Re: [R-sig-eco] how to create box plot of precipitation data from raster stack

2017-03-04 Thread Michael Sumner
My short advice is to first treat all the files more abstractly, build a
data frame of the file name, and the full path to the file, and the date
associated with each (by string parse on the name).

Then you can check the set for sensibility, proper date, correct order,
sensible step between each. The full column of file paths can be given to
raster stack, and you can use setZ to apply the time layer reference in a
consistent way.

At another level up you might write functions that refer to you data frame,
and return layer/s or summaries as a function of date/season etc.

It helps to tidy up all the file stuff first, so it's a load of issues to
put behind you, and it's robust to future data coming in.

Cheers, Mike

On Sat, Mar 4, 2017, 14:26 karsten <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am a beginner with R and spatial and working on plotting precipitation
> data (from CHIRPS) using raster stacks for the purpose of agricultural site
> characterization. I succeeded to generate plots for many research locations
> using a csv file with x-y coordinates and generating a bar graph as a
> 'climate diagram' for a selected year of a raster stack (containing several
> hundred *.tif files) with my r script.
> Now I would like to add a box plot to the output of each diagram showing
> the
> current years monthly rain data against the median, max mix of the entire
> 35
> years time series as a backdrop (what I would like to add should look like
> this ). I am really
> struggling on how to prepare or extract data from the tifs in order to
> summarize them by month of the 35 years.
> Currently I have one folder with 420+ tif flies with names in this format
> es_af.1981.01.tif
> es_af.1981.02.tif
> es_af.1981.03.tif
> es_af.1981.04.tif
> es_af.1981.07.tif
> es_af.1981.08.tif
> es_af.1981.09.tif
> es_af.1981.10.tif
> es_af.1981.12.tif
> es_af.1982.01.tif
> and so on for 35 years
> How would I approach (write my r script) in order to extract a data frame /
> raster stack in order to output box plot diagrams as in the link above ?
> In my existing script I was using these steps to get a list of all file
> names and then creating individual stacks for each month , but what are my
> next steps ?
> # Use pattern arg to return a wildcard to get a list of all tifs in dir
> alltiffs = list.files(getwd(), pattern="*\\.tif$", full.names=TRUE)
> # get main data - e.g year 2016 to plot
> climategrids =  alltiffs[grepl("*2016.*\\.tif$", alltiffs)]
> ## create list of all data files for all 35 years for each month
> ## then create stack for each month
> month_1_climategrids =  alltiffs[grepl("*\\.01\\.tif$", alltiffs)]
> month_1 <- stack(month_1_climategrids, quick=TRUE)
> month_2_climategrids =  alltiffs[grepl("*\\.02\\.tif$", alltiffs)]
> month_2 <- stack(month_2_climategrids, quick=TRUE)
> and so on
> Thanks
> Karsten Vennemann
>  <>
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Dr. Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
203 Channel Highway
Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia

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Re: [R-sig-eco] Extract values from 'tripGrid' output for Mantel test?

2012-10-04 Thread Michael Sumner
Hello, tripGrid returns a SpatialGridDataFrame (package sp) and so
from that step you only need to know about that class.

I'll use a data set in sp to create an object like yours:

coordinates(meuse.grid) - ~x+y
gridded(meuse.grid) - TRUE
fullgrid(meuse.grid) - TRUE
tpc.for - meuse.grid

[1] SpatialGridDataFrame
[1] sp

Notice that this object can contain multiple attributes, and this
example data does:

[1] part.a part.b dist   soil   ffreq

but tripGrid just returns a grid with one attribute named z. You can index the
layers by name or number e.g. tpc.for[1] or tpc.for[part.a], and plotting will
assume just using the first.

So to get data as an R matrix, you can use either of these, keeping in mind the
different orientation conventions. I prefer the image() based one
simply because I'm
used to how it works, but they are just the transpose of each other:

ff1 - as.matrix(tpc.for[1])
ff2 - as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(tpc.for[1])$z

(as.image... uses the same x,y,z name convention as image() which is
partly why tripGrid
unhelpfully uses that as well).

