Re: [R] x,y,z table to matrix with x as rows and y as columns

2007-07-24 Thread Mark Lyman
> I am sure I am missing something obvious but I cannot find the  
> function I am looking for. I have a data frame with three columns: X,  
> Y and Z, with X and Y being grid coordinates and Z the value  
> associated with these coordinates. I want to transform this data  
> frame in a matrix of Z values, on the grid defined by X and Y (and,  
> as a plus, fill the X.Y combinations which do no exist in the  
> original data frame with NAs in the resulting matrix). I could do  
> this manually but I guess the appropriate function should be  
> somewhere around. I just can't find it.

Immediately after my last post I realized there was a much better solution

> mydat <- expand.grid(x=1:5, y=1:5)
> mydat <- data.frame(mydat, z=rnorm(25))
> mydat$z[sample(1:25,4)] <- NA
> data2mat <- function(x, y, z)
+ {
+ out <- matrix(unlist(split(z, interaction(x,y))), ncol=length(unique(y)))
+ dimnames(out) <- list(unique(x), unique(y))
+ out
+ }
> with(mydat, data2mat(x, y, z))

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] x,y,z table to matrix with x as rows and y as columns

2007-07-24 Thread Mark Lyman
jiho> writes:

> Hello all,
> I am sure I am missing something obvious but I cannot find the  
> function I am looking for. I have a data frame with three columns: X,  
> Y and Z, with X and Y being grid coordinates and Z the value  
> associated with these coordinates. I want to transform this data  
> frame in a matrix of Z values, on the grid defined by X and Y (and,  
> as a plus, fill the X.Y combinations which do no exist in the  
> original data frame with NAs in the resulting matrix). I could do  
> this manually but I guess the appropriate function should be  
> somewhere around. I just can't find it.

I have used xtabs in the past, but xtabs returns 0 instead of NA, which makes 
great for cross-tabulation, the "offending" line is x[] <- 0. So you 
would need to either modify the xtabs function or trust that z is never 0 and 
replace all 0's with NA.

> mydat <- expand.grid(x=1:5, y=1:5)
> mydat <- data.frame(mydat, z=rnorm(25))
> mydat$z[sample(1:25,4)] <- NA
> mytab <- xtabs(z~x+y, mydat)

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] problems with character objects and calls to list()

2007-07-23 Thread Mark Lyman
> Really I'd like the call to list() to behave as though the text had
> been entered directly so that you get
> > list(1:2, 3:4, 5:6)
> [[1]]
> [1] 1 2
> [[2]]
> [1] 3 4
> [[3]]
> [1] 5 6

> eval(parse(text=paste("list(",to.convert,")",sep="")))
[1] 1 2

[1] 3 4

[1] 5 6

[1] 7 8

[1]  9 10

[1] 11 12

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Re: [R] Adding points to a wireframe with conditioning variable

2007-07-05 Thread Mark Lyman
Deepayan Sarkar> writes:

> On 7/5/07, Mark Lyman> wrote:
> > I would like to add points to a wireframe but with a conditioning 
variable. I
> > found a solution for this without a conditioning variable here,
> > Does anyone 
> > how to plot a wireframe conditioned on a variable and add the points
> > conditioned on the same variable, similar to the solution at the link 
> Depends on what form you have your points in. Inside a panel function,
> packet.number() will give you the packet number in sequential order
> (column major order if you think of the conditioning variables as
> defining a multiway cross-tabulation), and which.packet() will give
> you a vector with the current level of each conditioning variable. You
> can use these to extract the appropriate subset of points.
> -Deepayan

Thank you Deepayan. I modified the panel function you wrote in the post 
referenced above according to your suggestion. Here is the panel function, I 
came up with

panel.3dwire.points <- function(x, y, z, xlim, ylim, zlim, xlim.scaled,
ylim.scaled, zlim.scaled, pts, ...)
panel.3dwire(x=x, y=y, z=z, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim,
xlim.scaled=xlim.scaled, ylim.scaled=ylim.scaled,
zlim.scaled=zlim.scaled, ...)
pts.sub <- subset(pts, g==levels(g)[which.packet()])
xx <- xlim.scaled[1] + diff(xlim.scaled)*(pts.sub$x - xlim[1])/diff
yy <- ylim.scaled[1] + diff(ylim.scaled)*(pts.sub$y - ylim[1])/diff
zz <- zlim.scaled[1] + diff(zlim.scaled)*(pts.sub$z - zlim[1])/diff
panel.3dscatter(x=xx, y=yy, z=zz, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim,
xlim.scaled=xlim.scaled, ylim.scaled=ylim.scaled,
zlim.scaled=zlim.scaled, ...)

where pts is a dataframe with the three dimensional points (x,y,z) and the 
conditioning variable g.


