[R-sig-Geo] rgdal, regeos, maptools retirement: a world vanishing

2021-09-19 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Dear Roger,

I had missed your message about rgdal, rgeos, maptools and your 
retirement...  As being retired since 2 years, and emeritus as yourself, 
I can tell you how free an "emeritus" can be when rid of all forms of 
bureaucracies, competition for grants and institutional top-down 
injunctions. To tell you the truth I never had before a so deep feeling 
of being free to do the job for which I was paid for than since I am 

I want to warmly thank you for all the work done since decades (speaking 
in the name of many in our lab). I remember our correspondence when I 
was back from field work in China, in the early 2000, when I was asking 
you how graphics could help and handle shapes and mapping... and I still 
have the first edition of Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R with your 
signing mentioning those early times. Of course thenafter, rgal, rgeos 
and maptools have been instrumental for most of my papers in ecology and 

For sure, we will be a bit lost (and a bit scared not to find equivalent 
facilities) in rewriting a large number of scripts with other 
libraries... 

Anyway, I wish you all the best for your new life, and hope our paths 
will anyway cross from time to time...



Professor emeritus of ecology
Honorary member of the /Institut universitaire de France/
Distinguished professor of the Yunnan University
of Finance and Economics, China

Université de Franche-Comté
La Bouloie
25030 Besançon Cedex, France
Web sites:

Lab <http://chrono-environnement.univ-fcomte.fr/>
IRN EHEDE <http://gdri-ehede.univ-fcomte.fr/>
Zone atelier (LTSER site) Arc jurassien 
Metadata portal 

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R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] reading geopackage gpkg with readOGR

2021-04-13 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Apologize to answer to myself, but this morning I had advise from a 
colleague who confirmed that *.gpkg files can be read straightfully with



Trying again this morning, indeed, the file can be read as:

readOGR("trspixNarati_alt_UTM44.gpkg") # package in the working directory
readOGR("./Shapes/trspixNarati_alt_UTM44.gpkg") # package in the 
'Shapes' folder

Quite incomprehensible why it did not work yesterday...

Le 13/04/2021 à 08:35, Patrick Giraudoux a écrit :
> Dear listers,
> I did not find the way to open a geopackage using rgdal::readOGR.
> The package name is 'trspixNarati_alt_UTM44.gpkg' (with two companion 
> files: 'trspixNarati_alt_UTM44.gpkg-shm' and 
> 'trspixNarati_alt_UTM44.gpkg-wal') stored in a folder 'Shapes'
> The corresponding object should be a SpatialPointsDataFrame.
> I have tried several combinations (a bit blind) with
> readOGR("./Shapes/trspixNaratiUTM44_alt_UTM44.gpkg")
> readOGR("./Shapes/","trspixNaratiUTM44_alt_UTM44.gpkg")
> readOGR("./Shapes/","trspixNaratiUTM44_alt_UTM44")
> with no success...
> This link https://jsta.github.io/2016/07/14/geopackage-r.html gives 
> indications on the how to to it, but supposes that one knows a layer 
> name (which is not my case)
> Any idea about the syntax of this driver ?
> Best,
> Patrick

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R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] reading geopackage gpkg with readOGR

2021-04-13 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Dear listers,

I did not find the way to open a geopackage using rgdal::readOGR.

The package name is 'trspixNarati_alt_UTM44.gpkg' (with two companion 
files: 'trspixNarati_alt_UTM44.gpkg-shm' and 
'trspixNarati_alt_UTM44.gpkg-wal') stored in a folder 'Shapes'

The corresponding object should be a SpatialPointsDataFrame.

I have tried several combinations (a bit blind) with




with no success...

This link https://jsta.github.io/2016/07/14/geopackage-r.html gives 
indications on the how to to it, but supposes that one knows a layer 
name (which is not my case)

Any idea about the syntax of this driver ?



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Re: [R-sig-Geo] generating points from random to overdispersed on a raster grid.

