[R] [R-pkgs] brew 1.0-1

2007-08-22 Thread Jeffrey Horner
brew implements a templating framework for mixing text and R code for 
report generation. brew template syntax is similar to PHP, Ruby's erb 
module, Java Server Pages, and Python's psp module.

brew is written in R with no package dependencies, and it's not just for 
the web. It can be used as an alternative to Sweave in a limited 
context. See the brew-test-1.brew file in the distribution for some 
salient differences between the two. brew can also complement Sweave 
since it can be written to do conditional inclusion of or loop over 
Sweave code chunks.

The 1.0-1 version should show up on the CRAN mirrors shortly, but in the 
mean time it can be got from:




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Re: [R] using loops to create multiple images

2007-08-04 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Donatas G. wrote:
 I have a data.frame with ~100 columns and I need a barplot for each column 
 produced and saved in some directory.
 I am not sure it is possible - so please help me.
 this is my loop that does not work...
 vars - list (substitute (G01_01), substitute (G01_02), substitute (G01_03), 
 substitute (G01_04))
 results - data.frame ('Variable Name'=rep (NA, length (vars)), 
 for (i in 1:length (vars))  {
 dev.copy(png, filename=/my/dir/barplot.i.png, height=600, width=600)
 Is it possible to use the i somewhere _within_ a file name? (like it is 
 possible in other programming or scripting languages?)

Oh yes, very easy. two options:

1) Use sprintf, e.g. filename=sprintf(/my/dir/barplot.%d.png,i)
2) Use paste, i.e., filename=paste('/my/dir/barplot.',i,'.png',sep='')

 Since I hate to type in all the variables (they go from G01_01 to G01_10 and 
 then from G02_01 to G02_10 and so on), is it possible to shorten this list by 
 putting there another loop, applying some programming thing or so? 

Well sure! Just loop over each column of your data frame. The column 
names are gotten from the names() function. I don't see a data frame in 
your code so I assume d is below:

for (i in names(d)){

Notice that names(d) returns a character vector, thus i is a string, 
whereas in my sprintf example in 1) presumed it an int. Also, be sure to 
read up on the apply family of functions as an alternative to using 
loops in R code.


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Re: [R] from R to html

2007-04-24 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Henrique Dallazuanna wrote:
 Use the package R2HTML.

Or xtable.


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Re: [R] Using R to create pdf's from each file in a directory

2007-04-20 Thread Jeffrey Horner
gecko951 wrote:
 The Platform I am using R on is RHEL3.  I run a bash script that collects
 data into many CSV files and have been processing them one at a time on my
 local machine with an excel macro.  I would like to use R to take data
 points from each of the CSV files and create line graphs in PDF format
 because it will save me ALOT of time.  I am able to successfully do this
 when I call the file name directly...however my script bombs when I try to
 do multiple files.  I would like the created pdf's to have the same filename
 as the original csv files.  I have looked quite a bit and not found much
 help on batch processing an entire directory.  My current code is as
 list - dir(/tmp/data)
 for(x in list){
 d - read.table(x, sep=\t, header=TRUE) # read data
 pdf(/tmp/graph/x.pdf)  # file for graph
 plot(d$BlockSeqNum, d$MBs,  # Blocks as x, MB/s
 as y 
  type=l, # plot lines, not points
  xlab=Blocks,  # label x axis
  ylab=MB/s,  # label y axis
  main=x)  # add title
 dev.off()  # close file
 q()# quit

Below will get you closer to what you want, assuming that your files end 
in .csv, which they should, especially if you'll be creating new files 
in the same directory with a different extension. You certainly don't 
want to re-run your R code and call read.table on a pdf. Another point 
is that your current working directory for R, returned by getwd(), is 
already '/tmp/data'. Otherwise read.table wouldn't work, and a more 
portable solution is to use a variable to hold the directory name:

workdir - '/tmp/data'
for (x in dir(workdir,pattern='.csv$')){
   d - read.table(paste(workdir,'/',x,sep=''), sep=\t, header=TRUE)
   plot(d$BlockSeqNum, d$MBs,



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Re: [R] Accessing R applications from Web

2007-04-19 Thread Jeffrey Horner
d. sarthi maheshwari wrote:
 I am trying to provide web interface to my R application. My requirements
 are simple and can be written down as follows :
 1) User must provide all the input parameters on web interface.
 2) Based on the input values, R will do some computations.
 3) Project the numerical results as well as plots as html page to the user
 on web.
 Kindly tell me which package can help me in doing this. Your help would be
 highly appreciated.

There are many options according to the R FAQ:




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Re: [R] Runing R in a bash script

2007-04-18 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Apr 2007, Ulrik Stervbo wrote:
 As I har problems installing the Cairo package, I went for Henriks solution
 - and it works almost perfect. I would like to have been able to generate
 transparent png.
 You cannot do transparency via postscript.
 I would suggest using pdf() and converting the output of that, which often 
 works even better (and does have full transparency support).

Cairo also has full transparency support, both for png and pdf.

Ulrik, I presume the problem you ran into was the absence of the cairo 
library dependency:

configure: error: Cannot find cairo.h! Please install cairo 
(http://www.cairographics.org/) and/or set CAIRO_CFLAGS/LIBS 

which has it's own library dependencies as well. Most all Linux 
distributions (I'm presuming you're running Linux) have ways to install 
these dependencies easily: apt-get, rpm, etc.

Otherwise, if you had other problems installing Cairo, please let me 
know and I can fix them.


 Thanks for the help

 On 18/04/07, Henrik Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Or see png2() in R.utils, which imitates png() but uses bitmap(),
 which in turn uses postscript-to-png via ghostscript.  BTW, personally
 I think PNGs generated via bitmap() look way better than the ones
 generated via png().
 As there are two separate versions of png() for different OSes, comments 
 like that are very system-dependent.  Other postings suggest this is 
 Windows, and if png() is giving poor results there it suggests a problem 
 with the way Windows' GDI is configured (which depends on the graphics 
 And of course, PNGs don't 'look' at all: they are rendered by some other 
 tool, and quite often the perceived problem with R graphical output is in 
 fact with the rendering tool.

 On 4/17/07, Jeffrey Horner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ulrik Stervbo wrote:

 I am having issues trying to plot to a ong (or jpg)  when the R-code
 in a
 bash script is executed from cron.

