[R] how to extract t-test statistics from glm()?

2007-09-04 Thread Bin Sun
I need to extract t-test statistics from glm(). For example,



Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)

(Intercept)  46.219911.6310   3.974 0.000106 ***

Var1  1.0440 0.5948   1.755 0.081088 .  

Var2 -0.4717 2.0257  -0.233 0.816178

Var3  0.2376 0.1454   1.635 0.104024


And I want to put all the t-values (and if possible, only that is associated
with one particular independent variable such as Var3) to another table that
can be reused later. I'm new to R and your help is highly appreciated!



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[R] Estimate parameters of copulas

2007-08-02 Thread Michael Sun
Dear list,

Does anyone have any experience on how to estimate the parameters of the
specific copula in R or S+??

For example, calculate the conditional d. f. of F(x2|x1) by using the
partial derivatives of the Clayton copula, C(u1|u2)=((u2^(-alpha)
+u1^(-alpha) - 1 )/ u2^(-alpha) )^-1/alpha-1
Here, how tto estimate the value of alpha based on the observations on
(x1, x2)???

fitCopula function?? I could not find some reference on this
function.Also does anyone have some example of fitCopula???

Appreciate for your kind help.

With regards,

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R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] EM covergence problem

2007-05-11 Thread sun
Hi, R users

  I am trying to use EM algorithmto estimate a latent class model of discrete 
choice. The basic model is a logit model which has two variables X=(X1,X2) and 
the utility is defined as v = Beta*X. There are 3 classes of individuals each 
has its own Beta values, so Beta is a 3*2 matrix. For each individual, (there 
are 1000), he make a choice between two randomly generated choice alternatives 
and has to choose one. The proportion of classes is set to (0.2,0.5,0.3). based 
on this seting, the proportion parameters alpha always end up with one of them 
goes to 0 in EM estimation. I checked the code and can not find what's the 
problem. Maybe this is a bit off topic in R help, but I code it in R and hence 
in hope that some one here can figure it out. 

Plus, I have a normal mixture model with success EM result. 

Thanks in advance.

Following is the code:


X = array(,dim=c(1000,2))#first alternative
b= c(2.3,0.7,0.3,0.7,0.1,0.8)
alpha = c(0.3,0.5,0.2)#proportion

X[,1] = runif(1000,min=5,max=20)
X[,2] = runif(1000,min=5,max=20)
##bi = 0.3
Y = array(,dim=c(1000,2))#second alternative

Y[,1] = runif(1000,min=5,max=20)
Y[,2] = runif(1000,min=5,max=20)

V11 = X[1:300,]%*%b[1:2] 
V12 = Y[1:300,]%*%b[1:2] 
V21 = X[301:800,]%*%b[3:4]
V22 = Y[301:800,]%*%b[3:4]
V31 = X[801:1000,]%*%b[5:6]
V32 = Y[801:1000,]%*%b[5:6]

V1 = rbind(V11,V21,V31)+rnorm(1000)
V2 = rbind(V12,V22,V32)+rnorm(1000)

oo = exp(V1)+exp(V2)

P1 = exp(V1)/oo
P2 = exp(V2)/oo
D = ifelse(V1V2,0,1)

#second part of Q function
Q2 = function(Beta,H){
 probs = logProbInd(Beta)
 li = sum(H*probs)

logProbInd=function(Beta){#X, Y, D values take as is from environment
 dim(Beta) = c(2,3)
 Beta = t(Beta)
 probs = matrix(,nrow = 1000, ncol = 3)
 for(i in 1:3){
  v1 = X%*%Beta[(i-1)*2+1:2]
  v2 = Y%*%Beta[(i-1)*2+1:2]
  p1 = exp(v1)/(exp(v1)+exp(v2))
  p2 = exp(v2)/(exp(v1)+exp(v2))
  probs[,i] = ifelse (D==0,log(p1),log(p2))
 return (probs)

#H [individuals][class]
E_step = function(alpha,Beta){#calc posterior of H
 tmpH = matrix(,nrow = 1000,ncol =3)
 lprobs = logProbInd(Beta)
 for(i in 1:3){#classes
  tmpH[,i] = alpha[i]*exp(lprobs[,i])
 H = tmpH /apply(tmpH,1,sum)
 return( H)

M_step = function(H,Beta){
 #first part use direct estimation
 aita = apply(H,2,sum)/1000
 opt.c = optim(Beta,Q2,H=H,method=BFGS,control = list(fnscale = -1))
 lik = opt.c$value

#EM loops
alf = c(0.33,0.33,0.33)
Bt = seq(0.1,0.6,by=0.1)

sc = rep(-8000,5)

 H= E_step(alpha=alf,Beta=Bt)
 theta = M_step(H=H,Beta=Bt)
 alf = theta[1:3]
 Bt = theta[4:9]
 #check convergence
 sc[(i%%5) +1] = theta[10]
 #if((theta[10] - mean(sc) )  0.0005) break

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[R] linear mixed model?

2007-03-27 Thread Dave Sun
I got the following example from MASS (10.2 Classic Nested Designs)

A cooperative trial in analytical chemistry taken from Analytical Methods
Committe (1987). Seven specimens were sent to six laboratories, each three
times a month apart for duplicate analysis. The response is the
concentration of (unspecified) analyte in g/kg.

I understand what is written in the book about the linear mixed model
(nested). Laboratories and batches are treated as random and to assess
components of variation. However, I have an extral question about it. From
the analysis, we can evaluate the variance from different labs. Let's say a
training program was done to the labs, I want to see whether after the
trainning program, the variance from the lab (sigma_L in the book) becomes
smaller or not. Basically I need to compare \sigma_L before and after the
training program. How can I do that? I think there should already be some
model for this type of analysis.

Thank you in advance.

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[R] A question about a linear mixed model.

2007-03-27 Thread Dave Sun
I got the following example from MASS (10.2 Classic Nested Designs)

A cooperative trial in analytical chemistry taken from Analytical Methods
Committe (1987). Seven specimens were sent to six laboratories, each three
times a month apart for duplicate analysis. The response is the
concentration of (unspecified) analyte in g/kg.

I understand what is written in the book about the linear mixed model
(nested). Laboratories and batches are treated as random and to assess
components of variation. However, I have an extral question about it. From
the analysis, we can evaluate the variance from different labs. Let's say a
training program was done to the labs, I want to see whether after the
trainning program, the variance from the lab (sigma_L in the book) becomes
smaller or not. Basically I need to compare \sigma_L before and after the
training program. How can I do that? I think there should already be some
model for this type of analysis.

Thank you in advance.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] manipulate group data using column name

2007-02-08 Thread sun

 Maybe this is a trivial question but I can not figure out a good solution.

I have a data frame fa and want to add a new column sum with the sum value 
of fa$X1 grouped by fa$X3.

   X1 X2 X3
1   1 11  1
2   2 12  1
3   3 13  1
4   4 14  2
5   5 15  2
6   6 16  2
7   7 17  3
8   8 18  3
9   9 19  3
10 10 20  3

fa$X3 is the index of group

i can

  Group.1  x
1   1  6
2   2 15
3   3 34

then I want to add a new column sum in fa and assign the aggregated result 
to the new column. Is there a solution without using loops?
or maybe there is some way can even avoid aggregate operation?


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[R] merging two lists but get indexes

2007-01-14 Thread Teng Sun
Suppose I have two columns of entries, how can I get the union of the
two columns? Please note: I input my columns through excel. These
entries have text format in excel. Also, out of curiosity, how can I
find out the data type of a data frame ?

 a - read.csv(book1.csv)
  n1 n2
1  apple   soda
2 orange  apple
3   soda  green
4red yellow
5  white   blue
6 white

[1] 2 3 5 4 6 1

I want the actual names instead of the indexes.

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[R] What's meaning of the lambda in nlrq output

2006-12-29 Thread Sun, Shuguang
I used the nlrq function in the package quantreg. There is a lambda in
the output when I set trace=TRUE.

With different start point, the results are converged, but the last
lambda is different.
I want to know the meaning lambda=1 and lambda=0.

Many Thanks!

Examples of output
1. Where the last lambda=1:
108.6581 :  0.3 8.0
iter0 value 108.658087
final  value 49.875178
lambda = 0.6304686
49.87518 :  0.3539175 5.6116474
iter0 value 48.123700
final  value 48.120120
lambda = 0.7646881
48.12012 :  0.4701847 6.4582566
iter0 value 47.833255
final  value 47.832257
lambda = 0.8588522
47.83226 :  0.5052472 6.8564865
final  value 47.802009
lambda = 1
47.80201 :  0.5257616 7.0207726
iter0 value 47.776363
final  value 47.747994
stopped after 4 iterations
lambda = 0.5044797
47.74799 :  0.5474859 7.1612348
final  value 47.746067
lambda = 1
47.74607 :  0.5503345 7.1881443
iter0 value 47.746099
final  value 47.746099
lambda = 0.999864
47.7461 :  0.5502692 7.1879762

2. Where the last lambda=0:
54.16497 :  0.6 8.0
iter0 value 54.164967
final  value 47.768140
lambda = 0.2133083
47.76814 :  0.5560481 7.2205976
iter0 value 47.768140
final  value 47.767343
lambda = 0.004997877
47.76734 :  0.5557633 7.2172873
iter0 value 47.787967
final  value 47.747700
stopped after 3 iterations
lambda = 0.1719594
47.7477 :  0.547935 7.165428
iter0 value 47.799883
final  value 47.747700
lambda = 0
47.7477 :  0.547935 7.165428


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] persp() problem

2006-12-13 Thread Michael Sun

Dear list,

I have a problem on persp()

x - u1data #first coloum in attached data
y - u2data #second coloum in attached data
f - 
  +sqrt(1-rhoF^2)*qnorm(0.95)),-0.3935119, 0.4227890,
z - outer(x,y,f)

The R will display:
Error in persp.default(x, y, z) : increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected

So I try to adjust it to:

testx - unique(sort(u1data))
testy - unique(u2data[order(u1data)])
testf - 

+sqrt(1-rhoF^2)*qnorm(0.95)),-0.3935119, 0.4227890,  0.2701648)}
testz - unique(outer(testx,testy,testf)[order(u1data)])


Error in persp.default(testx, testy, testz) :
   increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected 

So how can I use persp in this situation?? Thanks for any help!

Besides that I also want to enquiry on how to build the martix below?

   [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]...[,676]
[1,]  1   NA   NA   NA   NA
[2,]  NA   5   NA   NA   NA
[3,]  NA   NA   7   NA   NA
[4,]  NA   NA   NA   9   NA
[5,]  NA   NA   NA   NA  12

Appreciate for any reply.

