Re: [R-pkg-devel] Please install cmake on macOS builders

2023-05-11 Thread Simon Urbanek
I think it would be quite useful to have some community repository of code 
snippets dealing with such situations. R-exts gives advice and pieces of code 
which are useful, but they are not complete solutions and situations like 
Dirk's example are not that uncommon. (E.g., I recall some of the spatial 
packages copy/pasting code from each other for quote some time - which works, 
but is error prone if changes need to be made).

If one has to rely on a 3rd party library and one wants to fall back to source 
compilation when it is not available, it is a quite complex task, because one 
has to match the library's build system to R's and the package build rules as 
well. There are many ways where this can go wrong - Dirk mentioned some of them 
- and ideally not every package developer in that situation should be going 
through the pain of learning all the details the hard way.

Of course there are other packages as an example, but for someone not familiar 
with the details it's hard to see which ones do it right, and which ones don't 
- we don't always catch all the bad cases on CRAN.

I don't have a specific proposal, but if there was a GitHub repo or wiki or 
something to try to distill the useful bits from existing packages, I'd be 
happy to review it and give advice based on my experience from that macOS 
binary maintenance if that's useful.


> On May 12, 2023, at 8:36 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel  wrote:
> Hi Reed,
> On 11 May 2023 at 11:15, Reed A. Cartwright wrote:
> | I'm curious why you chose to call cmake from make instead of from configure.
> | I've always seen cmake as part of the configure step of package building.
> Great question! Couple of small answers: i) This started as a 'proof of
> concept' that aimed to be small so getting by without requiring `configure`
> seemed worth a try, ii) I had seen another src/Makevars invoking compilation
> of a static library in a similar (albeit non-cmake) way and iii) as we now
> know about section 1.2.6 (or soon 1.2.9) 'Using cmake' has it that way too.
> Otherwise I quite like having `configure` and I frequently use it -- made
> from 'genuine' via `autoconf`, or as scripts in shell or other
> languages.
> Cheers, Dirk
> PS My repaired package is now on CRAN. I managed to bungle the static library
> build (by not telling `cmake` to use position independent code), bungled
> macOS but not telling myself where `cmake` could live, and in fixing that
> bungled Windows by forgetting to add `src/` fallback. Yay me.
> -- 
> | @eddelbuettel |
> __
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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Please install cmake on macOS builders

2023-05-11 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

Hi Reed,

On 11 May 2023 at 11:15, Reed A. Cartwright wrote:
| I'm curious why you chose to call cmake from make instead of from configure.
| I've always seen cmake as part of the configure step of package building.

Great question! Couple of small answers: i) This started as a 'proof of
concept' that aimed to be small so getting by without requiring `configure`
seemed worth a try, ii) I had seen another src/Makevars invoking compilation
of a static library in a similar (albeit non-cmake) way and iii) as we now
know about section 1.2.6 (or soon 1.2.9) 'Using cmake' has it that way too.

Otherwise I quite like having `configure` and I frequently use it -- made
from 'genuine' via `autoconf`, or as scripts in shell or other

Cheers, Dirk

PS My repaired package is now on CRAN. I managed to bungle the static library
build (by not telling `cmake` to use position independent code), bungled
macOS but not telling myself where `cmake` could live, and in fixing that
bungled Windows by forgetting to add `src/` fallback. Yay me.

-- | @eddelbuettel |

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Inconsistent functionality of c++ code in MatchIt

2023-05-11 Thread Noah Greifer
I want to thank Bill and everyone that reached out to me individually. It
looks like Bill's solution is the right one, as he was able to replicate
and fix the problem. I am still a bit confused on why this would occur on
some OSs and not others (probably due to different compilers), but I think
the solution is just writing explicit, robust code that should always work.
Thank you!


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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Inconsistent functionality of c++ code in MatchIt

2023-05-11 Thread Bill Dunlap
I see the problem when I compile the C++ code on Ubuntu 20.04 and the
latest R-devel with
   C++ compiler: ‘g++ (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0
If I change all the unadorned 'abs' calls in src/nn_matchC_vec.cpp with the
prefix 'std::' the problem goes away.


