Re: [R] problem with read.table

2007-05-22 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

On May 22, 2007, at 9:41 PM, Alex Tsoi wrote:

 Dear all,

 I  try to use read.table to get the data from a tab delimited file,  
 and some
 of the data is shown below:


 and it means that whenever read.table reads  '  , it skips the next  
 until it reads  '   again

 Could anyone  show me how to solve this kind of problem ?

 I greatly appreciate for any suggestion.  Thanks.

You might want to have a look at ?read.table for more details, but  
the following should do it:

test - read.table(data.txt, colClasses = character, sep=\t,  

Essentially by default read.table sees both  and ' as quote  
delimiters. In your data, you only want  as a quote delimiter.

 Alex Tsoi-

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Questions about bwplot

2007-05-21 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On May 21, 2007, at 8:39 AM, Klaus Nordhausen wrote:

 Dear R-experts,

 I have some questions about boxplots with lattice.
 My data is similar as in the example below, I have two factors
 (Goodness of Fit and Algorithms) and data values but in each panels  
 the scales are quite different, therefore the normal boxplots  
 produced by

 GOF - factor(rep(c(GOF1,GOF2,GOF3),each=40))
 Alg - rep(factor(rep(c(A1,A2,A3,R1),each=10)),3)
 Value - c(runif(40),rnorm(40),rnorm(30,10,3),rnorm(10,20,3)) - data.frame(Alg=Alg,GOF=GOF,Value=Value)

 bwplot(Value ~ Alg | GOF, data =, as.table=T, layout=c(1,3))

 are not very informative.

 Then I used

 bwplot(Value ~ Alg | GOF, data =, scale=list 
 (relation=free), as.table=T, layout=c(1,3))

 from which my first question arises:

 Is it possible to have no vertical space between the panels though  
 they have different y-scales when using the
 argument scale=list(relation=free)?

Try this:
bwplot(Value ~ Alg | GOF, data =, scale=list(y=list 
(relation=free)), as.table=T, layout=c(1,3))

Sorry, don't have any thoughts about your other two questions off the  
top of my head.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] how to convert a string vector to a numeric vector

2007-05-13 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

On May 13, 2007, at 7:48 AM, Mihai Bisca wrote:

 Hello all,

 I'm new to R and I cannot find a simple answer to a simple question.
 If I have a character vector like v - c('1/50,'1/2','1/8'...) how can
 I convert it to a numeric vector like vn - c(0.02,0.5,0.125...). I
 tried as.numeric in various ways and failed miserably. Currently I use
 a function like: for (e in v) { if (e=='1/50') vn-c(vn,0.02) ...} but
 that feels bad because it needs to be (humanly) modified everytime a
 new fraction appears in v.

The problem is that as.numeric does not expect to see expressions  
that would need evaluation, like 1/50 above, but instead it expects  
to see numbers.

Assuming the entries have always the form a/b, with a and b numbers,  
then you could use this:

vn - sapply(strsplit(v,/), function(x) as.numeric(x[1])/as.numeric 

If your entries are allowed to be more general expressions, like (1 
+5)/10 or simply 0.2 or whatnot, you could perhaps use:

sapply(parse(text=v), eval)

But I prefer to avoid parse+eval whenever possible.

 Thanks in advance,


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] sequential for loop

2007-04-20 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
Hi Michael,
On Apr 20, 2007, at 12:31 AM, Michael Toews wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm usually comfortable using the *apply functions for vectorizing  
 in R. However, my particular problem now is using it in a sequential
 operation, which uses values evaluated in an offset of the loop  

 Here is my example using a for loop approach:

 dat - data.frame(year=rep(1970:1980,each=365),yday=1:365)
 dat$value - sin(dat$yday*2*pi/365)+rnorm(nrow(dat),sd=0.5)
 dat$ca - dat$cb - 0 # consecutive above and below 0

 for(n in 2:nrow(dat)){
   if(dat$value[n]  0)
 dat$ca[n] - dat$ca[n-1] + 1
 dat$cb[n] - dat$cb[n-1] + 1

 I'm inquiring if there is a straightforward way to vectorize this  
 (or a
 similar example) in R, since it gets rather slow with larger data
 frames. If there is no straightforward method, no worries.

Would this do what you want:

dat - data.frame(year=rep(1970:1980,each=365),yday=1:365)
dat$value - sin(dat$yday*2*pi/365)+rnorm(nrow(dat),sd=0.5)
positives - dat$value  0
dat$ca - cumsum(c(0,positives[-1]))
dat$cb - cumsum(c(0,!positives[-1]))

 Thanks in advance.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Two sample t.test, order of comparions

2007-04-18 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 18, 2007, at 8:46 AM, Helmut Schütz wrote:

 Dear group members,

 I want to compare response variables (logAUC) of two groups  
 Test, Reference) of a subset (period == 1) in dataframe resp

[ snip ]

 The formula method of t.test

 result - t.test(logAUC ~ treatment, data = resp, subset = (period ==
 1), var.equal = FALSE, conf.level = 0.90)


 Welch Two Sample t-test

 data:  logAUC by treatment
 t = 1.1123, df = 21.431, p-value = 0.2783
 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
 90 percent confidence interval:
  -0.0973465  0.4542311
 sample estimates:
 mean in group Reference  mean in group Test

 Now I'm interested rather in the confidence interval of Test -
 Reference rather than Reference - Test which is given by t.test

 Do you know a more elegant way than the clumsy one I have tried?


First off, those three could probably be simplified slightly as:

The simplest solution I think is to specify that resp$treatment  
should have the levels ordered in the way you like them using this  

resp$treatment - ordered(resp$treatment, levels=rev(levels(resp 

Then the t.test will show things in the order you want them.

 Best regards,

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Data Manipulation using R

2007-04-17 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 17, 2007, at 8:03 PM, Anup Nandialath wrote:

 Dear Friends,

 I have data set with around 220,000 rows and 17 columns. One of the  
 columns is an id variable which is grouped from 1000 through 9000.  
 I need to perform the following operations.

 1) Remove all the observations with id's between 6000 and 6999

 I tried using this method.

 remdat1 - subset(data, ID6000)
 remdat2 - subset(data, ID=7000)
 donedat - rbind(remdat1, remdat2)

 I check the last and first entry and found that it did not have ID  
 values 6000. Therefore I think that this might be correct, but is  
 this the most efficient way of doing this?

The rbind is a bit unnecessary probably.

I think all you are missing for both questions is the or operator,   
|.  ( ?| )


donedat - subset(data, ID 6000 | ID =7000)

would do for this. Not sure about efficiency, but if the code is fast  
as it stands I wouldn't worry too much about it.

 2) I need to remove observations within columns 3, 4, 6 and 8 when  
 they are negative. For instance if the number in column 3 is -4,  
 then I need to delete the entire observation. Can somebody help me  
 with this too.

The following should do it (untested, not sure if it would handle NA's):

toremove - data[,3]  0 | data[,4]  0 | data[,6]  0 | data[,8]  0

If you want more columns than those 4, then we could perhaps look for  
a better line than the first line above.

 Thank and Regards


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Simplify simple code

2007-04-16 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 16, 2007, at 1:37 AM, Dong-hyun Oh wrote:
 Dear expeRts,

 I would simplify following code.
 youtput - function(x1, x2){
n - length(x1)
y - vector(mode=numeric, length=n)
for(i in 1:n){
  if(x1[i] =5  x1[i] = 10  x2[i] =5  x2[i] =10)
y[i] - 0.631 * x1[i]^0.55 * x2[i]^0.65
  if(x1[i] =10  x1[i] = 15  x2[i] =5  x2[i] =10)
y[i] - 0.794 * x1[i]^0.45 * x2[i]^0.65
  if(x1[i] =5  x1[i] = 10  x2[i] =10  x2[i] =15)
y[i] - 1.259 * x1[i]^0.55 * x2[i]^0.35
  if(x1[i] =10  x1[i] = 15  x2[i] =10  x2[i] =15)
y[i] - 1.585 * x1[i]^0.45 * x2[i]^0.35
 Anyone can help me?

I hope someone comes up with something better, but here is one way:

youtput - function(x1, x2) {
co1 - matrix(c(0.631,0.794,1.259,1.585), c(2,2))
co2 - c(0.55,0.45)
co3 - c(0.65,0.35)
p1 - findInterval(x1,c(5,10,15))
p2 - findInterval(x2,c(5,10,15))
return( diag(co1[p1,p2]) * x1^co2[p1] * x2^co3[p2] )

It is not clear at all what you wanted to happen when x1 and/or x2 is  
not between 5 and 15, so I did not deal with those case. The above  
command will choke in that case, and should be modified accordingly  
depending on what you want.


