[R] [R-pkgs] adehabitat version 1.7

2007-09-03 Thread Clément Calenge
Dear all,

I have uploaded to CRAN the version 1.7 of the package 'adehabitat'. 
Significant changes are listed below:

* The Brownian bridge kernel estimation algorithm has been greatly 
improved. It now takes more than 80% less time than the previous 
version. A new function "liker" has also been added, which estimates the 
one of the two smoothing parameters of the bridge kernel using a maximum 
likelihood approach (recommended in Horn et al., Ecology, in press). 
Examples of the help page demonstrate the use and interest of this 
function. Comparison between kernelbb and the Visual basic algorithm 
provided in the paper of Horn et al. returned consistent results.

* The function kernelUD has also been improved. It now takes more than 
50% less time than the previous version. In addition the "grid" argument 
of this function, now also allows a list of objects of class "asc" to be 
passed as grid where the UD should be estimated.

Happy testing,

Clément Calenge.

LBBE - UMR CNRS 5558 - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - FRANCE
tel. (+33)
fax. (+33)

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[R] [R-pkgs] adehabitat version 1.6

2007-05-31 Thread Clément Calenge
Dear all,

I have just uploaded to CRAN the version 1.6 of the
package 'adehabitat'. Significant changes are
listed below:

* The package has been reorganized into four parts (see
?adehabitat-package for a description): (i) management of raster maps,
(ii) habitat selection / ecological niche analysis, (iii) home range
analysis, and (iv) analysis of animals trajects. The package contains
several demo files to allow an overview of these parts :
demo(rastermaps), demo(homerange), demo(managltraj),
demo(analysisltraj), demo(nichehs).

* the package now contains a new function allowing the exploration of
the ecological niche, which generalizes several factor analyses (ENFA,
MADIFA, ...) and is closely related to several methods (Mahalanobis
distances, selection ratios, etc.), named gnesfa() (see the examples of
the help page for the properties of this analysis).

* The class ltraj now distinguishes two types of trajects: type I (time
not recorded, e.g. tracks of animals in the snow) and type II (time
recorded, e.g. GPS monitoring). Trajects of type II may either be
"regular" (constant time lag between relocations) or not.

* Numerous example datasets have been added to the package to illustrate
the analysis of animals trajects: 4 porpoises, 6 albatross, 1 hooded
seal, 1 whale, 1 brown bear, two roe deer, two chamois, 4 ibex, 1
mouflon, 3 wild boar

* Many functions have been added to allow the management of animals
trajects within R: Some functions allow to handle the attributes or the
storage of the trajects  (typeII2typeI, typeI2typeII, sett0, cutltr,
is.regular, is.sd, mindistkeep, offsetdate, set.limits), other allow to
manage missing values and test their random distribution in the traject
(setNA, summaryNAltraj, plotNAltraj, runsNAltraj), other allow a
graphical exploration of the properties of the trajects (hist.ltraj,
plot.ltraj, plotltr, sliwinltr).

* Several functions now allow to test the independence of the
descriptive parameters in the trajects (indmove and wawotest for dx, dy
and dist, testang.ltraj for rel.angle and abs.angle)

* Several functions allow to simulate common models of trajects: the
correlated random walk (simm.crw), the brownian motion (simm.brown), the
arithmetic brownian motion (simm.mba), the Ornstein Uhlenbeck process
(simm.mou), the brownian bridge (simm.bb) and the Levy process (simm.levy).

* The function explore.kasc() provides a Tk interface for the
exploration of a multi-layer raster map of class "kasc"

* A partitioning algorithm (still under research) is also available to
partition a traject into segments with homogeneous properties (see the
help page of modpartltraj)

* The bugs in redisltraj and mcp.area have been corrected

Happy testing,

Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie évolutive
43 Bd. 11 Nov. 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex - France
Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage
95, rue Pierre Flourens
34000 Montpellier

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[R] [R-pkgs] adehabitat version 1.5

2006-10-30 Thread Clément Calenge
Dear all,

I have just uploaded to CRAN the version 1.5 of the
package 'adehabitat'. Significant changes are
listed below:

* the package now contains a new function allowing a factorial 
decomposition of the Mahalanobis distances in habitat selection studies, 
named madifa().

