[R] how to interpret the results of a simint call

2006-04-12 Thread Colm Connolly
Hi all,

I've done some anovas, found some significance and proceeded to do the
post hoc tests to determine the source of the significance. I used the
multcmp package as suggested by Andy Liaw (thank you).

I am, however, unsure how to interpret the results of the call to
simint. Could someone help me with this?

I've attached the code and the results it produced. There are 3 groups
(ctrl,long,short) and I'm trying to see if the data in the Mean_12
column (in the example below) differs based on group membership.

for (meanCol in meanColumns) {
  roi.err.aov-aov(eval(parse(text=meanCol)) ~ Group, data=roi.errs);
  HSD.err-simint(eval(parse(text=meanCol)) ~ Group, data=roi.errs,
  cat(### Summary of AOV for , meanCol,  cluster: , i, \n);

### Summary of AOV for  Mean_12  cluster:  12
Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(F)
Group2 6368494 3184247  8.8536 0.001627 **
Residuals   21 7552730  359654
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Simultaneous 95% confidence intervals: Tukey contrasts

simint.formula(formula = eval(parse(text = meanCol)) ~ Group,
data = roi.stops, type = Tukey)

 Tukey contrasts for factor Group

Contrast matrix:
   Groupctrl Grouplong Groupshort
Grouplong-Groupctrl  0-1 1  0
Groupshort-Groupctrl 0-1 0  1
Groupshort-Grouplong 0 0-1  1

Absolute Error Tolerance:  0.001

 95 % quantile:  2.519

 Estimate2.5 %   97.5 % t value Std.Err. p raw p Bonf
Grouplong-Groupctrl  -134.246 -930.286  661.794  -0.425  316.076 0.675  1.000
Groupshort-Groupctrl  978.056  182.016 1774.097   3.094  316.076 0.005  0.016
Groupshort-Grouplong 1112.303  400.303 1824.303   3.934  282.707 0.001  0.002
 p adj
Grouplong-Groupctrl  0.906
Groupshort-Groupctrl 0.015
Groupshort-Grouplong 0.002

Thanks in advance,



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[R] recommendation for post-hoc tests after anova

2006-04-06 Thread Colm Connolly
Greetings all,

I've done some ANOVAs and have found significant effects across my
groups, so now I have to do some post-hoc tests to ascertain which of
the groups is driving the significant effect. Usually one would do
something like a Newman-Keuls or Scheffe test to get at this but based
on googling and browsing through the r-help archives R doesn't support
these and they seem to be badly received by the R community generally
(for reasons related to alpha not being properly controlled, if I
understand correctly).

I found the TukeyHSD function but on reading the help page, I'm unsure
whether it's safe for me to use it since the number of subjects in my
groups is not balanced (ctrl=6, short=9, long=9). Would you reckon
that this is mildly unbalanced in the spirit of the help page or
that is my caution warranted?

In the absence of NK or Scheefe tests could someone recommend an
appropriate test for me to conduct in this instance? From what I've
read in Explaining Psychological Statistics, the REGWQ test seems to
be the way to go. Can R perform this test?

Thanks for your time,


Dr Colm G. Connolly
School of Psychology and Institute of Neuroscience
The Lloyd Building
University of Dublin
Trinity College, Dublin 2, Éire

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Re: [R] reference paper about SOM

2006-04-01 Thread Colm Connolly
On eof the best sources of info on the SOM is Kohonen's book. Try and
get this if you can.

  author =   {Teuvo Kohonen},
  title ={Self-organizing maps},
  publisher ={Springer},
  year = 1995,
  address =  {Berlin}

On 01/04/06, Linda Lei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm looking for some reference paper about SOM (self organizing map)
 algorithm. I tried the paper which is mentioned in

 the help page of function som (package:som):

 But I can't open it for some reason. Could you please help me with it ?

 Thanks a lot!

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R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] variables as arguments in formulae in aov?

2006-03-28 Thread Colm Connolly
Hi all,

I wonder if you could help me with (what is surely) a simple R question?

I've written a simple R script (attached) to perform multiple ANOVAs
on the columns in a table loaded in from a a file (also attached). I
loop through the list of columns for which I want to perform the
ANOVAs, storing the column name in a variable. When I try to perform
the ANOVA using the variable name as a reference to the column name R
complains as follows:
Error in the model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames,
extras, extranames, :
invalid variable type

The line causing the problem is the first line inside the for loop.
The question is what have I done wrong? Is there a better way of doing
the ANOVAs?

Thanks in advance,


roi.errs=read.table(../Group.results/allGroupsROI.errs, header=T, sep=\t);
roi.stops=read.table(../Group.results/allGroupsROI.stops, header=T, sep=\t);

# extract the names of the columns containing the means

## open the output file, split=T also spits it to the screen
cat(*** Summary for ROI.errs\n);
for (meanCol in meanColumns) {
  roi.err.aov-aov(meanCol ~ Group, data=roi.errs);
  cat(*** Summary of AOV for , meanCol, \n);

## close the output file

## open the output file, split=T also spits it to the screen
cat(*** Summary for ROI.stops\n);
for (meanCol in meanColumns) {
  roi.stops.aov-aov(meanCol ~ Group, data=roi.stops);
  cat(*** Summary of AOV for , meanCol, \n);

## close the output file
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