 Dong H. Oh

 Ph. D Candidate
 Techno-Economics and Policy Program
 College of Engineering, Seoul National University,
 Seoul, 151-050, Republic of Korea

 Mobile: +82-10-6877-2109
 Office : +82-2-880-9142
 Fax: +82-2-880-8389

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] read.spss (package foreign) and SPSS 15.0 files

2007-04-16 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 16, 2007, at 10:41 AM, John Kane wrote:
 --- Charilaos Skiadas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is not an export option, it is a save as
 option. I don't have
 a 14 to check, but on a 15 I just go to File - Save
 As, and change
 the Save as type field to Comma Delimited
 (.*.csv). (I suppose
 tab delimited would be another option). Then there
 are two check-
 boxes below the window that allow a bit further
 customizing, one of
 them is about using value labels where defined
 instead of data values.

 I'm now back on a machine with SPSS 14.  No csv option
 that I can see.  Perhaps an enhancement to v15.

I don't have a 14, but I did check a 13 today and you are correct, no  
csv option is there, which in my opinion is quite unacceptable for a  
statistical package that is on its 13/14th version. But there was an  
option for Excel 97 and ..., and that seemed to allow using value  
labels instead of the values (again you have to check the  
corresponding box). So perhaps that would be an option.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] read.spss (package foreign) and SPSS 15.0 files

2007-04-14 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 14, 2007, at 7:06 AM, John Kane wrote:

 --- Adrian Dusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at writes:
 I save as csv format all the time, and it offers
 me a choice to use
 the labels instead of the corresponding numbers.
 So you shouldn't
 have to lose that labelling.

 This is interesting and I tried to do this as well;
 I don't have access to an
 SPSS 15 (only to version 14 for the moment) but I
 cannot find the option to save
 as CSV. Is it a version 15 feature?


 I cannot remember if I have been using 14 or 14, I
 think it was 14 and I'm not near the machine to check.

   There does not seem to be a csv export in 14 but it
 looks like you can achieve the same thing by using one
 of the Excel outputs and then dumping the file from

It is not an export option, it is a save as option. I don't have  
a 14 to check, but on a 15 I just go to File - Save As, and change  
the Save as type field to Comma Delimited (.*.csv). (I suppose  
tab delimited would be another option). Then there are two check- 
boxes below the window that allow a bit further customizing, one of  
them is about using value labels where defined instead of data values.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: [R] Getting and using a function

2007-04-13 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 12, 2007, at 11:28 PM, Thomas L Jones wrote:

 library (gam)  all I get is an error message.

 Error in library (gam)  : there is no package called 'gam'

 Well, does this mean what it says, or does it mean something  
 different? For
 example, does it mean that such-and-such computer program has not  
 yet been

It means there is no package called 'gam' in your computer at this  
moment. You need to download it first. You can probably do this  
through the application menus. I am on a Mac, but the menus should be  
similar. I have a PackagesData menu, that has a Package  
Installer item.

Alternatively, you can use the install.packages command I think:

R has a bit of a learning curve, you'll probably want to read some of  
the basic guides first, if you haven't yet. Have a look at these:

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: [R] if/else construct

2007-04-13 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 13, 2007, at 8:19 AM, Schmitt, Corinna wrote:

 Dear R-Experts,

 Since Monday I try to write the right if/else construct for the  
 I was not successful yet. Important is the order of the if-cases! The
 code is running with the 2 if-cases. An if/else construction would  
 better, so can any one help me with the right if/else construction?

There are three possible values for deletingDecision:

1) y
2) n
3) Something else

If you are going to use an if/else construct, you better make sure  
you know what you want to do with the third option. In my opinion,  
you would want it to be the same as 2, in which case you really want  
the if decision==yes option first, and the other option in the else  
clause. Looking at ?if, it should look at something like this:

if (deletingDecision == yes) {
} else {
print(Not yes!)

Or if you really want a third option:

if (deletingDecision == yes) {
} else if (deletingDecision == no) {
} else {

 Thanks, Corinna

 deletingDecision = userInput()
 yes - c(y)
 no - c(n)
 noAnswer - c(Current R workspace was not deleted!)

 # first if
 if (deletingDecision == no) {
 print(Current R workspace was not deleted!)

 # second if
 if (deletingDecision == yes) {
 print(Current R workspace was deleted!)

Hope this helps.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: [R] graphics question: tilted axis labels?

2007-04-13 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
Your problem is different I think, it's the fact that LA$countries is  
a factor, and hence you see the factor levels instead of their  
labels. Try:

# create data frame
   LA - data.frame(countries=c(Chile, Peru, Bolivia), values=c
(10, 12, 13), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# call barplot
barplot(LA$values, names.arg=LA$countries)

On Apr 13, 2007, at 9:02 AM, Christoph Heibl wrote:

 I´m sorry, I did not provide any code.

 Here is now a small example:

 # create data frame
   LA - data.frame(countries=c(Chile, Peru, Bolivia), values=c
 (10, 12, 13))
 # call barplot
   barplot(LA$values, names.arg=LA$countries)
 # Countries names are not plotted, but their index numbers instead.
 # So again the question:
 # How can I tilt the angles in order to make whole names fit?


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
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Re: [R] graphics question: tilted axis labels?

2007-04-13 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 13, 2007, at 9:52 AM, Christoph Heibl wrote:

 Dear Charilaos,

 Thanks ... your were right. I now get the names. But the problems  
 remains that the space (30 items) is insufficient to bear all the  
 names and I am still looking for a way to accommodate them. Do you  
 know of any solution?

Frankly, if you have a barplot with 30 items, I would rethink the  
situation if I were you. As an audience, I would find it hard to  
process such a graph. Put it might just be me.
I personally think that tilting them 45, or even 90 degrees is not a  
very good idea presentation-wise, and opt instead to have the  
barplots be horizontal when something like this happens (barplot 
(...,horiz=TRUE) ).
If you look at ?par, you'll find the options crt and srt, which  
don't seem to work on the axes, and also have a big warning about not  
expecting a 45 degree tilt to always work. You can use las to turn  
it 90 degrees if you really want that.

I think lattice and grid would allow you perhaps to do exactly what  
you want, though it might be somewhat more work.

Sorry, perhaps I was more critical than helpful. Best of luck with it.

PS: Why do drawing commands have different names for the horizontal  

boxplot - horizontal
barplot - horiz


 On 13.04.2007, at 15:27, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:

 # create data frame
   LA - data.frame(countries=c(Chile, Peru, Bolivia), values=c
 (10, 12, 13), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 # call barplot
 barplot(LA$values, names.arg=LA$countries)

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
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Re: [R] problems in loading MASS

2007-04-12 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

I have never had much success installing packages from within  
on MacOSX, because the location that it is supposed to save things, / 
Library/Frameworks/, needs elevated priviledges, which the app  
doesn't seem to try to get.  So it at best ends up saving it in some  
temporary location, and it has to be downloaded again next time R is  

As a result, I have always downloaded the tgz file from my browser,  
then go to the terminal in that folder and do a sudo R CMD INSTALL  

But perhaps I am doing something wrong and one can do this properly  
from within, I would love to be wrong on this one.

R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets   
methods   base

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

On Apr 12, 2007, at 6:04 PM, Weiwei Shi wrote:

 Hi, there:

 After I upgraded my R to 2.4.1, it is my first time of trying to use
 MASS and found the following error message:
 --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
 trying URL ' 
 Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 995260 bytes
 opened URL
 downloaded 971Kb

 The downloaded packages are in

 Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
   unable to load shared library
 6): Library not loaded:
   Referenced from:
   Reason: image not found
 Error: package/namespace load failed for 'MASS'

 R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)


 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets
 methods   base

 other attached packages:

 platform   i386-apple-darwin8.8.1
 arch   i386
 os darwin8.8.1
 system i386, darwin8.8.1
 major  2
 minor  4.1
 year   2006
 month  12
 svn rev40228
 language   R
 version.string R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)

 Weiwei Shi, Ph.D
 Research Scientist
 GeneGO, Inc.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: [R] Boxplot names format

2007-04-11 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 11, 2007, at 5:31 AM, Jose Sierra wrote:

 Thank you very much Peters. it runs 

 Peter Danenberg escribió:
 I create a boxplot but the names are too longs and i cant see them

  If you're referring to labels on the x-axis, Jose, I'll
 sometimes rotate them and increase the bottom margin:

I personally prefer to just turn the boxplot horizontally, and use  
las=1 to display the labels on the y axis horizontally. Makes them  
easier to read in my opinion. Or perhaps I am committing a faux-pas?  
Are boxplots considered harder to read if they are horizontal?

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

PS: Please don't hijack threads. Your original email was in response  
to a message called Rserve and R to R communication by Ramon Diaz- 
Uriarte.  (Point 4 of the Technical details of posting:  section of  
the posting guide:

PS2: To whoever is responsible for the posting guide: The link in the  
above mentioned section referring to General Instructions is  
missing the .html, and sending people to the non-existing http:// (or is it perhaps just my browser? )

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
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Re: [R] Reasons to Use R

2007-04-11 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
A new fortune candidate perhaps?

