Re: [R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

2011-11-14 Thread Joe Felsenstein

Liam Revell wrote:

> > Poaching Intensity = beta0 + beta1*Body Size + e
> I think it depends on how the residual error in the model is  
> distributed (esp. correlated) among species.  It seems possible to  
> invent hypothetical scenarios (as I did in my previous email) about  
> how the residual error in poaching intensity given body size could  
> be phylogenetically autocorrelated, but this is fundamentally an  
> empirical question.  If the residual error of poaching intensity  
> given body size is phylogenetically correlated and we ignore this  
> then we risk overestimating the predictive value of our model.
> In addition, the residual error is likely/guaranteed to be non- 
> Brownian if the response variable is binary (e.g., extant v.  
> extinct).  For these type of data the tree should not be ignored,  
> but simple GLS regression is probably not appropriate.  One option  
> might be the phylogenetic logistic regression of Ives & Garland  
> (2009), but I'm not too familiar with this method.

The real problem would come if the characters evolved to respond to  
the poaching intensity, and that evolution was inherited along the  
tree.  Then our uncertainty about the poaching intensity in the past  
would be a big problem.

But if poaching is only  a present-day phenomenon, it would  
(presumably) respond to only today's characters, and they would not  
yet have responded to it, so there would be no problem.

But I do think it is a Big Mistake (and apparently a frequent one),  
when people measure the residual of a character regressed on  
environmental variables,
then casually assume that it is undergoing Brownian Motion, when the  
environmental variables may have been different in the past.   That's  
probably not an issue here.


Joe Felsenstein
  Dept of Genome Sciences and Dept of Biology, Univ. of Washington,  
Box 5065, Seattle Wa 98195-5065

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

2011-11-14 Thread Liam J. Revell

Hi David.

> Poaching Intensity = beta0 + beta1*Body Size + e

I think it depends on how the residual error in the model is distributed 
(esp. correlated) among species.  It seems possible to invent 
hypothetical scenarios (as I did in my previous email) about how the 
residual error in poaching intensity given body size could be 
phylogenetically autocorrelated, but this is fundamentally an empirical 
question.  If the residual error of poaching intensity given body size 
is phylogenetically correlated and we ignore this then we risk 
overestimating the predictive value of our model.

In addition, the residual error is likely/guaranteed to be non-Brownian 
if the response variable is binary (e.g., extant v. extinct).  For these 
type of data the tree should not be ignored, but simple GLS regression 
is probably not appropriate.  One option might be the phylogenetic 
logistic regression of Ives & Garland (2009), but I'm not too familiar 
with this method.

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell
University of Massachusetts Boston

On 11/14/2011 3:54 PM, David Bapst wrote:

Liam, Joe, Pasquale, all-

Thank you for your kind input.It seems that I am not the only one who
considers this issue at length.

There is just one point I'd like clarification of. Liam, in my first
example which you used, the inherited trait is the response and the
not-directly-inheritable trait the predictor, such that:

Growth Rate = beta0 + beta1*Habitat Degradation + e

What if we were to switch these? It seems to me this is the only real
difference in the extinction example. To make a neontological example,
let's say we were interested in whether larger mammals were more likely
to experience higher levels of poaching. The response here would be the
poaching intensity and body size the predictor, such that:

Poaching Intensity = beta0 + beta1*Body Size + e

Would your argument still apply? (It seems to me that it should.) If so,
then it would seem your explanation should equally apply to extinction
selectivity cases.


On 11/10/2011 3:36 PM, David Bapst wrote:

Hello all,
A recent discussion set my mind thinking on a particular issue
and, once
again, I decided to ask for the general opinion of R-Sig-Phylo
denizens. It
may be easier to start with an example.

Let's say that there exists a worker who is measuring several
traits across a number of species and then testing for
correlations among
these traits. The first test is body size versus growth rate and
they use
independent contrasts or PGLS to test for a the correlation,
accounting for
phylogeny. Both of these traits are inherited, evolving
variables. Now
let's say they'd like to test for the relationship between
growth rate and
some metric of the anthropogenic degradation of that species'
habitat. Now
what? It is even valid to apply PIC to the habitat degradation
metric even
though it is not an inherited, evolving trait? It's unclear to me.

Let's consider a paleontological example, one which I have found
both strongly agreeing and disagreeing with at times.
Essentially, how
should we test for extinction selectivity on some trait at a mass
extinction event? Let's say we think body size is a predictor of
the risk
of extinction during that event and so we want to test for a
between them (please ignore that extinction would be a discrete
for the moment). Do we treat these variable with PIC or PGLS? Is
it really
proper to refer to the probability of going extinct during a mass
extinction as an evolving trait? Let's say we did and we got
results than when we used an analysis which did not account for the
phylogenetic covariance. How should we interpret these results?