 I can generate a pdf file, but when I try to write to a png, the file
 created, but nothing is written. If I execute the bash script from my
 console, everything works file. Any ideas?

 In my cron I have SHELL=/bin/bash - otherwise /bin/shell is used and
 folowing enery, so example is executed every minute
 * * * * * [path]/example.sh

 I am running
 R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)

 Here's a minimal example - two files one R-script ('example.r') and
 bash-script ('example.sh')

 # Example R-script
 x - c(1:10)
 y - x^2

 # Hello world is written to exhotext every time cron executes this
 echo Hello world  echotext
 # This works, but not when executed from cron
 n=`R --save  example.r`
 # using exec as in `exec R --save  example.r` dosent work with cron
 # This also works, but nothing is written to the png when executed
 from cron
 R --save RSCRIPT
 x - c(1:10)
 y - x^2
 #dev.off() dosent work at all when executed from cron
 The png() device requires an X server for the image rendering. You might
 be able to get away with exporting the DISPLAY environment variable

 export DISPLAY=:0.0 # try and connect to X server on display 0.0

 within your script, but it will only work if the script is executed by
 the same user as is running the X server, *and* the X server is running
 at the time the script is executed.

 There are a handful of packages that will create a png without the
 presence of an X server, and I'm partial to Cairo (since I've done some
 work on it). You can install the latest version like this:


 Cairo can also outputs nice pdf's with embedded fonts... useful if you
 want to embed high-quality OpenType or TrueType fonts.



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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Runing R in a bash script

2007-04-17 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Ulrik Stervbo wrote:
  I am having issues trying to plot to a ong (or jpg)  when the R-code in a
  bash script is executed from cron.
  I can generate a pdf file, but when I try to write to a png, the file is
  created, but nothing is written. If I execute the bash script from my
  console, everything works file. Any ideas?
  In my cron I have SHELL=/bin/bash - otherwise /bin/shell is used and the
  folowing enery, so example is executed every minute
  * * * * * [path]/example.sh
  I am running
  R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
  Here's a minimal example - two files one R-script ('example.r') and one
  bash-script ('example.sh')
  # Example R-script
  x - c(1:10)
  y - x^2
  # Hello world is written to exhotext every time cron executes this script
  echo Hello world  echotext
  # This works, but not when executed from cron
  n=`R --save  example.r`
  # using exec as in `exec R --save  example.r` dosent work with cron 
  # This also works, but nothing is written to the png when executed 
from cron
  R --save RSCRIPT
  x - c(1:10)
  y - x^2
  #dev.off() dosent work at all when executed from cron

The png() device requires an X server for the image rendering. You might 
be able to get away with exporting the DISPLAY environment variable

export DISPLAY=:0.0 # try and connect to X server on display 0.0

within your script, but it will only work if the script is executed by 
the same user as is running the X server, *and* the X server is running 
at the time the script is executed.

There are a handful of packages that will create a png without the 
presence of an X server, and I'm partial to Cairo (since I've done some 
work on it). You can install the latest version like this:


Cairo can also outputs nice pdf's with embedded fonts... useful if you 
want to embed high-quality OpenType or TrueType fonts.



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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Question for install Rapache package.

2007-04-16 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Hi Charlie,

Charlie wrote:
 Hi, this is Charlie and I am trying to embed R in my apache server. However, 
 I am having problem with installation. The R projet says that we can install 
 add-on package with command $R CMD (rapache.0.1.4.tar.gz). However, I try to 
 use it in command windows (windows xp) and an error shows. Please tell me 
 when I can use the command (in c?? or in the same folder with the file).  thx.
   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

The RApache distribution of software, rapache-0.1.4.tar.gz, is a 
combination of glue code for embedding R into Apache and a proper R 
package (RApache) which is installed via R CMD INSTALL.

You can find installation instructions right on the project home page:


RApache runs extremely well under Unix-alikes, but as I don't have 
access to develop on a MS Windows box, your mileage may vary.



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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Fractals with R

2007-04-13 Thread Jeffrey Horner
kone wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 I put some R-code to a web page for drawing fractals. See
 If you have some R-code for fractal images, I'm willing to include  
 them to the page.
 Has somebody tried L-systems or Markov algorithm (http:// 
 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_algorithm) with R?

Here's an interactive example of how to draw pretty pictures with 
polynomials and other R functions:


...without the pop-up windows ;)



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Re: [R] Problem with installation of littler-0.0.10. under Free BSD 6.2

2007-03-12 Thread Jeffrey Horner


Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
 On 12 March 2007 at 13:38, ronggui wrote:


 | MyBSD% make
 | R_HOME= /usr/local/bin/R --silent --vanilla --slaveautoloads.h
 | Syntax error: redirection unexpected
 | *** Error code 2
 | Stop in /home/ronggui/software/littler-0.0.10.
 | Anyone knows why and any hints to the solution? Thanks in advance.

This is a problem with your make command not expanding '$' . CCan you
ruun make -v to tell us what version it is?



 Jeff and I know that the world was created inside a bash shell.  

And indeed it was! ;)
 Seriously, can you try running configure inside a shell with working 
 If you can't then you may need to simulate by hand what this would do,
 outside of configure, and then run make.
 Let us know.
 | -- 
 | Ronggui Huang
 | Department of Sociology
 | Fudan University, Shanghai, China
 | 黄荣贵
 | 复旦大学社会学系

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] gsub: replacing a.*a if no occurence of b in .*

2007-02-24 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
 On Feb 24, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
 The _question_ assumed that, which is why the answers did too.
 Oh yes, I totally agree, the file snippet the OP provided did indeed  
 assume that, though nothing in the text of his question did, so I  
 wasn't entirely clear whether the actual file that is going to be  
 processed has this form or not. So I just wanted to make sure the OP  
 is aware of this limitation, in case the actual file is more  
 But most importantly, I wanted to suggest a reevaluation, if  
 possible, of the process that generates these XML's, and perhaps  
 fixing that, instead of patching the problem after it has been created.

