[R] proportional odds model

2007-08-02 Thread Ramon Martínez Coscollà
Hi all!!

I am using a proportinal odds model to study some ordered categorical
data. I am trying to predict one ordered categorical variable taking
into account only another categorical variable.

I am using polr from the R MASS library. It seems to work ok, but I'm
still getting familiar and I don't know how to assess goodness of fit.
I have this output, when using response ~ independent variable:

Residual Deviance: 327.0956
AIC: 333.0956
[1] 278
[1] 3

When taking out every variable... (i.e., making formula: response ~ 1), I have:

Residual Deviance: 368.2387
AIC: 372.2387

How can I test if the model fits well? How can I check that the
independent variable effectively explains the model? Is there any

Moreover, sendig summary(polr.out) I get this error:

Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = BFGS, hessian = Hess, ...) :
initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite

Something to do with the optimitation procedure... but, how can I fix
it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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[R] proportional odds model in R

2007-08-02 Thread Ramon Martínez Coscollà
Hi all!!

I am using a proportinal odds model to study some ordered categorical
data. I am trying to predict one ordered categorical variable taking
into account only another categorical variable.

I am using polr from the R MASS library. It seems to work ok, but I'm
still getting familiar and I don't know how to assess goodness of fit.
I have this output, when using response ~ independent variable:

Residual Deviance: 327.0956
AIC: 333.0956
[1] 278
[1] 3

When taking out every variable... (i.e., making formula: response ~ 1), I have:

Residual Deviance: 368.2387
AIC: 372.2387

How can I test if the model fits well? How can I check that the
independent variable effectively explains the model? Is there any

Moreover, sendig summary(polr.out) I get this error:

Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = BFGS, hessian = Hess, ...) :
   initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite

Something to do with the optimitation procedure... but, how can I fix
it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Confidence intervals plot

2003-06-14 Thread Ramon Martínez Coscollà
Hi all!!

I am trying to plot several confidence intervals in a unique plot. That is, for each 
x, I have a confidence interval for a parameter related to x and I would like to plot 
them in the same plot, in order to compare them. The plot would look like some 
parallel vertical lines, each one corresponding to a x value. Their extrem points 
would be the confidence interval limits.

I do not know if I am clear enough. Anyway, thank you in advance.

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