Re: [R] Reformat a data frame

2006-11-07 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold
You want to reshape from wide into long format: see help(reshape).
For your example this should look something like
df2 - reshape(df1, varying=list(c(resist,thick,temp)), direction=long,
   v.names=c(Value), timevar=Param,
   idvar=ID, times=c(resist,thick,temp))
will give you roughly what you want - maybe not in the exact order as listed 
below for df2, but you can sort' then.
You are merging all value for three variables in the wide format, into one 
variable (Value) in the long format...
Try it, I did not test the above, but have done similar things before along 
those lines.
Michael Jerosch-Herold

 Thorsten Muehge [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/07/06 1:10 AM 

Hello Experts,
how do I reformat a data frame in the way described below:

ID desc resist thick temp
1 4711 100 5 20
2 4712 101 4 21
3 4711 99 3 19
4 4712 98 7 22


id desc Param Value
1 4711 resist 100
1 4711 Thick 5
1 4711 temp 20
2 4712 resist 101
2 4712 Thick 4
2 4712 temp 21
3 4711 resist 99
3 4711 thick 4
3 4711 temp 19
4 4712 resist 98
4 4712 thick 7
4 4712 temp 22

Thanks a lot for your help.
With best regards

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[R] Tinn-R functionality for Mac?

2006-10-09 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold

Dear readers:

I like very much how one can hightlight R-code sections in Tinn-R and send them 
to R for execution. Is there an editor for the Mac that similarly allows you to 
highlight code and send it to the R-console? 

Thank you in advance for recommendations!

Michael Jerosch-Herold

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[R] bullseye or polar display of circular data

2006-08-03 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold

I have data for several rings of a left heart chamber, and which I would like 
to display in concentric rings, with color-encoding of the values. Each ring 
corresponds to one slice through the heart, and the rings correspond to 
positions from the base to the apex of the heart as you move from the outermost 
ring to the innermost one. The data have a circular pattern. These types of 
displays are referred to as bullseye displays in the nuclear medicine 
literature. Does any reader of these messages know of a R function/package that 
offers this functionality?

Also I noticed that in some contexts you can define a circular attribute for 
your data. Are there plot routines for such circular data?

thank you!

Michael Jerosch-Herold

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Re: [R] lme convergence

2006-06-30 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold
It looks like in the call to lme

 fm1 - lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont,

you did not specify any random effects. Why not try:

 fm1 - lme(distance ~ age, random= ~1| groupID, data = Orthodont,

where groupID is some factor that can be used to stratify the data.

Also, the Othodont data set is used in Pinheiro  Bates book, and you may 
want to consult
that book to see the models they use in connection with that data set. For the 
Orthodont data set
the groupID would most likely be the subject ID (Subject variable).

So a possible model would be:

 fm1 - lme(distance ~ age, random= ~1|Subject, data=Orthodont)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
 Data: Orthodont 
   AIC  BIClogLik
  455.0025 465.6563 -223.5013

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | Subject
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev:2.114724 1.431592

Fixed effects: distance ~ age 
Value Std.Error DF  t-value p-value
(Intercept) 16.76 0.8023952 80 20.5   0
age  0.660185 0.0616059 80 10.71626   0
age -0.845

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
Min  Q1 Med  Q3 Max 
-3.66453932 -0.53507984 -0.01289591  0.48742859  3.72178465 

Number of Observations: 108
Number of Groups: 27 

So this runs fine.

As, I said this data set and its analysis is discussed extensively in Pinheiro 
and Bates book

Michael Jerosch-Herold

 Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/29/06 7:08 PM 
  Does anyone know how to obtain the 'returnObject' from an 'lme' run 
that fails to converge?  An argument of this name is described on the 
'lmeControl' help page as, a logical value indicating whether the 
fitted object should be returned when the maximum number of iterations 
is reached without convergence of the algorithm. Default is 'FALSE'.

  Unfortunately, I've so far been unable to get it to work, as 
witnessed by the following modification of an example from the '?lme' 
help page:

  fm1 - lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont,
Error in lme.formula(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont, control = 
lmeControl(msMaxIter = 1)) :
iteration limit reached without convergence (9)
Error: object fm1 not found
  fm1 - lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont,
+  returnObject=TRUE))
Error in lme.formula(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont, control = 
lmeControl(msMaxIter = 1,  :
iteration limit reached without convergence (9)
Error: object fm1 not found   

  I might be able to fix the problem myself, working through the 'lme' 
code line by line, e.g., using 'debug'.  However, I'm not ready to do 
that just now.

  Best Wishes,
  Spencer Graves

Ravi Varadhan wrote:
 Use try to capture error messages without breaking the loop.
 Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
 Assistant Professor,  The Center on Aging and Health
 Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
 Johns Hopkins University
 Ph: (410) 502-2619
 Fax: (410) 614-9625
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:r-help-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pryseley Assam
 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 12:18 PM
 To: R-Users
 Subject: [R] lme convergence

 Dear R-Users,

   Is it possible to get the covariance matrix from an lme model that did
 not converge ?

   I am doing a simulation which entails fitting linear mixed models, using
 a for loop.
   Within each loop, i generate a new data set and analyze it using a mixed
 model.  The loop stops When the lme function does not converge for a
 simulated dataset. I want to inquire if there is a method to suppress the
 error message from the lme function, or better still, a way of going about
 this issue of the loop ending once the lme function does not converge.

   Thanks in advance,


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Re: [R] AOV with repeated measures

2005-10-27 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold
You probably need specify the repeated measures by using an Error term in aov 
for repeated measures:

aov(trait ~ species + strain + Error(species/strain))

Take a look at Ripley's book.