On Apr 10, 2007, at 6:27 PM, Greg Snow wrote:

 Remember, everything is better than everything else given the right

 Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Memory management

2007-04-11 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
Before you go down that road, I would recommend first seeing if it is  
really a problem. Premature code optimization is in my opinion never  
a good idea.

Also, reading the Details on ?attach you will find this:

The database is not actually attached. Rather, a new environment is  
created on the search path and the elements of a list (including  
columns of a data frame) or objects in a save file or an environment  
are copied into the new environment. If you use - or assign to  
assign to an attached database, you only alter the attached copy, not  
the original object. (Normal assignment will place a modified version  
in the user's workspace: see the examples.) For this reason attach  
can lead to confusion.

So in fact it is the attaching that has to do copying, not the other  
way around.

As for references, perhaps there is a better one, but searching for  
pass in Writing R Extensions I found the following on page 41:

Some memory allocation is obvious in interpreted code, for example,
y - x + 1
allocates memory for a new vector y. Other memory allocation is less  
obvious and occurs because
R is forced to make good on its promise of ‘call-by-value’ argument  
passing. When an argument
is passed to a function it is not immediately copied. Copying occurs  
(if necessary) only when
the argument is modified. This can lead to surprising memory use.

Perhaps a better source, section 4.3.3 of The R language  
definition, on Argument Evaluation.

On Apr 11, 2007, at 8:25 AM, yoo wrote:

 I guess I have more reading to do Are there any website that I  
 can read
 up on memory management, or specifically what happen when we 'pass in'
 variables, which strategy is better at which situation?

 - y

 On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, yoo wrote:

 Hi all, I'm just curious how memory management works in R... I  
 need to
 run an
 optimization that keeps calling the same function with a large  
 set of
 parameters... so then I start to wonder if it's better if I  
 attach the
 variables first vs passing them in (coz that involves a lot of  

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Boxplot with quartiles generated from different algorithms

2007-04-11 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 11, 2007, at 7:59 AM, Pietrzykowski, Matthew (GE, Research)  

 R users:

 I am trying to replicate the boxplot output I achieve with Minitab  
 in R.
 I realize that R gives the user many more options on the algorithm  
 calculate the IQR than Minitab, so I concentrated on type=6 when using
 the quantile() function in R.  The problem I am having is setting the
 upper and
 lower limit of the whisker based on the nearest actual data that  
 be included.
 If the last sentence is unclear, setting the boxplot$stats rows 1  
 and 5
 to the right
 values based on the IQR from the type=6 setting of the quantile
 function.  Is there
 an easy way to do this for a data frame or matrix?

Seeing as noone else answered this (at least not onlist), I'll give  
it a go I think. If I understand your question correctly, you know  
how to find the values you want for boxplot$stats rows 1 and 5, your  
question is how to get boxplot to accept them. If so, you should be  
able to simply do the following three steps:

pl - boxplot()
pl$stats[1] - 

I suppose the question that remains then is whether you can do this  
by a single direct call to boxplot. I had this question a couple of  
months ago, because I wanted to make the output of boxplot be what my  
students were expecting from what they had learned (Moore  McCabe)  
and wasn't able to find an answer. I'd love to find out if there is one.

 Many thanks,


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Reasons to Use R

2007-04-09 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 9, 2007, at 1:45 PM, Greg Snow wrote:

 The licences keep changing, some have in the past but don't now, some
 you can get an additional licence for home at a discounted price. Some
 it depends on the type of licence you have at work (currently our SAS
 licence is such that the 3 people in my group can all have it  
 but at most 1 can be using it at any 1 time, how does that affect
 installing/using it at home).

Hm, this intrigues me, it would seem to me that the only way for SAS  
to check that only one of your colleagues uses it at any given time  
would be to contact some sort of online server. Does that mean that  
SAS can only be run when you have internet access?

Or is it simply a clause on the license, without any runtime checks?

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Computing the rank of a matrix.

2007-04-06 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 6, 2007, at 7:39 AM, José Luis Aznarte M. wrote:

 Hi! Maybe this is a silly question, but I need the column rank
 ( of a matrix and R function
 'rank()' only gives me the ordering of the elements of my matrix.
 How can I compute the column rank of a matrix? Is there not an R
 equivalent to Matlab's 'rank()'?
 I've been browsing for a time now and I can't find anything, so  
 help will be greatly appreciated. Best regards!

Surprisingly, google searching for r matrix rank actually returns a  
R link:

I suppose the point is that in R you usually need a bit more than  
just the rank, so instead you want an object that contains all that  
info and more. Like we have the various lm objects, so to speak. They  
do the hard work once, and then we can ask them more particular  


 --  --
 Jose Luis Aznarte M.
 Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
 Universidad de Granada   Tel. +34 - 958 - 24 04 67
 GRANADA (Spain)  Fax: +34 - 958 - 24 00 79

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] read.spss (package foreign) and SPSS 15.0 files

2007-04-06 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 6, 2007, at 12:32 PM, John Kane wrote:

 I have simply moved to exporting the SPSS file to a
 delimited file and loading it. Unfortunately I'm
 losing all the labelling which can be time-consuming
 to redo.Some of the data has something like 10
 categories for a variable.

I save as csv format all the time, and it offers me a choice to use  
the labels instead of the corresponding numbers. So you shouldn't  
have to lose that labelling.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] reading of a matrix

2007-04-05 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 5, 2007, at 6:50 AM, Schmitt, Corinna wrote:

 Dear R-experts,

 I still have problems with the reading of a matrix.

 Input: matrixData6.txt

 A-Paar B-Paar C-Paar D-Paar E-Paar
 A 1  3  5  7  9
 B 2  4  6  8 10


   A.Paar B.Paar C.Paar D.Paar E.Paar
 A  1  3  5  7  9
 B  2  4  6  8 10

 If you look into the txt-file you can recognize that the column names
 are not the same. Why?

Look at ?read.table for details, basically the variable names are  
turned into syntactically valid names via make.names (?make.names).  
This is, I pressume, so that you can later refer to them via: df 
$A.Paar  (df$A-Paar means something very different). You can try to  
add: check.names=FALSE to the read.table call, not sure it will do  
what you want it to.

 If I add in the txt-file the line MyData: infront of all followed  
 by a
 newline. The R-command as above response an error. How can I read the
 modified input and get the following result:

Hm, if you really want the MyData to show up in the result, then you  
will have to do some more hard work, since data frames don't really  
have a room for that. But if you simply want MyData: to show up in  
the text file but not be read by R, then you would want to prepend  
the line with the comment character, #.


A.Paar B.Paar C.Paar D.Paar E.Paar
 A  1  3  5  7  9
 B  2  4  6  8 10

 Another stupid question might be hows can I change the column and row
 names after I made read.table? I want to have the following result,
 for example:

names(yourdf) - c(G,H,I,J,K)
or perhaps better:
names(yourdf) - LETTERS[6+1:5]

That's for the columns. Use ?rownames for the rows.

G  H  I  J  K
 M  1  3  5  7  9
 N  2  4  6  8 10

 I studied all manuals I could find and the help but could not  
 the examples or interpret it right for my case.

 Thanks for help,


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Annotate a levelplot (using abline) - Difficulty with trellis.

2007-04-04 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 4, 2007, at 7:19 AM, Dan Bolser wrote:


 I am generating a beautiful plot with the 'levelplot' function over my
 square matrix of data. In order to help visualise the data I would
 like to draw a diagonal line on the matrix. Because the plot is
 actually a trellis object, I am having difficulty working out how to
 do this. I have been reading around, but I don't see any easy solution
 to the problem. (Most of the docs I have found are not of the type
 'how to do it' but more like 'how to grok it'). After spending 1+ hour
 reading and trying various things I figure its time to ask some people
 who know ;-)

 So far I have the following (which almost works!)...

 plot.xy = (abline(0,1,col=white))

1) Please always provide a reproducible example.
2) Normal drawing commands, like abline, can't be used in trellis  
graphics, and vice versa.
3) Look into ?panel.functions, in particular panel.abline. My  
understanding is that this is how you customize a graph, providing  
your own panel function which calls other panel functions or direct  
grid drawing commands.

Hope this helps.

 However the coordinate system / plot area being used are clearly not
 those of the square matrix. I guess I should point out that the axes
 of '' (the row and column names of the square matrix) are
 ordered categories of the form;


 Thanks for any help !