Thank you,

With regards
0.3102202 0.6118165 0.898893
0.1153732 0.889533 0.9403834
0.1939559 0.008136975 0.752973
0.848 0.8709167 0.9363419
0.7327573 0.5331876 0.889305
0.142052 0.7996472 0.9241059
0.5789939 0.6572769 0.904507
0.7628466 0.7408237 0.9154523
0.8063378 0.8264442 0.928366
0.3868742 0.8406373 0.9308378
0.1201804 0.5251654 0.8883977
0.1073146 0.5495656 0.8913543
0.3801476 0.4933598 0.8844978
0.1704377 0.3456871 0.8655715
0.5100424 0.6447163 0.9029398
0.1004252 0.6747806 0.9067755
0.4969747 0.2788576 0.855801
0.9503927 0.4357328 0.877291
0.7038206 0.1551265 0.833016
0.4496465 0.2228675 0.8465589
0.3152238 0.4508357 0.8792615
0.8595227 0.1699521 0.8362594
0.8781077 0.442257 0.8781285
0.9926326 0.4477713 0.8787715
0.5001015 0.4227189 0.8757058
0.7418432 0.2242488 0.8467729
0.8401202 0.4881974 0.8838192
0.3141832 0.5075416 0.886233
0.9387748 0.76381 0.9186662
0.5421865 0.7493546 0.9166607
0.6063368 0.4569826 0.8799987
0.07328759 0.5085049 0.8863852
0.3523433 0.239639 0.8494759
0.2143498 0.1904935 0.8405416
0.0043028 0.2351062 0.8487917
0.2200048 0.525856 0.888467
0.929427 0.7432261 0.91576
0.4657704 0.02713088 0.781553
0.4974512 0.1951512 0.8414202
0.3032740 0.6642617 0.9054128
0.9586954 0.5320473 0.8891269
0.8522317 0.641292 0.9024777
0.7172216 0.7869344 0.9221045
0.5019212 0.5607276 0.8926608
0.6892507 0.722802 0.9130005
0.5197227 0.547926 0.8911097
0.6910355 0.4711651 0.8817452
0.1635166 0.5960693 0.8969858
0.6157443 0.3740314 0.8693667
0.3012652 0.3860136 0.8709832
0.7918442 0.5396737 0.8900836
0.7781783 0.7286279 0.9137793
0.5959097 0.6063727 0.8982006
0.5335883 0.5932636 0.8966064
0.4868495 0.4225826 0.8756897
0.3517952 0.242862 0.8500197
0.8330476 0.638904 0.9021835
0.1146440 0.03340253 0.786976
0.3653549 0.1617220 0.8345306
0.3287211 0.05560717 0.8008241
0.3507715 0.6139207 0.899147
0.3250503 0.4740786 0.882139
0.4259684 0.4225980 0.8756974
0.3831548 0.342748 0.86514
0.9297493 0.2764793 0.8553747
0.5209303 0.1444220 0.830535
0.2882225 0.4086862 0.8739324
0.06696263 0.05796908 0.8020525
0.2569928 0.6683259 0.9059325
0.737885 0.2643880 0.8535031
0.3417781 0.7339068 0.9145383
0.3003221 0.3746508 0.86948
0.6078735 0.08374094 0.8128343
0.7575533 0.2061716 0.8434881
0.04393339 0.2817576 0.856314
0.03873323 0.5468552 0.8910451
0.2659629 0.9524063 0.9580801
0.3318478 0.09184787 0.8157145
0.01326908 0.7941016 0.9232865
0.9531499 0.4246153 0.8758845
0.7878766 0.3739315 0.8693344
0.4278367 0.1187609 0.8239353
0.4751271 0.1594320 0.8340107
0.1298515 0.3193727 0.8618747
0.3889802 0.2466491 0.8506491
0.8919073 0.8100828 0.9256764
0.1007718 0.736085 0.914866
0.349479 0.5494373 0.8913082
0.6323708 0.5641948 0.8930688
0.4892277 0.592541 0.8965224
0.4317011 0.4708038 0.8817252
0.3640796 0.4606731 0.8804793
0.01587231 0.7557596 0.9176387
0.4029896 0.7396784 0.9153261
0.770008 0.6728253 0.9064569
0.7758348 0.3790344 0.870014
0.9256958 0.3866791 0.8709969
0.6965112 0.4335875 0.8770627
0.7327289 0.7813275 0.9212618
0.5994686 0.6169224 0.8994933
0.4861951 0.4077528 0.8737927
0.6227905 0.7492211 0.916635
0.2875190 0.754739 0.9174414
0.3583206 0.7108705 0.911435
0.2379315 0.7160225 0.9121322
0.2701988 0.371379 0.869047
0.2939349 0.2881057 0.8572388
0.686119 0.3435468 0.8652209
0.737684 0.1018767 0.818933
0.1022111 0.4620055 0.8806782
0.06743866 0.001328434 0.7155677
0.3189881 0.8103201 0.9257696
0.002606828 0.2529638 0.85179
0.754083 0.7591491 0.9180267
0.7783337 0.6120818 0.8988813
0.09418842 0.4592762 0.8803417
0.1289346 0.05072358 0.7982676
0.7680676 0.723607 0.913101
0.09463494 0.3502957 0.8662194
0.6247462 0.4354511 0.8773048
0.5472626 0.2640714 0.8534728
0.8046991 0.4033715 0.8731942
0.992037 0.8971756 0.9419815
0.1490033 0.5284286 

[R] how to realize integration in C?

2006-11-16 Thread Lynette Sun
Hi, all,

In order to save simulation time, I need to call C in R. For the C codes, I 
need integrate certain functions ( both continous and discrete ), I wonder 
how to realize the integration in C?

I try to use qsimp and trapzd subroutines from Numerical Recipes. But the 
error continues to appear: Too many steps in routine qsimp . Anyone has 
any idea why this happens and are there better solutions for the integration 
realization? Thanks a lot!

Lynette Sun

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] how to realize integration in C?

2006-11-16 Thread Lynette Sun

Thank you for your suggestions. But I also realized I didn't make myself 
clear. I actually don't just need the integration results in R. The 
integration in C is part of my C codes. I need the integration results in C. 
How to realize that? Any suggestions? Thanks a lot!


- Original Message - 
From: Lynette Sun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: r-help r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 2:41 PM
Subject: [R] how to realize integration in C?

 Hi, all,

 In order to save simulation time, I need to call C in R. For the C codes, 
 need integrate certain functions ( both continous and discrete ), I wonder
 how to realize the integration in C?

 I try to use qsimp and trapzd subroutines from Numerical Recipes. But the
 error continues to appear: Too many steps in routine qsimp . Anyone has
 any idea why this happens and are there better solutions for the 
 realization? Thanks a lot!

 Lynette Sun

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide 
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Which genetic optimization package allows customized crossover and mutation operation

2006-11-11 Thread sun
Hi Dirk,

  Thanks for the reply. I have some GA code in java actually, but failed to 
install the SJava package in windows XP, really frustratting experience, do not 
understand why no binary distribution available. Now I am trying to finish my 
current work purely in java except some data exchange with R via files:(.

  I use a fake email address in outlookexpress to prevent spam actually, (have 
already discard some email addresses for that reason). and .. Sun is my real 

   have a nice day.


- 原始邮件 
发件人: Dirk Eddelbuettel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
抄送: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
已发送: 2006/11/10(周五), 下午5:08:45
主题: Re: [R] Which genetic optimization package allows customized crossover and 
mutation operation

On 10 November 2006 at 16:19, sun wrote:
| No, I am not familiar with that project, actually never heard it before your 
| reply.:)
| Anyway, I found some code later on from Claudio Agostinelli who developed 
| this code for his teaching, I think. Unfortornuitly, his code does not work 
| on my settings. And I do not want to send much time on the object oriented 
| programing skill in R, so finally I went back to java for this GA work.

FWIW I did some recent work with the 'pgapack' C++ library, but I have no R
package for show for that.

Also, mail to your address bounces and you are not posting with a real
name. Both practices are frowned upon, so you may get fewer helpful replies
than you could otherwise expect.

Cheers, Dirk

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. 
  -- Thomas A. Edison

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Which genetic optimization package allows customized crossover and mutation operation

2006-11-10 Thread sun
No, I am not familiar with that project, actually never heard it before your 

Anyway, I found some code later on from Claudio Agostinelli who developed 
this code for his teaching, I think. Unfortornuitly, his code does not work 
on my settings. And I do not want to send much time on the object oriented 
programing skill in R, so finally I went back to java for this GA work.

Thanks anyway. Have a nice weekend.


- Original Message - 
From: Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 3:17 AM
Subject: Re: [R] Which genetic optimization package allows customized 
crossover and mutation operation

  Are you familiar with www.bioconductor.org?  They have a
 listserve with people who may know more about the question you asked.

  Spencer Graves

 sun wrote:

   I am looking for genetic optimization package that allow to define my 
 chromosome solution and crossover/mutation opoerations. I checked genoud 
 genopt, not with much effort of 'cause, with no luck.

  Any one can shed some light on this? thanks.

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide 
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide 
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Which genetic optimization package allows customized crossover and mutation operation

2006-11-07 Thread sun

  I am looking for genetic optimization package that allow to define my own 
chromosome solution and crossover/mutation opoerations. I checked genoud and 
genopt, not with much effort of 'cause, with no luck.

 Any one can shed some light on this? thanks.

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] generate random numbers that sum up to 1

2006-10-12 Thread sun
Thanks for the answers.

I am sorry if the question is too simple to make everyone thought it is a 
homework, but it is not. I am setting up a simulation with expected utility 
theory which use EU = sum(Pi*Ui) form and I have to randomly generate these 
Pis, I do not really know which distribution these Pis has to follow but 
just know they have to be equally random hence the question.

I thought  Dirichlet(1,1, ..., 1)  could do the trick for me.


- Original Message - 
From: Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Alberto Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: [R] generate random numbers that sum up to 1

 On 10/11/2006 5:04 PM, Alberto Monteiro wrote:
 I don't have the previous messages, but it seems to me that
 the solutions didn't quite get the requirements of the problem.

 For example, it's obvious that for n = 2, the
 random variables X1 and X2 should be X1 - runif(1)
 and X2 - 1 - X1; while the solution X - runif(2);
 X1 - X[1] / sum(X); X2 - X[2] / sum(X) will give
 different distributions, as shown in this test case:

 N - 1000
 M - matrix(runif(2 * N), 2, N)
 X - M[1,] / (M[1,] + M[2,])

 It's obvious that for a generic n-th dimensional
 set of uniform variables X1, ... X_n subject to the
 restriction X1 + ... + X_n = 1, the solution is to
 take a uniform distribution in the (n-1)-th dimensional
 hyperpyramid generated by the above relation and the
 restrictions that each X_i = 0.

 For example, for n = 3, we should sample from the
 equilateral triangle with vertices c(1,0,0), c(0,1,0)
 and c(0,0,1).

 For n = 4, we should sample from the pyramid whose
 vertices are c(1,0,0,0), c(0,1,0,0), c(0,0,1,0) and

 I don't know if there is a simple formula to do this

 That's exactly what the Dirichlet(1,1, ..., 1) distribution does.

 Duncan Murdoch

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide 
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] generate random numbers that sum up to 1

2006-10-10 Thread sun
I am trying to generate a vector of random numbers with the constraint that 
they have to sum up to one with uniform distribution.

eg. {0.1,0.7,0.2 }

any function to do this? Thanks.

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] formatting data to be analysed using multinomial logistic regression (nnet)

2006-09-13 Thread sun

would like to know the answer too. I am about using nnet--multinom to 
estimate a multinomial logit model, but are not sure if this function 
handles categorical data input.

Thanks for any help.

- Original Message - 
To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 10:24 PM
Subject: [R] formatting data to be analysed using multinomial logistic 
regression (nnet)

 I am looking into using the multinomial logistic regression option in the
 nnet library and have two questions about formatting the data.

 1. Can data be analysed in the following format  or does it need to be
 transformed into count data, such as the housing data in MASS?

 Id Crime paranoia hallucinate toc disorg crimhist age
 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 25
 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 37
 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 42
 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 25
 5 2 1 0 1 0 0 49

 2.Can a ratio variable such as $age be included into a model, such as
 the one below?

 crimepred - glm  (crime ~ paranoia + hallucinate + toc  + crimhist, 
 = poisson, data = mht )

 Any assistance with the above is appreciated,


 Bob Green

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide 
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] input data format of multinom in nnet

2006-09-13 Thread sun

  I 'd like to use multinom to estimate  a multinomial logit model of a 
conjoint survey with a format like:

individual 1 --choice -- X1-X2-X3

0 means this alternative did not be chosen. choice set size is 2 for each 

As I know at this moment, multinom deal with count data format (iris data). 
Anybody knows if multinom can take this format as input?


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] newbie question about index

2006-09-04 Thread sun
Thanks for all these replies, all work perfectly.

