[R] extendable arrays in R

2006-03-02 Thread Brad Thompson
In an R program I am working on, I progressively build up several
vectors of integers.  I never know how long the vectors will eventually
be, so I can't preallocate them with vector().  If I preallocate all of
the vectors to their maximum size, I will run out of memory.  I tried
using c() or append() to build up the vectors, as in the following (tried
on R 2.1.0 on Linux and R 2.2.1 on MacOS 10):

  li - vector()   # also tried list() and pairlist()
  for (i in 0:4) {
li - c(li, i) # also tried with i and li swapped
if (i %% 1 == 0)

The problem is that based on the times this outputs, it is O(n^2),
matching the straightforward implementation of c() where everything
passed to c() is copied.

I tried extending the vector by assigning to length(li) instead of
using c(), but that also runs in O(n) (so the loop runs in O(n^2)) and
appears to copy the elements.

What I am looking for is an array that can dynamically resized in
amortized constant or log time (like python's list or C++'s
std::vector).  I could build up a data structure inside R (the same way
std::vector is built on top of C arrays), but I was hoping someone
might have some advice on a better way to do this.

Does R have a resizeable array type that I'm missing?  What do others
generally do in this case?

Thank you,


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Re: [R] extendable arrays in R

2006-03-02 Thread Sundar Dorai-Raj

Brad Thompson wrote:
 In an R program I am working on, I progressively build up several
 vectors of integers.  I never know how long the vectors will eventually
 be, so I can't preallocate them with vector().  If I preallocate all of
 the vectors to their maximum size, I will run out of memory.  I tried
 using c() or append() to build up the vectors, as in the following (tried
 on R 2.1.0 on Linux and R 2.2.1 on MacOS 10):
   li - vector()   # also tried list() and pairlist()
   for (i in 0:4) {
 li - c(li, i) # also tried with i and li swapped
 if (i %% 1 == 0)
 The problem is that based on the times this outputs, it is O(n^2),
 matching the straightforward implementation of c() where everything
 passed to c() is copied.
 I tried extending the vector by assigning to length(li) instead of
 using c(), but that also runs in O(n) (so the loop runs in O(n^2)) and
 appears to copy the elements.
 What I am looking for is an array that can dynamically resized in
 amortized constant or log time (like python's list or C++'s
 std::vector).  I could build up a data structure inside R (the same way
 std::vector is built on top of C arrays), but I was hoping someone
 might have some advice on a better way to do this.
 Does R have a resizeable array type that I'm missing?  What do others
 generally do in this case?
 Thank you,

Hi, Brad,

You can add length as needed as in:

## create a buffer
li - vector(numeric, 1000)
t1 - proc.time()[3]
for (i in 1:99) {
   ## add more space if needed
   if(i  length(li)) length(li) - length(li) + 1000
   li[i] - i
   if(i %% 1 == 0) {
 t2 - proc.time()[3]
 cat(sprintf(n = %6d; time = %4.2f\n, i, t2 - t1))
 ## flush.console() ## Windows only, I think
 t1 - t2
## resize 'li'
length(li) - i



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