Re: [R] R on a flash drive

2007-08-20 Thread Michael Bibo
John Kane jrkrideau at writes:

  I usually have R, Tinn-R and portable versions of, and Firefox installed on the USB.  

Tinn-R works well as a portable editor on a USB flash drive.  Likewise, by 
following the instructions here:
emacs-22050-on-usb.html  you can run emacs for windows from your USB flash 


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Re: [R] Responding to a posting in the digest

2007-06-17 Thread Michael Bibo
Moshe Olshansky m_olshansky at writes:

 Is there a convenient way to respond to a particular
 posting which is a part of the digest?  
 I mean something that will automatically quote the
 original message, subject, etc.
 Thank you!
 Moshe Olshansky
 m_olshansky at
 R-help at mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

A simple solution is to respond via the Gmane (web) list.  There is a link to 
the Gmane R lists from the 'search' page of any CRAN mirror.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bibo

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Re: [R] Mandriva Spring 2007 and R

2007-06-06 Thread Michael Bibo
Roland Rau roland.rproject at writes:

 Hi Jonathan,
 Jonathan Morse wrote:
  I am new to Linux (not to R) and recently installed Mandriva Spring 2007 
on my partitioned hard drive.  My
 next objective is to install R in the Linux environment, unfortunately 
Mandriva is not one of the Linux
 distributions available for download...  Could someone please let me know 
which distribution I should
 One possibility is, of course, that you compile it yourself for your 
 computer. Compiling R was my first shot at compiling programs when I was 
 new to Linux, and it was not very difficult. It is described nicely in 
 the R Installation Administration Manual.
 Basically, you only need to take care of the following steps to get you 
 - did you download and unpack the source distribution (see section 1.1 
 of the manual)?
 - do you have the required tools installed (see section A.1 of the 
 manual)? (C compiler, Fortran compiler, libreadline, libjpeg, libpng, 
 tex/latex, Perl5, xorg-x11-dev)
 - compilation (see section 2.1 in the manual)
 I hope this helps?
 R-help at mailing list
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 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Just to add to Roland's comments - remember to install the -dev packages for 
all of the tools he mentions.  I learned this from the R installation manual, 
and it has been valuable in installing other software from source.  The output 
from ./configure will usually tell you if something is missing.

Personally, I no longer use Mandriva, but comments I made re v10.1 may or may 
not be relevant:

Hope this helps,


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Re: [R] R 2.3.1 and SPSS 14.0

2006-10-01 Thread Michael Bibo
David Kaplan dkaplan at writes:

 Are there any incompatibilities with R 2.3.1 and SPSS 14.0 with regard 
 to the read.spss command?
 Thanks in advance.


Version 14 of SPSS doesn't seem to have made any changes to the .sav file 
format.  Therefore read.spss should work as it has.  I haven't had any 
problems importing data files created in SPSS 14.0.

Problems can arise when importing data files created by the SPSS Data Entry 
product (currently at version 4.0), and this is covered in the R Data 
Import/Export manual.


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Re: [R] read.spss 'error reading system-file header'

2006-08-02 Thread Michael Bibo
Finn Sandø fs at writes:

 When I try to import an spss sav file with read.spss() I am getting the 
 following error
 'Error in read.spss(X:\\.sav) : error reading system-file header' 
 and the import process is aborted.
 I have tried in v. 2.3.0 and 2.3.1
 The sav-file loads without problems in spss v14 I have tried saving in 
 older spss v7 but are getting the same result.
 The read.spss() has other errors (the 'Unrecognized record type 7, 
 subtype 7 encountered in system file') but it does not seem to have any 

These are also the error messages you get when the .sav file in question was 
created with the SPSS Data Entry product.  If that is the case, then it is 
covered by section 3.1 of the R Data Import/Export document.


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Re: [R] Easy, Robust and Stable GUI???