Compare these which show that one is the column-reversed version of
the other, and that
image()'s orientation is not quite obvious:

par(mfrow = c(2,2))
image(ff1, main = ff1 - as.matrix(x))
image(ff2, main = ff2 - as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(x)$z)
image(ff2[,ncol(ff2):1], main = ff2[,ncol(ff2):1])

I hope that helps, it probably does not matter which one you use but
it's important
to know the difference.

Cheers, Mike.

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 9:51 PM, Kylie Scales wrote:

 I am testing levels of association between an environmental variable,
 extracted from a raster, and a time spent per unit area grid, created using
 the 'trip' package to determine whether the habtiat variable influences the
 amount of time spent in that grid cell by an animal.  Both grids have been
 set to the same resolution.  I would like to use a Mantel test to assess
 levels of 2D correlation.  I have created a dissimilarity matrix using
 values extracted from the raster and now need a comparable matrix
 describing the 'time spent' data.

 These 'time spent' data are arranged as a slot in a SpatialGridDataFrame,
 known here as tpc.for@data$z.  When I try to extract these data as a matrix:
 ff - as.matrix(tpc.for@data$z)

 the resultant object is only one-dimensional and then when I try to apply
 the function 'distance' from package 'ecodist', to calculate dissimilarity
 matrix, I get the following error:

 gg - distance(ff, bray-curtis)
 Error in numeric(N * N * P) : vector size cannot be NA
 In addition: Warning message:
 In N * N : NAs produced by integer overflow

 Any ideas on how I can extract the time spent values from the 'trip' object
 as a matrix, the dimensions of which will match the raster dimensions?
 Using 'image' plots the values at the same resolution.

 Any help would be very much appreciated.

 Kylie Scales

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Michael Sumner
Hobart, Australia

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Re: [R-sig-eco] How to calculate geographical coordinates of sampling points following (by bearing and distance) a georeferenced one?

2012-04-05 Thread Michael Sumner
I cannot remember the names, but there would be support for this in the
maptools or geosphere package I am sure

On Thursday, April 5, 2012, Ivailo wrote:

 Der fellow R-users,

 I have several sampling sites and in each site the starting plot
 (i.e. the first one that have been sampled) is georeferenced with a
 GPS but the following ones are just described by their distance and
 bearing in relation to the previous one.

 Is there a quick way to calculate (by using some of the spatial
 R-packages) the geographic coordinates of the sapling plots at each
 location that have not been explicitly georeferenced?

 UBUNTU: a person is a person through other persons.

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Michael Sumner
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
Hobart, Australia

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Re: [R-sig-eco] as.ltraj-adehabitatLT

2011-08-07 Thread Michael Sumner
The error message says it all - there are duplicated date/times in the
da input for a given id. You should investigate these and either
edit or remove them so that the trajectory makes sense.

Something like this can show which ids/datetimes are duplicated, but
without having your data it's just a guess (and untested):
lapply(split(data.frame(da, data.sini$Name), data.sini$Name),
function(x) x[is.duplicated(x),])

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Natasa Djakovic wrote:

 I'm trying to create an object of class ltray to store animal movements, but 
 keep getting an error message: Error in as.ltraj(xy = data.sini[, c(X, 
 Y)], date = da, id = data.sini$Name) : non unique dates for a given burst.

 Does anyone have a suggestion how to solve this problem?

 Kind regards,

 R-sig-ecology mailing list

Michael Sumner
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
Hobart, Australia

R-sig-ecology mailing list

Re: [R-sig-eco] How to calculate time spent on a world grid with circumpolar trips

2010-10-18 Thread Michael Sumner
Here's another way to do it, I've used a slightly different grid that is
only 360 cells across. This won't work if the trip segments also cross the 0
longitude, but I'll have a go at something in trip to do that too.

Cheers, Mike.