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[R] Adding points to a wireframe with conditioning variable

2007-07-05 Thread Mark Lyman
I would like to add points to a wireframe but with a conditioning variable. I 
found a solution for this without a conditioning variable here, Does anyone know 
how to plot a wireframe conditioned on a variable and add the points 
conditioned on the same variable, similar to the solution at the link above?

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Re: [R] barchart (lattice) with text labels

2007-02-25 Thread Mark Lyman
Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
> On 2/24/07, Mark and Heather Lyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I would like to place the value for each bar in barchart (lattice) at
>> the top of each bar. Something like the following code produces.
>> library(lattice)
>> mypanelfunc <- function(x, y, ...)
>> {
>>   panel.barchart(x, y, ...)
>>   panel.text(x, y, labels=as.character(round(x,2)), ...)
>>   }
>> myprepanelfunc <- function(x, y, ...) list(xlim=c(0, max(x)+.1))
>> mydata <- expand.grid(a=factor(1:5), b=factor(1:3), c=factor(1:2))
>> mydata$x <- runif(nrow(mydata))
>> barchart(a~x|b, mydata, groups=c, panel=mypanelfunc,
>> prepanel=myprepanelfunc, adj=c(-0.1,0.5))
>> However, I cannot figure out how to shift the values to correspond with
>> their respective grouped bar.
> You should look at panel.barchart and try to reproduce the
> calculations done there.
> Deepayan
This is the panel function that I ended up using. As Deepayan suggested, 
I borrowed heavily from panel.barchart.

mypanelfunc <- function(x, y, groups, box.ratio, ...)
  panel.barchart(x, y, groups=groups, box.ratio=box.ratio, ...)
  origin <- current.panel.limits()$xlim[1]
  groupSub <- function(groups, subscripts, ...) groups[subscripts]
  groups <- as.numeric(groupSub(groups, ...))
  vals <- sort(unique(groups))
  nvals <- length(vals)
  height <- box.ratio/(1+ nvals * box.ratio)
  for (i in unique(y)) {
ok <- y == levels(y)[i]
nok <- sum(ok, na.rm = TRUE)
panel.text(x = x[ok], y = (i + height * (groups[ok] - (nvals + 1)/2)),
  labels=as.character(signif(x[ok],2)), ...)

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] sapply again return value

2007-02-16 Thread Mark Lyman
Antje> writes:

> Hello,
> I used an sapply to get some data back (s <- sapply(...) ). The output 
> of s would then deliver something like this:
>   B06_lamp.csv C06_lamp.csv D06_lamp.csv
> [1,] NULL NULL Numeric,512
> [2,] NULL NULL Numeric,512
> [3,] NULL NULL 2
>  > mode(s)
> [1] "list"
>  > dim(s)
> [1] 3 3
>  >
> Now, I'd like to remove the columns which contain NULL (it's alway the 
> whole column).
> How can I do this???
> Antje

As long as it is always the whole column, you can just test the first row, 
like this:
> s<-matrix(list(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,numeric(512),numeric
> s[,!apply(s,2,sapply,is.null)[1,],drop=FALSE]
[1,] Numeric,512
[2,] Numeric,512
[3,] 2

If you would like to make sure that the whole column is NULL, you could do 
something like the following:

> s[,!apply(apply(s,2,sapply,is.null),2,sum)==nrow(s),drop=FALSE]
[1,] Numeric,512
[2,] Numeric,512
[3,] 2

I use the "drop=FALSE" here for display purposes, but you may want to leave it 
off depending on desired format.