Also, I wouldn't tolerate R *crashing* in package code on malformed xml 


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Re: [R] write fixed format

2007-02-21 Thread Jeffrey Horner
 Dear R users;
 Is there a function in R that I can put text with proper alignments in 
 a fixed format.  For instance, if I have three fields: A, B and C, where 
 both A and C are text with 3 characters and left alignment; B is a 
 numeric one with 2 decimals and 3 integer space digits.   How can I put 
 the following row in a file? (note there is a space between a and 2, and 
 after b.) (A=aaa, B=23.11 and C=bb)
 aaa 23.11bb 

Use sprintf:

  sprintf(%s %.2f%s,A,B,C)
[1] aaa 23.11bb

Be sure to read the documentation for sprintf, as you'll want to fully 
understand left and right adjustment, and field width and precision.



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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] scripts with littler

2007-01-09 Thread Jeffrey Horner
John Lawrence Aspden wrote:
 John Lawrence Aspden wrote:
 I'm actually tempted to use

 #!/usr/bin/env r
 Ahem, it turns out to be better to use:
 #!/usr/bin/env r

Eww!! I'm not sure you want to do that. I would recommend sticking with:

#!/usr/bin/r -v

as that gives you a truer scripting environment. I understand that 
won't load the libraries in your home area automatically, but consider 
the way scripts in other languages are written and distributed: they 
usually load the libraries at the beginning of the script. Silently 
loading them before the script is run hides behavior from the script user.

If you have libraries installed outside of the library search path, 
consider expanding it with .libPaths() before calling library() or 



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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] littler+dget+stdin - segmentation fault

2007-01-04 Thread Jeffrey Horner
John Lawrence Aspden wrote:
 Hi, I'm trying to write a series of pipes using littler, and I get the
 following behaviour: Sorry if I'm just doing something witless, I'm new to
 R. I'm using the latest versions from debian testing (2.4.0 and 0.0.8).
 $ r -e 'a-dget(file=stdin()); print(a)'
 Segmentation fault

You've found a bug which has been fixed. Expect a new version 0.0.9 of 
littler later tonight from here:


and soon after than in debian.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Help with filled.contour()

2007-01-03 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Dieter Menne wrote:
 Michael Kubovy kubovy at virginia.edu writes:
 I tried and it gave a strange result. See

 Session Info
 R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
 Hmm, strange, I can reproduce your problem on Windows (otherwise same config)
 with pdf, but it looks beautifully on screen for me if I mentally remove the
 ugly legend.

Try the image function. The smoothness of the plot will be proportional 
to the length of x and y. For instance 200 isn't bad:

mu1 - 0
mu2 - 5
s - 1
x - seq(-2.5, 7.5, length = 200)
y - seq(-2.5, 2.5, length = 200)
f - function(x,y){
 term1 - 1/(2*pi*sqrt(s*s))
 term2 - -1/2
 term3 - (x - mu1)^2/s
 term4 - (y - mu1)^2/s
 term5 - (x - mu2)^2/s
 term1*(.5 * exp(term2*(term3 + term4)) + .5 * exp(term2*(term5 + 
} # setting up the function of the multivariate normal density
z - outer(x, y, f)
# persp(x, y, z)
#filled.contour(x, y, z, axes = F, frame.plot = F, asp = 1,
#   col = gray(seq(0, 0.9, len = 25)), nlevels = 25)



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Re: [R] running R without X11

2006-11-14 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Laurence Darby wrote:
 Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 On Tue, 14 Nov 2006, Laurence Darby wrote:

 Is there anyway to remove this dependency on X11?
 Please read the help page.  R's png device uses X11 for its fonts.  You 
 need fonts from somewhere, and vanilla Unix systems don't come with any 
 other sets.  You can use ghostscript or libgdd or other resources for 
 other graphics devices.  I normally just use an Xvfb frame buffer (but, 
 hint, it defaults to 12bit and you want a 24bit screen).

 Thanks for your prompt answer, although getting gs to work the way I
 want or setting up Xvfb, on top of learning R, is too many hoops to
 jump through, much more than reproducing a small R script I have in

You can also use Simon Urbanek's GDD or Cairo packages, located on CRAN 
and on www.rosuda.org/R. They both create png's without an X server.

Currently, there are issues with GDD: minimal truetype font support, an 
inability to draw lines thicker than lwd=1, and the worst is it's 
dependence on the neglected libgd graphics library, but apparently 
there's been some active development on it. Check www.libgd.org.

I'm currently adding truetype font support and some antialiasing 
properties to the Cairo package, for the sole purpose of creating better 
graphics for the web. Cairo probably has a longer future as it depends 
on cairo (www.cairographics.org) which is used in the Firefox browser.


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] get compressed data via a socket connection

2006-11-08 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 ?gzcon may help, depending exactly what you mean by `zlib-compressed 
 data'. If not, its code will provide you with a prototype to work on. 
 There are also private entry points in connections.c to (de)compress 
 blocks of data to/from a raw vector which again may be a useful statring 
 point for ideas.
 There is no public API to the connections code.

You might want to look at the proposed R Connections API here:




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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] R CMD BATCH: unable to start device PNG

2006-11-03 Thread Jeffrey Horner
 Dear r-helpers:
 Any ideas how to avoid problem described below?
 I am having the same problem when I run R remotly (not from cgi script);
 somehow png device wants to talk to X11 and X11 complains...
 Best regards,
 error msg from batch R process (Linux/R-2.4.0) (executed on Apache server 
 from cgi script):
 Error in X11(paste(png::, filename, sep = ), width, height, pointsize, 
 unable to start device PNG
 In addition: Warning message:
 unable to open connection to X11 display ''
 Execution halted

Here's a snippet from the png help page:

  'bitmap' provides an alternative way to generate PNG and JPEG
  plots that does not depend on accessing the X11 display but does
  depend on having GhostScript installed.  (Device 'GDD' in 'GDD' is
  another alternative using several other additional pieces of

You can find GDD and another alternative Cairo here:



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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] littler release 0.0.6

2006-10-05 Thread Jeffrey Horner
For those of you who are littler fans, you'll be pleased to know that 
we've already decommissioned version 0.0.6 in light of the new and 
improved 0.0.7 (actually 0.0.6 was broken because of a missing file).

You can get it from the links below.


Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
 What ?
We are pleased to announce version 0.0.6 of littler 
 What's new ?
This version includes a bug fix or two as well as a number of small
enhancements to the documentation.
For OS X and the r/R confusion, our recommended suggestion is to call
configure using either the --program-suffix=X  or  --program-prefix=Y
option to have the binary and manual page renamed when 'make install'
runs. In this example, r would be renamed to rX and Yr, resptively.
Suitable choices of X and Y are left to the user.