## read track data
a - read.table(file=79355.txt, h=T, sep=\t)
a$date - as.POSIXct(strptime(as.character(a$date),%d/%m/%Y %H:%M), GMT)
a$device_code - as.factor(a$device_code)
a - a[order(a$date), ]

## set up trip object
tr - a
tr$longitude[tr$longitude  0] - tr$longitude[tr$longitude  0] + 360
coordinates(tr) - ~longitude+latitude
tr - trip(tr, c(date, device_code))

## 0-360 grid
gt0360 - GridTopology(c(0, -70), c(1, 1), c(360, 57))
grd - tripGrid(tr, grid = gt0360)

## convert grid to -180/180 by indexing the x-coords and the grid
grd0 - as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(grd)
subX - grd0$x  180
grd0$x[subX] - grd0$x[subX] - 360
grd0$x - sort(grd0$x)
grd0$z - rbind(grd0$z[subX,], grd0$z[!subX,])

## convert back to sp
grd - image2Grid(grd0)

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Michael Sumner wrote:

 Thanks David, I'll investigate.

 Also, I've been thinking there's probably no real reason not to allow
 2-location trips. ;)

 Cheers, Mike

 2010/9/30 Pinaud David
Hi Mike!
  I've fixed my problem by running this (unelegant) code, with the same
  as yours. I don't know if it's worth to include it in the trip package,
  here is the code! Feel free to adapt it and use it if you want.
  I needed to change a little bit the trip class definition to convert a
  with two locations in a trip object. You set the limit at 3 locs when
  defining a trip object, it makes sense that an interesting trip would
  more than 3 locs, but some colleagues here are working with dispersal of
  individuals, calculating distance and bearing with 2 locs (birth / death
  birth/first reproduction place), so the package can be also usefull in
  Le 09/09/2010 15:28, Michael Sumner a écrit :
  Sorry to have missed this.
  There's really no way to do this in longitude / latitude without a lot
  of manual handling. You could split into two trips, one using the
  eastern hemisphere, the other the western and use a shared [-180,180]
  grid that you sum together.
  What to do at the split coordinate depends on your actual data, there
  are many options.
  If you are still looking for an answer I could have a closer look at
  your example code, but real data would be more helpful if you can
  share it. There are a number of problems in the code you posted that
  prevent it from being easily run.
  Cheers, Mike.
  On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Pinaud
  Dear all,
  I want to calculate a grid of time spent per cell with albatross data.
  goal is then to relate this to fisheries data set on a 1x1° grid.
  I use the trip package with tripGrid(), but have some problems with
  crossing the date line.
  Usually I use a projection to do that but here I need to keep the 1x1°
  in order to relate density tu some data (fisheries...).
  I've tried with recenter() and nowrapSpatialLines(), without success.
  Here a code:
  library(maps)   # to draw world maps
  d- data.frame(x=c(seq(50, 180, 10), seq(-170, 50, 10)), y=rnorm(n=37,
  m=-50, sd=3), tms=Sys.time()-(37:1*60*60*24), id=rep(1, 37))  # an
  coordinates(d)- ~x+y
  tr- trip(d, c(tms, id))
  proj4string(at)- CRS(+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84)
  plot(tr, add=T)
  points(coordinates(tr), t=l)
  # grid
  grid.base- expand.grid(Long=seq(-180, 180, by=1), Lat=seq(-70, -15,
# tab coords
  coordinates(grid.base)- ~ Long + Lat
  proj4string(grid.base)- CRS(+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84)
  gt- makeGridTopology(grid.base, cellsize = c(1, 1))  # def grid topo
  # time spent per cell
  tppc- tripGrid(tr, grid = gt)
  tppc01- tppc   # a copy for pres/abs
  tpp...@data$z- ifelse(t...@data$z  0, 1, 0)
  image(tppc, col=rev(heat.colors(500)))  # seems ok
  map('world', add=T)
  points(coordinates(tr), t=l)
  # but with presence/absence:
  image(tppc01, col=c(white, green))
  map('world', add=T)
  points(coordinates(tr), t=l, col=blue)
  Some ideas ?
  Many thanks for your time.
  David PINAUD
  Ingénieur de Recherche Analyses spatiales
  Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé - CNRS UPR1934
  79360 Villiers-en-Bois, France poste 485
  Tel: +33 (0)
  Fax: +33 (0)
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