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Re: [R] plotting derived values not raw

2007-02-09 Thread Mark Lyman
James Root> writes:

> I am trying to plot the mean and standard error of three separate
> conditions.  For various reasons, I do not have access to the raw data from
> which the mean and error were derived and would like to make error bar plots
> utilizing only the actual mean and standard error values.  Is there a way to
> do this in R?  Thanks for any help in advance.
> james

I believe that xYplot in the Hmisc package will do what you want

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] Using variable names in for loops - Generating plot s semi-automatically from a series of variables Partly solved

2007-02-09 Thread Mark Lyman
Anthony Staines> writes:

For each
> disease, I want to pull out the column of data containing the word
> 'Male' and plot this against age, and then add a line to the plot for
> the corresponding column containing 'Female'.
> --
> attach(data)
> Diseases <- c("Cardiovascular disease","Road Traffic Injury",  ...
> ,"All causes")
> Male <- names(data)[grep("Male",names(data))]
> Female <- names(data)[grep("Female",names(data))]
> #Disease contains disease labels in the correct order, and Male and
> Female now hold the (correct) variables.
> for (i in seq(1,length(Diseases)))
>   {
> jpeg(paste(Diseases[i],".jpg")) #This works fine!
> plot(Male[i]~Age)  #This does not
> lines(Female[i]~Age)
> }
> detach(data)


There are a few ways you can do this. Using plot.formula like you do here you 
can use this:

> mydata <-,30,10))
> attach(mydata)
> plot(formula(paste(mynames[1],mynames[2],sep='~')))

A way to do this without a formula would be:
> plot(eval(parse(text=mynames[1])),eval(parse(text=mynames[2])))
> detach(mydata)

Take a look at the help files for eval and parse. I still do not have a firm 
grasp on how to use them and other related functions, like substitute, but 
what I have been able figure out has been very useful.

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] LM Model

2007-02-09 Thread Mark Lyman
Simon P. Kempf> writes:

> But I want to skip the lm function and specify my own regression equation
> RENT= 15 -0.15*AGE1 and then use the predict.lm function. However, in order
> to use the predict.lm function I need an object of class lm. Is there any
> way to do so? Or maybe somebody has another solution? 
> Thanks in advance,
> Simon

Here is one way. Take a look at help(offset), help(lm), and help(lm.predict).
> xx <- runif(30)
> yy <- rnorm(30)
> mydata<-data.frame(xx,yy)
> lm(yy~offset(15*rep(1,30))+offset(-0.15*xx)-1,mydata)

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] Problem with fitted.value function

2006-11-17 Thread Mark Lyman
I don't know how to use the fitted
>  values function with a given function and given input-variables but yet 
> unknown result-values.

Take a look at the predict function, ?predict.

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] applying cor.test in two different but matched dataframes

2006-11-17 Thread Mark Lyman
Gabriele Stocco> writes:

> Dear R help,
> I have two dataframes with the same number of rows and columns. Each
> column is for a patient, each row for a variable. The columns and rows
> are matched in the two dataframes, so that each patient (column) and
> each variable (row) has the same position in the two dataframes. The
> values are different since each dataframe reports data from a
> different way to measure the same variables in the sampe patients.
> How can I make a cor.test, applying the function row by row in the two
> different dataframes, possibly without merging them?
> Thanks,
> Gabriele Stocco
> University of Trieste


# Create Data Frames With Rows as Variables

# Convert to Lists So that Each Element of List is a variable

# Use mapply to apply function to the two lists; see ?mapply

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] update index in

2006-10-25 Thread Mark Lyman
Kim Milferstedt> writes:

> Hello,
> I have a time series of data as a data.frame. Occasionally there is 
> one or more days missing (e.g. data available for days 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 
> 10 --> missing days between 4 and 8). The experimental time 
> information can be found in the 2nd column of "data". I would like to 
> have a continuous time line with one time point per day. Therefore I 
> try to insert lines for the missing days that contain zeros for the 
> data categories just to fill the columns.

> Thanks already,
> Kim

I believe this will also do what you want:

> days<-c(1:10)[-5:-7]
> xx<-rnorm(7)
> data<-data.frame(xx,days)

It usually is not a good idea to use zeroes as placeholders for missing values.

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] Plotmath expression

2006-10-24 Thread Mark Lyman
Christos Hatzis> writes:

> Hello,
> I've been trying to plot a subscript in a text formula using plotmath but I
> haven't been able to do so.
> In my example below I would like the text label to show
> X[min] = 10.1 +/- 5.5 
> Here is the code:
> ll <- c(x=10.1, sde=5.5)
> plot(1:10)
> text(x=9, y=2, pos=2, expression(paste(X[min], "=", paste(ll,
> collapse="+/-"

How about the following?

text(x=9, y=2, pos=2,substitute(X[min]==x%+-%sde,as.list(ll)))

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] write data to pdf

2006-10-19 Thread Mark Lyman
Franco Mendolia> writes:

> Hello!
> Is there a possibility in R to save data in pdf-format?
> I do not want to save a plot but some lines of simple text.
> Regards,
> Franco Mendolia

You could also use pdf() and textplot() in the gplots package

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] How can I delete components in a column ?

