RE: [R] What is the most useful way to detect nonlinearity in lo

2004-12-05 Thread Ted Harding
On 05-Dec-04 Patrick Foley wrote:
 It is easy to spot response nonlinearity in normal linear
 models using plot(something.lm).
 However plot(something.glm) produces artifactual peculiarities
 since the diagnostic residuals are constrained  by the fact
 that y can only take values 0 or 1.
 What do R users find most useful in checking the linearity
 assumption of logistic regression (i.e. log-odds =a+bx)?
 Patrick Foley

The most useful way to detect nonlinearity in logistic
regression is:

a) have an awful lot of data
b) have the x (covariate) values judiciously placed.

Don't be optimistic about this prohlem. The amount of
information, especially about non-linearity, in the binary
responses is often a lot less than people intuitively expect.

This is an area where R can be especially useful for
self-education by exploring possibilities and simulation.

For example, define the function (for quadratic nonlinearity):

lp-a*x+b*x^2; p-exp(lp)/(1+exp(lp))
summary(glm(formula = resp ~ X - 1,
family = binomial),correlation=TRUE)

This places N observations at each of (-1.0,0.5,0.0.5,1.0),
generates the N binary responses with probability p(x)
where log(p/(1-p)) = a*x + b*x^2, fits a logistic regression
forcing the intercept term to be 0 (so that you're not
diluting the info by estimating a parameter you know to be 0),
and returns the summary(glm(...)) from which the p-values
can be extracted:

The p-value for x^2 is testlin2(a,b,N)$coefficients[2,4]}

You can run this function as a one-off for various values of
a, b, N to get a feel for what happens. You can run a simulation
on the lines of

  for(i in (1:1000)){

so that you can test how often you get a significant result.

For example, adopting the ritual sigificant == P0.05,
power = 80%, you can see a histogram of the p-values
over the conventional significance breaks with


and you can see your probability of getting a significant result
as e.g. sum(pvals  0.05)/1000

I found that, with testlin2(1,0.1,N), i.e. a = 1.0, b = 0.1
corresponding to log(p/(1-p)) = x + 0.1*x^2 (a possibly
interesting degree of nonlinearity), I had to go up to N=2000
before I was getting more than 80% of the p-values  0.05.
That corresponds to 2000 observations at each value of x, or
10,000 observations in all.

Compare this with a similar test for non-linearity with
normally-distributed responses [exercise for the reader].

You can write functions similar to testlin2 for higher-order
nonlinearlities, e.g. testlin3 for a*x + b*x^3, testlin23 for
a*x + b*x^2 + c*x^3, etc., (the modifications required are
obvious) and see how you get on. As I say, don't be optimistic!

In particular, run testlin3 a few times and see the sort of
mess that can come out -- in particular gruesome correlations,
which is why correlation=TRUE is set in the call to

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861  [NB: New number!]
Date: 05-Dec-04   Time: 12:59:08
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Re: [R] What is the most useful way to detect nonlinearity in lo

2004-12-05 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
(Ted Harding) wrote:
On 05-Dec-04 Patrick Foley wrote:
It is easy to spot response nonlinearity in normal linear
models using plot(something.lm).
However plot(something.glm) produces artifactual peculiarities
since the diagnostic residuals are constrained  by the fact
that y can only take values 0 or 1.
What do R users find most useful in checking the linearity
assumption of logistic regression (i.e. log-odds =a+bx)?
Patrick Foley