2020-06-22 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Le 22/06/2020 à 16:20, Roger Bivand a écrit :
> On Sat, 20 Jun 2020, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> On a simulation purpose, I would like to generate data variying from
>> random to various degrees of overdispersion on a raster grid. For
>> instance on a matrix 1000 x 1000, to select a number of pixels that
>> could be considered spatially aggregated (with a possibility for tuning
>> the degree of aggregation from "random" - no aggregation - to strong
>> clusters).
>> Has anyone heard about how to proceed or an idea about it?
> This sounds very much like spatstat, but could you provide a short 
> code example to show what the discretised output should be? Are these 
> presence/absence in the grid cells?
> Best wishes,
> Roger

Good point Roger. Actually some earlier answers helped be even to 
clarify the problem in my mind... I did not realise at first there was 
two hidden components in my question. I becomes clear that the way to  
adress the issue is scale dependent. If  the need is to simulate spatial 
aggregation of points (e.g. vole colonies or vole individuals), thus we 
probably need to dig in Akos' proposition and spatstat, indeed. If the 
need is to simulate overdispersed densities (e.g. according to a e.g. 
negbinomial distribution), thus selecting pixels randomly on a raster 
and giving them the values computed on the negbinomial distribution 
should make it. Both can be combined to obtain a perfect mess

The ball is now in my and collaborator's court !

Thanks anyway to responders who really helped be to go a step further 
(below David Pleydell's answer, a former postdoc now researcher at INRA, 
contacted directly off list, but this might be of interest or other 

Le 22/06/2020 à 13:01, David Pleydell a écrit :

Hi Patrick


Since the Poisson is a special case of negative binomial then why not?


According to the above chunk of wikipedia, as r -> Inf the neg binomial 
converges to Poisson. So in a spatial model you could include log(r) (or 
log(1/r)) as a Gaussian random field (or Markov random field, or 2-D 
spline etc etc).  You would need to give some thought as to how to 
parameterise this - i.e. if there was no data would you 
want over-dispersed vs Poisson to be equally likely, or should the prior 
favour one or the other?

If this is a (modestly sized) spatial model it should be possible to use 
the conditional-autoregressive (CAR) priors that Andrew Lawson has 
written for nimble (https://r-nimble.org/nimbleExamples/CAR.html). These 
are adaptations of what has previously been implemented in geo-BUGS 
(with the added advantage of the flexibility and transparency of nimble).

One potential limit of this option is that under-dispersion is assumed 
to not take place. So a slightly different approach would be needed 
for potentially territorial animals (e.g. blackbirds). In this case a 
gamma distribution could be more flexible: when scale=1 then 
mean=variance, when scale <1 variance1 variance>mean.

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R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] generating points from random to overdispersed on a raster grid.

2020-06-20 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Dear listers,

On a simulation purpose, I would like to generate data variying from 
random to various degrees of overdispersion on a raster grid.  For 
instance on a matrix 1000 x 1000, to select a number of pixels that 
could be considered spatially aggregated (with a possibility for tuning 
the degree of aggregation from "random" - no aggregation - to strong 

Has anyone heard about how to proceed or an idea about it?



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R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] how to specify the size of device so that it fits a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame plot exactly

2019-07-29 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Le 29/07/2019 à 11:12, Roger Bivand a écrit :

On Sun, 28 Jul 2019, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:

 Le 28/07/2019 à 17:08, Roger Bivand a écrit : This feels like a 
section in

 ASDAR, ch. 3, and code chunks 24-27 in
 https://asdar-book.org/book2ed/vis_mod.R. Could you please try that 

 by way of something reproducible?

Le 28/07/2019 à 17:15, Patrick Giraudoux a écrit :

 Ups... How  can I have missed this chapter of my bible ;-) ? (must 
admit I
 had been on google first). Will re-read it carefully and come back 
to the

 list with a solution or a reproducible example, indeed.

OK. Read it again, I was not totally lost. Here is a reproducible 
example. To ease reproducibility with simple objects, I will use two 
bounding boxes.  bbChina in WGS84, bbChinaUTM47 in UTM47. I want a 
window fitting the WGS84, and you'll see I get it through a strange way.

