Re: [R] maximum string length in RdbiPgSQL and in R

2005-09-16 Thread Joe Conway
William McCoy wrote:
 conn - dbConnect(PgSQL(), host = localhost, dbname = agdb)
 test.sql  readLines(queryfile)
 test.df - dbGetQuery(conn, paste(test.sql, collapse =  ))
 This works fine for all the multiline files I have tried -- except one.
 I have recently encountered a problem with a moderately complex, 
 moderately long query (12 lines, 459 characters).  I can execute the 
 query with no problem in psql and it returns the 14 rows that I expect. 
   When I execute the query in R as above, I get a dataframe with the 
 expected column names, but no rows.  I get no error message.  I am 
 wondering if the query string is too long.  Is there a maximum length 
 for queries in RdbiPgSQL or for strings in R?

I tried using this for a queryfile

'0123456789...repaeted for total length of 500...0123456789'

and it works fine for me:

  conn - dbConnect(PgSQL(),dbname=regression)
  sql - readLines(/tmp/queryfile)
  df - dbGetQuery(conn, paste(sql, collapse =  ))

so I don't think length is the issue. Maybe you have an embedded control 
character? Or is it possible that you are introducing a space somewhere 
unexpected in your query, preventing a match? Try doing
   paste(test.sql, collapse =  )
and then cut and paste the result into psql.



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Re: [R] Storing data frame in a RDBMS

2005-06-04 Thread Joe Conway

Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

On 6/4/05, Adam Witney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am using PL/R in PostgreSQL amd have written some functions to build my
data frame. However this can take some time with some large datasets and I
would like to not have to repeat the process and so I would like to save the
data frame. Rather than save/load into the file system I would like to be
able to save the entire data frame as a single object in the database

Is this possible?

Check out ?serialize

Looks like serialize should work nicely:

create or replace function test_serialize(text)
 returns text as '
  mydf - pg.spi.exec(arg1)
  return (serialize(mydf, NULL, ascii = TRUE))
' language 'plr';

create table saved_df (id int, df text);

insert into saved_df
 select 1, f from test_serialize('select oid, typname from pg_type
  where typname = ''oid''
  or typname = ''text''') as t(f);

create or replace function restore_df(text)
 returns setof record as '
' language 'plr';

select * from restore_df((select df from saved_df where id =1))
 as t(oid oid, typname name);
 oid | typname
  25 | text
  26 | oid
(2 rows)



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Re: [R] Plotting with Statistics::R, Perl/R

2005-01-21 Thread Joe Conway
Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 06:06:45PM -0800, Leah Barrera wrote:
I am trying to plot in R from a perl script using the Statistics::R
 package as my bridge.  The following are the conditions:
0. I am running from a Linux server.
Plotting certain formats requires the X11 server to be present as the
font metrics for those formats can be supplied only the X11 server.
Other drivers don;t the font metrics from X11 -- I think pdf is a
good counterexample. When you run in 'batch' via a Perl script, you
don't have the X11 server -- even though it may be on the machine and
running, it is not associated with the particular session running
your Perl job.  There are two common fixes:
a) if you must have png() as a format, you can start a virtual X11
server with the xvfb server -- this is a bit involved, but doable;
Attached is an init script I use to start up xvfb on Linux.
# syslogStarts Xvfb.
# chkconfig: 2345 12 88
# description: Xvfb is a facility that applications requiring an X frame buffer 
# can use in place of actually running X on the server

# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions

[ -f /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb ] || exit 0

XVFB=/usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb :5 -screen 0 1024x768x16


umask 077

start() {
echo -n $Starting Xvfb: 
[ $RETVAL = 0 ]  touch /var/lock/subsys/Xvfb
return $RETVAL
stop() {
echo -n $Shutting down Xvfb: 
killproc Xvfb
[ $RETVAL = 0 ]  rm -f /var/lock/subsys/Xvfb
return $RETVAL
restart() {

case $1 in
[ -f /var/lock/subsys/Xvfb ]  restart || :
echo $Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|condrestart}
exit 1

exit $RETVAL

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Re: [R] PL/R calls fail

2004-12-16 Thread Joe Conway
Stefan Sobernig wrote:
I am currently trying to create a development environment
including PostgreSQL 8.0.0rc1, R 2.0.1 and PL/R on a system running Fedora 
Cora 1.
So far, I have suceeded in setting up PostgreSQL and R as
a shared library - unfortunately I have not been able to link these
two spheres by adding the PostgreSQL add-on PL/R due to
some mysterious probs.
This is an inappropriate list for such a PL/R specific question. Please 
sign up for the PL/R list here:

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Re: [R] Calling R from a non-X shell script to plot?

