[R] Simple spectral analysis

2007-01-08 Thread Georg Hoermann
Hello world,

I am actually trying to transfer a lecture from Statistica to
R and I ran into problems with spectral analysis, I think I
just don't get it 8-(
(The posting from FFT, frequs, magnitudes, phases from 2005
did not enlighten me)

As a starter for the students I have a 10year data set of air 
temperature with daily values  and I try to
get a periodogram where the annual period (365 days) should be clearly
visible (in statistica I can get the frequencies and the period).
I tried the spectrum() and pgram() functions, but
did not find a way through... The final aim would be to
get the periodogram (and the residuals from the reassembled data set...)

Thanks and greetings,

The data set:

air = read.csv(http://www.hydrology.uni-kiel.de/~schorsch/air_temp.csv;)
airtemp = ts(T_air, start=c(1989,1), freq = 365)

Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology, Kiel University, Germany
+49/431/23761412, mo: +49/171/4995884, icq:348340729, skype: ghoermann

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Re: [R] Simple spectral analysis

2007-01-08 Thread Georg Hoermann
Peter Dalgaard wrote:
 Earl F. Glynn wrote:
 The defaults for detrending and tapering could be involved. Putting, 
 e.g., detrend=F gives me a spectrum with substantially higher 
 low-frequency components.
 But what was the problem in the first place?
understanding how this things work in R compared to other packages 8-)

Thanks a lot for the help. I will post the script when its ready
(an introduction for our biology students to time series, just 8 hours)


Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology, Kiel University, Germany
+49/431/23761412, mo: +49/171/4995884, icq:348340729, skype: ghoermann

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[R] Strange Colnames

2005-02-25 Thread Georg Hoermann
Hello world,
I am trying to create a matrix of lagged time series with the
following code fragment (I know that I can use acf-function...).
I want to set the variable/column name to something like
lag 1 etc. If I try to do it I get text like
lagtest.lagtest.lagtest.lag 1 where does this come from?
After a conversion to a data.frame it works as expected.
What did I miss?
Thanks and greetings,
 lagtest - as.ts(seq(1:100)) ;
 for (i in 1:4) {lagtest - cbind(lagtest,lag(ts_test,i)); 
colnames(lagtest)[i+1]- paste(lag,i)}
[1] H_GW  lagtest.lagtest.lagtest.lag 1 
lagtest.lagtest.lag 2
[4] lagtest.lag 3 lag 4

# this works...
  t5 - as.data.frame(lagtest)
 for (i in 1:4) {names(t5)[i+1] - paste(var,i) }
[1] H_GW  var 1 var 2 var 3 var 4

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Re: [R] Strange Colnames

2005-02-25 Thread Georg Hoermann
Miguel A. Arranz wrote:
You probably want to have a look at help(embed). It might be all you need.
embed wraps around (no NAs at begin and end of the dataset), this makes 
no sense in hydrology.

Gruss Georg
Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology, Kiel University, Germany
Tel. 0431-880-1207, Home: 0451/477032, 0172/4315715, Penguin #189476
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Re: [R] Strange Colnames

2005-02-25 Thread Georg Hoermann
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
Here is something you could try:
# define lags and their names
lags - 0:4
names(lags) - c(G_HW, paste(lag, 1:4))
# build mts
do.call(cbind, lapply(lags, lag, x = lagtest))
thank you for the solution,
I will try to understand it during the weekend 8-)
Now I tried to change the lag from the default value of 1 to -1,
but I apparently missed something:
 do.call(cbind, lapply(lags, function(x) lag(x,-1), x = lagtest))
Error in FUN(X[[1]], ...) : unused argument(s) ( ...)
where is the unused argument?
Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology, Kiel University, Germany
Tel. 0431-880-1207, Home: 0451/477032, 0172/4315715, Penguin #189476
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[R] Getting *types* of arguments?

2005-02-17 Thread Georg Hoermann
Hello world,

short question: is there a possibility to get a list of
arguments of a function *with* variable/parameter types?

formals() gives me the names of the parameters, but says
nothing about the parameter type it expects (I know I can always use the 
help function). 

I would like somthing like

$x: vector or data.frame...

Thanks in advance...


Georg Hoermann, Fachabteilung Wasserwirtschaft / Dep. Hydrology  
Ecosystem Research Center, Kiel University, Germany, Penguin #189476
Tel. 0431-880-1207, 0172/4315715, ICQ: 348340729, MSN: hlschorsch

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[R] Annual cumulative sums from time series

2005-02-10 Thread Georg Hoermann
Hello world,

I am actually transferring a course in data management for
students in biology, geography and agriculture 
from statistica to R - it works
surprisingly well. If anyone is interested in my scratch/notepad
(in German language), please see


(pages 40-52)

The dataset is:


It contains a 10 year dataset. So far for introduction, now
comes the problem:

we often need cumulative *annual* sums (sunshine, precipitation),
 i.e. the sum
must reset to 0 at the beginning of the year. I know
of cumsum(), but I do not now how to split the dataset automagically 
into annual pieces so I can cumsum() every year separately.
I have the strong hope that the solution is one of these
one-liners which leave the students with eyes wide open in surprise and 
makes them true believers in the power of the command-line 8-).

Thanks  Greetings

Georg Hoermann, Luebeck, Germany
Tel. 0451/47 70 32, 0172/431 57 15, Penguin #189476

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Re: [R] Annual cumulative sums from time series - SOLVED + questions

2005-02-10 Thread Georg Hoermann
Roger Bivand wrote:
On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Georg Hoermann wrote:
Hello world,
based on the code of Roger I have now two solutions:
the first one (one line for the whole dataset)
- cut here --
erle - 
jahre - factor(substring(erle$DATUM, 7))
tpks1 - unlist(tapply(erle$Sonnen, jahre, cumsum))
plot(tpks1, type=l)

- cut here ---
The second one plots one line for each year:
 start - cut here 
# read data in from Internet
erle - 
# extract Year as a factor from variable DATUM
jahre - factor(substring(erle$DATUM, 7))
try1 - tapply(erle$Sonnen, jahre, cumsum)
# create colors for every year from rainbow color scheme
cols - rainbow(length(try1))
plot(x=c(1,366), y=c(0,1200), type=n, xlab=Days, ylab=Cumulative 
sunshine (h))
# draw the lines, one line for each year
for (i in 1:length(try1)) lines(1:length(try1[[i]]), try1[[i]], col=cols[i])

# ...and the legend
legend(c(0,100), c(400,1100), names(try1), col=cols, lwd=1, bty=n)
 end cut here -
For the second example, a mean sum for all years would also be a good 

Thanks for all solutions...
Merci  Gruss
Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology, Kiel University, Germany
Tel. 0431-880-1207, icq - 348 340 729, 0172/4315715, Penguin #189476
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