[R] how to test difference in my case?

2006-12-27 Thread Xu Yuan
hello all,

I wonder if anyone could give me a hint on which statistical technique
I should use and how to carry it out in R in my case. Thanks in

My data is composed of two columns, the same numerical variable
(continuous) from actual measurement and model prediction. My
objective is to compare the data agreement (if there is significant
difference) and make conclusions about the model efficiency. Since the
measured and predicted variable was based on the same unit, the first
test came into my mind was paired t-test. However, the paired
difference is not normal (p-value = 0.0048 from SAS proc univariate).
In this case, I can either do a wilcoxon signed-rank test or do
transformations about the data. I was told that wilcoxon signed-rank
test is not as widely recognized as paired t-test in the literature,
so I prefer to do transformation. My question is: do I need to do
transformations on both columns of original data, or just the paired
difference? What transformation is appropriate? I thought about log
transformation, but if I find significant (or no significant)
difference between the logged data (measured and predicted), can I say
there is significant (or no significant) difference between the
original data?

After this step of analysis, I will convert the continuous numerical
data into qualitative categorical ranking (value=1, 2, 3 and 4). Which
statistical test and R command should I use to compare the ranking
agreement between the actual measurement and prediction?

Thank you very much for helping me out. I haven't slept since a long
time ago and this is kind of emergency. If there is any confusion
about my description, please let me know.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] How to test for significance of random effects?

2006-05-15 Thread Spencer Graves
  I don't know if one should include an apparently insignificant random 
effect in later analysis or not.  In the past, I haven't.  As far as I 
know, the best thing to use would be Bayesian model averaging, 
beginning with some prior over the class of all plausible models (with 
and without the random effect), and then average predictions, etc., over 
the posterior.

  For more information, you could Google for Bayesian model averaging 
and try RSiteSearch(Bayesian model averaging).  I'm not aware of any 
BMA software in R for mixed models, but I suspect it will be only a 
matter of time before BMA replaces step and stepAIC for stepwise 
regression-type applications.  Incorporating mixed models into this 
framework will be harder, but I know of no theoretical obstacles.

  With luck, others will enlighten us both further on this.

  Best Wishes,
  Spencer Graves

Dan Bebber wrote:
 I may be out of my statistical depth here, but isn't it the case that if one 
 has an experimental design with random effects, one has to include the 
 random effects, even if they appear to be non-significant?
 AFAIK there are two reasons: one is the possibility of 'restriction errors' 
 that arise by unintentional differences in treatments among groups, so 
 making analysis of among-group variance problematic; the other is that 
 allocations of fixed effects to samples is no longer random and therefore 
 the assumption of random errors is broken.
 Real statisticians may disagree with this, however.
 Dan Bebber
 Department of Plant Sciences
 University of Oxford
 Message: 12
 Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 14:25:44 -0700
 From: Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [R] How to test for significance of random effects?
 Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
   1.  Ignoring the complication of logistic regression, the
 anova(lme1,lm1) provides the answer you seek.  See sect. 2.4 in
 Pinheiro and Bates for more detail on the approximations involved and
 how that answer can be refined using monte carlo.
   2.  With logistic regression, you want to do essentially the same
 thing using glm and lmer (in package 'lme4'), except that many of the
 required functions are not yet part of 'lme4'.  Consider the following
 (mlmR - vignette(MlmSoftRev))
 #edit(mlmR) # with Rgui
 #Stangle(mlmR$file) # with ESS
 #   - then open file MlmSoftRev.R
 fitBin - lmer(use ~ urban+age+livch+(1|district),
 data=Contraception, family=binomial)
 fitBin0 - glm(use ~ urban+age+livch,
 data=Contraception, family=binomial)
 logLik(fitBin0)), 2, lower.tail=FALSE)
   Note however that this p-value computation is known to be only an
 approximation;  see RSiteSearch(lmer p-values) for other perspectives.
   More accurate p-values can be obtained using Markov Chain Monte Carlo,
 via mcmcsamp.
   hope this helps,
   Spencer Graves
 Jon Olav Vik wrote:
 Dear list members,

 I'm interested in showing that within-group statistical dependence is
 negligible, so I can use ordinary linear models without including random
 effects. However, I can find no mention of testing a model with vs.
 without random effects in either Venable  Ripley (2002) or Pinheiro and
 Bates (2000). Our in-house statisticians are not familiar with this,
 either, so I would greatly appreciate the help of this list.

 Pinheiro  Bates (2000:83) state that random-effect terms can be tested
 based on their likelihood ratio, if both models have the same
 fixed-effects structure and both are estimated with REML (I must admit I
 do not know exactly what REML is, although I do understand the concept of

 The examples in Pinheiro  Bates 2000 deal with simple vs. complicated
 random-effects structures, both fitted with lme and method=REML.
 However, to fit a model without random effects I must use lm() or glm().
 Is there a way to tell these functions to use REML? I see that lme() can
 use ML, but PinheiroBates (2000) advised against this for some reason.

 lme() does provide a confidence interval for the between-group variance,
 but this is constructed so as to never include zero (I guess the interval
 is as narrow as possible on log scale, or something). I would be grateful
 if anyone could tell me how to test for zero variance between groups.

 If lm1 and lme1 are fitted with lm() and lme() respectively, then
 anova(lm1,lme1) gives an error, whereas anova(lme1,lm1) gives an answer
 which looks reasonable enough.

 The command logLik() can retrieve either restricted or ordinary
 log-likelihoods from a fitted model object, but the likelihoods are then
 evaluated at the fitted parameter estimates. I guess these estimates
 differ from if the model were estimated using REML?

 My actual application is a logistic

Re: [R] How to test for significance of random effects?

2006-05-15 Thread Andrew Robinson
Hi Spencer, Dan,

I think that it depends on the role that the random effects are
playing.  In models that I have fit, random effects can play one or
more of three roles:

1) to reflect the experimental design.  These random effects are
   sacrosanct, as far as I am concerned, and should be included in the
   model whether significant or not.  Therefore, such random effects
   are not tested; they are estimated and reported.