2006-01-24 Thread Michael Bibo
pat_primate (sent by lists at writes:

 I know that this isn't really a R help question, but I am a psychology 
student at TRU ( and my psych
 department is going to be switching statistical software in the near 
future.  I thought this might be a good
 oppertunity to advocate for open source if an acceptable option is 
available.  I have looked around a bit
 and R seems to be the most stable and mature (not to mention powerful) open 
source statistical program
 going.  The only downfall is that the school has been using spss for years 
and would demand a similarly user
 friendly GUI based statistical program to replace it.  I have looked at a 
few of the R guis and most of them
 look like they are just command line interfaces in pretty desktop windows 
and not really a gui like spss.  If
 anyone knows of any stable, userfriendly and robust guis for R that would be 
similar to using spss please
 let me know, as I would love for my scho
  ol to start embracing open source software.

I too am trying to move my organisation from SPSS to R.  While it is well 
worth considering the various command line vs GUI arguments, I appreciate that 
an easy to use GUI is important when weaning oneself and others from a system 
such as SPSS.

I would suggest you have a look at R-Commander.  It is available simply as an 
R package from CRAN (Rcmdr).  It has a familiar, menu-driven interface for a 
good range of data manipulation and analysis tasks, but without losing the 
power of the command line option.  It is actively developed, and John Fox is 
very approachable.  Perhaps most importantly, it is extensible, so you can 
tailor it to suit, and add functions to the menu system.

Michael Bibo
Queensland Health

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[R] R and filemaker pro DB

2006-01-13 Thread Michael Bibo
I have been looking for a database application to use in conjunction with R (on
a Windows network).  When I approached my organization's IT department to ask
about using MySQL, they made a counter-offer of Filemaker Pro (v8).  It is not
specifically mentioned in 'R Data Import/Export', nor do searches of the
archives turn up much information.

Does anyone have any experience using Filemaker Pro with R?
Should package RODBC work with Filemaker, as it is odbc-compliant? (I will be
doing some trials anyway).
Any other relevant advice welcome.

Michael Bibo
Queensland Health

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Re: [R] Re: Installing R on Mandrake 10.1

2005-03-17 Thread Michael Bibo
Christian christianmacaro at writes:

 Dear all.
 First of all, thanks to Jon, Martin, Bogdan and Roland since they tried 
 to help me.
 In order I tried to
 1) install the libf2c0-3.4.1-4mdk.i586.rpm.
 2) install R 2.0.1 from the source.
 1) Didn't work, since the info is still not satisfied
 2) I wasn't able to configure it. I mean:
 a) as root I uzipped the archive in the home/krisse directory
 b) ./configure in the home/krisse/R-2.0.1 directory
 the resulting message was that neither a fortran compiler nor f2c was found.
 Then I looked for a fortran compiler
 What I have understood is that a fortran compiler is already included in 
 the gcc3.4.1-4mdk (already installed).
 Is that correct?
 In the /usr/bin directory there are g++ an similar things but none of 
 the g77, f77, xlf, frt, pgf77, fl32, af77, fort77, f90, xlf90, pgf90, 
 epcf90, f95, fort, xlf95, lf95, g95, and fc.



I have been using R with Mandrake since about mdk 9.2.  Like you, I really don't
consider myself any sort of Linux expert - I rely more on the gui-based tools. 
 At first I used the R rpm's from CRAN (thanks to those who provided them).  In
more recent times I have installed from source in order to remain up to date
with both Mandrake and R, and to benefit from a slight performance improvement.
 I am currently running R 2.0.1 patched under Mandrake 10.1 Official.

All of the dependencies were available on my Mandrake 10.1 Official DVD, and
installed using urpmi, via the 'software management' gui in the Mandrake Control
Centre.  This gui enables you to browse all the software packages available on
the installation CDs/DVD - by category or through searching for keywords in the
package descriptions.  You can also browse available packages on other online
repositories if you choose to set those up - see 
Urpmi, through the gui, does a reasonable job of finding dependencies of
dependencies, although I admit it is certainly not perfect.

