Re: [R-sig-phylo] Problem with "ace" in package "ape"

2012-09-14 Thread Emmanuel Paradis
Hi Miguel,

You are not using ace() correctly. If 'model' is a matrix it must be an "index" 
matrix, not a rate matrix. This is explained in the help page. In your case, 
you could leave the default model="ER". Note that this seems similar to fitting 
a JC69 model, so you may consider using phangorn as an alternative.


-Original Message-
From: Miguel Lacerda 
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 17:26:10 
Subject: [R-sig-phylo] Problem with "ace" in package "ape"

Hi there,

I would like to extract the conditional likelihoods of a phylogenetic model
of discrete character evolution at each of the ancestral nodes in a tree. I
have attempted to do this with the function "ace" in the R package "ape".
However, I am getting the following error message:

mytree <- rtree(50)
Q <- matrix(c(-3,1,1,1, 1,-3,1,1, 1,1,-3,1 ,1,1,1,-3),4,4)/100
rownames(Q) <- colnames(Q) <- c("A","C","G","T")
mymap <- sim.history(mytree, Q)
tip.states <- mymap$states
ace(factor(tip.states, levels=c("A","C","G","T")), mytree, type="discrete",

Error in nlminb(rep(ip, length.out = np), function(p) dev(p), lower =
rep(0,  :
  'd' must be a nonempty numeric vector

The error seems to occur whenever the number of substitution events is
small. If I do not divide the Q matrix by 100 in the example above (so that
more character changes are simulated along the phylogeny and hence more
diversity is observed at the tips), ace works fine. If all the tip states
are identical, ace crashes with the error message above.

Is there any other function available to extract the conditional
likelihoods at each ancestral node?


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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Ouch v.2.8-2 on the same tree gives different results (maybe)

2012-09-14 Thread Marguerite Butler
Dear Elena,

If I understand you correctly, you are trying to fit a unique regime to each 
branch of the tree? 

This is not advisable, as there are more branches than there are more branches 
than there are terminal taxa (data points). So you are trying to fit many more 
parameters than you have data points. In a hansen model, there are parameters 
for the strength of selection (alpha) the magnitude of drift (sigma) and each 
optima (4 for a 3 taxon tree). That is 6 parameters for three data points. 

It is not at all surprising that you get non convergence or different results, 
as the problem is not identifiable. We recommend using the minimum number of 
selective regimes to describe the major features of the data. Generally there 
are only a few regimes for many species, with many branches of the tree in the 
same regime.

Also you should avoid tinkering with the inner workings of S4 objects. You 
should use them via their accessors as given in the help pages. Please try the 
examples at the bottom of the included datasets:




On Sep 14, 2012, at 5:51 AM, Elena Grassi wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm a newbie in phylogenetic analysis so excuse me in advance for
> incorrect terms and so on (or if my question is too silly).
> I've recently started to work on a project for which I need to use
> Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models and I decided to use R and ouch since
> the documentation was great.
> For the first experiments I have been working on some toy trees but
> I'm getting puzzling results: the same tree, simply
> defined with different orders of the string which I use to represent
> it in the Newick format, when analyzed with the Hansen
> functions gives different results.
> I have tried different combinations and in some cases a process
> converges while the other one does not, in other
> cases what change are the chosen optimal sigma (and thus the
> loglikelihoods and so on). This happens
> when I use a regime with different levels for every node in the tree
> but not when I use a single regime.
> I'm pasting here an example of this phenomenon. It could be a stupid
> error on my side but I'm not able to spot it right now.
> Thanks,
> Elena Grassi
> "
>> library("ouch")
>> library("ape")
>> t1 <- read.tree(text="(E:10,(D:5,C:5):5);")
>> t2 <- read.tree(text="((C:5,D:5):5,E:10);")
>> out1 <- ape2ouch(t1)
>> out2 <- ape2ouch(t2)
>> regime1 <- out@nodes
>> regime1 <- out1@nodes
>> regime2 <- rep("global", length(outree@nodes))
>> regime2 <- rep("global", length(out2@nodes))
>> expr1 <- c(NA, NA, 3, 5, 10)
>> expr2 <- c(NA, NA, 10, 5, 3)
>> models_data1 <- data.frame(expr1, regime1, regime2, row.names=out1@nodes)
>> models_data2 <- data.frame(expr2, regime1, regime2, row.names=out2@nodes)
>> m1 <- hansen(models_data1["expr1"], out1, models_data1["regime1"], 1, 1)
>> m2 <- hansen(models_data2["expr2"], out2, models_data2["regime1"], 1, 1)
> unsuccessful convergence, code 10, see documentation for `optim'
> Warning message:
> In hansen(models_data2["expr2"], out2, models_data2["regime1"],  :
>  unsuccessful convergence
>> m1
> call:
> hansen(data = models_data1["expr1"], tree = out1, regimes =
> models_data1["regime1"],
>sqrt.alpha = 1, sigma = 1)
>  nodes ancestors times labels regime1 expr1
> 1 1 0.0  1NA
> 2 2 1   0.5  2NA
> 3 3 2   1.0  C   3 3
> 4 4 2   1.0  D   4 5
> 5 5 1   1.0  E   510
> alpha:
> [,1]
> [1,] 3.734194
> sigma squared:
> [,1]
> [1,] 9.233622e-30
> theta:
> $expr1
> 1  2  3  4  5
> 0.5049171  1.3917440  3.3191037  5.6847686 10.2324134
>   loglik  deviance   aic aic.c   sic   dof
> 100.5415 -201.0831 -187.0831 -209.4831 -193.39287.
>> m22 <- hansen(models_data2["expr2"], out2, models_data2["regime2"], 1, 1)
>> m11 <- hansen(models_data1["expr1"], out1, models_data1["regime2"], 1, 1)
>> m11@loglik
> [1] -7.47607
>> m22@loglik
> [1] -7.47607
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
> Platform: i486-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)
> locale:
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
> other attached packages:
> [1] ape_3.0-5 ouch_2.8-2subplex_1.1-3
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] gee_4.13-18 grid_2.15.1 lattice_0.20-10 nlme_3.1-104
> tools_2.15.1
> "
> -- 
> ___
> R-sig-phylo mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.

[R-sig-phylo] Problem with "ace" in package "ape"

2012-09-14 Thread Miguel Lacerda
Hi there,

I would like to extract the conditional likelihoods of a phylogenetic model
of discrete character evolution at each of the ancestral nodes in a tree. I
have attempted to do this with the function "ace" in the R package "ape".
However, I am getting the following error message:

mytree <- rtree(50)
Q <- matrix(c(-3,1,1,1, 1,-3,1,1, 1,1,-3,1 ,1,1,1,-3),4,4)/100
rownames(Q) <- colnames(Q) <- c("A","C","G","T")
mymap <- sim.history(mytree, Q)
tip.states <- mymap$states
ace(factor(tip.states, levels=c("A","C","G","T")), mytree, type="discrete",

Error in nlminb(rep(ip, length.out = np), function(p) dev(p), lower =
rep(0,  :
  'd' must be a nonempty numeric vector

The error seems to occur whenever the number of substitution events is
small. If I do not divide the Q matrix by 100 in the example above (so that
more character changes are simulated along the phylogeny and hence more
diversity is observed at the tips), ace works fine. If all the tip states
are identical, ace crashes with the error message above.

Is there any other function available to extract the conditional
likelihoods at each ancestral node?


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[R-sig-phylo] Ouch v.2.8-2 on the same tree gives different results (maybe)

2012-09-14 Thread Elena Grassi

I'm a newbie in phylogenetic analysis so excuse me in advance for
incorrect terms and so on (or if my question is too silly).
I've recently started to work on a project for which I need to use
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models and I decided to use R and ouch since
the documentation was great.
For the first experiments I have been working on some toy trees but
I'm getting puzzling results: the same tree, simply
defined with different orders of the string which I use to represent
it in the Newick format, when analyzed with the Hansen
functions gives different results.
I have tried different combinations and in some cases a process
converges while the other one does not, in other
cases what change are the chosen optimal sigma (and thus the
loglikelihoods and so on). This happens
when I use a regime with different levels for every node in the tree
but not when I use a single regime.

I'm pasting here an example of this phenomenon. It could be a stupid
error on my side but I'm not able to spot it right now.