2) to improve the match between models and assumptions.  For example,
   random intercepts can be augmented by random slopes to ensure that
   the diagnostics that reflect the assumptions of normality and
   homoskedasticity are satisfied.  (I once had to use random
   intercepts, slopes, and quadratic terms; I'm sure there are others
   who have had to do worse!).  Testing is rarely of interest in this
   case because the role of the random effects is to extend the model
   so that its assumptions are satisfied.

   However if interest is in a simple model (for some reason) then it
   might be reasonable to test whether such an innovation
   significantly improves the fit of the model. For example, I might
   use a whole-model test to assess whether I need a within-subject
   correlation model if the ACF plot is borderline.  It's important to
   recall, though, that the test outcomes are predicated on the model
   assumptions, so interpreting the test results when the assumptions
   are in doubt is a risky business.

3) to act as containers for estimating variance components of
   interest.  As for 1), there is really no need to test such random
   effects, because our interest is in estimating the values that they

I would be interested to hear of other uses to which random effects
have been put :)

I suggest that the original poster might in general consider computing
the intra-class correlation to show that within-group statistical
dependence is negligible.  However, in the case of GLMMs I am not at
all sure that it retains any meaning.  Computer, beware!



On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 08:46:39PM -0700, Spencer Graves wrote:

 I don't know if one should include an apparently
 insignificant random effect in later analysis or not.  In the past,
 I haven't.  As far as I know, the best thing to use would be
 Bayesian model averaging, beginning with some prior over the class
 of all plausible models (with and without the random effect), and
 then average predictions, etc., over the posterior.

 For more information, you could Google for Bayesian model
 averaging and try RSiteSearch(Bayesian model averaging).  I'm not
 aware of any BMA software in R for mixed models, but I suspect it
 will be only a matter of time before BMA replaces step and
 stepAIC for stepwise regression-type applications.  Incorporating
 mixed models into this framework will be harder, but I know of no
 theoretical obstacles.

 With luck, others will enlighten us both further on this.
 Best Wishes,
 Spencer Graves
 Dan Bebber wrote:
  I may be out of my statistical depth here, but isn't it the case that if 
  has an experimental design with random effects, one has to include the 
  random effects, even if they appear to be non-significant?
  AFAIK there are two reasons: one is the possibility of 'restriction errors' 
  that arise by unintentional differences in treatments among groups, so 
  making analysis of among-group variance problematic; the other is that 
  allocations of fixed effects to samples is no longer random and therefore 
  the assumption of random errors is broken.
  Real statisticians may disagree with this, however.
  Dan Bebber
  Department of Plant Sciences
  University of Oxford
  Message: 12
  Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 14:25:44 -0700
  From: Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [R] How to test for significance of random effects?
  To: Jon Olav Vik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
1.  Ignoring the complication of logistic regression, the
  anova(lme1,lm1) provides the answer you seek.  See sect. 2.4 in
  Pinheiro and Bates for more detail on the approximations involved and
  how that answer can be refined using monte carlo.
2.  With logistic regression, you want to do essentially the same
  thing using glm and lmer (in package 'lme4'), except that many of the
  required functions are not yet part of 'lme4'.  Consider the following
  (mlmR - vignette(MlmSoftRev))
  #edit(mlmR) # with Rgui
  #Stangle(mlmR$file) # with ESS
  #   - then open file MlmSoftRev.R
  fitBin - lmer(use ~ urban+age+livch+(1|district),
  data=Contraception, family=binomial)
  fitBin0 - glm(use ~ urban+age+livch,
  data=Contraception, family=binomial)
  logLik(fitBin0)), 2, lower.tail

Re: [R] How to test for significance of random effects?

2006-05-08 Thread Dan Bebber
I may be out of my statistical depth here, but isn't it the case that if one 
has an experimental design with random effects, one has to include the 
random effects, even if they appear to be non-significant?
AFAIK there are two reasons: one is the possibility of 'restriction errors' 
that arise by unintentional differences in treatments among groups, so 
making analysis of among-group variance problematic; the other is that 
allocations of fixed effects to samples is no longer random and therefore 
the assumption of random errors is broken.
Real statisticians may disagree with this, however.

Dan Bebber

Department of Plant Sciences
University of Oxford

Message: 12
Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 14:25:44 -0700
From: Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [R] How to test for significance of random effects?
Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

  1.  Ignoring the complication of logistic regression, the
anova(lme1,lm1) provides the answer you seek.  See sect. 2.4 in
Pinheiro and Bates for more detail on the approximations involved and
how that answer can be refined using monte carlo.

  2.  With logistic regression, you want to do essentially the same
thing using glm and lmer (in package 'lme4'), except that many of the
required functions are not yet part of 'lme4'.  Consider the following


(mlmR - vignette(MlmSoftRev))
#edit(mlmR) # with Rgui
#Stangle(mlmR$file) # with ESS
#   - then open file MlmSoftRev.R

fitBin - lmer(use ~ urban+age+livch+(1|district),
data=Contraception, family=binomial)
fitBin0 - glm(use ~ urban+age+livch,
data=Contraception, family=binomial)

logLik(fitBin0)), 2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  Note however that this p-value computation is known to be only an
approximation;  see RSiteSearch(lmer p-values) for other perspectives.
  More accurate p-values can be obtained using Markov Chain Monte Carlo,
via mcmcsamp.

  hope this helps,
  Spencer Graves

Jon Olav Vik wrote:
 Dear list members,

 I'm interested in showing that within-group statistical dependence is
 negligible, so I can use ordinary linear models without including random
 effects. However, I can find no mention of testing a model with vs.
 without random effects in either Venable  Ripley (2002) or Pinheiro and
 Bates (2000). Our in-house statisticians are not familiar with this,
 either, so I would greatly appreciate the help of this list.

 Pinheiro  Bates (2000:83) state that random-effect terms can be tested
 based on their likelihood ratio, if both models have the same
 fixed-effects structure and both are estimated with REML (I must admit I
 do not know exactly what REML is, although I do understand the concept of

 The examples in Pinheiro  Bates 2000 deal with simple vs. complicated
 random-effects structures, both fitted with lme and method=REML.
 However, to fit a model without random effects I must use lm() or glm().
 Is there a way to tell these functions to use REML? I see that lme() can
 use ML, but PinheiroBates (2000) advised against this for some reason.

 lme() does provide a confidence interval for the between-group variance,
 but this is constructed so as to never include zero (I guess the interval
 is as narrow as possible on log scale, or something). I would be grateful
 if anyone could tell me how to test for zero variance between groups.

