data sets
and updating the numbering.  I had thought of going back to the text
files but discovered that it was easier to work from another form.
A CD-ROM with the book provides the data sets in several different
formats, including SPSS saved data sets.  I was pleasantly surprised
that I could write an R script that read the data from the .sav file,
converted it to an R data frame, converted the SPSS name such as
ex01-11.sav to an allowable R name (ex01.11), and saved the resulting
data set in a new directory.  In the past I would have written Python
or Perl scripts to do all the manipulations of iterating over files
but with the current facilities in R for listing file names, etc., I
can do the whole thing in R.  My script, which worked on the first
try, is
SPSS = /cdrom/Manual Install/Datasets/SPSS/  # change as appropriate
Rdata = /tmp/Devore6/data/# change as appropriate
chapters = c(CH01, CH04, CH06, CH07, CH08, CH09,
CH10, CH11, CH12, CH13, CH15, Ch14, Ch16)
for (ch in chapters) {
path = paste(SPSS, ch, sep = '')
files = list.files(path = path, pattern = '*.sav')
for (ff in files) {
dsn = gsub('-', '.', gsub('\.sav$', '', ff))
assign(dsn, data.frame(read.spss(paste(path, ff, sep = '/'
save(list = dsn, file = paste(Rdata, dsn, .rda, sep = ''))
In fact this script processed the 326 files so quickly that I thought
I must have made a mistake and somehow missed most of the files.  I
had to look in the output directory to convince myself that it had
indeed run properly.
I would encourage others to consider using list.files, gsub,
etc. within R for such scripting applications.
Doug, indeed, it's great. The main part of the current automated script 
files for compiling R binary packages for Windows is done in R including 
processing of files (e.g. checking which of the 2xx CRAN packages has 
been updated) and generation of Windows *.bat files for the final 
processing and upload steps.
In principle, the whole stuff could be done in a single R script (but 
would be more difficult to debug hence not implemented that way).


Uwe Ligges

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] using getBioC()

2003-07-23 Thread Bill Barnard
There was a post in the Bioconductor mailing list regarding the same
error message:

One possible solution mentioned there was to remove the line in
getBioC() that checks the capabilities. Since it seems likely that you
do have access to http from your machine, even if the R version doesn't
know that, then you could try saving the script to a local file, edit it
to change the line that reads:

http - as.logical(capabilities(what=http/ftp))

##http - as.logical(capabilities(what=http/ftp))
http - TRUE

then source your local copy of the file, and finally try re-running the

I don't understand why the capability would be detected as FALSE. I
built my version on Linux, but never made any explicit selection of the
capability. I do see some other items listed by the capabilities()
function that I did configure. (It wouldn't be some oddity of the Mac OS
would it?...)

Anyway, I hope this helps.


Bill Barnard

On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 16:43, Carol Foster wrote:
 I am trying to install R/Bioconductor on a G4 Mac running OS X.  I 
 have successfully installed R so that a command window opens, but 
 installation of the downloaded Bioconductor package is giving me 
 trouble.  After copying/pasting the Bioconductor installation script 
 in to the window and typing getBioC(), I get the following error 
 Error in getBioC():  R not currently configured to allow HTTP 
 connections, which is required for getBioC to work properly.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
 Carol Foster

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R]

2003-07-23 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Francisco J Molina wrote:

 I am using linux rehat 9
 When I try to run R I get
 usr/lib/R/bin/R.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open 
 shared object file: No such file or directory
 ( because I removed it )
 I thought of compiling R from source but I have read:
 R currently uses only level 1 blas and the most significant atlas
 optimizations are for level 3 (and level 2 to some extent). 
 The problem with using ATLAS is that its installation process does
 not build the shared libraries by default and the whole build process is
 rather complicated.
 This is from a 3 years old message but I guess that the state of the art now
 is similar.

It's not.  R now makes heavy use of level 3 BLAS.  On RH9 ATLAS should 
build out of the box (with static libraries), and be well worth using.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] lattice: how to format axis labels?

2003-07-23 Thread Wladimir Eremeev
Dear r-help,

  I draw graphics with xyplot() function.
  Labels on the y axis are appearing as follows: 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0

  I'd like to have them to be 1.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, i.e. with fixed
  number of digits after the dot (one in this case).

  Is there any way to do this without implicit specifying labels?
  And some questions about font.
  Unfortunately I cannot find in the documentation how to make the
  axis labels bold.

  What's the difference between fonts 1, 2, 3 and 4?
  I have tried them all (trellis.par.set(par.xlab.text,list(font=4));),
  but haven't seen any difference.

  I use R 1.7.1 on WindowsNT.

  Thank you!
Best regards
Wladimir Eremeev mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Research ScientistLeninsky Prospect 33,
Space Monitoring  Ecoinformation Systems Sector, Moscow, Russia, 119071,
Institute of Ecology, Phone: (095) 135-9972;
Russian Academy of Sciences   Fax: (095) 954-5534

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Read trajectory file into R

2003-07-23 Thread Karim Elsawy
dear helpers,
I wonder if there is a way to read a molecular dynamic trajectory file (
binary file) produced by CHARMM into R. Something like that in matlab. 
Actually this will save tremendous effort in post processing.
best regards

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Curious warning in R for OS X w/Xwindows

2003-07-23 Thread Peter Dalgaard BSA
Bear F. Braumoeller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm starting R with
 xterm -sb -rightbar -sl 1000 -bg black -fg blue -title R -e
 -- but it also happens if I just start a vanilla terminal and type R.
 As to the other questions,
 [1] /usr/local/lib/R/bin/pager

And less itself works OK in an xterm?  The above looks perfectly
normal to me. The whole procedure is external to R: R writes a file,
then fires up the pager on it, so it is difficult to imagine that
something in R itself should cause the problem. You said that man
works; does that use less as its pager too? man whatever | less
might be illuminating. 

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Boosting,bagging and bumping. Questions about R tools and predictions.

