Re: [R] Maximum likelihood estimate ofbivariatevonmises-weibulldistribut

2006-05-13 Thread Alan Cobo-Lewis on Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 6:00 AM -0500 wrote:
One of my friends recently wrote his PhD thesis from University of
Leeds under Kanti Mardia's direction. 

I bet your friend was really angling for that.

Alan B. Cobo-Lewis, Ph.D.   (207) 581-3840 tel
Department of Psychology(207) 581-6128 fax
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5742[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] Simulating scalar-valued stationary Gaussian processes

2006-05-13 Thread Ben Bolker
Mikael Anderson mikael.anderson at writes:

 I have a sample of size 100 from a function in interval [0,1] which can be
 assumed to come from a scalar-valued stationary Gaussian process. There are
 about 500 observation points in the interval. I need an effective and fast
 way to simulate from the Gaussian process conditioned on the available data.
 I can of course estimate the mean and  500x500 covariance matrix from data.
 I have searched both the Rsite and Internet in general but have not found
 any function or program which could work directly for this type of data.
 There are some packages in R to simulate from Gaussian processes(e.g. geoR,
 waveslim and spectralGP) but I couldn't figure out if any function in these
 packages could work in my framework.
 Given the size of covariance matrix I was thinking about using SVD to reduce
 the size but I would like to hear from the list members if there are more
 effective ways of doing this.

  One option would be to Fourier transform, randomize the
phase, and back-transform: something like

function (x, covar = NULL, argtype = even, intype = cov) 
l - length(x)
if (!is.null(covar)) 
x - x * sqrt(covar/var(x))
y - fft(x)
if (argtype == even) {
if (l%%2 != 0) {
cat(length must be even, for now\n)
arg0 - runif(l/2 - 1, -pi, pi)
arg1 - c(0, arg0, 0, -rev(arg0))
else if (argtype == zero) 
arg1 - rep(0, length(y))
else if (argtype == random) 
arg1 - runif(l, -pi, pi)
z - complex(modulus = Mod(y), argument = arg1)
y - fft(z, inverse = TRUE)/l

of course this also depends exactly what you mean by
conditioned on the available data -- and how do you
feel about parametric models?  RandomFields has lots of
tools for conditional simulation, if you don't mind fitting
a parametric covariance model to your data ...

  Ben Bolker

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Re: [R] .Rprofile file and .First function

2006-05-13 Thread Robert Citek

On May 12, 2006, at 4:06 PM, MARK LEEDS wrote:
 would someone mind to send me an example of a .Rprofile file and  
 a .First function just so I can get an idea. Thanks a lot.

I don't have a .First function, but here's my .Rprofile:

# options for the interactive environment
options(prompt=\nR  ) ;
options(width=1000) ;
quit - To quit, type q() ;
exit - To exit, type q() ;
q - Almost there.  To quit, type q() ;

# familiar aliases / functions
h - function() {
   history( = Inf)
} ;

printf - function (...) {
   cat(sprintf(...)) ;
} ;

- Robert
Help others get OpenSource software.  Distribute FLOSS
for Windows, Linux, *BSD, and MacOS X with BitTorrent

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Re: [R] R-help Digest, Vol 39, Issue 13

2006-05-13 Thread Alan Cobo-Lewis on Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 6:00 AM -0500 wrote:
 lme(biomass~age, random=~woods/age)?


Consult Pinheiro and Bates (2000, Mixed-effects models in S and S-Plus, 
Springer, ISBN 0-387-98957-0 ref 7 at ) for how to fit more elaborate 
models, but two straightforward ones that might be adequate
lme( biomass~age, random=~1|woods )
lme( biomass~age, random=~age|woods )

In the lme4 library corresponding syntax is
lmer( biomass~age+(1|woods) )
lmer( biomass~age+(age|woods) )

For vignettes on the lme4 library see the mlmRev library and
  AUTHOR = {Douglas Bates},
  TITLE = {Fitting Linear Mixed Models in {R}},
  JOURNAL = {R News},
  YEAR = 2005,
  VOLUME = 5,
  NUMBER = 1,
  PAGES = {27--30},
  MONTH = {May},
  URL = {[ 


Alan B. Cobo-Lewis, Ph.D.   (207) 581-3840 tel
Department of Psychology(207) 581-6128 fax
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5742[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[R] [R-pkgs] New CRAN package DPpackage

2006-05-13 Thread Alejandro Jara Vallejos
Dear List,

I am pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.0 of DPpackage on 

DPpackage covers some important models using Dirichlet process priors. 