2006-10-09 Thread Mark Lyman
Yen Ngo> writes:

> Hi all R-helpers,
>   i am a new R-user and have problem with deleting some components in a 
column. I have a dataset like
>   Name  Idx
>empty   2
>empty   3
>   anone2
>   bnone3
>   d   none 2
>   ad  cfh   4
>   bf   cdt   5
>empty   2
>empty   2
>   gf  cdh   4
>   d   none 5
>   and want to eliminate all components that have id=none and empty . The 
remaining data should be

Take a look at the subset function.

Mark Lyman

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[R] Incompatability of lme4 and Matrix packages

2006-10-09 Thread Mark Lyman
I just installed R 2.4 on a windows machine and installed the lme4 package 
version 0.9975-1. Unfortunately this version requires the 0.9975-2 version of 
the Matrix package which I cannot seem to find. It seems the newest version I 
can find is 0.9975-1. Is there somewhere I could find this newer version.

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] Help on apply() function

2006-08-29 Thread Mark Lyman
Anusha> writes:

> Respected Sir/Madam,
> I have a problem with apply function. I have to two matrices of dimension of
> one column but n rows. I have to check whether one matrix is greater than
> other by going thru each row (ie) using if condition to check one matrix
> with another matrix. 
> I like to use apply() function to this approach. That is apply function
> between two matrices. I searched for examples online but I couldn't find
> any.
> I don't know how to loop thru the matrices.
> Please help with this problem.
> Any help is appreciated.
> My mailid is monkponu
> Thanks,
> Anusha.

You can use the functions all.equal with the function isTRUE (see ?all.equal) to
check if two objects are nearly equal (within a certain tolerance). Or you can
use identical (see ?identical) to check if they are exactly the same. See the
examples in the help for identical.

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] Type II and III sum of square in Anova (R, car package)

2006-08-26 Thread Mark Lyman
> 1. First of all, more general question. Standard anova() function for lm()
> or aov() models in R implements Type I sum of squares (sequential), which
> is not well suited for unbalanced ANOVA. Therefore it is better to use
> Anova() function from car package, which was programmed by John Fox to use
> Type II and Type III sum of squares. Did I get the point?
> 2. Now more specific question. Type II sum of squares is not well suited
> for unbalanced ANOVA designs too (as stated in STATISTICA help), therefore
> the general rule of thumb is to use Anova() function using Type II SS
> only for balanced ANOVA and Anova() function using Type III SS for
> unbalanced ANOVA? Is this correct interpretation?
> 3. I have found a post from John Fox in which he wrote that Type III SS
> could be misleading in case someone use some contrasts. What is this about?
> Could you please advice, when it is appropriate to use Type II and when
> Type III SS? I do not use contrasts for comparisons, just general ANOVA
> with subsequent Tukey post-hoc comparisons.
There are many threads on this list that discuss this issue. Not being a great
statistician myself, I would suggest you read through some of these as a start.
As I understand, the best philosophy with regards to types of sums of squares is
to use the type that tests the hypothesis you want. They were developed as a
convenience to test many of the hypotheses a person might want "automatically,"
and put it into a nice, neat little table. However, with an interactive system
like R it is usually even easier to test a full model vs. a reduced model. That
is if I want to test the significance of an interaction, I would use
anova(lm.fit2, lm.fit1) where lm.fit2 contains the interaction and lm.fit2 does
not. The anova function will return the appropriate F-test. The danger with
worrying about what type of sums of squares to use is that often we do not think
about what hypotheses we are testing and if those hypotheses make sense in our

Mark Lyman

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Re: [R] How to iteratively extract elements out of a list

2006-08-26 Thread Mark Lyman
[1] 3 4

[1] 4 5

[1] 4

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[R] Specify Z matrix with lmer function

2005-11-03 Thread Mark Lyman
Is there a way to specify a Z matrix using the lmer function, where the 
model is written as y = X*Beta + Z*u + e?