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Reading user input

2007-04-04 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
I think the problem the OP may be having is that the code will not  
work if you put it in a document window in R and then tell R to  
source the document. At least not with in MacOSX. This is  
what happened when I did it:

enter the number of groups: unlink(/tmp/Rtmp0TQfA6/file10d63af1)

Then the value of ANSWER is:

[1] unlink(\/tmp/Rtmp0TQfA6/file10d63af1\)

If instead you select the lines and select the Execute option, then  
it does the right thing. (These options appear under the Edit menu in, don't know about other platforms).

On Apr 4, 2007, at 7:36 AM, jim holtman wrote:

 That is exactly what the code does.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] substitute NA values

2007-03-30 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 30, 2007, at 10:56 AM, Gavin Simpson wrote:

 This is R, there is always a way (paraphrasing an R-Helper the name of
 whom I forget just now).

Can't resist, it's one of my favorite fortunes ;)

That would be Simon 'Yoda' Blomberg:


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] E-Mail/Post Threading (was: Bonferroni p-value greater t

2007-03-29 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 29, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote:

 Since most e-mail systems (list managers, MUA's, etc.) thread based  
 the headers and not the subject, as described in the above references,
 unless you generate a completely new e-mail, your reply will be linked
 to the e-mail and thread to which you are replying.

 It's pretty much a dichotomous situation.  Use 'reply' and you get
 linked to the old thread. Use a 'new' e-mail and you start a new  

 If you are truly moving in a new direction, I would be tempted to  
 a new thread and perhaps to make it easier for readers, include a
 reference/link to the post in question. That way, you keep your new
 e-mail in a separate thread, while 'virtually' linking it back to the
 original that raised your interest.

Perhaps moving a bit off topic here, but to elaborate a bit more on  
this: Each thread is really a tree, where your message is a child  
of the message you responded to. Since typically each person responds  
to the last message in the thread, this often ends up being linear.  
But if for instance three people respond to the same original  
message, this creates  three children of the root node.

You can see this in action here for instance: 

It then depends on your software, how to show this tree. Most mail  
clients would just flatten it out into a single list, which is what  
we usually refer to as a thread I guess. But the richer structure  
is there.

So based on this I would suggest simply responding to the message you  
want to, changing the subject appropriately.



Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Flipping a vector

2007-03-17 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

On Mar 17, 2007, at 10:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all - A stupid question here, my apology. I would like to know  
 how can I flip a vector in R? For example, I have a vector:

 a = c(1,2,3)

 I would like my vector b to have the following value

 b = c(1,2,3)

 But what operator I need to put to my original vector 'a' to obtain  
 'b'? Please let me know. Thank you.

I can only assume you wanted b=c(3,2,1). In that case, try rev(a)

 - adschai

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Rownames are always character?

2007-03-16 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 16, 2007, at 6:26 PM, Mike Prager wrote:

 Mike Prager [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Can I rely on the rownames() function, when applied to a matrix,
 always returning either NULL or an object of type character?  It
 seems that row names can be entered as integers, but as of now
 (R 2.4.1 on Windows) the function returns character vectors, not
 numbers (which is my desired result).

 (To clarify my point on this Friday afternoon:  the observed
 behavior is my desired result.  I'm just asking, can I count on

I would venture to guess that rownames() would always be returning  
something that you would then be able to use for indexing, to  
retrieve particular entries. The help page also implies that the  
return value will always be a character vector, or NULL:

If do.NULL is FALSE, a character vector (of length NROW(x) or NCOL 
(x)) is returned in any case, prepending prefix to simple numbers, if  
there are no dimnames or the corresponding component of the dimnames  
is NULL.

I would think you can count on this about as much as you can count  
the sum function to always add up its arguments, or something of that  

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Density estimation graphs

2007-03-15 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 15, 2007, at 12:37 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

 Dear all,

 I'm struggling with a plot and would value any help!

 I'm attempting to highlight a histogram and density plot to show a
 proportion of cases above a threshold value. I wanted to cross- 
 hatch the
 area below the density curve. The breaks and bandwidth are deliberate
 integer values because of the type of data I'm looking at.

 I've managed to do this, but I don't think it is very good! It  
 would be
 difficult, for example, to do a cross-hatch using this technique.

Don't know about a cross-hatch, but in general I use polygon for  
highlighting areas like that:

allele.plot - function(x, threshold=NULL, hatch.col='black',
hatch.border=hatch.col, lwd=par('lwd'),...) {
h - hist(x, breaks=max(x), plot=F)
d - density(x, bw=1)
plot(d, lwd=lwd, ...)   
if (!is.null(threshold)) {
d.t - d$xthreshold
d.x - d$x[d.t]
d.y - d$y[d.t]
polygon(c(d.x[1],d.x,d.x[1]),c(0,d.y,0), col=hatch.col,lwd=1)
# some pretend data
s8 = rnorm(100, 15, 5)
threshold = 19  # an arbitrary cut-off
allele.plot(s8, threshold, hatch.col='grey',hatch.border='black')

Perhaps this can help a bit. Btw, what was d.l for?

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] abs(U) 0 where U is a vector?

2007-03-14 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 14, 2007, at 7:05 AM, Alberto Monteiro wrote:
 prod(U  0)

 But this is not the most elegant solution, because there is
 a function to check if all [and another to check if any] component
 of a vector of booleans are [is] true: it's all(V) [resp. any(V)].
 all(U  0)

Just for the record, there is a actually a slight difference in the  
two calls of prod and all, which may or may not be important in the  
OP's case, in how they deal with NA's:

[1] NA
[1] NA
[1] NA

These are of course all as expected, just something to keep in mind.

And in any case, all is as Alberto says more elegant, and  
semantically much more clear. (And not that it matters, but it is  
also somewhat faster).

 Alberto Monteiro

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] rgeom for p (1-p)^(x-1)

2007-03-14 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 14, 2007, at 8:44 AM, Benjamin Dickgiesser wrote:

 is there a package available which lets me generate random data for
 the geometric distribution with density:

  p(x) = p (1-p)^(x-1) ?

 rgeom uses the density p(x) = p (1-p)^x.

Why not just use rgeom, and then add 1 to all the values?

 Thank you,

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Adding bars to the right of existing ones using barplot

2007-03-13 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

On Mar 13, 2007, at 3:34 PM, Jason Horn wrote:

 I'm trying to create a barplot that has two sets of data next to each
 other.  I'm using barplot with the add=TRUE option, but this simply
 adds the second dataset on top of the first, obscuring it.  How do I
 add the new data to the right on the existing barplot so that both
 sets are visible?  I've been playing with all sorts of option and
 reading the list archives with no luck.

Something like this?

barplot(rbind(a,b), beside=TRUE)

?barplot for more options ( in particular, the height argument)

 Thank you anyone who has the answer.

 - Jason

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] altering prefix to multiple variables in different locations within a command file

2007-03-12 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 12, 2007, at 4:54 PM, Bob Green wrote:


 I am seeking advice regarding how I might add the prefix  kc$  to
 variables in  a series of commands. The complication is that there is
 a large number of variables with different commands. Examples of the
 variables in typical commands follow.

Maybe I've misunderstood what you want to do, but would with meet  
the case?

Error: object a not found
[1] 5
[1] 5

See ?with

 It is simple to use search  replace for common variables such as
 group but I would appreciate advice about whether there is a  way
 to readily alter the remaining variables.

 Bob Green

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Highlight overlapping area between two curves

2007-03-12 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 13, 2007, at 12:19 AM, Nguyen Dinh Nguyen wrote:

 Dear R helpers,
 I have a graph as following; I would like to highlight the  
 overlapping area
 between the two curves. Do you know how to do this?
 Thank you in advance for your help.

Perhaps not exactly what you wanted, but it might give you some ideas:

p - seq(0.2,1.4,0.01)
x1 - dnorm(p, 0.70, 0.12)
x2 - dnorm(p, 0.90, 0.12)
plot(range(p), range(x1,x2), type=n)
lines(p, x1, col = red,lwd=4, lty=2)
lines(p, x2, col = blue,lwd=4)
polygon(c(p,p[1]),c(pmin(x1,x2),0), col=grey)


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Help with paste()

2007-03-03 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

On Mar 3, 2007, at 2:29 PM, Michael Kubovy wrote:

 Dear r-helpers,

 Could you please tell me what's missing:
 rbind(paste('txt.est',1:24, sep = ''))
 txt.est1, ... txt.est24 are vectors that I wish to rbind.

the paste call just returns a vector of the strings txt.est1 and so  
on. Then you tell it to rbind this vector with nothing else.

You might want to try something like this, though I hope someone else  
comes with a better solution:

cmd - paste(rbind(,paste('txt.est',1:24, sep = '',collapse=, ),  
), sep=)

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] apply ? function doesnt create object

2007-03-03 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 3, 2007, at 4:28 PM, bunny , wrote:

Please use - for assignments instead of = :

 getans = function(x=qids,bnr=1,type=block)
 #generate name of matrix

 #display result matrix
 show(assign(matnam,matrix(as.numeric(as.matrix(allans[(allans[, 3] %in
 % x), , drop = FALSE])),ncol=dim(allans)[2])))

You are assigning things twice here.

