Re: [R] random uniform sample of points on an ellipsoid (e.g. WG

2007-03-02 Thread Russell Senior
 Alberto == Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alberto I guess this sample is required for some practical
Alberto application, say a simulation for something done over the
Alberto Earth. Then, I also guess that the sample does not have to be
Alberto _absolutely_ exact, but a reasonable approximation can do
Alberto it. And the ellipsoid is a rotation ellipsoid.

Alberto This is my suggestion:

Alberto (1) Divide the Ellipsoid by latitudes in _n_ horizontal
Alberto slices in such a way that each slice can be considered
Alberto almost spherical. Of course here lies the problem:
Alberto depending on the purpose of the simulation, _n_ would be so
Alberto big as to make it impractical

Alberto (2) Compute the area of each slice (there are formulas for
Alberto that, whose error is not very big - again, we rely on the
Alberto purpose of the simulation)

Alberto (3) Chose a random slice based on weight = area

Alberto (4) Chose the random latitude by a uniform from the minimum
Alberto to the maximum latitude (a much better approximation would
Alberto give higher weight to the latitude closer to the equator)

Alberto (5) lon = 2 pi runif(1) # :-)

Alberto Now the question is: do you know the formulas to compute the
Alberto area in (2)?  I know these formulas exist, I learned them in
Alberto the last century, but I can't remember them and I don't know
Alberto how to find them.

This is essentially the approach I (and my local helpers) have taken.
With garden-variety calculus, we have derived a function t(z) that
maps equal area over the oblate ellipsoid.  We select t from a uniform
distribution and then find the corresponding z dimension.  The
expression is quite hairy, but apparently analytically correct (I
haven't found any errors yet), if possibly unstable numerically.

The derivative with respect to z of area on the ellipsoid at a plane
of latitude intersecting at a height z above the equator, where the
ellipsoid has been scaled such that a is the polar radius and the
equatorial radius is 1, is: 

  dA/dz = 2 * pi * f


  f = sqrt((z^2 * (1 - a^2))/a^4 + 1)

You find the function t(z) such that dA/dt is constant.

Then you select from a uniform distribution and then find the value of
z that corresponds.

Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''

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[R] random uniform sample of points on an ellipsoid (e.g. WGS84)

2007-02-21 Thread Russell Senior

I am interested in making a random sample from a uniform distribution
of points over the surface of the earth, using the WGS84 ellipsoid as
a model for the earth.  I know how to do this for a sphere, but would
like to do better.  I can supply random numbers, want latitude
longitude pairs out.

Can anyone point me at a solution?  Thanks very much.

Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] solving for a 2D transformation matrix

2004-07-02 Thread Russell Senior

We have recently digitized a set of points from some scanned
engineering drawings (in the form of PDFs).  The digitization resulted
in x,y page coordinates for each point.  The scans were not aligned
perfectly so there is a small rotation, and furthermore each
projection (e.g. the yz-plane) on the drawing has a different offset
from the page origin to the projection origin.  From the dimensions
indicated on the drawing, I know the intended world coordinates of a
subset of the points.  I want to use this subset of points to compute
a best-fit transformation matrix so that the remaining points can be
converted to world coordinates.

The transformation matrix is (I think) of the form:

 [ x' ]   [ a11 a12 a13 ] [ x ]
 | y' | = | a21 a22 a23 | | y |
 [ w' ]   [ a31 a32 a33 ] [ w ]

x,y = page coordinates
x',y' = world coordinates

a13 = translation of x
a23 = translation of y

a11 = scale * cos(theta)
a12 = sin(theta)
a21 = -sin(theta)
a22 = scale * cos(theta)

a31 = 0
a31 = 0
a33 = 1
w' = 1
w = 1

Can anyone give me a pointer on how to go about solving for the
transformation matrix given a set of points, where x,y and x',y' are
available?  I sense the presence a solution lingering in the murky
mists, (some kind of least squares?) but I am not sure what it is or
how to go about it exactly.

Thanks for your help!

Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] formula parsing, using parts ...

2003-10-28 Thread Russell Senior
 Uwe == Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Russell I am writing a little abstraction for a series of tests.  For
Russell example, I am running an anova and kruskal.test on a
Russell one-factor model.  That isn't a particular problem, I have an
Russell interface like: my.function - function(model,data) {
Russell print(deparse(substitute(data))) a - anova(lm(formula,data))
Russell print(a) if(a$Pr(F)[1]  0.05) { pairwise.t.test(???)  } b
Russell - kruskal.test(formula,data) print(b) if ...  } I want to
Russell run each test, then depending on the resulting p-value, run
Russell pairwise tests.  I am getting into trouble where I put the
Russell ??? above.  The pairwise.t.test has a different interface,
Russell that seems to want me to dismember the formula into
Russell constituent parts to feed in.  The other alternative is to
Russell give my.function the constituent parts and let it build the
Russell model.  I haven't figured out how to do either one.  Can
Russell someone give me some pointers?

Uwe See ?formula and its See Also Section on how to do formula
Uwe manipulation. There's also an example on how to construct a
Uwe formula.

In order to use the 'as.formula(paste(response, ~ ,factor))'
approach, response and factor seem to need to be strings (at least
they seem to if response is log(x) or the like).  Whereas, for
pairwise.t.test they need to be names.  What is the proper way to do

Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] formula parsing, using parts ...