I am trying to reproduce smoothing methods illustrated in the paper 
"Smoothing with Mixed Model Software" my Long Ngo and M.P. Wand. 
published in the /Journal of Statistical Software/ in 2004 using the 
lme4 and Matrix packages. The code and data sets used can be found at

There original code did  not work for me without slight modifications 
here is the code that I used with my modifications noted.

x <- fossil$age
y <- 10*fossil$strontium.ratio
knots <- seq(94,121,length=25)
n <- length(x)
X <- cbind(rep(1,n),x)
Z <- outer(x,knots,"-")
Z <- Z*(Z>0)
# I had to create the groupedData object with one group to fit the model 
I wanted
grp <- rep(1,n)
fit <- lme(y~-1+X,random=pdIdent(~-1+Z),data=grp.dat)

I would like to know how I could fit this same model using the lmer 
function. Specifically can I specify a Z matrix in the same way as I do 
above in lme?


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Re: [R] Post Hoc Groupings

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Lyman
Looking at the errors your code produces, it looks like you need to make 
Dock and Slip factors.



rich.aov <- aov( ~ Dockf*Slipf, data=dock_2004_data)

TukeyHSD(rich.aov, c("Dockf", "Slipf"))

Jarrett Byrnes wrote:

>Indeed, the following works as well
>On Oct 26, 2005, at 5:23 PM, P Ehlers wrote:
>>fm1 <- aov(breaks ~ wool*tension, data = warpbreaks)
>>TukeyHSD(fm1, c("wool","tension", "wool:tension"))
>However, when working with my own dataset,  I get the following errors. 
>  I have some inkling this may be due to a slightly unbalanced sample 
>size, but am uncertain of this.
> > rich.aov <- aov( ~ Dock*Slip, data=dock_2004_data)
> > TukeyHSD(rich.aov, c("Dock", "Slip"))
>Error in, length(means)) : unimplemented type 'NULL' in 'rep'
>In addition: Warning messages:
>1: non-factors ignored: Slip in: replications(paste("~", xx), data = mf)
>2: non-factors ignored: Dock, Slip in: replications(paste("~", xx), 
>data = mf)
>I am pleased to know that these errors are not quite the
> mailing list
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Re: [R] Bug in lmer?

2005-09-30 Thread Mark Lyman
I am using version 0.98-7 of the Matrix package. I used the RGui 
"Install Packages..." menu option to get the lme4 package from CRAN and 
this version of the Matrix was automatically downloaded as well.

Martin Maechler wrote:

>>>>>>"Mark" == Mark Lyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>on Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:44:38 -0600 writes:
>Mark> I am relatively new to R so I am not confident enough in what I am 
> doing 
>Mark> to be certain this is a bug. 
>Mark> I am running R 2.1.1 on a Windows XP 
>Mark> machine and the lme4 package version 0.98-1. 
>lme4 nowadays is heavily based on "Matrix" which version are you
>using there?
>Mark> The following code fits the model I want using the
>Mark> nlme package version 3.1-60.
>  < .. >  {see a script at the end}
>Mark> The problem is that when I try fitting the model using
>Mark> the lmer function with the following code:
>Mark> lmer(adg~trt+(1|loc)+(1|block:loc)+(1|loc:trt),mltloc)
>Mark> I get this message from Windows and R closes.
>Mark> >> R for Windows GUI front-end has encountered a problem and needs 
> to 
>Mark> >> close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.
>That definitely means there is a bug.
>The question is *where* the bug is:  "lme4", "Matrix", "R", "Windows".
>One first thing coming to mind is a mismatch of "lme4" and "Matri
>Mark> This same code works on a Macintosh. So it doesn't
>Mark> seem that I have made an error in my code. 
>correct; I can also fit the model nice and quickly on Linux,
>and summary() confirms the same fit {with the "usual problem" of
>different estimates for the degrees of freedoms 'df'}.
>So currently the bug only shows on the Windows platform. 
>Could it be that you have a mismatching package "Matrix" version
>there, but not on the Mac?
>Mark> Also if anyone of the random effect terms is removed there is
>Mark> no problem. Is this something that is being looked at?
>not yet, AFAIK.
>Mark> Or I have I made a mistake somewhere? I have included
>Mark> the data that I am using below.
>I'm putting the data and an R script up for FTP,
>so that you or others can run this ``from anywhere'' via
> source("";, echo = TRUE)
>Maybe this helps diagnosis,
>Martin Maechler

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[R] Bug in lmer?