One explanation I know of is that when we apply phylogenetic
methods to these quasi-traits to consider their relationship to
trait, we are assuming that these variables are actually the
result of some
underlying, unobserved set of traits which are evolving along the
phylogeny. This makes sense, maybe in the extinction event case,
would mean that any PCM analysis would be testing for an
relationship between body size and these unobserved traits which
extinction. Of course, if extinction risk is largely a function of
non-inherited traits, then the initial assumption may be
incorrect (that
extinction risk itself is an evolving trait). Regardless, I

Re: [R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

2011-11-14 Thread Theodore Garland Jr
Hi All,
This is an interesting discussion.  I'll draw your attention to two 
papers, one new and the other old.  This is the new one:
Grandcolas, P., R. Nattier, F. Legendre, and R. Pellens. 2011. Mapping 
extrinsic traits such as extinction risks or modelled bioclimatic niches on 
phylogenies: does it make sense at all? Cladistics 27:181-185.
It is written from a somewhat different perspective than we usually have on 
this list.
This is the old one, and I am taking the liberty of pasting in the 
relevant passage:
Garland, T., Jr., P. H. Harvey, and A. R. Ives. 1992. Procedures for the 
analysis of comparative data using phylogenetically independent contrasts. 
Systematic Biology 41:18-32.Pages 29-30:WHAT KINDS OF TRAITSCAN BE ANALYZED?    
 The independent contrasts approach isdesigned to investigate the correlated 
evolutionof traits that are inherited from ancestors,whatever the cause of that 
heritability.Thus, the phenotypic data for tipspecies are generally assumed to 
reflect underlyinggenetic differences among species,as could be verified 
through common-garden experiments (Garland and Adolph,1991). The tip species 
for one set of contrastscan even be different from those forthe other set, as 
long as the phylogenetictrees are isomorphic. This realization makesit possible 
to use independent contrasts toexamine coevolution of phenotypic traitssuch as 
body size and life span in coevolvedhost-parasite systems (see Harveyand 
Keymer, 1991).     In addition to the usual phenotypic traits(e.g., body size, 
metabolic rate), cultural(see Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman, 1981), 
environmental(e.g., soil or water pH, meanannual temperature), and other traits 
thatare difficult to categorize (e.g., home rangearea) can be studied as long 
as they arepassed on from ancestral to descendentspecies (or populations) and 
have a continuousdistribution. For example, many environmentalproperties, such 
as latitude ormean annual rainfall, are not inherited inthe conventional 
(genetic) sense. Nevertheless,they are inherited in the sense thatorganisms are 
born into environmentalconditions and locations experienced bytheir parents at 
the time of birth. Thus, theancestor of two species living in a desertmay also 
have lived in a desert (cf. Huey,1987), or the ancestor of one high-latitudeand 
one equatorial species may have livedat midlatitude. Similarly, if an 
environmentalcharacteristic is determined solely(without externally imposed 
constraints)through a process of habitat selection, andif species differences 
in habitat selectionare genetically based, then species differencesin the 
environmental trait will begenetically based as well. Alternatively, 
ifvariation in some (genetically based) phenotypictrait can be used as a 
precise indicatorof some environmental characteristic,then that phenotypic 
trait may be usedas a surrogate for the environmental characteristic.For 
example, toe fringes in lizardsmight indicate occupancy of sandyhabitats. 
Unfortunately, this is not unfailinglythe case; some species that glidethrough 
the air or that run across wateralso possess toe fringes (Luke, 1986). 
Finally,paleoclimatological and historicalbiogeographical data might be used in 
conjunctionto indicate environmental characteristicsof hypothetical ancestral 
(as opposedto tip) species, but this takes us intothe realm of other 
comparative methods,such as those based on minimum evolutionreconstructions of 
ancestors (Huey, 1987;Harvey and Pagel, 1991; Maddison, 1991;Martins and 
Garland, 1991). In any case,techniques for correlating phenotypes 
withenvironmental characteristics require furtherstudy.

