[R] provide extra variables to environment in call

2004-10-08 Thread Khamenia, Valery
Hi all,


 there is a function `f' already defined by someone and 
 provided in package. `f' looks like that:

  f - function() {

 i.e. `f' is not closed i.r.t. term `x'

 now I have my own function `g', where I'd like
 to override variable `x' while calling `f':

  x - dummy gloabal value

  g - function() {
x - 42
eval(f(), environment()) # how to make loacl `x' visible in `f'?

  g() # = Error in x + 1 : non-numeric argument to binary operator

Here comes the question:

 What is the right way to call `f' in order to override 
 global value of `x' with the local value defined within 
 of function `g' ?

I see that i've missed something in docs for eval/environments and related.

Thank you in advance.

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AW: AW: [R] constructing specially ordered factor

2004-10-05 Thread Khamenia, Valery
 Please follow the posting guide and do your homework before 

1. my last homework in university was done a lot of years ago.

2. I always try to follow posting guide.

  An object of the same type of 'x'. but if an element is equal to
  one with a smaller index, it is removed.
 so the order is preserved, by definition.

Here stated when element is removed. There is no explicit statement,
that the order is preserved. If one writes its own implementation
with reodered output, it still matches the docs. Or?

 BTW it uses hashing for `acceleration', not something as slow 
 as sorting.

BTW, do you mean that current hash-based implementation brings *clearly* 
better performance than any O(n*log(n)) sort based algorithm? 
If I have correctly understood src/main/unique.c then current 
hash function is niether minimal perfect hash function nor even 
minimal hash function. In addition, as might be expected, 
current hash function uses full pass through the string to get 
a hash key. 

So, in particular, can anyone clearly show that the current 
hash-based algorithm will be quicker then sort-based 
algorithm if the input has:

1. a lot of strings;
2. strings are very long; 
3. strings are quite unsimilar


Hm, I don't believe you are ready to prove smth. like that. 

P.S. Sorry for broken email-reference. I am bound to Outlook 
Express now.


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[R] constructing specially ordered factor

2004-10-04 Thread Khamenia, Valery
Hi all,

my colleagues deal with tables, where every factor is 
represented in two columns. The first column contains some 
numeric codes and the second contains the corresponding 
symbolic name. For example:

0   Female
1   Male
0   Female
0   Female

another example:

10  Normal
10  Normal
0   Nothing
100 High

Colleagues require that the ordering should be done 
always by numeric column and not by the column with 
symbolic equivalents.

Here comes the question:

Is it possible to create factor with properly ordered and 
labeled values in nicer form then in the following long 

  Factor-function(Names,Weights) {
iunique = !duplicated(Weights)
uniqueWeights = Weights[iunique]
uniqueNames = Names[iunique] # corresponding unique names
factor(Names, uniqueNames[order(uniqueWeights)])

  Factor(SSEX, ISEX)

  Factor(SCONC, ICONC)

Thank you in advance for the comments,

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AW: [R] constructing specially ordered factor

2004-10-04 Thread Khamenia, Valery
Hi Petr,

Thank you for your reply.

 Factor - function(f,n, decreasing=TRUE, ...) {
 ooo-order(levels(factor(n)), decreasing=decreasing)
 factor(f, levels=my.order)

it works incorrectly. Indeed, let's apply with your Factor:

  unames - c(thousands, units, dozens, hundreds, thousands,
  u - c(1000, 1,10,100, 1000, 10)
  Factor(unames, u)

the above produces the following output:

  [1] thousands units dozenshundreds  thousands dozens   
  Levels: units thousands hundreds dozens

where dozens  hundreds


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[R] How to save graphics in portable way in batch mode?

2004-09-30 Thread Khamenia, Valery
Hi all,

What is the right portable way to save graphics 
in batch mode?


  1. Problem is STFWed and RTFMed. In particular a short note 
 about png() is found in R-FAQ. In fact, there were stated 
 that png() is not reliable under Linux in batch mode.

  2. savePlot under windows is quite convenient, but 
 not supplied under Linux.

