[R] gfortran Makefile for cygwin

2005-09-28 Thread Joel Bremson
Hi all,

I'm porting a package that I've worked on for OS X to Cygwin/Windows.

This package requires a Makefile. My question is, how can I find out
(or what is), the link command?

Here is the OS X Makefile:


class_data_frame.f90 \
class_old_dbest.f90 \
class_cm_data.f90 \
class_cm.f90 \
class_bgw.f90 \
class_cm_mle.f90 \

dgletc.f \

%.o: %.f90
gfortran -c -g $

%.o: %.f
gfortran -c -g $

bpkg.so: $(F90_FILES:%.f90=%.o) $(FORTRAN_FILES:%.f=%.o)
gcc -Wall -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -L/sw/lib
-L/usr/local/lib -o $@ $^ \
-L$(RLIB_LOC)/lib -lR


The -L lib dirs are not correct. On a *nix platform I would do something
like this

sh -x R CMD SHLIB ...

to get at the R internal link information but I can't get that to work on



Joel Bremson
Graduate Student
Institute for Transportation Studies - UC Davis

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[R] S3 class question

2005-08-25 Thread Joel Bremson

I have a class called spss containing prepared info from an SPSS file.
class(ret) = spss
The function that returns this defined in a file that I source into R.

Also in that file is a function matSummary.spss.

I think I ought to be able to call 

to run the function, but only 

will work.

What am I doing wrong here? This seems like a simple problem
yet I've been able to find nothing in the archives about this.


Joel Bremson
Graduate Student
Institute for Transportation Studies - UC Davis

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[R] spss.read factor reversal

2005-07-26 Thread Joel Bremson

I'm having a problem with spss.read reversing my factor input.

Here is the input copied from the spss data editor:

color cost
1 2.30
2 2.40
3 3.00
1 2.10
1 1.00
1 2.00
2 4.00
2 3.20
2 2.33
3 2.44
3 2.55

For color, red=1, blue=2, and green = 3. It's type is 'String' and


[1] green blue red green green green blue blue blue red red 
Levels: red blue green

[1] 2.30 2.40 3.00 2.10 1.00 2.00 4.00 3.20 2.33 2.44 2.55

green blue red 
3 2 1 


color cost 


Notice that the $COLOR factor data are inverted, looking at the integer 
we see:

[1] 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1

The spss original data looks like this:
1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3

I can easily invert the output mathematically with:
q = sapply(m,function(x){ x + 2*(median(unique(m))-x)})

(m is composed of sequential integers starting at one)

,but it seems as though something wrong is happening with read.spss.

Any ideas?

Joel Bremson
Graduate Student
UC Davis

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[R] mac osx, g95 package port problem

2005-06-22 Thread Joel Bremson
Hi all,

I have a working package for linux, including fortran 95 code compiled with 
that I need to port to OS X. The package works on Linux and seems to load on 
the Mac,
but when I try to run a function that calls C or Fortran I'm told that the 
symbol is not loaded.

I'm developing via a shell account on an OS X system, I don't have access to 
a desktop.
The set up is:

R 2.1.0 Patched (2005-05-12).
Darwin Kernel Version 8.1.0
G95 (GCC 4.0.0 20050124 (experimental) (g95!) 06/20/05)

Here is the Makefile:

dbest_dbase_class.f90 \
r_estimate.f90 \

dgletc.f \



%.o: %.f90
g95 -c -g $

%.o: %.f
g95 -c -g $

%.o: %.c
gcc -c -g $

bpkg.so: $(F90_FILES:%.f90=%.o) $(C_FILES:%.c=%.o) $(FORTRAN_FILES:%.f=%.o)
g95 -L/Library/Frameworks -o $@ $^ -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framewo\

-end makefile

Here is the relevant output of R CMD CHECK:

* checking for working latex ...sh: line 1: latex: command not found
* using log directory '/Users/jbremson/dev/bpkg.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.1.0, 2005-05-12
* checking for file 'bpkg/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'bpkg' version '1.0-1'
* checking if this is a source package ... OK

* Installing *source* package 'bpkg' ...
** libs
g95 -c -g dbest_dbase_class.f90
g95 -c -g cm_class.f90
gcc -c -g init.c
init.c: In function 'R_g95_init':
init.c:22: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 
g95 -c -g dgletc.f
g95 -c -g dglfgb.f
g95 -c -g dglfg.f

g95 -c -g dglfgb.f
g95 -c -g dglfg.f
g95 -c -g dmdc.f
g95 -c -g mecdf.f
g95 -shared -L/Library/Frameworks -o bpkg.so dbest_dbase_class.o cm_class.o 
ss.o cm_mle_class.o pcm_dglg_o1.o cm_main.o r_estimate.o init.o dgletc.o 
dglfgb.o dg\
lfg.o dmdc.o mecdf.o -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources
g95: unrecognized option '-shared'
** R
** data
** help
 Building/Updating help pages for package 'bpkg'
Formats: text html latex example
estimate.model text html latex example
** building package indices ...
* DONE (bpkg)

* checking package directory ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking index information ... WARNING
Empty file 'INDEX'.
See the information on INDEX files and package subdirectories in section
'Creating R packages' of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking R files for library.dynam ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'bpkg'
Call sequence:
2: stop(gettextf(package/namespace load failed for '%s', 

call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
1: library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose = 
Execution halted
See section 'Generic functions and methods' of the 'Writing R Extensions'
See section 'Generic functions and methods' of the 'Writing R Extensions'
* checking replacement functions ... WARNING
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'bpkg'
Call sequence:
2: stop(gettextf(package/namespace load failed for '%s', 

call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
1: library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose = 
Execution halted
In R, the argument of a replacement function which corresponds to the right
hand side must be named 'value'.
* checking foreign function calls ... WARNING
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'bpkg'
Call sequence:
2: stop(gettextf(package/namespace load failed for '%s', 

call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
1: library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose = 
Execution halted
See section 'System and foreign language interfaces' of the 'Writing R
Extensions' manual.
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... ERROR
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'bpkg'


Obviously, there is a package/namespace load filed. I looked at the 
mentioned R documentation and didn't find anything I thought relevant. Here 
is the NAMESPACE file for good measure. The package is called bpkg.


I have checked the bpkg.so file with nm and the symbols for all functions 
are present.

How can I get R to see the symbols for the package?


Joel Bremson
Graduate Student
UC Davis

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[R] segmentation fault - debugging

2005-06-05 Thread Joel Bremson
Hi all,

I'm trying to debug some fortran 95 code that I'm bringing in
with a dyn.load().

I'm compiling a number of files using g95 on intel linux w/ R 2.1.0.

The .so file loads without complaint, but when I try to call it I get a
seg fault. I was hoping I could get a core dump in order to get some
more clues about what is going on, but no luck.

I'm relatively new to fortran programming and have never used gdb before, 
I'm familiar with other debuggers.

Any tips on how to proceed from this point would be appreciated.


Joel Bremson
Statistics Graduate Student
UC Davis

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[R] using src/Makevars file

2005-05-19 Thread Joel Bremson
Hi all,

Thanks to all who offered advice on using F95 in R.

Now I'm trying to compile a test package using gfortran, Linux 2.4.21 and
R 2.1.0.

I was able to successfully compile and use a test F95 routine by setting my
environment variables as follows in bash:

export PATH=~/bin/:$PATH
export F77=gfortran
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/bin/irun/lib

Now I'm trying to write a Makevars file for my test package
and not quite sure how to do it. I've tried 


but when running an R CMD check on the package I see that 
it's still using g77 to compile:

** libs
g77 -fPIC -g -O2 -c estimate.f -o estimate.o
estimate.f: In subroutine `estimate':
forall (i = 1:nxrows) beta(i) = i * 2
Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `forall' at (^) [initially 
seen at (^)]
end output 

The code compiles using:
gfortran -c estimate.f

I can run my code if I build the .so by hand and then dyn.load it.

