[R-pkg-devel] Should a package run without calling library?

2020-09-01 Thread Richel Bilderbeek
Dear fellow R package maintainers,

I would enjoy your advice to clarify a CRAN policy issue.

The question is: should a package be able to work, when calling its exported 
functions using the scope operator? Or, in the example code below, should #1 

# 1. Scope operator: should this always work?

# Possible error message:
# Error in myfunction() :
# object 'myhiddenfunction' of mode 'function' was not found

# 2. Calling library first

I feel the answer is 'yes, #1 should work', as I feel this is only indirectly a 
CRAN repository policy [1] , the IMHO relevant one which I quote: 'Packages 
should not modify the global environment (user’s workspace).'. This means that 
if I have a function that calls `mypackage::myfunction`, it will call `library`:

#' Function in another package, that depends on my package
do_something <- function() {

So, should a package be able to work, when calling its exported functions using 
the scope operator?

Thanks for your advice/pointers, Richel Bilderbeek

* [1] <https://mirror.las.iastate.edu/CRAN/web/packages/policies.html>

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Package that needs installation URL to function optimally eligible for CRAN

2020-08-24 Thread Richel Bilderbeek
Dear fellow package developers,

I send this email for advice whether if I should submit a package to CRAN.

I have written a GPL-3 licensed package, that allows one to install and use a 
command-line tool. This command-line tool, however, has a restriction: it is to 
be used by academics only. To be able to actually install it, there is a web 
form to request a download URL (valid for 4 hours). After confirmation of being 
an academic, one receives this URL by email.

I feel the package on its own is useful enough to be put on CRAN. It 'R CMD 
check's cleanly without the install, yet if helps the install the command-line 
tool from the emailed URL (see 
<https://github.com/richelbilderbeek/netmhc2pan#install> ).
Should I submit my package to CRAN?

Thanks for your advice, Richel Bilderbeek

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] [SOLVED] Interpret feedback: not write testthat-tests in examples

2020-07-16 Thread Richel Bilderbeek
Dear R package developers,

Thanks so much for the generous responses!

In summary:

- one should usually not write tests in examples, that's what the 'tests' 
folder is for
- if there is a demonstration, use a simple stopifnot, as one cannot assume a 
regular reader knows about the testthat package

Thanks again and the best, Richel Bilderbeek

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Interpret feedback: not write testthat-tests in examples

2020-07-16 Thread Richel Bilderbeek
Dear R package developers,

I would enjoy some help regarding some feedback I got on my package from a CRAN 
volunteer, as I am unsure how to interpret this correctly.

This is the feedback I got (I added '[do]'):

> Please [do] not write testthat-tests in your examples.

I wonder if this is about using `testthat` or using tests in general.

To simplify the context, say I wrote a package with a function called `add`, 
that adds two numbers. My example code would then be something like this:


expect_equal(add(1, 2), 3)

The first interpretation is about using `testthat`: maybe I should use base R 
(`stopifnot`) or another testing library (`testit`) or hand-craft it myself?

The second interpretation is about using tests in example code. I like to 
actively demonstrate that my code works as expected. I checked the policies 
regarding examples, and I could not find a rule that I should refrain from 
doing so.

What is the correct response to this feedback?

Thanks for your guidance, Richel Bilderbeek

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list