Re: [R] Different missing links on Windows in 'check' vs. 'install'

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
Note that on Windows only packages in the same library are checked for 
links, as on Windows the HTML help cannot link across libraries.  (This is 
done under Unix via symbolic links.)

By default check installs in a private library, so you may well see 
(correct) reports of missing links under Windows.  You can check an 
already installed version, though.

On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Jeff Gentry wrote:

 Hello ...
 Using R-1.9.0 alpha, I'm having some problem getting a few packages to
 pass check under Windows - specifically with the 'missing link(s)' section
 of the package install phase.
 I started trying to track down how the missing link was showing up as in
 some cases I could not see why the link was considered missing.  For
 instance, in one package it was looking for 'makeViewers' although when
 the packages is loaded in R, 'makeViewers' is even in the search path (by
 way of a dependent package which was loaded initially).

Not relevant, as this is Perl code and no R process is running.

 In trying to figure out how these things are determiend, I noticed that in
 Windows there was a difference in the reported missing links when one does
 'Rcmd check' vs 'Rcmd install' (or 'Rcmd install --build').  In the
 example above, using either of the 'install' methods results in that link
 not being reported as missing (and if I put in an intentionally missing
 link it gets picked up as such), but 'check' reports it as missing.  I'm
 wondering what the difference in environment is between check  install on
 Windows as that might help me to figure out why check reports these as
 missing links.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] (no subject)

2004-03-09 Thread Andrew Abel

I keep getting this error code when I try to run an R file that reads in 
data from another file. I know the file is there.

Error in file(file, r) : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file `typhoon.txt'
I hope you can help.


Andrew Abel

You could be a genius! Find out by taking the IQ Test 2003. $5.50 (incl 
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Re: [R] Different missing links on Windows in 'check' vs. 'install'

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

 On Mon, 8 Mar 2004 18:20:29 -0500 (EST), you wrote:
 In trying to figure out how these things are determiend, I noticed that in
 Windows there was a difference in the reported missing links when one does
 'Rcmd check' vs 'Rcmd install' (or 'Rcmd install --build').  In the
 example above, using either of the 'install' methods results in that link
 not being reported as missing (and if I put in an intentionally missing
 link it gets picked up as such), but 'check' reports it as missing.  I'm
 wondering what the difference in environment is between check  install on
 Windows as that might help me to figure out why check reports these as
 missing links.
 This is something we should fix. I haven't checked the code, but I
 believe the rule is that check will only find links to base packages,
 but install will find links to any package installed on the system.

No, both will find links in the same library as installing into (plus
those which are fixed up on installation, e.g. to the base package).

Several of us have looked for years for a fix, and this is the best scheme 
we have come up with.  You can't put in absolute paths in the HTML as e.g. 
a private library may be used with more than one version of R (or R may be 
updated later).  Short of adding symbolic links to Windows (and getting 
browsers to follow them), how do you propose `we should fix' it?

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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RE: [R] Decision Trees

2004-03-09 Thread Ko-Kang Kevin Wang

 -Original Message-

 WEKA includes a re-implementation of the ideas behind C4.5,
 but not C4.5.

If my memory serves me right, WEKA people called this
re-implementation J4.8.


Ko-Kang Kevin Wang, MSc(Hon)
Statistics Workshops Co-ordinator
Student Learning Centre
University of Auckland
New Zealand

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Re: [R] Monte Carlo p-value (was question)

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
1/(B+1) is the significance level of the Monte Carlo test if the data 
give the most extreme value.  (E.g. Ripley, 1987, p. 171.)  This is a 
calculation, not a convention, and assumes a continuously distributed 

On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Spencer Graves wrote:

   What is the standard convention for a Monte Carlo p-value when the 
 observed outcome is more extreme than all simulations?  The example 
 provided by Cédric Fine produced a Monte Carlo p-value, according to 
 Kjetil Halvorsen, of 2.2e-16 (based on 2000 replicates).  This seems 
 inappropriate to me. 
   By reading the code, I found that for this case,
 PVAL - sum(tmp$results = STATISTIC)/B
 where STATISTIC is the observed chi-square while tmp$results is a 
 vector of length B of chi-squares from Monte Carlo simulated tables with 
 the same marginals.  Thus, PVAL ranges over seq(0, 1, length=(B+1)).  
 For the observed table, presumably, PVAL = 0.  The function chisq.test 
 apparently returns an object of class htest, and print.htest calls 
 format.pval(x$p.value, digits = digits), for which format.pval(0, 4) 
 is  2.2e-16. 
   Can someone provide an appropriate reference or sense of the 
 literature on the appropriate number to report for a Monte Carlo p-value 
 when the observed is more extreme than all the simulations?  A value of 
 0 or  2.2e-16 violates my sense of the logic of this situation.  If 
 the appropriate number is 0.5/B, then the line PVAL - sum(tmp$results 
  = STATISTIC)/B could be followed immediately by something like the 
   if(PVAL==0) PVAL - 0.5/B
   Best Wishes,
   Spencer Graves
 On 8 Mar 2004 at 16:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I do not manage to make a Fisher´s exact test with the next matrix :
 You can consider using chisq.test() with the argument sim=TRUE:
 mat - matrix(scan(), 7, 12, byrow=TRUE)
 1:  130129002 5 8 6
 13:033000050 3 0 0
 25:00000   10000 010 0
 37:02026   14006 010 6
 49:050007000 2 8 0
 61:001947214 212 5
 73:060000000 5 1 3
 Read 84 items
 chisq.test(mat, sim=TRUE)
 Pearson's Chi-squared test with simulated p-value (based
 on 2000 replicates)
 data:  mat 
 X-squared = 218.3366, df = NA, p-value =  2.2e-16
 Kjetil Halvorsen
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
 [1,]130129002 5 8 6
 [2,]033000050 3 0 0
 [3,]00000   10000 010 0
 [4,]02026   14006 010 6
 [5,]050007000 2 8 0
 [6,]001947214 212 5
 [7,]060000000 5 1 3
 but I do not understand why it does not work since I obtain the next
 error message :
 Error in fisher.test(enfin.matrix) : Bug in FEXACT: gave negative key
 thank you for considering my application
 cédric finet
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Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] Am failing on making lagged residual after regression

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
If you have missing data in your data frame and want residuals for all 
observations, you need to use na.action=na.exclude, not the default 

As for lag, its description says


 Compute a lagged version of a time series, shifting the time base
 back by a given number of observations.

and you don't have a time series.  It works by shifting the time base for 
a time series, not by moving the contents of a vector.

On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Ajay Shah wrote:

 I'm most confused in trying to do something that (I thought) out to be
 mainstream and straightforward R. :-) Could you please help?
 I am doing an ordinary linear regression. My goal is: After a
 regression, to make residuals, and make a new variable which is the
 lagged residuals (lagged by 1). I will use this variable in a 2nd
 stage regression (for an error-correcting model).
 This sounds simple and reasonable, and should be right up R's alley,
 but I am just not able to do this. Can I please show you the steps
 which I'm trying and failing in?
 I start with:
  m = lm(NNDA ~ NFA + NFA.x.d1 + NFA.x.d2 + IIP.n + CRR, D.f)
  e = residuals(m)
   34   35   36   37   38   39 
  -5073.24843  -4210.27886  -8218.01782  -1489.10583  -4426.11738 -11332.56052 
   (lines deleted)
   64   65   66   67   68   69 
   8362.93776   7564.14324   2311.41208   7660.00638  -1271.04645 -10917.29418 
   (lines deleted)
  160  161  162  163  164  165 
   3858.94591 -11783.04370 -21438.33646   1859.49628  -4988.82853 -25172.43241 
 Here, the residuals only started at the 34th observation owing to
 missing data in my data frame. This is correct and sensible. The
 dataset is 167 observations, but 166 and 167 are also missing data and
 I tried to use lag(e,1) to make a new vector and failed. I think I am
 just not understanding the R concept of lag(). In my notion of a
 lagged vector, I want a vector f where f[35] is e[34], i.e. is the
 first residual above of -5073.24843. This is just not what I get by
 saying lag(e,1) - I am just not understanding lag(). I would be very
 happy if someone could educate me on how to utilise lag().
 Okay, I try to get my way in a different way:
 [1] 167
  f = numeric(T)
  f[1] = NA
  f[2:T] = e[1:(T-1)]
 This looks reasonable? I thought this should do the trick. I am
 hand-initialising a T-length vector with NA in the 1st elem, and I
 copy out the values of e[] from 1 till 166 into f[2:T]. I thought this
 should give me a lagged e. It doesn't --
   [1]   NA  -5073.24843  -4210.27886  -8218.01782  -1489.10583
   (lines deleted)
 [131]   1859.49628  -4988.82853 -25172.43241   NA   NA
   (lines deleted)
 [166]   NA   NA
 I thought Okay, what seems to be happening is that the e[1] that I
 have is `actually' the e[34] of my thoughts. So I try:
  f=rep(NA, T)   # zap out f
  f[35:T] = e[34:(T-1)]  # copy out useful stuff into 35..T
   [1]   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA
   (lines deleted)
  [31]   NA   NA   NA   NA   7660.00638
  [36]  -1271.04645 -10917.29418 -1.60144  -1597.98355  -1066.01901
   (lines deleted)
 [131]   1859.49628  -4988.82853 -25172.43241   NA   NA
   (lines deleted)
 [166]   NA   NA
 This is wrong!!
 Recall (from upstairs) that e[34] was -5073.24843. That value seems to
 have mysteriously vanished. Instead, the first non-NA in f - which is
 f[35] - is 7660.00638, which (incidentally) was e[67]. I just don't
 know how that value got here. And, the values in f[] seem to peter out
 at 133!  After 133, they are all NA until the end.
 I guess I'm _just_ not understanding what is the animal that is
 returned by residual(lm()). I know I am missing something basic,
 because lots of people must be doing what I am trying: I.e. to run a
 regression, extract a residual, lag it, and use it for a 2nd stage
 I know that the vector e (returned by residual(lm())) is different
 from a simple vector, for when I say:
 [1] 7660.006
 the two animals seem to be different. I don't understand e[35] - why
 is it not just a number - there seems to be some index tagging along?
 How do I get at the pure numbers of the residuals?
 Thanks much,