2003-07-23 Thread Gavin Simpson
Take a look at the randomForest package on CRAN:

randomForest: Breiman's random forest for classification and regression

Classification and regression based on a forest of trees using random 
Version:	3.9-6
Depends:	R (= 1.7.0)
Author:		Fortran original by Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler, R port 		by 
Andy Liaw and Matthew Wiener.
Maintainer:	Andy Liaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]

which has a predict function



monkeychump wrote:

I'm interested in further understanding the differences in using many
classification trees to improve classification rates. I'm also interested
in finding out what I can do in R and which methods will allow prediction.
Can anybody point me to a citation or discussion?
Specifically, I want to classify remotely sensed imagery where training
data is extracted on class membership by the user. That training data
(usually spectral bands and categorical data - e.g., soil type) is classified
(using rpart for instance) and then the resulting tree is applied to
the entire image. This results in a classified image that can then be
checked for accuracy. Classification trees are increasingly used by the
remote sensing folks but it seems like finding optimal trees is an active
area of research in computational statistics.
I've seen great claims made by baggers and boosters (and just what is
bumping?) of increasing classification accuracy but aside from TreeNet
by Salford Systems I'm not aware of tools that can grow forests of trees
that can then be used to make predictions.
Can anybody help?

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Gavin Simpson [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522
ENSIS Research Fellow [F] +44 (0)20 7679 7565
UCL Department of Geography   [W]
26 Bedford Way[W]
London.  WC1H 0AP.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] animal models and lme

2003-07-23 Thread iwhite
Not convinced that responses so far have addressed the problem. The
model is

y = mu + U + e

where e is a vector of independendent errors with variance ve, and U
is a vector of random effects with covariance matrix va*A, where A is a
known matrix (which we can assume is a correlation matrix). If we know the
ratio (va/ve), this reduces to a GLS problem, but not otherwise. Usually
we have to estimate both ve and va.

ICAPB, University of Edinburgh
Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JT
Fax: 0131 650 6564  Tel: 0131 650 5490

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Read trajectory file into R

2003-07-23 Thread Karim Elsawy

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Karim Elsawy wrote:
  I wonder if there is a way to read a molecular dynamic trajectory file (
  binary file) produced by CHARMM into R. Something like that in matlab.
  Actually this will save tremendous effort in post processing.
 If you know the file format, yes.  That's a main aim of connections and
 function readBin().   Function read.S (in package foreign) is an example.
 Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Professor of Applied Statistics,
 University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
 Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

Thanks a lot for your help, actually I do not know the exact file format
at the moment
all what I know is :
The DCD files (the trajectory files) are single precision binary
FORTRAN files, so are transportable
between computer architectures. They are not, unfortunately,
transportable between big-endian (most workstations) and little endian
(Intel) architectures 

is this enough

best regards

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] category data (text categories)

2003-07-23 Thread Alan Davis
May I ask for a pointer to documentation of how to use category data
(text categories), which I would like to graph as present/absent at
stations along a transect.  

Thanks for any pointers,

Alan Davis

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1-670-322-6580
Alan E. Davis,  PMB 30, Box 10006, Saipan, MP 96950-8906, CNMI

I have steadily endeavored to keep my mind free, so as to give up any
hypothesis, however much beloved -- and I cannot resist forming one 
on every subject -- as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it.  
  -- Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

The right to search for truth implies also a duty; one must not
conceal any part of what one has recognized to be true. 
  -- Albert Einstein 

As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others we should
be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of
ours, and this we should do freely and generously.
  -- Benjamin Franklin

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] multinomial logit discrete choice model

2003-07-23 Thread DJ

I'm struggling trying to specify a multinomial logit discrete choice model
in R.

Any help and/or code examples appreciated.

I am specifically interested in specifying a model where no universal choice
set exists and each choice set has a variable number of alternatives (one of
which is chosen) see data below.

Many Thanks,


PS I have asked earlier but without reply.

Is it because:
a. it's a stupid question
b. It's obvious
c. No one knows the answer

 Chosen  AttrQ   AttrW  | Choices set 1
 0 80  |
 120 34  |
 0 72  |

 0 53  |  set 2
 0 35  |
 1   25  18  |
 04 9  |

 1  30   12  |  set 3
 024   |

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re[2]: [R] lattice: how to format axis labels?

2003-07-23 Thread Wladimir Eremeev
Dear james,

jhcc check out 'sprintf' for formating in a specific way.

This will not solve the problem.
I will have to specify the argument like labels=(...).
I would like to avoid it.

I wonder if there a key or option to make automatically appearing
labels be formatted in the mentioned way.
I haven't found it in the documentation.

jhcc   I draw graphics with xyplot() function.
jhcc   Labels on the y axis are appearing as follows: 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0

jhcc   I'd like to have them to be 1.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, i.e. with fixed
jhcc   number of digits after the dot (one in this case).

jhcc   Is there any way to do this without implicit specifying labels?

Best regards
Wladimir Eremeev mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Research ScientistLeninsky Prospect 33,
Space Monitoring  Ecoinformation Systems Sector, Moscow, Russia, 119071,
Institute of Ecology, Phone: (095) 135-9972;
Russian Academy of Sciences   Fax: (095) 954-5534

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [R] lattice: how to format axis labels?

2003-07-23 Thread Douglas Bates
High-level control of axes in xyplot is implemented by the scales
argument to xyplot.  You can include components 'at' and 'labels' in
a list given as the scales argument.  See ?xyplot.

Wladimir Eremeev [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 jhcc check out 'sprintf' for formating in a specific way.
 This will not solve the problem.
 I will have to specify the argument like labels=(...).
 I would like to avoid it.
 I wonder if there a key or option to make automatically appearing
 labels be formatted in the mentioned way.
 I haven't found it in the documentation.
 jhcc   I draw graphics with xyplot() function.
 jhcc   Labels on the y axis are appearing as follows: 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0
 jhcc   I'd like to have them to be 1.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, i.e. with fixed
 jhcc   number of digits after the dot (one in this case).
 jhcc   Is there any way to do this without implicit specifying labels?

I don't think so.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] animal models and lme

2003-07-23 Thread Spencer Graves
	  If you can solve the problem for fixed rho = (va/ve) using gls, then 
you can call gls for many values of rho, plot the log(likelihood) 
contours vs. rho, construct confidence intervals, etc.  You may even be 
able to write a function to return (-2)*log(likelihood) for a fixed rho 
and then  use optim to minimize that deviance.  [I would suspect 
that the log(likelihood) might look more parabolic in terms of log(rho) 
that in terms of rho itself.  In addition, optim might work better 
with the minimum for log.rho = (-Inf) than with a lower bound for rho at 0.]

hope this helps.  spencer graves

Douglas Bates wrote:

Not convinced that responses so far have addressed the problem. The
model is
y = mu + U + e

where e is a vector of independendent errors with variance ve, and U
is a vector of random effects with covariance matrix va*A, where A is a
known matrix (which we can assume is a correlation matrix). If we know the
ratio (va/ve), this reduces to a GLS problem, but not otherwise. Usually
we have to estimate both ve and va.