The most useful way to detect nonlinearity in logistic
regression is:
a) have an awful lot of data
b) have the x (covariate) values judiciously placed.
Don't be optimistic about this prohlem. The amount of
information, especially about non-linearity, in the binary
responses is often a lot less than people intuitively expect.
This is an area where R can be especially useful for
self-education by exploring possibilities and simulation.
For example, define the function (for quadratic nonlinearity):
lp-a*x+b*x^2; p-exp(lp)/(1+exp(lp))
summary(glm(formula = resp ~ X - 1,
family = binomial),correlation=TRUE)
This places N observations at each of (-1.0,0.5,0.0.5,1.0),
generates the N binary responses with probability p(x)
where log(p/(1-p)) = a*x + b*x^2, fits a logistic regression
forcing the intercept term to be 0 (so that you're not
diluting the info by estimating a parameter you know to be 0),
and returns the summary(glm(...)) from which the p-values
can be extracted:
The p-value for x^2 is testlin2(a,b,N)$coefficients[2,4]}
You can run this function as a one-off for various values of
a, b, N to get a feel for what happens. You can run a simulation
on the lines of
  for(i in (1:1000)){
so that you can test how often you get a significant result.
For example, adopting the ritual sigificant == P0.05,
power = 80%, you can see a histogram of the p-values
over the conventional significance breaks with
and you can see your probability of getting a significant result
as e.g. sum(pvals  0.05)/1000
I found that, with testlin2(1,0.1,N), i.e. a = 1.0, b = 0.1
corresponding to log(p/(1-p)) = x + 0.1*x^2 (a possibly
interesting degree of nonlinearity), I had to go up to N=2000
before I was getting more than 80% of the p-values  0.05.
That corresponds to 2000 observations at each value of x, or
10,000 observations in all.
Compare this with a similar test for non-linearity with
normally-distributed responses [exercise for the reader].
You can write functions similar to testlin2 for higher-order
nonlinearlities, e.g. testlin3 for a*x + b*x^3, testlin23 for
a*x + b*x^2 + c*x^3, etc., (the modifications required are
obvious) and see how you get on. As I say, don't be optimistic!
In particular, run testlin3 a few times and see the sort of
mess that can come out -- in particular gruesome correlations,
which is why correlation=TRUE is set in the call to
Best wishes,
library(Design)  # also requires Hmisc
f - lrm(sick ~ sex + rcs(age,4) + rcs(blood.pressure,5))
# Restricted cubic spline in age with 4 knots, blood.pressure with 5
anova(f)  # automatic tests of linearity of all predictors
latex(f)  # see algebraic form of fit
summary(f)# get odds ratios for meaningful changes in predictors
But beware of using the tests of linearity.  If non-significant results 
cause you to reduce an effect to linear, confidence levels and type I 
errors are no longer preserved.  I use tests of linearity mainly to 
demonstrate that effects are more often nonlinear than linear, given 
sufficient sample size.  I.e., good analysts are needed.  I usually 
leave non-significant nonlinearities in the model.

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University
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RE: [R] What is the most useful way to detect nonlinearity in lo

2004-12-05 Thread Ted Harding
On 05-Dec-04 Ted Harding wrote:
 For example, adopting the ritual sigificant == P0.05,
 power = 80%, you can see a histogram of the p-values
 over the conventional significance breaks with

Sorry for the typo! That should of course (if you were looking
closely) have been


Apologies to anyone who was misled by pasting in the bad version.

 and you can see your probability of getting a significant result
 as e.g. sum(pvals  0.05)/1000

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861  [NB: New number!]
Date: 05-Dec-04   Time: 13:54:11
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Re: [R] What is the most useful way to detect nonlinearity in lo

2004-12-05 Thread Ted Harding
On 05-Dec-04 Peter Dalgaard wrote:
 Peter Dalgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Re. the smoothed residuals, you do need to be careful about the
 smoother. Some of the robust ones will do precisely the wrong thing
 in this context: You really are interested in the mean, not some
 trimmed mean (which can easily amount to throwing away all your
 cases...). Here's an idea:
 x - runif(500)
 y - rbinom(500,size=1,p=plogis(x))
 xx - predict(loess(resid(glm(y~x,binomial))~x),se=T)
 matplot(x,cbind(xx$fit, 2*xx$, -2*xx$,pch=20)
 Not sure my money isn't still on the splines, though.
 Doh. You might also want to make sure that the residuals are of a type
 that can be _expected_ to have mean zero. Apparently, the default
 deviance residuals do not have that property, whereas response
 residuals do. I did check that loess (as opposed to lowess!) does a
 plain least-squares based fitting by default, but I didn't think to
 check what kind of residuals I was looking at.
 Serves me right for posting way beyond my bedtime...

Hi Peter,

Yes, the above is certainly misleading (try it with 2000 instead
of 500)! But what would you suggest instead?


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861  [NB: New number!]
Date: 05-Dec-04   Time: 19:38:00
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Re: [R] What is the most useful way to detect nonlinearity in lo

2004-12-05 Thread Peter Dalgaard
(Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  x - runif(500)
  y - rbinom(500,size=1,p=plogis(x))
  xx - predict(loess(resid(glm(y~x,binomial))~x),se=T)
  matplot(x,cbind(xx$fit, 2*xx$, -2*xx$,pch=20)
  Not sure my money isn't still on the splines, though.
  Serves me right for posting way beyond my bedtime...
 Hi Peter,
 Yes, the above is certainly misleading (try it with 2000 instead
 of 500)! But what would you suggest instead?