  3. pdf() + postscript()  savePlot()
 Indeed, savePlot does support much more image formats 
 and is flexible in changing type of output via its

  4. The scheme 

 postscript(); plot(); dev.off(); 

 makes R-scripts not really nice. Indeed, if one's script 
 had about 15 plot calls then in order to save graphics 
 one need to add 15 times the postscript() in prior of 
 plot() call and then 15 times the dev.off() as epilogue 
 to plot() call.

  5. Hm, one could create function similar to Sweave() 
 (see R-1.9.1\src\library\utils\R\Sweave.R) and 
 benefit from automatic name generation and saving.
 But it is quite unnatural, isn't it?
so, it would be nice to know what is the right way.

P.S. BTW, will be there any specific changes in R-2.x?

Thank you a priori for your comments,

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AW: [R] How to save graphics in portable way in batch mode?

2004-09-30 Thread Khamenia, Valery

oh, nice hint. The following:

  pdf(file=aaa%02d.pdf, onefile=FALSE) 

is very close to compromise, thank you, Chunk!

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AW: AW: [R] built-in Sweave-like documentation in R-2.x

2004-08-11 Thread Khamenia, Valery
 An simpler alternative to code would be to allow one to
 eval-chunk-and-step, stepping through chunks, similar to C-c C-n for
 stepping through lines.  Would this solve the basic problem?  3 x (2
 or 3 keystrokes) for 3 chunks.

hm, not really ideal...

 I can't imagine an evaluation which would cross chunks but use only
 part of chunks (this suggests bad programming design to me), but
 perhaps you (or others) have an example of when this functionality
 would be useful?  (i.e. actual regions to eval which cross code-chunk
 boundaries but contain 1 or 2 incomplete code-chunks?).

hm, when?..
The very typical situation for me today is R-code 
with structure like this:

# Section 1. Loading data 
# sometime execution time is *very* long (up to 5 minuutes with read.table)
# This section have to be executed quite rarely

# Section 2. Some initial data preparations and preprocessing
# execution time might be long. This section have to be 
# executed a bit more often then Section 1.

# Section 3. Task-oriented part
# execution time might be very long,
# this section is executed very often.

actually the Section 3 motivated me to start this thread.
because it usually consists of many chunk alternations 
and should be reexecuted many times during development.


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AW: AW: [R] built-in Sweave-like documentation in R-2.x

2004-08-10 Thread Khamenia, Valery
  Is selecting and 'C-c C-r'-ing the 3 chunks separately that bad?
 Yes.  The UI should take care of it for him.

  Others may have better suggestions.
 A bit more work on the chunk evaluation approach within Emacs is one;
 it almost does what is needed, but not quite.  

why almost, but not quite?

...without these almost, but not quite I would rather
confirm your statemnt :)


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AW: [R] built-in Sweave-like documentation in R-2.x

2004-08-10 Thread Khamenia, Valery
hi tony,

 What exactly do you mean by this?
 1. generation of Sweave-style docs from R programs or interaction?  

neither (if i correctly interpret your question).

 2. tools for doing docs and analysis at the same time?  Emacs Speaks
 Statistics has supported this with R since last century (1997 or so).

as you have seen, i use emacs and even since last century :)

 3. the vignettes of Bioconductor?

not sure.

 4. a text book in line with the above?


I think just smarter C-c C-r would be kind of trade-off here.

hm, maybe there are some other voices here similar to mine?
It would be easier to discuss the subj. 


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[R] built-in Sweave-like documentation in R-2.x

2004-08-09 Thread Khamenia, Valery
Hi devels,

  i did not find at this page:


  any ideas concerning incorporating documentation 
  possibilities (say, Sweave-based) into R-scripts.

  Was it discussed already? 
  (If discussed, then what is the decision/conclusion then?)


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AW: [R] built-in Sweave-like documentation in R-2.x

2004-08-09 Thread Khamenia, Valery
 See the 'Writing R Extensions' manual, specifically 
 Creating R Packages - Writing package vignettes

thank you, i saw this entry. However, this entry is rather 
about how to include documents (in particular Sweave-based) 
into a package. But I have meant smth else.