Sorry to say that I don't think lme will handle that problem gracefully.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: [R] S3 and S4 classes

2003-07-23 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 14:53:56 +0200, Laurent Faisnel
Could anyone point me out what's S3-like in 
the following sample and why it is not fully S4-compatible ?

# a function that objects of this class have
perform - function(.Object) UseMethod(perform, .Object);

It think this is unnecessary, and somewhat S3-like.  A more S4-looking
way to do the same (?) thing is

setGeneric(perform, function(.Object) standardGeneric(perform))

but I think this will be generated automatically when you define your

Duncan Murdoch

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Condition indexes and variance inflation factors

2003-07-23 Thread Peter Flom
Has anyone programmed condition indexes in R?

I know that there is a function for variance inflation factors
available in the car package; however, Belsley (1991) Conditioning
Diagnostics (Wiley) notes that there are several weaknesses of VIFs:
e.g. 1) High VIFs are sufficient but not necessary conditions for
collinearity  2) VIFs don't diagnose the number of collinearities and 3)
No one has determined how high a VIF has to be for the collinearity to
be damaging.

He then develops and suggests using condition indexes instead, so I was
wondering if anyone had programmed them.



Peter L. Flom, PhD
Assistant Director, Statistics and Data Analysis Core
Center for Drug Use and HIV Research
National Development and Research Institutes
71 W. 23rd St
New York, NY 10010
(212) 845-4485 (voice)
(917) 438-0894 (fax)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Read trajectory file into R

2003-07-23 Thread Thomas Lumley
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Karim Elsawy wrote:

 Thanks a lot for your help, actually I do not know the exact file format
 at the moment
 all what I know is :
 The DCD files (the trajectory files) are single precision binary
 FORTRAN files, so are transportable
 between computer architectures. They are not, unfortunately,
 transportable between big-endian (most workstations) and little endian
 (Intel) architectures 

 is this enough

Well, that's enough to get the numbers into R.  You then will have to work
out what they mean.

readBin(connection, numeric(), size=4, n=whatever)

will read `whatever' Fortran single precision numbers from `connection'.
If you are doing this on the machine where the file was generated then you
don't need to worry about endianness.  On a different machine (eg moving
from a Sparc to a PC) you may need to add endian=swap.

Look at readBin for more information.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Condition indexes and variance inflation factors

2003-07-23 Thread Uwe Ligges
Peter Flom wrote:

Has anyone programmed condition indexes in R?

I know that there is a function for variance inflation factors
available in the car package; however, Belsley (1991) Conditioning
Diagnostics (Wiley) notes that there are several weaknesses of VIFs:
e.g. 1) High VIFs are sufficient but not necessary conditions for
collinearity  2) VIFs don't diagnose the number of collinearities and 3)
No one has determined how high a VIF has to be for the collinearity to
be damaging.
He then develops and suggests using condition indexes instead, so I was
wondering if anyone had programmed them.


I think Juergen Gross has something like that in his new book
Gross, J. (2003): Linear Regression, Springer (in press - OK, not very 
helpful here).

You might want to contact him privately (in CC).

Uwe Ligges

Peter L. Flom, PhD
Assistant Director, Statistics and Data Analysis Core
Center for Drug Use and HIV Research
National Development and Research Institutes
71 W. 23rd St
New York, NY 10010
(212) 845-4485 (voice)
(917) 438-0894 (fax)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: [R] Strange behaviour when running R from within Emacs on Winddows

2003-07-23 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Søren Højsgaard wrote:

 Dear R-experts,
 I run R in a shell under Emacs on Win2k using ESS. I get the following strange error
  shell(copy c:\\file.txt c:\\newfile.txt)
 warning: extra args ignored after 'copy'
 Forkert syntaks for kommandoen.
 Warning message: 
 cmd execution failed with error code 1 in: shell(copy c:\\file.txt 
 The same problem emerges independently of whether I use a dos or bash as shell! 
 However, if I run the shell() thing in the Gui, things work fine and so do they in 
 Can anyone help me?

I suspect Emacs/ESS has set the SHELL variable: you can ask shell to use a 
specific shell via its second argument or by setting R_SHELL.

bash won't work, as `copy' is a DOS internal command.

Why don't you just use file.copy()?

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Read trajectory file into R

2003-07-23 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Karim Elsawy wrote:

 Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
  On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Karim Elsawy wrote:
   I wonder if there is a way to read a molecular dynamic trajectory file (
   binary file) produced by CHARMM into R. Something like that in matlab.
   Actually this will save tremendous effort in post processing.
  If you know the file format, yes.  That's a main aim of connections and
  function readBin().   Function read.S (in package foreign) is an example.
  Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Professor of Applied Statistics,
  University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
  1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
  Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595
 Thanks a lot for your help, actually I do not know the exact file format
 at the moment
 all what I know is :
 The DCD files (the trajectory files) are single precision binary
 FORTRAN files, so are transportable
 between computer architectures. They are not, unfortunately,
 transportable between big-endian (most workstations) and little endian
 (Intel) architectures 
 is this enough

Possibly.  readBin can read those (at least on Unix-like OSes), and if you
can look at them some other way you can probably sort out the structure
of the values.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Passing references to data objects into R functions

2003-07-23 Thread David Khabie-Zeitoune

I have the following question about reading from large data objects from
within R functions; I have tried to simplify my problem as much as
possible in what follows.

Imagine I have various large data objects sitting in my global
environment (call them data1, data2, ...).  I want to write a
function extract that extracts some of the rows of a particular data
object, does some further manipulations on the extract and then returns
the result. The function takes the data object's name and an index
vector -- for example the following call would return the first 3 rows
of object data1. 

ans = extract(data1, 1:3)

I could write a simple function like this:

extract1 = function(, index) {

temp = get(, envir = .GlobalEnv)
temp = temp[index, , drop=FALSE]

# do some further manipulations here 



The problem is that the function makes a copy temp of the object in
the function frame, which (in my application) is very memory inefficient
as the data objects are very large. It is especially inefficient when
the length of the index vector is much smaller than the number of rows
in the data object. What I really would like to do is to be able to read
from the underlying data object directly (in other programming languages
this would be achieved by passing a pointer to the object instead),
without making a copy.