Treat above with caution: I am no expert, but the answer is in that direction...

Michael Jerosch-Herold

I have a question on using R to analyze data with repeated measurements. I 
have 2 species with several strains (12) per species, each of which has 
been measured twice with for a given trait. No particular covariance, just 
two measures. Now I want to analyze the data with an ANOVA (aov) 
considering these repeated measures to get the MSq and SSq for the species 
and strain level. I would like to know how to write the ANOVA model in R. I 
have done the following:

aov(trait ~ species + strain/replicate)

Is it accurate?

Thanks a lot,


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[R] PDF output:

2005-04-19 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold
I have a problem with making pdf files. I use the code below:

pdf(file=resindex.pdf,width= 6, height= 7, family = Helvetica, title = MBF 


When I run a script with the above code in it, by using source, it produces a 
PDF file which I can not open with Acrobat.

When I copy just the lines above, from my editor, into R commander, then the 
output to the PDF works fine, i.e. I can open the file with Acrobat reader.

What is the problem?

thank you, in advance for advice!

Michael Jerosch-Herold

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[R] LME correlation structures: user defined

2005-03-22 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold

Let me modify my question about user-defined covariance structures for LME 
models: Can somebody tell me how I can see the code for the definition of the 
correlation structures that come with the NLME package. Specifically I like to 
see the code for the functions coef, corMatrix, and intialize for any of the 
pre-defined correlation structures, and use this as a template to define a new 
correlation structure. So how do I see e.g. the code for the method initialize 
for the correlation structure corExp or corARMA?

thank you in advance!

Michael Jerosch-Herold

PS: Oh, and if somebody could still send me example code for a user defined 
correlation structure I would much appreciate it, as my previous requests for 
help have not yielded any response.

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[R] lme user-defined correlation structures??

2005-03-18 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold
Could somebody help with the definition of new correlation structure for use 
with a linear mixed-effects model (package nlme). Specifically, I want to 
define a Toeplitz type correlation structure, but due to my inexperience with 
programming in R, I feel a bit overwhelmed with the task at hand.

I understand that you can start with a function like corAR1 as template, but I 
have no idea how I would define the methods (coef, corMatrix, and initialize) 
in this context.

An example of code for a user-defined correlation structure would be very 

I did a search on Google and in the R-help archives, but have not found much in 
terms of hints and specific examples for user defined correlation structures.

Thank you in advance!

Michael Jerosch-Herold

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[R] user-defined correlation structure in NLME

2005-03-16 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold

Could somebody help with the definition of new correlation structure for use 
with a linear mixed-effects model (package nlme). Specifically, I want to 
define a Toeplitz type correlation structure, but due to my inexperience with 
programming in R, I feel a bit overwhelmed with the task at hand.

I understand that you can start with a function like corAR1 as template, but I 
have no idea how I would define the methods (coef, corMatrix, and initialize) 
in this context.

I did a search on Google and in the R-help archives, but have not found much in 
terms of hints and specific examples for user defined correlation structures.

Thank you in advance!

Michael Jerosch-Herold

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[R] image() with color key?

2004-09-03 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold
Is there an easy way to plot a color key next to a color image (with
image() in graphics package)? The color key should also include a
numerical scale, so that the colors can be cross-referenced with image
intensity values. I see that levelplot has a facility for color keys,
but with image it seems less straightforward, i.e. generating a color
key is not an option in image().

Thank you!

Michael Jerosch-Herold

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[R] read.spss warning: unrecognized record type??

2004-08-26 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold
When using read.spss (library: 'foreign') I get the following warning

Warning message: 
E:/R4win/mesamri.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 13
encountered in system file. 

I don't see anything wrong with record #7 in the database I am trying
to read in, but I suspect that the warning message does not refer to a
specific record, but a variable type. Is this correct? And what does
subtype 13 mean?

I basically have a data table with records (cases) in rows, and various
variables for each record/case in the columns. Again, I suspect that I
am using record in a different sense then meant by the above warning

Based on this warning, is record type 7 discarded when the data are
read in?

Thank you in advance for shedding some light on this!

Michael Jerosch-Herold

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[R] correlation structures in NLME

2004-08-12 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold
I am using the latest version of R on a Windows machine and get the
following error when I try to initialize a correlation structure with
the function corAR1 in NLME. This example is taken from the book of
Pinheiro and Bates, so it should work. What is going wrong?

 cs1AR1 - corAR1(0.8, form= ~1 | Subject)
 cs1AR1 - initialize(cs1AR1, data = Orthodont)
Error in methodsPackageMetaName(C, name) : 
The name of the object (e.g,. a class or generic function) to
find in the meta-data must be a single string (got a character vector of
length 2)
In addition: Warning message: 
the condition has length  1 and only the first element will be used
in: if (!, .BasicClasses))) return(newBasic(Class,  

Thank you!

Michael Jerosch-Herold

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[R] circular structures in NLME

2004-08-11 Thread Michael Jerosch-Herold

I have a problem where I am looking at a circular structure and I want
to examine the spatial correlation pattern in the random effects portion
of the model. I am looking at 8 sectors of a circular patch, and plan to
use the corExp class. The sector number is the position variable, but
for the calculation of the distance between two sectors I need to take
into account the fact that the sectors are arranged in a circular
pattern. I have read through some of the NLME documentation, it is not
clear to me how I can specify the distance function appropriately.

Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated.

Michael Jerosch-Herold

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