 Where ?
You can find the source tarball at both
 Comments are welcome, as are are suggestions, bug fixes, or patches.
   - Jeffrey Horner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   - Dirk Eddelbuettel [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] How to dowload mod_R.so

2006-10-02 Thread Jeffrey Horner
khao_lek wrote:
 i don't know url address how to dowload mod_R.so for use R and Apache
 i'm want to try R on the web. 
 please tell me.

Please visit:


to download the latest release, and also read the paper near the end of 
the page.



R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] New project: littler for GNU R

2006-09-26 Thread Jeffrey Horner

What ?

   littler - Provides hash-bang (#!) capability for R (www.r-project.org)

Why ?

   GNU R, a language and environment for statistical computing and
   graphics, provides a wonderful system for 'programming with data'
   as well as interactive exploratory analysis, often involving graphs.

   Sometimes, however, simple scripts are desired. While GNU R can
   be used in batch mode, and while so-called 'here' documents can be
   crafted, a long-standing need for a scripting front-end has often
   been expressed by the R Community.

   littler (pronounced 'little R' and written 'r') aims to fill
   this need.

   It can be used directly on the command-line just like, say, bc(1):

 $ echo 'cat(pi^2,\n)' | r

   Equivalently, commands that are to be evaluated can be given on
   the command-line

 $ r -e 'cat(pi^2, \n)'

   But unlike bc(1), GNU R has a vast number of statistical
   functions. For example, we can quickly compute a summary() and show
   a stem-and-leaf plot for file sizes in a given directory via

 $ ls -l /boot | awk '!/^total/ {print $5}' | \
  r -e 'fsizes - as.integer(readLines());
 print(summary(fsizes)); stem(fsizes)'
Min. 1st Qu.  MedianMean 3rd Qu.Max.
  13 512  110100  486900  768400 4735000
 Loading required package: grDevices

   The decimal point is 6 digit(s) to the right of the |

   0 | 002223
   0 | 5557778899
   1 | 112233
   1 | 5
   2 |
   2 |
   3 |
   3 |
   4 |
   4 | 7

   And, last but not least, this (somewhat unwieldy) expression can
   be stored in a helper script:

 $ cat examples/fsizes.r
 #!/usr/bin/env r

 fsizes - as.integer(readLines())

   (where calling /usr/bin/env is a trick from Python which allows one
   to forget whether r is installed in /usr/bin/r, /usr/local/bin/r,
   ~/bin/r, ...)

   A few examples are provided in the source directories examples/
   and tests/.

Where ?

   littler can either be downloaded from


   accessed by anonymous SVN:

   $ svn co http://littler.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ littler

   or (soon !) be gotten from Debian mirrors via

   $ agt-get install littler

   littler is known to build and run on Linux and OS X.

Who ?

   Copyright (C) 2006 Jeffrey Horner and Dirk Eddelbuettel

   littler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
   MA  02111-1307  USA

   Comments are welcome, as are are suggestions, bug fixes, or patches.

 - Jeffrey Horner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - Dirk Eddelbuettel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] New project: littler for GNU R

2006-09-26 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Seth Falcon wrote:
 Wow, looks neat.
 OS X users will be unhappy with your naming choice as the default
 filesystem there is not case-sensitive :-(
 IOW, r and R do the same thing.  I would expect it to otherwise work
 on OS X so a change of some sort might be worthwhile.

(I'm always amazed at how I can miss the simplest details. I probably 
knew at some point that OS X shipped with a case-sensitive file system, 
which you can turn off somehow, but forgot. Thank goodness for peer review.)

littler will install into /usr/local/bin by default, so I don't think 
there's a clash with the Mac binary provided by CRAN, right?


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] New project: littler for GNU R

2006-09-26 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Duncan Murdoch wrote:
 On 9/26/2006 1:04 PM, Jeffrey Horner wrote:


It can be used directly on the command-line just like, say, bc(1):

  $ echo 'cat(pi^2,\n)' | r
 Is there a technical reason that this couldn't work by modifying the 
 script that invokes R?  That would avoid the r/R clash on MacOSX and 
 Windows.  In Windows R is R.exe, not a script, so some adjustment would 
 be needed there, but that shouldn't be difficult.

In fact, it does work:

$ echo 'cat(pi^2,\n)' | R --vanilla --slave

but what's more compelling is the ability to utilize the UNIX hash-bang 


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] New project: littler for GNU R

2006-09-26 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Seth Falcon wrote:
 Jeffrey Horner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 littler will install into /usr/local/bin by default, so I don't think
 there's a clash with the Mac binary provided by CRAN, right?
 It depends what you mean by clash :-)
 If both are on the PATH, then you get the first one, I suspect, when
 running either 'R' or 'r'.  I haven't tested this bit yet, but on my
 OS X laptop I can invoke a new R session using either 'R' or 'r'
 (using an R built from source, not the R GUI app thingie).

Good point, but the executable path can be named absolutely in hash-bang 
scripts. Relative paths work as well with the use of '/usr/bin/env 
program' as is described in the littler announcement, but then you don't
get to pass arguments to 'program', just to the hash-bang script.

 So IMO, a different name or an integration into the R script in some
 way would be a big improvement.

But I'd like to know why there's an R script in the first place. Why not 
just an executable as on windows?

 'r' is cute, but going down the road of tools with the same name
 except for caps leads to confusion (for me).  For example, R CMD
 build/INSTALL still catches me up after a number of years.

That's a different problem than case-sensitivity. The word 'build' must 
have had a different semantic than INSTALL, and I'm not sure why one was 
all caps and the other isn't.


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Creating Movies with R

2006-09-22 Thread Jeffrey Horner
If you run R on Linux, then you can run the ImageMagick command called 
convert. I place this in an R function to use a sequence of PNG plots as 
movie frames:

make.mov.plotcol3d - function(){
 system(convert -delay 10 plotcol3d*.png plotcol3d.mpg)

Examples can be seen here:


Look for the 'Download Movie' links.