* The ENFA can now be performed using all kinds of variables (numeric, 
factors, fuzzy, mixing of several types, etc.)

* Several methods allowing the analysis of animals movements have been 
added, including the first passage time (function fpt()), a 
rediscretization algorithm (redisltraj()), and an interactive graphic 
window for dynamic analysis (trajdyn())

* A function for interactive exploration of maps of class "kasc" has 
been added (explore.kasc)

* Scott Fortmann-Roe (Univ. Berkeley) programmed a better algorithm for 
Nearest neighbour Convex hull home range estimation.

* The function kasc2spixdf() have been updated

Happy testing,

Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie évolutive
43 Bd. 11 Nov. 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex - France

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[R] [R-pkgs] adehabitat version 1.4

2006-02-23 Thread Clément Calenge
Dear all,

I have just uploaded to CRAN the version 1.4 of the
package 'adehabitat'. Significant changes are
listed below:

- The eigenanalysis of selection ratios (Calenge and Dufour, 2006, Ecology)
  can now be performed using the function eisera(). It can be used for 
the analysis of
  habitat selection when habitat can be considered to consist of several 
habitat types
  (e.g. vegetation types).

- A new class, the class "ltraj", is now available for the analysis of 
trajectories of animals
  (e.g. for the analysis of data collected using GPS collars). This 
class automatically
  computes the turning angles between successive moves, the absolute 
angles for each move,
  the speeds and the net squared displacement for each relocation. This 
class is to be
  prefered to the class "traj". The class "traj" is now deprecated.
  Note that the data set "puechcirc" is now of the class ltraj.

- The functions making the interface with the package "sp" have been 
updated: 'area2spol'
   converts an object of class 'area' into an object of class 
'SpatialPolygons'. 'spol2area' converts
   an object of class 'SpatialPolygons' or 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' 
into an object of class 'area'.
   'attpol2area' gets the data attribute of an object of class 
   and stores is into a data frame. 'traj2spdf' converts an object of 
class 'traj' into an object of
   class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame'. 'traj2sldf' converts an object of 
class 'traj' into an object of
   class 'SpatialLinesDataFrame'.

- The function enfa() has been modified:
   The old components "co" and "l1" have been removed from objects of 
class "enfa", as they did not rely
   on solid mathematical theory. The old component "c1" is now named 
"co", and corresponds to
   the scores of habitat variables in the enfa (the squared norm of this 
vector is equal to 1 for
   the identity metric). As previously, the component "li" stores the 
scores of the resource units
   in the ENFA.

- The function df2kasc now accept objects of class "kasc" with one column.

- That's all, thanks for reading !

Questions, comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Happy testing,

Clément Calenge

LBBE - UMR CNRS 5558 - Université 
Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - FRANCE
tel. (+33)
fax. (+33)

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[R] Strange behavior of atan2

2005-04-14 Thread Clément Calenge
Dear all,
I've got a problem with the function atan2. For a couple of coordinates 
x and y,
This function returns the angle between the vector of coordinates (x, y) 
and the
abscissa axis, i.e. it is the same as atan(y/x) (as indicated on the 
help page).
If we consider the vector with coordinates x = 0 and  y = 0, we have
the following result:

> atan(0/0)
[1] NaN
This is expected. However:
> atan2(0,0)
[1] 0
Instead of a missing value, the function atan2 returns an angle equal to 
0 radians.
I've searched through the help pages, the FAQ and the forum, but I 
did'nt find
any explanation to this result. Does anyone know if this behavior is 
expected, and
why ?
Thank you for any clues.