The package includes: 
Semiparametric Bernoulli regression 
Semiparametric Density estimation 
Semiparametric Linear mixed models 
Semiparametric Generalized linear mixed models
Semiparametric AFT model for interval-censored data

I would very much appreciate any comments/errors/suggestions for 
future development.

Best regards,

Alejandro Jara.


R-packages mailing list

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Re: [R] Contour plot overlayed with line plot

2006-05-13 Thread Michael Prager
It seems you have figured out a solution; for another example, you could 
look here:


Jonathan Greenberg wrote on 5/10/2006 7:46 PM:
 I apologize for what may be a newbie question: I have two sets of data, one
 is X,Y,Z data that I'd like to make a contour plot of (Z defining the
 contours), and a second set of X,Y data (Y as a function of X) which I would
 like made into a line plot OVERLAYED on the contour plot (X and Y from both
 plots are in the same units and will have overlapping values).  Any
 suggestions on how to do this in R?  Thanks!



Michael H. Prager, Ph.D.
Population Dynamics Team
NOAA Center for Coastal Habitat and Fisheries Research
NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Beaufort, North Carolina  28516  USA

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Re: [R] What does it mean to be masked from data when attaching? (Newbie question)

2006-05-13 Thread Dimitrios Rizopoulos
the problem you get comes from the fact that you attach the 
data.frame, e.g., it can be re-produced by:

x1 - rnorm(30)
dat - data.frame(x1 = rnorm(30))

look at ?attach for more details; you could consider with() as an 

I hope it helps.


Dimitris Rizopoulos
Ph.D. Student
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven

Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32/(0)16/336899
Fax: +32/(0)16/337015

Quoting Ben Fairbank [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have several data frames, each with six variables and several
 cases broken out from a larger dataframe by eleven values of a
 called Division.  I have to perform the same analysis on each one. 
 would like to do it by creating a data frame called data2 eleven
 once with data corresponding to each value of the factor, and
 the same analysis on each of the eleven values of data2.  However,
 I assign to data2 the value of one of my data frames, e.g. data2 -
 Florida, and then attach data2, I get the warning 
 The following object(s) are masked from data2 ( position 3 )
  Day Division SchedNo Spent TimeEnter TimeInStr 
 The following object(s) are masked from Alb3 :
  Day Division SchedNo Spent TimeEnter TimeInStr 
 The following object(s) are masked from data2 ( position 5 )
  Day Division SchedNo Spent TimeEnter TimeInStr 
 I am having trouble finding an explanation of these messages, what
 position refers to, and what it means to be masked.  Can someone
 steer me to an online explanation?
 And by the way, one of the analyses I have to perform is simply to
 tabulate the days of the week that occur in variable Day by using
 table(Day) which gives, for example,
  Fri  Mon  Sat  Sun Thur  Tue  Wed 
  173  191  111   92  188  218  187
 What is the proper syntax for doing that by levels of a factor
 the large data frame containing all eleven factors?  I have
 unsuccessfully tried to use by.
 Ben F.
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Re: [R] bitwise addition

2006-05-13 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 15:35 -0500, Nameeta Lobo wrote:
 Hi again
 Sorry I should have been more specific the first time. I am not actually 
 to generate this matrix but what am trying to do is to write a loop which 
 an input of , does a bitwise addition, then checks to see if the new 
 generated has two 1s(I just summed the values to get 2) and if it does outputs
 that to a matrix. It goes on doing it till it reaches .
 So my final output for the above would read
 For 2^6, I was looking for three 1s and so on. 
 I wrote this in a for loop etc. Created the original matrix with expand.grid
 command that you guys helped me out with before. 
 My only concern was that for e.g. 2^25 or higher, not much space can be
 allocated to the creation of the original matrix and then also because of the
 loops there is the problem of computer time. So was just wondering if it was
 easier to do it via bitwise addition.
 thanks a lot for your help everyone.
 any more suggestion


This approach is still heavily time bound due to the process of
comparing the resultant binary representations against the desired
number of 1's. It is probably O(n^3) or worse.