Lorenzo Isella wrote:
 Dear All,
 I'd like to know if it is possible to create animations with R.
 To be specific, I attach a code I am using for my research to plot
 some analytical results in 3D using the lattice package. It is not
 necessary to go through the code.
 Simply, it plots some 3D density profiles at two different times
 selected by the user.
 I wonder if it is possible to use the data generated for different
 times to create something like an .avi file.
 Here is the script:
 # I start defining the analytical functions needed to get the density
 as a function of time
 expect_position - function(t,lam1,lam2,pos_ini,vel_ini)
 (exp(2*lam1*t)-1)/(2*lam1)-2/(lam1+lam2)*(exp(lam1*t+lam2*t)-1) +
 (exp(2*lam2*t)-1)/(2*lam2) )
  Now the physical parameters
 St-tau ### since I am in dimensionless units and tau is already in
 units of 1/|alpha|
 ### Now the grid in space and time
 time-5  # time extent
 tsteps-501 # time steps
  Now the things specific for the dynamics along x
 lam1- -beta/2*(1+sqrt(1+4*St))
 lam2- -beta/2*(1-sqrt(1+4*St))
 xmin- -0.5
 nx-101 ## grid intervals along x
 newx-seq(xmin,xmax,len=nx) # grid along x
 # M1 - do.call(g, c(list(x = newx), mypar))
 #NB: at t=0, the density blows up, since I have a delta as the initial state!
 # At any t0, instead, the result is finite.
 #for this reason I now redefine time by getting rid of the istant t=0
 to work out
 # the density
 for (i in 2:tsteps)
 rho_x_t[ i-1, ]-myrho_x
 ### Now I also define a scaled density
 for (i in 2:tsteps)
 rho_x_t_scaled[ i-1, ]-myrho_x/max(myrho_x)
 ###Now I deal with the dynamics along y
 lam1- -beta/2*(1+sqrt(1-4*St))
 lam2- -beta/2*(1-sqrt(1-4*St))
 ymin- 0
 ymax- 1
 vy0- -y0
 # now I introduce the function giving the density along y: this has to
 include the BC of zero
 # density at wall
 newy-seq(ymin,ymax,len=nx) # grid along y with the same # of points
 as the one along x
 for (i in 2:tsteps)
 rho_y_t[ i-1, ]-myrho_y
 for (i in 2:tsteps)
 rho_y_t_scaled[ i-1, ]-myrho_y/max(myrho_y)
 # The following 2 plots are an example of the plots I'd like to use to
 make an animation
 g - expand.grid(x = newx, y = newy)
 mydens-rho_x_t[ instant, ]%o%rho_y_t[ instant, ]/(max(rho_x_t[
 instant, ]%o%rho_y_t[ instant, ]))
 print(wireframe(z ~ x * y, g, drape = TRUE,shade=TRUE,
 scales = list(arrows = FALSE),pretty=FALSE, aspect = c(1,1), colorkey = TRUE
 ,zoom=0.8, main=expression(Density at t=2), zlab =
 list(expression(density),rot = 90),distance=0.0,
 perspective=TRUE,#screen = list(z = 150, x = -55,y= 0)
 mydens-rho_x_t[ instant, ]%o%rho_y_t[ instant, ]/(max(rho_x_t[
 instant, ]%o%rho_y_t[ instant, ]))
 print(wireframe(z ~ x * y, g, drape = TRUE,shade=TRUE,
 scales = list(arrows = FALSE),pretty=FALSE, aspect = c(1,1), colorkey = TRUE
 ,zoom=0.8, main=expression(Density 

Re: [R] remotely saving an R session

2006-09-20 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Gamal Azim wrote:
 Is it possible to remotely save an R session then
 terminate R? Of course the destructive task after
 'then' is rather straightforward by itself.

Yes. Sending the process a SIGUSR1 signal:

$ kill -USR1 pid

will save the global environment in the file .RData, but you'll need to 
remember the current working directory of the process to find it.

Good luck!


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] graphic output file format

2006-08-11 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Luiz Rodrigo Tozzi wrote:
 I had some problems using GDD, especially with colors and with some advanced
 In my case I didnt try the Cairo, I just got back to the png() using Xvfb
 (its almost 3 or 4 times slower than my first tries qith GDD, but using GDD
 would cause me to rewirte some parts of my script)
 Since my Xvfb came back to normal in cron mode, I didnt use the Cairo, but
 mr urbanek really suggested it to me.

I've had a little experience with both GDD and Cairo:

GDD has served my needs well when drawing thin lines and pixels, 
although, the current implementation has problems with the background 
color and the line width (lwd) not being honored. I've hacked around a 
bit, and I can now set the background correctly, but I need to clean up 
the patch to submit to Simon. Also, libgdd rasterizes pngs very well. If 
you're interested in examples, check out the png images here:


For the same needs, Cairo does very poorly rasterizing for fine pixel 
detail; it's not so much libcairo's fault as much as the package Cairo 
not being able to handle this, if it can at all. A better explanation of 
this issue is here: http://cairographics.org/FAQ. Read the first 
question: Why does my 1-pixel wide horizontal/vertical line come out 
fat and blurry (eg. 2 pixels wide and half-intensity)?

I'm not sure why you're having trouble with colors in GDD; I've never 
run into this issue.

 I dont know if you have something similar to Xvfb in Mac OSX

 I received the following communication from the package maintainer
 for GDD (Simon Urbanek) when I was having compile problems on linux...

 installed   Matched from:
  +--- your GD is too old. You'll need at least gd-2.0.29 (see README
 in GDD) and 2.0.33 is recommended.
 You may want to try Cairo (see the nightly page) instead of GDD,
 because cairographics has some features that GD is lacking and it is
 actively maintained (unfortunately libgd is pretty much dead).

 Disclaimer: I actually cannot get the Cairo to work either!

 On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 19:00:08 +0200, Stefan Grosse
 Please mail always also to the list, since it may be that there is
 someone who could reply better and/or faster.
 [Case in point.]
 Especially in this case since I am only experienced in M$ Windows and
 Linux so I am unable to guess whats wrong with OSX. does not even the
 postscript device work? With postscript I get the best quality for

 postscript(test.eps, width = 8.0, height = 6.0, horizontal = FALSE,
 onefile =FALSE, paper = special)

 Conan Phelan schrieb:
 Thanks for the feedback and link Stefan,

 Perhaps if I provide a little more background. (Pls
 forgive both my ignorance and my long windedness.)

  I am on Mac OSX and am only able to load the Quartz
 graphic device (is that normal?). From quartz, I've
 only been able to generate pdf files, which do not
 match the quartz display to my satisfaction. I've been
 attempting to find a way to generate other output
 files for comparison. (I've managed to generate a bmp
 file that looked awful, after acquiring Gostscript).