Theodore Garland, Jr.
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
Office Phone:  (951) 827-3524
Wet Lab Phone:  (951) 827-5724
Dry Lab Phone:  (951) 827-4026
Home Phone:  (951) 328-0820
Facsimile:  (951) 827-4286 = Dept. office (not confidential)

Experimental Evolution: Concepts, Methods, and Applications of Selection 
Edited by Theodore Garland, Jr. and Michael R. Rose
(PDFs of chapters are available from me or from the individual authors)

From: [] on 
behalf of David Bapst []
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 12:54 PM
To: Liam J. Revell; Joe Felsenstein;
Cc: R Sig Phylo Listserv
Subject: Re: [R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

Liam, Joe, Pasquale, all-

Thank you for your kind input.It seems that I am not the only one who
considers this issue at length.

There is just one point I'd like clarification of. Liam, in my first
example which you used, the inherited trait is the response and the
not-directly-inheritable trait the predictor,

Re: [R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

2011-11-14 Thread David Bapst
Liam, Joe, Pasquale, all-

Thank you for your kind input.It seems that I am not the only one who
considers this issue at length.

There is just one point I'd like clarification of. Liam, in my first
example which you used, the inherited trait is the response and the
not-directly-inheritable trait the predictor, such that:

Growth Rate = beta0 + beta1*Habitat Degradation + e

What if we were to switch these? It seems to me this is the only real
difference in the extinction example. To make a neontological example,
let's say we were interested in whether larger mammals were more likely to
experience higher levels of poaching. The response here would be the
poaching intensity and body size the predictor, such that:

Poaching Intensity = beta0 + beta1*Body Size + e

Would your argument still apply? (It seems to me that it should.) If so,
then it would seem your explanation should equally apply to extinction
selectivity cases.


On 11/10/2011 3:36 PM, David Bapst wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> A recent discussion set my mind thinking on a particular issue and, once
>> again, I decided to ask for the general opinion of R-Sig-Phylo denizens.
>> It
>> may be easier to start with an example.
>> Let's say that there exists a worker who is measuring several different
>> traits across a number of species and then testing for correlations among
>> these traits. The first test is body size versus growth rate and they use
>> independent contrasts or PGLS to test for a the correlation, accounting
>> for
>> phylogeny. Both of these traits are inherited, evolving variables. Now
>> let's say they'd like to test for the relationship between growth rate and
>> some metric of the anthropogenic degradation of that species' habitat. Now
>> what? It is even valid to apply PIC to the habitat degradation metric even
>> though it is not an inherited, evolving trait? It's unclear to me.
>> Let's consider a paleontological example, one which I have found myself
>> both strongly agreeing and disagreeing with at times. Essentially, how
>> should we test for extinction selectivity on some trait at a mass
>> extinction event? Let's say we think body size is a predictor of the risk
>> of extinction during that event and so we want to test for a correlation
>> between them (please ignore that extinction would be a discrete variable
>> for the moment). Do we treat these variable with PIC or PGLS? Is it really
>> proper to refer to the probability of going extinct during a mass
>> extinction as an evolving trait? Let's say we did and we got different
>> results than when we used an analysis which did not account for the
>> phylogenetic covariance. How should we interpret these results?
>> One explanation I know of is that when we apply phylogenetic comparative
>> methods to these quasi-traits to consider their relationship to another
>> trait, we are assuming that these variables are actually the result of
>> some
>> underlying, unobserved set of traits which are evolving along the
>> phylogeny. This makes sense, maybe in the extinction event case, which
>> would mean that any PCM analysis would be testing for an evolutionary
>> relationship between body size and these unobserved traits which predict
>> extinction. Of course, if extinction risk is largely a function of
>> non-inherited traits, then the initial assumption may be incorrect (that
>> extinction risk itself is an evolving trait). Regardless, I don't see how
>> to apply that explanation to the habitat degradation example.
>> So, what do people think? How should we test for correlation when
>> non-evolving quasi-traits are involved? I'm very interested to hear
>> people's thoughts on this matter.
>> -Dave Bapst, UChicago
> --
David Bapst
Dept of Geophysical Sciences
University of Chicago
5734 S. Ellis
Chicago, IL 60637

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

2011-11-10 Thread Joe Felsenstein
Liam wrote:

> I'm not sure I entirely agree that we need to assume that the environmental 
> trait is evolving on the tree by Brownian motion.  I believe that so long as 
> Y|X (in David's example, growth rate given habitat degradation) is evolving 
> by Brownian motion, we should be OK to use PIC regression.

I worry.  Why are we to assume that current phenotypes are distributed around 
optima that are based on  *current* environmental variables?

Joe Felsenstein,
Department of Genome Sciences and Department of Biology
University of Washington
Box 355065
Seattle WA 98195-5065

R-sig-phylo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

2011-11-10 Thread Liam J. Revell

Hi Joe, David.