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] maxima

2004-03-09 Thread Z P
Dear all,

suppose I have a bi-variate function f(x,y), I want to find the maxima. I 
define x and y vector, and get matrix z=f(x,y). how can I get which (x0,y0) 
makes z become the maxima?

I can do two loops to get the x0 and y0, but I think there may exist a 
function to do this.

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[R] SVM unbalanced classes

2004-03-09 Thread Frank Gerrit Zoellner

I am using R 1.8.1 and the svm of the e1071 package for classification.
The problem is that I have unbalanced classes e.g. the first one is much bigger than 
the second one and therfore the svm is biased to the first class.
If I manually adjust the class size the bias disappears.
The question is then how to include this unequal class distribution to the svm (e.g. 
via wheights or costs)?

Frank G. Zoellner
AG Angewandte Informatik
Technische Fakultat
Universitat Bielefeld
phone: +49(0)521-106-2951
fax:   +49(0)521-106-2992

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RE: [R] (no subject)

2004-03-09 Thread Liaw, Andy
Make sure you either use full path to `typhoon.txt' as you did with
`typhoon.r', or setwd() to the directory where `typhoon.txt' lives before
reading it.

[Please use an informative subject for your message.]


 From: Andrew Abel
 I keep getting this error code when I try to run an R file 
 that reads in 
 data from another file. I know the file is there.
 Error in file(file, r) : unable to open connection
 In addition: Warning message:
 cannot open file `typhoon.txt'
 I hope you can help.
 Andrew Abel
 You could be a genius! Find out by taking the IQ Test 2003. 
 $5.50 (incl 
 GST).  Click here: alia/

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Re: [R] (no subject)

2004-03-09 Thread asemeria

May be you aren't on the right working dir:
Your R-script are able to find the thyphoon.txt path?


Alessandro Semeria
Models and Simulations Laboratory
Montecatini Environmental Research Center (Edison Group),
Via Ciro Menotti 48,
48023 Marina di Ravenna (RA), Italy
Tel. +39 544 536811
Fax. +39 544 538663

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Re: [R] SVM unbalanced classes

2004-03-09 Thread Christian Schulz

SVM have got the option class.weights to put the 
apriori-distribution for your target variable.

To oversample, or undersample a specific class
you have imho write a own function!?

Perhaps it helps ,christian


Am Dienstag, 9. März 2004 11:29 schrieb Frank Gerrit Zoellner:

 I am using R 1.8.1 and the svm of the e1071 package for classification.
 The problem is that I have unbalanced classes e.g. the first one is much
 bigger than the second one and therfore the svm is biased to the first
 class. If I manually adjust the class size the bias disappears.
 The question is then how to include this unequal class distribution to the
 svm (e.g. via wheights or costs)?


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Re: [R] Different missing links on Windows in 'check' vs. 'install'

2004-03-09 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 08:03:44 + (GMT), you wrote:

No, both will find links in the same library as installing into (plus
those which are fixed up on installation, e.g. to the base package).

Several of us have looked for years for a fix, and this is the best scheme 
we have come up with.  You can't put in absolute paths in the HTML as e.g. 
a private library may be used with more than one version of R (or R may be 
updated later).  Short of adding symbolic links to Windows (and getting 
browsers to follow them), how do you propose `we should fix' it?

Here's a proposal:

All of check and build and install should default to the same library
location.  Check and build aren't meant to be permanent installs, so
if the package already exists there, it'll have to be temporarily
moved out of the way.

Duncan Murdoch

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[R] asking for information

2004-03-09 Thread Miguel Ángel Gómez-Nieto
Dear Sir:

I am interesting in to use some R functions in some of our developments. But I have a 
problem which I have not found information in R documentation, for that I ask for help.

Can I to call R functions from a C (or another language) program ?. ANd if the answer 
if yes, could you help me informe me where I can found information to respect?

I will be very thanks to you, if you could help me

Thanks a lot

Best Regards

Miguel Ángel Gómez-Nieto
University of Córdoba
Dept. Computing and Numerical Analysis
Software and Knowledge Engineering and Database Researh Group
Campus Universitario de Rabanales
Building C2, Plant 3. E-14071 Córdoba (Spain)
Phone: +34-957-212082
Fax: +34-957-218630
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[R] levelplot problems !!!

2004-03-09 Thread Hernan Dopazo
Dear R users,

I have changed my R version to the new 1.8.1 and some problems appears when 
using the previous levelplot code. 

This is a simple example:

a -1:10
b -11:20
j - rnorm(100)
grid-expand.grid(a = a, b = b)
levelplot(j~a*b, grid)

Normaly in my previous vs this was suffice to produce the levelplot.
Now, an empty  R graphics device appears with the following error message:

Error in grid.pack(frame =, row = 1, col = 1, grob = grid.rect(x 
=rep(0.5,  :unused argument(s) (frame ...)

Are there any solution?
Thanks in advance

Hernan J. Dopazo
Bioinformatica. CNIO 
c/ Melchor Fernández Almagro 3 
28029, Madrid, España 
Tfn: (34) 91 224 69 00 ext: 2428 
Fax: (34) 91 224 69 23 

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RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors

2004-03-09 Thread Lennart . Borgman
I am sending this reply on behalf of Erik (who is not a member of this

- Lennart

-Original Message-
From: Källen, Erik 
Sent: 9 mars 2004 11:37
To: Borgman, Lennart
Subject: RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors

I would do something like:

class error_exception {
error_exception(const string str) : msg(str) {}
string msg;

void my_error(const string str) {
throw error_exception(str);

int real_my_method(int a, char *b) {
some code...
return 0;

// this is the public method:
int my_method(int a, char *b) {
try {
return real_my_method(a, b);
catch (error_exception e) {

You could probably even create a macro like:
#define R_METHOD_IMPL(rettype, name, paramlist) \
rettype real_##name paramlist; \
rettype name paramlist { \
try { \
return real_##name paramlist; \
} \
catch (error_exception e) { \
error(e.msg); \
} \
} \
rettype real_##name paramlist

You would use this macro like:
R_METHOD_IMPL(int, my_method, (int a, char *b)) {
// source code here

I think it would work, but I'm not sure (untested).

/Erik Källén

-Original Message-
From: Vadim Ogranovich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 2 mars 2004 22:00
To: R Help List
Subject: [R] error() and C++ destructors

I am writing C++ functions that are to be called via .Call() interface.
I'd been using error() (from R.h) to return to R if there is an error,
but then I realized that this might be not safe as supposedly error()
doesn't throw an exception and therefore some destructors do not get
called and some memory may leak. Here is a simple example
extern C void foo() {
string str = hello;
The memory allocated for str is leaked.
Did anyone think about this and find a way to work around the problem?

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Re: [R] asking for information

2004-03-09 Thread Angel Lopez
Yes you can call R from C and viceversa, you should read the manual 
Writing R extensions:
available in the section manuals from the r-project website

Miguel Ángel Gómez-Nieto wrote:

Dear Sir:

I am interesting in to use some R functions in some of our developments. But I have a problem which I have not found information in R documentation, for that I ask for help.

Can I to call R functions from a C (or another language) program ?. ANd if the answer if yes, could you help me informe me where I can found information to respect?