 Anyway, I figure R must able to produce high quality
 graphic outputs, so I'm trying different things. To
 this end I was hoping that the GDD package would allow
 me to load the x11 module but it seems to be a no-go
 (is there some system requirement I'm missing?).


Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] RODBC on linux

2006-07-27 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Armstrong, Whit wrote:
 Thanks, everyone.
 I'll give freeTDS a try.

One final hitch to be aware of when using FreeTDS:

MS SQL Server authenticates db connections in two different ways (well 
actually three, but it's just the combination of 1 and 2):

1) Sql server authenticates the connection, meaning you must have
an SQL server account. FreeTDS will handle this fine.
2) the SQL server OS authenticates the connection with an NT Domain
login. That's the domain\username you use to login to your Windows
machine. FreeTDS will ONLY handle this over TCP/IP, not over DCE/RPC,
so be aware.

More info here:


and here:



 -Original Message-
 From: Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 1:17 AM
 To: Marc Schwartz
 Cc: Armstrong, Whit; r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: Re: [R] RODBC on linux
 On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Marc Schwartz wrote:
 On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 17:52 -0400, Armstrong, Whit wrote:
 Anyone out there using Linux RODBC and unixODBC to connect to a 
 Microsoft SQL server?

 If possible can someone post a sample .odbc.ini file?

 I saw a few discussions on the archives a few years ago, but no 
 config file details were available.


 Do you have a Linux ODBC driver for SQL Server?  unixODBC is simply 
 the driver manager, not the driver itself.

 MS does not offer (not surprisingly) an ODBC driver for Unix/Linux.
 There are resources available however and these might be helpful:


 Note that Easysoft provides (at a cost) an ODBC-ODBC bridge for 
 Unix/Linux platforms which supports ODBC connections to SQL Server:

 Several people have successfully used that, from the earliest days of
 RODBC: I believe it was part of Michael Lapsley's motivation to write
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 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] useR! Thanks

2006-06-22 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Achim Zeileis wrote:
 The plan is to provide the original presentation slides of the
 panelists and a video of the whole panel disc, and probably some minutes
 and/or further information.

Did you happen to video Ivan Mizera's talk as well? I'd really like to 
see that again!

Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] R and ViM

2006-04-21 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Bill West wrote:
 Yes,  my  r.vim  ftplugin file is a windows only solution.  It is not yet at
 the point, however, where it may be called a solution. :)  It currently
 only handles single lines of code.  I posted it before only as a proof of
 concept.  I should have been clearer in my earier post.  
 For my Linux computer I have been successfully using the R.vim script by
 Johannes Ranke found in the vim scripts: 
 This also uses Perl, but depends on IO::Pty, which (although I am no expert)
 I do not believe is available for Windows.

I've been following this thread with some interest as I use both R and 
VIM, but I just want to point out that we have come full circle by *not* 
answering the original thread creator's question:


My question now is, whether there are already people out there knowing
how to do this in a similar easy way as with Emacs, and if those would
be willing to share this knowledge.
I did already research on the web on this topic, but i couldn't find
satisfying answers, except one good looking approach on the ViM-website
with a perl-script called funnel.pl, which I couldn't make running on
my mac OSX 10.3.9 so far.

So this last post suggests that the VIM script (id 1048) is useful 
(which it is), but in fact the original thread creator already stated 
that it doesn't work for his platform.

The real answer is: there's probably no current 'similar way as with 
Emacs [and ESS]' to integrate R and VIM on mac OSX 10.3.9, but I bet you 
might find a better answer on the R-SIG-Mac email list here:


So I hope this helps, Michael.


I point all this out to illuminate how hard it is to both convey a 
message in email and also to interpret a message in email, to the 
point that responses to questions on this list can really wander off on 
tangents (which is not necessarily a bad thing; I had no clue the R.vim 
script existed for Linux). I personally find benefit in reading both the 
R-help and R-devel mailing lists, and I commend and am thankful for all 
those email authors who convey their message in email with sincerity, 
honesty, etc.

There was a recent Wired article here:


that cited a Journal of Personality and Social Psychology paper titled 
Egocentrism over e-mail: Can we communicate as well as we think?:


which essentially points out the fact that determining the tone of an 
author's email is no better than chance, which I believe can lead to 
misinterpretation of message and meaning, and especially when authors 
use negative messages like RTFM (google it; you'll figure it out quickly).

Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] using GDD fonts

2006-04-12 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Luiz Rodrigo Tozzi wrote:
 Hi Tim,
 It really worked!!
 now my only problem is about the image size, that is huge!
 im using the type=png and switching to png8 does not reduce the
 color depth.. do you know something about is?

I've hacked around on the GDD code before. From what I remember, all png 
files are created in true color.

 2006/4/12, Tim Churches [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Luiz Rodrigo Tozzi wrote:

 I was searching for some X replacement for my job in R and i found the GDD

 I installed it and I match all the system requirements. My problem
 (maybe a dumb one) is that every plot comes with no font and i cant
 find a simgle example of a plot WITH FONT DETAIL in the list

 can anybody help me?

 a simple example:

 GDD(something.png, type=png, width = 700, height = 500)
 par(cex.axis=0.65,lab=c(12,12,0),mar=c(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5))

 thanks in advance!
 This might help - we found that we needed to install the MS TT fonts and
 make sure that GDD can find them, as per the README. :

 Simon Urbanek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jun 9, 2005, at 3:51 AM, Tim CHURCHES wrote:

 I tried GDD 0.1-7 with Lattice graphs in R 2.1.0 (on Linux). It
 doesn't segfault now but it is still not producing any usable output
 - the output png file is produced but nly with a few lines on it.
 Still the alpha channel problem? Have you been able to produce any
 Lattice graphs with it?
 I know of no such problem, I tested a few lattice graphics and they
 worked. Can you, please, send me reproducible example and your output?
 Also send me, please output of
 .Call(gdd_look_up_font, NULL)
 Sorry, my laziness. GDD was unable to find any fonts. After I installed
 the MS TT fonts and set their location as per the GDD README, it worked
 perfectly with both old-style R graphics and lattice graphics. The
 output looks very nice indeed. We'll do a bit more testing (and let you
 know if we find any problems), but it looks like we can at last drop the
 requirement for Xvfb when using R in a Web application. Great work! From
 our point of view, GDD solves one the biggest problem with R for Web


 Tim C

  Luiz Rodrigo Lins Tozzi
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Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] RMySQL's column limit

2006-03-23 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Mark Van De Vyver wrote:
 My apologies,
 I'm using R v2.2.1 via the JGR Editor GUI, RMySQL v0.5.7 under windows
 XP with latest patches.
 MySQL is server version: 4.1.12
 I'm pretty sure it's running on a linux box.