To improve on this, I suspect you will need to go to a compiled language
such as C, where you can engage in more efficient bit level
manipulations. Though perhaps somebody else here will have some further

My premise is that you are not just adding any number to 0, but are
going in integer sequence from 0:((2^x) - 1) looking for a fixed number
of 1's.

Here is the code. It requires the use of Martin's digitsBase() function
from package sfsmisc to create the binary representations of the

FindOnes - function(exp, ones)
  checkDigits - function(x)
n - digitsBase(x, ndigits = exp)
if (sum(n) == ones)
   paste(n, collapse = )

  L - sapply(1:((2^exp) - 1), checkDigits), L)

To use it:

exp:  The exponent desired, as in (2 ^ exp)

ones: The number of 1's desired in the binary representation

So for example:

# Use 2^4 and get results with 2 1's
# Took 0.004 seconds
 FindOnes(4, 2)
[1,] 0011
[2,] 0101
[3,] 0110
[4,] 1001
[5,] 1010
[6,] 1100

# 2^6 with 3 1's
# Took 0.02 seconds
 FindOnes(6, 3)
 [1,] 000111
 [2,] 001011
 [3,] 001101
 [4,] 001110
 [5,] 010011
 [6,] 010101
 [7,] 010110
 [8,] 011001
 [9,] 011010
[10,] 011100
[11,] 100011
[12,] 100101
[13,] 100110
[14,] 101001
[15,] 101010
[16,] 101100
[17,] 110001
[18,] 110010
[19,] 110100
[20,] 111000

Testing with 2^18 looking for 9 1's:

 system.time(x - FindOnes(18, 9))
[1] 76.089  0.664 86.535  0.000  0.000

 chr [1:48620, 1] 01 10 ...

[1] 2722840

I am curious as to your application here.


Marc Schwartz

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[R] apply

2006-05-13 Thread karim\.regh
Dear Sir,
I’am a new user of “R” Software. I thank you very much for this Software.
By running the “R” 2.3.0 software I have encountred aproblem:
I have downloaded the tseriesChaos package from CRAN. When I try to run any 
function of the the tseriesChaos package for example, the c2 function the “R” 
software diplays on the screen ‘error, impossible to find the c2 function).
Please help me! What shall I do to add on this package and run it correctly?
Why the Software displays ‘error, impossible to find the c2 function’? Is it 
caused by a damaged version of the “R” 2.3.0?
I thank you in advance and I am waiting forward your e-mail

This is my e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Accédez au courrier électronique de La Poste : ; 
3615 LAPOSTENET (0,34 €/mn) ; tél : 08 92 68 13 50 (0,34€/mn)

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Re: [R] apply

2006-05-13 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 23:02 +0200, karim.regh wrote:
 Dear Sir,
 Iam a new user of R Software. I thank you very much for this Software.
 By running the R 2.3.0 software I have encountred aproblem:
 I have downloaded the tseriesChaos package from CRAN. When I try to
 run any function of the the tseriesChaos package for example, the c2
 function the R software diplays on the screen error, impossible to
 find the c2 function).
 Please help me! What shall I do to add on this package and run it
 Why the Software displays error, impossible to find the c2 function?
 Is it caused by a damaged version of the R 2.3.0?
 I thank you in advance and I am waiting forward your e-mail

Did you use:


before trying to use the functions that are contained in it?

See R FAQ:

  7.30 I installed a package but the functions are not there

Reading the Posting Guide as noted at the bottom of each e-mail coming
through the list would enable you to solve many basic problems such as


Marc Schwartz

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[R] Fwd: Newbie to R: would like to solve a problem

2006-05-13 Thread percy tiglao
I forgot to forward the message to the group :-/

And I have one more question, but it pertains somewhat to this last
post (which is why I attached the last message)

What is the name of the distribution that takes skewness and kurtosis
as a factor? I figure, if I can find a distribution that better models
the damage done in this game, it would be better off period. A normal
curve estimates the data pretty darn well already, maybe adding in
skewness and kurtosis will make the model close to exact.

I tried searching for skewness and kertosis on google, and found some
information on a Weibull distribution, but it only seems to model
skewness and not as much kurtosis. Is there a specific distribution
that can model data based on both skewness and kurtosis?

-- Forwarded message --
From: percy tiglao [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: May 12, 2006 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [R] Newbie to R: would like to solve a problem
To: McGehee, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 5/12/06, McGehee, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not sure I completely followed (especially what a Knockback is), but
 I'll give this a try.