I will be very thanks to you, if you could help me

Thanks a lot

Best Regards

Miguel Ángel Gómez-Nieto
University of Córdoba
Dept. Computing and Numerical Analysis
Software and Knowledge Engineering and Database Researh Group
Campus Universitario de Rabanales
Building C2, Plant 3. E-14071 Córdoba (Spain)
Phone: +34-957-212082
Fax: +34-957-218630
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RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors

2004-03-09 Thread Lennart . Borgman
And maybe I stressed Erik a bit, because he corrected himself some minutes
later (when I was no longer looking over his shoulder). Again on behalf of

- Lennart

-Original Message-
From: Källen, Erik 
Sent: 9 mars 2004 13:40
To: Borgman, Lennart
Subject: RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors


This code leaks memory for the exception.
It would be better to throw a pointer:

void my_error(const string str) {
throw new error_exception(str);

int my_method(int a, char *b) {
try {
return real_my_method(a, b);
catch (error_exception *pe) {
static char error_msg[SOME_LARGE_NUMBER];
strncpy(error_msg, pe-msg.c_str(), sizeof(error_msg));
delete pe;

-Original Message-
From: Borgman, Lennart 
Sent: 9 mars 2004 13:35
Subject: RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors

I am sending this reply on behalf of Erik (who is not a member of this

- Lennart

-Original Message-
From: Källen, Erik 
Sent: 9 mars 2004 11:37
To: Borgman, Lennart
Subject: RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors

I would do something like:

class error_exception {
error_exception(const string str) : msg(str) {}
string msg;

void my_error(const string str) {
throw error_exception(str);

int real_my_method(int a, char *b) {
some code...
return 0;

// this is the public method:
int my_method(int a, char *b) {
try {
return real_my_method(a, b);
catch (error_exception e) {

You could probably even create a macro like:
#define R_METHOD_IMPL(rettype, name, paramlist) \
rettype real_##name paramlist; \
rettype name paramlist { \
try { \
return real_##name paramlist; \
} \
catch (error_exception e) { \
error(e.msg); \
} \
} \
rettype real_##name paramlist

You would use this macro like:
R_METHOD_IMPL(int, my_method, (int a, char *b)) {
// source code here

I think it would work, but I'm not sure (untested).

/Erik Källén

-Original Message-
From: Vadim Ogranovich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 2 mars 2004 22:00
To: R Help List
Subject: [R] error() and C++ destructors

I am writing C++ functions that are to be called via .Call() interface.
I'd been using error() (from R.h) to return to R if there is an error,
but then I realized that this might be not safe as supposedly error()
doesn't throw an exception and therefore some destructors do not get
called and some memory may leak. Here is a simple example
extern C void foo() {
string str = hello;
The memory allocated for str is leaked.
Did anyone think about this and find a way to work around the problem?

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Re: [R] Different missing links on Windows in 'check' vs. 'install'

2004-03-09 Thread Robert Gentleman
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 12:38:33PM +, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
  On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 08:03:44 + (GMT), you wrote:
  No, both will find links in the same library as installing into (plus
  those which are fixed up on installation, e.g. to the base package).
  Several of us have looked for years for a fix, and this is the best scheme 
  we have come up with.  You can't put in absolute paths in the HTML as e.g. 
  a private library may be used with more than one version of R (or R may be 
  updated later).  Short of adding symbolic links to Windows (and getting 
  browsers to follow them), how do you propose `we should fix' it?
  Here's a proposal:
  All of check and build and install should default to the same library
  location.  Check and build aren't meant to be permanent installs, so
  if the package already exists there, it'll have to be temporarily
  moved out of the way.
 You may not own the main library and so not have permission to 
 install/check/build there.  If you do, you can use check on an installed 
 copy of the package.  As for build, this is one of the reasons why
 Rcmd INSTALL --build was needed, as that installs in the standard place 
 and then wraps up the installed copy.

 Yes, but for automated checking of many packages (60+ in Bioconductor
 and over 200 in CRAN) it would be nice to be able to separate out the
 real issues from the supposed ones.

 Perhaps we need a mechanism to generate some sort of database of
 these (which is updated/modified by R INSTALL, for example). Then R
 CMD check could generate an index file of resolved/supplied 
 links for the library path that R is using, generally
 $R_HOME/library, and then we simply compare against that. It seems
 that we are currently making the wrong comparison. What might
 make more sense (it seems to me) is to check and see if the  links
 are resolved only against base R + any packages in the
 depends/suggests field of the package being  checked. Since these are
 the ones that we will try to ensure are  available at run
 time. References outside of that set could be warnings. 

 Here we are not trying to physically resolve the links, just make
 sure that they are resolvable given the version of R and the package


 Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Professor of Applied Statistics,
 University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
 Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595
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 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

| Robert Gentleman phone : (617) 632-5250   |
| Associate Professor  fax:   (617)  632-2444   |
| Department of Biostatistics  office: M1B20|
| Harvard School of Public Health  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

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Re: [R] memory problem

2004-03-09 Thread James MacDonald
How many chips you can read is a function of how much RAM you have and
what chip it is. On a unix/linux box you will be able to read in and
process 143 of the HG-u95aV2 chips if you have about 2 Gb RAM. For the
larger U133A chips (RAE/MOE are about the same size), you will probably
need almost twice as much RAM. For the new version 2 chips you will
likely need about four times as much RAM (yep, that's 8 Gb!).

Some information about memory requirements and timings can be found



James W. MacDonald
Affymetrix and cDNA Microarray Core
University of Michigan Cancer Center
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
7410 CCGC
Ann Arbor MI 48109

 Joshi, Nina (NIH/NCI) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/08/04 12:15PM

I am trying to upload into R 143 Affymetrix chips onto using R on the
Nimbus server.  I can load 10 chips without a problem, however, when I
to load 143 I receive a error message: cannot create a vector of 523263
I have expanded the memory of R as follows:  R --min-vsize=10M
--max-vsize=2500M --min-nsize=10M -max-nsize=50M (as specified in help
R).  After running this command the memory in R is as follows:  


Used (Mb)  gctrigger(Mb)limit

Ncells   513502 13.810485760280.01400

Vcells   142525   1.1162625696 1240.82500


However, I am still getting the error cannot create a vector of 523263
Any suggestions/ideas? 






Nina Joshi, PhD

NIH/NCI/ Genetics Branch

National Naval Medical Center, Bldg. 8, Rm. 5101

8901 Wisconsin Ave.

Bethesda, MD. 20889-5101

(301) 435-5436 - phone

(301) 496-0047 - fax



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[R] SVM unbalanced classes

2004-03-09 Thread David Meyer
You might consider using the `weight' argument of svm().




I am using R 1.8.1 and the svm of the e1071 package for classification.
The problem is that I have unbalanced classes e.g. the first one is much
bigger than the second one and therfore the svm is biased to the first
If I manually adjust the class size the bias disappears.
The question is then how to include this unequal class distribution to
the svm (e.g. via wheights or costs)?

Frank G. Zoellner
AG Angewandte Informatik
Technische Fakultat
Universitat Bielefeld
phone: +49(0)521-106-2951
fax:   +49(0)521-106-2992

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Re: [R] levelplot problems !!!

2004-03-09 Thread Martin Maechler
 Hernan == Hernan Dopazo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Tue, 9 Mar 2004 12:46:51 +0100 writes:

Hernan Dear R users,
Hernan I have changed my R version to the new 1.8.1 and some problems appears 
Hernan using the previous levelplot code. 

Hernan This is a simple example:


Hernan a -1:10
Hernan b -11:20
Hernan j - rnorm(100)
Hernan grid-expand.grid(a = a, b = b)
Hernan levelplot(j~a*b, grid)

This works fine for me.

Hernan Normaly in my previous vs this was suffice to
Hernan produce the levelplot.  Now, an empty R graphics
Hernan device appears with the following error message:

Hernan Error in grid.pack(frame =, row = 1, col = 1,
Hernan grob = grid.rect(x =rep(0.5, : unused argument(s)
Hernan (frame ...)

I assume that you somehow managed to use an old version of
grid or lattice instead of the ones that ``come with R 1.8.1''.

Can you try to look at 

after library(grid) ; library(lattice) 
and make sure that both packages come from the same place as
base e.g. ?

Martin Maechler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO C16Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)  8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408  fax: ...-1228   

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Re: [R] levelplot problems !!!

2004-03-09 Thread Deepayan Sarkar
On Tuesday 09 March 2004 05:46, Hernan Dopazo wrote:
 Dear R users,

 I have changed my R version to the new 1.8.1 and some problems appears
 when using the previous levelplot code.

 This is a simple example:

 a -1:10
 b -11:20
 j - rnorm(100)
 grid-expand.grid(a = a, b = b)
 levelplot(j~a*b, grid)

 Normaly in my previous vs this was suffice to produce the levelplot.
 Now, an empty  R graphics device appears with the following error

 Error in grid.pack(frame =, row = 1, col = 1, grob = grid.rect(x
 =rep(0.5,  :unused argument(s) (frame ...)

This shouldn't happen (and doesn't happen for me). What OS and what version 
of lattice are you using ?


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[R] Package cclust error

2004-03-09 Thread Sebastien Durand
Hello, here is my problem,

After looking at the mail archives, I found a 
description of the error I get when I use this 
At first I even tought that they were showing how to solve it.