On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 11:12 AM Noah Greifer 

> Hello,
> I'm the mainter of the package *MatchIt*, which uses *Rcpp* to implement
> nearest neighbor matching. One way to customize nearest neighbor
> matching is to add a caliper, which is the largest distance two units can
> be from each other before they are not allowed to be matched. I've had some
> users complain recently that the caliper is not working for them, i.e.,
> even after specifying a caliper, units are being matched who are
> farther apart then the caliper width. I have been unable to replicate this
> problem on my Mac; the caliper always works as intended.
> One user noted that even when using the same package version, the
> performance varied across two machines: one obeyed the caliper and one
> didn't. I thought this might be related to the version of R installed, as
> for some users updating R fixed the issue, but for others it didn't. I'm
> kind of at a loss.
> I have a suspicion that the problem is related to the function abs() in the
> C++ functions find_right() and find_left() that I wrote to perform the
> matching, which are in nn_match_vec.cpp
> .
> I have had problems with abs() before (seemingly related to a namespace
> conflict between std and Rcpp). In this case, abs() is used in the
> following way:
> if (abs(distance[ii] - distance[k]) > caliper_dist) {
> //if closest is outside caliper, break; none can be found
> break;
>  }
> Here, distance is a NumericVector, and ii and k are ints. My expectation is
> that this would dispatch to std::abs() with a double as its input. It's
> possible something is going wrong there. I'm wondering if this has to do
> with recent changes to R's C++ engine or compilers.
> If you want to run code to test whether the caliper is working correctly on
> your machine, you can run the following code:
> install.packages("MatchIt")
> data("lalonde", package = "MatchIt")
> m <- MatchIt::matchit(treat ~ age + educ + race + re74,
>   data = lalonde, caliper = .01)
> summary(m)$nn
> If the caliper is working correctly, you should see a small matrix that has
> the row
> Matched88  88
> If not, you would see the row
> Matched   185 185
> The GitHub issue of people complaining about this is here
>  along with their
> explanations about versions of *MatchIt* and R. The package code is also
> there.
> Any thoughts or insights about this would really help! Thank you so much!
> Noah
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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Please install cmake on macOS builders

2023-05-11 Thread Reed A. Cartwright

I'm curious why you chose to call cmake from make instead of from
configure. I've always seen cmake as part of the configure step of package


On Thu, May 11, 2023, 04:17 Dirk Eddelbuettel  wrote:

> On 11 May 2023 at 09:02, Martin Maechler wrote:
> | I've been told in private that the above "be happy if"
> | may *not* be a good idea,
> | or rather even close to impossible as   cmake  seems to not fit
> | well, at all, with the quite sophisticated
> | autoconf -> configure -> make
> | setup we have with building R + recommended packages
> | cross-platform compatibly as well as possible.
> Yes, my bad -- it _is_ indeed in Writing R Extensions (albeit with an
> actual error, see below) so I now use what it recommended (in the form
> pointed out by Reed though) so for me it is
> sh -> make -> cmake
> but could be autoconf too.
> I presume the macOS systems needs it for cross-compilation or other dances.
> Still annoying as hell.  A simple default may be better but I do not know
> any
> of the dragons running around inside macOS.
> Dirk
> Appendix: Actual Error in Writing R Extensions.
> Section 1.2.6 ends on these lines (r-release, and r-devel) I am quoting in
> full
> One way to work around this is for the package’s ‘configure’ script to
> include
>  if test -z "$CMAKE"; then CMAKE="`which cmake`"; fi
>  if test -z "$CMAKE"; then
> CMAKE=/Applications/; fi
>  if test -f "$CMAKE"; then echo "no 'cmake' command found"; exit
> 1; fi
> and for the second approach to substitute ‘CMAKE’ into ‘src//Makevars’.
> The final 'test -f' has to be negated. Demo:
> edd@rob:/tmp$ cat
> ##!/bin/sh
> if test -z "$CMAKE"; then CMAKE="`which cmake`"; fi
> if test -z "$CMAKE"; then
> CMAKE=/Applications/; fi
> if test -f "$CMAKE"; then echo "no 'cmake' command found"; exit 1; fi
> echo "** using $CMAKE"
> edd@rob:/tmp$ ./
> no 'cmake' command found
> edd@rob:/tmp$ which cmake
> /usr/bin/cmake
> edd@rob:/tmp$
> If I change to use '! test -f' all is well
> edd@rob:/tmp$ be be is an alias for emacsclient in tty
> mode
> edd@rob:/tmp$ ./
> ** using /usr/bin/cmake
> edd@rob:/tmp$
> --
> | @eddelbuettel |
> __
> mailing list

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[R-pkg-devel] Inconsistent functionality of c++ code in MatchIt

2023-05-11 Thread Noah Greifer

I'm the mainter of the package *MatchIt*, which uses *Rcpp* to implement
nearest neighbor matching. One way to customize nearest neighbor
matching is to add a caliper, which is the largest distance two units can
be from each other before they are not allowed to be matched. I've had some
users complain recently that the caliper is not working for them, i.e.,
even after specifying a caliper, units are being matched who are
farther apart then the caliper width. I have been unable to replicate this
problem on my Mac; the caliper always works as intended.