It turns out that this may be a MySQL limit:


 The dimension of template is 2000, I know the error kicks in at 3000,
 but haven't iterated to find the exact point - if it would help I can
 do this.
 On 3/24/06, David James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mark Van De Vyver wrote:
 Dear R-users,
 First, thank you to the developers for the very useful R-library RMySQL.

 While using this library a recieved an error message:

 RS-DBI driver: (could not run statement: Too many columns)

 The statement that generated the error was:

 dbWriteTable(dbcon, simdataseries, template, overwrite = TRUE,
 row.names = FALSE )

 I am assuming this is a RMySQL rather than MySQL limit.
 We need more information, e.g., what's dim(template), what version
 of MySQL you're using, etc.

 If that is the case I was wondering just what this limit is and if it
 is possible to raise it?

 Thanks again for all the hard work.


 Mark Van De Vyver, PhD
 My research is available from my SSRN Author page:
 Finance Discipline
 School of Business
 The University of Sydney
 Sydney NSW 2006

 Telephone: +61 2 9351-6452
 Fax: +61 2 9351-6461

 Mark Van De Vyver, PhD
 My research is available from my SSRN Author page:
 Finance Discipline
 School of Business
 The University of Sydney
 Sydney NSW 2006

 Telephone: +61 2 9351-6452
 Fax: +61 2 9351-6461

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

 Mark Van De Vyver, PhD
 My research is available from my SSRN Author page:
 Finance Discipline
 School of Business
 The University of Sydney
 Sydney NSW 2006
 Telephone: +61 2 9351-6452
 Fax: +61 2 9351-6461
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] extracting RGB values from a colorspace class object

2006-03-03 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
 After pouring over the documentation for the 'colorspace' package, I have not 
 been able to figure out how the plot() method converts colorspace coordinates 
 to RGB values for display on the screen. I am convert between colorspaces 
 with the various as() methods... but cannot seem to find a way to extract RGB 
 (i.e. for displaying on a computer screen) triplets from color space 

I don't know how it's done (I get really confused when trying to 
understand color spaces), but you'll have to download the code for the 
colorspace package and study the c code since that's where the 
conversion is done.

To get the RGB and hex triplets, this small example should help:

## Generate white in XYZ space
  white = XYZ(95.047, 100.000, 108.883)
[1,] 1.08 0.907 1.81
[1] #FF

 Here is a sample of the data that I am working with:
   H   V   C   x   y   Y
  2.5Y0.2 2  1.43  0.97   0.237
  2.5Y0.4 2 0.729 0.588   0.467
  2.5Y0.6 2 0.563 0.491   0.699
  2.5Y0.6 4 0.995 0.734   0.699
  2.5Y0.8 2 0.479 0.439   0.943
  2.5Y0.8 4  0.82  0.64   0.943
  2.5Y  1 20.43620.4177   1.21
 I have converted xyY coordinates to XYZ coordinates, based on the equations 
 presented here:
 #read in the soil colors: munsell + xyY
 soil - read.table(soil_colors, header=F, 
 #convert to XYZ
 X - (soil$x * soil$Y ) / soil$y
 Y - soil$Y
 Z - ( (1- soil$x - soil$y) * soil$Y ) / soil$y
 #make an XYZ colorspace object:
 soil_XYZ - XYZ(X,Y,Z)
 #visualize the new XYZ colorspace object in the L*U*V colorspace:
 plot(as(soil_XYZ, LUV), cex=2)
 here is an example of the output:
 Somehow the plot() method in the colorspace package is converting color space 
 coordinates to their RGB values... Does anyone have an idea as to how to 
 access these RGB triplets?
 Thanks in advance!

Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Command-line editing history

2006-03-03 Thread Jeffrey Horner
John McHenry wrote:
Hi all,
 Are there any plans to add more functionality to command-line editing and 
 history editing on the command line?

Presuming you're running R from a Unix console (I'm unsure of the 
windows port, maybe?), it is sufficient, insofar as how well you like 
the GNU readline library and if it's been compiled into R:


I can even use VI style key bindings to work with historical commands: 
Typing K recalls previous commands, J goes forward through the commands. 
I can even search through the commands. Auto completion of function 
names doesn't work but file names do.

One point that was a bit of work for me to set up was automatically 
saving history. In order to do this, you must first set the environment 
variable R_HISTFILE to the location of your saved history file. Then, at 
the end of your R session, you can run:


Or better yet, put the following in your .Rprofile:

.Last - function() savehistory(Sys.getenv(R_HISTFILE))

 In MATLAB (I know, comparisons are odious ...), you can type p and up-arrow 
 on the command line and scroll through the recently entered commands 
 beginning with p. This is a very useful  feature and something that I 
 believe is not replicated in R. 
 Please correct me if I'm wrong; currently I use history(Inf) in R, search for 
 what I want and cut and paste if I find what I'm looking for.
 Also in MATLAB, tab completion is available for directory listings and also 
 for function name completion. Again, I'm unaware of how to do this in R. The 
 added MATLAB  functionality makes finding files easy on the command line and 
 it also saves the fingers on long function names. 
   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Infinite loop running Mod_R/Rapache

2006-02-03 Thread Jeffrey Horner
BJ wrote:
 I installed mod_r according to the specifications, and have been trying 
 to get the demo script to work correctly. I am running debian, the 
 latest build of R, apache 2 with prefork mpm, and the latest mod_r. Is 
 anyone else using this module successfully? I added:
 LoadModule R_module mod_R.so
 Location /test/hello
 SetHandler r-handler
 Rsource /var/www/html/test.R
 RreqHandler handler
 to my http.conf and
 test.R in /var/www/html is:
 apache.write(r,h1Hello World!/h1)
 When I start apache2, my /tmp directory fills with rtmp directories 
 until memory is exausted. The first time it created 32,000 before I 
 noticed. Does anyone have any idea as to what I could be doing wrong, or 
 have a software configuration that works? Thank you for all of your 
 help. ~BJ

This is definitely an apache configuration problem. After responding to 
you privately about this issue, I got paranoid and checked the latest 
R/Apache code release (rapache-0.1.1) with the following debian packages:

apache2-common/unstable uptodate 2.0.55-4
apache2-utils/unstable uptodate 2.0.55-4
apache2-mpm-prefork/unstable uptodate 2.0.55-4
apache2-prefork-dev/unstable uptodate 2.0.55-4

I could not reproduce the behavior you are witnessing. Maybe you can 
send me (off-list) your /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, 
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/* and  see if I can't help you troubleshoot.