2005-09-29 Thread Mark Lyman
I am relatively new to R so I am not confident enough in what I am doing 
to be certain this is a bug. I am running R 2.1.1 on a Windows XP 
machine and the lme4 package version 0.98-1. The following code fits the 
model I want using the nlme package version 3.1-60.

mltloc$loc <- factor(mltloc$loc)
mltloc$block <- factor(mltloc$block)
mltloc$trt <- factor(mltloc$trt)
Mltloc <- groupedData(adg~trt|loc,mltloc)


The problem is that when I try fitting the model using the lmer function 
with the following code:


I get this message from Windows and R closes.

R for Windows GUI front-end has encountered a problem and needs to 
close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.

This same code works on a Macintosh. So it doesn't seem that I have made 
an error in my code. Also if anyone of the random effect terms is 
removed there is no problem. Is this something that is being looked at? 
Or I have I made a mistake somewhere? I have included the data that I am 
using below.

  X obs loc block trt adg  fe
1 1   3   A 1   3 3.16454  7.1041
2 2   4   A 1   4 3.12500  6.6847
3 3   6   A 1   2 3.15944  6.8338
4 4   7   A 1   1 3.25000  6.5254
5 5   9   A 2   2 2.71301  8.2505
6 6  10   A 2   1 3.20281  7.5922
7 7  12   A 2   3 3.02423  7.3894
8 8  16   A 2   4 2.87245  7.4604
9 9  19   A 3   1 2.68878  8.2785
10   10  20   A 3   2 2.86862  7.9470
11   11  21   A 3   3 2.89923  7.9739
12   12  22   A 3   4 3.02806  8.4331
13   13  25   B 1   3 2.18131  6.6691
14   14  27   B 1   4 2.51914  5.6281
15   15  28   B 1   2 1.88739  7.0723
16   16  31   B 1   1 2.34685  6.0295
17   17  33   B 2   4 2.45608  5.6195
18   18  35   B 2   1 2.25225  6.3978
19   19  36   B 2   3 2.23649  6.1799
20   20  40   B 2   2 2.47523  5.9985
21   21  41   B 3   2 1.94200  7.2975
22   22  44   B 3   3 2.43243  6.4350
23   23  47   B 3   4 2.30180  6.3339
24   24  48   B 3   1 2.53378  6.1564
25   25  50   C 1   4 2.96014  7.5110
26   26  51   C 1   2 3.23551  7.4762
27   27  54   C 1   3 3.24638  7.2063
28   28  56   C 1   1 3.04710  7.6389
29   29  58   C 2   3 3.26449  7.5466
30   30  59   C 2   2 2.71377  9.0895
31   31  61   C 2   1 3.06522  7.8723
32   32  62   C 2   4 2.71739  8.2318
33   33  66   C 3   4 3.03623  7.9426
34   34  67   C 3   3 3.10507  8.4608
35   35  69   C 3   1 3.16304  8.5549
36   36  70   C 3   2 3.02899  8.5038
37   37  74   D 1   1 2.49164  9.5758
38   38  77   D 1   3 2.51833  9.5121
39   39  79   D 1   2 2.35631 10.3264
40   40  80   D 1   4 2.30331  9.7715
41   41  81   D 2   3 2.72688  9.5628
42   42  83   D 2   2 2.59512  9.9414
43   43  85   D 2   1 2.56516  9.3887
44   44  88   D 2   4 2.91523  8.3158
45   45  89   D 3   3 2.57943 10.4416
46   46  90   D 3   4 2.98159  8.7710
47   47  93   D 3   2 2.35370 11.0148
48   48  94   D 3   1 2.21953 11.2417
49   49  99   E 1   3 2.84158  8.7886
50   50 100   E 1   4 2.65264  8.6946
51   51 102   E 1   2 2.47112  9.7143
52   52 103   E 1   1 2.89769  9.2401
53   53 105   E 2   2 2.57343  9.5353
54   54 106   E 2   1 2.99752  8.7538
55   55 110   E 2   4 2.95380  8.8210
56   56 112   E 2   3 3.08663  8.9427
57   57 114   E 3   1 2.72525  9.4308
58   58 115   E 3   2 2.75825  9.7721
59   59 116   E 3   3 3.08333  8.9010
60   60 117   E 3   4 3.12129  8.4852
61   61 122   F 1   1 3.20600  6.3983
62   62 123   F 1   2 2.89500  6.6569
63   63 125   F 1   4 3.36900  6.0821
64   64 126   F 1   3 3.12000  6.5349
65   65 130   F 2   2 3.19300  6.6729
66   66 131   F 2   1 3.29800  6.5488
67   67 133   F 2   4 3.09700  6.6598
68   68 135   F 2   3 3.38500  6.2998
69   69 139   F 3   3 3.44900  6.2849
70   70 140   F 3   2 3.05000  6.9957
71   71 141   F 3   1 3.43500  6.7302
72   72 143   F 3   4 3.60600  6.3827
73   73 145   G 1   2 2.58669  8.1394
74   74 147   G 1   1 3.17892  7.0972
75   75 148   G 1   4 2.95284  7.3140
76   76 151   G 1   3 3.17924  6.9430
77   77 154   G 2   4 2.62344  7.5150
78   78 155   G 2   3 2.64286  8.0237
79   79 157   G 2   1 3.12760  7.3169
80   80 160   G 2   2 2.54993  8.1957
81   81 163   G 3   4 2.58322  7.9687
82   82 164   G 3   3 2.84813  7.9284
83   83 166   G 3   2 2.69279  8.5303
84   84 167   G 3   1 3.14424  7.3564
85   85 169   H 1   3 3.39974  6.5945
86   86 173   H 1   2 3.12370  6.7530
87   87 175   H 1   4 3.17969  6.4279
88   88 176   H 1   1 3.70052  6.4830
89   89 177   H 2   2 2.95192  7.3809
90   90 179   H 2   3 3.44661  6.7929
91   91 182   H