One user noted that even when using the same package version, the
performance varied across two machines: one obeyed the caliper and one
didn't. I thought this might be related to the version of R installed, as
for some users updating R fixed the issue, but for others it didn't. I'm
kind of at a loss.

I have a suspicion that the problem is related to the function abs() in the
C++ functions find_right() and find_left() that I wrote to perform the
matching, which are in nn_match_vec.cpp
I have had problems with abs() before (seemingly related to a namespace
conflict between std and Rcpp). In this case, abs() is used in the
following way:

if (abs(distance[ii] - distance[k]) > caliper_dist) {
//if closest is outside caliper, break; none can be found

Here, distance is a NumericVector, and ii and k are ints. My expectation is
that this would dispatch to std::abs() with a double as its input. It's
possible something is going wrong there. I'm wondering if this has to do
with recent changes to R's C++ engine or compilers.

If you want to run code to test whether the caliper is working correctly on
your machine, you can run the following code:

data("lalonde", package = "MatchIt")
m <- MatchIt::matchit(treat ~ age + educ + race + re74,
  data = lalonde, caliper = .01)

If the caliper is working correctly, you should see a small matrix that has
the row

Matched88  88

If not, you would see the row

Matched   185 185

The GitHub issue of people complaining about this is here
 along with their
explanations about versions of *MatchIt* and R. The package code is also

Any thoughts or insights about this would really help! Thank you so much!


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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Please install cmake on macOS builders

2023-05-11 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 11 May 2023 at 09:02, Martin Maechler wrote:
| I've been told in private that the above "be happy if"
| may *not* be a good idea,
| or rather even close to impossible as   cmake  seems to not fit
| well, at all, with the quite sophisticated
| autoconf -> configure -> make
| setup we have with building R + recommended packages
| cross-platform compatibly as well as possible.

Yes, my bad -- it _is_ indeed in Writing R Extensions (albeit with an
actual error, see below) so I now use what it recommended (in the form
pointed out by Reed though) so for me it is

sh -> make -> cmake

but could be autoconf too.

I presume the macOS systems needs it for cross-compilation or other dances.
Still annoying as hell.  A simple default may be better but I do not know any
of the dragons running around inside macOS.


Appendix: Actual Error in Writing R Extensions.

Section 1.2.6 ends on these lines (r-release, and r-devel) I am quoting in full

One way to work around this is for the package’s ‘configure’ script to
 if test -z "$CMAKE"; then CMAKE="`which cmake`"; fi
 if test -z "$CMAKE"; then 
CMAKE=/Applications/; fi
 if test -f "$CMAKE"; then echo "no 'cmake' command found"; exit 1; fi
and for the second approach to substitute ‘CMAKE’ into ‘src//Makevars’.

The final 'test -f' has to be negated. Demo:

edd@rob:/tmp$ cat 
if test -z "$CMAKE"; then CMAKE="`which cmake`"; fi
if test -z "$CMAKE"; then CMAKE=/Applications/; 
if test -f "$CMAKE"; then echo "no 'cmake' command found"; exit 1; fi
echo "** using $CMAKE"
edd@rob:/tmp$ ./ 
no 'cmake' command found
edd@rob:/tmp$ which cmake

If I change to use '! test -f' all is well

edd@rob:/tmp$ be be is an alias for emacsclient in tty mode
edd@rob:/tmp$ ./ 
** using /usr/bin/cmake

-- | @eddelbuettel |

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Unneeded S3 method registration

2023-05-11 Thread Duncan Murdoch
The problem is that there's no way to declare that an internal function 
should or shouldn't be treated as an S3 method, other than by declaring 
it as one in NAMESPACE and exporting it.  If you read the thread 
"Unfortunate function name generic.something​" that started last week, 
you'll see the opposing problem to yours:  a local function named that isn't intended to be an S3 method, but will be treated as 
one in some circumstances.

You do export emm_basis and recover_data, so those generics are 
available to users.  And you do declare some of the methods, e.g. in 
emmeans 1.8.5, users can see methods for some classes:

> methods("emm_basis")
[1] emm_basis.aovlist* emm_basis.lm*  emm_basis.lme* 
emm_basis.merMod*  emm_basis.mlm*

As the message below says, you don't declare emm_basis.Gam to be a 
method, which means that a user with a Gam object who calls emm_basis 
will get the default method instead, whereas when code in your package 
calls it, they'll get the Gam method.

You say users should never call emm_basis directly, but package 
developers should provide methods for it.  At a minimum that's going to 
make debugging those packages much more confusing.  And if they have a 
class which inherits from Gam and want to call the inherited method, 
they won't get it.

So I think in this case the NOTE is something you should fix.