But this bit of R creating a temp dir (for transient files?) needs to be 
handled more delicately in a server environment. I'm going to do some 
more digging in the R source... I hope I haven't made some glaringly 
wrong assumptions.

Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] [R-pkgs] [ANNOUNCE] mod_R: The R/Apache Integration Project

2005-08-02 Thread Jeffrey Horner

   What is it?
   mod_R is a project dedicated to embedding the R interpreter inside
   the Apache 2.0 (and beyond) web server for the purpose of writing web
   applications in R. It's composed of three parts:

   mod_R: the Apache 2.0 module that implements the glue to load the
   R interpreter.

   RApache: the R package that provides the API for programming web
   applications in R.

   libapreq 2.0.4: an Apache sponsored project for parsing request input.
   If you don't want to compile and install this version, then you can
   specify which libapreq2 library to use during configuration.

   The Latest Version

   Details of the latest version can be found at the mod_R
   project page:


   (mind the wrap)

   This release has been tested under Debian Linux with Apache 2.0.54,
   R 2.1.1, and libapreq 2.0.4.  Apache2 _MUST_ be compiled with the
   prefork MPM to compile mod_R. Also, R must have been compiled with
   the --enable-R-shlib configure flag.

   The following is the preferred way to compile and install mod_R:

 $ ./configure --with-apache2-apxs=/path/to/apxs --with-R=/path/to/R
 $ make
 $ make install

   Both --with-apache2-apxs and --with-R _MUST_ be specified.  Otherwise,
   trying to figure out the dependencies between the sources and headers
   and library paths becomes quite complex.

   If you don't want to compile and install the bundled libapreq2 version,
   then add --with-apreq2-config=/path/to/apreq2-config. The version _MUST_
   be equal to or greater than 2.0.4.

   In order to use mod_R and RApache, you must configure apache to find
   it. Type help(directives,package=RApache) once mod_R is installed
   for a little more detail. Add something similar to this to the apache
   config file:

 LoadModule R_Module /path/to/mod_R.so

 Location /URL
SetHandler r-handler
Rsource /path/to/R/code.R
RreqHandler function-name
Rlibrary library-name

   Also, libR.so _MUST_ be found in the shared library path as it is
   linked to by mod_R, RApache and the rest of the packages containing
   shared libraries. You can either set LD_LIBRARY_PATH like this:

  $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`/path/to/R RHOME`/lib

   or add that path to /etc/ld.so.conf and then run ldconfig.

   NOTE: the latest apache2 debian packages cause the web server to run
   in a very reduced environment, thus one is unable to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
   before calling /etc/init.d/apache2. One option is to actually edit that
   file and add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH explicitly. Another is to use the 
   scripts which are also bundled with the debian packages. Or you can 
add it
   to /etc/ld.so.conf.

   All of the documentation is currently in the RApache package. Once
   you install mod_R, start R and load the RApache package. You'll get
   a warning that you're currently not running the R interpreter within
   Apache; just don't try to run any of the code. Sample session:
Warning message:

RApache is only useful within the Apache web server.
It is loaded now for informational purposes only

 in: firstlib(which.lib.loc, package)

Information on package 'RApache'


Package:   RApache
Version:   0.1-0
Date:  2005-08-02
Title: An R interface to the Apache 2.0 web server
Author:Jeffrey Horner
Maintainer:Jeffrey Horner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
License:   Apache License, Version 2.0
Description:   RApache allows web applications to be written in R and
executed within the Apache 2.0 web server.
Built: R 2.1.0; i386-pc-linux-gnu; 2005-08-02 01:06:26; unix


IO  IO in RApache
apache.add_cookie   Adding Cookies to Outgoing Headers
apache.add_header   Adding HTTP headers
apache.allow_methodsRApache Methods
apache.log_errorLogging Errors to the Apache error log
Setting the Content Type header
apr_table   Structure of the apr_table type in RApache
as.html Converting RApache objects to HTML
directives  RApache directives used in Apace config file
intro   Introduction to RApache
request_rec Structure of the RApache request record
return_codesRApache handler return codes


   Please see the file called LICENSE.

Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University


[R] Multiple assignments in one statement

2005-07-08 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Is this possible?

For instance, I have a function that returns a vector length 3. In one 
statement I'd like to assign each element of the vector to different 
variables. Syntactically, I hoped this would work:

c(x,y,z) - myfun();

Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Rinternals.h and iostream don't play nice together'

2005-02-03 Thread Jeffrey Horner
Faheem Mitha wrote:

On Sun, 30 Jan 2005, Paul Roebuck wrote:
and if you use the following instead of Rinternals.h?
extern C {
#include Rdefines.h

Still the same errors. As Dirk pointed out, putting iostream first makes 
the errors go away in either case.
You have to define R_NO_REMAP in your code before you include
Rinternals.h, as the Writing R Extensions manual states. If not,
Rinternals.h will define the length macro (and others...) which is
defined somewhere within iostream or included from iostream.
I caught this in the 7th line of error output:
$ g++ -I/usr/local/lib/R/include -g -c foo.cc
In file included from /usr/include/c++/3.3/bits/locale_facets.h:528,
 from /usr/include/c++/3.3/bits/basic_ios.h:44,
 from /usr/include/c++/3.3/ios:51,
 from /usr/include/c++/3.3/ostream:45,
 from /usr/include/c++/3.3/iostream:45,
 from foo.cc:3:
/usr/include/c++/3.3/bits/codecvt.h:110:52: macro length passed 4
arguments, but takes just 1
It's good to read error messages.
Jeffrey Horner   Computer Systems Analyst School of Medicine
615-322-8606 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html