Elena Grassi
> library("ouch")
> library("ape")
> t1 <- read.tree(text="(E:10,(D:5,C:5):5);")
> t2 <- read.tree(text="((C:5,D:5):5,E:10);")
> out1 <- ape2ouch(t1)
> out2 <- ape2ouch(t2)
> regime1 <- out@nodes
> regime1 <- out1@nodes
> regime2 <- rep("global", length(outree@nodes))
> regime2 <- rep("global", length(out2@nodes))
> expr1 <- c(NA, NA, 3, 5, 10)
> expr2 <- c(NA, NA, 10, 5, 3)
> models_data1 <- data.frame(expr1, regime1, regime2, row.names=out1@nodes)
> models_data2 <- data.frame(expr2, regime1, regime2, row.names=out2@nodes)
> m1 <- hansen(models_data1["expr1"], out1, models_data1["regime1"], 1, 1)
> m2 <- hansen(models_data2["expr2"], out2, models_data2["regime1"], 1, 1)
unsuccessful convergence, code 10, see documentation for `optim'
Warning message:
In hansen(models_data2["expr2"], out2, models_data2["regime1"],  :
  unsuccessful convergence
> m1

hansen(data = models_data1["expr1"], tree = out1, regimes =
sqrt.alpha = 1, sigma = 1)
  nodes ancestors times labels regime1 expr1
1 1 0.0  1NA
2 2 1   0.5  2NA
3 3 2   1.0  C   3 3
4 4 2   1.0  D   4 5
5 5 1   1.0  E   510

[1,] 3.734194

sigma squared:
[1,] 9.233622e-30

 1  2  3  4  5
 0.5049171  1.3917440  3.3191037  5.6847686 10.2324134

   loglik  deviance   aic aic.c   sic   dof
 100.5415 -201.0831 -187.0831 -209.4831 -193.39287.

> m22 <- hansen(models_data2["expr2"], out2, models_data2["regime2"], 1, 1)
> m11 <- hansen(models_data1["expr1"], out1, models_data1["regime2"], 1, 1)
> m11@loglik
[1] -7.47607
> m22@loglik
[1] -7.47607

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
Platform: i486-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] ape_3.0-5 ouch_2.8-2subplex_1.1-3

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] gee_4.13-18 grid_2.15.1 lattice_0.20-10 nlme_3.1-104


R-sig-phylo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-phylo] Problem with ace/anc.ML

2012-09-14 Thread Liam J. Revell

Hi Zachary.

This is probably because (when alpha is large) during optimization of 
sig^2, the values in the matrix are so close to the limits of numerical 
precision that the among species VCV matrix becomes singular.

Here's another option that should give the same estimates and may work 
even when alpha is quite big. It takes advantage of the fact that the 
root node state computed during Felsenstein's PIC algorithm is also the 
MLE for that node. For fully bifurcating phylogeny, tree, & data in x:

ou<-vector(); N<-length(tree$tip); M<-tree$Nnode
for(i in 1:M+N){

Try that. For low alpha or the BM model (alpha=0) this should give you 
the same estimates (to a fairly high degree of numerical precision - 
remember, the MLEs are obtained numerically, so are inexact) of 
ace(...,"ML"), but when likelihood can't be optimized due to numerical 
precision, this may still work.

Note that, for a reason not totally clear to me, multi2di(root(...)) & 
root(...,resolve.root=TRUE) don't produce the same rooted phylogenies. 
The former, not the latter, should be used in this case.

- Liam

Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston

On 9/13/2012 4:55 PM, Zachary Chejanovski wrote:


I am attempting to estimate the ancestral states in a continuous character under a 
single-optimum OU model. Following your latest post, I used 
geiger::fitContinuous(model="OU") and transformed the branch lengths using 

Unfortunately on putting these into ace I get an error message:
Error in nlm(function(p) dev.BM(p), p = c(1, rep(mean(x), nb.node)), hessian = 
   non-finite value supplied by 'nlm'

And when I try using anc.ML I get this error message:
Error in solve.default(C) :
   system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 

It works with my original data but for some reason the transformation of the 
branch lengths is giving odd values. The alpha that fitContinuous gives me is 

Here are the first few of the original branch lengths:
1] 10.82 26.39 18.01 18.01 14.40

And here are those values transformed using ouTree:
  [1] 2.468450e-149  1.638125e-61  1.408962e-01  1.408962e-01 2.057990e-101

Thanks in advance,

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