 If lm1 and lme1 are fitted with lm() and lme() respectively, then
 anova(lm1,lme1) gives an error, whereas anova(lme1,lm1) gives an answer
 which looks reasonable enough.

 The command logLik() can retrieve either restricted or ordinary
 log-likelihoods from a fitted model object, but the likelihoods are then
 evaluated at the fitted parameter estimates. I guess these estimates
 differ from if the model were estimated using REML?

 My actual application is a logistic regression with two continuous and one
 binary predictor, in which I would like to avoid the complications of
 using generalized linear mixed models. Here is a simpler example, which is
 rather trivial but illustrates the general question:

 Example (run in R 2.2.1):

 summary(lm1 - lm(travel~1,data=Rail)) # no random effect
 summary(lme1 - lme(fixed=travel~1,random=~1|Rail,data=Rail)) # random
 intervals(lme1) # confidence for random effect
 ## Outputs warning message:
 # models with response NULL removed because
 # response differs from model 1 in: anova.lmlist(object, ...)
 ## Output: Can I trust this?
 #  Model df  AIC  BIClogLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
 # lme1 1  3 128.1770 130.6766 -61.08850
 # lm1  2  2 162.6815 164.3479 -79.34075 1 vs 2 36.50451  .0001
 ## Various log likelihoods:

 Any help

Re: [R] How to test for significance of random effects?

2006-05-07 Thread Spencer Graves
  1.  Ignoring the complication of logistic regression, the 
anova(lme1,lm1) provides the answer you seek.  See sect. 2.4 in 
Pinheiro and Bates for more detail on the approximations involved and 
how that answer can be refined using monte carlo.

  2.  With logistic regression, you want to do essentially the same 
thing using glm and lmer (in package 'lme4'), except that many of the 
required functions are not yet part of 'lme4'.  Consider the following 


(mlmR - vignette(MlmSoftRev))
#edit(mlmR) # with Rgui
#Stangle(mlmR$file) # with ESS
#   - then open file MlmSoftRev.R

fitBin - lmer(use ~ urban+age+livch+(1|district),
data=Contraception, family=binomial)
fitBin0 - glm(use ~ urban+age+livch,
data=Contraception, family=binomial)

logLik(fitBin0)), 2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  Note however that this p-value computation is known to be only an 
approximation;  see RSiteSearch(lmer p-values) for other perspectives. 
  More accurate p-values can be obtained using Markov Chain Monte Carlo, 
via mcmcsamp.

  hope this helps,
  Spencer Graves

Jon Olav Vik wrote:
 Dear list members,
 I'm interested in showing that within-group statistical dependence is  
 negligible, so I can use ordinary linear models without including random  
 effects. However, I can find no mention of testing a model with vs.  
 without random effects in either Venable  Ripley (2002) or Pinheiro and  
 Bates (2000). Our in-house statisticians are not familiar with this,  
 either, so I would greatly appreciate the help of this list.
 Pinheiro  Bates (2000:83) state that random-effect terms can be tested  
 based on their likelihood ratio, if both models have the same  
 fixed-effects structure and both are estimated with REML (I must admit I  
 do not know exactly what REML is, although I do understand the concept of  
 The examples in Pinheiro  Bates 2000 deal with simple vs. complicated  
 random-effects structures, both fitted with lme and method=REML.  
 However, to fit a model without random effects I must use lm() or glm().  
 Is there a way to tell these functions to use REML? I see that lme() can  
 use ML, but PinheiroBates (2000) advised against this for some reason.
 lme() does provide a confidence interval for the between-group variance,  
 but this is constructed so as to never include zero (I guess the interval  
 is as narrow as possible on log scale, or something). I would be grateful  
 if anyone could tell me how to test for zero variance between groups.
 If lm1 and lme1 are fitted with lm() and lme() respectively, then  
 anova(lm1,lme1) gives an error, whereas anova(lme1,lm1) gives an answer  
 which looks reasonable enough.
 The command logLik() can retrieve either restricted or ordinary  
 log-likelihoods from a fitted model object, but the likelihoods are then  
 evaluated at the fitted parameter estimates. I guess these estimates  
 differ from if the model were estimated using REML?
 My actual application is a logistic regression with two continuous and one  
 binary predictor, in which I would like to avoid the complications of  
 using generalized linear mixed models. Here is a simpler example, which is  
 rather trivial but illustrates the general question:
 Example (run in R 2.2.1):
 summary(lm1 - lm(travel~1,data=Rail)) # no random effect
 summary(lme1 - lme(fixed=travel~1,random=~1|Rail,data=Rail)) # random  
 intervals(lme1) # confidence for random effect
 ## Outputs warning message:
 # models with response NULL removed because
 # response differs from model 1 in: anova.lmlist(object, ...)
 ## Output: Can I trust this?
 #  Model df  AIC  BIClogLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
 # lme1 1  3 128.1770 130.6766 -61.08850
 # lm1  2  2 162.6815 164.3479 -79.34075 1 vs 2 36.50451  .0001
 ## Various log likelihoods:
 Any help is highly appreciated.
 Best regards,
 Jon Olav Vik
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] How to test for significance of random effects?

2006-05-06 Thread Jon Olav Vik
Dear list members,

I'm interested in showing that within-group statistical dependence is  
negligible, so I can use ordinary linear models without including random  
effects. However, I can find no mention of testing a model with vs.  
without random effects in either Venable  Ripley (2002) or Pinheiro and  
Bates (2000). Our in-house statisticians are not familiar with this,  
either, so I would greatly appreciate the help of this list.