bbChina <- new("SpatialPolygons", polygons = list(new("Polygons", 
Polygons = list( new("Polygon", labpt = c(104.8, 35.95), area = 
2372.28, hole = FALSE, ringDir = 1L, coords = structure(c(73, 73, 
136.6, 136.6, 73, 17.3, 54.6, 54.6, 17.3, 17.3), .Dim = c(5L, 2L, 
plotOrder = 1L, labpt = c(104.8, 35.95), ID = "1", area = 2372.28)), 
plotOrder = 1L, bbox = structure(c(73, 17.3, 136.6, 54.6), .Dim = 
c(2L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max"))), 
proj4string = new("CRS", projargs = "+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat 
+datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))

bbChinaUTM47 <- new("SpatialPolygons", polygons = 
list(new("Polygons", Polygons = list( new("Polygon", labpt = 
c(856106.391943348, 4317264.60126758 ), area = 30651262771540.1, hole 
= FALSE, ringDir = 1L, coords = structure(c(-2331000.09677063, 
-2331000.09677063, 4043212.88065733, 4043212.88065733, 
-2331000.09677063, 1912947.1678777, 6721582.03465746, 
6721582.03465746, 1912947.1678777, 1912947.1678777), .Dim = c(5L, 
2L, plotOrder = 1L, labpt = c(856106.391943348, 
4317264.60126758), ID = "1", area = 30651262771540.1)), plotOrder = 
1L, bbox = structure(c(-2331000.09677063, 1912947.1678777, 
4043212.88065733, 6721582.03465746), .Dim = c(2L, 2L), .Dimnames = 
list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max"))), proj4string = new("CRS", 
projargs = "+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
+ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))

Then let's go:

Example #1: here, being straightforward we get two indesirable white 
strips on the sides:

plot(bbChina,col="grey",xaxs='i', yaxs='i')

Example #2: computing the ratio on UTM47, but plotting WGS84 
(strange), I get a better fit but with still two small white strips 
up and down.

plot(bbChina,col="grey",xaxs='i', yaxs='i') # no data range extention 
(xaxs and yaxs parameter)


Example #3: multiplying the ratio by 1.04, I get a good fit

plot(bbChina,col="grey",xaxs='i', yaxs='i')


Looks like the issue has something to do with the way CRS are handled 
when plotting objects, mmmh ? Tricky isn't it ?

Yes, and the section in the book only discusses projected objects, as 
geographical coordinates are stretched N-S proportionally to the 
distance from the Equator. For the UTM47 object, I have:

bbChinaUTM47 <- 
-2331000.09677063, 4043212.88065733, 4043212.88065733, 
-2331000.09677063, 1912947.1678777, 6721582.03465746, 
6721582.03465746, 1912947.1678777, 1912947.1678777), ncol=2))), 
ID="1")), proj4string=CRS("+proj=utm +zone=47")) # you had longlat, so 
triggering the stretching.

x11() # or equivalent
dxy <- apply(bbox(bbChinaUTM47), 1, diff)
ratio <- dxy[1]/dxy[2]
pin <- par("pin")
par(pin=c(ratio * pin[2], pin[2]), xaxs="i", yaxs="i")

where the box overlaps the SP object. To finesse:

c(ratio * pin[2], pin[2])
X11(width=6.85, height=5.2)
pin <- par("pin")
par(pin=c(ratio * pin[2], pin[2]), xaxs="i", yaxs="i")

From plot.Spatial(), asp is set to 1/cos((m

Re: [R-sig-Geo] how to specify the size of device so that it fits a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame plot exactly

2019-07-28 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
> Le 28/07/2019 à 17:08, Roger Bivand a écrit : 
> This feels like a section in ASDAR, ch. 3, and code chunks 24-27 in 
> https://asdar-book.org/book2ed/vis_mod.R. Could you please try that 
> first by way of something reproducible?

Le 28/07/2019 à 17:15, Patrick Giraudoux a écrit :
> Ups... How  can I have missed this chapter of my bible ;-) ? (must 
> admit I had been on google first). Will re-read it carefully and come 
> back to the list with a solution or a reproducible example, indeed.