But the thing is that by saying the programmer 
forgot drop=FALSE doesn't show me how I should 
get rid of the problem
I have looked inside the package very quickly and 
I found three files, I am not sure what to do to 
fix this (the problem is describe bellow)

I would be very happy to have someone show me how to solve my problem

Thanks a lot

Sébastien Durand

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, David Wartel wrote:

 I have to solve a clustering problem.
 My first step is to determinate the number of clusters, that's why I 'm using
... number of clusters.
 A function is already implemented in R to calculate this index :
 clustIndex(cl,x, index=calinski)
Where is that from? It's not part of R -- package cclust, perhaps?

 where cl is the result of a clustering method , for instance:


 My probleme is that I can't calculate the Calinski's index when a cluster
 contains only one datapoint :
 Error in cov(x[cluster == l, ]) : supply both x and y or a matrix-like x
The programmer forgot drop=FALSE, it would seem.

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[R] New Ranking Scheme - Help

2004-03-09 Thread S P
Hi all,

I am a biostatistician and I have developed my own
ranking system for clinical data. I would like to test
the efficiency of it w.r.t. to other ranking systems.
I would like to simulate the data and after assigning
ranks to my observed scores(after neglecting
dropouts), observe the type I error. If I want to do a
Kruuskal Wallis type of test, what test statistic
should I use to test for a difference of delta
between the two groups (I know delta since the data
is generated with that difference). The default K-W
test statistics test for a NULL difference and I want
to see how frequently my ranking system rejects the
correct null hypothesis of a delta difference.

(So my data is now in 2 arrays of unequal lengths due
to dropouts, which have the ranks for drug and

Thank you in advance for your help.


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[R] aic calculation

2004-03-09 Thread Stephen Dicey
could somebody refer me to the reason R uses

-2*loglik + 2*(#param)+2

to calculate AIC?
thank you

Stoyan Iliev

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[R] Significance of differences in RMS?

2004-03-09 Thread Jonas Beskow

I have the following problem:
I want to compare a parameter trajectory, i.e. a series of real 
numbers (representing equidistant samples of a time-varying parameter) 
produced by some model, to a reference trajectory, measured from the 
real world, in order to get a rating of how good the model that produced 
the first trajectory is. Ok, so I use the RMS of the difference between 
the two trajectories at each sample.

Then I have another model, producing another trajectory, leading to 
another RMS-value. Good. Now I want to clame that the two models are 
equally good on the basis of the RMS-values being similar, and require 
some sort of significance test to support this claim. But I can't assume 
normal distribution in this case since the values are squared (or can 
I?) so with my limited knowledge of statistics I'm stuck...

Any help is appreciated!


- Jonas

PS I apologize for posting a question entirely unrelated to R but any 
R-related answers are of course welcome!

Jonas Beskow, Ph.D. Tel: +46 8 790 8965
Centre for Speech TechnologyFax: +46 8 790 7854
SE-10044 Stockholm,
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[R] How to ascertain the number of clusters automatically?

2004-03-09 Thread Fucang Jia
Hi, everyone,

There is many small cells which can be classified into several big cells 
from the scanned image. K-means clustering does not work well in this 
condition. I have done hierarchical clustering on cells successfully which 
uses shortest distance between classes. The number of clusters is about 3, 
4, 5, 6, 7 generally. One can ascertain the number of clusters visually.  
But because there are thousands of images to be clustered. So it is humdrum 
to me. I want to know if there are any methods that can be used to ascertain 
the number of clusters automatically, especially in this case, only several 

Thank you very much!



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Re: [R] aic calculation

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
AIC is calculated in many places in R, but I do not believe any use that 

Here is a guess as to your confusion: in linear models there are p
coefficients plus sigma^2 to be estimated and hence there is often an
extra 2 associated with the scale parameter.  For example, in

function (y, n, mu, wt, dev)
sum(wt) * (log(dev/sum(wt) * 2 * pi) + 1) + 2

Beyond that, additive constants do not matter in comparing AIC between 
models and the defn of log-likelihood is only up to an additive constant.  
So sometimes calculations omit constants common to all models: 
extractAIC.lm does, for example.

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Stephen Dicey wrote:

 could somebody refer me to the reason R uses
 -2*loglik + 2*(#param)+2
 to calculate AIC?

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] aic calculation

2004-03-09 Thread Jens Schumacher
R calculates

AIC = -2*loglik + 2*(#param)

but you probably missed the variance parameter when counting the parameters.

Jens Schumacher

Dr. Jens Schumacher
Max-Planck-Institut f. Biogeochemie
Winzerlaer Str. 10
D-07745 Jena

Tel: +49 (0)3641/576181
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[R] use of split lines in ess

2004-03-09 Thread David Andel
Hi all

I am very astonished that R generates a syntax error when I want to 
split up a line with a backslash, which usually works in any shell script.

R itself generates the + symbols at the beginning of following lines 
in a splitted line so I've tried with them as well, but also without 

Searching in the h-help archive did not reveal any answer either.

How is this accomplished?

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Re: [R] aic calculation

2004-03-09 Thread Spencer Graves
 That quantity is called the Akaike Information Criterion.  It 
dates back to original work of Akaike.  For more recent discussions and 
citations to earlier literature see, e.g.: 

 Brian Ripley (1996) Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks 
(Cambridge U. Pr.)

 Burnham and Anderson (2002) Model Selection and Multimodel 
Inference (Springer). 

 The latter contains errors, as Prof. Ripley indicated in earlier 
posts to this listserve.  However, it seems for me to still be useful. 

 hope this helps.  spencer graves

Stephen Dicey wrote:

could somebody refer me to the reason R uses
-2*loglik + 2*(#param)+2

to calculate AIC?
thank you
Stoyan Iliev
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Re: [R] use of split lines in ess

2004-03-09 Thread Douglas Bates
David Andel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am very astonished that R generates a syntax error when I want to
 split up a line with a backslash, which usually works in any shell

One way to diminish the astonishment factor when using software is to
try reading the documentation. :-)

The backslash in part of the R syntax (except within quoted strings)
so it generates a syntax error.

If you want to force continuation of an expression to the next input
line then ensure that the partial expression that you type is not
syntactically complete.  Often you can use { or ( on the first line
with the pairing } or ) on the last line.

 R itself generates the + symbols at the beginning of following lines
 in a splitted line so I've tried with them as well, but also without

 Searching in the h-help archive did not reveal any answer either.

 How is this accomplished?

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Re: [R] Different missing links on Windows in 'check' vs. 'install'

2004-03-09 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 12:38:33 + (GMT), Prof Brian Ripley

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
 Here's a proposal:
 All of check and build and install should default to the same library
 location.  Check and build aren't meant to be permanent installs, so
 if the package already exists there, it'll have to be temporarily
 moved out of the way.

You may not own the main library and so not have permission to 
install/check/build there.  If you do, you can use check on an installed 
copy of the package.  As for build, this is one of the reasons why
Rcmd INSTALL --build was needed, as that installs in the standard place 
and then wraps up the installed copy.

This isn't a revolutionary proposal, I'm mainly suggesting that we
regularize it a bit.  If I want to build a binary package, I should be
able to expect to use Rcmd build --binary.  If Rcmd INSTALL
--build does a better job, then shouldn't Rcmd build --binary be
modified to do the same?

The only new part of my suggestion is to move existing packages out of
the way so that the new one can be installed temporarily.  As you say,
this won't always be possible, but if Rcmd INSTALL --build could
work, then it should be possible to do a temporary version of the same

So here's a refinement of my suggestion:

By default, Rcmd build and Rcmd check should attempt to do their work
in the default library install location.  If that fails, then they
could fail with a message telling you to use a  --library= option, or
they could automatically try working in a temporary directory, with a
warning that this may produce suboptimal results.

In either case, if a package with the given name is already installed,
they should attempt to rename it to a temporary name to get it out of
the way.  If this fails, then proceed as above.

Duncan Murdoch

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[R] Error message - what does it mean???

2004-03-09 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I am trying to calculate mahalanobis distances for a matrix x with 
n*p variables. I am getting the following error:

md2 - mahalanobis(x, center, cov)
Error in solve.default(cov, tol = tol.inv) : 
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition 
number = 2.11165e-009

What does it means?

Thank you so much for any help,


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[R] R and tmp directroy

2004-03-09 Thread Martin Olivier
Hi all,

When I start R, it gives

mkdir: Ne peut créer le répertoire `/home/mart/tmp/Rtmp11729'.: No such file or directory

(I specify that my home path is /home/mart and the R version is 1.7.1)

How I have to configure R to use the directory /tmp instead of 
/home/mart/tmp ?
What is utility of this directory tmp for R?

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Re: [R] Error message - what does it mean???

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy wrote:

 I am trying to calculate mahalanobis distances for a matrix x with 
 n*p variables. I am getting the following error:
 md2 - mahalanobis(x, center, cov)
 Error in solve.default(cov, tol = tol.inv) : 
 system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition 
 number = 2.11165e-009
 What does it means?