2004-12-13 Thread Joe Conway
Seth Falcon wrote:
On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 12:25:01PM -0500, doktora v wrote:
Is anyone familiar with this (i.e. running R from a non-X
environment)? Is there  a way to get around this? I've seen some stuff
about virtual devices,  but have no idea if it works or where to
start. If there is a simpler solution, please let me know.
I've used Xvfb in this situation.  After installing Xvfb, you can do
something like this:
Xvfb :15
export DISPLAY=localhost:15
# Run R 
FWIW, here's what I've used in the past for an Xvfb init script:
# syslogStarts Xvfb.
# chkconfig: 2345 12 88
# description: Xvfb is a facility that applications requiring an X frame 
buffer \
# can use in place of actually running X on the server

# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions
[ -f /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb ] || exit 0
XVFB=/usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb :5 -screen 0 1024x768x16
umask 077
start() {
echo -n $Starting Xvfb: 
[ $RETVAL = 0 ]  touch /var/lock/subsys/Xvfb
return $RETVAL
stop() {
echo -n $Shutting down Xvfb: 
killproc Xvfb
[ $RETVAL = 0 ]  rm -f /var/lock/subsys/Xvfb
return $RETVAL
restart() {
case $1 in
[ -f /var/lock/subsys/Xvfb ]  restart || :
echo $Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|condrestart}
exit 1
exit $RETVAL
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Re: [R] cgi/servlets/httpd in R

2004-05-07 Thread Joe Conway
Your solution seems what I am looking for, actually.  Questions:
FWIW, another possible option if your data is stored in an RDBMS is 
Postgres with PL/R; see:

As of Postgres 7.4 you can preload and initialize libraries at 
postmaster start, which means that each forked database backend includes 
a fully initialized copy of libR.

If you are interested, there is some information available regarding how 
to use this with PHP to generate online charts here:



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Re: [R] PL/R article

2004-03-23 Thread Joe Conway
Douglas Bates wrote:
Interesting article.  Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Joe.

There are a couple of quotes that I like, such as It's simply amazing
the things that you can learn when data is presented in a graphical

It appears that the author is using - when he only needs - in one
function definition.  There isn't anything peculiar about PL/R that
would require -, is there?
No, nothing at all.

The only time you might need - (and I'm admittedly no expert on R, so 
this may be inappropriate use), is when you want to create a variable in 
one PL/R function, and then access it from another PL/R function. For 
instance, when you want to prepare a query, and then execute it multiple 
times. By preparing the query, you save the time of parsing and planning 
each time you execute it. There is an example here (see pg.spi.execp):

In Robert's example he's calling pg.spi.exec directly, so there is no 
need for -.

Thanks for the comments!


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Re: [R] running R from PHP

2004-02-04 Thread Joe Conway
Both run from terminals and png.R will run without a normal X server 
if Xvfb is running.

Neither runs under PHP, though (when invoked as R --no-save  

They yield the following errors (with the R startup banner deleted 
for compactness):

could not open PNG file `g.png'

cannot open `pdf' file argument
From the evidence above, I'd guess a file permission error. The web 
server probably runs as the user apache or something similar -- does 
that user have write permission to the place where you are trying to 
create the images?

Try writing to /tmp/g.png and /tmp/g.pdf and see if the files get 



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Re: [R] running R from PHP

2004-02-03 Thread Joe Conway
Is there a trick to creating a graphics device in the absence of an
actual display in order to create an image in a file?
Look for Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer). Not sure what OS you are 
running, but on RH9 and Fedora, at least, there is a package called 

I use Xvfb with the following command:

  /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb :5 -screen 0 1024x768x16

More specifically I wrote an init script and set Xvfb up to start as a 
service on boot.