OK. Read it again, I was not totally lost. Here is a reproducible 
example. To ease reproducibility with simple objects, I will use two 
bounding boxes.  bbChina in WGS84, bbChinaUTM47 in UTM47. I want a 
window fitting the WGS84, and you'll see I get it through a strange way.

bbChina <- new("SpatialPolygons", polygons = list(new("Polygons", 
Polygons = list( new("Polygon", labpt = c(104.8, 35.95), area = 2372.28, 
hole = FALSE, ringDir = 1L, coords = structure(c(73, 73, 136.6, 136.6, 
73, 17.3, 54.6, 54.6, 17.3, 17.3), .Dim = c(5L, 2L, plotOrder = 1L, 
labpt = c(104.8, 35.95), ID = "1", area = 2372.28)), plotOrder = 1L, 
bbox = structure(c(73, 17.3, 136.6, 54.6), .Dim = c(2L, 2L), .Dimnames = 
list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max"))), proj4string = new("CRS", projargs = 
"+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 

bbChinaUTM47 <- new("SpatialPolygons", polygons = list(new("Polygons", 
Polygons = list( new("Polygon", labpt = c(856106.391943348, 
4317264.60126758 ), area = 30651262771540.1, hole = FALSE, ringDir = 1L, 
coords = structure(c(-2331000.09677063, -2331000.09677063, 
4043212.88065733, 4043212.88065733, -2331000.09677063, 1912947.1678777, 
6721582.03465746, 6721582.03465746, 1912947.1678777, 1912947.1678777), 
.Dim = c(5L, 2L, plotOrder = 1L, labpt = c(856106.391943348, 
4317264.60126758), ID = "1", area = 30651262771540.1)), plotOrder = 1L, 
bbox = structure(c(-2331000.09677063, 1912947.1678777, 4043212.88065733, 
6721582.03465746), .Dim = c(2L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(c("x", "y"), 
c("min", "max"))), proj4string = new("CRS", projargs = "+init=epsg:4326 
+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))

Then let's go:

Example #1: here, being straightforward we get two indesirable white 
strips on the sides:

plot(bbChina,col="grey",xaxs='i', yaxs='i')

Example #2: computing the ratio on UTM47, but plotting WGS84 (strange), 
I get a better fit but with still two small white strips up and down.

plot(bbChina,col="grey",xaxs='i', yaxs='i') # no data range extention 
(xaxs and yaxs parameter)


Example #3: multiplying the ratio by 1.04, I get a good fit

plot(bbChina,col="grey",xaxs='i', yaxs='i')


Looks like the issue has something to do with the way CRS are handled 
when plotting objects, mmmh ? Tricky isn't it ?

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Re: [R-sig-Geo] how to specify the size of device so that it fits a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame plot exactly

2019-07-28 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Le 28/07/2019 à 17:08, Roger Bivand a écrit :

On Sat, 27 Jul 2019, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:

Dear listers,

I would like to write jpeg (or png, etc.) maps using the function 
graphics:jpeg (png, etc.), but with the device window exactly fitting 
the map (= no white strip above, below or on the sides of the map). 
The map is derived from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (WGS84)

However, even if I set

par(mar=c(0,0,0,0) and pass xaxs='i', yaxs='i' in the plot, there are 
still white strips

I tried several tricks but none are fully satisfying.

Trial #1: I computed the ratio of the bounding box and using this 
ratio in the function jpeg with the height and width arguments. I did 
it both in WGS84 and in UTM47:

# ratio width/height



par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # no margin
plot(China,col="grey",border="white",lwd=2,xaxs='i', yaxs='i')


The best is obtained with UTM47 (planar projection), however I get 
(almost) rid of any white strip only if I add an additionnal 1.04 
coefficient (obtained by trial-error)



par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # no margin
plot(China,col="grey",border="white",lwd=2,xaxs='i', yaxs='i')


Trial #2: The other way has been to pick up the parameter values like 

par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # no margin
plot(China,col="grey",border="white",lwd=2,xaxs='i', yaxs='i')


par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # no margin
plot(China,col="grey",border="white",lwd=2,xaxs='i', yaxs='i') #


Does not work either

Any idea about how to deal with this ? In short how to get the exact 
size of a SpatialPolygonDataFrame plot to make the device window 
exactly this  size?

This feels like a section in ASDAR, ch. 3, and code chunks 24-27 in 
https://asdar-book.org/book2ed/vis_mod.R. Could you please try that 
first by way of something reproducible?

Best wishes,


Ups... How  can I have missed this chapter of my bible ;-) ? (must admit 
I had been on google first). Will re-read it carefully and come back to 
the list with a solution or a reproducible example, indeed.



