Re: [R] dates() is a great date function in R

2007-07-26 Thread Jeffrey J. Hallman
Mr Natural <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Just save the spreadsheet as a csv file and use tisFromCsv() in the fame
package.  One of the arguments tisFromCsv() takes is a dateFormat, so you can
tell it what format the date column is in.  You can also tell it the name of
the date column if it isn't some variation of DATE, Date, or date.

tisFromCsv() looks at the dates coming in and automatically figures out what
frequency the data are (quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, etc.) and creates a
univariate or multivariate (if the spreadsheet has more than one data column)
'tis' (Time Indexed Series) object. 


> Proper calendar dates in R are great for plotting and calculating. 
> However for the non-wonks among us, they can be very frustrating.
> I have recently discussed the pains that people in my lab have had 
> with dates in R. Especially the frustration of bringing date data into R 
> from Excel, which we have to do a lot. 
> Please find below a simple analgesic for R date importation that I
> discovered 
> over the last 1.5 days (Learning new stuff in R is calculated in 1/2 days).
> The functiondates()gives the simplest way to get calendar dates into
> R from Excel that I can find.
> But straight importation of Excel dates, via a csv or txt file, can be a a
> huge pain (I'll give details for anyone who cares to know). 
> My pain killer is:
> Consider that you have Excel columns in month, day, year format. Note that R
> hates date data that does not lead with the year. 
> a. Load the chron library by typing   library(chron)   in the console.
> You know that you need this library from information revealed by 
> performing the query,
> ?dates()"in the Console window. This gives the R documentation 
> help file for this and related time, date functions.  In the upper left 
> of the documentation, one sees "dates(chron)". This tells you that you
> need the library chron. 
> b. Change the format "dates" in Excel to format "general", which gives 
> 5 digit Julian dates. Import the csv file (I useread.csv()  with the 
> Julian dates and other data of interest.
> c.  Now, change the Julian dates that came in with the csv file into 
> calendar dates with thedates() function. Below is my code for performing 
> this activity, concerning an R data file called ss,
> ss holds the Julian dates, illustrated below from the column MPdate,
> >ss$MPdate[1:5]
> [1] 34252 34425 34547 34759 34773
> The dates() function makes calendar dates from Julian dates,
> >dmp<-dates(ss$MPdate,origin=c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1900))
> > dmp[1:5]
> [1] 10/12/93 04/03/94 08/03/94 03/03/95 03/17/95
> I would appreciate the comments of more sophisticated programmers who
> can suggest streamlining or shortcutting this operation.
> regards, Don
> -- 
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.


__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] dates() is a great date function in R

2007-07-19 Thread JB Kim
This is great.

I haven't seen "as.Date" function before, and was using "" from 
(note the lowercase 'd')

I have an alternative which might or might not be faster...
If the date is formatted "mmdd" (e.g. 20070719)

  formatted <- gsub("^(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})$", "\\2-\\3-\\1", d$mmdd, 
  d$dates <-

Since only accepts certain type of date formats, I had to use gsub to
reshuffle the date substrings around.

as.Date returns the objects of class "Date", whereas returns the 
objects of class "date".
Not sure what the differences are, but a simple test below shows that 
conversion is
slightly faster, given a character vector of 1 date entries.


I ran a quick performance comparison test on a 64bit linux machine on 2.6.9 
The test is very rudimentary, but hopefully useful...

I have two scripts:

##  as.date_test.R  


d <- read.table("/tmp/dates", = TRUE, col.names = c("mmdd"),  
colClasses = c("character"))
formatted <- gsub("^(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})$", "\\2-\\3-\\1", d$mmdd, 
d$dates <-



##  as.Date_test.R  

d <- read.table("/tmp/dates", = TRUE, col.names = c("mmdd"), 
colClasses = c("character"))

d$dates <- as.Date(d$mmdd, format = "%Y%m%d")



Both scripts read in the same text file containing 1 date strings, and then 
convert them into 
appropriate date objects.

# 1 date records in a flat file
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>$ wc -l /tmp/dates
   1 /tmp/dates

# just to illustrate what the dates look like
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>$ head -2 /tmp/dates

# Running the test script 5 times each

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>$ for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do time R --vanilla < as.date_test.R > 
/dev/null; done

sys 0m0.05s

sys 0m0.06s

sys 0m0.06s

sys 0m0.06s

sys 0m0.07s

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>$ for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do time R --vanilla < as.Date_test.R > 
/dev/null; done

sys 0m0.64s

sys 0m0.66s

sys 0m0.65s

sys 0m0.64s

sys 0m0.65s

Notice that conversion is silghtly faster than as.Date conversion, on 

Just thought it was interesting to share.
(and thanks Mark Leeds for reference)