Lol :-) Video game stuff. Unimportant. You got the main gist of what I
want though.

 If you want to precisely define the convolution of multiple attacks, you
 would want to use a language that utilizes symbolic integration, which R
 currently does not support (e.g. see Mathematica). That said, it sounds
 like you don't actually want a precise answer, but you want to have a
 polynomial function estimate the true distribution. If this is the
 case, then it seems like doing a simulation may be precisely what you
 want. That is, model a polynomial approximation of the total damage from
 multiple attacks as a function of the number of attacks.

Ah. So to get the precise formula, I need Mathematica? Gosh... I'll
just do it by hand then, Lol. I'm so cheap :-/

Well, a simulation was the 2nd thing I was going to ask for if there
was no way for this to work out.

 For instance the function below will plot what the distribution of N
 multiple attacks would look like:

 distributionFun - function(N, min, max, skill, num_attacks) {
 hist(replicate(1000, sum(replicate(N, total_damage(min, max,
 skill, num_attacks)

 sum(replicate(N, total_damage(min, max, skill, num_attacks)))
 will give you a sample from this distribution.

 Thus, distributionFun(1, 10, 20, 1, 1) will show the piecewise constant
 distribution that you would expect from a single attack, and setting N
 to a large number produces a Gaussian distribution (CLT). [NB: Here the
 N and num_attacks arguments may be redundant, but it's not clear to me
 how these multiple attacks work (i.e. are there multiple attacks
 multiple times, etc.)]

If I'm reading this code correctly, You got 100% what I was looking
for, in terms of simulation anyway :)

 Once you have the simulated distribution, you can either create a
 polynomial model as a function of N and use these values as inputs into
 your web simulation, or you can use the code above to grab a single
 sample from the distribution. Also, I imagine you would get better
 results modeling the moments of the distribution (mean, variance, skew,
 kurtosis, etc.) rather than using a polynomial function, but up to you.

Wow... there is so much more math I need to learn before I attempt
this problem again... Kurtosis? Thank god for Wikipedia + googleing
tutorials. And since when was skewness represented as a number? o.O

 Also, if you're only doing this for the first 8 attacks, then
 integrating a piecewise constant function by hand (if Mathematica is
 unavailable) is not too difficult, and running simulations may be going

Not with high-school level Math knowledge it is. Lol. *note to self,
start buying math books*

 Lastly, just as an FYI, your functions can be rewritten a bit more
 concisely as such:

 sdmg - function(min, max, skill) {
  runif(1, min, max) * ifelse(runif(1)  0.4, skill, skill + 1)

 total_damage - function(min, max, skill, num_attacks) {
 sum(replicate(num_attacks, sdmg(min, max, skill))

 Good luck,

Thanks so much for all your help. I'll be looking into other languages
(like Yacas) to see if they can do this precisely (Idealy, I need it
as a function of min, max, and skill. That way, It will be easy enough
for Javascript to calculate.)

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Re: [R] What does it mean to be masked from data when attaching? (Newbie question)

2006-05-13 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 5/13/2006 2:52 PM, Ben Fairbank wrote:
 I have several data frames, each with six variables and several hundred
 cases broken out from a larger dataframe by eleven values of a factor
 called Division.  I have to perform the same analysis on each one.  I
 would like to do it by creating a data frame called data2 eleven times,
 once with data corresponding to each value of the factor, and performing
 the same analysis on each of the eleven values of data2.  However, when
 I assign to data2 the value of one of my data frames, e.g. data2 -
 Florida, and then attach data2, I get the warning 
 The following object(s) are masked from data2 ( position 3 ) :
  Day Division SchedNo Spent TimeEnter TimeInStr 
 The following object(s) are masked from Alb3 :
  Day Division SchedNo Spent TimeEnter TimeInStr 
 The following object(s) are masked from data2 ( position 5 ) :
  Day Division SchedNo Spent TimeEnter TimeInStr 
 I am having trouble finding an explanation of these messages, what the
 position refers to, and what it means to be masked.  Can someone
 steer me to an online explanation?

It is the position in the search list.  See search() for the complete list.

It sounds as though you are attaching things, but not detaching them: 
and R is warning that the new attach is hiding something from the 
previous one.

The Introduction to R manual discusses this in the Data frames section 
of the Lists and data frames chapter.