2003-10-28 Thread Russell Senior
 Uwe == Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Russell I am writing a little abstraction for a series of tests. For
Russell example, I am running an anova and kruskal.test on a
Russell one-factor model.  That isn't a particular problem, I have an
Russell interface like: my.function - function(model,data) {
Russell print(deparse(substitute(data))) a - anova(lm(formula,data))
Russell print(a) if(a$Pr(F)[1]  0.05) { pairwise.t.test(???)  } b
Russell - kruskal.test(formula,data) print(b) if ...  } I want to
Russell run each test, then depending on the resulting p-value, run
Russell pairwise tests.  I am getting into trouble where I put the
Russell ??? above.  The pairwise.t.test has a different interface,
Russell that seems to want me to dismember the formula into
Russell constituent parts to feed in.  The other alternative is to
Russell give my.function the constituent parts and let it build the
Russell model.  I haven't figured out how to do either one.  Can
Russell someone give me some pointers?

Uwe See ?formula and its See Also Section on how to do formula
Uwe manipulation. There's also an example on how to construct a
Uwe formula.

Russell In order to use the 'as.formula(paste(response, ~
Russell ,factor))' approach, response and factor seem to need to be
Russell strings (at least they seem to if response is log(x) or the
Russell like).  Whereas, for pairwise.t.test they need to be names.
Russell What is the proper way to do that?

Uwe In order to run pairwise.t.test() you can simply get() the values
Uwe from objects:

Uwe Let's change the example in ?pairwise.t.test:

Uwe   data(airquality) 
Uwe   attach(airquality) 
Uwe   Month - factor(Month, labels =[5:9]) 
Uwe   x - Ozone 
Uwe   y - Month
Uwe   pairwise.t.test(get(x), get(y))

Suppose I want x to be log(Ozone)?  The get() function doesn't help
me there.

Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] formula parsing, using parts ...

2003-10-28 Thread Russell Senior
 Uwe == Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Russell Suppose I want x to be log(Ozone)?  The get() function
Russell doesn't help me there.

Uwe   eval(parse(text=x))

Ah, that seems to have done it.  Thanks!

Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] variance component analysis for nested model

2003-10-27 Thread Russell Senior
 Pascal == Pascal A Niklaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Pascal lme should do the job (r1,r2,r3 are your random factors):
Pascal library(nlme) y.lme - lme(y ~ 1,random = ~ 1 | r1/r2/r3)
Pascal summary(y.lme)

Pascal This is equivalent to a call to varcomp in S-Plus

Thanks!  This was the clue I needed.

Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] formula parsing, using parts ...

2003-10-27 Thread Russell Senior

I am writing a little abstraction for a series of tests.  For example,
I am running an anova and kruskal.test on a one-factor model.  That
isn't a particular problem, I have an interface like:

 my.function - function(model,data) {
   a - anova(lm(formula,data))
   if(a$Pr(F)[1]  0.05) {
   b - kruskal.test(formula,data)
   if ...

I want to run each test, then depending on the resulting p-value, run
pairwise tests.  I am getting into trouble where I put the ??? above.
The pairwise.t.test has a different interface, that seems to want me
to dismember the formula into constituent parts to feed in.  The other
alternative is to give my.function the constituent parts and let it
build the model.  I haven't figured out how to do either one.  Can
someone give me some pointers?

Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] variance component analysis for nested model

2003-10-26 Thread Russell Senior

Given a set of data:

[1] city house visitvalue

I am looking for a way to compute the variance components of the
nested model (ie, visit 1 at house 2 at city 3 isn't related to visit
1 and house 2 at city 4), but different houses in the same city may be
related, and different visits to the same house are probably related.
I want to be able to compute how much of the total variance of value
is explained by each of these.  How can I do that in R?


Russell Senior ``shtal latta wos ba padre u prett tu nashtonfi
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  mrlosh''  -- Bashgali Kafir for ``If you have
 had diarrhoea many days you will surely die.''

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] estimating quantiles from binned data

2003-09-14 Thread Russell Senior
 Spencer == Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Russell Suppose I have a set of binned data, counts exceeding a
Russell series of arbitrary thresholds, a total N, a minimum and
Russell maximum, those sorts of things.  Is there a standard method
Russell for estimating arbitrary quantiles from this?  My initial
Russell thought is that the counts and min/max give me solutions at
Russell various points along the empirical cdf.  As the data are
Russell roughly log-normal, I thought maybe I could use piece-wise
Russell log-normal distributions between these points to estimate the
Russell arbitrary quantiles I am interested in.  Are there better
Russell thought out methods than this?  Thanks!

Spencer Have you considered making a normal probability plot?  

This is probably not practical, given I have on the order of 7000 sets
of binned data to evaluate.  I have prior knowledge of the data
involved (i.e. when we have an actual sample rather than just bin
counts), and though it isn't perfect, log normal usually isn't too bad
particularly in comparison to a standard normal distribution.  I also
want to match at the points where we know the quantiles precisely
(i.e. at bin boundaries).

Spencer The image of a mixture of lognormals would suggest limits on
Spencer the accuracy of such interpolation.

Oh, there are limits, no doubt.  I guess the main point of my query
is to evaluate whether there are better, more theoretically sound
methods than the one I extracted from my hat.

Russell Senior ``shtal latta wos ba padre u prett tu nashtonfi
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  mrlosh''  -- Bashgali Kafir for ``If you have
 had diarrhoea many days you will surely die.''

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