--- Petr Pikal [EMAIL PROTECTED]写道:

 probably there are other options but
 outer(1:3,a, ==)*1
 can do what you want.
 On 31 Aug 2006 at 22:41, z s wrote:
 Date sent:Thu, 31 Aug 2006 22:41:27 +0800
 To:   r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject:  [R] newbie question about index
I am trying to convert a variable a =
 sample(1:3,100,rep = T)
represents choices into a 3X100 dummy varible b
 with corresponding
element set to 1 otherwise 0.
  a: 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 1
  b: 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1..
  0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0...
  0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0...
   Is there something like b[a] =1 existing? I could
 not figure this out
   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
 Petr Pikal


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Weibull distribution

2006-07-21 Thread Leaf Sun
Thanks for the suggestion! I switched to optimize(), al - optimize(f.fn, lower 
= 0.1, upper =100,tol=0.001);
the warnings were gone and it works stably. 
But when I tried  al - uniroot(f.fn, lower = 0.1, upper =100,tol=0.001);
error occured: f() values at end points not of opposite sign. The error seems 
to me like there is no root found within the interval. I was not able to solve 
this problem.



- Original Message -

From: Thomas Lumley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 2006-07-21,  09:35:11
To: Valentin Dimitrov, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: [R] Weibull distribution
On  Fri,  21  Jul  2006,  Valentin  Dimitrov  wrote:

  Dear  Leaf,

  I  modified  your  code  as  follows:

  gamma.fun   -  function(mu,sd,start=100)
  f.fn   -  function(alpha)
  alpha   -  optim(start,  f.fn)
  beta   -  mu/gamma(1+1/alpha$par)

  Now  it  works  properly.

  First,  I  added  an  abs().  You  tried  to  solve  an
  equation  by  means  of  the  R-function  optim(),  which
  finds  a  minimum.  That's  why  you  can  find  the  solution
  of  f(x)=a  through  minimization  of  abs(f(x)-a).
  Second,  I  deleted  the  optim-method  BFGS  from  the
  optim()  function,  because  it  is  not  appropriate  in
  this  case.

optim()  is  not  appropriate  at  all  in  this  case  --  its  help  page  
says  to  
use  optimize()  for  one-dimensional  problems.

In  fact,  in  one  dimension  there  isn't  any  need  to  resort  to  
when  you  really  want  root-finding,  and  uniroot()  is  more  appropriate  


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Weibull distribution

2006-07-20 Thread Leaf Sun
Hi William,

Thanks a lot for your response. I checked the package and found that what I 
want to solve was the opposite, that is, from mean and sd to parameters shape 
and scale. Could anyone give some hints please? Any suggestion would be 


- Original Message -

From: William Asquith,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 2006-07-17,  16:18:31
Subject:  Re: [R] Weibull distribution
Do  not  have  answer  per  se,  but  if  you  are  seeking  some  
try  three  parameter  Weibull  as  implemented  by  the  lmomco  package.

On  Jul  17,  2006,  at  1:18  PM,  Leaf  Sun  wrote:

  Hi  all,

  By  its  definition,  the  mean  and  variance  of  two-par.  Weibull
  distribution  are:


  I  was  wondering,  if  given  mean  and  sd.  could  we  parameterize  the  
  distribution?  I  tried  this  in  R.

  gamma.fun   -  function(mu,sd,start=100)
  f.fn   -  function(alpha)  sd^2-mu^2/(gamma(1+1/alpha))^2*(gamma(1+2/  
  alpha   -  optim(start,  f.fn,method='BFGS')
  beta   -  mu/gamma(1+1/alpha$par)

  But  the  problems  come  up  here:

  1)the  return  values  of  a  and  b  are  only  related  to  the  input 

  mean,  and  nothing  to  do  with  the  sd.  For  instance,  when  I  apply  
  mean  mu  =  3  whatever  I  use  sd=2,  sd=4,  the  function  returned  the 

  same  scale  and  shape  values.

  5.112554  3.263178

  5.112554  3.263178

  2)  the  start  value  determines  the  results:  if  I  apply  mean  =  3,  
  sd=2,  with  a  start  of  10,  it  would  return  alpha  close  to  10,  if 
  use  a  start  =  100,  it  would  return  alpha  close  to  100.

  5.112554  3.263178

  a  b

  Since  I  am  not  a  statistician,  I  guess  there  must  be  some
  theoretical  reasons  wrong  with  this  question.  So  I  am  looking
  forward  to  some  correction  and  advice  to  solve  these.  Thanks  a  
  in  advance!


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[R] (no subject)

2006-07-20 Thread Leaf Sun
Subject:  Re: [R] Weibull distribution
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Hi William,

Thanks a lot for your response. I checked the package and found that what I 
want to solve was the opposite, that is, from mean and sd to parameters shape 
and scale. Could anyone give some hints please? Any suggestion would be 


- Original Message -

From: William Asquith,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 2006-07-17,  16:18:31
Subject:  Re: [R] Weibull distribution
Do  not  have  answer  per  se,  but  if  you  are  seeking  some  
try  three  parameter  Weibull  as  implemented  by  the  lmomco  package.

On  Jul  17,  2006,  at  1:18  PM,  Leaf  Sun  wrote:

  Hi  all,

  By  its  definition,  the  mean  and  variance  of  two-par.  Weibull
  distribution  are:


  I  was  wondering,  if  given  mean  and  sd.  could  we  parameterize  the  
  distribution?  I  tried  this  in  R.

  gamma.fun   -  function(mu,sd,start=100)
  f.fn   -  function(alpha)  sd^2-mu^2/(gamma(1+1/alpha))^2*(gamma(1+2/  
  alpha   -  optim(start,  f.fn,method='BFGS')
  beta   -  mu/gamma(1+1/alpha$par)

  But  the  problems  come  up  here:

  1)the  return  values  of  a  and  b  are  only  related  to  the  input 

  mean,  and  nothing  to  do  with  the  sd.  For  instance,  when  I  apply  
  mean  mu  =  3  whatever  I  use  sd=2,  sd=4,  the  function  returned  the 

  same  scale  and  shape  values.

  5.112554  3.263178

  5.112554  3.263178

  2)  the  start  value  determines  the  results:  if  I  apply  mean  =  3,  
  sd=2,  with  a  start  of  10,  it  would  return  alpha  close  to  10,  if 
  use  a  start  =  100,  it  would  return  alpha  close  to  100.

  5.112554  3.263178

  a  b

  Since  I  am  not  a  statistician,  I  guess  there  must  be  some
  theoretical  reasons  wrong  with  this  question.  So  I  am  looking
  forward  to  some  correction  and  advice  to  solve  these.  Thanks  a  
  in  advance!


   [[alternative  HTML  version  deleted]]

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DIVHi William,/DIV
DIVThanks a lot for your response. I checked the package and found that what 
want to solve was the opposite, that is, from mean and sd to parameters shape 
and scale. Could anyone give some hints please? Any suggestion would be 
DIV- Original Message -/DIV
DIVFONT size=2FONT face=TahomaSTRONGFrom:/STRONG William 
2006-07-17,nbsp; 16:18:31BRBTo:/B Leaf Sun, A 
Re: [R] Weibull distribution/FONT/FONT/DIV
TABLE width=100%
TD width=100%
BORDER-LEFT: #00 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px
DIVDo nbsp;not nbsp;have nbsp;answer nbsp;per nbsp;se, nbsp;but 
nbsp;if nbsp;you nbsp;are nbsp;seeking nbsp;some 
nbsp;comparisons-- nbsp;/DIV
DIVtry nbsp;three nbsp;parameter nbsp;Weibull nbsp;as 
nbsp;implemented nbsp;by nbsp;the nbsp;lmomco nbsp;package./DIV
DIVOn nbsp;Jul nbsp;17, nbsp;2006, nbsp;at nbsp;1:18 nbsp;PM, 
nbsp;Leaf nbsp;Sun nbsp;wrote:/DIV
DIVgt; nbsp;Hi nbsp;all,/DIV
DIVgt; nbsp;By nbsp;its nbsp;definition, nbsp;the nbsp;mean 
nbsp;and nbsp;variance nbsp;of nbsp;two-par. nbsp;Weibull nbsp; 
DIVgt; nbsp;distribution nbsp;are:/DIV

[R] Weibull distribution

2006-07-17 Thread Leaf Sun
Hi all,

By its definition, the mean and variance of two-par. Weibull distribution are:




I was wondering, if given mean and sd. could we parameterize the distribution? 
I tried this in R.

gamma.fun - function(mu,sd,start=100)
f.fn - function(alpha) 
alpha - optim(start, f.fn,method='BFGS')
beta - mu/gamma(1+1/alpha$par)

But the problems come up here:

1)  the return values of a and b are only related to the input mean, and 
nothing to do with the sd. For instance, when I apply a mean mu = 3 whatever I 
use sd=2, sd=4, the function returned the same scale and shape values.

5.112554 3.263178 

5.112554 3.263178 

2) the start value determines the results: if I apply mean = 3, and sd=2, with 
a start of 10, it would return alpha close to 10, if I use a start = 100, it 
would return alpha close to 100.

5.112554 3.263178 

a b 
99.71  3.017120 

Since I am not a statistician, I guess there must be some theoretical reasons 
wrong with this question. So I am looking forward to some correction and advice 
to solve these. Thanks a lot in advance!


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[R] PLS method

2006-07-05 Thread Sun Jia
dear all,

I am a new comer to R and statistic.  Now I have a little confuse about the
package pls.

I have to use 5 components to form a model. There are strong relationship
between some of the components, which leads to the changes of the sign of
each coeficeince, of course this is unwanted when using the normal
regression way. So I choose the way of PLS, which is good at solve this kind
of problem.

In my work,

q is the response and w,c,d,r,o are the 5 components.

 w c   d  r   oq

1  219.580 0.880 102.742 12.988 0.9380 11

2  245.806 0.900  97.798 11.764 1.0080 12

3  219.850 0.910  93.764  5.608 1.1006 16

4  226.904 0.842 110.080 14.614 0.8398  7

5  250.792 0.868 108.212 14.714 0.8990 10

6  225.264 0.930  96.748  6.906 1.1784 16

7  229.562 0.856 103.204 12.900 0.8730 12

8  239.560 0.880 101.036 11.766 0.9452 12

9  199.008 0.920  91.338  3.918 1.1234 17

10 220.458 0.910  88.322  9.868 1.0746 13

11 201.228 0.910  89.202 10.328 1.0514 14

12 199.160 0.920  90.126  2.088 1.1326 15

13 135.540 0.786 121.506 19.140 0.6934  2

14 296.272 0.864 130.896 22.614 0.9104  6

15 190.766 0.840 108.050  7.336 0.8210  8

I have used the following sentence.



, , 5 comps


w  0.01993749

c 12.42713250

d -0.12050551

r -0.20287088

o  9.63670488

 I have found that the sign of each component still cannot be explained by
the reality. For instance, the sign of w should be negative rather than



, , 4 comps


c 76.39196611

d -0.06512864

r -0.18272329

o -3.02212146

When I delete one of the components, the w, I found the coefficients of the
rest ones also changes the sign, the component of o.

As far as I concerned, this kind of situation should only happened when use
the normal regression rather than PLS regression.

Is there any wrong with my understanding?

 Why does this problem happen?

I am appreciated for your help and answer.

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Re: [R] number of iteration s exceeded maximum of 50

2006-06-19 Thread Leaf Sun
Thanks to Douglas and all others who responded.

I applied  nls(y  ~  a*x^b,  start  =  list(a  =  a1,  b  =  b1),  control  =  
list(maxiter  =  500), trace=TRUE) to increase the number of iterations, found 
it successful. The suggestion Douglas raised in plotting the data and then 
tracing the optim numbers is correct because I found when I gave the number of 
b1 oppositely(say, should be positive, then given negative), nls( ) would never 
reached the convergence. Thanks for the nice suggestions!


  Sorry,  I  thought  it  was  a  straightforward  question  inside  which  I  
 was  stuck  .