I'm not sure I entirely agree that we need to assume that the 
environmental trait is evolving on the tree by Brownian motion.  I 
believe that so long as Y|X (in David's example, growth rate given 
habitat degradation) is evolving by Brownian motion, we should be OK to 
use PIC regression.

I also think that David's example is a particularly well chosen one to 
illustrate why it is important to take phylogeny into consideration when 
asking if (for instance) habitat degradation influences plant growth rate.

Now let's say that plant growth rate of species is generally impeded by 
habitat degradation, but some species have positive residual deviations 
from that mean effect (for instance, weeds) and others negative ones. 
Imagine we had represented in our sample a more or less random 
assortment of species, on average negatively affected by habitat 
degradation with phylogenetically autocorrelated residual error, plus a 
thousand extremely closely related weeds.  Ignoring autocorrelation of 
the residual deviations of the closely related weeds, in this case 
phylogenetically non-independent data about the average effect of 
habitat degradation on growth rate, could cause us to erroneously 
conclude that the negative relationship between habitat degradation and 
growth rate was absent or even positive!

Of course, it should be possible to consider multiple possible residual 
error structures based on the phylogeny and various models, and then 
compare them using likelihood.  This seems the most prudent course of 
action for this type of data.

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell
University of Massachusetts Boston

On 11/10/2011 4:44 PM, Joe Felsenstein wrote:

David Bapst wrote --

Let's say that there exists a worker who is measuring several different
traits across a number of species and then testing for correlations among
these traits. The first test is body size versus growth rate and they use
independent contrasts or PGLS to test for a the correlation, accounting for
phylogeny. Both of these traits are inherited, evolving variables. Now
let's say they'd like to test for the relationship between growth rate and
some metric of the anthropogenic degradation of that species' habitat. Now
what? It is even valid to apply PIC to the habitat degradation metric even
though it is not an inherited, evolving trait? It's unclear to me.


One explanation I know of is that when we apply phylogenetic comparative
methods to these quasi-traits to consider their relationship to another
trait, we are assuming that these variables are actually the result of some
underlying, unobserved set of traits which are evolving along the

I don't have an easy answer to this: it is a serious issue.  One is assuming 
that the environmental variable is evolving along the phylogeny according to a 
Browian motion process.   This may well not be a reasonable assumption.


Joe Felsenstein
Department of Genome Sciences and Department of Biology,
University of Washington, Box 355065, Seattle, WA 98195-5065 USA

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R-sig-phylo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

2011-11-10 Thread Joe Felsenstein

David Bapst wrote --

> Let's say that there exists a worker who is measuring several different
> traits across a number of species and then testing for correlations among
> these traits. The first test is body size versus growth rate and they use
> independent contrasts or PGLS to test for a the correlation, accounting for
> phylogeny. Both of these traits are inherited, evolving variables. Now
> let's say they'd like to test for the relationship between growth rate and
> some metric of the anthropogenic degradation of that species' habitat. Now
> what? It is even valid to apply PIC to the habitat degradation metric even
> though it is not an inherited, evolving trait? It's unclear to me.


> One explanation I know of is that when we apply phylogenetic comparative
> methods to these quasi-traits to consider their relationship to another
> trait, we are assuming that these variables are actually the result of some
> underlying, unobserved set of traits which are evolving along the
> phylogeny.

I don't have an easy answer to this: it is a serious issue.  One is assuming 
that the environmental variable is evolving along the phylogeny according to a 
Browian motion process.   This may well not be a reasonable assumption.


Joe Felsenstein
Department of Genome Sciences and Department of Biology,
University of Washington, Box 355065, Seattle, WA 98195-5065 USA

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

2011-11-10 Thread Liam J. Revell

Hi David.

In general it is inconsequential whether X or Y are biologically 
inherited traits; but whether the residual error in Y given X is 
correlated or independent among species.  In the case of "growth rate as 
a function of habitat degradation" this corresponds to:

Growth Rate = beta0 + beta1*Habitat Degradation + e

It seems highly plausible that the residual error in Growth Rate (e), 
that is error not explained by Habitat Degradation, is phylogenetically 
correlated.  This would imply only that closely related species have 
growth rates that deviate from the mean relationship between growth rate 
and habitat degradation in similar ways.  In this case, PIC or some 
other phylogenetic method should be used.  To be clear also, contrasts 
need to be computed for both X & Y regardless of whether or not there is 
phylogenetic autocorrelation in both X & Y!  (See Revell 2010, MEE; or, 
better yet, Stone 2011, Syst. Biol. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syq098.)