Error messages usually mean what they say, and it hard to see what you
mind to understand here.  Whatever you supplied for `cov' is a singular
matrix to the default tolerance, described on the help page.  If you know 
what is going on with your data, you could reduce the argument `tol.inv'.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] how to use conditional statements to handle exceptions?

2004-03-09 Thread Susan Lin

I have a problem to handle the following statements.
  for(i in [1:3])
file=paste(file, i, .dat)
bb - read.table(file)

When the input .dat file is empty, the program stops
running and an error message appears. Could someone
tell me how to handle this exception?


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RE: [R] Decision Trees

2004-03-09 Thread Benjamin . STABLER
Thanks for the insight.  I think we will try both CART (rpart) and C4.5
(J4.8) and see what happens.  As always, the R community is so helpful.


-Original Message-
From: Ko-Kang Kevin Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 12:08 AM
To: 'Prof Brian Ripley'; STABLER Benjamin
Subject: RE: [R] Decision Trees


 -Original Message-

 WEKA includes a re-implementation of the ideas behind C4.5,
 but not C4.5.

If my memory serves me right, WEKA people called this
re-implementation J4.8.


Ko-Kang Kevin Wang, MSc(Hon)
Statistics Workshops Co-ordinator
Student Learning Centre
University of Auckland
New Zealand

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Re: [R] use of split lines in ess

2004-03-09 Thread A.J. Rossini

it looks like you are wondering about something with ESS.  Could you
be more precise about the exact conditions?  Also, the ess-help
mailing list might be a better place to post.  Version #'s of R, and
if it is an ESS problem, ESS and (X)Emacs would be useful.

David Andel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am very astonished that R generates a syntax error when I want to
 split up a line with a backslash, which usually works in any shell

 R itself generates the + symbols at the beginning of following lines
 in a splitted line so I've tried with them as well, but also without

 Searching in the h-help archive did not reveal any answer either.

 How is this accomplished?


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Re: [R] how to use conditional statements to handle exceptions?

2004-03-09 Thread Roger D. Peng
Take a look at try().


Susan Lin wrote:

I have a problem to handle the following statements.
  for(i in [1:3])
file=paste(file, i, .dat)
bb - read.table(file)

When the input .dat file is empty, the program stops
running and an error message appears. Could someone
tell me how to handle this exception?

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[R] Creating its own family

2004-03-09 Thread Stephane DRAY
I would like to create my own family for glm modelling
If we consider a matrix Y, I would like to model Yij/var(Yj) with an 
inverse variance link.
I have create my own family inspired by the negative.binomial of MASS:

myfamily=function (varcol)
env - new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
link=inv col var
variance - function (mu), length(mu))
validmu - function (mu) TRUE
dev.resids - function (y, mu, wt) wt * ((y - mu)^2)
aic - function (y, n, mu, wt, dev) sum(wt) * (log(dev/sum(wt) * 2 * 
pi) + 1) + 2
mu.eta=function (eta), length(eta))
initialize - expression({
n -, nobs)
mustart - y

environment(variance) - environment(validmu) - 
environment(dev.resids) - environment(aic) - env

structure(list(family = famname, link = link, linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv, variance = variance, dev.resids = dev.resids,
aic = aic, mu.eta = mu.eta, initialize = initialize,
validmu = validmu), class = family)
But it does not work when I try it

Error in family$linkfun(mustart) : Argument mu is missing, with no default

Hope that someone could help me,

Thanks in advances,
Stéphane DRAY

Département des Sciences Biologiques
Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville
Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7, Canada
Tel : 514 343 6111 poste 1233


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RE: [R] how to use conditional statements to handle exceptions?

2004-03-09 Thread Andy Bunn
If you mean to put a check in to see if the file exists then something
like this would work:

  for(i in 1:3){
aFile - paste(file, i, .dat, sep = )
if(file.exists(aFile) == T){
bb - read.table(aFile, header = F)

If you mean that you want to check to see that it has data in it you
could ammend the if statement to something like 

if(nrow(aFile)  0)...

HTH, Andy

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Re: [R] R and tmp directroy

2004-03-09 Thread Martin Olivier
Finally, i found the answer for my question...
it is only necessary to add
setenv TMPDIR /tmp/
in my .cshrc

Martin Olivier wrote:

Hi all,

When I start R, it gives

mkdir: Ne peut créer le répertoire `/home/mart/tmp/Rtmp11729'.: No 
such file or directory

(I specify that my home path is /home/mart and the R version is 1.7.1)

How I have to configure R to use the directory /tmp instead of 
/home/mart/tmp ?
What is utility of this directory tmp for R?

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Martin Olivier
INRA - Unité protéomique   LIRMM - IFA/MAB
2, Place Viala 161, rue Ada
34060 Montpellier Cédex 1  34392 Montpellier Cédex 5
Tel : 04 99 61 26 14   Tel : O4 67 41 86 71
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RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors

2004-03-09 Thread Vadim Ogranovich
One shortcoming of Erik's solution is that it can only catch the exceptions of type 
error_exception. For example it won't work if my code calls some third party library 
that can throw exceptions of some other types.

In case it's of interest to someone here is the boilerplate that I ended up using 
(note the similarity between my errMsg and error_message from Erik's solution):

extern C SEXP foo(SEXP x) {
int hasFailed=0;
char errMsg[2048];

// NO C++ objects above this line
try {
// do the work
cach (std::exception e) {
hasFailed = 1;
strncopy(errMsg, e.what(), sizeof(errMsg));
catch (OtherException e) {
hasFailed = 1;

// NO C++ objects below this line

if (hasFailed) {

return x;

One thing I don't like about my solution is that I need to remember to set hasFailed 
in each and every catch block (and I often remember to forget these sort of things 

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 4:59 AM
 Subject: RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors
 And maybe I stressed Erik a bit, because he corrected himself 
 some minutes later (when I was no longer looking over his 
 shoulder). Again on behalf of Erik.
 - Lennart
 -Original Message-
 From: Källen, Erik 
 Sent: 9 mars 2004 13:40
 To: Borgman, Lennart
 Subject: RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors
 This code leaks memory for the exception.
 It would be better to throw a pointer:
 void my_error(const string str) {
   throw new error_exception(str);
 int my_method(int a, char *b) {
   try {
   return real_my_method(a, b);
   catch (error_exception *pe) {
   static char error_msg[SOME_LARGE_NUMBER];
   strncpy(error_msg, pe-msg.c_str(), sizeof(error_msg));
   delete pe;
 -Original Message-
 From: Borgman, Lennart 
 Sent: 9 mars 2004 13:35
 Subject: RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors
 I am sending this reply on behalf of Erik (who is not a 
 member of this list).
 - Lennart
 -Original Message-
 From: Källen, Erik 
 Sent: 9 mars 2004 11:37
 To: Borgman, Lennart
 Subject: RE: [R] error() and C++ destructors
 I would do something like:
 class error_exception {
   error_exception(const string str) : msg(str) {}
   string msg;
 void my_error(const string str) {
   throw error_exception(str);
 int real_my_method(int a, char *b) {
   some code...
   return 0;
 // this is the public method:
 int my_method(int a, char *b) {
   try {
   return real_my_method(a, b);
   catch (error_exception e) {
 You could probably even create a macro like:
 #define R_METHOD_IMPL(rettype, name, paramlist) \
 rettype real_##name paramlist; \
 rettype name paramlist { \
   try { \
   return real_##name paramlist; \
   } \
   catch (error_exception e) { \
   error(e.msg); \
   } \
 } \
 rettype real_##name paramlist
 You would use this macro like:
 R_METHOD_IMPL(int, my_method, (int a, char *b)) {
   // source code here
 I think it would work, but I'm not sure (untested).
 /Erik Källén
 -Original Message-
 From: Vadim Ogranovich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 2 mars 2004 22:00
 To: R Help List
 Subject: [R] error() and C++ destructors
 I am writing C++ functions that are to be called via .Call() 
 interface. I'd been using error() (from R.h) to return to R 
 if there is an error, but then I realized that this might be 
 not safe as supposedly error() doesn't throw an exception and 
 therefore some destructors do not get called and some memory 
 may leak. Here is a simple example
 extern C void foo() {
 string str = hello;
 The memory allocated for str is leaked.
 Did anyone think about this and find a way to work around the problem?
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Re: [R] R and tmp directroy

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
Probably you have TMPDIR set in your enviroment to point to 
/home/mart/tmp and that does not exist or is not writable.

Solution: don't have variables pointing to inappropriate places?

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Martin Olivier wrote:

 When I start R, it gives
 mkdir: Ne peut créer le répertoire `/home/mart/tmp/Rtmp11729'.: No such file or 
 (I specify that my home path is /home/mart and the R version is 1.7.1)
 How I have to configure R to use the directory /tmp instead of 
 /home/mart/tmp ?
 What is utility of this directory tmp for R?