Duncan Murdoch

 And by the way, one of the analyses I have to perform is simply to
 tabulate the days of the week that occur in variable Day by using
 table(Day) which gives, for example,
  Fri  Mon  Sat  Sun Thur  Tue  Wed 
  173  191  111   92  188  218  187
 What is the proper syntax for doing that by levels of a factor within
 the large data frame containing all eleven factors?  I have
 unsuccessfully tried to use by.
 Ben F.
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[R] Adding error bars to a trellis barchart display

2006-05-13 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --

   I'm using trellis to generate bar charts, but there's no built-in
function to generate error bars or confidence intervals, as far as I
can tell.  I assumed I could just write my own panel function to add
them, so I searched the archive, and found a posting from the author
of the package stating ... placing multiple bars side by side needs
specialized calculations, which are done within panel.barchart. To add
bars to these, you will need to reproduce those calculations.
   Just so I'm clear on this -- there's no capacity to add bars to the
plot, nor to find out the coordinates of the bars in the graphs
themselves.  If you want them, you have to completely rewrite
panel.barchart.  Is this correct?  Are there really so few people
using error bars with bar charts?

-- Chris

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Re: [R] Adding error bars to a trellis barchart display

2006-05-13 Thread Tim Churches
Chris Bergstresser wrote:
 Hi all --
I'm using trellis to generate bar charts, but there's no built-in
 function to generate error bars or confidence intervals, as far as I
 can tell.  I assumed I could just write my own panel function to add
 them, so I searched the archive, and found a posting from the author
 of the package stating ... placing multiple bars side by side needs
 specialized calculations, which are done within panel.barchart. To add
 bars to these, you will need to reproduce those calculations.
Just so I'm clear on this -- there's no capacity to add bars to the
 plot, nor to find out the coordinates of the bars in the graphs
 themselves.  If you want them, you have to completely rewrite
 panel.barchart.  Is this correct?  Are there really so few people
 using error bars with bar charts?

One of our projects does confidence intervals on bar cahrts produced
using teh lattice library. It is quite feasible without too much effort
- see:

Sorry I don't have time to extract the code which does this right now,
but you can dissect it out yourself from the NetEpi-Analysis-0.8 tarball
at -
although the R code is embedded in Python classes, which might make
extrication a bit more difficult (and which is why I don't have time to
do it right now). But from memory the chunk of R code which overrides
the default panel function is fairly self-contained and you should be
able to identify it fairly easily - just grep the source code for likely
strings such as panel.barchart to discover where it is.

Other screenshots can be downloaded from if anyone
is interested.

Tim C

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Re: [R] Adding error bars to a trellis barchart display

2006-05-13 Thread Deepayan Sarkar
On 5/13/06, Chris Bergstresser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all --

I'm using trellis to generate bar charts, but there's no built-in
 function to generate error bars or confidence intervals, as far as I
 can tell.  I assumed I could just write my own panel function to add
 them, so I searched the archive, and found a posting from the author
 of the package stating ... placing multiple bars side by side needs
 specialized calculations, which are done within panel.barchart. To add
 bars to these, you will need to reproduce those calculations.
Just so I'm clear on this -- there's no capacity to add bars to the
 plot, nor to find out the coordinates of the bars in the graphs
 themselves.  If you want them, you have to completely rewrite
 panel.barchart.  Is this correct?  Are there really so few people
 using error bars with bar charts?

I would hope so, since bar charts with error bars are horrible things,
in my opinion. Lattice comes with an example of (standard) confidence
intervals (new in R 2.3.0) that can be accessed by running


The Hmisc package also has high level interfaces that support
confidence intervals (I'm not familiar with the details).


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[R] Bioconductor AND Genetics Library

2006-05-13 Thread Farrel Buchinsky
I am aware of the R Genetics Project that developed the R library and 
software called Bioconductor ( ) . How do the 
two relate to each other? What is the one that the other is not and vice 
versa? Can anybody link me to something that answers the question?