Given the rules of variable name scoping in R, I could avoid making a
copy with the following call:

extract2 = function(, index) {

eval(parse(text = temp = ,, [index, , drop=FALSE],
# do some further manipulations here 


But this seems very messy. Is there a better way?

Thanks for your help

David Khabie-Zeitoune

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] trouble with maps

2003-07-23 Thread Deborah Swayne
Has anyone else seen this behavior from the maps package?

map('state', fill=TRUE)

results in a lively mix of overlapping polygons inside a
map of the US, but they have no obvious relationship to
state boundaries.  (See attached jpeg.)

I reinstalled the maps and mapdata packages from  
to see it that would help, but it doesn't.

Since our platform is an SGI (running R-1.8.0, development
version, June 25), I made sure to use mapget.c.notlinux,  
and that didn't help either.

Any thoughts?  Is there something I'm missing?


[Apologies if r-help receives this twice; I'm learning to
use a new mailer.]__
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Curious warning in R for OS X w/Xwindows

2003-07-23 Thread Bear F. Braumoeller
On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 05:03 AM, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:

Bear F. Braumoeller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As to the other questions,

[1] /usr/local/lib/R/bin/pager
And less itself works OK in an xterm?  The above looks perfectly
normal to me. The whole procedure is external to R: R writes a file,
then fires up the pager on it, so it is difficult to imagine that
something in R itself should cause the problem. You said that man
works; does that use less as its pager too? man whatever | less
might be illuminating.

I thought of that after I wrote, and I ran it through its paces -- less 
works like a charm.  I also piped the output specifically through 
/usr/bin/less in case (for some odd reason) the terminal was defaulting 
to a different copy of less than R was.  Still works just fine.

The only thing that I can see that might (??) be causing trouble is in 
/usr/local/lib/R/bin/pager, which reads

## For the curious: pager $1 doesn't work in batch, because more 
## eat the rest of stdin.  The no-argument version is intended for use 
## the end of a pipeline.
## PAGER is determined at configure time and recorded in `etc/Renviron'.
if test -n ${1}; then
  exec ${PAGER}  ${1}
  exec ${PAGER}

### Local Variables: ***
### mode: sh ***
### sh-indentation: 2 ***
### End: ***
-- but I don't know enough about how R is calling the pager to know 
what this is doing.

Bear F. Braumoeller
Assistant Professor
Department of Government
Harvard University
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] .ps files in R

2003-07-23 Thread Johanna Hardin
I have recently printed in R to a postscript file.  I'm working on a SSH
without an X terminal.  It was fairly automatic:


And then the default creates a file called which I can ftp to my
laptop and open in Ghostscript.  I can see the file, and nothing looks odd.
However, when I import it into LaTeX, it refuses to configure right side up.
(It stays 90 degrees.)  I've tried saving it as .eps with different options
in ghostscript.  I've also tried many different rotating commands in LaTeX
(angle in \includegraphics, \rotate, \sideways,...) But, the picture seems
to be unaffected by any of these commands.  

Does anyone know a trick to getting R postscript files into LaTeX?

Thanks, Jo

Johanna Hardin
Department of Mathematics  Computer Science
610 N. College Way
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Re: [R] .ps files in R

2003-07-23 Thread Jerome Asselin

You can specify the postscript() option horizontal=F.
See help on horizontal in ?postscript.


On July 23, 2003 11:42 am, Johanna Hardin wrote:
 I have recently printed in R to a postscript file.  I'm working on a

 without an X terminal.  It was fairly automatic:

 And then the default creates a file called which I can ftp to
 my laptop and open in Ghostscript.  I can see the file, and nothing
 looks odd. However, when I import it into LaTeX, it refuses to configure
 right side up. (It stays 90 degrees.)  I've tried saving it as .eps with
 different options in ghostscript.  I've also tried many different
 rotating commands in LaTeX (angle in \includegraphics, \rotate,
 \sideways,...) But, the picture seems to be unaffected by any of these

 Does anyone know a trick to getting R postscript files into LaTeX?

 Thanks, Jo

 Johanna Hardin
 Department of Mathematics  Computer Science
 610 N. College Way
 Pomona College
 Claremont, CA 91711
 (909) 607-8717

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Re: [R] .ps files in R

2003-07-23 Thread Ko-Kang Kevin Wang
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Johanna Hardin wrote:

 in ghostscript.  I've also tried many different rotating commands in LaTeX
 (angle in \includegraphics, \rotate, \sideways,...) But, the picture seems
 to be unaffected by any of these commands.  

I find it the rotation won't show up in the DVI file, but will once you 
convert the DVI file into a PS file.  But that's another story.

 Does anyone know a trick to getting R postscript files into LaTeX?

When I need to generate a PS file in R I always do something like:
  postscript(foo.eps, height = 6.9, width = 6.6,
 horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, = FALSE)
then in my LaTeX file do something like:
  \includegraphics[width = .8\textwidth]{foo.eps}
\caption{My Caption}



On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament],
'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will
the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the
kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.

-- Charles Babbage (1791-1871) 
 From Computer Stupidities:

Ko-Kang Kevin Wang
Master of Science (MSc) Student
SLC Tutor and Lab Demonstrator
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
New Zealand
Ph: 373-7599
x88475 (City)
x88480 (Tamaki)

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Re: [R] trouble with maps

2003-07-23 Thread Roger Bivand
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Deborah Swayne wrote:

 Has anyone else seen this behavior from the maps package?
 map('state', fill=TRUE)
 results in a lively mix of overlapping polygons inside a
 map of the US, but they have no obvious relationship to
 state boundaries.  (See attached jpeg.)