On 07/18/07 16:13:49, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 12:14 -0700, Mr Natural wrote: 
> > Proper calendar dates in R are great for plotting and calculating. 
> > However for the non-wonks among us, they can be very frustrating.
> > I have recently discussed the pains that people in my lab have had 
> > with dates in R. Especially the frustration of bringing date data into R 
> > from Excel, which we have to do a lot. 
> I've always found the following reasonably intuitive:
> Given the csv file that I've pasted in below, the following reads the
> csv file in, formats the dates and class Date and then draws a plot.
> I have dates in DD/MM/ format so year is not first - thus attesting
> to R not hating dates in this format ;-)
> ## read in csv data
> ## = TRUE stops characters being converted to factors
> ## thus saving us an extra step to convert them back
> dat <- read.csv("date_data.csv", = TRUE)
> ## we convert to class Date
> ## format tells R how the dates are formatted in our character strings
> ## see ?strftime for the meaning and available codes
> dat$Date <- as.Date(dat$Date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
> ## check this worked ok
> str(dat$Date)
> dat$Date
> ## see nicely formatted dates and not a drop of R-related hatred 
> ## but just about the most boring graph I could come up with
> plot(Data ~ Date, dat, type = "l")
> And you can keep your Excel file formatted as dates as well - bonus!
> Oh, and before you get "Martin'd", it is the chron *package*!
> G
> CSV file I used, generated in, but I presume it stores
> Dates in the same way as Excel?:
> "Data","Date"
> 1,01/01/2007
> 2,02/01/2007
> 3,03/01/2007
> 4,04/01/2007
> 5,05/01/2007
> 6,06/01/2007
> 7,07/01/2007
> 8,08/01/2007
> 9,09/01/2007
> 10,10/01/2007
> 11,11/01/2007
> 10,12/01/2007
> 9,13/01/2007
> 8,14/01/2007
> 7,15/01/2007
> 6,16/01/2007
> 5,17/01/2007
> 4,18/01/

Re: [R] dates() is a great date function in R

2007-07-18 Thread Achim Zeileis
...just a follow up to reading time series data from CSV files. If you've
got data like Gavin's (only with the dates in the first column)


then you can use read.zoo() in package "zoo":
  x <- read.zoo("mydata.csv", sep = ",", format = "%d/%m/%Y", header = TRUE)
which produces the time-series plot.

This uses the "Date" class contained in base R rather than "dates" from
chron. Concerning the different time/date classes, see the R News article
Gabor already mentioned. For some more examples of using zoo/read.zoo see
  vignette("zoo-quickref", package = "zoo")


On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Gavin Simpson wrote:

> On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 12:14 -0700, Mr Natural wrote:
> > Proper calendar dates in R are great for plotting and calculating.
> > However for the non-wonks among us, they can be very frustrating.
> > I have recently discussed the pains that people in my lab have had
> > with dates in R. Especially the frustration of bringing date data into R
> > from Excel, which we have to do a lot.
> I've always found the following reasonably intuitive:
> Given the csv file that I've pasted in below, the following reads the
> csv file in, formats the dates and class Date and then draws a plot.
> I have dates in DD/MM/ format so year is not first - thus attesting
> to R not hating dates in this format ;-)
> ## read in csv data
> ## = TRUE stops characters being converted to factors
> ## thus saving us an extra step to convert them back
> dat <- read.csv("date_data.csv", = TRUE)
> ## we convert to class Date
> ## format tells R how the dates are formatted in our character strings
> ## see ?strftime for the meaning and available codes
> dat$Date <- as.Date(dat$Date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
> ## check this worked ok
> str(dat$Date)
> dat$Date
> ## see nicely formatted dates and not a drop of R-related hatred
> ## but just about the most boring graph I could come up with
> plot(Data ~ Date, dat, type = "l")
> And you can keep your Excel file formatted as dates as well - bonus!
> Oh, and before you get "Martin'd", it is the chron *package*!
> G
> CSV file I used, generated in, but I presume it stores
> Dates in the same way as Excel?:
> "Data","Date"
> 1,01/01/2007
> 2,02/01/2007
> 3,03/01/2007
> 4,04/01/2007
> 5,05/01/2007
> 6,06/01/2007
> 7,07/01/2007
> 8,08/01/2007
> 9,09/01/2007
> 10,10/01/2007
> 11,11/01/2007
> 10,12/01/2007
> 9,13/01/2007
> 8,14/01/2007
> 7,15/01/2007
> 6,16/01/2007
> 5,17/01/2007
> 4,18/01/2007
> 3,19/01/2007
> 2,20/01/2007
> 1,21/01/2007
> 1,22/01/2007
> 2,23/01/2007
> 3,24/01/2007
> > Please find below a simple analgesic for R date importation that I
> > discovered
> > over the last 1.5 days (Learning new stuff in R is calculated in 1/2 days).
> >
> > The functiondates()gives the simplest way to get calendar dates into
> > R from Excel that I can find.
> > But straight importation of Excel dates, via a csv or txt file, can be a a
> > huge pain (I'll give details for anyone who cares to know).
> >
> > My pain killer is:
> > Consider that you have Excel columns in month, day, year format. Note that R
> > hates date data that does not lead with the year.
> >
> > a. Load the chron library by typing   library(chron)   in the console.
> > You know that you need this library from information revealed by
> > performing the query,
> > ?dates()"in the Console window. This gives the R documentation
> > help file for this and related time, date functions.  In the upper left
> > of the documentation, one sees "dates(chron)". This tells you that you
> > need the library chron.
> >
> > b. Change the format "dates" in Excel to format "general", which gives
> > 5 digit Julian dates. Import the csv file (I useread.csv()  with the
> > Julian dates and other data of interest.
> >
> > c.  Now, change the Julian dates that came in with the csv file into
> > calendar dates with thedates() function. Below is my code for performing
> > this activity, concerning an R data file called ss,
> >
> > ss holds the Julian dates, illustrated below from the column MPdate,
> >
> > >ss$MPdate[1:5]
> > [1] 34252 34425 34547 34759 34773
> >
> > The dates() function makes calendar dates from Julian dates,
> >
> > >dmp<-dates(ss$MPdate,origin=c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1900))
> >
> > > dmp[1:5]
> > [1] 10/12/93 04/03/94 08/03/94 03/03/95 03/17/95
> >
> > I would appreciate the comments of more sophisticated programmers who
> > can suggest streamlining or shortcutting this operation.
> >
> > regards, Don
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> %~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%
>  Gavin Simpson [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
>  ECRC, UCL Geography,  [f] +44 (0)20 7679 0565
>  Pearson Building, [e]
>  Gower Street, London  [w]
>  UK. WC1E 6BT.   

Re: [R] dates() is a great date function in R

2007-07-18 Thread Gavin Simpson
On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 12:14 -0700, Mr Natural wrote: 
> Proper calendar dates in R are great for plotting and calculating. 
> However for the non-wonks among us, they can be very frustrating.
> I have recently discussed the pains that people in my lab have had 
> with dates in R. Especially the frustration of bringing date data into R 
> from Excel, which we have to do a lot. 

I've always found the following reasonably intuitive:

Given the csv file that I've pasted in below, the following reads the
csv file in, formats the dates and class Date and then draws a plot.

I have dates in DD/MM/ format so year is not first - thus attesting
to R not hating dates in this format ;-)

## read in csv data
## = TRUE stops characters being converted to factors
## thus saving us an extra step to convert them back
dat <- read.csv("date_data.csv", = TRUE)

## we convert to class Date
## format tells R how the dates are formatted in our character strings
## see ?strftime for the meaning and available codes
dat$Date <- as.Date(dat$Date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")

## check this worked ok

## see nicely formatted dates and not a drop of R-related hatred 
## but just about the most boring graph I could come up with
plot(Data ~ Date, dat, type = "l")

And you can keep your Excel file formatted as dates as well - bonus!

Oh, and before you get "Martin'd", it is the chron *package*!



CSV file I used, generated in, but I presume it stores
Dates in the same way as Excel?:


> Please find below a simple analgesic for R date importation that I
> discovered 
> over the last 1.5 days (Learning new stuff in R is calculated in 1/2 days).
> The functiondates()gives the simplest way to get calendar dates into
> R from Excel that I can find.
> But straight importation of Excel dates, via a csv or txt file, can be a a
> huge pain (I'll give details for anyone who cares to know). 
> My pain killer is:
> Consider that you have Excel columns in month, day, year format. Note that R
> hates date data that does not lead with the year. 
> a. Load the chron library by typing   library(chron)   in the console.
> You know that you need this library from information revealed by 
> performing the query,
> ?dates()"in the Console window. This gives the R documentation 
> help file for this and related time, date functions.  In the upper left 
> of the documentation, one sees "dates(chron)". This tells you that you
> need the library chron. 
> b. Change the format "dates" in Excel to format "general", which gives 
> 5 digit Julian dates. Import the csv file (I useread.csv()  with the 
> Julian dates and other data of interest.
> c.  Now, change the Julian dates that came in with the csv file into 
> calendar dates with thedates() function. Below is my code for performing 
> this activity, concerning an R data file called ss,
> ss holds the Julian dates, illustrated below from the column MPdate,
> >ss$MPdate[1:5]
> [1] 34252 34425 34547 34759 34773
> The dates() function makes calendar dates from Julian dates,
> >dmp<-dates(ss$MPdate,origin=c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1900))
> > dmp[1:5]
> [1] 10/12/93 04/03/94 08/03/94 03/03/95 03/17/95
> I would appreciate the comments of more sophisticated programmers who
> can suggest streamlining or shortcutting this operation.
> regards, Don
 Gavin Simpson [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
 ECRC, UCL Geography,  [f] +44 (0)20 7679 0565
 Pearson Building, [e]
 Gower Street, London  [w]
 UK. WC1E 6BT. [w]