Then in R I use:


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Re: [R] Persistent state of R

2003-11-25 Thread Joe Conway
michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:
I am trying to make my cgi scripts quicker and it turns out that the
bottle-neck is the loading of the libraries into R - for example
loading up marrayPlots into R takes 10-20 seconds, which although not
long, is long enough for users to imagine it is not working and start
clicking reload
So I just wondered if anyone had a neat solution whereby I could
somehow have the required libraries permanently loaded into R -
perhaps I need a persistent R process with the libraries in memory
that I can pipe commands to?  Is this possible?
If you are processing data already stored in a database, you could use 
Postgres and PL/R. See:

Use Postgres 7.4 and preload PL/R for the best performance -- i.e put 
the following line in $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
preload_libraries = '$libdir/plr:plr_init'



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Re: [R] R Production Performance

2003-09-30 Thread Joe Conway
Zitan Broth wrote:
Right but R is only preloaded once?
Yes. The plr shared library gets loaded and initialized (which in turn 
loads and initializes libR) only once -- on Postgres's postmaster 
startup. From that point forward, every new database connection gets a 
forked copy of the postmaster, and hence a preinitialized copy of the R 

Of course (as I think I mentioned already, but it is worth repeating) to 
get this performance enhancement you need to be using either Postgres 
7.4 beta or a patched version of Postgres 7.3 (found at the URL on the 
original post), and have the following line in your postgresql.conf:

preload_libraries = '$libdir/plr:plr_init'

This is getting a bit off topic, so if you have any more PL/R specific 
questions, please write me off list.


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Re: [R] R Production Performance

2003-09-23 Thread Joe Conway
Paul Meagher wrote:
Below is the test I ran awhile back on invoking R as a system call.  It
might be faster if you had a c-extension to R but before I went that route I
would want to know 1) roughly how fast Python and Perl are in returning
results with their c-bindings/embedded stuff/dcom stuff, 2) whether R can be
run as a daemon process so you don't incur start up costs, and 3) whether R
can act as a math server in the sense that it will fork children or threads
as multiple users establish sessions with it.  I agree it would be nice to
have a better interface to R than via a system call.
I'm doing something similar using PL/R (an R procedural language handler 
extension to Postgres that I wrote) with Postgres, R, and PHP. In 
Postgres 7.4 (currently at beta3) or with a back-patched copy of 7.3, 
you can preload the R interpreter when the Postgres postmaster first 
starts. This means that essentially R is running as part of the Postgres 
daemon. Whenever a connection is made to the database, the forked 
process already has an initialized copy of R running inside it. The 
startup savings I see are similar to what you did (2.2 seconds versus 
0.009 seconds):

Function -- intentionally very simple:
create or replace function echo(text) returns text as 'print(arg1)' 
language 'plr';

Without preloading (first function call):
regression=# explain analyze select echo('hello');
 Total runtime: 2195.35 msec
Without preloading (second function call):
regression=# explain analyze select echo('hello');
 Total runtime: 0.55 msec
With preloading (first function call):
regression=# explain analyze select echo('hello');
 Total runtime: 9.74 msec
With preloading (second function call):
regression=# explain analyze select echo('hello');
 Total runtime: 0.59 msec
In both cases the second (and subsequent) function calls are even faster 
because the PL/R function itself has been precompiled and cached.

I call the PL/R function from PHP to read my data directly from the 
database, process it, and generate whatever charts I need. Here's a very 
simple example:

The PL/R function:
create type histtup as
  break float8,
  count int
create or replace function hist(text, text)
returns setof histtup as '
 sql - paste(select id_val from sample_numeric_data ,
  where ia_id='', arg1, '', sep=)
 rs - pg.spi.exec(sql)
 if (! {
jpeg(file=arg2, width = 480, height = 480,
 pointsize = 12, quality = 75)
par(ask = FALSE, bg = #F8F8F8)
sql - paste(select ia_attname as val from atts ,
 where ia_id='', arg1, '', sep=)
attname - pg.spi.exec(sql)
h - hist(rs[,1], col = blue,
  main = paste(Histogram of, attname$val),
  xlab = attname$val);
system(paste(chmod 666 , arg2, sep=),
   intern = FALSE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
h - hist(rs[,1], plot = FALSE);
  result = data.frame(breaks = h$breaks[1:length(h$breaks)-1],
   count = h$counts);
' language 'plr';
The PHP page:
FORM ACTION='$PHP_SELF' METHOD='post' NAME='proto_form'
TDINPUT TYPE='text' NAME='userdata' value='' size='80'/TD
TD colspan='2'
  INPUT TYPE='submit' NAME='submit' value='Submit'
if ($_POST['submit'] == Submit)
  $tmpfilename = 'charts/hist1.jpg';
  $conn = pg_connect(dbname=oscon user=postgres);
  $sql = select * from hist(' . $_POST['userdata'] . ',' .
 /tmp/ . $tmpfilename . ');
  $rs = pg_query($conn,$sql);
  echo img src='$tmpfilename' border=0;
Hopefully this gives you some ideas about what is possible. If you're 
interested in PL/R, you can grab a copy (along with a patched 7.3.4 
source RPM for Postgres) here:



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Re: [R] Statistical analysis of huge datasets.

2003-08-14 Thread Joe Conway
One possibility is to use a DBMS like MySQL or Postgresql, and RODBC to 
connect to these. Search the archives for previous postings about these, have a 
look at the first R-Newsletter and at Data Import-Export manual.

If you use PostgreSQL, you might want to try PL/R; see:
It allows your R functions to run inside the backend database process, 
minimizing data I/O.



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Re: [R] Need help installing qtoolbox

2003-06-01 Thread Joe Conway
Toby Popenfoose wrote:
Is there another control chart library for R that I should be trying
I looked around and could not find an R package for Shewhart control 
charts. I'll post the function I wrote for my own needs, but note that I 
am not a statistician, nor am I particularly experienced with R -- so 
use at your own risk ;-)

It only does X-bar, R, and geometric moving average. I used the 
traditional calculations (i.e. use constants based on sample group 
size, and range, to calculate UCL/LCL) instead of a more rigorous approach.

Below is the function and an example of how to use it (if anyone has 
suggestions for improvement, I'd love to hear them).




controlChart - function(xdata, ssize, CLnumGroups = 0)
if (!is.vector(xdata))
stop(Data must be a vector)
if (!is.numeric(xdata))
stop(Data vector must be numeric)
xdatalen - length(xdata)
xdataresid - xdatalen %% ssize
newxdatalen - xdatalen - xdataresid
if (xdataresid != 0)
xdata - xdata[1:newxdatalen]
if (ssize  1 | ssize  10)
stop(Sample size must be in the range of 1 to 10)
else if (ssize  1  ssize  11)
# Xbar/R factors
ng - c(2:10)
D3 - c(0,0,0,0,0,0.08,0.14,0.18,0.22)
D4 - c(3.27,2.57,2.28,2.11,2.00,1.92,1.86,1.82,1.78)
A2 - c(1.88,1.02,0.73,0.58,0.48,0.42,0.37,0.34,0.31)
d2 - c(1.13,1.69,2.06,2.33,2.53,2.70,2.85,2.97,3.08)
v - data.frame(ng, D3, D4, A2, d2)
# put into sample groups
m - matrix(xdata, ncol = ssize, byrow = TRUE)
# number of groups
numgroups - nrow(m)
# Adjust number of points used to calculate control limits.
if (numgroups  CLnumGroups | CLnumGroups == 0)
CLnumGroups = numgroups
# range for each group
r - apply(m, 1, range)
r - r[2,] - r[1,]
# Rbar
rb - mean(r[1:CLnumGroups])
rb - rep(rb, numgroups)
# R UCL and LCL
rucl - v$D4[match(ssize,v$ng) + 1] * rb
rlcl - v$D3[match(ssize,v$ng) + 1] * rb
# Xbar
xb - apply(m, 1, mean)
# Xbarbar
xbb - mean(xb[1:numgroups])
xbb - rep(xbb, numgroups)
# X UCL and LCL
xucl - xbb + (v$A2[match(ssize,v$ng) + 1] * rb)
xlcl - xbb - (v$A2[match(ssize,v$ng) + 1] * rb)
else#sample size is 1
m - xdata
# number of groups
numgroups - length(m)
# Adjust number of points used to calculate control limits.
if (numgroups  CLnumGroups | CLnumGroups == 0)
CLnumGroups = numgroups
# set range for each group to 0
r - rep(0, numgroups)
# Rbar
rb - rep(0, numgroups)
# R UCL and LCL
rucl - rep(0, numgroups)
rlcl - rep(0, numgroups)
# Xbar is a copy of the individual data points
xb - m
# Xbarbar is mean over the data
xbb - mean(xb[1:CLnumGroups])
xbb - rep(xbb, numgroups)
# standard deviation over the data
xsd - sd(xb[1:CLnumGroups])
# X UCL and LCL
xucl - xbb + 3 * xsd
xlcl - xbb - 3 * xsd
# geometric moving average
if (numgroups  1)
rg - 0.25
gma = c(xb[1])
for(i in 2:numgroups)
gma[i] = (rg * xb[i]) + ((1 - rg) * gma[i - 1])
gma - rep(0, numgroups)
# create a single dataframe with all the plot data
controlChartSummary - data.frame(1:numgroups, xb, xbb, xucl, xlcl, 
r, rb, rucl, rlcl, gma)