  I  used  nls(  )  to  estimate  a  and  b  in  this  function.

  nls(y~  a*x^b,start=list(a=a1,b=b1)

  seems  the  start  list  I  gave  was  not  able  to  reach  convergence  
 and  it  gave  notes:  number  of  iteration  s  exceeded  maximum  of  50.  
 Then  I  putnls.control(maxiter  =  50,  tol  =  1e-05,  minFactor  =  
 1/1024)  in  nls(..  ),  and  modified  the  argument  of  maxiter  =  500.  
 But  it  worked  out  as  the  same  way  and  noted  :  number  of  
 iteration  s  exceeded  maximum  of  50.  I  have  totally  no  idea  how  to 
  set  this  parameter  MAXITER.

  Thanks  for  any  information!

I  think  you  are  assuming  that  values  passed  to  nls.control  are
persistent  and  will  apply  to  further  calls  to  nls.They  don't.If
you  want  to  increase  the  maximum  number  of  iterations  you  do  it  as

nls(y  ~  a*x^b,  start  =  list(a  =  a1,  b  =  b1),  control  =  
list(maxiter  =  500))

but  I  would  suggest  that  you  also  use  trace  =  TRUE  in  the  call  to 
so  you  can  see  where  the  iterations  are  going.Merely  increasing  
number  of  iterations  for  an  optimization  that  has  gone  into
never-never  land  isn't  going  to  help  it  converge.

Two  other  things  to  consider:  this  is  a  partially  linear  model  in  
the  parameter  `a'  appears  linearly  in  the  model  expression.You  may
be  able  to  stabilize  the  iterations  using

 nls(y  ~  x^b,  start  =  list(b  =  b1),  control  =  list(maxiter  =  500),
trace  =  TRUE,  alg  =  'plinear')

Finally,  and  most  important,  please  plot  the  data  before  trying  to  
a  nonlinear  model  to  it  so  you  can  see  if  it  has  the  
that  you  would  expect  from  data  generate  by  such  a  model.As  Brian
Joiner  said,  Regression  without  plots  is  truly  a  regression.






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Re: [R] number of iteration s exceeded maximum of 50

2006-06-16 Thread Leaf Sun
Sorry, I thought it was a straightforward question inside which I was stuck .

I used nls( ) to estimate a and b in this function. 

nls(y~ a*x^b,start=list(a=a1,b=b1) 

seems the start list I gave was not able to reach convergence and it gave 
notes: number of iteration s exceeded maximum of 50. Then I put  
nls.control(maxiter = 50, tol = 1e-05, minFactor = 1/1024) in nls(.. ), and 
modified the argument of maxiter = 500. But it worked out as the same way and 
noted : number of iteration s exceeded maximum of 50. I have totally no idea 
how to set this parameter MAXITER.

Thanks for any information!


  Hi  all,
  I  found  r-site-research  not  work  for  me  these  days.
  When  I  was  doing  nls(  )  ,  there  was  an  error  number  of  
 iterations  exceeded  maximum  of  50.  I  set  number  in  nls.control  
 which  is  supposed  to  control  the  number  of  iterations  but  it  
 didn't  work  well.  Could  anybody  with  this  experience  tell  me  how  
 to  fix  it?  Thanks  in  advance!

We  cannot  make  suggestions  unless  you  tell  us  what  you  tried  
Id  possible,  please  gib´ve  a  reproducible  examle.

Uwe  Ligges

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[R] number of iteration s exceeded maximum of 50

2006-06-14 Thread Leaf Sun
Hi all,

I found r-site-research not work for me these days.

When I was doing nls( ) , there was an error number of iterations exceeded 
maximum of 50. I set number in nls.control which is supposed to control the 
number of iterations but it didn't work well. Could anybody with this 
experience tell me how to fix it? Thanks in advance!


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[R] small sample size confidence interval by bootstrap

2006-03-31 Thread Urania Sun
Hi, All:

I only have 4 samples. I wish to get a confidence interval around the mean.
Is it reasonable? If not, is there a way to compute a confidence interval
for such small sample size's mean?

Many thanks,


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[R] Integration subroutine?

2006-03-13 Thread Lynette Sun
Hi all,


{ if(x1){x*x}else{1}


gives the following wrong answer:

3 with absolute error  3.3e-14
Warning message: 
the condition has length  1 and only the first element will be used in: if (x 
 1) { 





1.67 with absolute error  3.4e-05


Lynette Sun

Department of Statistics

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[R] how to get the row name?

2006-01-30 Thread Leaf Sun
Hi R-listers,

I have a simple question about a data frame.  

I sorted a data set by one of the variable in some condition (eg. X=0),  the 
followed is part of the achieved. I was wondering how can I get the row name, 
i. e.   (1202,  2077 , 2328,  3341,...  ) and save them as a vector. Thanks!

  Tag  Species X Y Dbh3 Recr4 mort slope 
elevation aspectSA   SR dist1 dist2 dist3
120219103 316 856.0 430.3   21 41  9.87151.42  60.08 25.38 
1.02 0.2236068 0.7211103 1.3601471
207729893 316 935.4 482.7   28 41  5.66137.28  13.86 25.14 
1.01 0.6403124 0.8944272 1.0630146
232832989 316 910.7 301.5   12 41  8.07137.69  86.16 25.26 
1.01 0.300 1.2806248 1.3038405
334145198 316 975.2   2.4  144 41  2.95121.10 173.60  0.00 
0.00 0.5656854 1.2727922 1.3416408



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[R] (no subject)

2005-12-22 Thread wei sun

I am new in writing R extension.
I read the Writing R Extensions, and search online but just cannot  
find the answer.

I am trying to add c-code, which depend on GSL C  library, into my R  
I am using Max OS-X 10.4.3, powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1

I begin wtih package.skeleton, and then add my c file into folder src
and then add  file Makevars:

PKG_LIBS=-lgsl -lgslcblas -lm

In the zzz.R file, I add the function .First.lib:

.First.lib - function(lib, pkg) {
   library.dynam(anovaGSL, pkg, lib)

I think these two things are enough. then I just run R CMD check  
anovaGSL (my package name)
followed is the error message:

Error: .First.lib failed for 'anovaGSL'
Call sequence:
2: stop(gettextf(.First.lib failed for '%s', libraryPkgName(package)),
domain = NA)
1: library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose  
Execution halted
See section 'Generic functions and methods' of the 'Writing R  
* checking replacement functions ... WARNING
Error: .First.lib failed for 'anovaGSL'
Call sequence:
2: stop(gettextf(.First.lib failed for '%s', libraryPkgName(package)),
domain = NA)
1: library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose  
Execution halted
In R, the argument of a replacement function which corresponds to the  
hand side must be named 'value'.
* checking foreign function calls ... WARNING
Error: .First.lib failed for 'anovaGSL'
Call sequence:
2: stop(gettextf(.First.lib failed for '%s', libraryPkgName(package)),
domain = NA)
1: library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose  
Execution halted
See section 'System and foreign language interfaces' of the 'Writing R
Extensions' manual.
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... ERROR
Error: .First.lib failed for 'anovaGSL'

appreciate any help!!!


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[R] any package to compare two scoring systems

2005-11-28 Thread Urania Sun
Hi, I wonder if there is a package aimed at comparing two scoring systems.

Such as, to compare a student's performance (scores or ranks) in two
different testing systems to find out if they are consistent?

Sorry if this question is too naive. It seems easy but just wonder if there
are handy packages or special methodologies.

Thank you,

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[R] read.list()

2005-11-24 Thread Leaf Sun
  Hi all,

I need to write and read a list in R. I did r.site.search, found there is a 
package   rmutil doing this, unfortunately it is not on the list of package. 
In another words, I can't install it from any CRAN mirror. 

Anybody has idea about this? or any suggestion about the list? Thanks!



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[R] residuals in logistic regression model

2005-11-24 Thread Urania Sun
In the logistic regression model, there is no residual

log (pi/(1-pi)) = beta_0 + beta_1*X_1 + .

But glm model will return


What is that?

How to understand this? Can we put some residual in the logistic regression
model by replacing pi with pi' (the estimated pi)?

 log (pi'/(1-pi')) = beta_0 + beta_1*X_1 + .+ ei


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Re: [R] residuals in logistic regression model

2005-11-24 Thread Urania Sun
Thanks, Professor.

But is it ok to write residuals in the right hand side of the logistic
regression formula? Some people said I cannot since the generalized linear
model is to use a function to link the expectation to a linear model. So
there should not be residuals in the right hand side.

My question is that If residuals do exist (as in the glm model output), why
not put them in the formula (for example, if I write the left-hand side as
the estimated odds-ratio)?

Many thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving!

On 11/24/05, John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Urania,

 The residuals method for glm objects can compute several kinds of
 the default is deviance residuals. See ?residuals.glm for details and

 I hope this helps.

 John Fox
 Department of Sociology
 McMaster University
 Hamilton, Ontario
 Canada L8S 4M4

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Urania Sun
  Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:36 PM
  To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
  Subject: [R] residuals in logistic regression model
  In the logistic regression model, there is no residual
  log (pi/(1-pi)) = beta_0 + beta_1*X_1 + .
  But glm model will return
  What is that?
  How to understand this? Can we put some residual in the
  logistic regression model by replacing pi with pi' (the estimated pi)?
   log (pi'/(1-pi')) = beta_0 + beta_1*X_1 + .+ ei
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  R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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Re: [R] residuals in logistic regression model

2005-11-24 Thread Urania Sun
 Thanks a lot, Professor.

Now I know if I put some additive residuals in the right handside of the
logistic regression equation, they are different with any glm returned

But is it ever ok or legal to put some additive residuals in the right-hand
side of the logistic equation regardless whatever they are when I write the
left-hand side as the log odds-ratio of proportion instead of probability?

I have a big confusion on this. Thanks a lot. Your book in the library is
currently checked out by someone else. I may try to get one of my own.

On 11/24/05, John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Urania,

  -Original Message-
  From: Urania Sun [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2005 8:52 PM
  To: John Fox
  Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
  Subject: Re: [R] residuals in logistic regression model
  Thanks, Professor.
  But is it ok to write residuals in the right hand side of the
  logistic regression formula? Some people said I cannot since
  the generalized linear model is to use a function to link the
  expectation to a linear model. So there should not be
  residuals in the right hand side.
  My question is that If residuals do exist (as in the glm
  model output), why not put them in the formula (for example,
  if I write the left-hand side as the estimated odds-ratio)?

 There are several kinds of residuals for generalized linear models, as I
 mentioned (see ?residuals.glm). The residuals in the glm output are
 residuals, which are the casewise (signed) components of the residual
 deviance; differences between y and fitted-y are called response residuals
 (and aren't generally as useful). The left-hand side of a logit model
 transformed with the logit-link is the log-odds, not the odds or
 The form of the model to which the response residuals applies has the
 proportion, not the logit, on the left-hand side.

 These matters are discussed in the references given in ?residuals.glm, and

 in many other places, such as Sec. 6.6 of my R and S-PLUS Companion to
 Applied Regression.

  Many thanks!
  Happy Thanksgiving!

 Unfortunately we celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada in October, probably
 because the weather here in late November leaves little to be thankful


  On 11/24/05, John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Urania,
The residuals method for glm objects can compute
  several kinds of residuals;
the default is deviance residuals. See ?residuals.glm
  for details and
I hope this helps.

John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4

 -Original Message-
 [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
  Of Urania Sun
 Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:36 PM
 To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: [R] residuals in logistic regression model

 In the logistic regression model, there is no residual

 log (pi/(1-pi)) = beta_0 + beta_1*X_1 + .

 But glm model will return


 What is that?

 How to understand this? Can we put some residual in the
 logistic regression model by replacing pi with pi'
  (the estimated pi)?

  log (pi'/(1-pi')) = beta_0 + beta_1*X_1 + .+ ei


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 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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Re: [R] what does the it when there is a zero events in the Logistic Regression with glm?