Yes, this replicates. I think the trouble is in the part of map() where it 
makes a polygon of the lines:

if (fill) {
gonsize - line$size
color - rep(color, length = length(gonsize))
keep - !
coord[c(x, y)] - makepoly(coord, gonsize, keep)
color - color[keep]

and I think makepoly needs gon, not gonsize, as an argument, to stitch the 
boundary lines together in the correct order - the interesting effect 
seems to come from some lines not being reversed. Unfortunately, I don't 
have archival copies of earlier map() functions to check this - it could 
also be in mapgetl():

if (fill) 
coord - mapgetl(database, line$number, xlim, ylim)

although this is less likely, because the same function is used to 
retrieve the same data when fill=FALSE too. Something has got lost in 
building the polygons, it seems! As far as I can establish, fill=TRUE did 
work in earlier versions.

 p - map('state', region=c('penn'), resolution=0)
 plot(p, type=l)

gives the boundaries in both cases,

 pf - map('state', region=c('penn'), fill=TRUE, resolution=0)

gives black/white interesting polygons, and

 plot(pf, type=l)

draws the boundary lines with wrong links to next line segents.


Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Breiviksveien 40, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 93 93

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[R] odd behavior with the maps package

2003-07-23 Thread Deborah Swayne

Has anyone else seen this behavior from the maps package?

map('state', fill=TRUE)

results in a lively mix of overlapping polygons inside a
map of the US, but they have no obvious relationship to
state boundaries.  (See attached jpeg.)

I reinstalled the maps and mapdata packages from
to see it that would help, but it doesn't.

Since our platform is an SGI (running R-1.8.0, development
version, June 25), I made sure to use mapget.c.notlinux,
and that didn't help either.

Any thoughts?  Is there something I'm missing?

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Re: [R] .ps files in R

2003-07-23 Thread Michael A. Miller
You can include in your latex with \includegraphics[angle=90]{foo.eps}

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Re: [R] S3 and S4 classes

2003-07-23 Thread John Chambers
Duncan Murdoch wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 14:53:56 +0200, Laurent Faisnel
 Could anyone point me out what's S3-like in
 the following sample and why it is not fully S4-compatible ?
 # a function that objects of this class have
 perform - function(.Object) UseMethod(perform, .Object);
 It think this is unnecessary, and somewhat S3-like.  A more S4-looking
 way to do the same (?) thing is
 setGeneric(perform, function(.Object) standardGeneric(perform))
 but I think this will be generated automatically when you define your

As Duncan says, this is the S3-style portion of the example.  It's not
wrong, but there are advantages to NOT going this route.

The UseMethod() call says that this is a function with S3-style
methods.  Is that true?  It might well be--you could have a function
perform.default, for example, that was the default method to use.

The disadvantage of hanging on to S3 methods is that they're hidden;
unlike S4 methods, you can't easily find out what methods are defined
(by calling showMethods()).

If you don't  have any existing definition of perform(), you will need
to call setGeneric() as Duncan showed.  The implication is that
perform() doesn't have a default method--unless the argument inherits
from one of the classes in a setMethod() call, the result is an error. 
(If there is a non-generic version of perform, that becomes the default
method, as it would in your example.)

If you DID have a perform.default, you might want to make that
explicitly the S4 default method
  setMethod(perform, ANY, perform.default)
after the setGeneric call.  Similarly, you could make other S3 methods
into S4 methods.  Then all the methods are visible.

Also, a point of good style, unrelated to methods.  It's not generally a
good idea to have function arguments starting with ..  Names of this
form are intended for behind-the-scenes manipulations.  By sticking to
names that start with a letter, you avoid the chance of conflicting with
some such manipulation.  So, Object rather than .Object.  (The
reason intialize() uses .Object is exactly BECAUSE it expects
user-defined arguments, in the ..., to start with a letter, and so
chooses .Object to minimize the chance of conflicting.)

 John Chambers
 Duncan Murdoch
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

John M. Chambers  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bell Labs, Lucent Technologiesoffice: (908)582-2681
700 Mountain Avenue, Room 2C-282  fax:(908)582-3340
Murray Hill, NJ  07974web:

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Re: [R] Condition indexes and variance inflation factors

2003-07-23 Thread John Fox
Dear Peter and Uwe,

I don't have a copy of Belsley's 1991 book here, but I do have Belsley, 
Kuh, and Welsch, Regression Diagnostics (Wiley, 1980). If my memory is 
right, the approach is the same: Belsley's collinearity diagnostics are 
based on a singular-value decomposition of the scaled but uncentred model 
matrix. A straightforward, if inelegant, rendition is

belsley - function(model){
X - model.matrix(model)
X - scale(X, center=FALSE)/sqrt(nrow(X) - 1)
svd.X - svd(X)
result - list(singular.values = svd.X$d, condition.indices = 
phi - sweep(svd.X$v^2, 2, svd.X$d^2, /)
Pi - t(sweep(phi, 1, rowSums(phi), /))
colnames(Pi) - names(coef(model))
rownames(Pi) - 1:nrow(Pi)
result$pi - Pi
class(result) - belsley

print.belsley - function(x, digits = 3, ...){
cat(\nSingular values: , x$singular.values)
cat(\nCondition indices: , x$condition.indices)
cat(\n\nVariance-decomposition proportions\n)
print(round(x$pi, digits))
This gives the singular values, condition indices, and 
variance-decomposition proportions. (I'm pretty sure that you can get the 
same thing more elegantly from the qr decomposition, but I don't know how 
off the top of my head -- someone else on the list doubtless can supply the 

For example, for the illustration on p. 161 of BKW,

   V1  V2  V3 V4 V5
1 -74  80  18-56   -112
2  14 -69  21 52104
3  66 -72  -5764   1528
4 -12  66 -30   4096   8192
5   3   8  -7 -13276 -26552
6   4 -12   4   8421  16842
 mod - lm(y ~ X - 1)  # nb., y was just randomly generated
Singular values:  1.414214 1.361734 1.066707 0.08840437 3.614479e-17
Condition indices:  1 1.038538 1.325775 15.9971 3.912635e+16
Variance-decomposition proportions
XV1   XV2   XV3 XV4 XV5
1 0.000 0.000 0.000   0   0
2 0.005 0.005 0.000   0   0
3 0.001 0.001 0.047   0   0
4 0.994 0.994 0.953   0   0
5 0.000 0.000 0.000   1   1
which is in good agreement with the values given in the text.

Now some comments:

(1) I've never liked this approach for a model with a constant, where it 
makes more sense to me to centre the data. I realize that opinions differ 
here, but it seems to me that failing to centre the data conflates 
collinearity with numerical instability.

(2) I also disagree with the comment that condition indices are easier to 
interpret than variance-inflation factors. In either case, since 
collinearity is a continuous phenomenon, cutoffs for large values are 
necessarily arbitrary.

