Re: [R-pkg-devel] Getting started with memory debugging

2019-01-13 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 14 January 2019 at 09:48, Michael Chirico wrote:
| Hello all,
| I'm getting started doing some debugging of memory errors and got stuck
| trying to reproduce the errors found during my CRAN submission process:
| Starting with the clang-ASAN issues, my approach was to try and use the
| rocker/r-devel-san image.

Good idea! I once set this up for a similar need, and then created the
'sanitiziers' package to have a few "known to fail" test cases to make sure
the container was still valid and identifying faults it was supposed to find.

But being busy with a number of other things meant I did not keep up with
this container. So there is no promise it currently reflects what CRAN tests

Winston built another (comprehensive !!) set of images over at this repo:

These are more current -- but fundamentally they have the same exact flaw:
CRAN does their thing, and someone has to catch up.  Deep down, that really
is a silly game.  We'd be (much) better off if the CRAN testbeds were truly
reproducible, and I had meant to write something up suggestion something
around that idea. It hasn't happened.

So here you are.
| Launching with the package directory mounted via:
| docker run --rm -it -v
| /Users/michael.chirico/github/geohashTools/:/home/docker/geohashTools
| rocker/r-devel-san /bin/bash
| Building required libraries:
| apt-get update
| apt-get install libgdal-dev libudunits2-dev
| Then installing my Imports/Suggests:
| Rscript -e "install.packages(c('Rcpp', 'sp', 'sf', 'testthat', 'mockery'))"
| Now attempting to reproduce the memory errors:
| cd /home/docker/geohashTools
| RD CMD build .
| RD CMD check geohashTools_0.2.0.tar.gz
| But this is check is successful (I was hoping it'd fail)... I assume the
| problem is from the last few steps. The manual says:
| >
| > It requires code to have been compiled and linked with -fsanitize=address
| But I'm not sure how to enforce this (I assumed it was being handled by how
| RD binary is built but I didn't notice any compilation output from R CMD
| build .

I am a little out of sync with your package here. Maybe it "merely" requires
that the library you reinstalled also rebuilds with -fsanitize=address which
you could ensure, I'd hope, via PKG_CPPFLAGS and/or editing of its src/Makevars.

Because that is essentially it: you do need *all* of

 - R itself
 - the package you wanted
 - and its dependencies

to be built consistently for SAN/ASAN with the very settings CRAN uses.

Which are "documented" in a README somewhere on some site.  I think it is
worthwhile having a conversation about how we can do one step better than
that. I would be happy to help, but a little constrained on free time and
cannot lead this. Can you, or someone else?


| Any help on getting started here would be appreciated :)
| Michael Chirico
| PS the source can be found at
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[R-pkg-devel] Getting started with memory debugging

2019-01-13 Thread Michael Chirico
Hello all,

I'm getting started doing some debugging of memory errors and got stuck
trying to reproduce the errors found during my CRAN submission process:

Starting with the clang-ASAN issues, my approach was to try and use the
rocker/r-devel-san image.

Launching with the package directory mounted via:

docker run --rm -it -v
rocker/r-devel-san /bin/bash

Building required libraries:

apt-get update
apt-get install libgdal-dev libudunits2-dev

Then installing my Imports/Suggests:

Rscript -e "install.packages(c('Rcpp', 'sp', 'sf', 'testthat', 'mockery'))"

Now attempting to reproduce the memory errors:

cd /home/docker/geohashTools
RD CMD build .
RD CMD check geohashTools_0.2.0.tar.gz

But this is check is successful (I was hoping it'd fail)... I assume the
problem is from the last few steps. The manual says:

> It requires code to have been compiled and linked with -fsanitize=address

But I'm not sure how to enforce this (I assumed it was being handled by how
RD binary is built but I didn't notice any compilation output from R CMD
build .

Any help on getting started here would be appreciated :)
Michael Chirico

PS the source can be found at

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