Here is my F95 test code:

subroutine estimate(beta, yij, nij, nxrows, nxcols,xmat,
 irequest, ierror)

integer nxrows, nxcols, yij, nij, irequest, ierror
double precision beta(nxrows), xmat(nxrows,nxcols)
integer i

i = 0
c fortran 95 version
forall (i = 1:nxrows) beta(i) = i * 2

ierror = 0


Joel Bremson
UC Davis

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[R] Fortran 95 in R ?

2005-05-18 Thread Joel Bremson
Is it possible to run Fortran 95 code from R? I don't think so, but 
hopefully someone can prove me wrong.

Here is the test I tried:

A little fortran 95 subroutine:

subroutine allloc()
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: a
integer :: n

n = 10

I then compiled:

g95 -c allloc.f
R CMD SHLIB allloc.o

Here is what happens when I try to dyn.load it in R 2.1.0

Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library '/home/jbremson/dev/f_code/allloc.so':
/home/jbremson/dev/f_code/allloc.so: undefined symbol: _g95_filename

Is there any way to deal with this?

Is it somehow possible to reach the fortran 95 through C and avoid this 
whole problem?


Joel Bremson
UC Davis

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[R] simple addition in R, now fast easy!

2005-04-28 Thread Joel Bremson
At last, simple addition in R is now fast and easy!!!

They said it could never be done, but they've never heard of Fortran.

In order to add two numbers in R before you had to type:

 7 + 3

It was tedious to type and several hours could pass as you waited for
your return value.

So, imagine the excitement around your lab or office when you type in:


and get your result back faster then a greased goat!

Well now you can!

Here's how:

First create a file called add.f with the following code:


c Add two numbers

subroutine add(a,b,c)
double precision a,b,c
c = a + b

--end clip--

Don't disturb the spacing, Fortran is fussy about that.

Now compile you're code:

g77 -c add.f

Now make a shared lib for R (unix/linux):


This will create a file called 'add.so'

Now go into R:

dyn.load(add.so) # you might need an explicit path here

And now you too have the power of fast, easy, simple addition!!


If you want to get real fancy you can put your .Fortran call into a 

myadd = function(a,b){
out = .Fortran(add,as.numeric(a),as.numeric(b),c=as.numeric(0))

 x = myadd(3,7)
[1] 10

And you've done it! Be vanquished naysayers, simple addition will
trouble us no more!

(I thought a very simple tutorial on integrating Fortran code into R might 
be of use.) 

Joel Bremson
Statistics Graduate Student
UC Davis

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[R] 3d scatter plot with drop line

2004-11-17 Thread Joel Bremson
This is a follow up to my question from yesterday. I want to do in R
what is called a 3d scatter plot with drop lines in S-PLUS.

Basically, it's a 3dscatterplot with lines connecting the x-y grid to
the z points.
The lines give a better perspective on the shape of the data surface.

How to?

Joel Bremson
UC Davis Statistics

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[R] persp grid

2004-11-16 Thread Joel Bremson
I've got a 4x4 matrix of points from a 2-way ANOVA I'd like to plot.

The x,y correspond to the treatment groups and look like this

The z is the 4x4 matrix.

How can I get persp to grid the x,y axis with only the numbers 1-4 on both?


Joel Bremson
UC Davis Statistics Dept.

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[R] why should you set the mode in a vector?

2004-10-29 Thread Joel Bremson
Hi all,

If I write

v = vector(mode=numeric,length=10)

I'm still allowed to assign non-numerics to v.

Furthermore, R figures out what kind of vector I've got anyway
when I use the mode() function.

So what is it that assigning a mode does?


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