 #create result matrix
 assign(matnam,matrix(as.numeric(as.matrix(allans[(allans[, 3] %in%
 x), , drop = FALSE])),ncol=dim(allans)[2]))

The documentation for assign makes it pretty clear that the  
assignment happens by default in the current environment, so it will  
be local to the function unless you alter the call. The description  
there, along with the examples, and a study of environments, should  
provide you with the answer.

 #print info
 cat(the matrix,matnam,contains answers to,type,as.character 

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] from function to its name?

2007-03-02 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 2, 2007, at 9:42 AM, Ido M. Tamir wrote:


 I can get from a string to a function with this name:

 f1 - function(x){ mean(x) },list{1:4})

 But how do I get from a function to its name?

 funcVec - c(f1,median)

 function(x){ mean(x) }

I suppose you could do:


but that's probably not what you want ;).

Can you do this with any object in R?
In what situation will you be wanting this name? I mean, how would  
you be given this object, but not know its name in advance? If it is  
passed as an argument in a function or something, then what would you  
consider to be its name?
I.e. I don't really see where you would reasonably want to do  
something like this, without there being another way around it.

Btw, perhaps this does what you want:


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] question about xtable and Hmisc

2007-03-01 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
Sorry, meant for this to go to the whole list.

On Mar 1, 2007, at 3:29 PM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:

 On Mar 1, 2007, at 2:52 PM, steve wrote:

 Unfortunately, this applies to print.xtable, and not to latex. I  
 want to
 know how to eliminate them using latex()

 1) Why do you need to use latex() instead of print.xtable?
 2) If you want to use latex(), then why are you using xtable at  
 all, instead of latex(d) directly?

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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[R] R code for Statistical Models in S ?

2007-03-01 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
I just acquired a copy of Statistical Models in S, I guess most  
commonly known as the white book, and realized to my dismay that  
most of the code is not directly executable in R, and I was wondering  
if there was a source discussing the things that are different and  
what the new ways of calling things are.

For instance, the first obstacle was the solder.balance data set. I  
found a solder data set in rpart, which is very close to it except  
for the fact that the Panel variable is not a factor, but that's  
easily fixed.
The first problem is the next two calls, on pages 2 and 3. One is  
plot(solder.balance), which is supposed to produce a very different  
plot than it does in R (I actually don't know the name of the plot,  
which is part of the problem I guess). Then one is supposed to call  
plot.factor(skips ~ Opening + Mask), which I took to mean:
plot(skips ~ Opening + Mask, data=solder), and that worked, though  
I still haven't been able to make a direct call to plot.factor work  
(I keep getting a could not find function plot.factor error).

Anyway, just wondered whether there is some page somewhere that  
discusses these little differences here and there, as I am sure there  
will be a number of other problems such as these along the way.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] R code for Statistical Models in S ?

2007-03-01 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 1, 2007, at 4:36 PM, Robert Duval wrote:

 You might want to start looking at the FAQ's

 in particular

Thanks I must admit that I had not looked at the FAQ's, but I have  
now and though it might become relevant a bit down the line, it  
doesn't seem to answer my questions, unless I've missed something in  
there. The only relevant bit I found was this phrase:

Apart from lexical scoping and its implications, R follows the S  
language definition in the Blue and White Books as much as possible,  
and hence really is an “implementation” of S.

The question (one part of it at least) had to do with the data sets  
and functions used, and the fact that some of these data sets are not  
there in R. In the book they refer to a data package for instance,  
which seems to contain things different than R's datasets package.  
So the question was if the necessary data sets are available somewhere.

The second part was in particular about a call to plot, namely plot 
(solder.balance), which in S according to the white book is supposed  
to produce the graph in the top of page 3, for those having the book,  
the caption of the plot being: A plot of the mean of \textbf{skips}  
at each of the levels of the factors in the solder experiment.
I have now found out, thanks to A handbook of statistical analyses  
using R, that the corresponding call in R would be: 

I understand of course that not every difference between  
implementations in S and R should be documented, but I was hoping  
that other people who have already gone through this book would have  
documented these differences. I guess not, and I will be doing so now.


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Generating R plots through Perl

2007-03-01 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Mar 1, 2007, at 6:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First off, if you are working in perl you might want to be aware of  
ruby and the r for ruby project:


 $R-send(qq (xVal - c(1,2,3,4,5,6)));
 $R-send(qq (yVal - c(3,5,2,6,1,5)));
 $R-send(qq (pdf(C:/Test Environment/R/perlPlotTest.pdf)));
 $R-send(qq (plot(xVal, yVal)));
 $R-send(qq (;

I don't really know how to write this in perl, but could you perhaps  
put the last three lines all in one call to $R-send, using 
() then? Don't know if it would make a difference, but that's the  
only thing I could think of. I'm guessing something like this:

$R-send(qq (pdf(C:/Test Environment/R/perlPlotTest.pdf); plot 
(xVal, yVal);;

 As the code indicates, I am using R's pdf function to create a pdf  
 containing the plot of xVal and yVal.  I am using the
 function rather than the function as I get an error  
 message of
 simpleError in cannot shut down device 1 (the null
 device) when is used.  Is there another way to generate  
 save a plot using the bridge connection that I described?  If not,  
 would be an efficient way of generating and saving plots from  
 within my
 Perl program?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Thank you,

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] someattributes

2007-02-26 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

On Feb 26, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Thaden, John J wrote:

 I'd like to use someattributes(), as described
 in documentation for R version 2.4.1 (windows build)


 however, someattributes() does not seem to exist.

 Error: could not find function someattributes

 Is this true or am I doing something wrong?

My help shows it as moreattributes, not someattributes. (MacOSX,  
though doesn't sound like it should be platform-specific).

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] someattributes

2007-02-26 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 26, 2007, at 3:00 PM, Thaden, John J wrote:

 Thanks for correcting me.  Actually, my windows
 R documentation says mostattributes(), but it
 makes no difference -- none of the three show
 up as function names or R objects.

That's because there is no mostattributes function, it only works  
as an assignment:



  x - c(2,3,4)
  mostattributes(x) - list(foo=bar)
[1] 2 3 4
[1] bar


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] returns from dnorm and dmvnorm

2007-02-26 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 26, 2007, at 3:03 PM, A Hailu wrote:
 Hi All,
 Why would calls to dnorm and dmvnorm return values that are above  
 1? For
 dnorm(0.3,mean=0, sd=0.1)
 [1] 3.989423

Because dnorm gives you the density function, whose integral is the  
distribution function, which is likely what you want. Try:

pnorm(0.3,mean=0, sd=0.1)

 This is happening on two different installations of R that I have.

 Thank you.


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] gsub: replacing a.*a if no occurence of b in .*

2007-02-24 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
All these methods do assume that you don't have nested tag's, like so:

tagtagfoo/taguseful stuff/tagsome garbage/tag

For that you would really need a true parser. So I would double-check  
to make sure this doesn't happen.

Do you have any control on where those XML files are generated  
though? It sounds to me it might be easier to fix the utility  
generating those XML files, since it clearly is doing something wrong.

On Feb 24, 2007, at 11:07 AM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

 I assume tag is known.

 This removes any occurrence /tag.*/tag where .* does not
 contain tag or /tag.

 The regular expression, re, matches /tag, then does a greedy
 match (?U) for anything followed by /tag but uses a zero
 width lookahead subexpression (?=...) for the second /tag
 so that it it can be rematched again.  gsubfn in package
 gsubfn is like the usual gsub except that instead of
 replacing the match with a string it passes the match
 to function f and then replaces the match with the output
 of f.  See the gsubfn home page:
 and vignette.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] gsub: replacing a.*a if no occurence of b in .*

2007-02-24 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 24, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

 The _question_ assumed that, which is why the answers did too.

Oh yes, I totally agree, the file snippet the OP provided did indeed  
assume that, though nothing in the text of his question did, so I  
wasn't entirely clear whether the actual file that is going to be  
processed has this form or not. So I just wanted to make sure the OP  
is aware of this limitation, in case the actual file is more  

But most importantly, I wanted to suggest a reevaluation, if  
possible, of the process that generates these XML's, and perhaps  
fixing that, instead of patching the problem after it has been created.

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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[R] Cross-tabulations next to each other

2007-02-22 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
I have the following relatively simple problem. Say we have three  
factors, and we want to create a cross-tabulation against each of the  
other two:

x - factor(rbinom(5, 1, 1/2))
y - factor(rbinom(5, 1, 1/2))
z - factor(rbinom(5, 1, 1/2))

This looks like:

x   0 1
   0 2 0
   1 1 2

x   0 1
   0 1 1
   1 2 1

I would like to get (surely this will look a mess in non-monospaced  

x   0 1  0 1
   0 2 0  1 1
   1 1 2  2 1

Or something along those lines. Then I would like to convert this to  
a LaTeX table, in the obvious sort of way.