For temporary files, like all other Unix/Linux applications.
See ?tempdir as well as internal uses (for HTML links, the editor temp 
file and so on).

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] how to use conditional statements to handle exceptions?

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Susan Lin wrote:

 I have a problem to handle the following statements.
   for(i in [1:3])
 file=paste(file, i, .dat)

Don't you mean paste(file, i, .dat, sep=) ?  Or are your files
called `file 1 .dat'?

 bb - read.table(file)

This opens a device, plots and closes it instantly.  Is that what you 
want?  I would have had


outside the loop, which will automatically launch as graphics device if 
none is open.

 When the input .dat file is empty, the program stops
 running and an error message appears. Could someone
 tell me how to handle this exception?


Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] read.table() question

2004-03-09 Thread Susan Lin

In the following code, I got an error meesage if an
input file is empty, and the program stopped running.
Could someone to tell me how to handle this problem. I
want the program to keep running. Thanks.
for i in [1:3]
file=paste(file, i, .dat)
x -


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Re: [R] Creating its own family

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
I think you want

linkfun - function(mu){mu/varcol}
linkinv - function(eta){eta*varcol)}

etc, that is a function of a single argument.  Also, you can use lexical 
scope to capture varcol, as in the above: it will be in the environment of 
linkfun/inv.  You did not set its environment as MASS does, and you do not 
need to.  (MASS could have been written differently if it did not share 
code with S.)

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Stephane DRAY wrote:

 I would like to create my own family for glm modelling
 If we consider a matrix Y, I would like to model Yij/var(Yj) with an 
 inverse variance link.
 I have create my own family inspired by the negative.binomial of MASS:
 myfamily=function (varcol)
  env - new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
  link=inv col var
  variance - function (mu), length(mu))
  validmu - function (mu) TRUE
  dev.resids - function (y, mu, wt) wt * ((y - mu)^2)
  aic - function (y, n, mu, wt, dev) sum(wt) * (log(dev/sum(wt) * 2 * 
 pi) + 1) + 2
  mu.eta=function (eta), length(eta))
  initialize - expression({
  n -, nobs)
  mustart - y
  environment(variance) - environment(validmu) - 
 environment(dev.resids) - environment(aic) - env
  structure(list(family = famname, link = link, linkfun = linkfun,
  linkinv = linkinv, variance = variance, dev.resids = dev.resids,
  aic = aic, mu.eta = mu.eta, initialize = initialize,
  validmu = validmu), class = family)
 But it does not work when I try it
 Error in family$linkfun(mustart) : Argument mu is missing, with no default
 Hope that someone could help me,
 Thanks in advances,
 Stéphane DRAY
 Département des Sciences Biologiques
 Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville
 Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7, Canada
 Tel : 514 343 6111 poste 1233
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Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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RE: [R] how to use conditional statements to handle exceptions?

2004-03-09 Thread Henrik Bengtsson
For R v1.8.0 you can use tryCatch() (it's great) to catch objects of
class 'condition' and just print() them (instead of letting them
generate errors) like this:

for(i in 1:3) {
  file - paste(file, i, .dat, sep=)
bb - read.table(file)
  }, condition=function(ex) {

As soon as/if an error is generated, tryCatch() will catch it an call
the condition function, which will print it.

If the file does not exists when calling read.table() both a warning
and an error is generated. Since warnings are now of class
simpleWarning and (stop) errors are of class simpleError and both
these are subclasses (via the abstract classes 'warning' and 'error',
respectively) of class 'condition', which is the root class of all
exception classes, it is best to catch by using 'condition' above. If
one use 'error=...' instead, warnings will still be shown.

Moreover, a shorter version of the above would be to use

Some further comments:
 1) Your code is not correct, e.g. [1:3].
Please submit example code that is executable!
 2) Did you forget sep= in the paste line?
 1) avoid using = to assign; or at least be consistent.


Henrik Bengtsson

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Lin
 Sent: den 9 mars 2004 18:12
 Subject: [R] how to use conditional statements to handle exceptions?
 I have a problem to handle the following statements.
   for(i in [1:3])
 file=paste(file, i, .dat)
 bb - read.table(file)
 When the input .dat file is empty, the program stops
 running and an error message appears. Could someone
 tell me how to handle this exception?
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[R] how to continue develop package

2004-03-09 Thread Vadim Ogranovich
I have completed a prototype of a package, say FOO, and now I want to
start using it as an ordinary R package, i.e. attach it via
library(FOO). On the other hand I will be adding functionality and
fixing bugs so the code is going to change a lot. There is a couple of
problems that don't know how to solve:
1. To be able to use library() the package must be INSTALLED. The
installation creates a copy of the code. So it seems each time I change
the code I need to repeat R CMD INSTALL. This is not too bad, but maybe
there is a better way
2. (This is probably more of an ESS question) Suppose I have attached
FOO via library(foo) which is now at the second position of the search
list. Now if I use ESS to modify the definition of some function goo()
from the package FOO and send the new definition to R it will NOT
replace the old definition, rather creates a new function at the first
position of the search list. The new function will of course overshadow
the old one so I'll achieve the effect I want, but I'd feel better if I
could replace the old definition rather than overshadow it. Does ESS
allow this sort of things?
These are my specific questions, however if you can suggest a different
way of on-going development of a package I'd love to hear from you.

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[R] Adding data.frames together

2004-03-09 Thread John Sweval
I have a series of data frames that are identical structurally, i.e. -
made with the same code, but I need to add them together so that they
become one, longer, data frame, i.e. - each of the slot vectors are
increased in length by the length of the added data frame vectors.

So if I have df1 with a slot A so that length(df1$A) = 100 and I have
df2 with a slot A so that length(df2$A)=200 then I need a method to
create df3 its slot A is the df1$A plus df2$A such that length(df3$A) =

It does not appear that if you use data.frame to join two data frames it
just adds the slots of both sources to the destination data frame and
that is not what I want.

In my finally solution, I need to do this with multiple data.frames that
slot-wise are identical, but each slot length is different between data

Seems like there should be an easy solution, but I just have not
stumbled across it in the documentation.

John C. Sweval
  Database Architect
  Illumigen Biosciences, Inc.
Phone: 206-378-0400
Fax: 206-378-0408

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Re: [R] years from as.POSIXlt

2004-03-09 Thread Thomas Petzoldt
Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

See ?julian, which says 


 Other components such as the day of the month or the year are very
 easy to computes: just use 'as.POSIXlt' and extract the relevant

unfortunately not all mentioned functions work on all machines. Where


works on all systems, a call to


workes perfectly only on Linux (R 1.8.0) but failed on two different XP 
Machines (German XP version):

Error in fromchar(x) : character string is not in a standard unambiguous 

I've tested several things, several versions of msvcrt.dll, different 
PATH settings, locale set to German or USA, R 1.8.1 and R 1.7.1, but the 
 problem remains.

On the other hand

as.numeric(format(x, f=%d))

works perfectly, so I do not understand what is wrong with julian()

Thomas P.

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Re: [R] Slow reshape from 5x600000 to 6311 x 132

2004-03-09 Thread Christopher Austin-Lane
Thanks for the info - it inspired me to keep tweaking.

R --min-vsize=400M --min-nsize=6M

allowed me to run in a few minutes - I had been trying larger values of 
--min-vsize (600M) (I have 1 Gig of RAM, but a lot of stuff running), 
but that was evidentally causing R to swap during the reshape, which 
caused it to really slow down.


Christian Schulz wrote on 3/5/04, 2:28 AM:

  my reshape's  from ~1.4 million obs. to  ~150.00 obs.  50 attr. goes
  surprinsing fast (1-2 miniutes), but is less complex then yours.

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RE: [R] how to continue develop package

2004-03-09 Thread Liaw, Andy
My suggestion is to treat the installed package as `binary', even if the
code is purely in R.  This way you will only make modifications to the
_source_ and make up the `binary' as needed.  It's really not burdensome.

Your second question has nothing to do with ESS.  When you modify objects on
the search list, the modified copy is placed in the global environment
(pos=1).  After you experimented with the modification and are happy with
it, just place it in the package and re-install.

It doesn't make sense to edit code in the installed package directly:  That
will be the only copy of the changed package, and you won't be able to
package that up for installation by others, at least not easily.