[R] lmer random effect model matrix question

2005-09-29 Thread Mark Lyman
I have one fixed effect, sor, with two levels. I have eight lots and 
three wafers from each lot. I have included the data below.

I would like to fit a mixed model that estimates a covariance parameter 
for wafer, which is nested in lot, and two covariance parameters for 
lot, one for each level of sor. The following command fits the model 
that I want, except for it estimates the correlation between the two 
covariance parameters for lot. Is there anyway to make R not estimate 
this correlation? Thank you.


For those familiar with proc mixed the following SAS code fits the model 
that I want:

proc mixed scoring=4;
   class sor lot wafer site;
   model y= sor/ddfm=satterth;
   random lot(sor)/group=sor;
   random wafer(lot);

   sor lot wafer sitey
11   1 11 2006
21   1 12 1999
31   1 13 2007
41   1 21 1980
51   1 22 1988
61   1 23 1982
71   1 31 2000
81   1 32 1998
91   1 33 2007
10   1   2 11 1991
11   1   2 12 1990
12   1   2 13 1988
13   1   2 21 1987
14   1   2 22 1989
15   1   2 23 1988
16   1   2 31 1985
17   1   2 32 1983
18   1   2 33 1989
19   1   3 11 2000
20   1   3 12 2004
21   1   3 13 2004
22   1   3 21 2001
23   1   3 22 1996
24   1   3 23 2004
25   1   3 31 1999
26   1   3 32 2000
27   1   3 33 2002
28   1   4 11 1997
29   1   4 12 1994
30   1   4 13 1996
31   1   4 21 1996
32   1   4 22 2000
33   1   4 23 2002
34   1   4 31 1987
35   1   4 32 1990
36   1   4 33 1995
37   2   5 11 2013
38   2   5 12 2004
39   2   5 13 2009
40   2   5 21 2023
41   2   5 22 2018
42   2   5 23 2010
43   2   5 31 2020
44   2   5 32 2023
45   2   5 33 2015
46   2   6 11 2032
47   2   6 12 2036
48   2   6 13 2030
49   2   6 21 2018
50   2   6 22 2022
51   2   6 23 2026
52   2   6 31 2009
53   2   6 32 2010
54   2   6 33 2011
55   2   7 11 1984
56   2   7 12 1993
57   2   7 13 1993
58   2   7 21 1992
59   2   7 22 1992
60   2   7 23 1990
61   2   7 31 1996
62   2   7 32 1993
63   2   7 33 1987
64   2   8 11 1996
65   2   8 12 1989
66   2   8 13 1996
67   2   8 21 1997
68   2   8 22 1993
69   2   8 23 1996
70   2   8 31 1990
71   2   8 32 1989
72   2   8 33 1992

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