I couldn't find an answer with a quick look through the  
documentation. Are these two things already done, before I try to  
roll my own?

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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Re: [R] Cross-tabulations next to each other

2007-02-22 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
Hi Dimitris,

On Feb 22, 2007, at 10:27 AM, Dimitris Rizopoulos wrote:

 maybe cbind() is close to what you're looking for, e.g.,

 tb1 - table(x, y)
 tb2 - table(x, z)

 cbind(tb1, tb2)

Yes, that was my first thought too, and it does place the values  
where I want them, but it completely destroys the names, which I'd  
like to keep, i.e. it doesn't treat it as a table any more. The  
resulting LaTeX table I would like to have a very top row, with  
multicolumn titles, one for each factor, then a second row with the  
levels for each factor, and then below those the data. I could I  
guess add that stuff separately, but I was hoping someone had already  
done that part.


Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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[R] [MacOSX] Screencast for R and Sweave on TextMate

2007-02-21 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
This will likely be of interest only (if at all) to MacOSX users. I  
use a particular editor called TextMate which I find particularly  
suitable for pretty much any task I have to do, from Ruby to LaTeX to  
R. Its R support is probably not quite up to par with ESS yet, but it  
is at a decent state I would say.

Anyway the reason of the message is that I have prepared a small  
screencast showing how R and Sweave look and feel like in TextMate,  
prompted by a thread in the MacOSX TeX mailing list. I thought it  
might be of interest to some people here also, so here is the link: 

It's not much, and the sound is not all that great, but it mostly  
shows how things feel like.

Hoping this is not too off topic...

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

PS: Yes, it is not a free product, though it is the best money I have  
ever spent. No, I am not the developer, and do not profit from it.  
But I am actively involved in its support for LaTeX, R and Sweave.

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[R] Proper way to typeset the symbol for R in LaTeX?

2007-02-15 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
Hoping this is not off topic...

I am in the process of writing some tutorials for my students for  
learning R, and naturally I'm using Sweave for this. So suddenly a  
question occurred to me: LaTeX has a recommended way of typesetting  
the TeX and LaTeX symbols, via the \TeX and \LaTeX commands. Is there  
a similar command for the R symbol, or in general are there any  
guidelines/recommendations on how to typeset the letter R when  
referring to the  R language?


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Re: [R] make check failure,, Error in strsplit

2007-02-12 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 12, 2007, at 6:28 PM, Paul Lynch wrote:

 I'm trying to build R on RedHat EL4.  The compile went fine, but a
 make check ran into a problem and produced a file  Judging by the last part of that file, it was
 trying to run an R routine called httpget to retrieve the URL  The precise
 error it encountered was:

 Error in strsplit(grep(Content-Length, b, value = TRUE), :)[[1]] :
 subscript out of bounds

 So, it looks like the data it read from that URL was not what was
 expected.  I tried mimicking the script's request of the header
 information for that URL, and got back the following header lines:

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 23:22:06 GMT
 Server: Apache/2.0.40 (Red Hat Linux)
 Last-Modified: Fri, 19 May 1995 10:27:04 GMT
 ETag: 7bc27-836-39a78e00
 Accept-Ranges: bytes
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 Content-length: 2102
 Connection: Keep-Alive

 The script appears to be looking for a Content-Length field, but as
 you can see the returned header is Content-length with a lower-case
 l.  I don't know R yet, so I'm not sure if the grep in the test code
 is case-sensitive or not, but if it is, that would seem to be the
 problem.  But then, surely everyone would be hitting this error?

The grep is indeed case sensitive, as a quick test can show. However,  
the header I got back when I tried the above address had Length in it:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 01:40:48 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.40 (Red Hat Linux)
Last-Modified: Fri, 19 May 1995 10:27:04 GMT
ETag: 7bc27-836-39a78e00
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 2102
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
X-Pad: avoid browser bug

( I used curl for this, if it makes a difference)

Hope this helps in some way.



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Re: [R] merge words=data name

2007-02-11 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 11, 2007, at 8:57 PM, Mark W Kimpel wrote:

 Both yours and Gabor's methods were far superior to mine. I am curious
 why you like Gabor's better than yours.

Don't know if the following is why Duncan prefers Gabor's method, but  
here is why I would avoid the eval version: In general eval is very  
dangerous to call, unless you have full control over the expression  
you are asking it to evaluate. For instance imagine the following:

txt- system('ls')

(replace 'ls' with 'dir' on a windows system)

With these two commands you will get a listing of everything in your  
home directory, or wherever the current path for R is. But suppose  
instead that the 'ls' was replaced by 'rm -rf *'. Then EVERYTHING in  
that directory will be DELETED, for ever, NO questions asked. (at  
least on a unix based system, perhaps even Windows with cygwin, I  
don't know. There is probably a similar call for windows).

In other words, make sure you know EXACTLY what the thing you are  
evaluating is.

I am not saying this is necessarily a danger here, but it brings up  
an important point that is good to be aware of.


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Re: [R] SAS, SPSS Product Comparison Table

2007-02-10 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 10, 2007, at 4:26 PM, Muenchen, Robert A (Bob) wrote:
  Surely R can't do for free what [fill in a SAS or SPSS
 product here] does? To try to address those, I've compiled a table  
 is organized by the product categories SAS and SPSS offer. Keep in  
 that I still know far more about SAS and SPSS than I do about R, so I
 could really use some help with this. The table is below in tabbed  
 I would appreciate it if the many R gurus out there would look it over
 and send suggestions. I'll add it as an appendix when it's done (well,
 as done as a moving target like this ever is!)

Great idea, this should come in handy! Here is a more readable  
version of Bob's table (don't know if I can post attachments like  
that to the list, so I figured I'll put it up like this):



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Re: [R] setting a number of values to NA over a data.frame.

2007-02-09 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
Once again I forgot to reply to the whole list
On Feb 9, 2007, at 8:39 AM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:

 On Feb 9, 2007, at 8:13 AM, John Kane wrote:

 The problem is that my dataframe has 1,s in about 50%
 of the columns and I only want it to apply to a few
 specified columns. My explanation may not have been
 clear enough.

 Using your example,I want all values for tio2 set to 1
 but not any values in al2o3 whereas zeta[zeta==1]-NA
 is also changing al2o3[3] to NA.

 You need to index the zeta in zeta==1 in the same way as you do  
 with the zeta outside.
 I think the point is that if you do zeta[,cols][zeta==1] - NA,  
 then the recycling of NA to obtain the correct number of elements  
 is done based on the elements in zeta[,cols]. But since zeta==1 is  
 a much longer vector than zeta[,cols], then zeta[,cols][zeta==1]  
 has a number of NA objects attached to its end, and hence has now   
 a longer length than the recycled NA that is supposed to replace it.
 But perhaps someone more expert in the internals can explain it in  
 greater detail, if the above is not right. In the mean time, the  
 following seems to work:

  y - rbinom(20, 1, 1/2)
  dim(y) - c(5,4)
  colnames(y) - c(one, two, three, four)
  x -
  cl - c(two, three)
  x[,cl][x[,cl]==1] - NA
   one two three four
 1   0   0NA0
 2   0   0 00
 3   1   0 00
 4   0  NA 01
 5   1   0 01




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Re: [R] NEWBIE: @BOOK help?

2007-02-08 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 8, 2007, at 11:07 AM, Zembower, Kevin wrote:

 In Henric's recent post, he included this output:

   AUTHOR = {Frank E. Harrell},
   TITLE = {Regression Modeling Strategies, with Applications to
   Linear Models, Survival Analysis and Logistic
   PUBLISHER = {Springer},
   YEAR = 2001,
   NOTE = {ISBN 0-387-95232-2},
   URL = {}

 Can someone tell me how this is generated? I've noticed this in a few
 recent posts. I attempted:

It is BibTeX:


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Re: [R] R in Industry

2007-02-08 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 8, 2007, at 12:48 PM, Ben Fairbank wrote:
  If my company
 came to depend heavily on a fairly obscure R package (as we are
 contemplating doing), what guarantee is there that it will be  
 next month/year/decade?  I know of none, nor would I expect one.

I would imagine that if there was a package that really needed  
updating, then your company could hire an R programmer for a short  
time to fix whatever needs fixing, and that would be a much smaller  
expense than licensing an expensive package like those other ones out  

But perhaps I am completely wrong in this, I am relatively far from  
the industry world.