 From: Vadim Ogranovich
 I have completed a prototype of a package, say FOO, and now I want to
 start using it as an ordinary R package, i.e. attach it via
 library(FOO). On the other hand I will be adding functionality and
 fixing bugs so the code is going to change a lot. There is a couple of
 problems that don't know how to solve:
 1. To be able to use library() the package must be INSTALLED. The
 installation creates a copy of the code. So it seems each 
 time I change
 the code I need to repeat R CMD INSTALL. This is not too bad, 
 but maybe
 there is a better way
 2. (This is probably more of an ESS question) Suppose I have attached
 FOO via library(foo) which is now at the second position of 
 the search
 list. Now if I use ESS to modify the definition of some function goo()
 from the package FOO and send the new definition to R it will NOT
 replace the old definition, rather creates a new function at the first
 position of the search list. The new function will of course 
 the old one so I'll achieve the effect I want, but I'd feel 
 better if I
 could replace the old definition rather than overshadow it. Does ESS
 allow this sort of things?
 These are my specific questions, however if you can suggest a 
 way of on-going development of a package I'd love to hear from you.
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Re: [R] years from as.POSIXlt

2004-03-09 Thread Thomas Petzoldt
as.numeric(format(x, f=%j))
which is the right code, works perfectly, too.

Thomas P.

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RE: [R] Adding data.frames together

2004-03-09 Thread Liaw, Andy
Use rbind() (for row-bind).  Here are some examples:

 d1 - data.frame(x=1, y=1)
 d2 - data.frame(x=1:2, y=1:2)
 d3 - data.frame(x=3, y=3)
   x y
1  1 1
11 1 1
2  2 2
12 3 3, list(d1,d2,d3))
   x y
1  1 1
11 1 1
2  2 2
12 3 3

[or even this:], eval(parse(text=paste(paste(list(,
paste(d,1:3,sep=,collapse=,), ))
   x y
1  1 1
11 1 1
2  2 2
12 3 3


 From: John Sweval
 I have a series of data frames that are identical structurally, i.e. -
 made with the same code, but I need to add them together so that they
 become one, longer, data frame, i.e. - each of the slot vectors are
 increased in length by the length of the added data frame vectors.
 So if I have df1 with a slot A so that length(df1$A) = 100 and I have
 df2 with a slot A so that length(df2$A)=200 then I need a method to
 create df3 its slot A is the df1$A plus df2$A such that 
 length(df3$A) =
 It does not appear that if you use data.frame to join two 
 data frames it
 just adds the slots of both sources to the destination data frame and
 that is not what I want.
 In my finally solution, I need to do this with multiple 
 data.frames that
 slot-wise are identical, but each slot length is different 
 between data
 Seems like there should be an easy solution, but I just have not
 stumbled across it in the documentation.
 John C. Sweval
   Database Architect
   Illumigen Biosciences, Inc.
 Phone: 206-378-0400
 Fax: 206-378-0408
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[R] corARMA and ACF in nlme

2004-03-09 Thread Jeff Jorgensen
Hi R-sters,

Just wondering what I might be doing wrong.  I'm trying to fit a multiple 
linear regression model, and being ever mindful about the possibilities of 
autocorrelation in the errors (it's a time series), the errors appear to 
follow an AR1 process (ar(ts(glsfit$residuals)) selected order 1).  So, 
when I go back and try to do the simultaneous regression and error fit with 
gls, the acf and pacf plots of residuals from the old model (glsfit) and 
those plots of the new model (glsAR1fit, below)  look exactly the same (a 
significant autocorrelation at lag of 1).

Any ideas out there as to what I may be doing wrong?  Is there an error in 
my code?

Here's my R code for the simultaneous model fit (taking a phi estimate=0.6 
from a previous step ACF(glsfit)):

glsAR1fit-gls(y~x1+x2+x3+x4, na.action = na.omit, subset=12:54,
correlation = corARMA(0.6, p=1, q=0, fixed = FALSE))
Thanks much,



Jeff Jorgensen

Center for Limnology
University of Wisconsin Madison   ph (608) 263-2304
680 North Park Street   fx (608) 265-2340
Madison, Wisconsin 53706

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Re: [R] Adding data.frames together

2004-03-09 Thread Tom Blackwell
John  -

The function  rbind()  operates on pairs of data frames, and
(somewhat arcane and definitely NOT for beginning users), list(df1, df2, df3, df4, df5)))

will combine any number (in this case 5) of data frames.

As of February 2003, the  approach did not deal
gracefully with columns in a data frame which had been
converted to factors (happens by default in  read.table()).
In my own code I had to go through some gyrations to protect
against that.

For futher information on the  approach, search
the r-help archives for AND rbind.  In particular,
there was a thread involving jerosenb and rpeng titled
[R] quotes within quotes with one email dated Wed, 9 Apr 2003.

-  tom blackwell  -  u michigan medical school  -  ann arbor  -

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, John Sweval wrote:

 I have a series of data frames that are identical structurally, i.e. -
 made with the same code, but I need to add them together so that they
 become one, longer, data frame, i.e. - each of the slot vectors are
 increased in length by the length of the added data frame vectors.

 So if I have df1 with a slot A so that length(df1$A) = 100 and I have
 df2 with a slot A so that length(df2$A)=200 then I need a method to
 create df3 its slot A is the df1$A plus df2$A such that length(df3$A) =

 It does not appear that if you use data.frame to join two data frames it
 just adds the slots of both sources to the destination data frame and
 that is not what I want.

 In my finally solution, I need to do this with multiple data.frames that
 slot-wise are identical, but each slot length is different between data

 Seems like there should be an easy solution, but I just have not
 stumbled across it in the documentation.

 John C. Sweval
   Database Architect
   Illumigen Biosciences, Inc.
 Phone: 206-378-0400
 Fax: 206-378-0408

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Re: [R] Adding data.frames together - correction

2004-03-09 Thread Tom Blackwell

Correction to my reply below:

If my memory serves correctly, one year and many projects later,
I wanted to keep character data as character, not factors,
throughout.  The gyrations were to maintain this despite
using  rbind(),  not because  rbind()  behaved badly with
factors.  Please excuse my foggy memory.

-  tom blackwell  -  u michigan medical school  -  ann arbor  -

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Tom Blackwell wrote:

 John  -

 The function  rbind()  operates on pairs of data frames, and
 (somewhat arcane and definitely NOT for beginning users), list(df1, df2, df3, df4, df5)))

 will combine any number (in this case 5) of data frames.

 As of February 2003, the  approach did not deal
 gracefully with columns in a data frame which had been
 converted to factors (happens by default in  read.table()).
 In my own code I had to go through some gyrations to protect
 against that.

 For futher information on the  approach, search
 the r-help archives for AND rbind.  In particular,
 there was a thread involving jerosenb and rpeng titled
 [R] quotes within quotes with one email dated Wed, 9 Apr 2003.

 -  tom blackwell  -  u michigan medical school  -  ann arbor  -

 On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, John Sweval wrote:

  I have a series of data frames that are identical structurally, i.e. -
  made with the same code, but I need to add them together so that they
  become one, longer, data frame, i.e. - each of the slot vectors are
  increased in length by the length of the added data frame vectors.
  So if I have df1 with a slot A so that length(df1$A) = 100 and I have
  df2 with a slot A so that length(df2$A)=200 then I need a method to
  create df3 its slot A is the df1$A plus df2$A such that length(df3$A) =
  It does not appear that if you use data.frame to join two data frames it
  just adds the slots of both sources to the destination data frame and
  that is not what I want.
  In my finally solution, I need to do this with multiple data.frames that
  slot-wise are identical, but each slot length is different between data
  Seems like there should be an easy solution, but I just have not
  stumbled across it in the documentation.
  John C. Sweval
Database Architect
Illumigen Biosciences, Inc.
  Phone: 206-378-0400
  Fax: 206-378-0408

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Re: [R] Adding data.frames together

2004-03-09 Thread Tony Plate
Actually, rbind() operates on any number of arguments, as stated in the 
documentation ?rbind.  (If it only operated on pairs of arguments, the approach wouldn't get around that anyway.  The approach 
can be very useful when one has a list of data frames to be rbind'ed 
together, but it's not necessary when the data frames are in separate objects.)

Also, rbind() seems to cope with factor columns now - at least in the 
simple example below.  Are there other examples where it does not cope?

Here are some examples:

 df1 - data.frame(a=1:3,b=101:103)
 df2 - data.frame(a=4:5,b=104:105)
 df3 - data.frame(a=6,b=106)
 rbind(df1, df2, df3)
   a   b
1  1 101
2  2 102
3  3 103
11 4 104
21 5 105
12 6 106
 df1 - data.frame(a=1:3,b=letters[1:3])
 df2 - data.frame(a=4:5,b=letters[4:5])
 df - rbind(df1, df2)
 sapply(df, class)
a b
integer  factor
   a b
1  1 a
2  2 b
3  3 c
11 4 d
21 5 e

-- Tony Plate

At Tuesday 05:00 PM 3/9/2004, Tom Blackwell wrote:
John  -

The function  rbind()  operates on pairs of data frames, and
(somewhat arcane and definitely NOT for beginning users), list(df1, df2, df3, df4, df5)))

will combine any number (in this case 5) of data frames.