Pinheiro  Bates (2000:83) state that random-effect terms can be tested  
based on their likelihood ratio, if both models have the same  
fixed-effects structure and both are estimated with REML (I must admit I  
do not know exactly what REML is, although I do understand the concept of  

The examples in Pinheiro  Bates 2000 deal with simple vs. complicated  
random-effects structures, both fitted with lme and method=REML.  
However, to fit a model without random effects I must use lm() or glm().  
Is there a way to tell these functions to use REML? I see that lme() can  
use ML, but PinheiroBates (2000) advised against this for some reason.

lme() does provide a confidence interval for the between-group variance,  
but this is constructed so as to never include zero (I guess the interval  
is as narrow as possible on log scale, or something). I would be grateful  
if anyone could tell me how to test for zero variance between groups.

If lm1 and lme1 are fitted with lm() and lme() respectively, then  
anova(lm1,lme1) gives an error, whereas anova(lme1,lm1) gives an answer  
which looks reasonable enough.

The command logLik() can retrieve either restricted or ordinary  
log-likelihoods from a fitted model object, but the likelihoods are then  
evaluated at the fitted parameter estimates. I guess these estimates  
differ from if the model were estimated using REML?

My actual application is a logistic regression with two continuous and one  
binary predictor, in which I would like to avoid the complications of  
using generalized linear mixed models. Here is a simpler example, which is  
rather trivial but illustrates the general question:

Example (run in R 2.2.1):

summary(lm1 - lm(travel~1,data=Rail)) # no random effect
summary(lme1 - lme(fixed=travel~1,random=~1|Rail,data=Rail)) # random  
intervals(lme1) # confidence for random effect
## Outputs warning message:
# models with response NULL removed because
# response differs from model 1 in: anova.lmlist(object, ...)
## Output: Can I trust this?
#  Model df  AIC  BIClogLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
# lme1 1  3 128.1770 130.6766 -61.08850
# lm1  2  2 162.6815 164.3479 -79.34075 1 vs 2 36.50451  .0001
## Various log likelihoods:

Any help is highly appreciated.

Best regards,
Jon Olav Vik

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test robustness of correlation

2006-01-26 Thread yang . x . qiu
Hi, Berton:
thanks for getting back to me. 

I played around cor.rob().  Yes, I can get a robust correlation 
coefficient matrix based on mcd or mve outlier detection methods. 

I have two further questions:

1) How do I get a p value of the robust r?
2) What I mean by resampling is leave one out procedure, to get a 
confidence interval of r.  Do you know if there is any package in R to do 
it?  I suppose I could code it myself,  but it is nice if there is already 


Berton Gunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
25-Jan-2006 15:57
[EMAIL PROTECTED], r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch

RE: [R] how to test robustness of correlation

check out cov.rob() in MASS (among others, I'm sure). The procedure is far
more sophisticated than outlier removal or resampling (??). References 
given in the docs.

-- Bert Gunter
Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
South San Francisco, CA
The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific learning
process.  - George E. P. Box

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:37 PM
 To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: [R] how to test robustness of correlation
 Hi, there:
 As you all know, correlation is not a very robust procedure. 
 correlation could be driven by a few outliers. There are a 
 few ways to 
 improve the robustness of correlation (pearson correlation), 
 either by 
 outlier removal procedure, or resampling technique. 
 I am wondering if there is any R package or R code that have 
 outlier removal or resampling procedure in calculating correlation 
 Your help is greatly appreciated. 
 Yang Qiu
 Integrated Data Analysis
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test robustness of correlation

2006-01-26 Thread Berton Gunter

 Hi, Berton: 
 thanks for getting back to me. 
 I played around cor.rob().  Yes, I can get a robust 
 correlation coefficient matrix based on mcd or mve outlier 
 detection methods.   
 I have two further questions: 
 1) How do I get a p value of the robust r? 

A p-value for what? That r==0 ?

 2) What I mean by resampling is leave one out procedure, to 
 get a confidence interval of r.  Do you know if there is any 
 package in R to do it?  I suppose I could code it myself,  
 but it is nice if there is already one. 

**An** answer to both is the same -- bootstrap it. Leave one out is not
resampling (/bootstrapping). It is usually referred to as jackknifing, but
that uses more specific ways of doing things than the analogy implies.
Efron's little SIAM book on The jackknife, bootstrap, etc. explains them
and their relationships in detail. It is trivial to bootstrap cor.rob in
base R using sample() (from the x,y **pairs** -- or n-tuples generally --
not the marginals separately ). If you insist on a package, boot is the
obvious one -- why did you not attempt to find it yourself? Either way,
expect it to take a while for a decent size resample (e.g. 1e4).

-- Bert

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test robustness of correlation

2006-01-26 Thread Berton Gunter
One more thing ... 

 I played around cor.rob().  Yes, I can get a robust correlation 
 coefficient matrix based on mcd or mve outlier detection methods. 
 I have two further questions:

You might call it semantics, but I prefer resistant estimation to outlier
detection methods. I recognize that they are equivalent (any resistant
estimator can be used to identify outliers; any outlier detection method
leads to a resistant estimator on downweighting of outliers). However, I
consider the distinction important. Outlier detection suggests:

1) That outlier is a statistically well-defined concept; it isn't. The
implied dichotomy is a fiction (a dangerous one, IMO -- but many would

2) That some sort of hypothesis testing procedure is used to reject
points. None is.

Rather, mve() and mcd() try to characterize the behavior of the central
mass of the distribution, using that characterization to weight the
informativeness of points outside that mass. A 1-D equivalent is MAD for
spread. This is a far cry from the bad old days of (sequential) outlier
detection. These methods are crucially dependent on modern computer power
of course.



R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test robustness of correlation

2006-01-26 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
The cor function can do spearman correlation using
method = spearman .

 Hi, there:

 As you all know, correlation is not a very robust procedure.  Sometimes
 correlation could be driven by a few outliers. There are a few ways to
 improve the robustness of correlation (pearson correlation), either by
 outlier removal procedure, or resampling technique.

 I am wondering if there is any R package or R code that have incorporated
 outlier removal or resampling procedure in calculating correlation

 Your help is greatly appreciated.


 Yang Qiu
 Integrated Data Analysis
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 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test robustness of correlation

2006-01-26 Thread Berton Gunter

Contrary to popular belief, rank-based procedures are **not** resistant.