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Re: [R] Scope

2007-02-08 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 8, 2007, at 4:52 PM, Roger Bivand wrote:
 Assigning to
 the global environment will overwrite objects unless one is  
 careful, and
 even with years of experience only seems worth considering when no
 feasible alternative exists; on consideration, alternatives usually

Or to paraphrase fortune(106):

If the answer is global variables, then you should usually rethink  
the question.


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[R] Reading expressions from character vectors

2007-02-04 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

I have a problem that I am sure is very straightforward, but I just  
can't wrap my head around it. I've read the help pages on text,  
plotmath, expression, substitute, but somehow I can't find the answer  
to this simple question.

Basically consider the following example:

plot( NULL, xlim = c(0,2), ylim = c(0,2) )
expressions -  expression( -infinity, infinity )
text( c(0.5,1.5), 1.5, expressions )
labels - c( -infinity, infinity )
text( c(0.5,1.5), 0.5, as.expression(labels) )

I want the character vector labels to be interpreted as  an  
expression vector, and so to appear just like the expressions vector.  
Is this possible? I mean yes, it is probably possible, but how?

I suppose the problem is that the result of as.expression(labels) is  
expression(-infinity, infinity) instead of expression(-infinity,  
infinity), as I would have liked.  I just can't figure out how to  
convert it to the right thing.


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Re: [R] Reading expressions from character vectors

2007-02-04 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
I keep forgetting that this list doesn't default to reply-to-all ;).  
Sorry hadley, you'll get this twice.

On Feb 4, 2007, at 11:39 AM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:

 On Feb 4, 2007, at 11:19 AM, hadley wickham wrote:

 text( c(0.5,1.5), 0.5, parse(text=labels))  ?

 You need to parse the text to get to the expression

 I just love the response rate and speed of this list, it's one of  
 the best lists I am subscribed to. Thank you all for your  
 responses, it makes more sense now (though I'll probably still want  
 to digest the whole thing in my head for a couple of days, to  
 understand exactly what is going on under the hood ;) ).




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Re: [R] Reference to dataframe and contents

2007-02-04 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 4, 2007, at 3:42 PM, Rene Braeckman wrote:

 My question is how to construct the equivalent of myDF$myCol that  
 can be
 used as such. Or is there a better solution?

I think what you want is ?with and wrapping the whole work you want  
to do in a function.

 Thanks. The help and discussions on this forum are the best.


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Re: [R] Double labels and scales

2007-02-02 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Feb 2, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Lorenzo Isella wrote:

 Dear All,
 Say you want to plot, on the same figure two quantities, concentration
 and temperature, both as function of the same variable.
 I'd like to be able to put a certain label and scale on the y axis on
 the left of the figure (referring to the temperature) and another
 label and scale for the concentration on the right.
 Any suggestion about what to do?
 I am sure it is trivial, but I could not find what I needed on the
 net. I found some reference about a plot.double function by Anne York,
 but I do not think that I need anything so elaborate.
 Many thanks

Sounds like you just need the following two commands probably:




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Re: [R] gsub regexp question

2007-01-27 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Jan 27, 2007, at 3:41 PM, Phillimore, Albert wrote:

 Dear R Users,

 I am trying to users gsub to remove multiple cases of square  
 brackets and their different contents in a character string. A  
 sample of such a string is shown below. However, I am having great  
 difficulty understanding regexp syntax. Any help is greatly  


 tree STATE_286000 [lnP=-12708.453945423369] = [R] ((15 

Is this what you want? I tend to prefer perl regular expressions:

  str - tree STATE_286000 [lnP=-12708.453945423369] = [R]  
  gsub(\\[[^\\]]+\\],,str, perl=T)
[1] tree STATE_286000  =   

As an explanation, \\[ and \\] match the two square brackets you  
want. We need to escape the brackets with the backslashes because  
they have a special meaning in perl regular expressions.

In perl regexps, [] stands for match a single character that  
is like what we have in the  For instance [ab] will match an a or  
a b. [a-z] will match all lowercase characters. A ^ as a first  
character in there means match all but what follows. for instance  
[^a-z] means match anything but lowercase characters. So [^\\]] means  
match any character but a closing bracket.

Finally the plus sign afterwards means: match at least one. So [^\\]] 
+ means match any sequence of characters that does not contain a  
closing bracket. So the whole thing now matches an opening bracket,  
followed by all characters until a corresponding closing bracket.  
This will not work if you have nested pairs of brackets, [like [so]].  
That is a tad more delicate, and we can discuss it if you really need  
to deal with it.


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Re: [R] efficient code. how to reduce running time?

2007-01-22 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Jan 21, 2007, at 8:11 PM, John Fox wrote:

 Dear Haris,

 Using lapply() et al. may produce cleaner code, but it won't  
 speed up a computation. For example:

 X - data.frame(matrix(rnorm(1000*1000), 1000, 1000))
 y - rnorm(1000)

 mods - as.list(1:1000)
 system.time(for (i in 1:1000) mods[[i]] - lm(y ~ X[,i]))
 [1] 40.53  0.05 40.61NANA

 system.time(mods - lapply(as.list(X), function(x) lm(y ~ x)))
 [1] 53.29  0.37 53.94NANA

Interesting, in my system the results are quite different:

  system.time(for (i in 1:1000) mods[[i]] - lm(y ~ X[,i]))
[1] 192.035  12.601 797.094   0.000   0.000
  system.time(mods - lapply(as.list(X), function(x) lm(y ~ x)))
[1]  59.913   9.918 289.030   0.000   0.000

Regular MacOSX install with ~760MB memory.

 In cases such as this, I don't even find the code using *apply()  
 easier to



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Re: [R] efficient code. how to reduce running time?

2007-01-22 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Jan 22, 2007, at 10:39 AM, John Fox wrote:

  One thing that seems particularly
 striking in your results is the large difference between elapsed  
 time and
 user CPU time, making me wonder what else was going on when you ran  

Yes, indeed there were a lot of other things going on, this is the  
only machine I have and I use it continuously. I'll try to run  
another test tonight when the machine is not in use.
It did seem a very striking difference though.

But am I wrong in thinking that these measurements should be  
independent of what other applications are running at the same time,  
and should measure exactly the time in terms of CPU cycles needed to  
finish this task, regardless of how often the process got to use the  
CPU? I guess I was working under that assumption, which indeed makes  
the above comparison a very unfair one, because there was a lot more  
going on during the first system.time call.

Still, the difference is quite large, which of course could simply  
have to do with the internals of the two commands, coupled with Prof.  
Ripley's comments about malloc in Mac OS X.



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[R] Questions about xtable and print.xtable

2007-01-22 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
I have been using the wonderful xtable package lately, in combination  
with Sweave, and I have a couple of general questions along with a  
more particular one.

I'll start with the particular question. I basically have a 1x3 array  
with column names but no row names. I want to create a latex table  
with column setting set to |rrr|. I want the column names to  
appear, but the row names not to appear. The code I am trying is this:

x - matrix(c(1:3), c(1,3), dimnames=list(NULL,c(1:3)))
tab - xtable(x, align=||)
print.xtable(tab, include.rownames=FALSE)

The problem here is that the xtable call requires an align value that  
has one extra row setting, I suppose to account for a possible row  
name. However, the first print.xtable call seems to ignore the align  
argument set in the xtable call, when include.rownames is included.  
Any workarounds will be most welcomed.

More generally, I have the following questions:
1) Why are the include.rownames and include.colnames parameters not  
appearing in the xtable call, but only in the print.xtable call  
instead? Why do I need to specify n+1 arguments for things like align  
and digits, when I don't want the row names to be printed? In  
general, why are the align and digits calls not setable in  
print.xtable, but only in xtable?
2) I like to enclose my tabular environments in a center environment,  
instead of a table environment. Unless I've missed it, I don't see  
how I can do that from within the xtable package. Is this really not  
possible, and if so why not? The latex.environments setting seems to  
only be allowed when floating=TRUE, which is exactly what I want to  
avoid. Any particular reason it is not allowed when floating=FALSE as  

That's it really, thanks in advance for any responses.


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Re: [R] efficient code. how to reduce running time?

2007-01-21 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Jan 21, 2007, at 5:55 PM, miraceti wrote:

 Thank you all for lookin at it.
 I'll fix the code to preallocate the objects.
 and I wonder if there is a way to call anova on all the columns at  
 the same
 Right now I am calling (Y~V1, data) from V1 to V50 thru a loop.
 I tried (Y~., data) but it gave me different values from the  
 results I get
 when I call them separately,
 So I can't help but call them 25,000 times...

Have you looked at lapply, sapply, apply and friends?


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Re: [R] Integration + Normal Distribution + Directory Browsing Processing Questions

2007-01-21 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Jan 21, 2007, at 2:27 PM, Nils Hoeller wrote:

 Now I want R to read.table all files within a given directory and
 process them one by the other.