(I did and this little computer came tumbling down...). 

Basically, I'd reconsider the type= option to residual.glm. As I said,
at least type=response should have the right mean. Ideally, you'd
want to take advantage of the fact that the variance of the residuals
is known too, rather than have the smoother estimate it. The more I
think, the more I like the splines...

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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Re: [R] What is the most useful way to detect nonlinearity in lo

2004-12-05 Thread Ted Harding
On 05-Dec-04 Peter Dalgaard wrote:
 (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  x - runif(500)
  y - rbinom(500,size=1,p=plogis(x))
  xx - predict(loess(resid(glm(y~x,binomial))~x),se=T)
  matplot(x,cbind(xx$fit, 2*xx$, -2*xx$,pch=20)
  Not sure my money isn't still on the splines, though.
  Serves me right for posting way beyond my bedtime...
 Hi Peter,
 Yes, the above is certainly misleading (try it with 2000 instead
 of 500)! But what would you suggest instead?
 (I did and this little computer came tumbling down...). 

So did mine -- but at 5000 (which is the value I first tried):
lots of disk grinding and then it went prprprprp and wrote
words to the effect Calloc cannot allocate (18790050 times 4)
i.e. it needed 72MB, which bankrupted my 192MB baby.

2000 was OK, however, but I had plenty of time for a meal etc.
before it finished.

Which brings up that predict(loess()) seems to be very

 Basically, I'd reconsider the type= option to residual.glm. As I said,
 at least type=response should have the right mean. Ideally, you'd
 want to take advantage of the fact that the variance of the residuals
 is known too, rather than have the smoother estimate it. The more I
 think, the more I like the splines...

I'll have a go at your suggestions (if I can get the syntax right ... )


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861  [NB: New number!]
Date: 06-Dec-04   Time: 00:13:53
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RE: [R] What is the most useful way to detect nonlinearity in lo

2004-12-05 Thread Liaw, Andy

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 7:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [R] What is the most useful way to detect 
 nonlinearity in lo
 On 05-Dec-04 Peter Dalgaard wrote:
  (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   x - runif(500)
   y - rbinom(500,size=1,p=plogis(x))
   xx - predict(loess(resid(glm(y~x,binomial))~x),se=T)
   matplot(x,cbind(xx$fit, 2*xx$, -2*xx$,pch=20)
   Not sure my money isn't still on the splines, though.
   Serves me right for posting way beyond my bedtime...
  Hi Peter,
  Yes, the above is certainly misleading (try it with 2000 instead
  of 500)! But what would you suggest instead?
  (I did and this little computer came tumbling down...). 
 So did mine -- but at 5000 (which is the value I first tried):
 lots of disk grinding and then it went prprprprp and wrote
 words to the effect Calloc cannot allocate (18790050 times 4)
 i.e. it needed 72MB, which bankrupted my 192MB baby.
 2000 was OK, however, but I had plenty of time for a meal etc.
 before it finished.
 Which brings up that predict(loess()) seems to be very

locfit to the rescue, perhaps?

 n - 5000
 x - sort(runif(n))
 y - rbinom(n, size=1, p=plogis(x))
 system.time(xx - predict(locfit(resid(glm(y~x, binomial))~x),
+   se=TRUE), gcFirst=TRUE)
[1] 0.79 0.00 0.84   NA   NA
 matplot(x, cbind(xx$fit, 2*xx$, -2*xx$, pch=20)

[The plot looks strange...]

This is on my mobile Pentium 1.6GHz w/512MB laptop.  Using loess it also ran
out of memory.  At n=2000, 
the loess route took just under 3 seconds.

  Basically, I'd reconsider the type= option to residual.glm. 
 As I said,
  at least type=response should have the right mean. Ideally, you'd
  want to take advantage of the fact that the variance of the 
  is known too, rather than have the smoother estimate it. The more I
  think, the more I like the splines...
 I'll have a go at your suggestions (if I can get the syntax 
 right ... )
 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861  [NB: New number!]
 Date: 06-Dec-04   Time: 00:13:53
 -- XFMail --
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