The suggestion has already been made to install Latex related packages.  One way
to do this is to choose Lyx for installation, and all the dependencies should be
taken care of.  At least it works for me.

When I browse my installed software for 'fortran' in package descriptions, I get
the following list of installed packages:


These should all be available from your installation media (assuming a DVD or a
complete set of CDs (4, I think)).

When installing R from source, however, I did have a couple of issues, which
were solved through searching the archives.  But to possibly save you the time:

make sure both 'libreadline' and 'libreadline-devel' are installed (again,
simply search for 'libreadline in the package descriptions) - this is so that
your keyboard arrow keys work to access previous commands.  

make sure both 'xorg-x11-100dpi-' and 'xorg-x11-75dpi-fonts' are installed
(search:fonts) - this enables all fonts to display properly, eg when using
Rcmdr (which, by the way is a great learning tool).

My belated thanks to those who originally posted these hints.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bibo
Queensland Health

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Re: [R] Rcmdr X11 protocol error message

2004-09-04 Thread Michael Bibo
John Fox wrote:
Dear Michael and Peter,
I've made the following changes to the current development version of the
Rcmdr package (on my web site, at, but not posted
to CRAN):
(1) The default for the Rcmdr grab.focus option is now set to FALSE for
non-Windows systems.
(2) There's a new report.X11.warnings option, which is set to FALSE by
default; this suppresses these warnings so that they don't appear in Rcmdr
warning dialogs. This just papers over the problem without really solving
I'm not happy with these solutions, but perhaps they'll help until we
discover the source of the problems. (I tested on my Quantian system.)
Thanks for your help.

Thanks, John.
The commitment of contributors to R and to this list never ceases to 
amaze me!  The temporary solutions will help.
As I have indicated, I am not a programmer, so I can't offer much in 
terms of the underlying Tcl/Tk issues, but I am happy to test anything 
out for you on my system (if you can explain it simply enough for me).
I have another reliable observation with the new version of Rcmdr, which 
I offer only because it might provide a clue as to what's going on:
If you generate a scatterplot for two numerical variables grouped by a 
factor, the plot is drawn, but the dialogue box remains on screen, and 
is unresponsive.  When the graphics device is closed, you get an error 
message: 'Error: No graphics device active'.
If you then try to generate the same scatterplot ungrouped (which 
previously worked fine) you receive a message; 'Warning: display list 
redraw incomplete'.  This only occurs the first time you try to draw the 
ungrouped scatterplot.
Hope it helps.

Any hints as to how to generate that trace of the execution you mentioned?
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Re: [R] Rcmdr X11 protocol error message

2004-09-01 Thread Michael Bibo
John Fox wrote:
Dear Peter and Michael,
I installed Quantian on  a spare machine that I have and observed the same
warning messages that Michael has been reporting. These (and the problem
with help files but not with viewing data sets that Peter reported) occurred
with version 0.9-11 of Rcmdr but not with an earlier version.
Since the code for the Rcmdr package was substantially reworked this summer,
that seems to me a good candidate for the source of these problems, though I
don't see why the changes should be problematic. I'm afraid that I'm
insufficiently familiar with the inner workings of X11 and Tcl/Tk to be much
help in figuring out what's wrong. Everything seems to work fine under
Windows, as far as I can tell.
It occurs to me that if the warning messages are benign, one approach would
be to suppress them. I already intercept warnings and present them in dialog
boxes; I could grep for X11 protocol error and simply ignore these. That
doesn't seem to me a good solution, however. It would be better to
understand what's happening.
I'm copying this message to Dirk since he's mentioned that he plans to put
the newer Rcmdr in Quantian. Dirk: Have you tested with Rcmdr 0.9-11?
Thank you.