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Re: [R] How to format R code in LaTex documents

2007-01-15 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

On Jan 15, 2007, at 8:42 AM, Benjamin Dickgiesser wrote:


 I am planning on putting some R script in an appendix of a LaTex
 document. Can anyone recommend me a way of how to format it? Is there
 a way to keep all line breaks without having to insert \\ in every
 single line?

I think the LaTeX environments lstlisting and/or verbatim might  
do what you want.

 Thank you!


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Re: [R] Controlling size of boxplot when it is added in a plot

2007-01-14 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
Sorry, meant to send this to the list.

On Jan 14, 2007, at 4:28 PM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:

 On Jan 14, 2007, at 5:50 AM, Chuck Cleland wrote:

   Try setting the boxwex argument instead:

 Thanks Chuck, that does indeed seem to work pretty well. I'm not  
 quite sure what the best way to determine an appropriate size for  
 the boxplot would be, but the following kind of works, at least for  
 the cases I tried. Though I'm not entirely happy with it. And I'm  
 sure I've made a bunch of errors along the way, that someone more  
 experienced in R could spot easily. Feel free to criticize the  
 code. the boxwex default I guess is probably terribly named. One  
 over it is supposed to be the size of the boxplot over the size of  
 the histogram.

 force.odd - function(x) {
   x + 1 - x %% 2;
 boxhist - function(x, boxwex = 8, ...) {
   hs - hist(x, breaks = 20, plot = F)
   space - force.odd(max(floor(hs$counts / boxwex), 1))
   plot(hs, main = NULL, ylim = c(-space, max(hs$counts)), ...)
   boxplot(x, horizontal = T, axes = T, add = T, at = -space/2,  
 boxwex = space)
 x - rweibull(300,1,1); boxhist(x)



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[R] Controlling size of boxplot when it is added in a plot

2007-01-13 Thread Charilaos Skiadas

I am trying to add a boxplot to the bottom of a histogram, right  
between the histogram bars and the x axis. Here is the code I am  
using at the moment (the par line is probably not relevant for our  

hs - hist(x, breaks = 20, plot = F)
par(mar = c(3,3,2,1))
hist(x, breaks = 20, main = NULL, ylim = c(-2, max(hs$counts)))
boxplot(x, horizontal = T, axes = T, add = T, at = -1)

The problem is the following. As it is, the boxplot restricts itself  
to the -1 line. I would like it to occupy both the -1 and the -2  
lines ( I guess more generally I would like to control how much  
vertical space the embedded boxplot occupies). I tried to set the  
width parameter in the boxplot, but that seemed to have no effect at  

On an OT note, I haven't seen this way of combining a histogram with  
a boxplot (perhaps I haven't looked really hard). I thought it would  
be useful for my students to see them next to each other, to develop  
a feeling for what histograms might correspond to what boxplots. Is  
there perhaps some reason why I should avoid showing those graphs to  
them like that, that I am not aware of? Or just a reason why I  
haven't seen them combined like this much?


Charilaos Skiadas
Department of Mathematics
Hanover College
P.O.Box 108
Hanover, IN 47243

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Re: [R] How do I create an object in the Global environment from a function

2006-12-14 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Dec 14, 2006, at 7:42 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:

 myfunc - function() b - 34

I would add a warning here. It is generally not a good idea for a  
function to have side-effects. In this case, if there is a globally  
defined value for b already, it will be overwritten. If this function  
is in a package say, and someone else uses it, or you use it after a  
very long time and have forgotten its internals and the fact that  
it's messing with the Global Environment, this might lead to some  
bugs that are really hard to spot.



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Re: [R] tests for NULL objects

2006-11-29 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Nov 29, 2006, at 7:58 PM, Benilton Carvalho wrote:

 But that's okay, just a matter of adding an extra test (already done).

I'm guessing it would be something like: all( | v==2)
 When I asked for clarification about the reasons for this, I assumed
 if all(v) is TRUE == any(v) is TRUE; for all  (logical) v...
 When actually:
 if all(v) is TRUE == any(v) is TRUE; for all (logical) v of length
 = 1.

I like to think of it as: in order for the statement all elements of  
v are TRUE to be false, one would need to provide an element of v  
which is false. Since that is not possible if v has no elements, then  
the statement all elements of v are TRUE can't be false, hence has  
to be true.

Similarly, the statement any(v) is TRUE translates to there is an  
element of v that is true.  Since there are no elements in v, this  
can't possibly happen. So this statement is false.

As for the sums and products, the explanation that Martin linked to  
sums it up nicely. Basically, suppose we have two vectors, v,w, and v  
is actually numeric(0). Then sum(c(v,w)) ought to be sum(v) + sum(w)  
(since that would be the case for any other honest vectors). But  
since c(v,w) is really w, the only way this will happen is if sum(v)  
= 0. Same for products, since in that case prod(c(v,w))=prod(v) times  

 Thank you,



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Re: [R] Making a case for using R in Academia

2006-11-09 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
As a addendum to all this, this is one of the responses I got from  
one of my colleagues:

The problem with R is that our students in many social science  
fields, are expected to know SPSS when they go to graduate school.   
Not having a background in SPSS would put these students at a  

Is this really the case? Does anyone have any such statistics?

Charilaos Skiadas
Department of Mathematics
Hanover College
P.O.Box 108
Hanover, IN 47243

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Re: [R] Making a case for using R in Academia

2006-11-09 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
John (and everyone else),

On Nov 9, 2006, at 4:20 PM, John Fox wrote:

 Dear Charilaos,

 It's very difficult to give definitive answers to the questions  
 that you
 pose because we don't have any good data (at least as far as I  
 know) about
 how widely R is used.

Yes it certainly isn't an easy question to answer, and I don't  
necessarily need complete data. The situation as presented to me by  
my colleagues in the Social Sciences is really that SPSS is the  
standard, so I am basically hoping for evidence to just shake this  
view (unless it is true, but I have to say I doubt it). I am more  
hoping for particular examples of cases in the Social Sciences, where  
SPSS is far from the standard, and the programs and schools you  
mention below are exactly the sort of thing I was looking for!

For now unfortunately we will be sticking with SPSS, despite the  
considerable cost (which was mainly our problem at the moment, so SAS  
is not even being considered for that reason), but I am hoping to  
slowly build enough evidence of the extensive use of R for when all  
this comes up again. Even just a list of the universities and  
departments that use it would be very helpful, so any of you who  
would like to send such information about your departments or other  
departments you might know about, off the list, it would be extremely  
helpful to me.

Perhaps it would be useful for such a list to exist somewhere  
online?  (I guess you could say google, but I find it hard to use  
google to look up such information on R, for the obvious reason of  
the shortness of the name.


 Among social scientists the picture is not as clear. My impression  
 is that
 SPSS is used very widely for low-levels methods courses taught to
 undergraduates, and not very extensively in the best social-science  
 programmes. I would expect that, at present, Stata use in social- 
 graduate programmes exceeds R, and that SAS and R would also be  
 used fairly
 widely. In my opinion, these are the only reasonable choices -- I  
 think that SPSS is sufficiently capable to compete with R, Stata,  
 or SAS.
 There are, for example, several different packages used at the  
 ICPSR Summer
 Program in Quantitative Methods for Social Research, but several  
 advanced courses now use R. Likewise, the Oxford Spring School,  
 hosted by
 the Department of Politics and International Relations at Oxford,  
 has mostly
 employed R and Stata.

Thanks, I will be looking into those. I basically just need to look  
at various universities and their social sciences departments, and  
see what they use there. As other suggested, I will be looking into  
the number of books and papers in R and how it is increasing every year.

Once again thank you all for your comments, this has been a very  
helpful discussion for me, and it's a great pleasure to find such a  
helpful and friendly mailing list.

 Of course, my own preference is for R.



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[R] Making a case for using R in Academia

2006-11-08 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
Hello, new to the list, first message.

This question perhaps might be more appropriate to R-sig-teaching,  
and I'd be happy to take it there if this is not the right place for it.

I am teaching applied statistics at a small liberal arts college with  
limited resources, and we are currently using SPSS for our courses.  
Mainly the reason for this, as I understand it, is that this is what  
is used out in the real world, or at least this is our perception  
of it. I have only used R for my own stuff for about six months, and  
my training is not in statistics, so I am not very aware of what it  
can do in other disciplines, especially Sociology and Psychology. I  
would like to make a case to the other departments here for using R  
instead, so I was hoping that there might be some resources out there  
that talk about the extend in which R is being used outside of  
academia, or in general any other resources that talk about R as a  
practical alternative to the other non-free statistical packages.  
Perhaps some statistics, or particular examples of use? Any links  
would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for any thoughts/input into this.

Charilaos Skiadas
Department of Mathematics
Hanover College
P.O.Box 108
Hanover, IN 47243

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