Duncan Murdoch

On 10/05/2023 10:49 p.m., Lenth, Russell V wrote:

Dear R package developers

My emmeans package failed preliminary checks when I submitted an update today, 
apparently due to a recent change in requirements on method registration. The 
message I got was:

* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE
Apparent methods for exported generics not registered:
   emm_basis.Gam emm_basis.MCMCglmm emm_basis.averaging
   emm_basis.betareg emm_basis.brmsfit emm_basis.carbayes emm_basis.clm
   emm_basis.clmm emm_basis.coxme emm_basis.coxph emm_basis.default
   emm_basis.gam emm_basis.gamlss emm_basis.gamm emm_basis.gee
   emm_basis.geeglm emm_basis.geese emm_basis.gls emm_basis.gnls
   emm_basis.hurdle emm_basis.lqm emm_basis.lqmm emm_basis.mblogit
   emm_basis.mcmc emm_basis.mcmc.list emm_basis.mira emm_basis.mmer
   emm_basis.multinom emm_basis.nlme emm_basis.nls emm_basis.polr
   emm_basis.qdrg emm_basis.rms emm_basis.rq emm_basis.rqs
   emm_basis.stanreg emm_basis.survreg emm_basis.svyolr
   emm_basis.zeroinfl recover_data.MCMCglmm recover_data.averaging
   recover_data.betareg recover_data.brmsfit recover_data.carbayes
   recover_data.clm recover_data.clmm recover_data.coxme
   recover_data.coxph recover_data.default recover_data.gam
   recover_data.gamlss recover_data.gamm recover_data.gee
   recover_data.geeglm recover_data.geese recover_data.gls
   recover_data.gnls recover_data.hurdle recover_data.lqm
   recover_data.lqmm recover_data.manova recover_data.mblogit
   recover_data.mcmc recover_data.mcmc.list recover_data.mira
   recover_data.mmer recover_data.multinom recover_data.nlme
   recover_data.nls recover_data.polr recover_data.qdrg recover_data.rms
   recover_data.rq recover_data.rqs recover_data.stanreg
   recover_data.survreg recover_data.svyglm recover_data.svyolr
See section 'Registering S3 methods' in the 'Writing R Extensions'

I guess my question is "why does this matter?" There are many, many functions 
mentioned here, but they are all methods for emm_basis and recover_data. Both generics 
are in the emmeans namespace, as are all these functions.

The section on registering S3 methods explains:

The standard method for S3-style UseMethod dispatching might fail to locate 
methods defined in a package that is imported but not attached to the search 
path. To ensure that these methods are available the packages defining the 
methods should ensure that the generics are imported and register the methods 
using S3method directives...

But clearly all those methods flagged in the messages will be found in the same 
namespace as the generics -- emm_basis and recover_data -- so not being able to 
find them is not an issue. Moreover, emm_basis() and recover_data() are not 
meant to be called directly by a user, or even by code in another package. They 
are only meant to be called within the function emmeans::ref_grid(), and the 
existence of those generics and methods is simply a mechanism for being able to 
support a lot of different model classes.

Obviously, I could add a whole lot of S3method() directives to the NAMESPACE 
file, but it just seems wasteful to export all those methods when they are 
never needed outside the emmeans namespace.

Am I missing something?


Russ Lenth

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Please install cmake on macOS builders

2023-05-11 Thread Martin Maechler
> Martin Maechler 
> on Wed, 10 May 2023 21:31:29 +0200 writes:

  > Dirk Eddelbuettel 
  > on Wed, 10 May 2023 07:01:37 -0500 writes:

>> Simon,

>> Explicitly declaring

>> SystemRequirements: cmake

>> appears to be insufficient to get a build on the
>> (otherwise lovely to have) 'macOS builder', and leads to
>> failure on (at least) 'r-oldrel-macos-x86_64'.

>> Would it be possible to actually have cmake installed?

>> These daus cmake is for better or worse becoming a
>> standard, and I rely on it for one (new) package to
>> correctly configure a library. It would be nice to be
>> able to rely on it on macOS too.

> Somewhat 'ditto' from here {about wanting 'cmake' to
> become +/- standard tool for R packages use, *not* at all
> related to macOS} :

> The SuiteSparse C library on parts of which our Matrix
> package builds extensively has also switched their setup
> to use cmake instead of make ... and this was actually one
> reason we have not yet updated to the latest versions of
> SuiteSparse for the Matrix package.

> As Matrix is formally recommended, I would even be happy
> if 'cmake' became a +/- required OS tool for R ...

I've been told in private that the above "be happy if"
may *not* be a good idea,
or rather even close to impossible as   cmake  seems to not fit
well, at all, with the quite sophisticated
autoconf -> configure -> make
setup we have with building R + recommended packages
cross-platform compatibly as well as possible.


Martin Maechler ETH Zurich and R Core team

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