R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] how to specify the size of device so that it fits a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame plot exactly

2019-07-27 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Dear listers,

I would like to write jpeg (or png, etc.) maps using the function 
graphics:jpeg (png, etc.), but with the device window exactly fitting 
the map (= no white strip above, below or on the sides of the map). The 
map is derived from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (WGS84)

However, even if I set

par(mar=c(0,0,0,0) and pass xaxs='i', yaxs='i' in the plot, there are 
still white strips

I tried several tricks but none are fully satisfying.

Trial #1: I computed the ratio of the bounding box and using this ratio 
in the function jpeg with the height and width arguments. I did it both 
in WGS84 and in UTM47:

# ratio width/height



par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # no margin
plot(China,col="grey",border="white",lwd=2,xaxs='i', yaxs='i')


The best is obtained with UTM47 (planar projection), however I get 
(almost) rid of any white strip only if I add an additionnal 1.04 
coefficient (obtained by trial-error)



par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # no margin
plot(China,col="grey",border="white",lwd=2,xaxs='i', yaxs='i')


Trial #2: The other way has been to pick up the parameter values like that:

par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # no margin
plot(China,col="grey",border="white",lwd=2,xaxs='i', yaxs='i')


par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # no margin
plot(China,col="grey",border="white",lwd=2,xaxs='i', yaxs='i') #


Does not work either

Any idea about how to deal with this ? In short how to get the exact 
size of a SpatialPolygonDataFrame plot to make the device window exactly 
this  size?



R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Reordering geographical coordinates clockwise to make a polygon

2018-11-05 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Apologize to answer to myself: the way described below would work only 
if there are no concave "peninsula" towards north or south inside the 
polygon. Even thinking about an alternate solution, e.g. the Traveling 
Salesman Problem (TSP), ie. the shortest route linking all points, one 
could get wrong since points of  a narrowpeninsula could have points 
closest to the opposite border than from the next point on the border...

Suppose we are stuck, and should redraw polygons by hand

Le 05/11/2018 à 14:02, Patrick Giraudoux a écrit :
> Dear listers,
> There is an interesting post here: 
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6989100/sort-points-in-clockwise-order 
> dealing on the issue. However, I would like to know if a function has 
> been already developped in a R package.
> I am coping with a young colleague's shapefile where borders of 
> polygons have been drawn as lines quite inconsistently. To change this 
> SpatialLinesDataFrame into a SpatialPoints object is easy. The idea is 
> to  select the points  bordering each polygon (delete the others), 
> define the point set as a Polygon, then rebuild step by step a 
> SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with all its (~25) polygons. It would be much 
> quicker than to redraw one by one the 5160 data points (two times on 
> borders shared by two polygons).
> The problem is that the points must be reordered clockwise (the way 
> lines making the  borders is all except clockwise) before making them 
> a polygon.
> Any function already developped for that ?
> Cheers,
> Patrick

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Re: [R-sig-Geo] sampling with a "cluster" constraints

2018-03-23 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Le 23/03/2018 à 08:59, Roger Bivand a écrit :
Just a thought - spatstat? This has had line segements too for some 
time, maybe chapter 17 in the spatstat book?


Indeed. There are at least two possibilities: simulations using either 
Matern process or Neyman-Scott Point Process with Variance Gamma cluster 
kernel... Will see how it could be applicable in my case. Thanks again 
for the hint, Roger.


R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] sampling with a "cluster" constraints

2018-03-23 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Le 23/03/2018 à 08:59, Roger Bivand a écrit :
Just a thought - spatstat? This has had line segements too for some 
time, maybe chapter 17 in the spatstat book?


Thanks Roger. I will check this. If nothing comes out, I am thinking 
about developping a quick and dirty home-made function based on negative 
binomial distribution where a "clustering" (dispersion) parameter can be 
tuned... Hence, shit stats for hazel grouse and capercaillie shit 
distribution :-D...


R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] sampling with a "cluster" constraints

2018-03-22 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Dear Listers,

Everybody is probably used with sp:spsample, which permits to produce 
points locations at random or on a regular grid. Is anybody aware of a 
package permitting similarly to produce points locations in a field with 
various degrees of clustering. The idea is to produce points in a field 
with various degrees of clustering repetedly,  and to compare statistics 
to observed data.  E.g. observations in the real world are clustered; 
one computes a statistics, e.g. the distance of each observation to a 
feature (e.g. to a road network); then one compute B=999 similarly 
clustered distributions randomly and the corresponding statistics. This 
would allow to compute how likely the observed statistics is.