2005-11-23 Thread Sh.G. Sun
Sorry for my stupid mistakes and thanks for your reply.

I just have a study on the occurrence of rare events. Although I 
collected thousands of observations, there are some groups with 0 
events. I think it is too crude to drop those 0-events groups.

I have read some books about logistic regression searched the r-help 
maillist. But I donot find enough information about separation. Would 
you be so kind to give me some suggestions on separation and the 
better algorithms?


Sh.G. Sun

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 On Tue, 22 Nov 2005, S. Sun wrote:
 I have a question about the glm.
 Not really: your question is about understanding logistic regressions.
 When the events of an observation is 0,
 the logit function on it is Inf. I wonder how the glm solve it.
 Note that logit(0)  = -Inf whereas logit(1) = Inf.
 It is the fitted probabilities which are passed to logit, not the 
 empirical proportions.  Logistic regression is often applied to 
 Bernouilli trials with 0/1 proportions, with nothing to `solve'.
 So the issue only arises if the MLE would give 0 (or 1) fitted values, 
 and it cannot in a logistic regression.  You have here an example in 
 which the MLE does not exist and the log-likelihood does not attain its 
 maximum. Such situations are known as `separation' and it is well-known 
 that there are better algorithms for such problems.
 An example:
 Treat Events Trials
 A 0  50
 B 7  50
 C 10 50
 D 15 50
 E 17 50


 treat - factor(c(A, B, C, D, E))
 events - c(0, 7, 10, 15, 17)
 trials - rep(50, 5)
 glm(cbind(events, trials-events)~treat, family=binomial)

 What's wrong with it? And are there better ideas?
 Nothing is `wrong with it'.  It finds fitted values which are very close 
 to the observed values.  You have chosen an inappropriate model and an 
 inappropriate parametrization (see ?relevel).
 I presume you did think something is wrong, but you did not tell us what.
 Please do read the posting guide and try to provide us with enough 
 information to help you.  Also, please do sign your messages indicating 
 who you are and what your background is.  In cases like this the best 
 advice is to suggest asking your supervisor (if you have one) or to read 
 the literature (but what specifically depends on your background).

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] what does the it when there is a zero events in the Logistic Regression with glm?

2005-11-21 Thread S. Sun
Dear all,

I have a question about the glm. When the events of an observation is 0, 
the logit function on it is Inf. I wonder how the glm solve it.

An example:
Treat Events Trials
A 0  50
B 7  50
C 10 50
D 15 50
E 17 50


treat - factor(c(A, B, C, D, E))
events - c(0, 7, 10, 15, 17)
trials - rep(50, 5)
glm(cbind(events, trials-events)~treat, family=binomial)

What's wrong with it? And are there better ideas?

Sh. Sun

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Re: [R] Point pattern to grid

2005-11-18 Thread Leaf Sun
Hi Roger,

Thanks again for your kind help.

Yes, I still use the 200K points data applying this program but the good thing 
is  I found it finished in no time.

The questions again here are:

1)   try0 - lapply(split(as(df1, data.frame), res), mean)  

When I tried to replace mean to sum, error looks like this:

Error in [EMAIL PROTECTED], i, drop = FALSE] : undefined columns selected 

2) If I just need to know the number of points in each cells, how can I modify 
the codes. The codes still a bit beyond me.



=== At 2005-11-18, 01:39:05 you wrote: ===

On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Leaf Sun wrote:

 Dear all,
 I'd like to change a point pattern to a grid of cells and use one of the
 variables as the output.
 e.g.  The point pattern is of a window of (500*500) and several features
 such as pH, SoilType etc.  I like to divide it into a grid with cell
 size 5*5, and use the mean of the point values falling inside the cell
 as the output.
 Is there any package in R working with this? Thanks in advance!

This might have been better posted on R-sig-geo. Try this:

df1 - data.frame(x=runif(1,0,500), y=runif(1,0,500),
coordinates(df1) - c(x, y)
summary(df1) # SpatialPointsDataFrame
grd - GridTopology(c(2.5,2.5), c(5,5), c(100,100))
sgrd - SpatialGrid(grd) #SpatialGrid
res - overlay(sgrd, df1)
# find which grid cells the points are in
try0 - lapply(split(as(df1, data.frame), res), mean)
# take means by grid cell - assumes all numeric columns in df1
# (soil type??) - maybe write a custom function to handle non-numeric 
# columns sensibly
try01 - vector(mode=list, length=prod(slot(slot(sgrd, grid),
nafill - rep(as.numeric(NA), ncol(as(df1, data.frame)))
try01 - lapply(try01, function(x) nafill)
# make a container to put the means in with the right number of columns
try01[as.integer(names(try0))] - try0
# insert means into correct list elements
try1 - data.frame(t(data.frame(try01)))
# transpose
sgrd1 - SpatialGridDataFrame(slot(sgrd, grid), try1)
image(sgrd1, x)
image(sgrd1, y)
image(sgrd1, z)

It goes a bit further than the short description of the sp package in the 
latest R-News, and will most likely be a new method for overlay in sp. If 
these are your 200K points, it may take a little longer ...


Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43

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[R] Point pattern to grid

2005-11-17 Thread Leaf Sun
Dear all,

I'd like to change a point pattern to a grid of cells and use one of the 
variables as the output.

e.g.  The point pattern is of a window of (500*500) and several features such 
as pH, SoilType etc.  I like to divide it into a grid with cell size 5*5, and 
use the mean of the point values falling inside the cell as the output.

Is there any package in R working with this? Thanks in advance!



R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Re: [R] Variogram

2005-11-09 Thread Leaf Sun
Sorry about this, I didn't know. I guess I have posted too much garbage on here.

Thanks to Edzer for your answers!

=== At 2005-11-09, 02:14:21 you wrote: ===

Leaf, please note that r-help is not the appropriate place to ask
package-specific questions. We have r-sig-geo for questions related
to geographic data in R, and gstat has a mailing list on its own.

The answer is below.

Leaf wrote:

Dear All,

Is there anybody has the experience in using variogram(gstat) ? Please kindly 
give me some hints about the results.

I used variogram() to build a semivariogram plot as:


then fir the variogram to get the parameters as:

 v.fit = fit.variogram(tr.var,vgm(0.5,Exp,300,1))

1   Nug 1.484879  0.0
2   Exp 3.476700 29.70914

This is the output of v.fit. Can anybody help me write the exponential formula 
for this variogram?  I have the problem in understanding the result.


The equation you're looking for is:

if h = 0, gamma(h) = 0
if h  0, gamma(h) = 1.484879 + 3.4767 (1 - exp(-h/29.70914))

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[R] spatial epidemiology

2005-11-08 Thread Hongyu Sun
Hi, All: Does R have such packages for spatial epidemiology? Many thanks,

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[R] OLS variables

2005-11-06 Thread Leaf Sun
Dear all,

Is there any simple way in R that can I put the all the interactions of the 
variables in the OLS model?


I have a bunch of variables, x1,x2, x20... I expect then to have 
interaction (e.g. x1*x2, x3*x4*x5... ) with some combinations(2 way or higher 

Is there any way that I can write the model simpler?



R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Re: [R] OLS variables

2005-11-06 Thread Leaf Sun
Thanks for the information!

=== At 2005-11-06, 11:07:31 you wrote: ===

IMHO, the details section of help(formula) provides a nicer help.

Regards, Adai

On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 08:27 -0500, John Fox wrote:
 Dear Leaf,
 I assume that you're using lm() to fit the model, and that you don't really
 want *all* of the interactions among 20 predictors: You'd need quite a lot
 of data to fit a model with 2^20 terms in it, and might have trouble
 interpreting the results. 
 If you know which interactions you're looking for, then why not specify them
 directly, as in lm(y ~  x1*x2 + x3*x4*x5 + etc.)? On the other hand, it you
 want to include all interactions, say, up to three-way, and you've put the
 variables in a data frame, then lm(y ~ .^3, data=DataFrame) will do it.
 There are many terms in this model, however, if not quite 2^20.
 The introductory manual that comes with R has information on model formulas
 in Section 11.
 I hope this helps,
 John Fox
 Department of Sociology
 McMaster University
 Hamilton, Ontario
 Canada L8S 4M4
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leaf Sun
  Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2005 3:11 AM
  To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
  Subject: [R] OLS variables
  Dear all,
  Is there any simple way in R that can I put the all the 
  interactions of the variables in the OLS model?
  I have a bunch of variables, x1,x2, x20... I expect then 
  to have interaction (e.g. x1*x2, x3*x4*x5... ) with some 
  combinations(2 way or higher dimensions). 
  Is there any way that I can write the model simpler?
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
Adaikalavan Ramasamy[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Centre for Statistics in Medicine   http://www.ihs.ox.ac.uk/csm/
Wolfson College Annexe  Tel : 01865 284 408
Linton Road, Oxford OX2 6UD Fax : 01865 284 424


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Leaf Sun

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[R] exponential convolution (different lembdas)?

2005-11-04 Thread Lynette Sun
Anyone knows how to realize multiple exponential(different lembdas) 
convolutons in R or where I can find the final equation? Thanks.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Visualizing a Data Distribution -- Was: breaks in hist()

2005-11-03 Thread Leaf Sun
 Thanks for all the response. I think plotting a cdf or taking transformation 
could make the plot look better.

 But my further question is how to set the breaks to make the histogram 
concentrate in the interval of (0.01,0.2). I can even ignore the other parts of 
the values. 



=== At 2005-11-02, 12:07:12 you wrote: ===

  Leaf Sun wrote:
  The histogram is highly screwed to the right, say, the range
  of the vector is [0, 2], but 95% of the value is squeezed in
  the interval (0.01, 0.2).

I guess the histogram is as you wrote. See
for a short explanation.

 -Original Message-
 From: Berton Gunter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 1:10 PM
 To: 'Leaf Sun'; r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: [R] Visualizing a Data Distribution -- Was: breaks in hist()


 An interesting question concerning graphical perception. As
 you have noted,
 choice of bin boundaries in a histogram can have a big effect on how a
 distribution is perceived. My $.02 (U.S.):

 Histograms are a relic of manual data plotting. We have much better
 alternatives these days that should be used instead. e.g.

 1. (my preference, but properly not consumer-friendly). Plot
 the cdf instead
 (?ecdf) .

 2. Plot a density estimator (?density ; ?densityplot)

 3. See David Scott's ash package, perhaps the KernSmooth package also
 (though density() probably already has anything that you'd
 need from it).


 -- Bert Gunter
 Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
 South San Francisco, CA

 The business of the statistician is to catalyze the
 scientific learning
 process.  - George E. P. Box

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leaf Sun
  Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:49 AM
  To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
  Subject: [R] breaks in hist()
  Dear listers,
  A quick question about breaks in hist().
  The histogram is highly screwed to the right, say, the range
  of the vector is [0, 2], but 95% of the value is squeezed in
  the interval (0.01, 0.2). My question is : how to set the
  breaks then make the histogram look even?
  Thanks in advance,

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] multidimensional integration not over a multidimensionalrectangle

2005-11-03 Thread Lynette Sun

anyone knows about any functions in R can get multidimensional integration
not over a multidimensional rectangle (not adapt).

For example, I tried the following function f(x,n)=x^n/n!

{ if (n==1) {
integrate(phi.fun, lower=0, upper=x, n=n-1)$value

I could get f(4,2)=4^2/2!=8, but failed in f(4,3)=4^3/3! Thanks


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] breaks in hist()

2005-11-02 Thread Leaf Sun
Dear listers,

A quick question about breaks in hist().

The histogram is highly screwed to the right, say, the range of the vector is 
[0, 2], but 95% of the value is squeezed in the interval (0.01, 0.2). My 
question is : how to set the breaks then make the histogram look even?

Thanks in advance,


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] multidimensional integration not over a multidimensional rectangle

2005-11-01 Thread Lynette Sun

anyone knows about any functions in R can get multidimensional integration 
not over a multidimensional rectangle (not adapt).

