Hi, R-users:

 Last week I send a request for help to this list. I have receive until now
two kindly responses from Spencer Graves and Renauld Lancelot. They both 
point interesting things to fit an adequate model to my data but
it persists without a satisfactory solution. 

 I propose again the same problem but using with a different dataset
(Assay), taken from Pinheiro and Bates' book on page 163, that is relevant
with crossed 
random effects. I have fitted the same model (p. 165)

>fmAssay <- lme(logDens ~ sample * dilut, Assay, random=pdBlocked(list(,
         pdIdent(~1), pdIdent(~sample-1),pdIdent(~dilut-1))) )

and the results with "anova" function (p. 166) are
             numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)      1    29 537.6294  <.0001
sample           5    29  11.2103  <.0001
dilut            4    29 420.5458  <.0001
sample:dilut    20    29   1.6072  0.1192

 The problem is that with this approach one obtains correct F-values, but 
using a common residual term for DenDF that is a combination of (Block +
Block:sample + Block:dilut). Then probability values are different to that
obtained when we used the classical AOV funtion to fit the same model,
because in this case each term is mapped with a error term (so "sample"
uses "Block:sample", "dilut" uses "Block:dilut", and "sample:dilut" uses

>mod<-aov(logDens ~ sample*dilut + Error(Block+Block/sample+Block/dilut),

Error: Block
          Df    Sum Sq   Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals  1 0.0083115 0.0083115               

Error: Block:sample
          Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
sample     5 0.276153 0.055231  11.213 0.009522
Residuals  5 0.024627 0.004925                 

Error: Block:dilut
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
dilut      4 3.7491  0.9373  420.79 1.684e-05
Residuals  4 0.0089  0.0022                  

Error: Within
             Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
sample:dilut 20 0.055525 0.002776  1.6069 0.1486
Residuals    20 0.034555 0.001728  

 Obviously, the interest on linear mixed effects is open with the
possibility of modeling with correlated and/or heterocedastic errors, and
this end cannot
be pursued with AOV function.

 Summarizing, the problem is that I have not found a way to obtain with
NLME the same results (DF, F-ratios and probabilities) that I get with AOV and
multistratum errors. Is this an inconvenience of program?, probably due
to the impossibility to use multiple nested arguments as 

 random(~1|Block/sample+dilut) or  random(~1|Block/sample*dilut)
SAS MIXED can also fit these data and obtain correct results by means of a
combination of "random" and "repeated" arguments:

 model = sample dilut sample*dilut;
 random = Block sample*Block dilut*Block;
 repeated /type=cs Sub=Block;

              Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects

                      Num     Den
            Effect     DF      DF    F Value    Pr > F
            sample      5       5      11.21    0.0095
             dilut      4       4     420.79    <.0001
      sample*dilut     20      20       1.61    0.1486

May be possible obtain the same results with NLME function?

 I would appreciate any kind of help.

 Best regards,

                        Manuel Ato
                        University of Murcia
                        e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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