Re: [R] Good news about my problem

2005-09-23 Thread
Greetings, Mr Bivand and all the other authors,

I'm glad to say that there are some encouraging advances in my debugging 
progress. Thanks to Mr Brivand, I could check the packages installed on my 
oparation system. I have found that I have only one of the two font files 
installed-'xorg-x11-75dpi-fonts' installed and left the other one. So I have it 
('xorg-x11-100dpi-fonts') installed and then do those checks again. Howerver, 
nothing is changed after installing. Inspired by your advice, I searched for 
any packages related to 'X11' and 'font', and have them all installed 
accompained with those that they related to. For details, I installed 
'xorg-x11-cyrillic-fonts-6.7.0-3mdk','libxorg-x11-static-devel' whose name 
contains the word 'devel' and some other packages they related to.
After doing all of these installation, I re-check the problem. Although I 
cannot pass the check command 'make check' nor can I find the file 
'graphics-Ex.Rout', I can complete the demo command 'demo(graphics)' 
successfully! How happy I am! 

To ensure my conclusion, I will paste the last few lines of messages displayed 
after running the command 'demo(graphics)' below: Could try check it for me 
  usr - par(usr)

 rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col = green3)

 contour(x, y, volcano, levels = l, col = yellow,
lty = solid, add = TRUE)


 title(A Topographic Map of Maunga Whau, font = 4)

 title(xlab = Meters North, ylab = Meters West,
font = 3)

 mtext(10 Meter Contour Spacing, side = 3, line = 0.35,
outer = FALSE, at = mean(par(usr)[1:2]), cex = 0.7, font = 3)

 par(bg = cornsilk)

 coplot(lat ~ long | depth, data = quakes, pch = 21,
bg = green3)
pressreturnfor next graphic:


Thanks to your advice, I can display graphics correctly. And I am waiting for 
your further advice or suggestion to dealing with my problems. 

Thank you very much! Best wishes to everone!
   Sincerely yours,
   An Chinese

__ mailing list
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[R] Questions about R

2005-09-22 Thread
Sep, 22nd,2005
Dear Authors,
Thanks for reading this email. I'm a graduate student from China  (PRC) and 
learning the R at present. Now I have some questions to ask you as I have met 
some strange problems during installing and running the R environment, which 
can not be found in the R FAQ document (or just I can not find them). 

It might be useful that I gived you the information of my operation system and 
hardwares. I am using R on a Mandrake Linux 10.1 operation system on a PC 
platform parchased from IBM company. The mainboard of my computer is Intel 
915PG, that means it has an integrated graphic accelerator.

The first question is about the error occurs during my installation. Following 
the R Installation and Administration manual, I successully downloaded the 
latest version of R, unziped the file, and also completed the progress 
./configure and make successully. By the way, I managed to install a 
developmental package of Linux named r77, which may be a FORTRAN 
developmental package, before installing the R environment into my computer. 
However, an error occured when I type the commond make check or make check 
FORCE=FORCE or make check-devel, and the warnings displayed are written 
below:( Somewords are translated from Chinese into English by myself)

running code in 'graphics-Ex.R' ...make[4]: *** [graphics-Ex.Rout] error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/zhengqi/R_HOME/R-2.1.1/tests/Examples'
make[3]: *** [test-Examples-Base] error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/zhengqi/R_HOME/R-2.1.1/tests/Examples'
make[2]: *** [test-Examples] error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/zhengqi/R_HOME/R-2.1.1/tests'
make[1]: *** [test-all-basics] error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/zhengqi/R_HOME/R-2.1.1/tests'
make: *** [check] error 2

What's the mean of the error messeage listed up? Why it happens in my computer? 
Which kind of problems is it, software's or hardware's? I just  ignored the 
mistakes, as it says in your installation manual that this kind of failures is 
not  necessarilly problems as they might be caused by missing functionality, 
until I met with the following problem.

The second bug occured when I was doing some ordinary statistical work. Suppose 
v1 is a numerical vector of length(v1)==20; further suppose 
 v1 - c(1:20).
When I type the command
simillar errors take place, and it prompts the following messages below: ( some 
key words of the promption are translated into English by myself)
For the first command, it warns:
error occurs at: plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, col = col, lty = lty, 
...) :
'' hasn't been called yet

and for the second command, it warns:
error occurs at: axis(side, at = x, lab = FALSE, lwd = lwd, ...) :
'' hasn't been called yet
Besides: warnings:
some values will be clipped in: rug(v1)

These are some description of the problems I met during the installing and 
running the R environment. And if you need more detail description of those 
problems, please let me know and I will gather any information about them as 
much as possible. 

Waiting for your reply!

Best wishes to everyone!
Sincerely yours,

  Anonymous user from Beijing, China

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] It seems that it is not the reason causing my problems

2005-09-22 Thread
Dear Authors:

Thanks for your advice on my question. However, it seems that it is not the 
reason that your told in your reply. I just opened a new R session and type the 
command capabilities(), and it displayed indentical results to the right 
ones described in your letter, that is:
jpeg  pngtcltk  X11 http/ftp  sockets   libxml fifo
  cledit  IEEE754iconv
And I can not pass the make check all the same. Is there any other possible 
reasons which could cause this depressing problem?

 Sincerely yours,
 Anonymous user

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] More detail discriptions about my problem

2005-09-22 Thread
Dear Mr Bivand and all the authors,
Glad to recieve your letter, and it seems that you catched the very bug this 
time! First of all, there isn't any file named graphics.Ex-rout in direction  
  tests/Examples/ but there are graphics.Ex.R and 
files there, the latter of which looks like a good crue of my problem. So I 
tared this file and sent it as an attached file of this letter, wishing it 
won't be rejected by your server. 

I also try demo(graphics) in a new R session and some errors occured as 
expected. The graphics demo can be displayed correctly until the third one. An 
mistake happened and braked down the command. The failing message is writed 
down below:( also some key words was translated into English by myself)
Press 'Enter' for the next graphic :

 title(main = January Pie Sales, cex.main = 1.8,
font.main = 1)
error occurs in: title(main = January Pie Sales, cex.main = 1.8, font.main = 
1) :
cannot load X11 font size 22 

So it seems that there are still some problems with my package X11, doesn't 

All good luck!

  Yours sincerely,
  An Chinese

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