[1] -0.9816899  ## awful

[1] 0.5 ## better

Loading required package: MASS
[1] TRUE

## ... bunch of output omitted

  x y
x 1.000 0.9977734  ## best
y 0.9977734 1.000

## Look at the plot to see.

-- Bert

-- Bert Gunter
Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
South San Francisco, CA
The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific learning
process.  - George E. P. Box

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gabor 
 Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:05 AM
 Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: Re: [R] how to test robustness of correlation
 The cor function can do spearman correlation using
 method = spearman .
  Hi, there:
  As you all know, correlation is not a very robust 
 procedure.  Sometimes
  correlation could be driven by a few outliers. There are a 
 few ways to
  improve the robustness of correlation (pearson 
 correlation), either by
  outlier removal procedure, or resampling technique.
  I am wondering if there is any R package or R code that 
 have incorporated
  outlier removal or resampling procedure in calculating correlation
  Your help is greatly appreciated.
  Yang Qiu
  Integrated Data Analysis
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 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] how to test robustness of correlation

2006-01-25 Thread yang . x . qiu
Hi, there:

As you all know, correlation is not a very robust procedure.  Sometimes 
correlation could be driven by a few outliers. There are a few ways to 
improve the robustness of correlation (pearson correlation), either by 
outlier removal procedure, or resampling technique. 

I am wondering if there is any R package or R code that have incorporated 
outlier removal or resampling procedure in calculating correlation 

Your help is greatly appreciated. 


Yang Qiu
Integrated Data Analysis
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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test robustness of correlation

2006-01-25 Thread Berton Gunter
check out cov.rob() in MASS (among others, I'm sure). The procedure is far
more sophisticated than outlier removal or resampling (??). References are
given in the docs.

-- Bert Gunter
Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
South San Francisco, CA
The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific learning
process.  - George E. P. Box

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:37 PM
 To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: [R] how to test robustness of correlation
 Hi, there:
 As you all know, correlation is not a very robust procedure.  
 correlation could be driven by a few outliers. There are a 
 few ways to 
 improve the robustness of correlation (pearson correlation), 
 either by 
 outlier removal procedure, or resampling technique. 
 I am wondering if there is any R package or R code that have 
 outlier removal or resampling procedure in calculating correlation 
 Your help is greatly appreciated. 
 Yang Qiu
 Integrated Data Analysis
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 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] How to test a time series fit the Poisson or other process?

2005-11-29 Thread Spencer Graves
  I just did  RSiteSearch(poisson time series).  The second and third
of 75 hits seemed relevant to your question.  (e.g.,
http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/Rhelp02a/archive/58054.html)  Some of the
other responses did not seem relevant, but I didn't look at all of them.
 This response menitoned Jim Lindsey, whose R code web site is

  Hope this helps.  If I had a long time series of Poisson counts, I'd
be tempted to try a standard time series model on the square root of the
counts.  If the results were dramatically different from what I got from
some more sophisticated modeling strategy, I'd look very carefully at
both to make sure I hadn't made a mistake some place.  If it were not
that important, I might just apply standard time series techniques to
the square roots of the counts and go on to the next task.

  hope this helps.
  spencer graves
p.s.  If you'd like more information from this listserve, PLEASE do read
the posting guide! www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html.  I believe
that people who follow that guide generally get quicker, more useful
replies.  This is especially true for those who supply a simple, toy
example in a few lines of R code that someone else can copy from an
email into R, test a few ideas, and craft a reply in a very few minutes.

广星 wrote:

 Hi, R-Help,
 I am a newbie.
 what I concern most recently is the analysis of the time series,
 But there are a lot of package in my eyes.
 All I want to try is as follow:
 How to test whether a time series fit the Poisson or other process in R? 
 Thank you very much in advance.
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Spencer Graves, PhD
Senior Development Engineer
PDF Solutions, Inc.
333 West San Carlos Street Suite 700
San Jose, CA 95110, USA

www.pdf.com http://www.pdf.com
Tel:  408-938-4420
Fax: 408-280-7915

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] How to test a time series fit the Poisson or other process?

2005-11-24 Thread 广星
Hi, R-Help,
I am a newbie.
what I concern most recently is the analysis of the time series,
But there are a lot of package in my eyes.
All I want to try is as follow:
How to test whether a time series fit the Poisson or other process in R? 

Thank you very much in advance.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test poisson distribution

2005-10-20 Thread Thomas Schönhoff
Hello Gunter,

2005/10/19, Berton Gunter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 To be pedantic (I'm feeling cranky today):

 One can never test whether the data follow [data is plural] a Poisson
 distribution -- only whether there is sufficient evidence to cast that
 assumption into doubt. Perhaps a better shorthand is whether the data are
 consistent with Poisonness . This correctly leaves open the possibility
 that the data are consistent with lots of other distribution-nesses, too.
 welcome alternatives, perhaps privately to reduce the list noise level.

 (And,yes, I'm sure that Thomas knows this perfectly well).

I'm agree with this. But, my understanding of this thread underlying
question was: Where might I find some advice to deal with
distributions in R.

So I pointed to Vito Riccis paper on distribution fitting, which also
points to issues of testing/fitting distributions in a Newbie
accessible way, taking beginners to basics insights handling issues
like this in GNU R.

Well, that said I think pointing at sources like this might help
drecreasing, at least a bit of noise on this list.
 Lots of work and sweat have gone into creating such docs, so why not
use them? They're aiming at Newbies using R and offer at the same time
slight glances upon the topic itself.
 Well, I am relying on former dicussions on this topic on this list,
keyword spoon feeding versus self-helping based on docs.

 I do think that we should be a bit less sloppy about such things even here,
 lest we continue to promulgate already widespread misunderstandings, even at
 the cost of slightly increased bandwidth. After all, precision is supposed
 to be a major concern or ours.

Yes, again you are correct here, slopyness isn't very helpful here! I
will take this more into account posting here next time!



R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] how to test poisson distribution

2005-10-19 Thread Wensui Liu
Dear All,

I am wonderng how to test whether the data follows poisson distribution.

Thank you so much!

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Re: [R] how to test poisson distribution

2005-10-19 Thread Thomas Schönhoff

2005/10/19, Wensui Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Dear All,

 I am wonderng how to test whether the data follows poisson distribution.

 Thank you so much!