As of February 2003, the  approach did not deal
gracefully with columns in a data frame which had been
converted to factors (happens by default in  read.table()).
In my own code I had to go through some gyrations to protect
against that.
For futher information on the  approach, search
the r-help archives for AND rbind.  In particular,
there was a thread involving jerosenb and rpeng titled
[R] quotes within quotes with one email dated Wed, 9 Apr 2003.
-  tom blackwell  -  u michigan medical school  -  ann arbor  -

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, John Sweval wrote:

 I have a series of data frames that are identical structurally, i.e. -
 made with the same code, but I need to add them together so that they
 become one, longer, data frame, i.e. - each of the slot vectors are
 increased in length by the length of the added data frame vectors.

 So if I have df1 with a slot A so that length(df1$A) = 100 and I have
 df2 with a slot A so that length(df2$A)=200 then I need a method to
 create df3 its slot A is the df1$A plus df2$A such that length(df3$A) =

 It does not appear that if you use data.frame to join two data frames it
 just adds the slots of both sources to the destination data frame and
 that is not what I want.

 In my finally solution, I need to do this with multiple data.frames that
 slot-wise are identical, but each slot length is different between data

 Seems like there should be an easy solution, but I just have not
 stumbled across it in the documentation.

 John C. Sweval
   Database Architect
   Illumigen Biosciences, Inc.
 Phone: 206-378-0400
 Fax: 206-378-0408

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[R] accuracy of chi-square distribution approximations

2004-03-09 Thread Victoria Stodden

Hi there,

How accurate is the aproximation R makes to the Chi-Square distribution?
For example, if I run:

[1] 0.03650857

how accurate is 0.0365 compared to the theoretical percentile? What kind
of approximations have been made in the software's algorithm? It woudl be
useful to know since I am working with tiny percentiles such as one
one-millionth and one one-billionth, and I am not sure how R comes up
with the percentile numbers.

Thanks for any help,

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[R] How to use MLE-class?

2004-03-09 Thread YIHSU CHEN
Hi there,
I had successfully use MLE function to solve my problem.  Is there
anyone knows how to get related information? i.e., value of likelihood
function, information matrix, and etc. I know MLE-class can do it but I
can not find any information tells me how to do it.
Thanks a billions,

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[R] Re: R-help Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9

2004-03-09 Thread David Duffy
Cédric Finet wrote:

 I thank you for your answer but I do not understand yet why the Fisher´s exact
 test does not work. And why is a negative key.

 Cédric Finet

Running the original TOMS643 fortran code (R uses an f2c translation of
this) says:

 Stack length exceeded in f3xact.  This problem should not occur.

The integer hash key is bigger than the largest allowable integer,
and so appears as a negative number.  Table is too big.

| David Duffy (MBBS PhD) ,-_|\
| email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ph: INT+61+7+3362-0217 fax: -0101  / *
| Epidemiology Unit, Queensland Institute of Medical Research   \_,-._/
| 300 Herston Rd, Brisbane, Queensland 4029, Australia  GPG 4D0B994A v

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RE: [R] How to use MLE-class?

2004-03-09 Thread Liaw, Andy
Do you mean mle() in the package `mle'?  If so, see ?mle-class for a


 Hi there,
 I had successfully use MLE function to solve my problem.  Is there
 anyone knows how to get related information? i.e., value of likelihood
 function, information matrix, and etc. I know MLE-class can 
 do it but I
 can not find any information tells me how to do it.
 Thanks a billions,
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Re: [R] Adding data.frames together

2004-03-09 Thread kjetil
On 9 Mar 2004 at 14:41, John Sweval wrote:

If you have the dataframes as components of a list dfs, maybe you can 
do something like, dfs)

Kjetil Halvorsen

 I have a series of data frames that are identical structurally, i.e. -
 made with the same code, but I need to add them together so that they
 become one, longer, data frame, i.e. - each of the slot vectors are
 increased in length by the length of the added data frame vectors.
 So if I have df1 with a slot A so that length(df1$A) = 100 and I have
 df2 with a slot A so that length(df2$A)=200 then I need a method to
 create df3 its slot A is the df1$A plus df2$A such that length(df3$A)
 = 300.
 It does not appear that if you use data.frame to join two data frames
 it just adds the slots of both sources to the destination data frame
 and that is not what I want.
 In my finally solution, I need to do this with multiple data.frames
 that slot-wise are identical, but each slot length is different
 between data frames.
 Seems like there should be an easy solution, but I just have not
 stumbled across it in the documentation.
 John C. Sweval
   Database Architect
   Illumigen Biosciences, Inc.
 Phone: 206-378-0400
 Fax: 206-378-0408
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Re: [R] How to use MLE-class?

2004-03-09 Thread Spencer Graves
 Have you read Pinheiro and Bates (2000) Mixed-Effects Models in S 
and S-Plus (Springer)?  I learned much from that book.  Also, gave interesting results. 

 hope this helps.  spencer graves


Hi there,

I had successfully use MLE function to solve my problem.  Is there
anyone knows how to get related information? i.e., value of likelihood
function, information matrix, and etc. I know MLE-class can do it but I
can not find any information tells me how to do it.
Thanks a billions,


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2004-03-09 Thread PayPal Customer Service 1

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[R] Rcmd BATCH command line arguments

2004-03-09 Thread Benjamin . STABLER
I want to run Rcmd BATCH with R_DEFAULT_PACKAGE=base so it doesn't load any
packages, but it seems to reject this argument because it does not start
with a '-' or '--'.  Is there a different argument that will work?  Thanks.

Benjamin Stabler
Transportation Planning Analysis Unit
Oregon Department of Transportation
555 13th Street NE, Suite 2
Salem, OR 97301  Ph: 503-986-4104

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Re: [R] years from as.POSIXlt

2004-03-09 Thread Gabor Grothendieck

If you search the mail archives for fromchar there are a number
of discussions of similar bugs that all seem to come from 
German or other European users, suggesting locale problems.

I suspect it won't be easy for others to reproduce this
so you might try to see what you can track down yourself.
fromchar is in as.POSIXlt so perhaps you could
try to get the bug to appear by using as.POSIXlt 
directly and then debugging it using 


and as soon as it defines fromchar


In terms of an interim solution, you could use chron.
For example, for the .leap.seconds problem:

   .leap.seconds.chron - chron( format(.leap.seconds,%m/%d/%Y), 
 format(.leap.seconds,%H:%M:%S) )

where the last line uses the fact that chron stores its dates 
internally as the number of days since January 1, 1970.

Date:   Wed, 10 Mar 2004 00:04:30 +0100 
From:   Thomas Petzoldt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:   Re: [R] years from as.POSIXlt 

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

 See ?julian, which says 
 Other components such as the day of the month or the year are very
 easy to computes: just use 'as.POSIXlt' and extract the relevant


unfortunately not all mentioned functions work on all machines. Where


works on all systems, a call to


workes perfectly only on Linux (R 1.8.0) but failed on two different XP 
Machines (German XP version):

Error in fromchar(x) : character string is not in a standard unambiguous 

I've tested several things, several versions of msvcrt.dll, different 
PATH settings, locale set to German or USA, R 1.8.1 and R 1.7.1, but the 
problem remains.

On the other hand

as.numeric(format(x, f=%d))

works perfectly, so I do not understand what is wrong with julian()

Thomas P.

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Re: [R] years from as.POSIXlt

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Thomas Petzoldt wrote:

 as.numeric(format(x, f=%j))
 which is the right code, works perfectly, too.

but the recommended procedure is on the help page ?julian, and of course 
works perfectly.  Just use 1+x$yday if you want 1-based day of the year.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] help

2004-03-09 Thread Christine Tuleau


I am a new member, and I need your help.
For my work (thesis), I use the package rpart to construct trees.
But, to continu my studies, I need to calcule the 'variable importance'. But, I 
don't find a program to do this in the implementation of R.
Is there someone who know if there exist a program which calculate the 'variable 
importance', notion defined by Breiman and al. in CART ?
If this program exists, could you tell me where I can find it, to use it?

Thanks a lot, and sorry for my english.

Christine Tuleau

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Re: [R] years from as.POSIXlt

2004-03-09 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Thomas Petzoldt wrote:

(without copying me)

 Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
  See ?julian, which says 
   Other components such as the day of the month or the year are very
   easy to computes: just use 'as.POSIXlt' and extract the relevant
 unfortunately not all mentioned functions work on all machines. Where

No function is mentioned in that note!

 works on all systems, a call to

What is `leap.seconds'?


works on Windows XP, of course.

 workes perfectly only on Linux (R 1.8.0) but failed on two different XP 
 Machines (German XP version):
 Error in fromchar(x) : character string is not in a standard unambiguous 

What is `leap.seconds' on your machine?  It is an object that as.POSIXct 
is failing on, I suspect (try traceback() to be sure).

 I've tested several things, several versions of msvcrt.dll, different 
 PATH settings, locale set to German or USA, R 1.8.1 and R 1.7.1, but the 
   problem remains.
 On the other hand
  as.numeric(format(x, f=%d))
 works perfectly, so I do not understand what is wrong with julian()

Do *read* the advice on how to get yday quoted above.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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