Any hint welcome!



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Re: [R-sig-Geo] readOGR does not read file names with accent

2018-02-15 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Le 15/02/2018 à 13:01, Roger Bivand a écrit :

And with a further fix for a downstream encoding issue:



OK. Works perfect now, even with a worst case scenario "accents + white 
space", e.g.

readOGR("./track génét/gélinotte/2016/Mont Noir","général jour 5")

Really great ! Many thanks for your help and so quick response... Awsome !

Best wishes,


R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] readOGR does not read file names with accent

2018-02-14 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
PS: surprisingly, the files with accent are well read from QGIS (however 
QGIS uses gdal as workhorse...)

Le 15/02/2018 à 08:20, Patrick Giraudoux a écrit :
>> Patrick:
>> Is there also a space in the file path? What is the locale, I guess 
>> CP1252?
> My locale is fr;Français (France)
> Le 15/02/2018 à 07:57, Roger Bivand a écrit :
>> ... and could you try sf::st_read(), as it uses enc2utf8() 
>> internally? If that works, the same may be used in rgdal.
> st_read has the same issue: reads the file with no accent but not with 
> accent:
> library(sf)
> st_read("./track 
> génét/gélinotte/2017/Trémontagne","trace_chaux_du_dombief")
> Reading layer `trace_chaux_du_dombief' from data source 
> `U:\Users\pgiraudo2\Documents\Tetra\Master Tony Vialet\track 
> génét\gélinotte\2017\Trémontagne' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 5 fields
> geometry type:  LINESTRING
> dimension:  XY
> bbox:   xmin: 870249.9 ymin: 2180142 xmax: 871070 ymax: 2180930
> epsg (SRID):NA
> proj4string:NA
> but
> st_read("./track 
> génét/gélinotte/2017/Trémontagne","tracé_chaux_du_dombief")
> Cannot open layer tracé_chaux_du_dombief
> Error in CPL_read_ogr(dsn, layer, as.character(options), quiet, type, 
> : Opening layer failed.

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Re: [R-sig-Geo] readOGR does not read file names with accent

2018-02-14 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
> Patrick:
> Is there also a space in the file path? What is the locale, I guess 
> CP1252?

My locale is fr;Français (France)

Le 15/02/2018 à 07:57, Roger Bivand a écrit :
> ... and could you try sf::st_read(), as it uses enc2utf8() internally? 
> If that works, the same may be used in rgdal.

st_read has the same issue: reads the file with no accent but not with 

st_read("./track génét/gélinotte/2017/Trémontagne","trace_chaux_du_dombief")

Reading layer `trace_chaux_du_dombief' from data source 
`U:\Users\pgiraudo2\Documents\Tetra\Master Tony Vialet\track 
génét\gélinotte\2017\Trémontagne' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 5 fields
geometry type:  LINESTRING
dimension:  XY
bbox:   xmin: 870249.9 ymin: 2180142 xmax: 871070 ymax: 2180930
epsg (SRID):NA


st_read("./track génét/gélinotte/2017/Trémontagne","tracé_chaux_du_dombief")

Cannot open layer tracé_chaux_du_dombief
Error in CPL_read_ogr(dsn, layer, as.character(options), quiet, type, : 
Opening layer failed.

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R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] readOGR does not read file names with accent

2018-02-14 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Dear all,

My plateform is Windows 7. I am meeting trouble when reading a shapefile 
with rgdal:readOGR when the file name includes an accent.

For instance,

génét/gélinotte/2017/Trémontagne","trace_chaux_du_dombief.shp")is well read


Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, encoding = encoding, 
use_iconv = use_iconv, :
   Cannot open layer

In both cases accents in the path are well accepted. The difference just 
come from accent in the filename.

Any idea about a workaround (except trivial: manually changing accents 
to non accent ;-): I have tens of files to read)?



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R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Wrong reading of data type in readOGR ?

2016-11-25 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Le 25/11/2016 à 16:18, Roger Bivand a écrit :

On Fri, 25 Nov 2016, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:

Dear Listers,

I meet a problem with readOGR on an ESRI shapefile which was 
correctly read in the past (practical training with students). Now 
all integer variables are read as "factors" although they should be 
read as integer. With the argument stringsAsFactors=FALSE, the 
reading gives "characters", but not the expected integers.