(3) If you're interested in figuring out which variables are involved in 
each collinear relationship, then (for centred and scaled data) you can 
equivalently (and to me, more intuitively) work with the 
principal-components analysis of the predictors.

(4) I have doubts about the whole enterprise. Collinearity is one source of 
imprecision -- others are small sample size, homogeneous predictors, and 
large error variance. Aren't the coefficient standard errors the bottom 
line? If these are sufficiently small, why worry?

I hope that this helps.


At 05:35 PM 7/23/2003 +0200, Uwe Ligges wrote:
Peter Flom wrote:

Has anyone programmed condition indexes in R?
I know that there is a function for variance inflation factors
available in the car package; however, Belsley (1991) Conditioning
Diagnostics (Wiley) notes that there are several weaknesses of VIFs:
e.g. 1) High VIFs are sufficient but not necessary conditions for
collinearity  2) VIFs don't diagnose the number of collinearities and 3)
No one has determined how high a VIF has to be for the collinearity to
be damaging.
He then develops and suggests using condition indexes instead, so I was
wondering if anyone had programmed them.

I think Juergen Gross has something like that in his new book
Gross, J. (2003): Linear Regression, Springer (in press - OK, not very 
helpful here).

You might want to contact him privately (in CC).

Uwe Ligges

John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4
phone: 905-525-9140x23604
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[R] Dismal R performance of Athlon moble CPU?

2003-07-23 Thread Jason Liao
I have been using a laptop computer of Pentium III 1.13 Ghz. I heard
that AMD's Athlon has excellent floating point capacity. So I bought a
Athlon 2200+ laptop yesterday. I expected that new Athlon 2200+ will be
twice as fast as the P III 1.13 GB. I ran a R simulation program and
the new computer is only 30% faster, in fact slightly slower than a
Celeron 1.50 GB laptop. I am very disappointed by this. What is your
experience with Athlon? Should I stick to Intel in the future? Thanks.

By the way, the OS is Windows XP home edtion.


Jason G. Liao, Ph.D.
Division of Biometrics
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
335 George Street, Suite 2200
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2688
phone (732) 235-8611, fax (732) 235-9777

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Re: [R] Dismal R performance of Athlon moble CPU?

2003-07-23 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Jason Liao wrote:

 I have been using a laptop computer of Pentium III 1.13 Ghz. I heard
 that AMD's Athlon has excellent floating point capacity. So I bought a
 Athlon 2200+ laptop yesterday. I expected that new Athlon 2200+ will be
 twice as fast as the P III 1.13 GB. I ran a R simulation program and
 the new computer is only 30% faster, in fact slightly slower than a
 Celeron 1.50 GB laptop. I am very disappointed by this. What is your
 experience with Athlon? Should I stick to Intel in the future? Thanks.

So I expect you think a P4M 1.4GHz (on which I am writing this) should be
a lot faster than a PIII 1GHz?  It is often slower.  Don't compare laptop
chips with desktop ones, nor different chip families (an Athlon 2200 is
not 2.2GHz, BTW).  PIIIs seem the fastest per GHz, but they don't do many

I am rather pleased with my dual Athlon 2600, but then P4's don't allow 
multiprocessors and the machine with dual Athlons was cheaper than a 
comparable one with a single 2.4GHz P4.

You have tuned an ATLAS implementation to your CPU, I take it?  If not, 
that's the first step to optimal R performance.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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RE: [R] Dismal R performance of Athlon moble CPU?

2003-07-23 Thread Jason Liao
Thanks for Prof. Ripley and Andy for your technical explantion. It
seems that that the real CPU speed has not advanced as fast as these
Ghz or other performance indicator suggest. 

Yes, my program is totally CPU intensive.

 We do have a dual P4 Xeon 2.4 GHz with 8GB RAM, and jobs run more
 than twice
 as fast as my PIII 933MHz laptop.

R can not really use dual CPU for one R session if I understand


--- Liaw, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Overall performance depends on a few other things besides CPU clock
 (e.g., RAM speed and size, cache size, disk speed, etc.)  Unless your
 is spending great majority of the time in the CPU, you should not
 speed-up to be equal to ratio of clock speeds.  (Also, as Prof.
 pointed out, a P4 does less than a PIII at the same clock speed, and
 number AMD attach to Athlon is not clock speed.)
 We do have a dual P4 Xeon 2.4 GHz with 8GB RAM, and jobs run more
 than twice
 as fast as my PIII 933MHz laptop.
  -Original Message-
  From: Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 4:55 PM
  To: Jason Liao
  Subject: Re: [R] Dismal R performance of Athlon moble CPU?
  On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Jason Liao wrote:
   I have been using a laptop computer of Pentium III 1.13 
  Ghz. I heard 
   that AMD's Athlon has excellent floating point capacity. So 
  I bought a 
   Athlon 2200+ laptop yesterday. I expected that new Athlon 
  2200+ will 
   be twice as fast as the P III 1.13 GB. I ran a R simulation
   and the new computer is only 30% faster, in fact slightly 
  slower than 
   a Celeron 1.50 GB laptop. I am very disappointed by this. 
  What is your 
   experience with Athlon? Should I stick to Intel in the 
  future? Thanks.
  So I expect you think a P4M 1.4GHz (on which I am writing 
  this) should be a lot faster than a PIII 1GHz?  It is often 
  slower.  Don't compare laptop chips with desktop ones, nor 
  different chip families (an Athlon 2200 is not 2.2GHz, BTW).  
  PIIIs seem the fastest per GHz, but they don't do many GHz.
  I am rather pleased with my dual Athlon 2600, but then P4's 
  don't allow 
  multiprocessors and the machine with dual Athlons was cheaper than
  comparable one with a single 2.4GHz P4.
  You have tuned an ATLAS implementation to your CPU, I take 
  it?  If not, 
  that's the first step to optimal R performance.
  Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Professor of Applied Statistics,
  University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
  1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
  Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list /r-help

 Notice: This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains 
 information of Merck  Co., Inc. (Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, 
 USA) that may be confidential, proprietary copyrighted and/or legally
 privileged, and is intended solely for the use of the individual or
 named on this message. If you are not the intended recipient, and
 have received this message in error, please immediately return this
 e-mail and then delete it.