Did you notice the PDF on distribution tests using R by Vito Ricci,
its found at CRAN in the docs contrib section, called FITTING

Maybe this could be of some help for you, especially look at page 7
(poisson dsitribution example).

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test poisson distribution

2005-10-19 Thread Berton Gunter
To be pedantic (I'm feeling cranky today):

One can never test whether the data follow [data is plural] a Poisson
distribution -- only whether there is sufficient evidence to cast that
assumption into doubt. Perhaps a better shorthand is whether the data are
consistent with Poisonness . This correctly leaves open the possibility
that the data are consistent with lots of other distribution-nesses, too. I
welcome alternatives, perhaps privately to reduce the list noise level.

(And,yes, I'm sure that Thomas knows this perfectly well).

I do think that we should be a bit less sloppy about such things even here,
lest we continue to promulgate already widespread misunderstandings, even at
the cost of slightly increased bandwidth. After all, precision is supposed
to be a major concern or ours.

As I've been cranky, others are free to return the favor. Sauce for the
goose ...

-- Bert Gunter
Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
South San Francisco, CA
The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific learning
process.  - George E. P. Box

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thomas 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:00 AM
 To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: Re: [R] how to test poisson distribution
 2005/10/19, Wensui Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Dear All,
  I am wonderng how to test whether the data follows poisson 
  Thank you so much!
 Did you notice the PDF on distribution tests using R by Vito Ricci,
 its found at CRAN in the docs contrib section, called FITTING
 Maybe this could be of some help for you, especially look at page 7
 (poisson dsitribution example).
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test poisson distribution

2005-10-19 Thread Achim Zeileis
On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 10:18:02 -0700 Berton Gunter wrote:

 To be pedantic (I'm feeling cranky today):
 One can never test whether the data follow [data is plural] a
 Poisson distribution -- only whether there is sufficient evidence to
 cast that assumption into doubt. Perhaps a better shorthand is
 whether the data are consistent with Poisonness . This correctly
 leaves open the possibility that the data are consistent with lots of
 other distribution-nesses, too. I welcome alternatives, perhaps
 privately to reduce the list noise level.

...now that Berton mentioned `checking distribution-nesses': the
function distplot() in the package vcd implements various plots for
distribution-nesses that can be used for graphical checking. Ord_plot()
is made for a similar purpose.
Finally, there is also a function goodfit() that computes
goodness-of-fit tests for such hypotheses.

All three functions are written following Chapter 2 `Fitting and
Graphing Discrete Distributions' in Michael Friendly's book `Visualizing
Categorical Data'.


 (And,yes, I'm sure that Thomas knows this perfectly well).
 I do think that we should be a bit less sloppy about such things even
 here, lest we continue to promulgate already widespread
 misunderstandings, even at the cost of slightly increased bandwidth.
 After all, precision is supposed to be a major concern or ours.
 As I've been cranky, others are free to return the favor. Sauce for
 the goose ...
 -- Bert Gunter
 Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
 South San Francisco, CA
 The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific
 learning process.  - George E. P. Box
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thomas 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:00 AM
  To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
  Subject: Re: [R] how to test poisson distribution
  2005/10/19, Wensui Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Dear All,
   I am wonderng how to test whether the data follows poisson 
   Thank you so much!
  Did you notice the PDF on distribution tests using R by Vito Ricci,
  its found at CRAN in the docs contrib section, called FITTING
  Maybe this could be of some help for you, especially look at page 7
  (poisson dsitribution example).
  R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide! 
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] How to test homogeneity of two covariance matrices?

2005-09-18 Thread Franck Bameul

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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[R] How to test homogeneity of covariance matrices?

2005-09-18 Thread Franck Bameul
  Dear Group Members,

Forgive me if I am a little bit out of subject. I am looking for a good 
way to test the homogeneity of two variance-covariance matrices using R, 
prior to a Hotelling T² test. You’ll probably tell me that it is better 
to use a robust version of T², but I have no precise idea of the 
statistical behaviour of my variables, because they are parameters from 
the harmonics of Fourier series used to describe the outlines of 
specimens. I rather like to explore precisely these harmonics parameters.

It is known that Box’s M-test of homogeneity of variance-covariance 
matrices is oversensitive to heteroscedasticity and to deviation from 
multivariate normality and that it I not useful (Everitt, 2005 ; Seber, 
1984 ; Layard, 1974). I have tried a “quick and dirty” intuitive 
comparison between two covariance matrices and I am seeking the opinion 
of professional statisticians about this stuff. The idea is to compare 
the two matrices using the absolute value of their difference, then to 
make a quadratic form using a unity vector and its transpose. One obtain 
a scalar that must be close to zero if the two covariance matrices are 
homogeneous :

Let S1 and S2 be two variance-covariance matrices of dimension n,

Let a be a vector of n ones : a - rep(1, times = n)

b = a’ * |S1 – S2| * a, i.e. in R:

b - a %*% abs(S1 – S2) %*% a

Is b distributed following a chi-square distribution? Is this idea total 
crap? Did someone tried this before and published something?

My data gave two 77 x 77 covariance matrices and b = 0.003243, a value 
close to 0, hence I expect my two covariance matrices are homogeneous. 
Am I right?

If this comparison is incorrect, could someone suggest a useful way to 
make this comparison using R?

Thank you in advance for your comments.



Dr Franck BAMEUL

Le Clos d'Ornon
7 rue Frédéric Mistral


06 89 88 16 73 (personnel)
05 57 19 57 20 (professionnel)
05 57 19 57 27 (fax)

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Re: [R] how to test this

2005-08-04 Thread Jin.Li
Thank you all for the reply.

-Original Message-
From: Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2005 5:20 P
To: Simon Blomberg
Cc: Li, Jin (CSE, Atherton); r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [R] how to test this

On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Simon Blomberg wrote:

 This is two tests: Whether the slope != 1 and whether the intercept !=

Neither model given has an intercept 

 To do this, include an offset in your model:

 fit  - lm(y ~ x + offset(x), data=dat)

but no intercept, so use

summary(lm(y ~ 0 + x + offset(1.05*x), data=dat))

and look if the coefficient of x is significantly different from zero.


x - 1:10
y - 1.05*x + rnorm(10)
summary(lm(y ~ 0 + x + offset(1.05*x)))

   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
x  0.030610.03910   0.7830.454

is not.



