Re: [R-sig-eco] Zero inflated data on some levels of a random factor in mixed models

2014-09-17 Thread Krista Takkis
Dear Mollie and Ben,

Thank you very much for your recommendations!

Best regards,

2014-09-17 3:33 GMT+03:00 Mollie Brooks :
> Dear Krista,
> glmmADMB will only model a zero inflation constant that equally applies to
> all species (i.e. no predictors for number of zeros). It sounds like in your
> case, zero inflation varies by species. The easiest thing to do is to model
> the zero/non-zero parts separately as you suggest.
> If n is nectar and dat is your data frame, then in lme4, this might look
> something like
> m0=glmer((n>0) ~ species + (1|plant), family=binomial, data=dat)
> m1=lmer(n ~ species + (1|plant),  data=subset(dat, n>0))
> Note, with only 4 species, it should be included as a fixed rather than
> random effect.
> Do you have repeated measures of individual flowers? If not, then there’s no
> need to include it as a random effect.
> Cheers,
> Mollie
> Mollie Brooks, PhD
> Postdoctoral Researcher, Population Ecology Research Group
> Institute of Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies, University of
> Zürich
> On 15Sep 2014, at 9:41, Krista Takkis  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a set of data on nectar volumes from four plant species. Two
> species have ample zeroes in the data (for one species almost 1/3 of
> the flowers had no nectar), but two species don’t have excessive
> zeroes in the data and have a normal distribution. I am trying to find
> out, what would be the correct way to model the trait responses in
> this situation. I would like to analyse all four species in one mixed
> model, but should I try to account for the zero inflated data, if the
> problem is only with half of the species? And if so, then how could I
> do it properly?
>   An answer to an earlier question on the topic of zero inflated data
> ( suggested
> to model the zero and non-zero data separately. With not too many
> zeroes in case of two species and wishing to combaine all four
> species, I probably cannot use this method in this case or could it be
> possible somehow? Till now I have used function glmmPQL (MASS) to
> model this trait with species/plant/flower as a random factor.
> However, as far as I know, this function does not allow to account for
> the zero inflated data. I found that MCMCglmm and glmmADMB would allow
> to account for zero inflated data, but before learning to use a new
> package I wanted to ask, whether this would be the correct way to
> approach this kind of data in the first place and whether there might
> be a way to do this using glmmPQL function?
>   Could you give me some suggestions, what might be the best way to
> deal with this kind of data?
> Thank you in advance,
> Krista Takkis
> Department of Geography
> University of the Aegean
> ___
> R-sig-ecology mailing list

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[R-sig-eco] adonis() and collinearity

2014-09-17 Thread Jonas Kuppler

Dear all,

if I use only continuous explanatory variables in the adonis() function 
it is like a multiple linear regression with dissimilarities.

In multiple regression with highly correlated exp. variables I have the 
problem with multicollinearity and an increasing standard error of the 
coefficents. Is it the same for the adonis() function? I would think so 
since adonis() is "analogous" to a MANOVA, but I am not sure. And is 
there any possibility to estimate the influence of multicollinearity in 
adonis(); like the variance inflation factor for lm?

Thanks & Best,


R-sig-ecology mailing list

Re: [R-sig-eco] adonis() and collinearity

2014-09-17 Thread Jari Oksanen
Dear Jonas Kuppler,

On 17/09/2014, at 16:06 PM, Jonas Kuppler wrote:

> if I use only continuous explanatory variables in the adonis() function it is 
> like a multiple linear regression with dissimilarities.
> In multiple regression with highly correlated exp. variables I have the 
> problem with multicollinearity and an increasing standard error of the 
> coefficents. Is it the same for the adonis() function?

Yes, it is.

> I would think so since adonis() is "analogous" to a MANOVA, but I am not 
> sure. And is there any possibility to estimate the influence of 
> multicollinearity in adonis(); like the variance inflation factor for lm?
Not directly: adonis does not return all intermediate results that are useful 
to find the vif. It could be modified to return those items and then it would 
be very simple to calculate vif. Not yet, though (neither in plans). There are 
some tricks that may work even with the current code: check Legendre & Legendre 
latest edition.

Cheers, Jari Oksanen
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