Jason G. Liao, Ph.D.
Division of Biometrics
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
335 George Street, Suite 2200
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2688
phone (732) 235-8611, fax (732) 235-9777

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[R] error bars in color

2003-07-23 Thread Heinrich Kestler
is it possible to generate differently colored error bars in one plot? 

Thx in advance,

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[R] Shapefiles package upload

2003-07-23 Thread Benjamin . STABLER
I uploaded version 0.3 of the shapefiles package to CRAN earlier today.
Version 0.2 had a bug that omitted the decimal precision in numeric fields
so some programs (such as ArcGIS) would not parse the fields correctly.  I
also added an argument to write.dbf to swap . with _ since ArcGIS does
not permit underscores in field names.  Let me know if you run into any
other problems.  Thanks.

Benjamin Stabler
Transportation Planning Analysis Unit
Oregon Department of Transportation
555 13th Street NE, Suite 2
Salem, OR 97301  Ph: 503-986-4104

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] RE: Shapefiles package upload

2003-07-23 Thread Benjamin . STABLER
Sorry, I meant to say ArcGIS does not permit periods in field names.

-Original Message-
From: STABLER Benjamin 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 3:29 PM
Subject: Shapefiles package upload

I uploaded version 0.3 of the shapefiles package to CRAN 
earlier today.  Version 0.2 had a bug that omitted the decimal 
precision in numeric fields so some programs (such as ArcGIS) 
would not parse the fields correctly.  I also added an 
argument to write.dbf to swap . with _ since ArcGIS does 
not permit underscores in field names.  Let me know if you run 
into any other problems.  Thanks.

Benjamin Stabler
Transportation Planning Analysis Unit
Oregon Department of Transportation
555 13th Street NE, Suite 2
Salem, OR 97301  Ph: 503-986-4104

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Re: [R] error bars in color

2003-07-23 Thread Jerome Asselin

Yes. See ?plot, ?segments, ?lines, and in particular see the help on the 
col option in ?par.


On July 23, 2003 03:13 pm, Heinrich Kestler wrote:
 is it possible to generate differently colored error bars in one plot?

 Thx in advance,

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Re: [R] Dismal R performance of Athlon moble CPU?

2003-07-23 Thread A.J. Rossini
Jason Liao [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 R can not really use dual CPU for one R session if I understand

It certainly can, using message passing libraries or sockets.  While
it isn't technically one session, it's awfully similar to that, for
the user.


Biomedical and Health Informatics, University of Washington
Biostatistics, HVTN/SCHARP, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
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RE: [R] Dismal R performance of Athlon moble CPU?

2003-07-23 Thread Liaw, Andy
 From: Jason Liao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Thanks for Prof. Ripley and Andy for your technical 
 explantion. It seems that that the real CPU speed has not 
 advanced as fast as these Ghz or other performance indicator suggest. 
 Yes, my program is totally CPU intensive.
  We do have a dual P4 Xeon 2.4 GHz with 8GB RAM, and jobs run more
  than twice
  as fast as my PIII 933MHz laptop.
 R can not really use dual CPU for one R session if I 
 understand correctly

No, but that machine is being shared by several people.  Even if only one
person uses the box, it helps to have one CPU dedicated to R, and another
taking care of other things.

Having 12k rpm SCSI disks and fast RAM helped, too.

 --- Liaw, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Overall performance depends on a few other things besides CPU clock 
  speed (e.g., RAM speed and size, cache size, disk speed, 
 etc.)  Unless 
  your code
  is spending great majority of the time in the CPU, you should not
  speed-up to be equal to ratio of clock speeds.  (Also, as Prof.
  pointed out, a P4 does less than a PIII at the same clock speed, and
  number AMD attach to Athlon is not clock speed.)
  We do have a dual P4 Xeon 2.4 GHz with 8GB RAM, and jobs 
 run more than 
  twice as fast as my PIII 933MHz laptop.
   -Original Message-
   From: Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 4:55 PM
   To: Jason Liao
   Subject: Re: [R] Dismal R performance of Athlon moble CPU?
   On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Jason Liao wrote:
I have been using a laptop computer of Pentium III 1.13
   Ghz. I heard
that AMD's Athlon has excellent floating point capacity. So
   I bought a
Athlon 2200+ laptop yesterday. I expected that new Athlon
   2200+ will
be twice as fast as the P III 1.13 GB. I ran a R simulation
and the new computer is only 30% faster, in fact slightly
   slower than
a Celeron 1.50 GB laptop. I am very disappointed by this.
   What is your
experience with Athlon? Should I stick to Intel in the
   future? Thanks.
   So I expect you think a P4M 1.4GHz (on which I am writing
   this) should be a lot faster than a PIII 1GHz?  It is often 
   slower.  Don't compare laptop chips with desktop ones, nor 
   different chip families (an Athlon 2200 is not 2.2GHz, BTW).  
   PIIIs seem the fastest per GHz, but they don't do many GHz.
   I am rather pleased with my dual Athlon 2600, but then P4's
   don't allow 
   multiprocessors and the machine with dual Athlons was cheaper than
   comparable one with a single 2.4GHz P4.
   You have tuned an ATLAS implementation to your CPU, I take
   it?  If not, 
   that's the first step to optimal R performance.
   Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Professor of Applied Statistics,
   University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
   1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
   Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list /r-help
  Notice: This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains
  information of Merck  Co., Inc. (Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, 
  USA) that may be confidential, proprietary copyrighted 
 and/or legally
  privileged, and is intended solely for the use of the individual or 
  entity named on this message. If you are not the intended 
  and have received this message in error, please immediately return 
  this by
  e-mail and then delete it.
 Jason G. Liao, Ph.D.
 Division of Biometrics
 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
 335 George Street, Suite 2200
 New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2688
 phone (732) 235-8611, fax (732) 235-9777

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[R] unz(, y.csv ) != pipe( unzip -p y.csv )

2003-07-23 Thread cberry

Not sure this is a bug in R. 

Maybe its a bug in my understanding of unz(). 