Regarding extinction probability, perhaps someone else on the list can 
address that specific example.

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell
University of Massachusetts Boston

On 11/10/2011 3:36 PM, David Bapst wrote:

Hello all,
A recent discussion set my mind thinking on a particular issue and, once
again, I decided to ask for the general opinion of R-Sig-Phylo denizens. It
may be easier to start with an example.

Let's say that there exists a worker who is measuring several different
traits across a number of species and then testing for correlations among
these traits. The first test is body size versus growth rate and they use
independent contrasts or PGLS to test for a the correlation, accounting for
phylogeny. Both of these traits are inherited, evolving variables. Now
let's say they'd like to test for the relationship between growth rate and
some metric of the anthropogenic degradation of that species' habitat. Now
what? It is even valid to apply PIC to the habitat degradation metric even
though it is not an inherited, evolving trait? It's unclear to me.

Let's consider a paleontological example, one which I have found myself
both strongly agreeing and disagreeing with at times. Essentially, how
should we test for extinction selectivity on some trait at a mass
extinction event? Let's say we think body size is a predictor of the risk
of extinction during that event and so we want to test for a correlation
between them (please ignore that extinction would be a discrete variable
for the moment). Do we treat these variable with PIC or PGLS? Is it really
proper to refer to the probability of going extinct during a mass
extinction as an evolving trait? Let's say we did and we got different
results than when we used an analysis which did not account for the
phylogenetic covariance. How should we interpret these results?

One explanation I know of is that when we apply phylogenetic comparative
methods to these quasi-traits to consider their relationship to another
trait, we are assuming that these variables are actually the result of some
underlying, unobserved set of traits which are evolving along the
phylogeny. This makes sense, maybe in the extinction event case, which
would mean that any PCM analysis would be testing for an evolutionary
relationship between body size and these unobserved traits which predict
extinction. Of course, if extinction risk is largely a function of
non-inherited traits, then the initial assumption may be incorrect (that
extinction risk itself is an evolving trait). Regardless, I don't see how
to apply that explanation to the habitat degradation example.

So, what do people think? How should we test for correlation when
non-evolving quasi-traits are involved? I'm very interested to hear
people's thoughts on this matter.
-Dave Bapst, UChicago

R-sig-phylo mailing list

[R-sig-phylo] Comparative Methods and Pseudo-Traits

2011-11-10 Thread David Bapst
Hello all,
A recent discussion set my mind thinking on a particular issue and, once
again, I decided to ask for the general opinion of R-Sig-Phylo denizens. It
may be easier to start with an example.

Let's say that there exists a worker who is measuring several different
traits across a number of species and then testing for correlations among
these traits. The first test is body size versus growth rate and they use
independent contrasts or PGLS to test for a the correlation, accounting for
phylogeny. Both of these traits are inherited, evolving variables. Now
let's say they'd like to test for the relationship between growth rate and
some metric of the anthropogenic degradation of that species' habitat. Now
what? It is even valid to apply PIC to the habitat degradation metric even
though it is not an inherited, evolving trait? It's unclear to me.

Let's consider a paleontological example, one which I have found myself
both strongly agreeing and disagreeing with at times. Essentially, how
should we test for extinction selectivity on some trait at a mass
extinction event? Let's say we think body size is a predictor of the risk
of extinction during that event and so we want to test for a correlation
between them (please ignore that extinction would be a discrete variable
for the moment). Do we treat these variable with PIC or PGLS? Is it really
proper to refer to the probability of going extinct during a mass
extinction as an evolving trait? Let's say we did and we got different
results than when we used an analysis which did not account for the
phylogenetic covariance. How should we interpret these results?

One explanation I know of is that when we apply phylogenetic comparative
methods to these quasi-traits to consider their relationship to another
trait, we are assuming that these variables are actually the result of some
underlying, unobserved set of traits which are evolving along the
phylogeny. This makes sense, maybe in the extinction event case, which
would mean that any PCM analysis would be testing for an evolutionary
relationship between body size and these unobserved traits which predict
extinction. Of course, if extinction risk is largely a function of
non-inherited traits, then the initial assumption may be incorrect (that
extinction risk itself is an evolving trait). Regardless, I don't see how
to apply that explanation to the habitat degradation example.

So, what do people think? How should we test for correlation when
non-evolving quasi-traits are involved? I'm very interested to hear
people's thoughts on this matter.
-Dave Bapst, UChicago

David Bapst
Dept of Geophysical Sciences
University of Chicago
5734 S. Ellis
Chicago, IL 60637

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