For example, I tried the following function f(x,n)=x^n/n!

{ if (n==1) {
integrate(phi.fun, lower=0, upper=x, n=n-1)$value

I could get f(4,2)=4^2/2!=8, but failed in f(4,3)=4^3/3! Thanks


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Finding the neighbors of the point

2005-10-25 Thread Leaf Sun
Hi Roger and the list,

The package is working very well.   What surprised me most is the speed. As I 
mentioned in my previous emails,  I have to find the neighbors for around 
200,000 individuals.  It took no more than 10 minutes for the function to 
finish the searching and returned enough information (ldnn, lnn).  As of the 
third dimension -Z,  I applied the code you sent to me, also worked very well. 
I only modified some condition that meets the requirement. This package is just 
great for such neighbor searching. 

Thank you very much and all the best!


=== At 2005-10-25, 04:31:54 you wrote: ===

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, Leaf Sun wrote:

 Running R 2.2.0 on winXP.  Computer P4 CPU 3.2G and 1G of RAM.

Please try the attached Windows binary package. Look at the help page for 
ann.dist(). It returns a list of three elements, the first, lnn, gives the 
index numbers of the neighbours closer than maxdist. From there say you 
have a vector z  where you want the neighbour relation to apply only when 
z[i]  z[j], so

res - ann.dist(pts, maxdist=md)
glist - vector(mode=list, length=length(res$lnn))
for (i in seq(along=res$lnn)) {
  if (length(res$lnn[[i]])  0) { 
glist[[i]] - ifelse(z[i]  z[res$lnn[[i]]], 1, 0) 

so glist tells you which to drop. Alternatively, you can drop them 
straight away:

res - ann.dist(pts, maxdist=md)
glist - vector(mode=list, length=length(res$lnn))
for (i in seq(along=res$lnn)) {
  if (length(res$lnn[[i]])  0) {
glist[[i]] - res$lnn[[i]]][z[i]  z[res$lnn[[i

(neither of these are tried, so the brackets may not match).

Please let me know how you get on.


 === At 2005-10-24, 09:46:28 you wrote: ===
 On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, Leaf Sun wrote:
  No, I mean I have to find the neighbors of 200,000 points.
 Your R version and OS - output of version on your machine?

  === At 2005-10-24, 03:30:41 you wrote: ===
  On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, Leaf Sun wrote:
   The data frame is of 200,000 by 15 elements.
  Do you mean that you need to find distances in 15 dimensions?
   I've learned some C, long time ago. But I guess I would understand the 
   C codes. Thanks!
   === At 2005-10-21, 14:11:38 you wrote: ===
   On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, Leaf Sun wrote:
Dear all,

I got point data of trees. I was wondering if anybody has 
experience in searching the neighbors within a specified distance 

99  34   65
98  35   29
98  34   28
99  33   33
98  32   23
99  33   21
99  33   22
99  32   24
99  30   23

What I want to do is :  searching for the neighbors with a distance 
for each tree  the neighbor must have a bigger Z.

The data set is huge so the R-codes is working slowly when I search 
without subset it.

   And huge is how big? For very large problems, you'll need a kd-tree 
   r-tree approach to divide up the point locations before making the 
   query (I think the retention of neighbours with a larger z is the 
   step). There do not seem to be such functions in R or contributed 
   at present. If you are willing to collaborate, I can pass on a draft 
   package corrected by Christian Sangiorgio for approximate nearest 
   neighbours (an interface to ANN by David Mount and collaborators), 
   but it 
   isn't working yet. So an investment in time and some knowledge of C++ 
   be useful.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated!


   Roger Bivand
   Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School 
   Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
   Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
   Do You Yahoo!?

  Roger Bivand
  Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
  Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
  Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  Leaf Sun
  Do You Yahoo!?

 Roger Bivand
 Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
 Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
 Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43

[R] Errors occured

2005-10-22 Thread Leaf Sun
Hi all,

Has anybody have the experience in the errors:

Error in data.frame(..., check.names=FALSE): arguments imply differing number 
of rows: 343,15

This is the error occured in the middle of the program. I don't think the data 
frame has any problem, if there is problem with the program, why it happened in 
the middle?

Does anybody have such an experience? It seems so weird to me.

Thanks a lot!


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[R] Finding the neighbors of the point

2005-10-21 Thread Leaf Sun
Dear all,

I got point data of trees. I was wondering if anybody has experience in 
searching the neighbors within a specified distance efficiently.

99  34   65
98  35   29
98  34   28
99  33   33
98  32   23
99  33   21
99  33   22
99  32   24
99  30   23

What I want to do is :  searching for the neighbors with a distance R for each 
tree   the neighbor must have a bigger  Z.

The data set is huge so the R-codes is working slowly when I search it without 
subset it. 

Any suggestion would be much appreciated!


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Sorting a data frame by one of the variables

2005-10-15 Thread Leaf Sun

Dear all,

I have a date frame like this:

X   Y   Z
22  24  4.3
2.3 3.4 5.3


What my purpose is: to sort the data frame by either X, Y or Z.
sample output is (sorted by X) :

X   Y   Z
2.3  3.4  5.3
22 24  4.3
57.2  23.4  34

I have no idea how to use sort, order or rank functions. Please help me out.


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[R] run many linear regressions against the same independent variables in batch

2005-10-14 Thread Heng Sun
R function 
lm(response ~ term)
allows me to run a linear regression on a single response vector. For 
example, I have recent one year historical prices for a stock and SP 
index. I can run regression of the stock prices (as response vector) 
against the SP index prices (as term vector).

Now assume I have 1000 stocks to run the above regressions (against the 
same SP index prices). The only way I know is that I write a loop. Within 
each loop I do the regression for one stock price.

Is there a batch method to run the 1000 regressions in one shot? Note that 
this functionality is available in SAS (the SAS procedure reg).

Actually, some times we run such regressions for about 300K securities. 
Performing regressions in loop takes a long time. On the contrary, running 
on SAS is much faster.

Thank you in advance.

Heng Sun

Quantitative Risk
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation

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Re: [R] run many linear regressions against the same independent variables in batch

2005-10-14 Thread Heng Sun
Thank you Gabor.

I suspected R could do that. But I tried a data frame and it did not work. 
Now I test for matrix and it works. So it seems performing many 
regressions in one shot works for a matrix, but not a data frame.


Gabor Grothendieck [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
10/14/2005 12:05 PM

Re: [R] run many linear regressions against the same independent variables 
in batch

This runs a regression of each column (except the first)
of matrix state.x77 against the first:

lm(state.x77[,-1] ~ state.x77[,1])

On 10/14/05, Heng Sun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 R function
 lm(response ~ term)
 allows me to run a linear regression on a single response vector. For
 example, I have recent one year historical prices for a stock and SP
 index. I can run regression of the stock prices (as response vector)
 against the SP index prices (as term vector).

 Now assume I have 1000 stocks to run the above regressions (against the
 same SP index prices). The only way I know is that I write a loop. 
 each loop I do the regression for one stock price.

 Is there a batch method to run the 1000 regressions in one shot? Note 
 this functionality is available in SAS (the SAS procedure reg).

 Actually, some times we run such regressions for about 300K securities.
 Performing regressions in loop takes a long time. On the contrary, 
 on SAS is much faster.

 Thank you in advance.

 Heng Sun

 Quantitative Risk
 Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation

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[R] generalized linear model for multinomial data?

2005-10-02 Thread Hongyu Sun
Dear All:

Does R have the package as in SAS's generalized logits model for nominal 
response data? I have searched but cannot find the windows package.

Many thanks,


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Re: [R] generalized linear model for multinomial data?

2005-10-02 Thread Hongyu Sun
Dear Professor: Thanks! I just found it. It is bundled within the VR 


- Original Message - 
To: 'Hongyu Sun' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 3:27 PM
Subject: RE: [R] generalized linear model for multinomial data?

 Dear Hongyu,

 See multinom() in the nnet package, associated with Venables and Ripley's
 Modern Applied Statistics with S.


 John Fox
 Department of Sociology
 McMaster University
 Hamilton, Ontario
 Canada L8S 4M4

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hongyu Sun
 Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 3:07 PM
 To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: [R] generalized linear model for multinomial data?

 Dear All:

 Does R have the package as in SAS's generalized logits model
 for nominal response data? I have searched but cannot find
 the windows package.

 Many thanks,


 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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[R] how to do multiple comparisons in R?

2005-09-11 Thread Hongyu Sun
Hi, Sorry I have to bother a question.

Does R have the functions to do lsd, tukey, bonferonni, contrast etc. like 
in SAS?

Many thanks,


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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[R] the number of cluster

2005-03-18 Thread XP Sun
hi, all,

how to decide the number of cluster before you use kmeans and hclust? 
thank you in advance!


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[R] how to draw the data set processed by hclust?

2005-03-13 Thread XP Sun
hi, all

   i hava a dataset formated as follow:

x1 y1 z1
x2 y2 z2
x3 y3 z3

how to cluster it with hclust?
and the draw the data with color of cluster?

thank you in advance!


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[R] cl$cluster of kmeans

2005-03-07 Thread XP Sun
hi, all,

i had a problem when i used kmeans as follow:

 pp - scan(m0028.data, quiet= TRUE)
 x - matrix(pp, nc=3, byrow=TRUE)
 cl-kmeans(x, 4, 20)
 plot(x, col=cl$cluster)
 save(cl$cluster, file=m0028.ks, ascii=TRUE)
Error in save(cl$cluster, file = m0028.ks, ascii = TRUE) : 
  Object cl$cluster not found

when i wanted to save the vector of cluster only, a reflection was  
thrown out as that. 

could i save cl$cluster only? how?
thank you in advance.

xp sun

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[R] ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors

2004-10-27 Thread Sun

library (ellipse)

shape1 = c (1, 0, 0,1)
dim(shape1) = c(2,2)
ellipse (center = c(0,0), shape = shape1, radius = 1)

Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, col = col, lty = lty, ...) : 
plot.new has not been called yet

It is really frustrating. Also what do the shape matrix, radius correspond to an 
ellipse function

(x-x0)^2/a + (y-y0)^2/b = 1

? Please advise!

Many thanks,

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Re: [R] ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors

2004-10-27 Thread Sun
Thanks a lot. I added that line.

plot(-2:2, type='n')
shape1 = c (1, 0, 0,1)
dim(shape1) = c(2,2)
center1 = c(0,0)
radius1 = 1
ellipse (center1, shape1, radius1)

But now it said:

Error in ellipse(center, shape, radius) : dim- : dims [product 4] do not
match the length of object [200]

What is wrong?

I don't understand the shape and radius's meaning so I have no idea of what
object's lenght.

Many thanks!

- Original Message - 
From: Patrick Burns [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: [R] ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors

 The error message is telling you that it expects a plot to already be
 there.  You can do something like:

 plot(-2:2, type='n')

 Patrick Burns

 Burns Statistics
 +44 (0)20 8525 0696
 (home of S Poetry and A Guide for the Unwilling S User)

 Sun wrote:

 library (ellipse)
 shape1 = c (1, 0, 0,1)
 dim(shape1) = c(2,2)
 ellipse (center = c(0,0), shape = shape1, radius = 1)
 Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, col = col, lty = lty, ...)
 plot.new has not been called yet
 It is really frustrating. Also what do the shape matrix, radius
correspond to an ellipse function
 (x-x0)^2/a + (y-y0)^2/b = 1
 ? Please advise!
 Many thanks,
  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: [R] ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors

2004-10-27 Thread Sun
Thank you. I found there are two ellipses

library (car)

R1.9 and R2.0
library (ellipse)

And they are different! I can't run 1.

But the 2. is kind of specialized for t-distribution confidence and so on.