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] dates() is a great date function in R

2007-07-18 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
See the Other Applications section of the R News 4/1 help desk
article on dates.

On 7/18/07, Mr Natural <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Proper calendar dates in R are great for plotting and calculating.
> However for the non-wonks among us, they can be very frustrating.
> I have recently discussed the pains that people in my lab have had
> with dates in R. Especially the frustration of bringing date data into R
> from Excel, which we have to do a lot.
> Please find below a simple analgesic for R date importation that I
> discovered
> over the last 1.5 days (Learning new stuff in R is calculated in 1/2 days).
> The functiondates()gives the simplest way to get calendar dates into
> R from Excel that I can find.
> But straight importation of Excel dates, via a csv or txt file, can be a a
> huge pain (I'll give details for anyone who cares to know).
> My pain killer is:
> Consider that you have Excel columns in month, day, year format. Note that R
> hates date data that does not lead with the year.
> a. Load the chron library by typing   library(chron)   in the console.
> You know that you need this library from information revealed by
> performing the query,
> ?dates()"in the Console window. This gives the R documentation
> help file for this and related time, date functions.  In the upper left
> of the documentation, one sees "dates(chron)". This tells you that you
> need the library chron.
> b. Change the format "dates" in Excel to format "general", which gives
> 5 digit Julian dates. Import the csv file (I useread.csv()  with the
> Julian dates and other data of interest.
> c.  Now, change the Julian dates that came in with the csv file into
> calendar dates with thedates() function. Below is my code for performing
> this activity, concerning an R data file called ss,
> ss holds the Julian dates, illustrated below from the column MPdate,
> >ss$MPdate[1:5]
> [1] 34252 34425 34547 34759 34773
> The dates() function makes calendar dates from Julian dates,
> >dmp<-dates(ss$MPdate,origin=c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1900))
> > dmp[1:5]
> [1] 10/12/93 04/03/94 08/03/94 03/03/95 03/17/95
> I would appreciate the comments of more sophisticated programmers who
> can suggest streamlining or shortcutting this operation.
> regards, Don
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] dates() is a great date function in R

2007-07-18 Thread Mr Natural

Proper calendar dates in R are great for plotting and calculating. 
However for the non-wonks among us, they can be very frustrating.
I have recently discussed the pains that people in my lab have had 
with dates in R. Especially the frustration of bringing date data into R 
from Excel, which we have to do a lot. 

Please find below a simple analgesic for R date importation that I
over the last 1.5 days (Learning new stuff in R is calculated in 1/2 days).

The functiondates()gives the simplest way to get calendar dates into
R from Excel that I can find.
But straight importation of Excel dates, via a csv or txt file, can be a a
huge pain (I'll give details for anyone who cares to know). 

My pain killer is:
Consider that you have Excel columns in month, day, year format. Note that R
hates date data that does not lead with the year. 

a. Load the chron library by typing   library(chron)   in the console.
You know that you need this library from information revealed by 
performing the query,
?dates()"in the Console window. This gives the R documentation 
help file for this and related time, date functions.  In the upper left 
of the documentation, one sees "dates(chron)". This tells you that you
need the library chron. 

b. Change the format "dates" in Excel to format "general", which gives 
5 digit Julian dates. Import the csv file (I useread.csv()  with the 
Julian dates and other data of interest.

c.  Now, change the Julian dates that came in with the csv file into 
calendar dates with thedates() function. Below is my code for performing 
this activity, concerning an R data file called ss,

ss holds the Julian dates, illustrated below from the column MPdate,

[1] 34252 34425 34547 34759 34773

The dates() function makes calendar dates from Julian dates,

>dmp<-dates(ss$MPdate,origin=c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1900))

> dmp[1:5]
[1] 10/12/93 04/03/94 08/03/94 03/03/95 03/17/95

I would appreciate the comments of more sophisticated programmers who
can suggest streamlining or shortcutting this operation.

regards, Don

View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.