John, Peter and Dirk,
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a handle on it now.  I've already 
exceeded my level of knowledge and skill in both Linux and R.  But I'm 
happy to help track it down, if I can be of assistance.  As I have said 
to John, the major value of Rcmdr to me is to help 'sell' R to others in 
my organisation currently using SPSS, and for this purpose, the Windows 
version at work is working fine.  It is more of an annoyance at home, as 
it doesn't seem to stop anything working.

Peter asked:
BTW, sometimes Tk errors allow you to see a trace of the execution.
Would this happen to be one of those situations?
The short answer is I don't know (see my first line :-)).  There is no 
button on the dialogue box saying 'more details...' or anything that 
obvious.  Is there a log file somewhere on the system or some other way 
to generate such a trace?

I have been experimenting, and the following seem reliable (at least on 
my system):

Error messages don't seem to happen for the first graph generated.  The 
second graph drawn also generates an error dialogue box with the error 
message repeated about 11 times.  The third and subsequent times exactly 
the same graph is generated leads to an error message repeated about 21 
times.  (I don't know if the number of repetitions is meaningful).  Note 
that the graphs are generated and visible when the error messages appear.

Running any analysis that only writes output to the output window (such 
as fitting a regression model) generates the error messages before the 
output is written to the output window.  The output appears when the 
error dialogue box is OK'd.  I guess it's more likely to be responding 
to exiting the dialogue box than writing the output.  But this only 
happens when such error messages have been generated previously in that 
session by creating a (second) graph.

If the diagnostic panel plots for a regression model are called, the 
error messages appear, but this time the plots themselves are not 
visible in the graphics device (it is blank).  When the error messages 
are OK'd, the plots appear in the device.

When exiting Rcmdr, then, and OK'ing the Exit? dialogue box, the final 
error messages appear, but again only if they have already been 
generated by a graph call.

I don't know if this will be helpful, but I thought reliable 
observations might give some clues.

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Re: [R] Rcmdr X11 protocol error message

2004-08-31 Thread Michael Bibo
John Fox jfox at writes:

 Dear Michael,
 A question: Do you observe these problems with tcltk in general or just with
 the Rcmdr package? Is it possible for you to test a Tcl/Tk program outside
 of R?
And Peter asked which version of Tcl/Tk.

Apparently my system has version 8.4 installed, specifically:
Tcl-8.4.5-3-mdk (tclsh8.4) and Tk-8.4.5-3-mdk (  As I understand
it, these are installed from RPMs on the installation DVD, and I note that they
are mandrake specific.

John - I wasn't sure if I had any other Tcl/Tk applications installed (it's not
always obvious when installing from RPM's).  I have certainly not encountered
these error messages with any other application.  I quickly downloaded WISH
Supernotepad 1.2.3.  This application requires Tcl/Tk 8.4 or greater.  There
are no graphics window in this application, but plenty of dialogue boxes.  It
gave no errors.  Is this an appropriate test?

If this is a mandrake-configuration-specific problem, it may not be worth
spending too much time investigating, as R Commandr still works.  I can always
try re-installing Tcl/Tk from source when/if I have time.



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Re: [R] Rcmdr X11 protocol error message

2004-08-30 Thread Michael Bibo
John Fox jfox at writes:

 Dear Peter and Michael,
 Peter: Thank you for fielding this question. Michael initially contacted me
 directly, and I suggested that he write to the list since I didn't know the
 possible source of the problem, had never seen it (either under Windows or
 Linux), and never had a report of it before.
 Michael: Does this problem occur only with certain Rcmdr dialogs or
 I'd also be curious to learn whether anyone else has experienced this
 problem, and whether anyone has run the Rcmdr package under Mandrake Linux
 without a problem.
Might the following offer a clue?

Extract from FAQ for SJava (

Event Loops

# When I run the X11() graphics device and a Java GUI, sometimes I get errors
like the following

Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x1356)!