I need to find a general ellipse for an ellipse equation like
(x-x0)^2/a + (y-y0)^2/b =1

. Since I used chi-square percentile not t. I am trying to obtain the large
sample 95% simultaneous confidence ellipse for two population means (say,
weight and height). The input are the two sample means and their

Maybe I have to make my own ellipse function.

- Original Message - 
From: Petr Pikal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: [R] ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors


 Did you read what ellipse does and how it shall be used?

 And what about your system, R and ellipse version?

 From your example i got

  ellipse (center = c(0,0), shape = shape1, radius = 1)
 Error in ellipse.default(center = c(0, 0), shape = shape1, radius =
 1) :
 Argument x is missing, with no default

 Ellipse is not for drawing arbitrary ellipses but has different usage.

 See its help page and an example.


 On 27 Oct 2004 at 3:34, Sun wrote:

  library (ellipse)
  shape1 = c (1, 0, 0,1)
  dim(shape1) = c(2,2)
  ellipse (center = c(0,0), shape = shape1, radius = 1)
  Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, col = col, lty = lty,
  ...) :
  plot.new has not been called yet
  It is really frustrating. Also what do the shape matrix, radius
  correspond to an ellipse function
  (x-x0)^2/a + (y-y0)^2/b = 1
  ? Please advise!
  Many thanks,
   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide!

 Petr Pikal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors

2004-10-27 Thread Sun
Dear Mr. Fox:

Now I got things done using your ellipse in Package car! Just note to plot
an empty plot before calling ellipse. And input the correct radius and
covariance matrix (I input the inverse of the covariance matrix multiplied
by n as the covariance matrix, that was wrong. n should go to divide the
righ hand side and square root to get the radius and no inverse needed).

Thank you! By the way, I tried to write my own and it does not work only
giving two parallel lines.:(
Now the ellipse in car works totally well!


- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:24 AM
Subject: RE: [R] ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors

 Dear Sun,

 There are indeed (at least) two ellipse functions, and the one in the car
 package has different arguments from the one in the ellipse package.

 You should be able to use ellipse() in either package to do what you want;
 use the t argument for the version in ellipse or the radius argument for
 version in car, setting this to the square-root of the critical chisquare
 F. (ellipse in car works by deforming a circle.) If height and weight are
 from the same sample, then they won't be independent, so, e.g., the shape
 argument to ellipse in car would be their sample covariance matrix. The
 center argument to ellipse() in car and the centre argument to ellipse()
 ellipse should be the vector of means.

 But the ellipse() function in ellipse and the data.ellipse() function in
 already does all this, so why do you feel that you need to roll your own
 perhaps I misunderstand what you want)?

 I hope this helps.

 John Fox
 Department of Sociology
 McMaster University
 Hamilton, Ontario
 Canada L8S 4M4

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sun
  Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 4:25 AM
  To: Petr Pikal
  Subject: Re: [R] ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors
  Thank you. I found there are two ellipses
  library (car)
  R1.9 and R2.0
  library (ellipse)
  And they are different! I can't run 1.
  But the 2. is kind of specialized for t-distribution
  confidence and so on.
  I need to find a general ellipse for an ellipse equation like
  (x-x0)^2/a + (y-y0)^2/b =1
  . Since I used chi-square percentile not t. I am trying to
  obtain the large sample 95% simultaneous confidence ellipse
  for two population means (say, weight and height). The input
  are the two sample means and their covariances.
  Maybe I have to make my own ellipse function.
  - Original Message -
  From: Petr Pikal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 4:14 AM
  Subject: Re: [R] ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors
   Did you read what ellipse does and how it shall be used?
   And what about your system, R and ellipse version?
   From your example i got
ellipse (center = c(0,0), shape = shape1, radius = 1)
   Error in ellipse.default(center = c(0, 0), shape = shape1, radius =
   1) :
   Argument x is missing, with no default
   Ellipse is not for drawing arbitrary ellipses but has
  different usage.
   See its help page and an example.
   On 27 Oct 2004 at 3:34, Sun wrote:
library (ellipse)
shape1 = c (1, 0, 0,1)
dim(shape1) = c(2,2)
ellipse (center = c(0,0), shape = shape1, radius = 1)
Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, col = col,
  lty = lty,
...) :
plot.new has not been called yet
It is really frustrating. Also what do the shape matrix, radius
correspond to an ellipse function
(x-x0)^2/a + (y-y0)^2/b = 1
? Please advise!
Many thanks,
 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!
   Petr Pikal
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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[R] How to use a matrix in pcurve?

2004-10-24 Thread XP Sun
Hi, Everyone,

I want to calculate the principal curve of a points set.
First I read the points'coordinate with function scan, 
then converted it to matrix with the function matrix,
and fit the curve with function principal.curve.

Here is my data in the file bmn007.data: 
0.023603 -0.086540   -0.001533
0.024349 -0.083877   -0.001454
0.025004 -0.083690   -0.001829
0.025562 -0.083877   -0.001857
0.026100 -0.083877   0.90
0.025965 -0.083877   0.002574

and the code as follow:

pp - scan(bmn007.data, quiet= TRUE)
x - matrix(pp, nc=2, byrow=TRUE)
fit - principal.curve(x, plot = TRUE)

By now, I got a right result. 
But when i changed to use pcurve with matrix x as pcurve(x),
an error was thrown as following:

Estimating starting configuration using : CA
Error in h %*% diag(sqrt(d)) : non-conformable arguments

How to convert a matrix to the format could be accepted by pcurve?
Any help appreciated!

- Sun

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[R] how to draw a multivariate function

2004-10-16 Thread Sun
Hi, Rusers:

Thanks for answering my last questions. I am frustrated in plotting a trinomial pmf 

f(x,y | n, pa, pb) = factorial(n)/ (factorial(x) * factorial(y) * factorial (n-x-y))* 
pa^x * pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y))

obviously it is a bivariate function of x and y. But I have put a lot of time on this.

x - seq(0, n, len = n/2+1) # for now I set it to n/2 to control x+y = n
y - seq(0, n, len = n/2+1)
f = factorial(n)/ (factorial(x) * factorial(y) * factorial (n-x-y))* pa^x * pb^y * 
wireframe(f ~ x * y, shade = TRUE)

well, but it plots nothing out.

I wonder if you could help me? Seems R is hard to learn without your help.

Many thanks,

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Re: [R] how to draw a multivariate function

2004-10-16 Thread Sun
Hi, All:

Thanks. Here is the code

n = 30
lamdaa = 4
lamdab = 1.5

pa = lamdaa/n
pb = lamdab/n

x - seq(0, n/2, len = n/2+1)
y - seq(0, n/2, len = n/2+1)
f = factorial(n)/ (factorial(x) * factorial(y) * factorial (n-x-y))* pa^x *
pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y))
wireframe(f ~ x * y, shade = TRUE)

The above cannot show anything.
Just le t you know that now I changed to cloud, it can display something :)
cloud(f ~ x * y, shade = TRUE)

I have questions:

what does x*y mean here? I don't think it is a vector dot multiplication. I
guess it will creat all rows of x and y for all possible combinations? Why
wireframe cannot show here?

How to show the value on the cloud plot? I have no idea of how much the data
value is from the plot.

3. Where can I get resources of R? The help file seems not very helpful to
me. For example, the lm () function, its weighted least square option does
not say clearly the weight = standard deviation. It said it is to minimize
sum w*error^2, which mislead us to think it takes variance. I have to ask
experienced people. And everytime the answer depends on luck.


- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 10:15 PM
Subject: RE: [R] how to draw a multivariate function

 Dear Sun,

 Could you please provide an example that can be run
 by readers of the list? What you've given is
 missing at least n and pa.


 Senior Analyst (Quantitative), Tel: +61 7 3864 0439
 Queensland Studies Authority,  Fax: +61 7 3229 3318
 295 Ann Street,
 Brisbane Qld 4000, Australia

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Sun
 Sent: Sunday, 17 October 2004 12:59 PM
 To: R-help mailing list
 Subject: [R] how to draw a multivariate function

 Hi, Rusers:

 Thanks for answering my last questions. I am frustrated in plotting a
trinomial pmf function

 f(x,y | n, pa, pb) = factorial(n)/ (factorial(x) * factorial(y) *
factorial (n-x-y))* pa^x * pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y))

 obviously it is a bivariate function of x and y. But I have put a lot of
time on this.

 x - seq(0, n, len = n/2+1) # for now I set it to n/2 to control x+y = n
 y - seq(0, n, len = n/2+1)
 f = factorial(n)/ (factorial(x) * factorial(y) * factorial (n-x-y))* pa^x
* pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y))
 wireframe(f ~ x * y, shade = TRUE)

 well, but it plots nothing out.

 I wonder if you could help me? Seems R is hard to learn without your help.

 Many thanks,

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 This email (including any attached files) is for the intended
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Re: [R] how to draw a multivariate function

2004-10-16 Thread Sun
Thanks, Spencer. Turing it into a function seems really to make difference.

Well but I don't know what is the difference between

data1 = cbind (x, y, f(x,y))


cloud(f(x,y) ~ x *y)?

They draw different plots. I don't know which one is correct. I am really

Here are codes:
n = 30
lamdaa = 4
lamdab = 1.5

pa = lamdaa/n
pb = lamdab/n

x - seq(0, n/2, len = n/2+1)
y - seq(0, n/2, len = n/2+1)
f - function(x,y) (factorial(n)/
 (factorial(x) * factorial(y) * factorial(n-x-y))*
  pa^x * pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y)))

data1 = cbind (x, y, f(x,y))

cloud(f(x,y) ~ x *y)

Thanks a lot
- Original Message - 
From: Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: R-help mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [R] how to draw a multivariate function

   Have you studied the documentation for wireframe including the
 examples?  See also the contour plot examples in Venables and Ripley
 (2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S, 4th ed. (Springer).

   It might help if you write your function as follows:

 f - function(x,y ,n, pa, pb) (factorial(n)/
  (factorial(x) * factorial(y) * factorial(n-x-y))*
   pa^x * pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y)))

   I hope this fills in enough gaps that you will be able to complete
 the remaining steps.

   Good luck.  spencer graves

 Sun wrote:

 Hi, Rusers:
 Thanks for answering my last questions. I am frustrated in plotting a
trinomial pmf function
 f(x,y | n, pa, pb) = factorial(n)/ (factorial(x) * factorial(y) *
factorial (n-x-y))* pa^x * pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y))
 obviously it is a bivariate function of x and y. But I have put a lot of
time on this.
 x - seq(0, n, len = n/2+1) # for now I set it to n/2 to control x+y = n
 y - seq(0, n, len = n/2+1)
 f = factorial(n)/ (factorial(x) * factorial(y) * factorial (n-x-y))* pa^x
* pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y))
 wireframe(f ~ x * y, shade = TRUE)
 well, but it plots nothing out.
 I wonder if you could help me? Seems R is hard to learn without your
 Many thanks,
  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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 Spencer Graves, PhD, Senior Development Engineer
 O:  (408)938-4420;  mobile:  (408)655-4567

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Re: [R] how to draw a multivariate function

2004-10-16 Thread Sun
Hi, Thanks. But minimizing

means w is the variance instead of the standard deviation. However, the
truth is that R takes standard deviation. R will square it!

R-help document is not that to be proud of. It is not very clear or helpful

- Original Message - 
From: Deepayan Sarkar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: [R] how to draw a multivariate function

 On Saturday 16 October 2004 23:12, Sun wrote:
  Hi, All:
  Thanks. Here is the code
  n = 30
  lamdaa = 4
  lamdab = 1.5
  pa = lamdaa/n
  pb = lamdab/n
  x - seq(0, n/2, len = n/2+1)
  y - seq(0, n/2, len = n/2+1)

 Have you looked at what values of x and y these produce? They include
 non-integer values. Are you sure you want that?

  f = factorial(n)/ (factorial(x) * factorial(y) * factorial (n-x-y))*
  pa^x * pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y))
  wireframe(f ~ x * y, shade = TRUE)
  The above cannot show anything.
  Just le t you know that now I changed to cloud, it can display
  something :) cloud(f ~ x * y, shade = TRUE)
  I have questions:
  what does x*y mean here? I don't think it is a vector dot
  multiplication. I guess it will creat all rows of x and y for all
  possible combinations? Why wireframe cannot show here?