 At 03:44 PM 3/08/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am wondering how to test whether a simple linear regression model
 (e.g. y=1.05x) is significantly different from a 1 to 1 line (i.e.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test this

2005-08-03 Thread Simon Blomberg
This is two tests: Whether the slope != 1 and whether the intercept != 0.

To do this, include an offset in your model:

fit  - lm(y ~ x + offset(x), data=dat)



At 03:44 PM 3/08/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear there,

I am wondering how to test whether a simple linear regression model
(e.g. y=1.05x) is significantly different from a 1 to 1 line (i.e. y=x).



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Simon Blomberg, B.Sc.(Hons.), Ph.D, M.App.Stat.
Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
T: +61 2 6125 7800 email: Simon.Blomberg_at_anu.edu.au
F: +61 2 6125 0757
CRICOS Provider # 00120C

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] how to test this

2005-08-03 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Simon Blomberg wrote:

 This is two tests: Whether the slope != 1 and whether the intercept != 0.

Neither model given has an intercept 

 To do this, include an offset in your model:

 fit  - lm(y ~ x + offset(x), data=dat)

but no intercept, so use

summary(lm(y ~ 0 + x + offset(1.05*x), data=dat))

and look if the coefficient of x is significantly different from zero.


x - 1:10
y - 1.05*x + rnorm(10)
summary(lm(y ~ 0 + x + offset(1.05*x)))

   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
x  0.030610.03910   0.7830.454

is not.



 At 03:44 PM 3/08/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am wondering how to test whether a simple linear regression model
 (e.g. y=1.05x) is significantly different from a 1 to 1 line (i.e. y=x).

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] how to test this

2005-08-02 Thread Jin.Li
Dear there,

I am wondering how to test whether a simple linear regression model
(e.g. y=1.05x) is significantly different from a 1 to 1 line (i.e. y=x).



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R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] how to test the equalness of several coefficients in a gamma frailty model using R

2005-07-22 Thread ghwei

I want to test the equalness of several coefficients of a gamma frailty model
using R. In SAS, a TEST statement can be used for a cox model.How to do it in
Thanks a lot!


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] how to test for equality of covariance Matrices in lda

2005-03-23 Thread ronggui
when  using  the two-group discriminant analysis,we need to test for equality 
of covariance Matrices in lda.as whenm we formed our estimate of the 
within-group covariance matrix by pooling across groups,we implicitly assumed 
that the covariance structure was the same across groups.so it seems important 
the test the equality.but i can not find function in R to do these.

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[R] How to test the significance of a value estimated with lme?

2004-12-09 Thread François Cochard

After running an experiment in economics involving 3 treatment variables 
(Complete, High and Ksup), 32 Groups of subject (4 groups for each of the 8 
treatment combinations) and 12 Periods, I've estimated the following model in 
which all coefficients are significant:

y - 
 random=~1 | Group, method='ML').

The result is:

  (Intercept) -10.99 
  factor(Complete)1 -9.05 
  factor(High)1 -12.28 
  factor(Ksup)1 14.69 
  Period 1.12 
  factor(High)1:Period 0.98 
  factor(Ksup)1:Period -0.85 

This allows me, if I'm not wrong, to estimate for example the value of the 
dependent variable Diff in period 5 under the High and Complete (but not the 
Ksup) conditions as: -10.99 - 9.05 - 12.28 + 1.12*5  + 0.98*5.

Now, I'd like to test whether this estimated value is significantly different 
from 0: How should I do?

Thanks a lot!

Francois Cochard
University of Toulouse 1, France.

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[R] how to test the existence of a name in a dataframe

2004-12-07 Thread Wolfram Fischer
I wanted to test if there exists already a name (which is
incidentally a substring of another name) in a dataframe.
I did e.g.:

[1] FertilityAgriculture  Examination  Education   
[5] Catholic Infant.Mortality

 ! is.null(swiss$EduX)

 ! is.null(swiss$Edu)
[1] TRUE

I did not expect to get TRUE here because ``Edu'' does not exist
as name of ``swiss''.

I did finally:
 'Edu' %in% names(swiss)
for which I got the expected FALSE.

My question: What is the recommended way to do such a test?

Thanks - Wolfram Fischer

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Re: [R] how to test the existence of a name in a dataframe

2004-12-07 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos
Hi Wolfram,
this behaviour is due to partial matching. Observe that
I think the best way to do it is with `%in%' or `match()', i.e.,
c(Ed, Edu, Educ, Education) %in% names(swiss)
I hope it helps.

Dimitris Rizopoulos
Ph.D. Student
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven
Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32/16/336899
Fax: +32/16/337015
Web: http://www.med.kuleuven.ac.be/biostat
- Original Message - 
From: Wolfram Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 9:47 AM
Subject: [R] how to test the existence of a name in a dataframe

I wanted to test if there exists already a name (which is
incidentally a substring of another name) in a dataframe.
I did e.g.:
[1] FertilityAgriculture  Examination 
[5] Catholic Infant.Mortality

! is.null(swiss$EduX)
! is.null(swiss$Edu)
[1] TRUE
I did not expect to get TRUE here because ``Edu'' does not exist
as name of ``swiss''.
I did finally:
'Edu' %in% names(swiss)
for which I got the expected FALSE.
My question: What is the recommended way to do such a test?
Thanks - Wolfram Fischer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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[R] How to test a model with two unkown constants

2003-08-27 Thread Sven Garbade
Hi all,

suppose I've got a vector y with some data (from a repeated measure
design) observed given the conditions in f1 and f2. I've got a model
with two unknown fix constants a and b which tries to predict y with
respect to the values in f1 and f2. Here is an exsample

# data
y - c(runif(10, -1,0), runif(10,0,1))
# f1
f1 - rep(c(-1.4, 1.4), rep(10,2))
# f2
f2 - rep(c(-.5, .5), rep(10,2))

Suppose my simple model looks like

y = a/f1 + b*f2

Is there a function in R which can compute the estimates for a and b?
And is it possible to test the model, eg how good the fits of the
model are?