1: X11 protocol error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 
2: X11 protocol error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 

What's happening?
Both Java and R are reading events from the X11 event loop ``at the same
time''. As a result, R is reading events meant for Java and vice-versa and bad
things happen!

There are two solutions:

* use the Java graphics device which uses the Java graphics facilities
to do the rendering;
* don't run the GUI and the X11 device at the same time. 

The second solution is clearly not ideal. What we can do is to compile the
X11 device code to be thread-safe. However, the same effect will be seen if we
load another X11 event handler (e.g. the Tcl/Tk library). 



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[R] Rcmdr X11 protocol error message

2004-08-29 Thread Michael Bibo
I am using R 1.9.1 with R Commander GUI under Windows at work,  and under Linux 
Mandrake 10 OR at home.   I am having no problems running R Commander under windows.  
Under Linux, though, the opening and sometimes closing of windows from R Commander 
produces identical and repetitive error messages (in dialogue boxes and mirrored in 
the console): 

Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)  X 10-20.

These error messages occur most frequently when graphics windows are opening, but can 
also occur when dialogue boxes pop up, and sometimes even when results are written to 
the output window.  However, when the error message is OK'd, the plot, or whatever, 
is displayed as it should be.  It is not entirely consistent, and will sometimes stop 
happening for parts of a session.  Exactly the same commands run directly from the R 
console do not produce the same problem.  I searched the mailing list archives, and 
found the following exact description of what I have been experiencing, from November 

 Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi all,
 I've got this using Rcmdr package only.
 R-cmdr scatterplot.matrix(~PC1+PC2+PC3+PC4 | Species,
 reg.line=FALSE, smooth=FALSE, span=0.5, diagonal= 'density',
 by.groups=TRUE, data=iris)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Warning: X11 protocol error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 What's this? The plot is shown.
This is exactly the error message I get, with similar 10-20 line repetition.  And the 
plots are generated anyway.  Unfortunately, I could not find any reply to this email.
My system is running R 1.9.1 on Linux Mandrake 10 OR (installed from source, not RPM), 
with XFree86 4.3, P4 2.4GH, 1GB Ram.  The problem occurs in several different window 
managers/desktop environments.  I'm wondering if it is something to do with the 
interaction of tcl/tk with the particular X11 config, but I've reached the limit of my 
skills in diagnosing.  If anyone can suggest anything, I would appreciate it.


Michael Bibo

Research Officer,
Community Health Services,
West Moreton Health Service District,
Queensland Health.


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[R] Re:Importing SPSS Data Entry data files

2004-04-22 Thread Michael Bibo
On 16 Apr, Unung Istopo Hartanto asked about using R library 'foreign' to import SPSS 
Data Entry data files.  SPSS Data Entry is an application that allows for the creation 
of formatted data entry forms (as does EpiInfo, Epidata and CSPro (all free 
downloads)).  As such it creates the usual SPSS data files, but adds forms 
information, which the 'foreign' package does not know how to handle.
The solution is relatively simple: SPSS Data Entry Builder itself allows for the 
exporting of the data file without the forms information (File - Export - Data).  
This gives you a 'standard' SPSS data file, which you can import into R using the 
'foreign' library, or through R Commander.

Michael Bibo
Research Officer
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Service
Resource Unit
West Moreton Community Health Services
West Moreton Health Service District
Queensland Health


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[R] Barplot and R 1.9.0

2004-04-22 Thread Michael Bibo
I would like to preface this by saying that I have not been using R for long, and 
consider myself a beginner.  But the more I use and learn R, the more impressed I am 
with both the 'product' itself, and the efforts of those developing it.

It has been noted (eg Duncan Murdoch, 15 April), that the barplot function in R 1.9.0, 
when used on a tabulated single factor, produces a plot only one bar wide, and seems 
to superimpose the other bars.

It may be useful for users to note that the barplot2 function from the 'gregmisc' 
package still works as barplot did in R 1.8.1.



for an example.

Michael Bibo
Queensland Health

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