Farrel Buchinsky, MD
Pediatric Otolaryngologist
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA

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Re: [R] bitwise addition

2006-05-13 Thread jim holtman
Using the algorithm in the reference and the 'bitops' package, here
is some code that will select the numeric values with a specified number of
bits.  It takes less than 12 seconds to select from 21-bit numbers. If I had
more memory, I would expect that for 25-bit numbers it would take about 200
seconds to compute the indices.

 mask1 - 0x
 mask2 - 0x
 mask4 - 0x0f0f0f0f
 mask8 - 0x00ff00ff
 mask16 - 0x
[1] TRUE
 x - 0:(2^21 - 1)   # test all number with 21 bits
+ x - bitAnd(x, mask1) + bitAnd(bitShiftR(x, 1), mask1)
+ x - bitAnd(x, mask2) + bitAnd(bitShiftR(x, 2), mask2)
+ x - bitAnd(x, mask4) + bitAnd(bitShiftR(x, 4), mask4)
+ x - bitAnd(x, mask8) + bitAnd(bitShiftR(x, 8), mask8)
+ x - bitAnd(x, mask16) + bitAnd(bitShiftR(x, 16), mask16)
+ })
[1] 10.40  0.87 11.82NANA
 # print the first 10 numbers
 which(x == 9)[1:10] - 1  # account for sequence starting at zero
 [1]  511  767  895  959  991 1007 1015 1019 1021 1022

On 5/13/06, Marc Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 15:35 -0500, Nameeta Lobo wrote:
  Hi again
  Sorry I should have been more specific the first time. I am not actually
  to generate this matrix but what am trying to do is to write a loop
 which takes
  an input of , does a bitwise addition, then checks to see if the new
  generated has two 1s(I just summed the values to get 2) and if it does
  that to a matrix. It goes on doing it till it reaches .
  So my final output for the above would read
  For 2^6, I was looking for three 1s and so on.
  I wrote this in a for loop etc. Created the original matrix with
  command that you guys helped me out with before.
  My only concern was that for e.g. 2^25 or higher, not much space can be
  allocated to the creation of the original matrix and then also because
 of the
  loops there is the problem of computer time. So was just wondering if it
  easier to do it via bitwise addition.
  thanks a lot for your help everyone.
  any more suggestion


 This approach is still heavily time bound due to the process of
 comparing the resultant binary representations against the desired
 number of 1's. It is probably O(n^3) or worse.

 To improve on this, I suspect you will need to go to a compiled language
 such as C, where you can engage in more efficient bit level
 manipulations. Though perhaps somebody else here will have some further

 My premise is that you are not just adding any number to 0, but are
 going in integer sequence from 0:((2^x) - 1) looking for a fixed number
 of 1's.

 Here is the code. It requires the use of Martin's digitsBase() function
 from package sfsmisc to create the binary representations of the

 FindOnes - function(exp, ones)
 checkDigits - function(x)
n - digitsBase(x, ndigits = exp)
if (sum(n) == ones)
   paste(n, collapse = )

 L - sapply(1:((2^exp) - 1), checkDigits), L)

 To use it:

 exp:  The exponent desired, as in (2 ^ exp)

 ones: The number of 1's desired in the binary representation

 So for example:

 # Use 2^4 and get results with 2 1's
 # Took 0.004 seconds
  FindOnes(4, 2)
 [1,] 0011
 [2,] 0101
 [3,] 0110
 [4,] 1001
 [5,] 1010
 [6,] 1100

 # 2^6 with 3 1's
 # Took 0.02 seconds
  FindOnes(6, 3)
 [1,] 000111
 [2,] 001011
 [3,] 001101
 [4,] 001110
 [5,] 010011
 [6,] 010101
 [7,] 010110
 [8,] 011001
 [9,] 011010
 [10,] 011100
 [11,] 100011
 [12,] 100101
 [13,] 100110
 [14,] 101001
 [15,] 101010
 [16,] 101100
 [17,] 110001
 [18,] 110010
 [19,] 110100
 [20,] 111000

 Testing with 2^18 looking for 9 1's:

  system.time(x - FindOnes(18, 9))
 [1] 76.089  0.664 86.535  0.000  0.000

 chr [1:48620, 1] 01 10 ...

 [1] 2722840

 I am curious as to your application here.


 Marc Schwartz

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Re: [R] .Rprofile file and .First function

2006-05-13 Thread Robert Citek

On May 13, 2006, at 9:22 AM, MARK LEEDS wrote:
 thanks robert.

You're welcome, Mark.

 if tyou don't ind me asking,  what do those statements quit, exit  
 and q do in the .Rprofile function ? Thanks.

I tend to work in a lot of different environments, each with their  
own way of exiting.  If I type any of those three variables, they  
remind me of the correct way to exit the R environment.

- Robert
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