The character 'b2' (hexadecimal) is in position 535 of line 1 
of 'naughty.csv'. This character appears as superscript '2' and came to me
in an EXCEL file that I converted to text in a comma separated ( *.csv )

The first line gets truncated by readLines after 534 characters using

 nchar( readLines( unz(, naughty.csv )))
[1] 534  11   9  22
 nchar(readLines( pipe( unzip -p naughty.csv ) ))
[1] 809  11   9  22

attempting to read the same file using scan( unz( ... ) ) concat's the
rest of the file (including comma separators) to the word that included
'b2', while scan( pipe( unzip ... ) ) reads all elements.

 options(width = 50 ) # prevent my mailer from line wrapping

 nchar(scan(unz(, naughty.csv) , what=a, sep=,,nlines=1)
Read 45 items
 [1]   5   9  12   8  11   4   2   1   1   8   8
[12]   8   9   5  10   8   6  12  10   8  16  16
[23]  12  14  12  20  10   8   6  12  10   8  16
[34]  16  12  14  12  20  20  18  20  18  13  13
[45] 329
 nchar( scan( pipe( unzip -p naughty.csv ) , what=a,
sep=,,nlines=1) )
Read 62 items
 [1]  5  9 12  8 11  4  2  1  1  8  8  8  9  5 10
[16]  8  6 12 10  8 16 16 12 14 12 20 10  8  6 12
[31] 10  8 16 16 12 14 12 20 20 18 20 18 13 13 10
[46] 13 14 12 12 10 16 14 12 10 16 14 22 20 22 20
[61] 15 15

 version## LINUX R-1.7.1 gave similar results
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.8
arch sparc   
os   solaris2.8  
system   sparc, solaris2.8   
year 2003
day  16  
language R   


Charles C. Berry(858) 534-2098 
 Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UC San Diego  La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0717

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Re: [R] trouble with maps

2003-07-23 Thread Ray Brownrigg
 On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Deborah Swayne wrote:
  Has anyone else seen this behavior from the maps package?
  map('state', fill=TRUE)
  results in a lively mix of overlapping polygons inside a
  map of the US, but they have no obvious relationship to
  state boundaries.  (See attached jpeg.)
Ah, this was a 'known problem' :-) first noticed in January this year,
by Ott Toomet [EMAIL PROTECTED].

I suspect it is a feature of the port to R which never worked
properly.  The solution is to reverse the sign of every line number
making up the polygons in the .gon file (or alternately, reverse the
order of the line numbers there).

A 'fixed' maps package (Unix only) is available at:

Ray Brownrigg

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[R] pls regression - optimal number of LVs

2003-07-23 Thread Dowkiw, Arnaud
Dear R-helpers,

I have performed a PLS regression with the mvr function from the pls.pcr package an I 
have 2 questions :
1- do you know if mvr automatically centers the data ? It seems to me that it does 
2- why in  the situation below does the output say that the optimal number of latent 
variables is 4 ? In my humble opinion, it is 2 because the RMS increases and the R2 
decreases when 3 LVs are considered :
Data:   X dimension: 8 1050 
Y dimension: 8 1
Method: SIMPLS
Number of latent variables considered: 1-7 

RMS table:
1 LV's 1.23e+01
2 LV's 6.79e+00
3 LV's 5.00e+00
4 LV's 2.17e+00
5 LV's 1.93e+00
6 LV's 7.79e-01
7 LV's 1.01e-09

Cumulative fraction of variance explained:
   X Y
1 LV's 0.848 0.499
2 LV's 0.930 0.846
3 LV's 0.979 0.917
4 LV's 0.992 0.984
5 LV's 0.999 0.988
6 LV's 1.000 0.998
7 LV's 1.000 1.000

Optimal number of latent variables: 4

RMS table (10-fold crossvalidation):
1 LV's 16.21
2 LV's 12.15
3 LV's 13.81
4 LV's  6.68
5 LV's  6.38
6 LV's  5.91
7 LV's 13.38

Coefficient of multiple determination (R2):
1 LV's 0.20
2 LV's 0.51
3 LV's 0.41
4 LV's 0.88
5 LV's 0.87
6 LV's 0.90
7 LV's 0.77

Thanks for your help,


Department of Primary Industries
J. Bjelke-Petersen Research Station
T : + 61 7 41 600 700
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RE: [R] Dismal R performance of Athlon moble CPU?

2003-07-23 Thread M. Edward Borasky
I haven't gotten around to assembling the toolset required to build R on
Windows, since most of what I do is smallish interactive problems. However,
another possibility would be to load CygWin/XFree86 on your laptop (which
I've done), then download Atlas 3.5.7 from SourceForge (which I've done),
then build Atlas with CygWin(which I've done) and then build a second
version of R under CygWin using Atlas, and use the CygWin/Atlas R for the
heavy number-crunching jobs. This last I haven't done, so I can't say
whether there are any gotchas, but everything else I've done with
CygWin/XFree86 has worked. My laptop is a Compaq Presario with a 1.67 GHz
Athlon XP. Atlas screams on it; the Atlas folks were grinning when I sent
them the log. Atlas has an assembly language kernel for Athlons (and P4s as
well IIRC).

Oh, yeah ... If you do try my scheme, make sure you don't have spaces in the
paths ... Atlas still isn't immune to that sort of thing under CygWin.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
Suppose that tonight, while you sleep, a miracle happens - you wake up
tomorrow with what you have longed for! How will you discover that a miracle
happened? How will your loved ones? What will be different? What will you
notice? What do you need to explode into tomorrow with grace, power, love,
passion and confidence? -- L. Michael Hall, PhD

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Liao
 Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 1:44 PM
 Subject: [R] Dismal R performance of Athlon moble CPU?
 I have been using a laptop computer of Pentium III 1.13 Ghz. 
 I heard that AMD's Athlon has excellent floating point 
 capacity. So I bought a Athlon 2200+ laptop yesterday. I 
 expected that new Athlon 2200+ will be twice as fast as the P 
 III 1.13 GB. I ran a R simulation program and the new 
 computer is only 30% faster, in fact slightly slower than a 
 Celeron 1.50 GB laptop. I am very disappointed by this. What 
 is your experience with Athlon? Should I stick to Intel in 
 the future? Thanks.
 By the way, the OS is Windows XP home edtion.
 Jason G. Liao, Ph.D.
 Division of Biometrics
 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
 335 George Street, Suite 2200
 New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2688
 phone (732) 235-8611, fax (732) 235-9777
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[R] Intervention/Impact analysis in time series

2003-07-23 Thread Kenneth Cabrera
Hi R users:
Does any one knows about a R library for deal with
intervention/impact analysis in time series (eg. Box-Tiao et. al. theory?).
Thank you for your help

Kenneth Roy Cabrera Torres
Celular +57 (315) 405 9339
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