Hello all. 

I have been working on a (fairly simple) function for way too long. I’ve really hit a 
wall and I was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction. 


I have (attempted) to create a function that has an embedded while loop. The while 
loop works fine by itself, however, when the while loop is embedded in the function, 
the function fails. I’m not sure why this happens as the function really doesn’t add 
much above and beyond the while loop. I believe it might have something to do with the 
list I define in the while loop as ‘nlme.control.parms.’ Because I included 
print(nlme.control.parms) when the while loop runs by itself the paramers of 
nlme.control.parms can be seen to be fine. However, when I run the function 
print(nlme.control.parms) is full of NAs. I’m not sure if the function fails because 
the list nlme.control.parms is full of NAs or if nlme.control.parms is full of NAs 
because the function failed. 


I should mention that the function is (supposed to be!) used with nlme so that 
multiple sets of parameters can be defined (each next set being less restrictive than 
the previous), and nlme runs until it outputs results given the particular set of 
parameters. The values I used in the simplified example that follows would never be 
used in a real situation, but for purposes of this illustrative example, the 
parameters are fine. The result should be a list of the nlme object and 'OK' (which 
should be 5 for the example). I'm using R version 1.9.1 on Windows XP.


Thanks for any thoughts, Ken






maxIter <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

returnObject <- c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)


nlsList.Object <- nlsList(SSasymp, Loblolly)


M1 <- function(maxIter, returnObject)



ok <- FALSE

OK <- 0




OK <- OK + 1  


nlme.control.parms <- list("maxIter"=maxIter[OK], "returnObject"=returnObject[OK])


fm1 <- try(nlme(nlsList.Object,

    fixed = Asym + R0 + lrc ~ 1,

    random = Asym ~ 1,

    control = nlme.control.parms), silent=TRUE)


ok <- is.numeric(fm1$numIter)




return(list(fm1, OK))



Test <- M1(maxIter=maxIter, returnObject=returnObject)


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