Please see:



This is the result of the antiquated way DBF handle numbers, and 
changes made in GDAL2 to accommodate 64-bit integers, which most often 
are IDs, not numbers. Maybe try the GDAL1_integer64_policy= argument, 
or re-write the shapefiles with the offending integer written as a 
double, or stop using shapefiles.


For info, a command line like this (with GDAL1_integer64=TRUE)

2539<-readOGR(".","Arvicola2539maj11au", GDAL1_integer64=TRUE)

...works perfect and meet the expectations. May be useful to keep in 
mind for old shapefiles left on a shelter in the attic...

Before Roger's response, during the training course (may day, may day, 
etc.), the other way round had been to import with no arguments and then 
use a loop such:

for(i in 18:75) d2539@data[,i]<-as.numeric(as.character(d2539@data[,i]))

but it is (not recommandable) ruffian's way (:-)

R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Wrong reading of data type in readOGR ?

2016-11-25 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Le 25/11/2016 à 16:18, Roger Bivand a écrit :

On Fri, 25 Nov 2016, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:

Dear Listers,

I meet a problem with readOGR on an ESRI shapefile which was 
correctly read in the past (practical training with students). Now 
all integer variables are read as "factors" although they should be 
read as integer. With the argument stringsAsFactors=FALSE, the 
reading gives "characters", but not the expected integers.

Please see:



This is the result of the antiquated way DBF handle numbers, and 
changes made in GDAL2 to accommodate 64-bit integers, which most often 
are IDs, not numbers. Maybe try the GDAL1_integer64_policy= argument, 
or re-write the shapefiles with the offending integer written as a 
double, or stop using shapefiles.


OK. Clear enough. Thanks, Roger. Will modify the training guideline 



R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] Wrong reading of data type in readOGR ?

2016-11-25 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Dear Listers,

I meet a problem with readOGR on an ESRI shapefile which was correctly 
read in the past (practical training with students). Now all integer 
variables are read as "factors" although they should be read as integer. 
With the argument stringsAsFactors=FALSE, the reading gives 
"characters", but not the expected integers.

Reading the corresponding *.dbf file with foreign:read.dbf gives a 
correct reading. This makes me suspect that something goes wrong with 
the last version of readOGR (maybe earlier too). Those installed one 
year ago in the computer room are OK.

Any suggestion/idea?



R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] GPX and writeOGR

2015-08-19 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
Dear listers,

I am struggling with writeOGR (package rgdal) to make it write a gpx 
file. Among other trials, I am stuck with this (dbposWGS84 is a 
SpatialPointsDataFrame with three attribute fields):

writeOGR(dbposWGS84,dbposWGS84,waypoints,GPX) Error in 
writeOGR(dbposWGS84, dbposWGS84, waypoints, GPX) : Creating Name 
field failed

Any idea about what is going wrong ?


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R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] computing polygons from a centroid point distribution

2011-12-22 Thread Patrick Giraudoux

Le 23/12/2011 02:41, Rolf Turner a écrit :

You should be aware that the ***centroid*** of a Dirichlet/Voronoi 
tile is

***NOT*** in general the point determining that tile.

I do not believe that your original question, as posed (in terms
of centroids) actually has a solution.


Rolf Turner

Thanks for this info. Now I realize that my question was wrongly 
formulated. A tesselation based on spatial points was enough for what I 
wanted to do.



On 20/12/11 21:55, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:

Le 20/12/2011 07:53, Ben Madin a écrit :


On 20/12/2011, at 2:40 PM, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:

Given a spatial point distribution in a two dimensional space, I 
wonder if there is a function in R that could make a polygon 
partition of the two dimensional space, with each point as centroid 
of each polygon ?

Any suggestion about package(s) and function(s), if any, welcome,

might be what you are after?



Yes ! exactly what I needed. Missed that it could have been properly 
called tesselation, rather than to use winding explanations...

Many thanks,


R-sig-Geo mailing list

R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] computing polygons from a centroid point distribution

2011-12-19 Thread Patrick Giraudoux


Given a spatial point distribution in a two dimensional space, I wonder 
if there is a function in R that could make a polygon partition of the 
two dimensional space, with each point as centroid of each polygon ?

Any suggestion about package(s) and function(s), if any, welcome,



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