 Why guess instead of reading the documentation and looking at the
 examples? There's a very relevant example in the help page for

 You clearly want to evaluate 'f' at all combinations of x and y, yet you
 seem to be evaluating it only along the diagonal (x = y). The correct
 way to do this is (as studying the examples should have suggested to

 g - expand.grid(x = seq(0, n), y = seq(0, n))
 g$z - dtrinom(g$x, g$y)
 wireframe(z ~ x * y, data = g, shade = TRUE)

 where dtrinom could be defined as

 dtrinom - function(x, y)
 ifelse(x + y  n,
factorial(n)/ (factorial(x) *
factorial(y) * factorial (n-x-y))*
pa^x * pb^y * ((1-pa-pb)^(n-x-y)))

 although I would suggest working on the log scale for numerical

 dtrinom - function(x, y)
 ifelse(x + y  n,
exp((lfactorial(n) - lfactorial(x) -
 lfactorial(y) - lfactorial(n-x-y)) +
x * log(pa) +  y * log(pb) +
(n-x-y) * log(1-pa-pb)))

  How to show the value on the cloud plot? I have no idea of how much
  the data value is from the plot.

 Read the documentation for the 'scales' argument.

  3. Where can I get resources of R? The help file seems not very
  helpful to me. For example, the lm () function, its weighted least
  square option does not say clearly the weight = standard deviation.
  It said it is to minimize sum w*error^2, which mislead us to think it
  takes variance. I have to ask experienced people. And everytime the
  answer depends on luck.

 It's too bad you feel that way. Statistics, and in particular linear
 modeling, is a non-trivial subject, and R documentation is not supposed
 to serve as a textbook. If you don't understand what minimizing
 'sum(w*e^2)' means, you really do need help from 'experienced people'.
 Alternatively, look at the references listed in the help page for lm.

 Hope that helps,


  - Original Message -
  From: Andrew Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 10:15 PM
  Subject: RE: [R] how to draw a multivariate function
   Dear Sun,
   Could you please provide an example that can be run
   by readers of the list? What you've given is
   missing at least n and pa.

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[R] 20,000 * 6 data values

2004-10-15 Thread Sun
Hello, Rusers:

What is the maximum number of data R can handle? Or I have to use SAS? I am
trying to do some microarray data analysis. But I am totally new. Did anyone
use R to do microarray analysis?

Many thanks,


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Re: [R] KalmanLike: missing exogenous factor?

2004-10-12 Thread Heng Sun
Prof Ripley,

Thanks for explanation. I now understand where
KalmanLike fits. 

I should not use exogenous factor. It should be
called exogenous variable or inputs or known
effects. My study on how trading sizes impact on
stock prices has trading sizes as this exogenous
variable. As you said, this should belong to some
package. I did internet searches and found something
similar but not covering my case.

The restrictive access to web makes subscription from
my work place not convenient. Sorry.

Heng Sun
Senior Quantitative Analyst
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation
New York, USA 10041
Tel: 212-755-5754

--- Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 11 Oct 2004, Heng Sun wrote:
  From the help document on KalmanLike, KalmanRun,
  I see the linear Gaussian state space model is 
  a - T a + R e
  y = Z' a + eta
  following the book of Durbin and Koopman.
  In practice, it is useful to run Kalman
  filtering/smoothing/forecasting with exogenous
  a - T a + L b + R e
  y = Z' a + M b + eta
  where b is some known vector (a function of time).
  Some other software like S-plus and Mathematica
  include the above exogenous factor. SsfPack by
  Koopman, etal. also has the factor built in the
  to accommodate practical uses.
  So what is the rationale for R to leave off the
  exogenous factor? Is there a feasible way to
  the general model to the simple model in R?
 What is the rationale for your raising this?
 KalmanLike, KalmanRun, etc were written for R 1.5.0
 as part of the ts 
 package (see my article in R-news), and the ts
 applications (see the See 
 Also section) do not need a so-called `exogenous
 factor' (which is not a 
 `factor').   R does not pretend to have facilities
 for whatever subject 
 area you mean (but do not say) by `in practice'. 
 That's what addon
 packages are for (and some do touch on this area).
 We have no idea who [EMAIL PROTECTED]' is: it is
 courteous to use a 
 signature and give your affiliation.
 Brian D. Ripley, 
 Professor of Applied Statistics, 
 University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865
 272861 (self)
 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865
 272866 (PA)
 Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865

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[R] KalmanLike: missing exogenous factor?

2004-10-11 Thread Heng Sun
From the help document on KalmanLike, KalmanRun, etc.,
I see the linear Gaussian state space model is 

a - T a + R e
y = Z' a + eta

following the book of Durbin and Koopman.

In practice, it is useful to run Kalman
filtering/smoothing/forecasting with exogenous factor:

a - T a + L b + R e
y = Z' a + M b + eta

where b is some known vector (a function of time).

Some other software like S-plus and Mathematica
include the above exogenous factor. SsfPack by
Koopman, etal. also has the factor built in the model
to accommodate practical uses.

So what is the rationale for R to leave off the
exogenous factor? Is there a feasible way to convert
the general model to the simple model in R?


Heng Sun


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[R] how to draw an overlaid plot for multiple curves using different symbols for each curve?

2004-09-19 Thread Sun
Hello, Rusers:

I have a question to ask for your help. The data has three columns: a, b and

We need to draw an overlaid plot of curves of a versus b for different
c. That is, draw many curves in one plot and each curve uses a different

Does R have such functions? I have searched for a while. But seems not. I am
new to R. Your help is highly appreciated.

Many thanks. Looking forward to your response,


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Re: [R] how to draw an overlaid plot for multiple curves usingdifferent symbols for each curve?

2004-09-19 Thread Sun
Hi, Thanks all (Andrew, Peter, Sean)!

By the way, I looked at the xyplot in lattice library. It can draw a
versus b, conditioned on c. But it draws curves in different panels and
there seems no control on symbols.

I will try points.

Many thanks again,

- Original Message - 
From: Sean Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [R] how to draw an overlaid plot for multiple curves
usingdifferent symbols for each curve?

 You might look at library(lattice) for some relatively natural solutions
 your problem.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 6:02 PM
 Subject: [R] how to draw an overlaid plot for multiple curves
 symbols for each curve?

  Hello, Rusers:
  I have a question to ask for your help. The data has three columns: a, b
  We need to draw an overlaid plot of curves of a versus b for
  c. That is, draw many curves in one plot and each curve uses a different
  Does R have such functions? I have searched for a while. But seems not.
  new to R. Your help is highly appreciated.
  Many thanks. Looking forward to your response,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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RE: [R] help for MLE

2004-02-25 Thread Edward Sun
when I write the likelihood function as
fn-function(x) -50*log(2*pi)-100*log(sigma)-(1/2*(sum((x-mu)/sigma)^2))
then what should I do since it shows that Error in log(sigma) : Object 
sigma not found.


 From: Edward Sun

 Dear Sir/Madam,

 I am using R version 1.8.1. I am doing following tast:

 First generate 100 Gaussion(3,1) numbers, then write the
 likelihood function
 to estimate the parameters of Gaussian distribution by direct
 maximizing the
 likelihood function.

 My likelihood function is:

 After I input above function, the '' '' turned to be '' +
 ''. and it did
 not work.

 I am looking for the help to solve this tast by writting a likelihood

 Thanks a lot.

 Best regards.
 edward sun
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[R] help for MLE

2004-02-22 Thread Edward Sun
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am using R version 1.8.1. I am doing following tast:

First generate 100 Gaussion(3,1) numbers, then write the likelihood function 
to estimate the parameters of Gaussian distribution by direct maximizing the 
likelihood function.

My likelihood function is:
After I input above function, the '' '' turned to be '' + ''. and it did 
not work.

I am looking for the help to solve this tast by writting a likelihood 

Thanks a lot.

Best regards.
edward sun
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[R] help for MLE

2004-02-22 Thread Edward Sun
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am using R version 1.8.1. I am doing following tast:

First generate 100 Gaussion(3,1) numbers, then write the likelihood function 
to estimate the parameters of Gaussian distribution by direct maximizing the 
likelihood function.

My likelihood function is:
After I input above function, the '' '' turned to be '' + ''. and it did 
not work.

I am looking for the help to solve this tast by writting a likelihood 

Thanks a lot.

Best regards.
edward sun
x=rnorm(100, mean=3, sd=1)
fitdistr(x, normal)

fitdistr(x, normal, list(mean=0, sd=1))
do not work.

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[R] Maximum likelihood estimation in R

2004-02-15 Thread Edward Sun
Dear Sir,

I am a new user of R and I am doing a tast, which is: find the maximum 
likelihood estimate of the parameter of Gaussian distribution for generated 
100 numbers by using x=rnorm(100, mean=3, sd=1).

I tried to use following Maximum Likelihood function
but it did not work.
I am looking for the complete syntax to finish my target task.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards.
Edward Sun
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[R] for help about MLE in R

2004-02-05 Thread Edward Sun
Dear Sir,

I am using R to estimate two parameters in Normal distribution. I generated 
100 normal distributed numbers, on which to estimate the parameter. The 
syntax is:

out-nlm(fn, x, hessian=TRUE)
but it does not work. Could you please help me to compose the syntax for the 
purpose that find maximum likelihood estimates of the generated random 
numbers by direct maximization of the likelihood function?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards
Edward Sun
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[R] Message (The distribution of your message dated Tue, 27...)

2004-02-03 Thread L-Soft list server at Sun Microsystems Inc. (1.8e)
The distribution of your message dated Tue, 27 Jan 2004 09:41:55 -0300 with
subject test has been postponed because  the DOCS list is held. No action
is required from  you; your message will be  reprocessed automatically once
the list owner releases the list.

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[R] about parameter fitting of Gld(Generalized Lambda Distribution)

2003-10-17 Thread Jean Sun
Currently, I am intrested in parameter fitting of Generalized Lambda 
Distribution.And I have found two packages in R related to Gld,Davies and gld. What's 
a pity that no method in Davies deals with fitting of gld,and starship used in 
package:gld is quite time-consuming when sample size is large.

So i wonder if there is method of moments or least square implementation available 
at now.


if u know the method of moments(or moment matching), i think u must know how to 
solve a optimization problem of two parameters,involing multiple beta functions.plz 
give me some hints. Thanks in advance.

Jean Sun

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Re: Re: [R] what does the sum of square of Gaussian RVs with differentvariance obey?

2003-09-24 Thread Jean Sun
Thanks a lot.
It does work. The fitted data match the simulated ones well. Even no need the shifted 
or scaled version of Chi-squared pdf. Also, I have tested the case of non-independent 
RVs,generated by linear combining of independent Gaussian RVs,the result is 
satisfactory too.


2003-09-23 07:07:00 Thomas Lumley wrote

On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, Jean Sun wrote:

 From basic statistics principle,we know,given several i.i.d Gaussian
 RVs with zero or nonzero mean,the sum of square of them is a central or
 noncentral Chi-distributed RV.However if these Gaussian RVs have
 different variances,what does the sum of square of them obey?

Nothing very useful.  It's a mixture of chisquare(1) variables. One
standard approach is to approximate it by a multiple of a chisquared
distribution that has the correct mean and variance.


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[R] what does the sum of square of Gaussian RVs with different variance obey?

2003-09-22 Thread Jean Sun
From basic statistics principle,we know,given several i.i.d Gaussian RVs with zero or 
nonzero mean,the sum of square of them is a central or noncentral Chi-distributed 
RV.However if these Gaussian RVs have different variances,what does the sum of square 
of them obey? 

Thanks in advance.

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