Let me explain in example. Today I use emacs as 
environment for my R-sessions. I am quite happy to 
use Sweave, but not happy, that there is no good 
possibility to run some selected *part* of the R-code.
Indeed, the R-chunks are alternated with 
Latex-chunks in Sweave. So, if one would like to 
execute, say, three consequent R-chunks (C-c C-r in ESS-mode), 
then the corresponding Latex-chunks between the 
R-chunks will cause side-effects. Actually, it is
because neither ESS nor R could accept Latex-chunks
and the markup symbols of Sweave. This makes interactive 
work in .Rnw files not fully convenient.

Making the above short: would it be a bad idea to
allow Latex-friendly documentation chunks in 

Thank you.

P.S. I am sorry if i missed something well-known 
concerning the subj.

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[R] SMP, Single System Image clustering, multithreading

2004-07-13 Thread Khamenia, Valery
Hi All,

  I have looked through the following thread:


  and would like to ask after 1.5 year the same question:

  Are there any plans to involve multithread 
  computations in R?

Few word about my motivation:

  I use R on my OpenSSI cluster with 7 CPUs, so one 
  could simply think of this cluster as of single computer 
  with 7 CPU. My own C++ maths run good in parallel
  on the cluster. What is even better for me: my C++ code
  has *no* any statements about parallelization. 
  All parallezation is done at command line. When I 
  start a new piece of calculation from command line,
  the process is migrated to a free cluster node 
  automatically, it migrates even during the calculation.

  The whole project is calculated nearly up to 7 time 
  quicker then on a single CPU. Thus, I do see the boost 

  However the same approach applied to R will force me
  to use batch mode instead of nice interactive mode.

  Now I am writing this mail and R is still busy with
  stats in usual interactive mode. Other 6 processors
  are idling unfortunately. It would be really nice 
  to change this situation.

my best regards,

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[R] LLVM for next R generations

2004-07-13 Thread Khamenia, Valery
Hi R-developers,

  R (unlike say C++) is rather interactive/interpreter language 
  with some high-order functions support. There is a nice project, 
  which able to bring exactly these type of language implementations
  to a next performance level. I mean LLVM (http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/)

  LLVM could bring performance of R very close to 
  compilable languages like C++ or even overperform them
  in some cases. Every function in LLVM might be compiled
  in run-time before execution, what is very nice for 
  interactive environments.

  It would be nice if R-developers could take a glance 
  at LLVM before they start to move towards next major 
  version of R.

P.S. i guess this mail is rather for this page with other 
 ideas: http://developer.r-project.org/ideas.txt

with best regards

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[R] calling R from C

2003-07-21 Thread Khamenia, Valery
Hi All,

  We'd like to use functions provided in R in our application.
  Our application is written in C/C++ and currently runs on 
  win32, Linux and Mac. We'd be happy to attach the whole
  R ( i.e. not just transfer some function by hand).
  The important detail is that we deal with big amount of data, so
  command line-like invocations won't be very interesting.
  We'd like to link R's code statically or dynamically.

  Any comments and/or links to docs on subj would be 
  highly appreciated. (Especially comments on Mac)

  Thank you in advance.

P.S. If this message appears twice -- I'm sorry (first one
  was sent in default HTML format)

kind regards,
Valery A.Khamenya
Bioinformatics Department
BioVisioN AG, Hannover

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[R] calling R from C

2003-07-21 Thread Khamenia, Valery
Hi All,

  We'd like to use functions provided in R in our application.
  Our application is written in C/C++ and currently runs on 
  win32, Linux and Mac. We'd be happy to attach the whole
  R ( i.e. not just transfer some function by hand).
  It is important that we deal with big amount of data, so
  command line-like invocations won't be very interesting.
  We'd like to link R's code statically or dynamically.

  Any comments and/or links to docs on subj would be 
  highly appreciated. (Especially comments on Mac)

  Thank you in advance.

kind regards,
Valery A.Khamenya
Bioinformatics Department
BioVisioN AG, Hannover

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