Clément Calenge
LBBE - UMR CNRS 5558 - Université 
Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - FRANCE
tel. (+33)
fax. (+33)

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[R] [R-pkgs] adehabitat version 1.2

2005-02-03 Thread Clément Calenge
Dear all,
I have just uploaded to CRAN the version 1.2 of the package
'adehabitat'. This package now contains new functions for
the estimation of home ranges (Nearest neighbour convex
hull, brownian bridge approach for kernel estimation),
estimation of schoener's ratio.  This package now allows a
better management of objects of class "area" (see plot.area,
perarea, ararea). Some arguments of the graphical functions
have also been changed (kernel, image.kasc, scatter.enfa).
Finally, some minor bugs have been corrected. Note that
the package now need that the packages ade4 and gpclib
are installed.
Questions, comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Happy testing,
Clément Calenge.
LBBE - UMR CNRS 5558 - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - FRANCE
tel. (+33)
fax. (+33)
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Re: [R] png problem

2004-09-22 Thread Clément Calenge
Thanks for the fast reply.
Paul Murrell wrote:
Clément Calenge wrote:
Dear R-users,
I have a small problem with the function png(), when used with the
argument colortype="pseudo.cube".
 > png("toto.png", colortype="pseudo.cube")
 > image(matrix(rnorm(1), 100, 100))
 > dev.off()
R is blocked at the last command (R does not
print any prompt after the last command). Nothing is
written in the file (Gimp indicates that the file is corrupted).

Did you wait long enough?  This example took a little while to complete 
for me (may need someone more familiar with the code to tell us why it is 
so slow).
You're right, it took 45 minutes for me.
However, since I need to use this code to build a Sweave vignette,
I cannot use it too often (I have about thirty files to create, this
would take about 20 hours to build the vignette !).
I also need the colortype argument (some graphics cards
do not allow the compilation of the vignette without).
Does anyone knows how to speed up the process ?


 > png("toto.png")
 > image(matrix(rnorm(1), 100, 100))
 > dev.off()
works fine.
I tried:
 > options(X11colortype = "pseudo.cube")
 > png("toto.png")
 > image(matrix(rnorm(1), 100, 100))
 > dev.off()
But, here again, R is blocked. I tried to replace dev.off() by
graphics.off(), but this does not resolve the problem.
The problem does not occurs when the function X11() is used
instead of the function png().
I searched through the mail archive, the FAQ, on google,
but I did not found any solution to this problem.
On the help page on the function png(),
it is indicated that "The colour handling will be that of the 'X11'
device in use".
I never used these functions before, but maybe png()
is not suitable with colortype="pseudo.cube" ?
Can you tell me where I have missed something ?
Thanks in Advance,
Clément Calenge.
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.9
arch sparc
os   solaris2.9
system   sparc, solaris2.9
year 2004
day  21
language R
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Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
UMR CNRS 5558 - Equipe "Ecologie Statistique"
Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
43, Boulevard du 11 novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
tel. (+33)
fax. (+33)
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[R] png problem

2004-09-21 Thread Clément Calenge
Dear R-users,

I have a small problem with the function png(), when used with the
argument colortype="pseudo.cube".

 > png("toto.png", colortype="pseudo.cube")
 > image(matrix(rnorm(1), 100, 100))
 > dev.off()

R is blocked at the last command (R does not
print any prompt after the last command). Nothing is
written in the file (Gimp indicates that the file is corrupted).

 > png("toto.png")
 > image(matrix(rnorm(1), 100, 100))
 > dev.off()

works fine.
I tried:

 > options(X11colortype = "pseudo.cube")
 > png("toto.png")
 > image(matrix(rnorm(1), 100, 100))
 > dev.off()

But, here again, R is blocked. I tried to replace dev.off() by
graphics.off(), but this does not resolve the problem.
The problem does not occurs when the function X11() is used
instead of the function png().

I searched through the mail archive, the FAQ, on google,
but I did not found any solution to this problem.
On the help page on the function png(),
it is indicated that "The colour handling will be that of the 'X11'
device in use".

I never used these functions before, but maybe png()
is not suitable with colortype="pseudo.cube" ?
Can you tell me where I have missed something ?
Thanks in Advance,

Clément Calenge.

platform sparc-sun-solaris2.9
arch sparc
os   solaris2.9
system   sparc, solaris2.9
year 2004
day  21
language R

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Re: [R] polygon border

2003-10-09 Thread Clément Calenge
see ?chull

hope this helps,


At 12:34 09/10/2003 +0200, Marta Rufino wrote:

Does anyone know how a function to find automaticly the border (polygon) 
of a cloud of points?
It is for a PCA kind of analysis, where I wanted to present as the limits 
for each group, instead of all points...

thank you in advance
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