# sample data
xdata - 12 + 4 * rnorm(90)
# sample size
ssize - 3
# get control chart data
cc - controlChart(xdata, ssize)
# get number of sample groups
numgroups - length(cc$xb)
# X Bar chart
plotxrange - range(c(1:numgroups))
plotyrange - range(cc$xb, cc$xucl, cc$xlcl)
plotyrange[1] - plotyrange[1] - (plotyrange[2] - plotyrange[1]) * 0.1
plotyrange[2] - plotyrange[2] + (plotyrange[2] - plotyrange[1]) * 0.1
plot(c(1:numgroups), xlim = plotxrange, ylim = plotyrange, cc$xb, type = 
b, lty = 1)
lines(c(1:numgroups), cc$xbb, lty = 1)
lines(c(1:numgroups), cc$xucl, lty = 1)
lines(c(1:numgroups), cc$xlcl, lty = 1)

# R chart
plotxrange - range(c(1:numgroups))
plotyrange - range(cc$r, cc$rucl, cc$rlcl)
plotyrange[1] - plotyrange[1] - (plotyrange[2] - plotyrange[1]) * 0.1
plotyrange[2] - plotyrange[2] + (plotyrange[2] - plotyrange[1]) * 0.1
plot(c(1:numgroups), xlim = plotxrange, ylim = plotyrange, cc$r, type = 
b, lty = 1)
lines(c(1:numgroups), cc$rb, lty = 1)
lines(c(1:numgroups), cc$rucl, lty = 1)
lines(c(1:numgroups), cc$rlcl, lty = 1)

# Geometric Moving Average chart
plotxrange - range(c(1:numgroups))
plotyrange - range(cc$gma)
plotyrange[1] - plotyrange[1] - (plotyrange[2] - plotyrange[1]) * 0.1
plotyrange[2] - plotyrange[2] + (plotyrange[2] - plotyrange[1]) * 0.1
plot(c(1:numgroups), xlim = plotxrange, ylim = 

Re: [R] PL/R - R procedural language handler for PostgreSQL

2003-02-18 Thread Joe Conway
Hisaji Ono wrote:

  This can be built on Win32?

Not presently (well, maybe under cygwin, but I haven't yet tried).

There is a good chance that PostgreSQL will be have a native win32 port 
when version 7.4 comes out. If so, I'll make sure that PL/R will support it.


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Re: [R] PL/R - R procedural language handler for PostgreSQL

2003-02-18 Thread Joe Conway

But R does not build under Cygwin (last time I looked and I would be
surprised if it would without a lot of tinkering), and the Windows port of
R does not have but a different (and much older) mechanism using

Hmmm. I neglected to think about that angle :-(

Is there a desire to get R to build under Cygwin, or is it preferable to 
put any effort into the Windows port?


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