Thanks, Sven

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] How to test a model with two unkown constants

2003-08-27 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
That's the linear model lm(y ~ I(1/f1) + f2), so yes, yes and
fuller answers can be found in most of the books and guides mentioned in 
R's FAQ.

Note that how `good' the fit is will have to be relative, unless you
really can assume a uniform error with range 1, when you could do a 
maximum-likelihood fit (and watch out for the non-standard distribution 

On 27 Aug 2003, Sven Garbade wrote:

 Hi all,
 suppose I've got a vector y with some data (from a repeated measure
 design) observed given the conditions in f1 and f2. I've got a model
 with two unknown fix constants a and b which tries to predict y with
 respect to the values in f1 and f2. Here is an exsample
 # data
 y - c(runif(10, -1,0), runif(10,0,1))
 # f1
 f1 - rep(c(-1.4, 1.4), rep(10,2))
 # f2
 f2 - rep(c(-.5, .5), rep(10,2))
 Suppose my simple model looks like
 y = a/f1 + b*f2

 Is there a function in R which can compute the estimates for a and b?
 And is it possible to test the model, eg how good the fits of the
 model are?

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] How to test a model with two unkown constants

2003-08-27 Thread Peter Dalgaard BSA
Sven Garbade [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all,
 suppose I've got a vector y with some data (from a repeated measure
 design) observed given the conditions in f1 and f2. I've got a model
 with two unknown fix constants a and b which tries to predict y with
 respect to the values in f1 and f2. Here is an exsample
 # data
 y - c(runif(10, -1,0), runif(10,0,1))
 # f1
 f1 - rep(c(-1.4, 1.4), rep(10,2))
 # f2
 f2 - rep(c(-.5, .5), rep(10,2))
 Suppose my simple model looks like
 y = a/f1 + b*f2
 Is there a function in R which can compute the estimates for a and b?
 And is it possible to test the model, eg how good the fits of the
 model are?

f2 and 1/f1 are exactly collinear, so no, not in R, nor any other way.

Apart from that, the model is linear in a and b so lm() can fit it
(with different f1 and f2) if you're not too squeamish about the error

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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RE: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?

2003-07-21 Thread Herzog, Mark
Or better yet skip the whole significantly different all together, and figure out if 
a model with 2 slopes explains the data better than a model with 1-- AIC's!

-Original Message- 
From: Brett Magill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sun 7/20/2003 7:12 PM 
To: Gijsbert Stoet; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?

Not really r-specific:

Z = (b1 - b2) / SQRT ( SEb1^2 + SEb2^2)

---Original Message---
From: Gijsbert Stoet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 07/20/03 09:51 PM
Subject: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?


  suppose I do want to test whether the slopes (e.g. determined with
lsfit) of two different population are significantly different, how do
I test this (in R). Say for example, I found out what the slope
between age and number of books read per year is for two different
populations of subjects (e.g. 25 man and 25 woman), say using
lsfit. How can I tell whether the slopes are different in R. (And how
would I do it for regression coefficients?)

Thanks a lot for your help.

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RE: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?

2003-07-21 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Herzog, Mark wrote:

 Or better yet skip the whole significantly different all together, and
 figure out if a model with 2 slopes explains the data better than a
 model with 1-- AIC's!

That's not what AIC is designed to do: it is about `prediction' not 
`explanation', as you will discover from the primary sources (if not from 
some of the secondary ones).

In this specific case there are is the question of whether the error
variances are the same to take into account, which makes it tricky to fit
a single model (especially with lsfit).

   -Original Message- 
   From: Brett Magill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Sun 7/20/2003 7:12 PM 
   To: Gijsbert Stoet; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Subject: Re: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?
   Not really r-specific:
   Z = (b1 - b2) / SQRT ( SEb1^2 + SEb2^2)
   ---Original Message---
   From: Gijsbert Stoet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 07/20/03 09:51 PM
   Subject: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?
 suppose I do want to test whether the slopes (e.g. determined with
   lsfit) of two different population are significantly different, how do
   I test this (in R). Say for example, I found out what the slope
   between age and number of books read per year is for two different
   populations of subjects (e.g. 25 man and 25 woman), say using
   lsfit. How can I tell whether the slopes are different in R. (And how
   would I do it for regression coefficients?)
   Thanks a lot for your help.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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RE: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?

2003-07-21 Thread Harold Doran
Dear Stoet

This can be handled well in using a mixed-effects model, library (nmle). You can use 
the lmList option to check whether the slopes differ across populations.

Harold C. Doran
Director of Research and Evaluation
New American Schools
675 N. Washington Street, Suite 220
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

-Original Message-
From: Gijsbert Stoet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 10:51 PM
Subject: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?


  suppose I do want to test whether the slopes (e.g. determined with
lsfit) of two different population are significantly different, how do
I test this (in R). Say for example, I found out what the slope
between age and number of books read per year is for two different
populations of subjects (e.g. 25 man and 25 woman), say using
lsfit. How can I tell whether the slopes are different in R. (And how
would I do it for regression coefficients?)

Thanks a lot for your help.

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[R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?

2003-07-20 Thread Gijsbert Stoet

  suppose I do want to test whether the slopes (e.g. determined with
lsfit) of two different population are significantly different, how do
I test this (in R). Say for example, I found out what the slope
between age and number of books read per year is for two different
populations of subjects (e.g. 25 man and 25 woman), say using
lsfit. How can I tell whether the slopes are different in R. (And how
would I do it for regression coefficients?)

Thanks a lot for your help.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?

2003-07-20 Thread Brett Magill
Not really r-specific:

Z = (b1 - b2) / SQRT ( SEb1^2 + SEb2^2)

---Original Message---
From: Gijsbert Stoet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 07/20/03 09:51 PM
Subject: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?


  suppose I do want to test whether the slopes (e.g. determined with
lsfit) of two different population are significantly different, how do
I test this (in R). Say for example, I found out what the slope
between age and number of books read per year is for two different
populations of subjects (e.g. 25 man and 25 woman), say using
lsfit. How can I tell whether the slopes are different in R. (And how
would I do it for regression coefficients?)

Thanks a lot for your help.

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